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WWE 2004: The Coming Storm

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Lance Storm vs Kane



Ric Flair w/ Batista vs D-Von Dudley w/ Bubba Ray Dudley



Test vs Booker T



Chris Jericho and Christian vs Hurricane and Rosey



Lita and Trish Stratus vs Victoria and Molly Holly



RVD vs Randy Orton w/ Ric Flair



Batista w/ Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels



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Lance Storm vs Kane



Ric Flair w/ Batista vs D-Von Dudley w/ Bubba Ray Dudley

Comments: I like the Dudleys more as a team but D-Von isn't beating Flair


Test vs Booker T



Chris Jericho and Christian vs Hurricane and Rosey



Lita and Trish Stratus vs Victoria and Molly Holly



RVD vs Randy Orton w/ Ric Flair



Batista w/ Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels


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Lance Storm vs Kane

Comments: Kane was cool at this point, though not as cool as when he had his original mask.


Ric Flair w/ Batista vs D-Von Dudley w/ Bubba Ray Dudley

Comments: Build momentum for the challengers here, I think. Keep in mind that Rico had beaten Ric Flair in a singles match by this point.


Test vs Booker T

Comments: In 2004 I never found a real place for either of these guys, but you've gotta think that Booker has the higher upside.


Chris Jericho and Christian vs Hurricane and Rosey

Comments: I think you could find a niche for the superheroes. Beating Vitamin C isn't it though.


Lita and Trish Stratus vs Victoria and Molly Holly

Comments: Something about Lita and Trish coexisting doesn't make me feel good about their prospects, but Trish is a face here, and Lita could pick up a win over Molly. Not sure, but I'll go with the champ and her (awesome) partner.


RVD vs Randy Orton w/ Ric Flair

Comments: Orton beat him in December of '03; nothing should change in January of '04.


Batista w/ Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels

Comments: Pretty sure this'll be by DQ. HBK ain't losing.


Comments on previous show/comments in general: Solid first week, I'm excited to see where you go on the road to Mania. I like Benoit entering at #30 because of what happened IRL.

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Week 2 January 2004


Commentary: Jim Ross and Jerry 'The King' Lawler




For a different change of pace, we kick off RAW with Eric Bischoff in his office. He addresses the fans by saying that Steve Austin ran wild on RAW last week while he wasn't there and, though he can't overturn his rulings on the Shawn Michaels/Triple H match at Royal Rumble, he can make matches for tonight, including the main event as Shawn Michaels goes one-on-one with Batista. This was a nice way to keep continuity from last week for those wondering why Bischoff would let Austin make a match like that without being checked.



Kane vs Lance Storm


Dad really wants Kane to look like an unstoppable beast heading into the Royal Rumble, so we've set him up on a streak until that point. Last week he took Maven out of commission, and this week, the same could be said of Lance Storm. Lance tried hard, but Kane put him down with a Chokeslam.


Match Grade: C+


Like last week, Kane takes the microphone and tries to announce his intentions to win the Royal Rumble. Before he can get any words out, though,


<iframe width="300" height="300" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/_mieF6cMg90" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


he's interrupted by Goldberg!




Goldberg marches down to the ring to confront Kane, who still hasn't spoken. He paces around the ring, drawing the reaction from the crowd we had hoped for before suddenly spearing him into the mat! Goldberg stands tall above Kane as the crowd cheers him on.



D-Von Dudley w/ Bubba Ray Dudley vs Ric Flair w/ Batista


We put this match together as a preview of the World Tag Team title match at the Royal Rumble, with the perceived weak link of each team going one-on-one with each other. While they did battle in the ring, JR and King say that the title match will be a Tables Match. Ric does a masterful job of distracting the referee, allowing Batista to spear D-Von nearly out of his boots. Goldberg found me after the show and questioned why Batista was allowed to use his finish, as if hundreds of others don't do the spear, but whatever. It was almost enough to let Ric Flair pick up the pinfall victory, but Bubba Ray ran interference of his own, distracting the referee by telling him about Batista. This distracted Flair, as well, letting D-Von roll him up from behind and get the surprise win!


Match Grade: C


Batista pulls Bubba off the ring apron, throwing him into the steel stairs ringside to take him out of action. When D-Von comes out to try and help his brother, Batista beats him down as well, culminating in a Batista Bomb through a table!



