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Cornell-Verse 2016 Prediction Thread

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Liberty/James Justice would be my personal choice -- he's been with the company a long time, and makes some sense as a potential owner. Christian Faith, RDJ and Sneer have been suggested as well.


I say Liberty takes over the book while Alicia is the owner....Liberty did this on the request of Sam to keep the company in the Strong family but Liberty has control of the day to day operations because Alicia is just plain not ready. This could actually spur an interesting sort of mentor/protege for the two because Liberty knows the wrestling business well and can groom Alicia for when Liberty hangs it up. That would be a pairing that is rough to break up with the AI but makes games pretty interesting when trying to play as Liberty.

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There are three unemployed workers in the default database (Eve Runcord, Davie Renleunn, and Tex Tagan) whose bios reference an FBI investigation into Richard Eisen for tax evasion, and the codename is "Operation Lullaby."


Here would be a gamechanger...

Eisen goes to prison and heavy fines are levied on SWF dropping them to near bankruptcy. Christian Faith takes over while Eisen is out of the business. Maybe a lot of the top stars (that don't retire) walk out in disgust leaving SWF in the position USPW was in this edition of the game. TCW will take over as top promotion with a bit more money due to Cornell's ability to pinch a penny, while USPW is above SWF in the Cult ranks of America.


A real far out there scenario...

With no National sports entertainment promotion in the U.S., CGC, fresh off becoming the top dogs in Canada, start invading south of the border and becoming SWF's equivalent in the States. Now that would be a major fall from grace.

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Here would be a gamechanger...

Eisen goes to prison and heavy fines are levied on SWF dropping them to near bankruptcy. Christian Faith takes over while Eisen is out of the business. Maybe a lot of the top stars (that don't retire) walk out in disgust leaving SWF in the position USPW was in this edition of the game. TCW will take over as top promotion with a bit more money due to Cornell's ability to pinch a penny, while USPW is above SWF in the Cult ranks of America.


A real far out there scenario...

With no National sports entertainment promotion in the U.S., CGC, fresh off becoming the top dogs in Canada, start invading south of the border and becoming SWF's equivalent in the States. Now that would be a major fall from grace.


Hmm.. I have a heavy hunch that Operation Lullaby is either a planned/scrapped game mechanic in '13, and that feature may find its way into '16... so I don't particularly see it happening here.


I've thought CGC for a while had the resources to really compete with SWF in the US -- they're the only promotion in US&Canada to actively push cruiser weights towards the top spot and that would launch them towards the top.

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Really, the key to the whole C_Verse picture is Angry Gilmore. In 2016, he'll be young enough to avoid time decline, and he remains arguably the best worker in the states -- but realistically, he brings Jessie with him, who is one of (if not the) most over female performers in North America.


They're a true power couple in Wrestling -- and SWF seems un-inclined to cater to them. Unless they break up (which I don't think is likely) wherever Gilmore ends up is likely to hold the top spot in NA... in SWF, both Jessie and Gilmore are close to main event pop and would be main event over in any other NA fed -- they are by far the biggest cards in the Cornellverse.


A plausible theory: does Gilmore tour Japan full-time after a disappointing run with SWF? Maybe he drops weight and participates as a Super Junior -- or heads to WLW?

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Really, the key to the whole C_Verse picture is Angry Gilmore. In 2016, he'll be young enough to avoid time decline, and he remains arguably the best worker in the states -- but realistically, he brings Jessie with him, who is one of (if not the) most over female performers in North America.


They're a true power couple in Wrestling -- and SWF seems un-inclined to cater to them. Unless they break up (which I don't think is likely) wherever Gilmore ends up is likely to hold the top spot in NA... in SWF, both Jessie and Gilmore are close to main event pop and would be main event over in any other NA fed -- they are by far the biggest cards in the Cornellverse.


A plausible theory: does Gilmore tour Japan full-time after a disappointing run with SWF? Maybe he drops weight and participates as a Super Junior -- or heads to WLW?


PGHW as a replacement for Ray Diaz, joins William Hayes in an already title winning tag team.

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PGHW as a replacement for Ray Diaz, joins William Hayes in an already title winning tag team.


