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WWE 2004: The Coming Storm

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Hardcore Holly vs Rhyno



WWE Tag Team Championship

Los Guerreros' Last Chance

Los Guerreros vs The Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua



#1 Contender's Cruiserweight Title Match

Ultimo Dragon vs Billy Kidman vs Tajiri vs Jamie Noble w/ Nidia



Spanky vs The Big Show



APA vs The World's Greatest Tag Team



If Benoit Wins, he's #30 in the Royal Rumble. If he loses, he's #1

Chris Benoit vs Brock Lesnar


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Hardcore Holly vs Rhyno



WWE Tag Team Championship

Los Guerreros' Last Chance

Los Guerreros vs The Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua



#1 Contender's Cruiserweight Title Match

Ultimo Dragon vs Billy Kidman vs Tajiri vs Jamie Noble w/ Nidia



Spanky vs The Big Show



APA vs The World's Greatest Tag Team



If Benoit Wins, he's #30 in the Royal Rumble. If he loses, he's #1

Chris Benoit vs Brock Lesnar


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Hardcore Holly vs Rhyno

Comments: Holly is on fire in this mod. Hardcore for champ


WWE Tag Team Championship

Los Guerreros' Last Chance

Los Guerreros vs The Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua

Comments: By DQ. Bashams suck, but them keeping the belts keeps Chavo and Eddie going


#1 Contender's Cruiserweight Title Match

Ultimo Dragon vs Billy Kidman vs Tajiri vs Jamie Noble w/ Nidia

Comments: Tajiri is great


Spanky vs The Big Show

Comments: C'mon


APA vs The World's Greatest Tag Team

Comments: WGTT rule


If Benoit Wins, he's #30 in the Royal Rumble. If he loses, he's #1

Chris Benoit vs Brock Lesnar

Comments: Benoit starts from the bottom

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Hardcore Holly vs Rhyno



WWE Tag Team Championship

Los Guerreros' Last Chance

Los Guerreros vs The Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua



#1 Contender's Cruiserweight Title Match

Ultimo Dragon vs Billy Kidman vs Tajiri vs Jamie Noble w/ Nidia



Spanky vs The Big Show



APA vs The World's Greatest Tag Team



If Benoit Wins, he's #30 in the Royal Rumble. If he loses, he's #1

Chris Benoit vs Brock Lesnar


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WWE Tag Team Championship

Los Guerreros' Last Chance

Los Guerreros vs The Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua

Comments: Chavo turns his back on Eddie


#1 Contender's Cruiserweight Title Match

Ultimo Dragon vs Billy Kidman vs Tajiri vs Jamie Noble w/ Nidia



Spanky vs The Big Show



APA vs The World's Greatest Tag Team

Comments: A.P.A keep losing till the birth of JBL


If Benoit Wins, he's #30 in the Royal Rumble. If he loses, he's #1

Chris Benoit vs Brock Lesnar

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Holly - Though my personal take would be Rhyno.

Basham Brothers - Eddie vs Chavo should be a solid lock for the Rumble.

Ultimo Dragon - Because I love Ultimo, and he should be remembered for his WWE run better than "that guy who wasn't Rey and tripped over the stage".

Big Show

WGTT - Ron is pretty much done by this point.

Brock Lesnar

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Hardcore Holly vs Rhyno

Comments: Keep him looking strong for his upcoming Lesnar match


WWE Tag Team Championship

Los Guerreros' Last Chance

Los Guerreros vs The Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua

Comments: Cue the breakup


#1 Contender's Cruiserweight Title Match

Ultimo Dragon vs Billy Kidman vs Tajiri vs Jamie Noble w/ Nidia

Comments: Personal preference


Spanky vs The Big Show



APA vs The World's Greatest Tag Team

Comments: The only time Bradshaw/JBL didn't annoy the living shit outta me


If Benoit Wins, he's #30 in the Royal Rumble. If he loses, he's #1

Chris Benoit vs Brock Lesnar


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Hardcore Holly vs Rhyno



WWE Tag Team Championship

Los Guerreros' Last Chance

Los Guerreros vs The Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua



#1 Contender's Cruiserweight Title Match

Ultimo Dragon vs Billy Kidman vs Tajiri vs Jamie Noble w/ Nidia



Spanky vs The Big Show



APA vs The World's Greatest Tag Team



If Benoit Wins, he's #30 in the Royal Rumble. If he loses, he's #1

Chris Benoit vs Brock Lesnar


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Hardcore Holly vs Rhyno

Comments: I'm guessing he wins by DQ when Lesnar interferes.


WWE Tag Team Championship

Los Guerreros' Last Chance

Los Guerreros vs The Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua

Comments: I'm going with another DQ victory. Eddie vs Chavo at the Rumble would be great. Plus, Eddie beating Lesnar at No Way Out is one of my favorite moments as a wrestling fan.