Test vs Booker T


Dad put this match together to fill time, telling me to pick a winner because he didn't have anything going for either of these guys at the moment. I picked Booker T, because he seems to be more dedicated to actually improving himself than Test, and Booker put him away with a Book End to pick up the victory.


Match Grade: C-



Chris Jericho and Christian vs The Hurricane and Rosey


This tag match saw Jericho and Christian work together better than they did last week, isolating Hurricane in their corner for the majority of it. Christian got cocky, though, and Hurricane tagged in his partner. Dad said "that's one big SHIT," and thought it was the most hilarious line ever, so he fed it to King, who repeated it. I just rolled my eyes while I watched Jericho turn Rosey over into a Walls Of Jericho, forcing him to tap out and pick up the win.


Match Grade: B



Trish Stratus and Lita vs Victoria and Molly Holly


Four of the top women in this industry, and my dad decides to use it as his bathroom break. The decision was made to, and I quote, 'give the win to that red-headed one, to build interest in the title match or whatever.' That's exactly what happened, as Lita picked up the win over Molly Holly with a Moonsault.


Match Grade: C



Randy Orton w/ Ric Flair vs RVD


Dad was back from the bathroom just in time for this one and as he patted me on the back, I wondered if he washed his hands. He tells me that Randy Orton is the future of this business, and I have to admit that I can see where he's coming from, as he and RVD put on a pretty great match here. RVD goes up for a Five-Star Frog Splash, but Ric grabs his leg and crotches him on the top rope. This lets Orton grab him by the neck and hit an elevated RKO, which is enough for the win.


Match Grade: B


Orton takes a microphone and tells the audience that he's going to win the Royal Rumble. Dad let him loose on this one, not even bothering to give him a script, and Orton really shined as he talked about how he's the legend killer, and he's going to kill the dreams of 29 other men to go on and become his own legend at Wrestlemania when he competes in the Evolution-only main event against Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship.






We then cut backstage to Triple H, who tells the world about how he doesn't care to put Shawn Michaels down for a ten count at the Royal Rumble. He says he'll break HBK's back, if he has to. He'll end his career, if he has to. He says he'll do whatever it takes to walk into Wrestlemania as the World Heavyweight Champion and, with the look in his eyes, it's easy to believe him.


<iframe width="300" height="300" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/VTXgQ8GV07U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


We air a vignette before our main event for the debut of Muhammad Hassan, who we announce will make his debut at Royal Rumble. He's a controversial character, with a lot of truth behind his words, but he's sure to draw some attention to the product, one way or another.



Batista w/ Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels


It's always been said that Michaels can draw a good match out of a broomstick and, while Batista is no broomstick, we're still putting that to a bit of a test tonight. Dad is a big fan of Batista and, while I can see the potential and think he'll definitely get there with Ric Flair and Triple H guiding him, he's not ready for the main event picture overall. He holds his own here in tossing Michaels around the ring for a bit before The Dudleyz show up.




They grab Ric Flair on the outside and start beating him up, causing the distraction that leads to Sweet Chin Music, letting Michaels pick up a win while still keeping Batista strong.


Match Grade: B




Evolution all meets up on the entrance ramp but, with Ric Flair hurt by The Dudleyz, Batista being rocked by Sweet Chin Music, and the odds being almost even while The Dudleyz are in the ring with Michaels, Triple H calls them off, choosing instead to fight another day, like at the Royal Rumble in a Last Man Standing Match with Shawn Michaels.

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Dad handed me the match list for Smackdown Week 2 January 2004, which looked like this:


Chuck Palumbo vs John Cena



APA vs Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua



Nunzio and Tajiri vs Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio



Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero



Chris Benoit and Hardcore Holly vs A-Train and Brock Lesnar



He also sent me out to the arena exits to ask for comments on the previous show/WWE in general:

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Chuck Palumbo vs John Cena

Comments: F*CK Yeah Thuganomic Cena was awesome


APA vs Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua

Comments: Bash'em


Nunzio and Tajiri vs Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio

Comments: For Mysterio


Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero

Comments: What a hard match to predict


Chris Benoit and Hardcore Holly vs A-Train and Brock Lesnar

Comments: A-Train gets pinned

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Chuck Palumbo vs John Cena



APA vs Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua



Nunzio and Tajiri vs Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio



Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero



Chris Benoit and Hardcore Holly vs A-Train and Brock Lesnar


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Chuck Palumbo vs John Cena



APA vs Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua



Nunzio and Tajiri vs Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio



Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero

Comments: Feeling that Chavo may ruin this one


Chris Benoit and Hardcore Holly vs A-Train and Brock Lesnar


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Chuck Palumbo vs John Cena



APA vs Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua



Nunzio and Tajiri vs Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio



Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero



Chris Benoit and Hardcore Holly vs A-Train and Brock Lesnar


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Chuck Palumbo vs John Cena



APA vs Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua



Nunzio and Tajiri vs Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio



Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero

Comments: Airing this on free TV and it's NOT the main event? Wowzers.