PGHW could be in a huge state of flux -- there is no way Sadahuro Jimbo is still owner at this point. There isn't a lot of support for Seiji directly inheriting the promotion.


Bryan Holmes [i believe] has loyalty to Jimbo and a great business mind/booking stats -- I always thought of him as a possibility. Nobatsu Tatsuko is Jimbo's protege [i think].


I honestly have no idea how PGHW ends up, they could overtake Burning Hammer or vanish completely -- so much can happen with a fairly financially unstable company.

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GSW buys out IPW. IPW is too bland with PWC coming out, a hardcore company using youngsters isn't that interesting. GSW has more identity. Nemesis works for PSW


Sam Strong leaves the business. Dean Daniels is not the new owner.


Jay Chord is a main eventer in TCW.


RIPW becomes a major TV series. Smarks love it.


A bunch of non-canontical characters debut. Some are actually pretty talented


Des Davids and Captain Atomic are main eventers. Faith and Vengeance are retired. Rich Money is an upper midcarder. Khoklov goes to Japan or USPW. SWF drops the risque level since it's pretty pointless.

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GSW buys out IPW. IPW is too bland with PWC coming out, a hardcore company using youngsters isn't that interesting. GSW has more identity. Nemesis works for PSW


Sam Strong leaves the business. Dean Daniels is not the new owner.


Jay Chord is a main eventer in TCW.


RIPW becomes a major TV series. Smarks love it.


A bunch of non-canontical characters debut. Some are actually pretty talented


Des Davids and Captain Atomic are main eventers. Faith and Vengeance are retired. Rich Money is an upper midcarder. Khoklov goes to Japan or USPW. SWF drops the risque level since it's pretty pointless.


I have to disagree with the idea of GSW buying out IPW. IPW have a massively bigger budget than GSW and unless Gil Thomas dies in a tragic accident, they're not really going to go down the toilet. GSW on the other hand don't have as big of a budget. Realistically, if anything is to happen it's IPW buying out GSW.

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Guest Asaemon

BHOTWG bring in some big name foreign workers that can challenge for the World championship. Maybe a big monster like Ray Diaz or Marat Khoklov and one or two highly skilled technical wrestlers.


NOTBPW once again has a working agreement with one of the Japanese promotions (BHOTWG or BCG?). Maybe has a couple of young lions or former talents that has got stuck on the Japanese scene. Workers like Yuki Horigoshi, Nariaki Hitomi and Dynamite Narahachi.


WWA enter the game world. JK StaLlings is the brains behind the shady SL Corporation.


CGC is inactive or have closen their dojo (since they don't have any future dojo graduates) and the talented workers and non-wrestlers on their roster works in WWA, SWF, TCW, NOTBPW and Japan.


SWF have taken a financial and prestigous hit by The Operation Lullaby.


Dan Stone Jr follows in his fathers footsteps and has done one or two legendary matches against the current BHOTWG champion.


Edd Stone becomes Black Cobra II.


TIER 1 enter the gameworld, owned by the wealthy Naruto Video Games company that also owns ALPHA-1 Kickboxing and ALPHA-1 MMA.


He's Lance Decker by gawd, and he's richer than you. The filthy rich Texan Lance Decker enter the gameworld.


Several well known wrestling veterans has sons and daughters that enter the business or is added as future dojo graduates.


I would like to keep him in TCW, but i wouldn't be surprised if Koshiro Ino is in NOTBPW or BHOTWG.

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As far as the game world goes my predictions are....

SWF are still number one. With so many top workers in the game world reaching there late forties a lot has changed. SWF have a bad 2015 due to Faith retiring and Bruce showing his age. Vengeance jumps to USPW for one last big contract. Eisen wouldn't match the offer USPW made to an aging star. Business starts to plummet and Micheals and Richard Eisen fall out. Micheals is removed as head Booker and replaced by Faith. Micheals then leaves shortly after and goes on a short hiatus. Faith either joins commentary or plays an authority figure or both. I think a fry and faith pairing would be awesome. Faith starts to rebuild the main event scene pushing valiant to main event and having him beat Eisen for the world title late in 2015. Having a fresher main event scene with James, Remo and Money chasing Vailent brought viewers back that they lost from the second Eisen title reign another reason Micheals and Richard fell out as it was Richards idea. Also they where finally able to steel rocky golden and once again halting TCW's progress and depushing Eisen at the same time bring back fans who where turned off by his title run and bringing over new rocky fans from TCW.