#1 Contender's Cruiserweight Title Match

Ultimo Dragon vs Billy Kidman vs Tajiri vs Jamie Noble w/ Nidia

Comments: I love all four workers, but Dragon is the most talented and most deserving of a title shot.


Spanky vs The Big Show

Comments: LOL


APA vs The World's Greatest Tag Team

Comments: Ron is probably in time decline and WGTT should be a major focus of the tag division.


If Benoit Wins, he's #30 in the Royal Rumble. If he loses, he's #1

Chris Benoit vs Brock Lesnar

Comments: Benoit is stuck being the iron man in the Rumble.

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Hardcore Holly vs Rhyno

Comments: Old Sparky gets the win before his big match with Brock


WWE Tag Team Championship

Los Guerreros' Last Chance

Los Guerreros vs The Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua

Comments: Can't do WWE 2004 without the Eddie-Chavo feud...


#1 Contender's Cruiserweight Title Match

Ultimo Dragon vs Billy Kidman vs Tajiri vs Jamie Noble w/ Nidia

Comments: Criminally underused in WWE


Spanky vs The Big Show

Comments: Poor Spanky...


APA vs The World's Greatest Tag Team

Comments: WGTT have so much more potential, APA were coming to the end of their run if I recall correctly?


If Benoit Wins, he's #30 in the Royal Rumble. If he loses, he's #1

Chris Benoit vs Brock Lesnar

Comments: Benoit needs to be shown as an underdog from the start

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Week 1 January 2010


Commentary: Michael Cole and Tazz




Smackdown starts off with Hardcore Holly coming down to the ring. He wastes little time in saying that as the result of the tag team match he had last week, he gets to make any match he wants for himself. He pretends to think it over for a few minutes, before being cut off by the music of Smackdown General Manager Paul Heyman. He and Dad share a look as he passes, and I get the feeling that they haven't been getting along lately.




Paul Heyman stands at the top of the ramp, doing his best to appear calm, cool, and collected in spite of the fact that he has no power over his own show at this point. He asks Holly what match he wants, and Holly tells him that he wants Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship at Royal Rumble.


Paul Heyman agrees to the match, as if he has any choice, but says that Holly has a match of Heyman's choosing tonight, and it's against "The Man Beast," Rhyno!



Hardcore Holly vs Rhyno


Dad still isn't sold on the main event qualities of Hardcore Holly, but I got him to at least give him a chance. This match proved that he can hit just as hard as anybody else on the Smackdown roster, but that was never really in question, especially if you ask any of the rookies. It was far from a technical match, but it did it's job in getting the crowd invested in the show, since they're so behind Holly on his quest for revenge. They were able to celebrate a small victory, here, as Holly put Rhyno away with the Alabama Slam.


Match Grade: C+




Brock Lesnar wastes little time when this match is over in hitting the ring, attacking Hardcore Holly from behind! He pulls him to his feet and hits an F-5 on the WWE Championship belt that sends a clear message to his Royal Rumble opponent.




WWE Tag Team Championship

Los Guerreros vs The Basham Brothers © w/ Shaniqua


Tag team action was up next, and I made sure Dad was keeping a close eye on this one, as I'm really pushing for Eddie Guerrero to have a more prominent role on the shows going forward. Dad seems to pay more attention to Shaniqua ringside than the match, but I don't see how, as both teams show everything they've got in what they know will be the last time they meet. Every time Los Guerreros get some momentum going, Shaniqua proves to be invaluable at ringside. In fact, she's able to distract Chavo as he goes up for the Frog Splash, allowing Danny to flip him off the top rope. The champions hit the Ball And Gag, while Shaniqua holds on to Eddie's leg, leading to a win for her team.


Match Grade: B-


With the champions having retained their titles through dubious means, they sneak out of the ring, leaving Eddie and Chavo to argue. Chavo shoves Eddie in the chest, obviously thinking that his uncle didn't come in to break up the pinfall. Eddie tries to tell Chavo about Shaniqua, but Chavo isn't hearing any of it.




We send Kurt Angle out to make things a little bit more interesting. Dad was wanting to have a standard Guerrero vs Guerrero feud, but I convinced him to throw Angle in to make things a bit more interesting, and it works, as the crowd watches him hold the two feuding family members apart. Chavo leaves the ring fuming, but Eddie rears back and clocks Angle in the jaw, knocking him to the mat before he leaves.






Chris Benoit is interviewed backstage about his odds of winning the Royal Rumble match. Before he can get too much out, though, Paul Heyman interrupts him and makes it into a much more entertaining promo.