Chris Benoit and Hardcore Holly vs A-Train and Brock Lesnar



He also sent me out to the arena exits to ask for comments on the previous show/WWE in general: Too much Evolution. :p

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Chuck Palumbo vs John Cena

Comments: Time for a lesson in THUGANOMICS


APA vs Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua

Comments: Tension only continues to grow between Bradshaw and Faarooq


Nunzio and Tajiri vs Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio

Comments: Two cruiserweight legends vs Tajiri and Nunzio? No prizes for guessing who my pick for this one is


Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero

Comments: Chavo interferes


Chris Benoit and Hardcore Holly vs A-Train and Brock Lesnar

Comments: As much as I would like to see A-Train get derailed, Brock's getting his win back here


He also sent me out to the arena exits to ask for comments on the previous show/WWE in general: Like what you're doing thus far, it's certainly differing from the other '04 Dynasty, even this early on

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Chuck Palumbo vs John Cena

Comments:Lol Cena wins!


APA vs Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua

Comments: Never did like the Bashams


Nunzio and Tajiri vs Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio

Comments: Would have loved to see this team go places in this era


Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero

Comments: Wow I miss the matches between these two


Chris Benoit and Hardcore Holly vs A-Train and Brock Lesnar

Comments: Holly and Benoit need momentum


He also sent me out to the arena exits to ask for comments on the previous show/WWE in general: I loved to hate Muhammad Hussan...right up until WWE botched his booking by actually aligning him with terrorists...yea way to kill a great heel WWE

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Chuck Palumbo vs John Cena

Comments: F*CK Yeah Thuganomic Cena was awesome


So, I should make him 15-time Champion, right?


Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero

Comments: Airing this on free TV and it's NOT the main event? Wowzers.


He also sent me out to the arena exits to ask for comments on the previous show/WWE in general: Too much Evolution. :p


Smackdown's roster has a hell of a lot of talent, and I plan to use and abuse that as much as possible. :p Compare that to The Evolution Show, and...well, yeah.


He also sent me out to the arena exits to ask for comments on the previous show/WWE in general: Like what you're doing thus far, it's certainly differing from the other '04 Dynasty, even this early on


Glad you think so. I always try to do something different with my dynasties, whether that be from what others are doing, or from my other ventures. So it means a lot that you'd say that.


He also sent me out to the arena exits to ask for comments on the previous show/WWE in general: I loved to hate Muhammad Hussan...right up until WWE botched his booking by actually aligning him with terrorists...yea way to kill a great heel WWE


We both agree there. His whole thing was that he WASN'T the evil foreigner terrorist that people assumed he was because of his skin color...so they stuck him with terrorists? That decision will never make sense to me.

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Chuck Palumbo vs John Cena



APA vs Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua



Nunzio and Tajiri vs Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio



Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero



Chris Benoit and Hardcore Holly vs A-Train and Brock Lesnar


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Chuck Palumbo vs John Cena



APA vs Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua



Nunzio and Tajiri vs Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio



Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero



Chris Benoit and Hardcore Holly vs A-Train and Brock Lesnar


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Chuck Palumbo vs John Cena



APA vs Basham Brothers w/ Shaniqua

Comments: Personal preference


Nunzio and Tajiri vs Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio



Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero

Comments: Tough one


Chris Benoit and Hardcore Holly vs A-Train and Brock Lesnar

Comments: Benoit can take the loss

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Week 2 January 2004


Commentary: Michael Cole and Tazz




We let John Cena come out to the ring to start Smackdown, and he raps about The Big Show on his way down the ramp. He still has Show's United States Championship, which the announcers remind the audience that he stole from the champion last week. He ends it by saying he'll make Big Show disappear like a runaway trucker, and if you don't believe in him, "you're a stupid mother..." John Cena is great on the microphone. I don't see how anybody could ever get sick of him.