The undercard Roberts retired and works as a road agent for SWF still and also still training at the dojo. Joe Sexy and Everest show up in USPW. The smacker is fired and resurface's in PSW. Brown, Spade and Allen are all on the main roster and doing well. Roger Cage is on a long term deal and getting a big push. Possibly under a new ring name.


TCW still second but now by only 2 points in the US on 80 across the states. With a main event with Hawkins, Cornell, Minnesotta, and upper main of Andrews, Chord and Matt Keith. They churn out great shows on a regular basis. RDJ has retired in ring and is now on colour commentary. So Peak and Ino Take up the main event spots and Law goes above Tornado in the peaking order also. Not much has changed outer than that.


USPW a few changes here I would say mostly based on the aging roster. So here goes. Sam Strong retires in the early part of 2015 giving the company back to Jellefski who continued to book until he was able to get Peter Micheals back from his hiatus and become head Booker and chief announcer. Jellefski then went into the roll of manager taking over a group of young heels (Casey Valentine, Hollywood Bret Starr and Nelson Callum) giving USPW a much need youth injection in there midcard. Jumbo Jackson is champion and far more over than in 2013/14 maybe B or high B-. Justice and Baine are still working champion is the most over worker in the US after Bruce slowing down, just. Adding Skull DeBones to the main event bring his overness and menace plus a far better undercard including O'Farraday under a new name and hell's Bouncer also under a new name but similar gimmick either feuding with or working as a bodyguard type along side Baine. USPW are far more competive with the big two. Also redwood and Peter Valentine have retired and left. Maybe Bruce the giant also.

They also have a dojo now as they see they need to build for the future and can't rely on taking the big twos cast offs. Either liberty of Alicia Strong are the head trainer.


The rest of the states FCW are the best of the rest at regional but starting to put on shows in the tri state and south east. PSW have dropped to small and have lost the majority of there roster. Mitch Naess sells up to Braun and moves to Canada to be an announcer for CGC. PSW are close to extinction. CZCW are in the same sort of position losing some stars but building new ones from there undercard. Same a AAA losing some stars to USPW and NOTBPW, but building new ones and still doing good business if not improving. NYCW, MAW, QAW, RIPW and IPW are still small and joined by GSW. Although the hardcore scene has all but died out in the tri state where it's been done to death, it's newer and fresher in the south west. IPW have lost hustler Muava and Ali to GSW but singed Campbell and Boone from PSW and are closest to regional out of all the small company's.


Canada has had a shift as CGC are now above NOTBPW as both company's are at low national other than Naess joining so has Eric Tyler who manages Sean Deelay. Steven Parker in in the upper mid and is having a good run. NOTBPW looks the same just older they've managed to push Cameron Vessey and Mark Griffin to the Upper Mid but badly need to replace there aging and declining main event or the drop to cult is inevitable. Maybe CWWF opens by Tamara McFly but that's in change wise other than a couple of signings her and there.


Mexico I don't know much about but I can't see much change other than SOTBPW gaining PPV in the US and singing some CZCW guys to help gain a following in North America as they already dominat Mexico.


British Isles needs some one to rival 21CW probably HIW opened by and Olympic gymnast or diver some one with great charisma, star quality and athletic ability. Decent overness to main event. He could bring in some other friends to help fill out the roster. Use samurai as the road agent seeing as these guys will be in there late 20's early 30's and have poor psychology and basics. Fill out the rest of the roster with other free agents and even bring over Ricky Storm saying he was taught judo as a kid by one of the ex Olympic Judo competitors who now works in HIW.