Heyman tells Benoit that his odds of winning the Royal Rumble depend on his performance tonight. He says that Chris Benoit will face WWE Champion Brock Lesnar in the main event tonight. If Benoit wins, he gets to enter the Royal Rumble from #30. If Lesnar wins, though, Benoit will enter at number 1.



Cruiserweight Title #1 Contender's Match

Ultimo Dragon vs Tajiri vs Billy Kidman vs Jamie Noble w/ Nidia


These four guys go all-out from the word 'go,' and, in spite of what my dad may claim to the contrary, it's insanely fun to watch. Nidia gets involved at every possible chance for her boyfriend Noble, and it provides some nice comedy when she gets ejected from the ringside area. This distraction backfires on Noble, though, as he turns around into a Buzzsaw kick from Tajiri that lets him pick up the win.


Match Grade: C-



Spanky vs The Big Show


"What kind of name is Spanky?" I ask Dad and, just before I can get a Little Rascals joke out, Big Show plants him into the mat with a Chokeslam and picks up an easy win.


Match Grade: C-




John Cena comes through the crowd behind The Big Show, having picked up the United States Championship on the way. When Show turns around, he smashes it into Big Show's face, sending him down to the mat. Cena rolls out of the ring with Show's Championship, holding it up high as he leaves to the cheers of the crowd.



The APA vs The World's Greatest Tag Team


More tag team action sees two established teams going against each other to try and earn a higher-up spot in the tag team division. The World's Greatest Tag Team clearly has the edge when it comes to youth and stamina over the aging APA, but the veterans are tough, and take the fight to the younger tag team. Dad seems impressed by Benjamin in particular, which is good news for him. What's even better for him, though, is when he's able to duck under Bradshaw's Clothesline From Hell, which hits Ron Simmons. Shelton then throws Bradshaw from the ring so he can pin Simmons, picking up the win.


Match Grade: C


Once more, we run an angle with tag team partners arguing. Simmons asks Bradshaw what the hell's going through his head, and Bradshaw explains that it was a mistake. Though the tension between the two is obvious, they leave the ring together. Bradshaw puts his arm around Simmons, but Ron shrugs it off as they walk out of the arena together.






One more interview for the night sees John Cena tell the audience that he's tired of The Big Show trying to ignore him. He says that until Show comes and takes the title back from him, he'll never be able to ignore Cena.




Big Show attacks Cena from behind, slamming him into the steel gate behind him. Before Show is able to continue his attack, though, or get his United States Championship back, referees and road agents come between the two and split them apart.



If Benoit wins, he's #30 in the Royal Rumble. If Lesnar wins, he's #1

Chris Benoit vs Brock Lesnar


Physicality is the name of the game in this one, as Benoit and Lesnar put it all on the line. It's technical in the beginning, but things quickly escalate. We let Benoit and Lesnar put this match together however they wanted, and Benoit seems to be leading the way, though Lesnar is more than capable of holding his own. Benoit counters an F-5 attempt into a Crossface, but Lesnar refuses to tap. Eventually, Lesnar does hit Benoit with the F-5, but he's unable to pin his opponent before




Hardcore Holly comes down the ramp. He distracts Lesnar as he climbs on the apron, distracting Lesnar for long enough that Benoit is able to roll him up from behind for the three count!


Match Grade: B


We told Holly to give Lesnar everything he had to really emphasize how much he wanted revenge, and that's exactly what both he and Lesnar did, as they started to brawl, which quickly spilled out of the ring and in front of the announce table. Benoit joins them, pulling Lesnar off of Holly as they brawl, until




A-Train comes down and evens the odds for Lesnar, sending Benoit into the barricade. A-Train and Lesnar then set to work on Holly, double-teaming him to put him through the announce table. The cameraman gets a close-up shot of Lesnar and A-Train standing above Holly's fallen body to end the show.



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At my insistance, Dad agreed to start taping both of our B-Shows on Wednesdays, starting with Velocity, with Heat following. Since a large portion of what is shown is video packages, I'll give brief notes on what we actually tape:




  • Tajiri def. Shannon Moore, C
  • Matt Morgan def Billy Gun, D
  • Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty def. Kyo Dai, C-
  • A-Train def. Funaki D+



  • Garrison Cade def. Stevie Richards, C-
  • Maven def. Rico, E+
  • Matt Hardy def. Spike Dudley, D+
  • Matt Hardy cut a promo about winning the Royal Rumble
  • Hurricane and Rosey def. Test and Steiner, D+


After Heat was done taping, Dad handed me the run-down for RAW Week 2 January 2004


Lance Storm vs Kane



Ric Flair w/ Batista vs D-Von Dudley w/ Bubba Ray Dudley



Test vs Booker T



Chris Jericho and Christian vs Hurricane and Rosey



Lita and Trish Stratus vs Victoria and Molly Holly



RVD vs Randy Orton w/ Ric Flair



Batista w/ Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels



Comments on previous show/comments in general:

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Lance Storm vs Kane



Ric Flair w/ Batista vs D-Von Dudley w/ Bubba Ray Dudley



Test vs Booker T



Chris Jericho and Christian vs Hurricane and Rosey



Lita and Trish Stratus vs Victoria and Molly Holly



RVD vs Randy Orton w/ Ric Flair



Batista w/ Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels


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Lance Storm vs Kane



Ric Flair w/ Batista vs D-Von Dudley w/ Bubba Ray Dudley



Test vs Booker T



Chris Jericho and Christian vs Hurricane and Rosey



Lita and Trish Stratus vs Victoria and Molly Holly



RVD vs Randy Orton w/ Ric Flair



Batista w/ Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels



Surprised to see the Bashams go over, Froot. Guessing neither Eddie or Chavo were happy about that?

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Surprised to see the Bashams go over, Froot. Guessing neither Eddie or Chavo were happy about that?


Surprisingly, I don't think either of them complained. The only worker I've had a problem out of so far (I've booked through the Royal Rumble) was Goldberg, to my knowledge.

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Lance Storm vs Kane



Ric Flair w/ Batista vs D-Von Dudley w/ Bubba Ray Dudley



Test vs Booker T



Chris Jericho and Christian vs Hurricane and Rosey



Lita and Trish Stratus vs Victoria and Molly Holly



RVD vs Randy Orton w/ Ric Flair



Batista w/ Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels


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Lance Storm vs Kane

Comments: Ah...good old squash match for Kane just do me a favor and don't go the Katie Vick route plz...


Ric Flair w/ Batista vs D-Von Dudley w/ Bubba Ray Dudley

Comments: Flair is awesome but he is really damn old and should always be taking the falls for the team.


Test vs Booker T

Comments: "People like him" should be getting a push lol

Chris Jericho and Christian vs Hurricane and Rosey

Comments: I love Hurricane and he should have been mega pushed after his fued with The Rock not shot back down the card in RL

Lita and Trish Stratus vs Victoria and Molly Holly

Comments: I really miss this era in women's wrestling


RVD vs Randy Orton w/ Ric Flair

Comments: The kid wins by shenanigans


Batista w/ Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels

Comments: Shawn needs momentum going into the Rumble


Comments on previous show/comments in general: Love what you are doing so far. I realized that I should not be relying on my crappy memory and just vote for who I want to see win instead of what I think you are going to do.

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Lance Storm vs Kane



Ric Flair w/ Batista vs D-Von Dudley w/ Bubba Ray Dudley



Test vs Booker T



Chris Jericho and Christian vs Hurricane and Rosey



Lita and Trish Stratus vs Victoria and Molly Holly



RVD vs Randy Orton w/ Ric Flair



Batista w/ Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels


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Lance Storm vs Kane



Ric Flair w/ Batista vs D-Von Dudley w/ Bubba Ray Dudley



Test vs Booker T



Chris Jericho and Christian vs Hurricane and Rosey



Lita and Trish Stratus vs Victoria and Molly Holly



RVD vs Randy Orton w/ Ric Flair



Batista w/ Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels


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Lance Storm vs Kane

Comments: Loved Kane around this time period


Ric Flair w/ Batista vs D-Von Dudley w/ Bubba Ray Dudley

Comments:Evolution vs Dudleys? No-brainer. Flair on his own? Not as much


Test vs Booker T

Comments: Interested with where you go wth him


Chris Jericho and Christian vs Hurricane and Rosey

Comments: Stand back, there's a Hurricane coming thro-oh..


Lita and Trish Stratus vs Victoria and Molly Holly

Comments: The icons of women's wrestling in this era go over


RVD vs Randy Orton w/ Ric Flair

Comments: Orton will win, but please give RVD some sort of push


Batista w/ Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels

Comments: Haitch's opponent for RR goes over


Comments on previous show/comments in general:

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Lance Storm vs Kane



Ric Flair w/ Batista vs D-Von Dudley w/ Bubba Ray Dudley



Test vs Booker T



Chris Jericho and Christian vs Hurricane and Rosey



Lita and Trish Stratus vs Victoria and Molly Holly



RVD vs Randy Orton w/ Ric Flair



Batista w/ Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels


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Kane - Poor Storm. This is his Coming, and he still ends up jobbing. :p

Ric Flair - Because Evolution is a mystery.

Booker T - While I believe they are pretty much on equal footing, Booker seems like he can go further.


Molly and Victoria - I loved both of these two at this time. Who am I kidding; I loved them at all times.

Randy Orton - Because it's full of changes no one sees.

Shawn Michaels - But clock makes a fool of history.

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