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SWF -- This Means War! (diary)

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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 4, June 2008[/I] Held at the Virginia Park Fields in the Mid Atlantic Territory 8,352 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Farrah Hesketh, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another episode of [I]Invasion![/I] 1) Things started off with Joel Kovach breathing extremely heavily, his face contorted with rage. The camera pulled out to reveal that he was standing in front of Sarah Eisen. Joel demanded that he be allowed to have a non-title match against Marc DuBois tonight so he could teach Marc a lesson for bailing on him in the tag match last week. Sarah said she had already come up with a way to punish Marc, but when it became clear that Joel wasn't about to leave, she agreed to the match. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 2) [B]KID TOMA vs. ANDRE JONES[/B] The announcers hyped up the fact that this would be Kid Toma's first big test in the SWF. He passed with flying colors ... or rather, a flying move. He finished off Andre quickly with a Long-Range Headbutt. WINNER: [B]Kid Toma [/B]in 7:53 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 3) The camera revealed that Akima Brave was watching the former match on the monitor. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 4) Chris Caulfield and Eddie Peak came out to the ring and said that they were feeling a little on edge tonight. They said that they were itching for some action, and they had a great idea of where to get it. They challenged Eric Eisen and Cliff Wilson to a match, pointing out that those two hadn't really done much of anything recently. Eric and Cliff came out. Eric objected to Chris's ****y attitude, saying that it was easy for him to come in, the new guy, and criticize them. He said that they accepted their challenge and would show them how it's done in the SWF. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the response 5) The camera revealed Jennifer Heat backstage with Ricky Dale Johnson. RDJ seemed very upset that she was in the arena at all, especially since Rich Money was around somewhere. He warned her to be careful around Rich, especially given what he had done to her in the past. He told her to stick close to him, especially during his up-coming match with Joe Sexy. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) [B]RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. JOE SEXY[/B] Sadly, these two didn't click in the match and it made things a bit awkward. Thankfully, Emma Chase was able to cover by suggesting that perhaps RDJ was distracted by keeping an eye on Jennifer, who hovered around the ring looking just a little lost. RDJ finished off Joe with a Southern Justice. WINNER: [B]Ricky Dale Johnson [/B]in 7:49 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 7) RDJ called Jennifer into the ring. He looked like he was about to kiss her when suddenly, Rich Money charged out of the back. He attacked RDJ and left him down and out. He then leered at Jennifer before strutting away. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) [B]CHRIS CAULFIELD & EDDIE PEAK vs. ERIC EISEN & CLIFF WILSON[/B] This match got the audience jumping. They seemed to be split over who to cheer for. Neither team got a clear advantage throughout the match, which led to some frustration on Eddie Peak's part. Finally Eddie went out of the ring and got some steel chairs, which he tossed into the ring. While Chris distracted the ref, Eddie took a swing at Cliff. Cliff ducked it and then drop-kicked the chair into Eddie's face. The ref turned around and saw the tail end of it and declared the match over, disqualifying both teams. WINNERS: [B]No one (Draw)[/B] in 12:01 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 9) Marc DuBois appeared on screen saying that he really didn't want to fight Joel Kovach. Part of him wants to just move on and let by-gones be by-gones, especially for the sake of Karma. But then he remembers what Joel Kovach did to Wanda Fish, how he locked in the Kovack Krippler and refused to let it go. He said that's why he walked out of the match last week. That's why he's going to beat Joel tonight. He's doing it all for Wanda. Sarah Eisen appeared in the shot with Marc and said that was sweet at all, but he's not out of the woods yet. She's made an executive decision. At "The Supremem Challenge", he will defend his SWF Warmaster Title against Tim Westybrook! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the dedication; [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] for the match announcement 10) [B]REMO vs. ZIMMY BUMFHOLE[/B] This was an intense match. Zimmy looked ready to murder Remo. Remo, for his part, tried to keep Zimmy calm and tried to get him to settle down, but Zimmy would have none of that. Zimmy's intensity only triggered similar intensity in Remo and soon, these two had the arena on their feet. Zimmy tried to finish Remo off, but it just wasn't possible. After two near-falls, Remo came back and nailed Zimmy with the Destroyer. WINNER: [B]Remo[/B] in 11:25 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 11) Zimmy was not happy. He fished the brass knuckles out of his trunks and used them to drop Remo. He then got out of the ring and got a chair, using it to beat on Remo for a few minutes. He then threaded Remo's leg through the chair, leaving the seat over Remo's knee. Zimmy clambered up to the top turnbuckle, leading Farrah to scream at him to not do it. She needn't have worried. Skull DeBones raced out to the ring and chased Zimmy away. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 12) Marc DuBois was warming up backstage, muttering under his breath about how Sarah Eisen was an old bat and how he never should have kissed her ... anywhere. The camera pulled back to reveal Archangel. Double-A mocked Marc a little, saying that he was so sorry that he'd have to face Tim Westybrook at the Supreme Challenge now. And he was also sorry that he would have to fight Joel. He just asked Marc to save a little piece of Joel for him because Archangel wasn't done with Joel yet. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) [B]MARC DuBOIS vs. JOEL KOVACH[/B] Marc tried to start things off by talking some sense into Joel. Joel responded with an open-handed slap across Marc's face. Marc tried again, only to be belted again, even harder. Marc took a moment to take a few deep breaths before trying a third time. Joel went to slap him again, but Marc blocked the attempt and managed to connect with a hard uppercut. The match raged through the ring and around it. Neither man could claim an advantage, at least not at first, but as the match wore on, it became increasingly obvious that Marc was going to outlast Joel. Joel finally rolled out of the ring, retrieved his title belt, and used it to put out Marc's lights. The ref immediately disqualified him. WINNER: [B]Marc DuBois [/B]by DQ in 15:36 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] Nothing to add here. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Kid Toma defeated Andre Jones [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Joe Sexy [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Chris Caulfield & Eddie Peak drew with Eric Eisen & Cliff Wilson after a double DQ [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Remo defeated Zimmy Bumfhole [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Marc DuBois defeated Joel Kovach by DQ [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating -[COLOR="blue"] B[/COLOR] (Liberty defeated Nemesis in a non-title match)[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 4, June 2008[/I] Held at Evanovich Riverside in the Tri State Territory 8,188 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Ana Garcia welcomed us to another edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. 1) [B]DARRYL DEVINE (c) vs. CHRIS GORDON [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] Things got started right away with a championship match. The announcers really pumped this match up, making it sound like a true test of Darryl Devine. They also commented on Angry Gilmore's challenge to Darryl and how Darryl didn't seem overly concerned about it. It looked like things might have gone to a tie, but near the very last second, Darryl fired off the Devine Dream Drop and picked up the pin. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine [/B]in 9:57 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 2) Darryl went over and shook Chris's hand after the match, leading Ana to comment that that was the mark of a true champion. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) It's time for "Ask Dan!" [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"This week's question comes to us from Juan Salinas of Winnebago, Minnesota. Juan writes, 'Dear Dan, I was hoping you could give me some advice. I'm the captain of our high school wrestling team and people say I'm really, really good. I was hoping to become a professional wrestler someday, but I have to tell you, things are looking bleak. I mean, there's really only two major U.S. promotions anymore, you and ...' the SWF's lawyers refuse to let me read this next part ... 'Because of this, young guys like me can't get a break. So some buddies of mine and I are thinking of building a ring and forming a backyard federation. What do you think? Any advice?' "Well, Juan, I think it's a fantastic idea! No, I really do! I mean, rather than go to a wrestling school and learning the basics from a trained professional, you should try to figure out how to do the moves from watching us on TV. And then you should try to build your own ring in the backyard rather than have an educated engineer figure it all out. And by all means, go ahead and try to perform the moves you think you've figured out without any sort of safety personnel or insurance around. That way, when you kill yourself, the world will have one less stupid person around."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 4) Archangel found Sarah Eisen backstage. He said that he's heard that she's put together some good matches for "The Supreme Challenge" already. For example, Tim Westybrook will finally get his hands on Marc DuBois. Joey Minnesota will get his rematch against Texas Pete. Darryl Devine taking on Angry Gilmore will be one to watch. He said he wanted to know if she's figured out what the main event will be yet. Sarah said she figured he had a suggestion. Archangel said he did. He wanted Joel Kovach for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. Sarah mocked Double-A a little, asking if he would rather run and hide the way he has since coming back the SWF. Maybe do some more smoke-and-mirrors. Archangel smiled and said all of that had its time and place. Now he wants to finish what he's started. Sarah said she'd think about it. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 5) Rick Law and Bruce the Giant were in the ring. They taunted Eric Eisen and Cliff Wilson over the double disqualification when they wrestled Chris Caulfield and Eddie Peak. Eric and Cliff then came out and suggested that they should have a match so Eric and Cliff can shut the members of Karma up. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the taunting and the challenge 6) [B]ERIC EISEN & CLIFF WILSON vs. BRUCE THE GIANT & RICK LAW[/B] This was a pretty good match. Bruce and Rick took early control, mostly through underhanded tactics, but Cliff and Eric were able to fight back, finally finishing them off when Eric nailed Rick with the Silver Spoon Shock. WINNERS: [B]Eric Eisen & Cliff Wilson [/B]in 9:03 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Sarah Eisen came out to ringside and informed the audience that she had done some thinking and that she was going to book Archangel in a match ... but not the one he wanted, not yet. First he would have to face off against Bruce the Giant and Bob Carlson in a handicap match at the next [I]Invasion![/I] If he survived the match, then he would get his title shot. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 8) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. TEXAS PETE (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] This was an okay match. Steve staggered Tex in the early going of the match which led to Duane suggesting that Joey Minnesota might have to face Steve at "The Supreme Challenge". But Tex proved Duane wrong by rallying and finishing off Steve with the Lone Star Drop. WINNER: [B]Texas Pete [/B]in 12:48 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) Zimmy Bumfhole was in the ring with a microphone. He started insulting Remo and Skull DeBones. He called Remo a wimp, saying that he couldn't handle being hit with brass knuckles. He said that Skull was stupid and slow. He said he didn't care how long it took, he was going to make them pay for injuring his brother. He continued his tirade, getting more and more personal and insulting with each passing moment. Remo and Skull came out of the back, clearly angry. They stalked toward the ring when suddenly, Randy Bumfhole appeared out of nowhere and attacked him. He was still bandaged up, but it clearly didn't stop him and his brother from beating on Remo and Skull and leaving them down and out. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) Christian Faith came out to the ring and asked if the fans had missed him. He then informed them that he didn't care if they did or not. The Army of One was back and he wanted to prove it. He said that as the Army of One, he shoudl be the one with the Warmaster Title. So he challenged Marc DuBois to come out and defend it. Marc did so, saying that it was no big deal. He would just hand another humiliating defeat to Christian. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) [B]CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. MARC DuBOIS (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] This match really finished the night off nicely. Christian and Marc put on a great show for the fans, keeping them guessing as to who was going to come out on top. Even though Christian was able to pull of a few near falls, Marc picked up the win with the Marc of Excellence. WINNER: [B]Marc DuBois [/B]in 18:53 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 12) The camera cut backstage to reveal Tim Westybrook, watching the main event on a monitor. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Nothing to say here. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Darryl Devine (c) defeated Chris Gordon to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship [/I][/COLOR]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Eric Eisen & Cliff Wilson defeated Rick Law & Bruce the Giant [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Texas Pete (c) defeated Steve Frehley to retain [COLOR="red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Marc DuBois (c) defeated Christian Faith to retain [COLOR="red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 4, June 2008[/I] Held at Evanovich Riverside in the Tri State Territory 8,188 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Ana Garcia welcomed us to another edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. 1) [B]DARRYL DEVINE (c) vs. CHRIS GORDON [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] Things got started right away with a championship match. The announcers really pumped this match up, making it sound like a true test of Darryl Devine. They also commented on Angry Gilmore's challenge to Darryl and how Darryl didn't seem overly concerned about it. It looked like things might have gone to a tie, but near the very last second, Darryl fired off the Devine Dream Drop and picked up the pin. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine [/B]in 9:57 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 2) Darryl went over and shook Chris's hand after the match, leading Ana to comment that that was the mark of a true champion. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) It's time for "Ask Dan!" [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"This week's question comes to us from Juan Salinas of Winnebago, Minnesota. Juan writes, 'Dear Dan, I was hoping you could give me some advice. I'm the captain of our high school wrestling team and people say I'm really, really good. I was hoping to become a professional wrestler someday, but I have to tell you, things are looking bleak. I mean, there's really only two major U.S. promotions anymore, you and ...' the SWF's lawyers refuse to let me read this next part ... 'Because of this, young guys like me can't get a break. So some buddies of mine and I are thinking of building a ring and forming a backyard federation. What do you think? Any advice?' "Well, Juan, I think it's a fantastic idea! No, I really do! I mean, rather than go to a wrestling school and learning the basics from a trained professional, you should try to figure out how to do the moves from watching us on TV. And then you should try to build your own ring in the backyard rather than have an educated engineer figure it all out. And by all means, go ahead and try to perform the moves you think you've figured out without any sort of safety personnel or insurance around. That way, when you kill yourself, the world will have one less stupid person around."