Japan BHOTWG are still top of the pile a few new editions Razan Okamoto who's bulked up to middle weight and in the upper mid also a few juniors from WLW. PGHW are national just after pushing there youth prospects and going ok. GCG are cult along with WLW thanks to the modern Japan movement and BCG are high regional after opening one of the best dojos in the world with kazu Yoshizawa overseeing the development of the next generation of Japenese stars all loyal to BCG.


Europe and Austarlia I'm not familiar with. That's my predictions what does everyone else think will change in the C-Verse?

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I love the Idea of Edd Stone going to BHOTWG as Black Cobra II i was going to say he went to GCG as a shot at his brother now the companies are in direct competition along with Freddy and his sister. Lightweight workers seem to be overlooked in TCW and seeing Sammy Bach hit the glass ceiling they jump ship.
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Guest Asaemon

Several of the new workers will have names inspired by Garbage Pail Kids. :D


Atom Smasher gets a new gimmick; the aristocratic Robert Nucleaire and joins the Chase Agency.

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Alright...here's my 2 cents on the big 3 in the US:


SWF: Operation Lullaby forces Richard Eisen to be inactive and the promotion takes a prestige/financial hit. Jerry is the new owner with a retired Faith handling booking duties. Valiant will be starting champ currently feuding with Eric. Bumfholes will be split and engaged in a starting storyline. Enforcer Roberts in charge of new (bookable) developmental fed (which is available on Supreme Network (a new game function that mirrors the network feature in WMMA4)


Notable additions: Rocky Golden, Enygma on a limited contract (maybe a new contract type that will more closely simulate the type of deal Lesnar has?)

Notable departures: Joe Sexy, Garcia, Kholov and Lobster Warrior


TCW: TCW stays the course and doesn't see much change from the number 2 spot. Wolf is a babyface champ feuding with Tommy. Jay Chord is International champ going toe-to-toe with Joey Minnesota. Brent Hill has hung it up and works as a road agent. New Wave have split up with one of them leaving the company.

Notable additions: Steven Parker, Matthew Keith, Chris Morrisette, Kirk Jameson

Notable departures: Either Guide or Scout, Ino, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Edd Stone (who returns home, burying the hatchet with family)


USPW: Sam Strong has finally retired...but I'm having hard time coming up with a logical replacement. Maybe network owned? Sneer continues booking. Company starts at Cult. Nicky is riding high as champ facing off against a repackaged Hell's Bouncer. Alicia is a true main-eventer chasing J-Ro for her title in what has been the number 1 rivalry in women's wrestling.

Notable additions: Hell's Bouncer, Brandon Smith (under the USA mask), Fro Sure, Sara Marie York, Foxxy LaRue

Notable departures: Baine, Enygma, Peter Valentine, Belle Bryden

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My guesses:


SWF gets Marat Khoklov signed to a Lesnar-like deal and gives him a mouthpiece to do the talking (Vibert?) and he dominates the Main Event as World Champ.


Magnum Kobe makes the jump to BHOTWG and is their #2 star and is in line for a World Title run.


CZCW and AAA move closer to becoming National as they work together in a similar manner as ROH and Shimmer have in the past.


HIW and NWF are gaining ground on 21CW.


One legendary former wrestler has passed away.

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Guest Asaemon
King Kong Kennedy gets the Kingpin Kennedy gimmick, surround himself with various on-screen mobsters, thugs and enforcers and completely dominates the promotion he is in.
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Really, the key to the whole C_Verse picture is Angry Gilmore. In 2016, he'll be young enough to avoid time decline, and he remains arguably the best worker in the states -- but realistically, he brings Jessie with him, who is one of (if not the) most over female performers in North America.


They're a true power couple in Wrestling -- and SWF seems un-inclined to cater to them. Unless they break up (which I don't think is likely) wherever Gilmore ends up is likely to hold the top spot in NA... in SWF, both Jessie and Gilmore are close to main event pop and would be main event over in any other NA fed -- they are by far the biggest cards in the Cornellverse.


A plausible theory: does Gilmore tour Japan full-time after a disappointing run with SWF? Maybe he drops weight and participates as a Super Junior -- or heads to WLW?


I predicted he goes to TCW after never getting an opportunity to carry SWF's world title and proceeds to dominate the main event scene along with Wolf Hawkins.