A solid, if unspectacular, brawl between these two opened up Smackdown. Dad goes on and on about Cena, and it's clear that he sees a lot in him. I have to agree, as I think he has a bright future in the WWE. He's certainly on more of a roll than Palumbo, as he puts him into the mat with an F-U to pick up the win.


Match Grade: C-




Looking for revenge for last week, The Big Show comes down the ramp. Cena meets him in the entryway, hitting the giant several times in the head, but Big Show is just too much for Cena, sending him into the barricade. He whips John into the steel steps before picking him up and hitting him with a Chokeslam on the base of the steps. With John Cena disposed of, Show walks slowly around the ring, picks up his United States Championship, and walks off with it.






Paul Heyman walks into WWE Champion Brock Lesnar's locker room and tells Brock that there's no way that Chris Benoit is going to win the Royal Rumble, no matter what number he enters. He also says that Lesnar has nothing to worry about at the Royal Rumble, because there's no way that Hardcore Holly is going to win the title, either. Way to be an impartial General Manager, there, Paul.






In another locker room, Chavo Guerrero walks in to find his uncle Eddie sitting alone. Chavo asks Eddie why he hasn't been able to reach him all week, and Eddie says Chavo knows why. Chavo apologizes, looking truly sincere, and says that Eddie knows better than anyone how a Guerrero temper can boil over in the heat of the moment. He also says that tonight, Kurt Angle gets what he deserves for sticking his nose in Guerrero business.




Tension continues to mount between the APA in this one. Dad seems to be high on Bradshaw, as he rants to me through much of the match about how great of a brawler he is. We'll see how far he can take that single skill, though. It's not enough in this one, as he sets up for the Clothesline From Hell, but Shaniqua grabs his foot. While Simmons argues with Shaniqua on the outside, the WWE Tag Team Champions hit Bradshaw with the Ball And Gag, picking up the win.


Match Grade: C-



Tajiri and Nunzio vs Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio


This match serves as a preview of the Royal Rumble Cruiserweight Championship match, as we see a lot of action between number one contender Tajiri and the champion Rey Mysterio. The other two men in the match are heavily involved, too, though, as all four men do their fair share of flipping, flopping, and flying around the ring. Rey manages to set Tajiri up for a 619, but as he turns in the ropes, Tajiri sprays him in the face with green mist instead! Tajiri pulls Rey away from the ropes and pins him 1-2-3!


Match Grade: C+


Referees come out to aid Rey Mysterio out of the ring, handing him a towel to hold over his eyes. He screams in pain as they help him to the back, with Tajiri just grinning evilly from the ring.






Chris Benoit and Hardcore Holly are interviewed about their tag team match tonight. Neither one is a great talker, and so we have them keep it short, simple, and to the point. They say that tonight, they kick the ass of not one, but two Paul Heyman guys, and Holly says he plans to beat Lesnar for the WWE Championship and go on to Wrestlemania to face the winner of the Royal Rumble, maybe even Chris Benoit.


From there, we show a recap video of what happened between Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero, and Kurt Angle last week to lead to our next match.



Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero


This match starts off with technical chain wrestling, until that Guerrero temper that was mentioned earlier in the night fires up, and Guerrero starts to brawl with Angle. From there, things stay physical, resulting in the referee being taken out by accident as Angle tries to Angle Slam Eddie.




To the surprise of nobody, Chavo Guerrero comes running down to the ring with a steel chair. Angle and Eddie ignore him and continue fighting, until he gets into the ring, smashing the chair over the head of his uncle! Angle looks on in shock before tossing Chavo over the top rope. Though he seems to be displeased with the course of action, Angle still covers Eddie 1-2-3.


Match Grade: C


Dad makes a note to me of how little chemistry Angle and Eddie seem to have in the ring together, and there goes any chance of them having a Wrestlemania match. As we're discussing that, Kurt leaves the ring and Chavo rolls back into it, stomping on his uncle's prone body. Kurt is walking up the ramp, but turns around and runs back into the ring, laying Chavo out with an Angle Slam of his own!