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 4) Archangel found Sarah Eisen backstage. He said that he's heard that she's put together some good matches for "The Supreme Challenge" already. For example, Tim Westybrook will finally get his hands on Marc DuBois. Joey Minnesota will get his rematch against Texas Pete. Darryl Devine taking on Angry Gilmore will be one to watch. He said he wanted to know if she's figured out what the main event will be yet. Sarah said she figured he had a suggestion. Archangel said he did. He wanted Joel Kovach for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. Sarah mocked Double-A a little, asking if he would rather run and hide the way he has since coming back the SWF. Maybe do some more smoke-and-mirrors. Archangel smiled and said all of that had its time and place. Now he wants to finish what he's started. Sarah said she'd think about it. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 5) Rick Law and Bruce the Giant were in the ring. They taunted Eric Eisen and Cliff Wilson over the double disqualification when they wrestled Chris Caulfield and Eddie Peak. Eric and Cliff then came out and suggested that they should have a match so Eric and Cliff can shut the members of Karma up. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the taunting and the challenge 6) [B]ERIC EISEN & CLIFF WILSON vs. BRUCE THE GIANT & RICK LAW[/B] This was a pretty good match. Bruce and Rick took early control, mostly through underhanded tactics, but Cliff and Eric were able to fight back, finally finishing them off when Eric nailed Rick with the Silver Spoon Shock. WINNERS: [B]Eric Eisen & Cliff Wilson [/B]in 9:03 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Sarah Eisen came out to ringside and informed the audience that she had done some thinking and that she was going to book Archangel in a match ... but not the one he wanted, not yet. First he would have to face off against Bruce the Giant and Bob Carlson in a handicap match at the next [I]Invasion![/I] If he survived the match, then he would get his title shot. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 8) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. TEXAS PETE (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] This was an okay match. Steve staggered Tex in the early going of the match which led to Duane suggesting that Joey Minnesota might have to face Steve at "The Supreme Challenge". But Tex proved Duane wrong by rallying and finishing off Steve with the Lone Star Drop. WINNER: [B]Texas Pete [/B]in 12:48 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) Zimmy Bumfhole was in the ring with a microphone. He started insulting Remo and Skull DeBones. He called Remo a wimp, saying that he couldn't handle being hit with brass knuckles. He said that Skull was stupid and slow. He said he didn't care how long it took, he was going to make them pay for injuring his brother. He continued his tirade, getting more and more personal and insulting with each passing moment. Remo and Skull came out of the back, clearly angry. They stalked toward the ring when suddenly, Randy Bumfhole appeared out of nowhere and attacked him. He was still bandaged up, but it clearly didn't stop him and his brother from beating on Remo and Skull and leaving them down and out. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) Christian Faith came out to the ring and asked if the fans had missed him. He then informed them that he didn't care if they did or not. The Army of One was back and he wanted to prove it. He said that as the Army of One, he shoudl be the one with the Warmaster Title. So he challenged Marc DuBois to come out and defend it. Marc did so, saying that it was no big deal. He would just hand another humiliating defeat to Christian. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) [B]CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. MARC DuBOIS (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] This match really finished the night off nicely. Christian and Marc put on a great show for the fans, keeping them guessing as to who was going to come out on top. Even though Christian was able to pull of a few near falls, Marc picked up the win with the Marc of Excellence. WINNER: [B]Marc DuBois [/B]in 18:53 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 12) The camera cut backstage to reveal Tim Westybrook, watching the main event on a monitor. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Nothing to say here. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Darryl Devine (c) defeated Chris Gordon to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship [/I][/COLOR]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Eric Eisen & Cliff Wilson defeated Rick Law & Bruce the Giant [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Texas Pete (c) defeated Steve Frehley to retain [COLOR="red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Marc DuBois (c) defeated Christian Faith to retain [COLOR="red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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From ProWrestlingHits.com - [QUOTE][B][I]Worker Reductions at SWF[/I][/B] - Word on the street has it that Lady Melissa, formerly the manager of Rated X and supposed object of Bart Biggz's affection was let go after he contract expired. Lady Melissa is the latest in a short string of releases that include the former Tag Team Champions High Concept, Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling.[/QUOTE]
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From ProWrestlingHits.com - [QUOTE][B][I]Worker Reductions at SWF[/I][/B] - Word on the street has it that Lady Melissa, formerly the manager of Rated X and supposed object of Bart Biggz's affection was let go after he contract expired. Lady Melissa is the latest in a short string of releases that include the former Tag Team Champions High Concept, Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling.[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 1, July 2008[/I] Held at the Theatre of Dreams in the North West Territory 8,440 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Farrah Hesketh, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another edition of [I]Invasion![/I] 1) The announcers reminded us that in tonight's main event, we would see Archangel take on Bob Carlson and Bruce the Giant in a handicap match. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"If Archangel pulls this off, he'll get a title shot against Archangel at 'The Supreme Challenge.' But can he really expect to beat two of Karma's top performers?"[/COLOR] Jerry Eisen wondered. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"I hate to admit it, but if anyone can do it, Archangel can,"[/COLOR] Emma Chase said. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 2) But the show really started with Angry Gilmore standing in the ring. He addressed Darryl Devine, saying that Darryl certainly looked good last week on [I]Warzone[/I]. But he said that wouldn't do him any good at "The Supreme Challenge". He said he was going to reclaim what should have been rightfully his: the SWF 10-Minute Championship. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) [B]BART BIGGZ vs. ANGRY GILMORE[/B] I think everyone was genuinely stunned at this match's quality. Bart and Angry really took it up a notch and turned in a first rate performance. The announcers really helped by playing up how dangerous Angry looked. Angry was able to shrug off whatever offense Bart mustered and easily hit the Anger Management. WINNER: [B]Angry Gilmore [/B]in 9:13 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 4) Akima Brave was watching the previous match on a monitor backstage. He grumbled something under his breath and turned to leave, only to find himself face to face with Kid Toma. Akima accused Kid of ruining his life. He said that if it wasn't for Kid's interference, he would still be the SWF 10-Minute Champion. Now he was ostracized from Karma and a laughing stock. Kid countered by pointing out that Akima did it to himself. He asked how much of a family Karma had really been to Akima. Most times Karma got together on screen, he said, Akima was nowhere to be found. He said that Akima was an afterthought, a prodigal. That's why Kid came to the States. It was to help Akima find his way home, to regain his honor. Akima tried to walk off, but Kid got in his way. Akima tried to side-step him, but Kid refused to budge. Akima said that if Kid didn't get out of the way, he'd get hurt. Kid said he wasn't afraid of Akima, so Akima challenged him to a match at the next [I]Warzone[/I]. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole appeared on screen, yukking it up over how stupid the Outcasts were. Randy asked if Skull and Remo really thought that they could injure him. He said they were too slow and too dumb and too weak to be a threat to them. That's why the Bumfholes would always remain the SWF Tag Team Champions. Zimmy slapped Randy on the shoulder, causing him to wince, but Randy shrugged it off. A voice told them they were done. Zimmy said he'd see Randy later, unless he wanted him to watch his back. Randy pointed out that Remo and Skull were off licking their wounds somewhere and weren't even in the building. He asked what could go wrong. Zimmy laughed and walked off. Randy was about to leave but he came face-to-chest with Bruce the Giant. Bruce demanded to know if Randy thought he was funny. Bruce said it was ridiculous to fake an injury the way he did. Randy told Bruce to relax, that it was all in fun so they could take out Remo and Skull. Bruce said he didn't find it funny. He said that as tag champions, Randy and Zimmy were spokespeople for Karma. He said that they should act with dignity, not like clowns. Bruce said that Randy should behave more like Joel Kovach. Randy laughed and asked if that meant he should beat up on women and put them in the hospital. Bruce grabbed Randy by the throat and hauled him off his feet, slamming him into a wall. Bruce got in Randy's face and told him that he needed an attitude adjustment. Joel Kovach was the leader of Karma and for that reason deserved Randy's respect and support. That's why Bruce and Bob were going to make sure that Archangel got nowhere near Joel. Bruce told Randy to get with the program or Karma may have to find someone else to hold the tag titles for them. Bruce then tossed Randy away and stomped off. Randy rubbed his throat and glared after him. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the taunt and the argument 6) Chris Caulfield was in the ring with a kendo stick slung over his shoulder. He said that he was feeling bored once again, but not just bored. Nostalgic. He wanted a good old fashioned hardcore brawl and he was willing to face anyone who wanted to join him in the ring. Out came Rich Money, saying that he was up for a good fight. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the challenge and response 7) [B]CHRIS CAULFIELD vs. RICH MONEY [/B]in [COLOR="Purple"]a hardcore match[/COLOR] It was an okay match. Chris and Rich used all sorts of weapons on each other. Chris got busted open but that didn't seem to slow him down. Emma complained that Rich wasn't used to this kind of match and that it hurt his performance, but Farrah was quick to point out that Rich was holding his own. He even gained the upper hand by delivering a vicious chair shot that apparently knocked Chris out cold. But then Ricky Dale Johnson hit the ring. Just as Rich was about to pin Chris, Ricky lit into him, nailing him with all sorts of objects until Rich was down and out on the mat. RDJ laughed at Rich and then left. The ref started to count both men out, but at eight, Chris lurched over and made the cover with one arm draped over Rich's chest. WINNER: [B]Chris Caulfield [/B]in 12:54 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) Bob Carlson and Bruce the Giant delivered a promo where they predicted Archangel's hunt for the World Heavyweight Championship would come to a crashing halt with them. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) [B]JOEY MINNESOTA vs. RICK LAW[/B] As Joey and Rick worked each other over, the announcers hyped the fact that Joey had never seemed more focused than he did now, that he had the singular goal of regaining his North American Championship. Rick put up an admirable defense, but in the end, he succumbed to an Empire Spiral. WINNER: [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] in 12:33 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Tim Westybrook appeared on camera, saying that it had been a long time since he's had any kind of title shot, but that the wait has been worth it. He says that in an odd sort of way, he respects Marc DuBois. He said that Marc reminded him of himself when he first joined the SWF. He said that their match at "The Supreme Challenge" was going to be a clash of titans, but not the cheesy movie kind. And yet, as much as Tim respected Marc, that still didn't change the fact that at "The Supreme Challenge", Tim was going to take Marc's Warmaster Title. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) Archangel was shown walking to the ring. He only slowed as he passed Joel Kovach, who leaned against a wall with his title belt draped over his shoulder. The two stared at each other before Joel snorted and walked away. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. BOB CARLSON & BRUCE THE GIANT[/B] in [COLOR="Purple"]a handicap match[/COLOR] I was a little worried about this one. Neither Bob nor Bruce have the best stamina and that usually drags down their matches. Not this time. Jerry complained the whole time about how it was unfair. He said that in a handicap match like this, Bruce counted for two people, not just one. He said that it was ridiculous to expect Archangel to overcome what was essentially three-to-one odds. Emma countered by saying that Archangel was fighting to take on the most dominant wrestler in the world today; if he couldn't handle a simple handicap match, he should just forget about it. And for a while, it looked like Archangel was in serious trouble. Bob and Bruce systematically worked him over, tagging each other in back and forth so they could remain fresh. They focused on different parts of Archangel's body in and effort to weaken him. And yet, they didn't seem capable of putting him away. Archangel always managed to kick out before the ref could count to three. And then, after close to seventeen minutes of abuse, Archangel came roaring back to life. He suddenly exploded off the mat after Bruce the Giant had him pinned. Bruce managed to make the tag to Bob, but Archangel kicked Bob off the ring apron and continued his assault on Bruce, tossing the giant into the ropes. Bruce hit them hard and went over the top, crashing to the arena floor. Bruce got up just in time to see someone charge out of the crowd and vault off the security railing. It was Randy Bumfhole, taking the giant down with a cross-body block. Randy then straddled Bruce's chest and rained blows down on his head before security chased him away. In the meantime, Bob had managed to get back into the ring and stagger Archangel, but that only lasted a few moments. Bob clambered up to the top rope to hit a Missile Drop Kick, but Archangel rushed the corner and jumped up top. After a brief struggle, Archangel hit Bob with a Fall from Grace off the top rope. Bob twitched once and lay still. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] in 20:56 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) Archangel stumbled to his feet but wobbled a bit ... just in time for Joel Kovach to charge out of the back and attack him. He beat on Archangel until the other man lay groaning on the mat. Then Joel celebrated as if he won the match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Nothing to say here. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Angry Gilmore defeated Bart Biggz[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Chris Caulfield defeated Rich Money in [COLOR="Purple"]a hardcore match [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Joey Minnesota defeated Rick Law [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Archangel defeated Bob Carlson & Bruce the Giant in [COLOR="purple"]a handicap match[/I] [/COLOR]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 1, July 2008[/I] Held at the Theatre of Dreams in the North West Territory 8,440 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Farrah Hesketh, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another edition of [I]Invasion![/I] 1) The announcers reminded us that in tonight's main event, we would see Archangel take on Bob Carlson and Bruce the Giant in a handicap match. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"If Archangel pulls this off, he'll get a title shot against Archangel at 'The Supreme Challenge.' But can he really expect to beat two of Karma's top performers?"[/COLOR] Jerry Eisen wondered. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"I hate to admit it, but if anyone can do it, Archangel can,"[/COLOR] Emma Chase said. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 2) But the show really started with Angry Gilmore standing in the ring. He addressed Darryl Devine, saying that Darryl certainly looked good last week on [I]Warzone[/I]. But he said that wouldn't do him any good at "The Supreme Challenge". He said he was going to reclaim what should have been rightfully his: the SWF 10-Minute Championship. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) [B]BART BIGGZ vs. ANGRY GILMORE[/B] I think everyone was genuinely stunned at this match's quality. Bart and Angry really took it up a notch and turned in a first rate performance. The announcers really helped by playing up how dangerous Angry looked. Angry was able to shrug off whatever offense Bart mustered and easily hit the Anger Management. WINNER: [B]Angry Gilmore [/B]in 9:13 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 4) Akima Brave was watching the previous match on a monitor backstage. He grumbled something under his breath and turned to leave, only to find himself face to face with Kid Toma. Akima accused Kid of ruining his life. He said that if it wasn't for Kid's interference, he would still be the SWF 10-Minute Champion. Now he was ostracized from Karma and a laughing stock. Kid countered by pointing out that Akima did it to himself. He asked how much of a family Karma had really been to Akima. Most times Karma got together on screen, he said, Akima was nowhere to be found. He said that Akima was an afterthought, a prodigal. That's why Kid came to the States. It was to help Akima find his way home, to regain his honor. Akima tried to walk off, but Kid got in his way. Akima tried to side-step him, but Kid refused to budge. Akima said that if Kid didn't get out of the way, he'd get hurt. Kid said he wasn't afraid of Akima, so Akima challenged him to a match at the next [I]Warzone[/I]. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole appeared on screen, yukking it up over how stupid the Outcasts were. Randy asked if Skull and Remo really thought that they could injure him. He said they were too slow and too dumb and too weak to be a threat to them. That's why the Bumfholes would always remain the SWF Tag Team Champions. Zimmy slapped Randy on the shoulder, causing him to wince, but Randy shrugged it off. A voice told them they were done. Zimmy said he'd see Randy later, unless he wanted him to watch his back. Randy pointed out that Remo and Skull were off licking their wounds somewhere and weren't even in the building. He asked what could go wrong. Zimmy laughed and walked off. Randy was about to leave but he came face-to-chest with Bruce the Giant. Bruce demanded to know if Randy thought he was funny. Bruce said it was ridiculous to fake an injury the way he did. Randy told Bruce to relax, that it was all in fun so they could take out Remo and Skull. Bruce said he didn't find it funny. He said that as tag champions, Randy and Zimmy were spokespeople for Karma. He said that they should act with dignity, not like clowns. Bruce said that Randy should behave more like Joel Kovach. Randy laughed and asked if that meant he should beat up on women and put them in the hospital. Bruce grabbed Randy by the throat and hauled him off his feet, slamming him into a wall. Bruce got in Randy's face and told him that he needed an attitude adjustment. Joel Kovach was the leader of Karma and for that reason deserved Randy's respect and support. That's why Bruce and Bob were going to make sure that Archangel got nowhere near Joel. Bruce told Randy to get with the program or Karma may have to find someone else to hold the tag titles for them. Bruce then tossed Randy away and stomped off. Randy rubbed his throat and glared after him. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the taunt and the argument 6) Chris Caulfield was in the ring with a kendo stick slung over his shoulder. He said that he was feeling bored once again, but not just bored. Nostalgic. He wanted a good old fashioned hardcore brawl and he was willing to face anyone who wanted to join him in the ring. Out came Rich Money, saying that he was up for a good fight. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the challenge and response 7) [B]CHRIS CAULFIELD vs. RICH MONEY [/B]in [COLOR="Purple"]a hardcore match[/COLOR] It was an okay match. Chris and Rich used all sorts of weapons on each other. Chris got busted open but that didn't seem to slow him down. Emma complained that Rich wasn't used to this kind of match and that it hurt his performance, but Farrah was quick to point out that Rich was holding his own. He even gained the upper hand by delivering a vicious chair shot that apparently knocked Chris out cold. But then Ricky Dale Johnson hit the ring. Just as Rich was about to pin Chris, Ricky lit into him, nailing him with all sorts of objects until Rich was down and out on the mat. RDJ laughed at Rich and then left. The ref started to count both men out, but at eight, Chris lurched over and made the cover with one arm draped over Rich's chest. WINNER: [B]Chris Caulfield [/B]in 12:54 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) Bob Carlson and Bruce the Giant delivered a promo where they predicted Archangel's hunt for the World Heavyweight Championship would come to a crashing halt with them. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) [B]JOEY MINNESOTA vs. RICK LAW[/B] As Joey and Rick worked each other over, the announcers hyped the fact that Joey had never seemed more focused than he did now, that he had the singular goal of regaining his North American Championship. Rick put up an admirable defense, but in the end, he succumbed to an Empire Spiral. WINNER: [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] in 12:33 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Tim Westybrook appeared on camera, saying that it had been a long time since he's had any kind of title shot, but that the wait has been worth it. He says that in an odd sort of way, he respects Marc DuBois. He said that Marc reminded him of himself when he first joined the SWF. He said that their match at "The Supreme Challenge" was going to be a clash of titans, but not the cheesy movie kind. And yet, as much as Tim respected Marc, that still didn't change the fact that at "The Supreme Challenge", Tim was going to take Marc's Warmaster Title. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) Archangel was shown walking to the ring. He only slowed as he passed Joel Kovach, who leaned against a wall with his title belt draped over his shoulder. The two stared at each other before Joel snorted and walked away. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. BOB CARLSON & BRUCE THE GIANT[/B] in [COLOR="Purple"]a handicap match[/COLOR] I was a little worried about this one. Neither Bob nor Bruce have the best stamina and that usually drags down their matches. Not this time. Jerry complained the whole time about how it was unfair. He said that in a handicap match like this, Bruce counted for two people, not just one. He said that it was ridiculous to expect Archangel to overcome what was essentially three-to-one odds. Emma countered by saying that Archangel was fighting to take on the most dominant wrestler in the world today; if he couldn't handle a simple handicap match, he should just forget about it. And for a while, it looked like Archangel was in serious trouble. Bob and Bruce systematically worked him over, tagging each other in back and forth so they could remain fresh. They focused on different parts of Archangel's body in and effort to weaken him. And yet, they didn't seem capable of putting him away. Archangel always managed to kick out before the ref could count to three. And then, after close to seventeen minutes of abuse, Archangel came roaring back to life. He suddenly exploded off the mat after Bruce the Giant had him pinned. Bruce managed to make the tag to Bob, but Archangel kicked Bob off the ring apron and continued his assault on Bruce, tossing the giant into the ropes. Bruce hit them hard and went over the top, crashing to the arena floor. Bruce got up just in time to see someone charge out of the crowd and vault off the security railing. It was Randy Bumfhole, taking the giant down with a cross-body block. Randy then straddled Bruce's chest and rained blows down on his head before security chased him away. In the meantime, Bob had managed to get back into the ring and stagger Archangel, but that only lasted a few moments. Bob clambered up to the top rope to hit a Missile Drop Kick, but Archangel rushed the corner and jumped up top. After a brief struggle, Archangel hit Bob with a Fall from Grace off the top rope. Bob twitched once and lay still. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] in 20:56 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) Archangel stumbled to his feet but wobbled a bit ... just in time for Joel Kovach to charge out of the back and attack him. He beat on Archangel until the other man lay groaning on the mat. Then Joel celebrated as if he won the match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Nothing to say here. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Angry Gilmore defeated Bart Biggz[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Chris Caulfield defeated Rich Money in [COLOR="Purple"]a hardcore match [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Joey Minnesota defeated Rick Law [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Archangel defeated Bob Carlson & Bruce the Giant in [COLOR="purple"]a handicap match[/I] [/COLOR]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 1, July 2008[/I] Held at the Minnesota Colisseum in the Mid West Territory 8,646 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Ana Garcia welcomed us to another edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. 1) In a segment filmed earlier today, Joel Kovach was shown arriving at the Colisseum. He marched past some cheering fans and knocked the autograph book out of the hands of a little boy. He then found himself face to face with some local reporters. One lady asked Joel what it felt like to be coming home. Joel replied wistfully that he's traveled all over the world, he's stayed in the finest of hotels, but that whenever he comes back to Minnesota .... he realizes what a cesspool it is, filled with morons and jerks. Another reporter asked him what his thoughts were now that he was going to face off against Archangel at "The Supreme Challenge". Joel glared at that reporter and barked, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"No comment!"[/COLOR] Another reporter asked if Joel was worried about Archangel retaliating after Joel attacked him at the end of [I]Invasion![/I] Joel replied that he wasn't because Archangel didn't have the [I]cajones[/I] to do something like that. The reporter suggested that maybe Joel should be worried. That's when the reporter attacked Joel, beating him down as the other members of the press scattered. Joel wound up curled up in a ball, moaning. The reporter took off his hat to reveal that it was Archangel. Archangel leaned down and smiled. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Welcome home, buddy."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) Marc DuBois stormed into Sarah Eisen's office and demanded to know what was wrong with her. He said that it was ridiculous that he had to face off against Tim Westybrook. He said that while they had their disagreements, the two of them were both members of Karma and that she should be watching out for him. Sarah seemed a little angry at the suggestion, but said that she was glad he came and talked to her about this. She said that she would watch out for him. She said there was nothing she could do about the match at "The Supreme Challenge"; the board of directors had signed off on it, publicity had sent out posters and TV ads already. But she would help him by giving him an easy match tonight. Marc thanked her and walked out. The minute he left the room, the smile disappeared from Sarah's face and was replaced with a scowl. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 3) [B]KID TOMA vs. AKIMA BRAVE[/B] A decent match. Akima took control of the match early on but as the match wore on, it became more obvious that Toma was rallying. That's why, after a quick Samoan Drop, Akima pinned his little brother with his feet on the ropes for leverage. WINNER: [B]Akima Brave [/B]in 9:52 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) It's time for "Ask Dan!" [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"This week, our letter comes from Cynthia Thompson of Lubbock, Texas. Cynthia writes, 'Dear Dan, my girlfriends and I always get together to watch the SWF's wrasslin' shows and we really, really enjoy them, even though you're on.' Cute, Cynthia, really cute. 'But we're confused about something. Why is Ricky Dale Johnson so angry with Rich Money? And who is that lady that we've seen hanging around with Ricky lately? Could you get to the bottom of this for us?'"[/COLOR] Dan said that normally he would shred a letter like this but he was curious as well. That's why his special guest this week was none other than Rich Money. Rich came out and shook Dan's hand and settled into a chair next to Dan's. Dan asked Rich what he thought of RDJ. Rich went off on a tirade, saying that RDJ was a vindictive little man not worthy of his time or attention. Dan then asked Rich if he knew who the mystery lady was or why RDJ was so angry. Rich said he did and he would be more than happy to tell the whole sordid tale. Before he could get going, though, Ricky Dale Johnson charged into the set and attacked Rich, beating him to the ground. Finally backstage personnel had to manhandle RDJ off the set while medics tended to Rich. Dan stared at Rich with wide eyes and looked up at the camera. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"I guess the story will have to wait."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) Archangel was walking backstage when Joel Kovach attacked him from behind, beating him down to the ground before storming off. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) [B]EDDIE PEAK vs. RICK LAW[/B] A really good match between these two. Eddie did okay but Rick eventually was able to nail him with the Long Arm of the Law. WINNER: [B]Rick Law [/B]in 8:23 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 7) The camera cut to the announce table where Peter Michaels looked absolutely stunned. He said that he just received word what Marc DuBois's match is going to be for tonight. He would be defending the SWF Warmaster Title against Sam Keith ... and Christian Faith, Joey Minnesota, Cliff Wilson, and BJ Shearer ... in a ladder match. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"[I][B]That's[/B][/I] watching out for him?"[/COLOR] Peter asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Well, you know what they say about a woman scorned,"[/COLOR] Ana Garcia commented. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 8) [B]RANDY BUMFHOLE vs. BRUCE THE GIANT[/B] The announcers explained that after the way Randy attacked Bruce on [I]Invasion![/I], Bruce insisted on having this match. Before things got started, Bruce stopped the ref and demanded to he check Randy for foreign objects. The ref patted Randy down and, finding nothing, ordered the match to start. It was a pretty good match. Not spectacular, but good. Randy relied on speed and agility to stay one step ahead of Bruce, but eventually, the big man was able to snare Randy and batter him around the ring for a while. Bruce tried to set Randy up for the Giant Chokeslam, but Randy slipped out of the giant's hands. He turned away from the ref and started digging in his trunks. Bruce spotted that and pointed it out to the ref. The ref went over and started arguing with Randy, who hid whatever it was he got behind his back. Bruce watched the confrontation with a satisfied smirk on his face, but that changed when Zimmy Bunfhole slid into the ring behind him. It turned out that Zimmy had the knucks, not Randy, and he used them to lay out Bruce. As Zimmy got out of the ring, Randy revealed that his hands were empty to the ref, pushed past him, and made the cover. The ref looked a little confused but made the count anyway. WINNER: [B]Randy Bumfhole [/B]in 9:21 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) Zimmy joined his brother in the ring and they mocked Bruce, who rolled around on the mat in pain. The crowd erupted in cheers as Remo and Skull DeBones charged into the ring. The Bumfholes immediately bailed, laughing the whole way. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) A table is set up in the middle of the ring and Sarah Eisen stands by it. She said it's time for Joel Kovach and Archangel to sign their contract for the main event at "The Supreme Challenge". Out they came and they stared daggers at each other across the table. Sarah told them that she was sick of them making her backstage area a warzone. She said that one of the stipulations in the contract was going to be that the two of them had to avoid physical contact until "The Supreme Challenge". If one of them laid a hand on the other, that person would be suspended for six months and, if it's Joel, he would be stripped of the title. Joel grabbed the mic and said that as long as they were discussing stipulations, he wanted to add one to the match. He wanted it to be title vs. career. Archangel reached over and snatched the mic and said that wasn't going to happen. He wasn't stupid. Joel wouldn't get rid of him that easily. Joel retrieved the mic and said he was sick of dealing with Archangel. That's why he wanted to add the career clause to the contract, but if Archangel wouldn't go for that, he said that he'd settle for a no rematch clause. That way, whoever won the match wouldn't have to worry about the other nipping at his heels for months to come. Archangel said that was fine with him, took the contract and signed it. He then slid it across the table to Joel. Joel caught the contract and picked up the pen. He was about to sign when he paused and looked up at Sarah Eisen. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Once I sign this, he can't touch me, right?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]"And the reverse is true also, yes."[/COLOR] she answered. "Fine by me," Joel said, then launched himself across the table. He took down the surprised Archangel and the two brawled around the ring before Joel got the upper hand and drove Archangel through the table with an Old School Drop. He then retrieved the pen from the wreckage and signed the contract, which he shoved into Sarah's hands. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) [B]SAM KEITH vs. BJ SHEARER vs. CLIFF WILSON vs. JOEY MINNESOTA vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. MARC DuBOIS (c) [/B]in [COLOR="Purple"]a ladder match [/COLOR]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] Marc did not look happy going out to the ring and the announcers couldn't blame him. The match itself was brutal with lots of insane high spots off ladders. Sam and Christian wound up getting busted open while BJ could barely move by the end of the match. In the end, though, Marc take out the other competitors and made the climb to pull down the Warmaster belt before collapsing to the mat. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Is he even going to be able to face Tim Westybrook at 'The Supreme Challenge'?" [/COLOR]Duane wondered. WINNER: [B]Marc DuBois [/B]in 22:32 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Sarah Eisen was apparently slightly overused. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Akima Brave defeated Kid Toma [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Rick Law defeated Eddie Peak [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Randy Bumfhole defeated Bruce the Giant [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Marc DuBois defeated Christian Faith, Sam Keith, Cliff Wilson, BJ Shearer, and Joey Minnesota in [COLOR="Purple"]a ladder match[/COLOR] to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title [/I][/COLOR]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 1, July 2008[/I] Held at the Minnesota Colisseum in the Mid West Territory 8,646 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Ana Garcia welcomed us to another edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. 1) In a segment filmed earlier today, Joel Kovach was shown arriving at the Colisseum. He marched past some cheering fans and knocked the autograph book out of the hands of a little boy. He then found himself face to face with some local reporters. One lady asked Joel what it felt like to be coming home. Joel replied wistfully that he's traveled all over the world, he's stayed in the finest of hotels, but that whenever he comes back to Minnesota .... he realizes what a cesspool it is, filled with morons and jerks. Another reporter asked him what his thoughts were now that he was going to face off against Archangel at "The Supreme Challenge". Joel glared at that reporter and barked, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"No comment!"[/COLOR] Another reporter asked if Joel was worried about Archangel retaliating after Joel attacked him at the end of [I]Invasion![/I] Joel replied that he wasn't because Archangel didn't have the [I]cajones[/I] to do something like that. The reporter suggested that maybe Joel should be worried. That's when the reporter attacked Joel, beating him down as the other members of the press scattered. Joel wound up curled up in a ball, moaning. The reporter took off his hat to reveal that it was Archangel. Archangel leaned down and smiled. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Welcome home, buddy."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) Marc DuBois stormed into Sarah Eisen's office and demanded to know what was wrong with her. He said that it was ridiculous that he had to face off against Tim Westybrook. He said that while they had their disagreements, the two of them were both members of Karma and that she should be watching out for him. Sarah seemed a little angry at the suggestion, but said that she was glad he came and talked to her about this. She said that she would watch out for him. She said there was nothing she could do about the match at "The Supreme Challenge"; the board of directors had signed off on it, publicity had sent out posters and TV ads already. But she would help him by giving him an easy match tonight. Marc thanked her and walked out. The minute he left the room, the smile disappeared from Sarah's face and was replaced with a scowl. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 3) [B]KID TOMA vs. AKIMA BRAVE[/B] A decent match. Akima took control of the match early on but as the match wore on, it became more obvious that Toma was rallying. That's why, after a quick Samoan Drop, Akima pinned his little brother with his feet on the ropes for leverage. WINNER: [B]Akima Brave [/B]in 9:52 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) It's time for "Ask Dan!" [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"This week, our letter comes from Cynthia Thompson of Lubbock, Texas. Cynthia writes, 'Dear Dan, my girlfriends and I always get together to watch the SWF's wrasslin' shows and we really, really enjoy them, even though you're on.' Cute, Cynthia, really cute. 'But we're confused about something. Why is Ricky Dale Johnson so angry with Rich Money? And who is that lady that we've seen hanging around with Ricky lately? Could you get to the bottom of this for us?'"[/COLOR] Dan said that normally he would shred a letter like this but he was curious as well. That's why his special guest this week was none other than Rich Money. Rich came out and shook Dan's hand and settled into a chair next to Dan's. Dan asked Rich what he thought of RDJ. Rich went off on a tirade, saying that RDJ was a vindictive little man not worthy of his time or attention. Dan then asked Rich if he knew who the mystery lady was or why RDJ was so angry. Rich said he did and he would be more than happy to tell the whole sordid tale. Before he could get going, though, Ricky Dale Johnson charged into the set and attacked Rich, beating him to the ground. Finally backstage personnel had to manhandle RDJ off the set while medics tended to Rich. Dan stared at Rich with wide eyes and looked up at the camera. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"I guess the story will have to wait."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) Archangel was walking backstage when Joel Kovach attacked him from behind, beating him down to the ground before storming off. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) [B]EDDIE PEAK vs. RICK LAW[/B] A really good match between these two. Eddie did okay but Rick eventually was able to nail him with the Long Arm of the Law. WINNER: [B]Rick Law [/B]in 8:23 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 7) The camera cut to the announce table where Peter Michaels looked absolutely stunned. He said that he just received word what Marc DuBois's match is going to be for tonight. He would be defending the SWF Warmaster Title against Sam Keith ... and Christian Faith, Joey Minnesota, Cliff Wilson, and BJ Shearer ... in a ladder match. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"[I][B]That's[/B][/I] watching out for him?"[/COLOR] Peter asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Well, you know what they say about a woman scorned,"[/COLOR] Ana Garcia commented. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 8) [B]RANDY BUMFHOLE vs. BRUCE THE GIANT[/B] The announcers explained that after the way Randy attacked Bruce on [I]Invasion![/I], Bruce insisted on having this match. Before things got started, Bruce stopped the ref and demanded to he check Randy for foreign objects. The ref patted Randy down and, finding nothing, ordered the match to start. It was a pretty good match. Not spectacular, but good. Randy relied on speed and agility to stay one step ahead of Bruce, but eventually, the big man was able to snare Randy and batter him around the ring for a while. Bruce tried to set Randy up for the Giant Chokeslam, but Randy slipped out of the giant's hands. He turned away from the ref and started digging in his trunks. Bruce spotted that and pointed it out to the ref. The ref went over and started arguing with Randy, who hid whatever it was he got behind his back. Bruce watched the confrontation with a satisfied smirk on his face, but that changed when Zimmy Bunfhole slid into the ring behind him. It turned out that Zimmy had the knucks, not Randy, and he used them to lay out Bruce. As Zimmy got out of the ring, Randy revealed that his hands were empty to the ref, pushed past him, and made the cover. The ref looked a little confused but made the count anyway. WINNER: [B]Randy Bumfhole [/B]in 9:21 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) Zimmy joined his brother in the ring and they mocked Bruce, who rolled around on the mat in pain. The crowd erupted in cheers as Remo and Skull DeBones charged into the ring. The Bumfholes immediately bailed, laughing the whole way. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) A table is set up in the middle of the ring and Sarah Eisen stands by it. She said it's time for Joel Kovach and Archangel to sign their contract for the main event at "The Supreme Challenge". Out they came and they stared daggers at each other across the table. Sarah told them that she was sick of them making her backstage area a warzone. She said that one of the stipulations in the contract was going to be that the two of them had to avoid physical contact until "The Supreme Challenge". If one of them laid a hand on the other, that person would be suspended for six months and, if it's Joel, he would be stripped of the title. Joel grabbed the mic and said that as long as they were discussing stipulations, he wanted to add one to the match. He wanted it to be title vs. career. Archangel reached over and snatched the mic and said that wasn't going to happen. He wasn't stupid. Joel wouldn't get rid of him that easily. Joel retrieved the mic and said he was sick of dealing with Archangel. That's why he wanted to add the career clause to the contract, but if Archangel wouldn't go for that, he said that he'd settle for a no rematch clause. That way, whoever won the match wouldn't have to worry about the other nipping at his heels for months to come. Archangel said that was fine with him, took the contract and signed it. He then slid it across the table to Joel. Joel caught the contract and picked up the pen. He was about to sign when he paused and looked up at Sarah Eisen. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Once I sign this, he can't touch me, right?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]"And the reverse is true also, yes."[/COLOR] she answered. "Fine by me," Joel said, then launched himself across the table. He took down the surprised Archangel and the two brawled around the ring before Joel got the upper hand and drove Archangel through the table with an Old School Drop. He then retrieved the pen from the wreckage and signed the contract, which he shoved into Sarah's hands. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) [B]SAM KEITH vs. BJ SHEARER vs. CLIFF WILSON vs. JOEY MINNESOTA vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. MARC DuBOIS (c) [/B]in [COLOR="Purple"]a ladder match [/COLOR]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] Marc did not look happy going out to the ring and the announcers couldn't blame him. The match itself was brutal with lots of insane high spots off ladders. Sam and Christian wound up getting busted open while BJ could barely move by the end of the match. In the end, though, Marc take out the other competitors and made the climb to pull down the Warmaster belt before collapsing to the mat. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Is he even going to be able to face Tim Westybrook at 'The Supreme Challenge'?" [/COLOR]Duane wondered. WINNER: [B]Marc DuBois [/B]in 22:32 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Sarah Eisen was apparently slightly overused. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Akima Brave defeated Kid Toma [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Rick Law defeated Eddie Peak [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Randy Bumfhole defeated Bruce the Giant [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Marc DuBois defeated Christian Faith, Sam Keith, Cliff Wilson, BJ Shearer, and Joey Minnesota in [COLOR="Purple"]a ladder match[/COLOR] to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title [/I][/COLOR]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 2, July of 2008[/I] Held at the V. Thompson Arena in the South West Territory 9,276 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Farrah Hesketh, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another episode of [I]Invasion![/I] 1) The announcers hyped that with "The Supreme Challenge" just four days away, things were picking up. First of all, Angry Gilmore was teaming up with his partner, Joe Sexy, to take on Darryl Devine and a partner of Darryl's choosing. They also announced that Joel Kovach would be in action tonight as well in a non-title match. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"We know it's not going to be against Archangel; Double-A and Joel can't touch each other until Saturday. So who's it going to be?"[/COLOR] Farrash asked. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the tag match; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the other 2) Sarah Eisen was working at her desk when the door to her office exploded in. Bruce the Giant stormed inside and towered above her, ranting about how Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole humiliated him last week. He reminded her that she was in charge of Karma and the SWF and he wanted her to do something about it now! Sarah swallowed hard and told him she'd take care of it. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 3) Darryl Devine came out and introduced his partner for tonight's match, none other than Robert Oxford. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 4) [B]DARRYL DEVINE & ROBERT OXFORD vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION[/B] I was expecting this to be a throw-away type of match, just to give people a taste of what they might see on Saturday. If this is any indication, the lowercard could possibly steal the show. Both teams clicked well in the ring and put on a spectacular match. Both Angry and Darryl looked pretty dangerous out there but in the end, Darryl nailed Joe Sexy with the Devine Dream Drop and scored the win. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine & Robert Oxford [/B]in 10:56 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 5) Rick Law was standing out in the parking lot chatting up a cute girl when a hot sports car pulled up next to the arena. Joel Kovach got out. The girl was ignored as Rick practically drooled all over the car. Joel said that he had just gotten it and referred to it as "his baby." Rick asked him if he was ready for his non-title match tonight. Joel said he was, that he had the perfect opponent picked out. Rick asked who it was. Joel smiled and told him to wait like everyone else. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) Sarah Eisen was still in her office, propping her head up between her hands. She looked horrible. That's when the Outcasts came into the office. Skull seemed pretty hesitant to talk to her, but Remo was insistent. Remo pointed out to Sarah that the Bumfholes hadn't been booked into a match to defend their tag titles at "The Supreme Challenge" yet. He said that after the way Randy and Zimmy tricked everyone at their expense, the Outcasts deserve to one last title shot. Sarah looked up and said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You want a title shot?"