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I predicted he goes to TCW after never getting an opportunity to carry SWF's world title and proceeds to dominate the main event scene along with Wolf Hawkins.


I think its more logical that if Gilmore does jump ship it would be to USPW rather than TCW. TCW would give Gilmore great matches sure but would a world title be guaranteed with equally if not better and younger talent already main eventing. He had great matches in Japan surly he went to SWF to be world champion. something USPW although smaller than SWF could basically guarantee Gilmore. He fits the product entertainment wise and if you look at WWF in the 80's they had loads of similar workers to Gilmore in a very similar product. Ted Debasie, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, Shawn Micheals and Ricky Steamboat without the entertainment skills. all of them got push with the same product. Even though Shawn and Bret was the 90's it was basically the same cartoon character family friendly product.

Also playabillity wise it makes more sense TCW poor looker room stop them from getting great grades right of the bat and that shift in backsage moral would give TCW too much of an advantage. Also finance would play some part in his decision and USPW could offer a lot more im guessing if both companies are in similar financial states as 13.

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I think its more logical that if Gilmore does jump ship it would be to USPW rather than TCW. TCW would give Gilmore great matches sure but would a world title be guaranteed with equally if not better and younger talent already main eventing. He had great matches in Japan surly he went to SWF to be world champion. something USPW although smaller than SWF could basically guarantee Gilmore. He fits the product entertainment wise and if you look at WWF in the 80's they had loads of similar workers to Gilmore in a very similar product. Ted Debasie, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, Shawn Micheals and Ricky Steamboat without the entertainment skills. all of them got push with the same product. Even though Shawn and Bret was the 90's it was basically the same cartoon character family friendly product.

Also playabillity wise it makes more sense TCW poor looker room stop them from getting great grades right of the bat and that shift in backsage moral would give TCW too much of an advantage. Also finance would play some part in his decision and USPW could offer a lot more im guessing if both companies are in similar financial states as 13.


I can't see him going to USPW. He doesn't strike me as a cartoony guy. He strikes me as someone who takes craft seriously and wants to be the best. Why not go to the best company for his style, with the best workers where he can have the best matches for a long time? It also plays the other side of "You don't want to push me, fine, I'll go to the main competition and make you sorry."

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I can't see him going to USPW. He doesn't strike me as a cartoony guy. He strikes me as someone who takes craft seriously and wants to be the best. Why not go to the best company for his style, with the best workers where he can have the best matches for a long time? It also plays the other side of "You don't want to push me, fine, I'll go to the main competition and make you sorry."


Yeah they're good points just for me personally I think USPW need him more than TCW and it would make for a more even playing field if all three promotions are at national instead of the inevitable drop to cult at the start of the game for all AI controlled USPW's and most human controlled USPW's too for that fact. I just want to see a game that's more even and progresses differently every time. :rolleyes:


Although booking a Gilmore VS Cornell feud straight from the demo would have me marking out too.

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Yeah they're good points just for me personally I think USPW need him more than TCW and it would make for a more even playing field if all three promotions are at national instead of the inevitable drop to cult at the start of the game for all AI controlled USPW's and most human controlled USPW's too for that fact. I just want to see a game that's more even and progresses differently every time. :rolleyes:


Although booking a Gilmore VS Cornell feud straight from the demo would have me marking out too.


I could see USPW going after RDJ and Vengeance, convincing them not to retire and to take the big money instead. I could also see them go after Marat and The New Wave as their gimmicks are perfect for USPW. I could even see them taking Eddie Peak and Bryan Vessey as they're both past their primes. If there's one thing USPW loves, it's the stars of yesteryear.


The only thing I could see drawing Gilmore to USPW is the money and he doesn't seem like a money grubbing guy.


If he does go to USPW I think it would have to be as a heel where he belittles the fans of the promotion and the product etc like Punk did with his pipebomb. BUT, nobody will supplant Nicky as the face of that company. With his relationship with Strong and such I don't see him stepping to the side to let somebody else come in and take his spot. In other words, Gilmore would be in basically the same situation he's in currently.

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