Hardcore Holly and Chris Benoit vs A-Train and Brock Lesnar


Dad always seems to be surprised by how much of a reaction Hardcore Holly gets every time he appears on Smackdown, but that just goes to show you what momentum can do for any man. He was very specific about keeping Lesnar and Holly apart until the Royal Rumble, wanting people to pay money to see Holly get his revenge on the champion, so Lesnar tagged out to A-Train every time that Holly got into the ring. It wasn't Holly and A-Train that ended up finishing the match, though. It was Chris Benoit that made A-Train tap out to the Crippler Crossface as Brock retreated up the ramp, living to fight another day.


Match Grade: B


Benoit and Holly celebrate in the ring, but Lesnar pulled a fake-out! He hits the ring after the match is over, throwing Benoit over the top rope. The announcers say if that happens to Chris at the Royal Rumble, his Wrestlemania dreams are over. Lesnar grabs Holly, hitting him with an F-5! The announcers say if that happens to him at the Royal Rumble, then his dreams of winning the WWE Championship are over!

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Tajiri def. Scotty Too Hotty with more green mist ©


We do a "phone interview" with Rey Mysterio. He says his eyes are burning and he may not make it to the Royal Rumble to defend his title. This really puts over the effectiveness of the mist.


A-Train def Paul London (C-)


Chavo Guerrero def Billy Gunn (C-)


Chavo cuts a promo on Eddie to end the show, talking about how he can't stand his uncle for holding him back all this time, while taking all the glory and recognition. Chavo says that time is up, because it's Chavo's time.




The Dudley Boyz def Cade and Jindrak (B-)


Lita Def Jazz (C-)


Scott Steiner def Spike Dudley (D+)


Christian def Stevie Richards (C+)




Royal Rumble Matches So Far:

30-Man Royal Rumble Match


World Championship

Last Man Standing Match

Shawn Michaels vs Triple H © (w/ Ric Flair)


WWE Championship

Hardcore Holly vs Brock Lesnar ©


Women's Championship

Lita vs Molly Holly ©

Cruiserweight Championship

Tajiri vs Rey Mysterio ©


[No predictions yet, please!]

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Dad handed me the match breakdown for RAW Week 3 January 2004, which looks something like this:


Chris Jericho and Christian vs Booker T and Maven



Val Venis and Lance Storm vs Test and Scott Steiner



The Hurricane vs Matt Hardy



Jacqueline and Lita vs Jazz and Molly Holly



Kane vs Goldberg



RVD, The Dudley Boyz, and Shawn Michaels vs Evolution



Comments on previous show/diary in general:

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Chris Jericho and Christian vs Booker T and Maven



Val Venis and Lance Storm vs Test and Scott Steiner

Comments: I want dancing Lance to win, but I CAN'T GO AGAINST THE BIG BAD BOOTY DADDY!


The Hurricane vs Matt Hardy



Jacqueline and Lita vs Jazz and Molly Holly



Kane vs Goldberg

Comments: Double DQ


RVD, The Dudley Boyz, and Shawn Michaels vs Evolution


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Chris Jericho and Christian vs Booker T and Maven

Comments: Everyone needs a daily dose of Vitamin C!


Val Venis and Lance Storm vs Test and Scott Steiner



The Hurricane vs Matt Hardy



Jacqueline and Lita vs Jazz and Molly Holly

Comments: Jacqueline takes the fall


Kane vs Goldberg

Comments: Who's next?


RVD, The Dudley Boyz, and Shawn Michaels vs Evolution

Comments: The faces can't look too weak


Comments on previous show/diary in general:

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Chris Jericho and Christian vs Booker T and Maven

Comments: Love Booker T...hate Maven


Val Venis and Lance Storm vs Test and Scott Steiner



The Hurricane vs Matt Hardy

Comments: Hurri-jobbed?


Jacqueline and Lita vs Jazz and Molly Holly

Comments: Rule number one. Always pick Lita


Kane vs Goldberg



RVD, The Dudley Boyz, and Shawn Michaels vs Evolution

Comments: I am assuming Evolution all go over at the PPV cos its 04 so let the babyfaces get a win here


Comments on previous show/diary in general: I only got one on the last show...i demand a recount

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Chris Jericho and Christian vs Booker T and Maven



Val Venis and Lance Storm vs Test and Scott Steiner



The Hurricane vs Matt Hardy



Jacqueline and Lita vs Jazz and Molly Holly



Kane vs Goldberg



RVD, The Dudley Boyz, and Shawn Michaels vs Evolution



Comments on previous show/diary in general:

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