[/COLOR] Skull, assuming that Sarah was about to refuse, insisted that he and Remo were just leaving. Sarah stopped him and told them that she loved the idea. She said that every time the Bumfholes defended their titles against the Outcasts, the fans couldn't get enough. And she said she knew how upset they were about Randy faking his injury. She said she was just as upset. She said if he wanted to cry about something, she would give him something to cry about, namely by booking him in a match where the chances that he will get injured increases significantly. She was booking Outcasts vs. Bumfholes III, for the SWF Tag Team Championship ... only this time, it would be held in a steel cage! Remo and Skull were stunned. Finally, Skull piped up and asked, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Do we have the right office? We were looking for Sarah Eisen. Who are you?"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Chris Caulfield was in the ring. He stared at the big screen in shock. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Did you hear that?"[/COLOR] he asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"A steel cage match at 'The Supreme Challenge'!" [/COLOR]He shuddered. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Just the thought gives me goosebumps! The only thing is, it also makes me sad, 'cuz I'm not in it. I mean, steel cage? That's hardcore, and you don't get more hardcore than me. "Come to think of it, why should the Outcasts and the Bumfholes have all the fun? They ain't gonna out-do me when it comes to hardcore, no way! That's why I'm going to hold the Chris Caulfield Hardcore Invitational at 'The Supreme Challenge.' It'll kind of be like the Battle Royal we had two months ago, only this time, anything goes! Weapons, pinfalls, whatever. No rules, just ten guys go in, the winner is the last one standing! "By why wait until then? I'll issue an open challenge right now. Anybody that wants to come out and play hardcore, let's get it on right here, right now!"[/COLOR] Out came Flex to accept the challenge. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] for the open challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the response 8) CHRIS CAULFIELD vs. FLEX in a hardcore match Little known fact about Flex: aside from Eddie and Chris, he's one of the best hardcore brawlers we have, and it showed in this match. These two pulled out all the stops (and most of the junk we hide under the ring) and kept the fans screaming for more. Flex showed his ability early on, but the fans still booed him, especially when Pex came out to give him a hand, delivering a major face-buster to a stop sign. But even with Pex's help, they couldn't keep Chris down. He came roaring back, taking out Pex first before delivering a Danger Drop to Flex on a steel chair. WINNER: [B]Chris Caulfield [/B]in 17:46 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 9) Texas Pete sauntered out to the ring and got a mic. He said that he was about to defend his North American Championship against Ricky Dale Johnson, but before he did, he wanted to talk to Joey Minnesota for a bit. He said he understood that Joey was all bent out of shape. Tex said he would be too. But he also said he was getting sick and tired of all the whining that Joey was doing in the backstage area. Tex said it's a cliche, but it's one that you often heard in Texas back in the day: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"The SWF just ain't got room for the two of us."[/COLOR] That's why he suggested that they make their match at "The Supreme Challenge" a "Loser Leaves Town" match. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 10) [B]RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. TEXAS PETE (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] Not a very good match. Tex and RDJ didn't click in the ring and it was noticable. But they did their best to cover it, as did the announcers. The match see-sawed back and forth with neither man gaining a clear advantage. And we'll never really know how it would have all worked out, seeing as Rich Money charged the ring and attacked RDJ. The ref called for the bell immediately. WINNER: [B] Ricky Dale Johnson [/B]by DQ in 8:46 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 11) Tex tried to get into Rich's face, but Rich simply grabbed him by the neck and tossed him over the top rope. Rich then got a mic and leaned down into RDJ's face. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"So you want to keep me quiet about Jennifer, huh? Is that it? I don't really feel like doing that, but tell you what, I'll give you a fighting chance. You, me, 'The Supreme Challenge'. If you win, I'll keep quiet. If you lose, I get to shout it from a mountain top."[/COLOR] Rich dropped the mic on RDJ's chest and, after shooting a leer at Jennifer, rolled out of the ring and stormed back up the ramp. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 12) Marc DuBois appared on camera, a bandage on his forehead and tape around his ribs. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"A lot of people are already counting me out of my match with Tim Westybrook at 'The Supreme Challenge'. They say that I took too much of a beating last week in that ladder match. They say that Tim Westybrook is The Iron Man, that there isn't a tougher man in professional wrestling. They say that I'm out of my league, that Tim's going to wreck me, that I've never faced anyone quite like him before.[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Well, let me tell all of you doubters something. Tim Westybrook has never had to face someone like me in his career and he never will again. I keep hearing how he's 'The Unstoppable Force' and 'The Iron Man'. Well, I am the Marc of Excellence in professional wrestling. I am a legend in the making. As for my injuries..." [/COLOR]He ripped off the tape and the bandage. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Who cares if I'm a little banged up? It's not going to stop me from absolutely destroying Tim Westybrook this Saturday. Tim, you may have your fans, but at the end of our match, they'll all be singing my praises."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) Joel Kovach came out to the ring. He talked a little about his match with Archangel, but he said it was nice knowing that he could spend a week and not worry about being attacked by that lunatic. But, he said, he didn't want his phenomenal skills to get rusty and he certainly wanted to put on a good show for the fans that were gathered here tonight. That's why he deigned to put on a match for them. He would go one-on-one with one of the most overlooked wrestlers in the SWF, a man with limitless potential who has nowhere to go but up .... that's right, tonight, he was going to face none other than ... Delirious Dan. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"What?"[/COLOR] Jerry Eisen cried. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Are you kidding me? This is a joke, right? Dan is nowhere near Joel's league!"[/COLOR] As a very terrified Dan made his way to the ring, Emma Chase tried to play up Dan's assets, pointing out his great physique, his superior intellect, his ... [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Never mind. You're right. He's going to die."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) [B]DELIRIOUS DAN vs. JOEL KOVACH[/B] This wasn't pretty to look at, and I suspect we're going to take a hit in terms of rating for this, but hey, it was still kind of fun. Joel destroyed Dan in the ring. He allowed Dan to toss a few punches in the beginning, but he easily shook them off and made it clear that Dan wasn't hurting him. He then ran over Dan with a clothesline and spent the rest of the match beating Dan up. He nailed him with an Old School Drop and pinned him, but then hauled his shoulder off the mat before the ref could reach three. He then picked up Dan, who looked pretty much out on his feet, and started to whip him around the ring some more. But then Archangel's face appeared on the big screen. He called out Joel's name, who stopped and let Dan hit the mat. Dan slunk away and pulled himself up the ropes and just stared out into the audience with glassy eyes. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You know, Joel, you'd think that I'd hate the fact that I can't lay my hands on you this week. You would think that with all the rage I have over how I've been treated by you and because of you, I'd be chomping at the bit to just rush in there and attack you ... You'd think that, but then, I've waited a long time to fight you. What's one more week of waiting? "But what to do with my free time? Hmmmmm. Let me think about that."[/COLOR] The camera pulled out to reveal that Archangel was standing outside the arena. More than that, it revealed that he had a sledgehammer slung over his shoulders. And then it was revealed that he was standing next to Joel's new sports car. Joel shook his head, his eyes wide with horror, as Archangel said that maybe he'd go into the Demolition Derby. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I hope you remembered to get insurance."[/COLOR] He then swung the hammer and smashed the hood of Joel's car. Joel screamed in rage as Archangel busted out the windows and knocked off the mirrors and caved in the doors. Finally, Joel couldn't take anymore and raced out of the ring. The ref called after him, but Joel didn't seem to hear him. The ref looked at Dan, who was technically vertical, and started the count. On a split screen, we watched the ref make the ten count while Joel charged through the backstage area. Joel never seemed to remember that he was still in a match, even as the ref hit ten. Dan seemed absolutely shocked that he won. So did the audience, and I'm not sure they were happy about that. WINNER: [B]Delirious Dan [/B]by Count-Out in 5:48 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 15) Joel Kovach exploded through the exit doors of the arena into the parking lot, only to discover that Archangel was gone. Joel's car, however, was still there. Needless to say, it was a wreck. Fluids were pooling under it and running all over the pavement. The show closed with a close up of Joel's wide eyes. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] As I suspected, the match with Dan hurt us ratings-wise. But you know, sometimes you just have to do stuff like that for "shiggles". And hey, even with Liberty taking on Nemesis, TCW didn't do much better than us. I know that's not an excuse, but it makes me feel a little better. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM- [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Darryl Devine & Robert Oxford defeated Sexual Aggression [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Chris Caulfield defeated Flex in [COLOR="Purple"]a hardcore match [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Texas Pete (c) by DQ and so Tex retains [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Delirious Dan defeated Joel Kovach by Count-Out [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 2, July of 2008[/I] Held at the V. Thompson Arena in the South West Territory 9,276 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Farrah Hesketh, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another episode of [I]Invasion![/I] 1) The announcers hyped that with "The Supreme Challenge" just four days away, things were picking up. First of all, Angry Gilmore was teaming up with his partner, Joe Sexy, to take on Darryl Devine and a partner of Darryl's choosing. They also announced that Joel Kovach would be in action tonight as well in a non-title match. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"We know it's not going to be against Archangel; Double-A and Joel can't touch each other until Saturday. So who's it going to be?"[/COLOR] Farrash asked. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the tag match; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the other 2) Sarah Eisen was working at her desk when the door to her office exploded in. Bruce the Giant stormed inside and towered above her, ranting about how Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole humiliated him last week. He reminded her that she was in charge of Karma and the SWF and he wanted her to do something about it now! Sarah swallowed hard and told him she'd take care of it. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 3) Darryl Devine came out and introduced his partner for tonight's match, none other than Robert Oxford. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 4) [B]DARRYL DEVINE & ROBERT OXFORD vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION[/B] I was expecting this to be a throw-away type of match, just to give people a taste of what they might see on Saturday. If this is any indication, the lowercard could possibly steal the show. Both teams clicked well in the ring and put on a spectacular match. Both Angry and Darryl looked pretty dangerous out there but in the end, Darryl nailed Joe Sexy with the Devine Dream Drop and scored the win. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine & Robert Oxford [/B]in 10:56 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 5) Rick Law was standing out in the parking lot chatting up a cute girl when a hot sports car pulled up next to the arena. Joel Kovach got out. The girl was ignored as Rick practically drooled all over the car. Joel said that he had just gotten it and referred to it as "his baby." Rick asked him if he was ready for his non-title match tonight. Joel said he was, that he had the perfect opponent picked out. Rick asked who it was. Joel smiled and told him to wait like everyone else. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) Sarah Eisen was still in her office, propping her head up between her hands. She looked horrible. That's when the Outcasts came into the office. Skull seemed pretty hesitant to talk to her, but Remo was insistent. Remo pointed out to Sarah that the Bumfholes hadn't been booked into a match to defend their tag titles at "The Supreme Challenge" yet. He said that after the way Randy and Zimmy tricked everyone at their expense, the Outcasts deserve to one last title shot. Sarah looked up and said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You want a title shot?"[/COLOR] Skull, assuming that Sarah was about to refuse, insisted that he and Remo were just leaving. Sarah stopped him and told them that she loved the idea. She said that every time the Bumfholes defended their titles against the Outcasts, the fans couldn't get enough. And she said she knew how upset they were about Randy faking his injury. She said she was just as upset. She said if he wanted to cry about something, she would give him something to cry about, namely by booking him in a match where the chances that he will get injured increases significantly. She was booking Outcasts vs. Bumfholes III, for the SWF Tag Team Championship ... only this time, it would be held in a steel cage! Remo and Skull were stunned. Finally, Skull piped up and asked, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Do we have the right office? We were looking for Sarah Eisen. Who are you?"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Chris Caulfield was in the ring. He stared at the big screen in shock. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Did you hear that?"[/COLOR] he asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"A steel cage match at 'The Supreme Challenge'!" [/COLOR]He shuddered. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Just the thought gives me goosebumps! The only thing is, it also makes me sad, 'cuz I'm not in it. I mean, steel cage? That's hardcore, and you don't get more hardcore than me. "Come to think of it, why should the Outcasts and the Bumfholes have all the fun? They ain't gonna out-do me when it comes to hardcore, no way! That's why I'm going to hold the Chris Caulfield Hardcore Invitational at 'The Supreme Challenge.' It'll kind of be like the Battle Royal we had two months ago, only this time, anything goes! Weapons, pinfalls, whatever. No rules, just ten guys go in, the winner is the last one standing! "By why wait until then? I'll issue an open challenge right now. Anybody that wants to come out and play hardcore, let's get it on right here, right now!"[/COLOR] Out came Flex to accept the challenge. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] for the open challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the response 8) CHRIS CAULFIELD vs. FLEX in a hardcore match Little known fact about Flex: aside from Eddie and Chris, he's one of the best hardcore brawlers we have, and it showed in this match. These two pulled out all the stops (and most of the junk we hide under the ring) and kept the fans screaming for more. Flex showed his ability early on, but the fans still booed him, especially when Pex came out to give him a hand, delivering a major face-buster to a stop sign. But even with Pex's help, they couldn't keep Chris down. He came roaring back, taking out Pex first before delivering a Danger Drop to Flex on a steel chair. WINNER: [B]Chris Caulfield [/B]in 17:46 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 9) Texas Pete sauntered out to the ring and got a mic. He said that he was about to defend his North American Championship against Ricky Dale Johnson, but before he did, he wanted to talk to Joey Minnesota for a bit. He said he understood that Joey was all bent out of shape. Tex said he would be too. But he also said he was getting sick and tired of all the whining that Joey was doing in the backstage area. Tex said it's a cliche, but it's one that you often heard in Texas back in the day: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"The SWF just ain't got room for the two of us."[/COLOR] That's why he suggested that they make their match at "The Supreme Challenge" a "Loser Leaves Town" match. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 10) [B]RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. TEXAS PETE (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] Not a very good match. Tex and RDJ didn't click in the ring and it was noticable. But they did their best to cover it, as did the announcers. The match see-sawed back and forth with neither man gaining a clear advantage. And we'll never really know how it would have all worked out, seeing as Rich Money charged the ring and attacked RDJ. The ref called for the bell immediately. WINNER: [B] Ricky Dale Johnson [/B]by DQ in 8:46 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 11) Tex tried to get into Rich's face, but Rich simply grabbed him by the neck and tossed him over the top rope. Rich then got a mic and leaned down into RDJ's face. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"So you want to keep me quiet about Jennifer, huh? Is that it? I don't really feel like doing that, but tell you what, I'll give you a fighting chance. You, me, 'The Supreme Challenge'. If you win, I'll keep quiet. If you lose, I get to shout it from a mountain top."[/COLOR] Rich dropped the mic on RDJ's chest and, after shooting a leer at Jennifer, rolled out of the ring and stormed back up the ramp. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 12) Marc DuBois appared on camera, a bandage on his forehead and tape around his ribs. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"A lot of people are already counting me out of my match with Tim Westybrook at 'The Supreme Challenge'. They say that I took too much of a beating last week in that ladder match. They say that Tim Westybrook is The Iron Man, that there isn't a tougher man in professional wrestling. They say that I'm out of my league, that Tim's going to wreck me, that I've never faced anyone quite like him before.[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Well, let me tell all of you doubters something. Tim Westybrook has never had to face someone like me in his career and he never will again. I keep hearing how he's 'The Unstoppable Force' and 'The Iron Man'. Well, I am the Marc of Excellence in professional wrestling. I am a legend in the making. As for my injuries..." [/COLOR]He ripped off the tape and the bandage. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Who cares if I'm a little banged up? It's not going to stop me from absolutely destroying Tim Westybrook this Saturday. Tim, you may have your fans, but at the end of our match, they'll all be singing my praises."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) Joel Kovach came out to the ring. He talked a little about his match with Archangel, but he said it was nice knowing that he could spend a week and not worry about being attacked by that lunatic. But, he said, he didn't want his phenomenal skills to get rusty and he certainly wanted to put on a good show for the fans that were gathered here tonight. That's why he deigned to put on a match for them. He would go one-on-one with one of the most overlooked wrestlers in the SWF, a man with limitless potential who has nowhere to go but up .... that's right, tonight, he was going to face none other than ... Delirious Dan. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"What?"[/COLOR] Jerry Eisen cried. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Are you kidding me? This is a joke, right? Dan is nowhere near Joel's league!"[/COLOR] As a very terrified Dan made his way to the ring, Emma Chase tried to play up Dan's assets, pointing out his great physique, his superior intellect, his ... [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Never mind. You're right. He's going to die."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) [B]DELIRIOUS DAN vs. JOEL KOVACH[/B] This wasn't pretty to look at, and I suspect we're going to take a hit in terms of rating for this, but hey, it was still kind of fun. Joel destroyed Dan in the ring. He allowed Dan to toss a few punches in the beginning, but he easily shook them off and made it clear that Dan wasn't hurting him. He then ran over Dan with a clothesline and spent the rest of the match beating Dan up. He nailed him with an Old School Drop and pinned him, but then hauled his shoulder off the mat before the ref could reach three. He then picked up Dan, who looked pretty much out on his feet, and started to whip him around the ring some more. But then Archangel's face appeared on the big screen. He called out Joel's name, who stopped and let Dan hit the mat. Dan slunk away and pulled himself up the ropes and just stared out into the audience with glassy eyes. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You know, Joel, you'd think that I'd hate the fact that I can't lay my hands on you this week. You would think that with all the rage I have over how I've been treated by you and because of you, I'd be chomping at the bit to just rush in there and attack you ... You'd think that, but then, I've waited a long time to fight you. What's one more week of waiting? "But what to do with my free time? Hmmmmm. Let me think about that."[/COLOR] The camera pulled out to reveal that Archangel was standing outside the arena. More than that, it revealed that he had a sledgehammer slung over his shoulders. And then it was revealed that he was standing next to Joel's new sports car. Joel shook his head, his eyes wide with horror, as Archangel said that maybe he'd go into the Demolition Derby. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I hope you remembered to get insurance."[/COLOR] He then swung the hammer and smashed the hood of Joel's car. Joel screamed in rage as Archangel busted out the windows and knocked off the mirrors and caved in the doors. Finally, Joel couldn't take anymore and raced out of the ring. The ref called after him, but Joel didn't seem to hear him. The ref looked at Dan, who was technically vertical, and started the count. On a split screen, we watched the ref make the ten count while Joel charged through the backstage area. Joel never seemed to remember that he was still in a match, even as the ref hit ten. Dan seemed absolutely shocked that he won. So did the audience, and I'm not sure they were happy about that. WINNER: [B]Delirious Dan [/B]by Count-Out in 5:48 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 15) Joel Kovach exploded through the exit doors of the arena into the parking lot, only to discover that Archangel was gone. Joel's car, however, was still there. Needless to say, it was a wreck. Fluids were pooling under it and running all over the pavement. The show closed with a close up of Joel's wide eyes. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] As I suspected, the match with Dan hurt us ratings-wise. But you know, sometimes you just have to do stuff like that for "shiggles". And hey, even with Liberty taking on Nemesis, TCW didn't do much better than us. I know that's not an excuse, but it makes me feel a little better. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM- [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Darryl Devine & Robert Oxford defeated Sexual Aggression [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Chris Caulfield defeated Flex in [COLOR="Purple"]a hardcore match [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Texas Pete (c) by DQ and so Tex retains [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Delirious Dan defeated Joel Kovach by Count-Out [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 2, July 2008[/I] (The Go-Home Show for [COLOR="DarkRed"]"The Supreme Challenge"[/COLOR]) Held at the Wisconsin Gardens in the Great Lakes Territory 8,225 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Ana Garcia welcomed us to another edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. 1) Things started off with a graphic announcing tonight's main event: a three-man tag team match. Archangel and the Outcasts would take on three members of Karma, namely Marc DuBois, Bruce the Giant, and Rick Law. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) [B]KID TOMA vs. ANDRE JONES[/B] A pretty average match from two of our openers. Kid finished off Andre with a Long Range Headbutt. WINNER: [B]Kid Toma [/B]in 7:52 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) As Kid celebrated his win, Akima charged the ring and attacked him. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) Ricky Dale Johnson appeared on screen with Jennifer at his side. He glared at the camera and said that he was sick and tired of Rich Money harrassing Jennifer. He said that Rich didn't have a right to threaten to tell everyone what was going on. He said that was a private matter that Jennifer preferred to leave in the past. He siad he had half a mind to forget about a match and just kick Rich's ass the next time he saw him, but he figured this way, he won't go to jail for doing it. He'll be there. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 5) Archangel, Skull DeBones, and Remo appeared on screen. Rather than address their opponents for tonight, they instead taunted the people they'd face at "The Supreme Challenge". The Outcasts started things off. They told the Bumfholes that they were getting what they deserved. They listed off the numerous things that the Bumfholes had done to tick people off and said that they were going to pay the piper in a steel cage. Remo said they only had themselves to blame for it. Then Archangel taunted Joel. He asked Joel how he got to the hotel after [I]Invasion![/I] and if he had bought a new car yet. He mocked Joel for not having the courage to show up at [I]Warzone[/I] tonight but said that was okay. Come Saturday, there was no place he could run, nowhere he could hide. The two of them were finally going to fight it out. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) It's time of "Ask Dan!" Dan appeared on set and seemed pretty banged up from his match. He thanked all the well-wishers who sent him e-mails and cards after the beating he took. But before he could get to this week's letter, Bob Carlson appeared on the set. Bob said he had a question for Dan: how did he think Joel Kovach felt, seeing as how Dan technically beat him earlier this week? When Dan didn't answer right away, Bob moved on and asked a follow-up question: did Dan feel safer since Joel wasn't there tonight? Before Dan could answer that one, Bob informed him that he shouldn't. He then attacked Dan and beat on him for a while before dragging him out to the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 7) [B]DELIRIOUS DAN vs. BOB CARLSON[/B] Bob basically tore Dan apart and the crowd really didn't care. Bob finally stood Dan up so he could deliver a Missile Drop Kick from the top rope before pinning him and putting everyone out of their misery. WINNER: [B]Bob Carlson [/B]in 6:55 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 8) The Bumfholes meekly approached Sarah Eisen backstage. They apologized to her for all of their misdeeds over the past several weeks. Zimmy seemed genuinely sorry. Randy, on the other hand, seemed a little put out that he was apologizing. They threw themselves on her mercy, asking her to please get them out of the title shot at "The Supreme Challenge". Or, at the very least, change the stipulations so it wouldn't be a cage match anymore. Sarah didn't answer right away, which proved to be too much for Randy. He exploded, shouting about how he knew approaching Sarah wouldn't do any good. He said that Sarah claimed to have Karma's best interests in mind, but really, all she cared about was herself and maybe Joel Kovach, not anybody else. That's why she allowed Joel to injure Wanda Fish so badly. That's why she kept throwing Marc DuBois into ridiculously hard matches before "The Supreme Challenge". That's why she wasn't going to listen to them now. Sarah's face darkened and she informed them that she was a team player, she did have Karma's best interests in mind, but obviously, the Bumfholes didn't. She ordered them out of her office, telling them that the match was still on! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 9) [B]BJ SHEARER vs. TEXAS PETE (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] Both men were pretty tired out at the end of this match, but that's okay. They really put their all into it. BJ came close a few times to scoring a pinfall but he couldn't keep Tex's shoulders on the mat. In the end, Tex rolled BJ into a small package but then used BJ's trunks to keep him down. WINNER: [B]Texas Pete [/B]in 11:40 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) Tex was celebrating his win when Joey Minnesota came out to the ring entrance. He said that he had given it a lot of thought and he was in. Their match at "The Supreme Challenge" would be a "Loser Leaves Town" match. Joey suggested that Tex shouldn't bother to unpack his bag this Saturday; it'll just be a waste of time. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 11) Tim Westybrook appeared on screen and hyped his match against Marc DuBois this Saturday. He said that Marc's words earlier this week didn't scare him. They only lit a fire under him. He was really looking forward to when they could face off against each other. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) Bruce the Giant and Rick Law were getting ready for the main event when Marc DuBois came into the room. Rick and Bruce stared at Marc stoically and the Warmaster returned their gaze. Finally, Marc broke the silence by saying that he knew that the three of them hadn't exactly been seeing eye to eye recently. But he pointed out that they were all still members of Karma and part of a team. He hoped that they could work together tonight to show people why Karma was still a force to be reckoned with. Bruce and Rick agreed immediately, but when Marc left the room, their faces darkened. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 13) [B]ARCHANGEL & THE OUTCASTS vs. MARC DuBOIS, BRUCE THE GIANT, & RICK LAW[/B] This was a great match. Really put a nice cap on the night. Archangel and Bruce started off the match. Archangel had a little bit of a struggle fighting the giant, but he eventually hit his stride and took the fight to Bruce. Things proceeded from there, with each man getting a chance to shine. But then things degenerated. Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole charged out from the back and attacked the Outcasts. The two tag teams brawled at ringside. Archangel tried to stop them, only to get caught by Marc and dropped with the Marc of Excellence. Marc was pretty pleased with himself, so he went over to his corner and started to climb the turnbuckles to deliver some major, high flying move. That's when Bruce the Giant blind-tagged his way in. Marc was not pleased about that. He got off the turnbuckles and got in Bruce's face, basically ordering Bruce to get back into their corner. Bruce shoved Marc, so Marc shoved him back. Pretty soon the two of them were exchanging blows. Marc tried to deliver the Marc of Excellence to Bruce, but he couldn't get the big man off his feet. Instead, Bruce grabbed Marc by the throat and slammed him into the mat with a Giant Chokeslam. He and Rick then left the ring, walking past a startled ref who had been trying to get the Bumfholes out of there the whole time. The ref got back into the ring to discover both men down and out. He started to count them both out. The Outcasts got back up on the apron and shouted encouragement to Archangel to get up again. Both men staggered to their feet and Marc yanked Double-A away from his corner and started beating on him again. Archangel managed to fight back. Marc tried to bail, turning to his corner to tag someone in, but he found no one. He turned around and walked right into a boot to the gut. Then Archangel nailed him with the Fall From Grace and made the pin. WINNERS: [B]Archangel & The Outcasts [/B]in 15:34 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 14) Archangel and the Outcasts were celebrating in the ring when the big screen came to life. Joel Kovach appeared, calling Archangel's name. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"So you want to play games, do you? You think it's funny to wreck my car like that? Well, I like games too. Let's play one right now. I call this game, 'Guess Where I Am.'"[/COLOR] The camera pulled out to show a darkened street with a line of houses. Archangel's eyes went wide and he started shaking his head, shouting for Joel to get out of there. Joel appeared on camera again. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Now, I doubt that any of our viewers playing at home really knows where this is, but Archangel, I bet you know full well. For those of you without a clue, we're standing outside the home of SWF's own Emma Chase! You know, the woman that Archangel almost married a couple of years ago? Now, I know that Archangel claims that he doesn't have any feelings for Emma anymore, but really, when you go through what Emma and Archangel did, can you ever really give up all your love? Let's find out how Emma feels about this."[/COLOR] Joel walked up to a door and knocked on it. A voice asked who it was. Joel said it was karmic retribution for Archangel. Emma peeked out the door and shrieked when she saw who it was. Joel then kicked open the door and chased Emma inside. As Archangel screamed in rage in the ring, Joel stalked Emma through her house. He finally caught her in the kitchen. He backed her into a corner and asked her if she thought her angel would come and protect her, then laughed at the idea, saying that Archangel was halfway across the country and that meant it was just the two of them. Emma cried, her eyes screwed shut in terror, as Joel leaned his head in near hers and looked at the camera, asking Archangel how it felt to be so impotent, asking him how he would feel if Emma got hurt tonight. Joel said it would be Archangel's fault. Emma then kneed Joel in the groin and tried to run. Joel roared in pain but reached out and snared Emma by her hair. He then yanked, pulling her off her feet. She dropped to the floor with a thud, disappearing behind a counter. The camera came around and showed her splayed out on the floor, unconscious. Joel looked down at her fallen form, then looked at the camera with an evil smile. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"See you on Saturday."[/COLOR] He then stepped over Emma's body and walked out of the room, leaving the camera to linger on her unconscious form. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] The announcers had a hard time making their way through the card for Saturday: [B]DARRYL DEVINE (C) vs. ANGRY GILMORE for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] [/B]([COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR]) [B]RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. RICH MONEY [/B]([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) [B]THE CHRIS CAULFIELD HARDCORE INVITATIONAL [/B]([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) [B]THE OUTCASTS vs. THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES (C) in [COLOR="Purple"]a cage match [/COLOR]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) [B]JOEY MINNESOTA vs. TEXAS PETE (C) in [COLOR="Purple"]a "Loser Leaves Town" match [/COLOR]for [COLOR="red"]the SWF North American Championship [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK vs. MARC DuBOIS (C) for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. JOEL KOVACH (C) for [COLOR="red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/B]([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I think the final match and Joel's segment really saved our bacon on this show. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Kid Toma defeated Andre Jones [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Bob Carlson defeated Delirious Dan[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Texas Pete (c) defeated BJ Shearer to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Archangel & the Outcasts defeated Marc DuBois, Bruce the Giant, and Rick Law [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] As always, predictions, comments, suggestions, heck, even complaints, are welcome.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 2, July 2008[/I] (The Go-Home Show for [COLOR="DarkRed"]"The Supreme Challenge"[/COLOR]) Held at the Wisconsin Gardens in the Great Lakes Territory 8,225 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Ana Garcia welcomed us to another edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. 1) Things started off with a graphic announcing tonight's main event: a three-man tag team match. Archangel and the Outcasts would take on three members of Karma, namely Marc DuBois, Bruce the Giant, and Rick Law. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) [B]KID TOMA vs. ANDRE JONES[/B] A pretty average match from two of our openers. Kid finished off Andre with a Long Range Headbutt. WINNER: [B]Kid Toma [/B]in 7:52 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) As Kid celebrated his win, Akima charged the ring and attacked him. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) Ricky Dale Johnson appeared on screen with Jennifer at his side. He glared at the camera and said that he was sick and tired of Rich Money harrassing Jennifer. He said that Rich didn't have a right to threaten to tell everyone what was going on. He said that was a private matter that Jennifer preferred to leave in the past. He siad he had half a mind to forget about a match and just kick Rich's ass the next time he saw him, but he figured this way, he won't go to jail for doing it. He'll be there. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 5) Archangel, Skull DeBones, and Remo appeared on screen. Rather than address their opponents for tonight, they instead taunted the people they'd face at "The Supreme Challenge". The Outcasts started things off. They told the Bumfholes that they were getting what they deserved. They listed off the numerous things that the Bumfholes had done to tick people off and said that they were going to pay the piper in a steel cage. Remo said they only had themselves to blame for it. Then Archangel taunted Joel. He asked Joel how he got to the hotel after [I]Invasion![/I] and if he had bought a new car yet. He mocked Joel for not having the courage to show up at [I]Warzone[/I] tonight but said that was okay. Come Saturday, there was no place he could run, nowhere he could hide. The two of them were finally going to fight it out. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) It's time of "Ask Dan!" Dan appeared on set and seemed pretty banged up from his match. He thanked all the well-wishers who sent him e-mails and cards after the beating he took. But before he could get to this week's letter, Bob Carlson appeared on the set. Bob said he had a question for Dan: how did he think Joel Kovach felt, seeing as how Dan technically beat him earlier this week? When Dan didn't answer right away, Bob moved on and asked a follow-up question: did Dan feel safer since Joel wasn't there tonight? Before Dan could answer that one, Bob informed him that he shouldn't. He then attacked Dan and beat on him for a while before dragging him out to the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 7) [B]DELIRIOUS DAN vs. BOB CARLSON[/B] Bob basically tore Dan apart and the crowd really didn't care. Bob finally stood Dan up so he could deliver a Missile Drop Kick from the top rope before pinning him and putting everyone out of their misery. WINNER: [B]Bob Carlson [/B]in 6:55 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 8) The Bumfholes meekly approached Sarah Eisen backstage. They apologized to her for all of their misdeeds over the past several weeks. Zimmy seemed genuinely sorry. Randy, on the other hand, seemed a little put out that he was apologizing. They threw themselves on her mercy, asking her to please get them out of the title shot at "The Supreme Challenge". Or, at the very least, change the stipulations so it wouldn't be a cage match anymore. Sarah didn't answer right away, which proved to be too much for Randy. He exploded, shouting about how he knew approaching Sarah wouldn't do any good. He said that Sarah claimed to have Karma's best interests in mind, but really, all she cared about was herself and maybe Joel Kovach, not anybody else. That's why she allowed Joel to injure Wanda Fish so badly. That's why she kept throwing Marc DuBois into ridiculously hard matches before "The Supreme Challenge". That's why she wasn't going to listen to them now. Sarah's face darkened and she informed them that she was a team player, she did have Karma's best interests in mind, but obviously, the Bumfholes didn't. She ordered them out of her office, telling them that the match was still on! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 9) [B]BJ SHEARER vs. TEXAS PETE (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] Both men were pretty tired out at the end of this match, but that's okay. They really put their all into it. BJ came close a few times to scoring a pinfall but he couldn't keep Tex's shoulders on the mat. In the end, Tex rolled BJ into a small package but then used BJ's trunks to keep him down. WINNER: [B]Texas Pete [/B]in 11:40 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) Tex was celebrating his win when Joey Minnesota came out to the ring entrance. He said that he had given it a lot of thought and he was in. Their match at "The Supreme Challenge" would be a "Loser Leaves Town" match. Joey suggested that Tex shouldn't bother to unpack his bag this Saturday; it'll just be a waste of time. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 11) Tim Westybrook appeared on screen and hyped his match against Marc DuBois this Saturday. He said that Marc's words earlier this week didn't scare him. They only lit a fire under him. He was really looking forward to when they could face off against each other. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) Bruce the Giant and Rick Law were getting ready for the main event when Marc DuBois came into the room. Rick and Bruce stared at Marc stoically and the Warmaster returned their gaze. Finally, Marc broke the silence by saying that he knew that the three of them hadn't exactly been seeing eye to eye recently. But he pointed out that they were all still members of Karma and part of a team. He hoped that they could work together tonight to show people why Karma was still a force to be reckoned with. Bruce and Rick agreed immediately, but when Marc left the room, their faces darkened. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 13) [B]ARCHANGEL & THE OUTCASTS vs. MARC DuBOIS, BRUCE THE GIANT, & RICK LAW[/B] This was a great match. Really put a nice cap on the night. Archangel and Bruce started off the match. Archangel had a little bit of a struggle fighting the giant, but he eventually hit his stride and took the fight to Bruce. Things proceeded from there, with each man getting a chance to shine. But then things degenerated. Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole charged out from the back and attacked the Outcasts. The two tag teams brawled at ringside. Archangel tried to stop them, only to get caught by Marc and dropped with the Marc of Excellence. Marc was pretty pleased with himself, so he went over to his corner and started to climb the turnbuckles to deliver some major, high flying move. That's when Bruce the Giant blind-tagged his way in. Marc was not pleased about that. He got off the turnbuckles and got in Bruce's face, basically ordering Bruce to get back into their corner. Bruce shoved Marc, so Marc shoved him back. Pretty soon the two of them were exchanging blows. Marc tried to deliver the Marc of Excellence to Bruce, but he couldn't get the big man off his feet. Instead, Bruce grabbed Marc by the throat and slammed him into the mat with a Giant Chokeslam. He and Rick then left the ring, walking past a startled ref who had been trying to get the Bumfholes out of there the whole time. The ref got back into the ring to discover both men down and out. He started to count them both out. The Outcasts got back up on the apron and shouted encouragement to Archangel to get up again. Both men staggered to their feet and Marc yanked Double-A away from his corner and started beating on him again. Archangel managed to fight back. Marc tried to bail, turning to his corner to tag someone in, but he found no one. He turned around and walked right into a boot to the gut. Then Archangel nailed him with the Fall From Grace and made the pin. WINNERS: [B]Archangel & The Outcasts [/B]in 15:34 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 14) Archangel and the Outcasts were celebrating in the ring when the big screen came to life. Joel Kovach appeared, calling Archangel's name. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"So you want to play games, do you? You think it's funny to wreck my car like that? Well, I like games too. Let's play one right now. I call this game, 'Guess Where I Am.'"[/COLOR] The camera pulled out to show a darkened street with a line of houses. Archangel's eyes went wide and he started shaking his head, shouting for Joel to get out of there. Joel appeared on camera again. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Now, I doubt that any of our viewers playing at home really knows where this is, but Archangel, I bet you know full well. For those of you without a clue, we're standing outside the home of SWF's own Emma Chase! You know, the woman that Archangel almost married a couple of years ago? Now, I know that Archangel claims that he doesn't have any feelings for Emma anymore, but really, when you go through what Emma and Archangel did, can you ever really give up all your love? Let's find out how Emma feels about this."[/COLOR] Joel walked up to a door and knocked on it. A voice asked who it was. Joel said it was karmic retribution for Archangel. Emma peeked out the door and shrieked when she saw who it was. Joel then kicked open the door and chased Emma inside. As Archangel screamed in rage in the ring, Joel stalked Emma through her house. He finally caught her in the kitchen. He backed her into a corner and asked her if she thought her angel would come and protect her, then laughed at the idea, saying that Archangel was halfway across the country and that meant it was just the two of them. Emma cried, her eyes screwed shut in terror, as Joel leaned his head in near hers and looked at the camera, asking Archangel how it felt to be so impotent, asking him how he would feel if Emma got hurt tonight. Joel said it would be Archangel's fault. Emma then kneed Joel in the groin and tried to run. Joel roared in pain but reached out and snared Emma by her hair. He then yanked, pulling her off her feet. She dropped to the floor with a thud, disappearing behind a counter. The camera came around and showed her splayed out on the floor, unconscious. Joel looked down at her fallen form, then looked at the camera with an evil smile. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"See you on Saturday."[/COLOR] He then stepped over Emma's body and walked out of the room, leaving the camera to linger on her unconscious form. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] The announcers had a hard time making their way through the card for Saturday: [B]DARRYL DEVINE (C) vs. ANGRY GILMORE for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] [/B]([COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR]) [B]RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. RICH MONEY [/B]([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) [B]THE CHRIS CAULFIELD HARDCORE INVITATIONAL [/B]([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) [B]THE OUTCASTS vs. THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES (C) in [COLOR="Purple"]a cage match [/COLOR]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) [B]JOEY MINNESOTA vs. TEXAS PETE (C) in [COLOR="Purple"]a "Loser Leaves Town" match [/COLOR]for [COLOR="red"]the SWF North American Championship [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK vs. MARC DuBOIS (C) for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. JOEL KOVACH (C) for [COLOR="red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/B]([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I think the final match and Joel's segment really saved our bacon on this show. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Kid Toma defeated Andre Jones [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Bob Carlson defeated Delirious Dan[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Texas Pete (c) defeated BJ Shearer to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Archangel & the Outcasts defeated Marc DuBois, Bruce the Giant, and Rick Law [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] As always, predictions, comments, suggestions, heck, even complaints, are welcome.
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[B]DARRYL DEVINE[/B] (C) vs. ANGRY GILMORE for the SWF 10-Minute Championship (B-) Just don't think there's been enough in this storyline to suggest that Angry Gilmore is gonna pull out the win. Don't mind who wins though, love both characters. [B]RICKY DALE JOHNSON[/B] vs. RICH MONEY (B+) Reminds me of Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio, the whole if I win I tell the world angle. So, I'm going to gues that RDJ wins, only for Rich Money to tell the world on Invasion, anyway! I'm glad Rich Money has a storyline now though, because I do like him, but he usually takes a back seat to Remo, cause they were tag partners. I know I've done it before. The Allmighty Dollar were my biggest and baddest tag team, but when they lost the titles, it's almost as if Remo went straight into the title picture, and Rich Money got forgotten. THE CHRIS CAULFIELD HARDCORE INVITATIONAL (A) Chris Caulfield, Eddie Peak or some former DAVE Superstar for the win! [B]THE OUTCASTS[/B] vs. THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES (C) in a cage match for the SWF Tag Team Championship (A) I think it's time for a change, my only worry about it is, Remo and Skull not being available to get involved in the title picture, but I'm writing this, not knowing where abouts they are on your card, Main Event or Uppermidcard. Just feel the Bumfholes have had it for long enough now to lose it though. [B]JOEY MINNESOTA[/B] vs. TEXAS PETE (C) in a "Loser Leaves Town" match for the SWF North American Championship (B+) Joey can't leave and he can't lose to Texas Pete. I like Joey and I hate Texas Pete. Don't you dare push Texas over Joey! lol! TIM WESTYBROOK vs. [B]MARC DuBOIS [/B](C) for the SWF Warmaster Title (A) Like them both, all though I've never actually made Tim into a star in any of my games. Marc I have, because it's easy too. Anyway, Marc's had the majority of the focus, and Tim's slowed down since his championship days. So I give the win to Marc. ARCHANGEL vs. [B]JOEL KOVACH[/B] (C) for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (A) Too obvious for Archangel to win the title on his first attempt. But who knows, you might think that we think you won't do it, so do it anyway. If you get my point!
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[B]DARRYL DEVINE[/B] (C) vs. ANGRY GILMORE for the SWF 10-Minute Championship (B-) Just don't think there's been enough in this storyline to suggest that Angry Gilmore is gonna pull out the win. Don't mind who wins though, love both characters. [B]RICKY DALE JOHNSON[/B] vs. RICH MONEY (B+) Reminds me of Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio, the whole if I win I tell the world angle. So, I'm going to gues that RDJ wins, only for Rich Money to tell the world on Invasion, anyway! I'm glad Rich Money has a storyline now though, because I do like him, but he usually takes a back seat to Remo, cause they were tag partners. I know I've done it before. The Allmighty Dollar were my biggest and baddest tag team, but when they lost the titles, it's almost as if Remo went straight into the title picture, and Rich Money got forgotten. THE CHRIS CAULFIELD HARDCORE INVITATIONAL (A) Chris Caulfield, Eddie Peak or some former DAVE Superstar for the win! [B]THE OUTCASTS[/B] vs. THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES (C) in a cage match for the SWF Tag Team Championship (A) I think it's time for a change, my only worry about it is, Remo and Skull not being available to get involved in the title picture, but I'm writing this, not knowing where abouts they are on your card, Main Event or Uppermidcard. Just feel the Bumfholes have had it for long enough now to lose it though. [B]JOEY MINNESOTA[/B] vs. TEXAS PETE (C) in a "Loser Leaves Town" match for the SWF North American Championship (B+) Joey can't leave and he can't lose to Texas Pete. I like Joey and I hate Texas Pete. Don't you dare push Texas over Joey! lol! TIM WESTYBROOK vs. [B]MARC DuBOIS [/B](C) for the SWF Warmaster Title (A) Like them both, all though I've never actually made Tim into a star in any of my games. Marc I have, because it's easy too. Anyway, Marc's had the majority of the focus, and Tim's slowed down since his championship days. So I give the win to Marc. ARCHANGEL vs. [B]JOEL KOVACH[/B] (C) for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (A) Too obvious for Archangel to win the title on his first attempt. But who knows, you might think that we think you won't do it, so do it anyway. If you get my point!
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[I]DARRYL DEVINE[/I] (C) vs. ANGRY GILMORE for the SWF 10-Minute Championship I'm glad Angry's back, and these two could have quite a feud, but for now it's a win for Darryl [I]RICKY DALE JOHNSON[/I] vs. RICH MONEY Rich Money. The secret we can't hear would be as rubbish as someone having to keep a secret about a kid and then just saying it anyway a few weeks later. THE CHRIS CAULFIELD HARDCORE INVITATIONAL You're building up Chris well, but I get a feeling that [I]Eddie Peak [/I]will win this and steal some of his fire, which could lead to a feud. [I]THE OUTCASTS[/I] vs. THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES (C) in a cage match for the SWF Tag Team Championship I will keep saying that The Outcasts will win until they do. [I]JOEY MINNESOTA[/I] vs. TEXAS PETE (C) in a "Loser Leaves Town" match for the SWF North American Championship Joey Minnesota. You gave Pete the chance. He hasn't done anything with it. TIM WESTYBROOK vs. [I]MARC DuBOIS[/I] (C) for the SWF Warmaster Title I think Westybrook will win, but I'd actually prefer DuBois to retain here. He's stayed really involved in the main storylines, while Tim has slipped back into a role of "someone after a title". [I]ARCHANGEL[/I] vs. JOEL KOVACH (C) for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship No rematch? Well, Archangel's got to win it - he'll have plenty of people to feud with (I'm thinking DuBois after he loses his title... oh hang on, that's not what I predicted), while Kovach seems to have annoyed half the roster during his reign, so will have plenty of opposition
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[I]DARRYL DEVINE[/I] (C) vs. ANGRY GILMORE for the SWF 10-Minute Championship I'm glad Angry's back, and these two could have quite a feud, but for now it's a win for Darryl [I]RICKY DALE JOHNSON[/I] vs. RICH MONEY Rich Money. The secret we can't hear would be as rubbish as someone having to keep a secret about a kid and then just saying it anyway a few weeks later. THE CHRIS CAULFIELD HARDCORE INVITATIONAL You're building up Chris well, but I get a feeling that [I]Eddie Peak [/I]will win this and steal some of his fire, which could lead to a feud. [I]THE OUTCASTS[/I] vs. THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES (C) in a cage match for the SWF Tag Team Championship I will keep saying that The Outcasts will win until they do. [I]JOEY MINNESOTA[/I] vs. TEXAS PETE (C) in a "Loser Leaves Town" match for the SWF North American Championship Joey Minnesota. You gave Pete the chance. He hasn't done anything with it. TIM WESTYBROOK vs. [I]MARC DuBOIS[/I] (C) for the SWF Warmaster Title I think Westybrook will win, but I'd actually prefer DuBois to retain here. He's stayed really involved in the main storylines, while Tim has slipped back into a role of "someone after a title". [I]ARCHANGEL[/I] vs. JOEL KOVACH (C) for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship No rematch? Well, Archangel's got to win it - he'll have plenty of people to feud with (I'm thinking DuBois after he loses his title... oh hang on, that's not what I predicted), while Kovach seems to have annoyed half the roster during his reign, so will have plenty of opposition
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[B]DARRYL DEVINE (C)[/B] vs. ANGRY GILMORE for the SWF 10-Minute Championship RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. RICH MONEY THE [B]CHRIS CAULFIELD[/B] HARDCORE INVITATIONAL [B]THE OUTCASTS[/B] vs. THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES (C) in a cage match for the SWF Tag Team Championship [B]JOEY MINNESOTA[/B] vs. TEXAS PETE (C) in a "Loser Leaves Town" match for the SWF North American Championship [B]TIM WESTYBROOK[/B] vs. MARC DuBOIS (C) for the SWF Warmaster Title [B]ARCHANGEL[/B] vs. JOEL KOVACH (C) for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship I forsee a bad night for Karma. I have to ask though--for some reason, most of the RDJ/Money fued has just gone over my head. There's this Jenny person who suddenly appeared. Maybe I missed a show or something, but I'm completely lost with this one.
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[B]DARRYL DEVINE (C)[/B] vs. ANGRY GILMORE for the SWF 10-Minute Championship RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. RICH MONEY THE [B]CHRIS CAULFIELD[/B] HARDCORE INVITATIONAL [B]THE OUTCASTS[/B] vs. THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES (C) in a cage match for the SWF Tag Team Championship [B]JOEY MINNESOTA[/B] vs. TEXAS PETE (C) in a "Loser Leaves Town" match for the SWF North American Championship [B]TIM WESTYBROOK[/B] vs. MARC DuBOIS (C) for the SWF Warmaster Title [B]ARCHANGEL[/B] vs. JOEL KOVACH (C) for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship I forsee a bad night for Karma. I have to ask though--for some reason, most of the RDJ/Money fued has just gone over my head. There's this Jenny person who suddenly appeared. Maybe I missed a show or something, but I'm completely lost with this one.
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[B]DARRYL DEVINE (C)[/B] vs. ANGRY GILMORE for the SWF 10-Minute Championship (B-) I think the 10-minute championship is to low for Gillmore, so Darryl should keep the strap. [B]RICKY DALE JOHNSON[/B] vs. RICH MONEY (B+) Rich Money will job here. THE CHRIS CAULFIELD HARDCORE INVITATIONAL (A) Eddie Peak [B]THE OUTCASTS[/B] vs. THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES (C) in a cage match for the SWF Tag Team Championship (A) I would like a title change here. [B]JOEY MINNESOTA[/B] vs. TEXAS PETE (C) in a "Loser Leaves Town" match for the SWF North American Championship (B+) Please don't put Pete over TIM WESTYBROOK vs. [B]MARC DuBOIS (C)[/B] for the SWF Warmaster Title (A) This should be the match of the night, Marc to go over ARCHANGEL vs. [B]JOEL KOVACH (C)[/B] for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (A) Archangle wins the rematch, but not tonight
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[B]DARRYL DEVINE (C)[/B] vs. ANGRY GILMORE for the SWF 10-Minute Championship (B-) I think the 10-minute championship is to low for Gillmore, so Darryl should keep the strap. [B]RICKY DALE JOHNSON[/B] vs. RICH MONEY (B+) Rich Money will job here. THE CHRIS CAULFIELD HARDCORE INVITATIONAL (A) Eddie Peak [B]THE OUTCASTS[/B] vs. THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES (C) in a cage match for the SWF Tag Team Championship (A) I would like a title change here. [B]JOEY MINNESOTA[/B] vs. TEXAS PETE (C) in a "Loser Leaves Town" match for the SWF North American Championship (B+) Please don't put Pete over TIM WESTYBROOK vs. [B]MARC DuBOIS (C)[/B] for the SWF Warmaster Title (A) This should be the match of the night, Marc to go over ARCHANGEL vs. [B]JOEL KOVACH (C)[/B] for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (A) Archangle wins the rematch, but not tonight
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