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Cornell-Verse 2016 Prediction Thread

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1. NOTBPW - I think they will struggle with their aging roster. They could get hit the same way PHGW was in 2013.


2. USPW + CGC - I expect them to stay around the same level, they do not really need talent to expand and i expect them to stay that way, maybe USPW could be down to cult level though (which happens in every game within a year anyway).


3. SWF - They should be still on top, maybe they will have a change in management though with Eric taking over.


4. TCW - I think they will get through their transition period and should be competing at an equal level with SWF.


5. PHGW - Their new generation will take then to a new level, at least that is what i hope will happen. I love their setup.


6. Burning Hammer should continue to dominate.


7. BCW and GCG should be in out and out war and at around the same level now with BCW being pushed to new heights due to the loyalty of their workers.


8. I expect WLW to continue to improve and with their Alliance setup and them being a centerpiece of that, they should be up competing to become a legit big 3.


9. Something needs to happen in the UK, i think someone will appear on the horizon to compete with the 21CW which are a solid national level company now.


10. I cannot see much changing in Mexico, possibly a new company and a bit of reshuffling, but the gameworld should be pretty well balanced.


11. I expect Europe and Australia to be the deadzone it always have been with companies opening and closing.

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So with the first Dev. Journal post announcing Alliance Titles...who do you guys think will be the first champs of the COTT and Mod. Japan Movement?


I say Mikey James is champ of the COTT and Magnum Kobe is leading the charge for MJM....


I know these new feature additions usually make an appearance in the Cornellverse, but I'm not sure it makes too much sense in either case. But if the COTT does have alliance champions, then I reckon Roger Cage would be a good bet to become the first champion if NYCW can hold onto him.


I'd like to see CZCW breakaway from COTT and be starting to make a push for Cult, preferably nabbing KC Glenn from MAW as they go - he'd be a brilliant fit for them and a Glenn/James feud really could catapult them forward.

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I know these new feature additions usually make an appearance in the Cornellverse, but I'm not sure it makes too much sense in either case. But if the COTT does have alliance champions, then I reckon Roger Cage would be a good bet to become the first champion if NYCW can hold onto him.


I'd like to see CZCW breakaway from COTT and be starting to make a push for Cult, preferably nabbing KC Glenn from MAW as they go - he'd be a brilliant fit for them and a Glenn/James feud really could catapult them forward.


I was actually pondering a 60-minute iron man match for the COTT World Title between KC Glenn and Mikey James.

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Anything going to happen with the IRS undercover tax investigation of SWF? I don't know much about that storyline honestly.


I could see Renluenn and Tagan having been hired as a jobber tag team. Runcord might have an uphill battle unless the Eisens start a women's division. I couldn't see Eve being considered attractive enough to be a mere valet. Or better maybe put Tagan with Texas Pete and Renluenn with a Robbie Retro or a Squeaky McClean. Squeaky would be particularly amusing given Renluenn's purpose.


Oh and I have another one of my own from the bottom of the C-Verse. Crash Lewis retires from the pro wrestling business and becomes a high school wrestling coach. There's actually historical precedence for this. This would make Crash the C-Verse version of former northeastern indy wrestler/fellow Mainer, Robbie Ellis. Ellis retired from the ring in the mid to late 80's to coach amateur wrestling at Chevrus High School in Portland and made them the state powerhouse in that sport for several years.

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Guest Asaemon
SWF starts a Womens Division to compete with USPW, but most of the female workers gets pregnant after spending some one on one lockerroom time with Big Smack Scott! :eek:
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SWF starts a Womens Division to compete with USPW, but most of the female workers gets pregnant after spending some one on one lockerroom time with Big Smack Scott! :eek:


Oddly enough, Sinclair Family Wrestling sounds like it would be quite the fun little promotion to run in its own wacky bizarro way

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I envision the entire promotion being like the Frey family in Game of Thrones... all the kids are called Scott or Scotia or something similar, and Big Smack Scott reigns supreme over all until one of them can dethrone him. Which they never will. People may try to ally with some of the non-Scotts, but things are unlikely to ever end well due to reasons.... :cool:
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SWF starts a Womens Division to compete with USPW, but most of the female workers gets pregnant after spending some one on one lockerroom time with Big Smack Scott! :eek:


Can you imagine if one of the kids brings home a bad report card........well son, it's a Big Smack Shuffle and a severed spinal chord for you. You'd better think about bringing home a bad report card next time.

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Can you imagine if one of the kids brings home a bad report card........well son, it's a Big Smack Shuffle and a severed spinal chord for you. You'd better think about bringing home a bad report card next time.


Come on, we all know The Smacker's the type to home school his kid.


And the only classes are gym and applied mathematics

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Can you imagine if one of the kids brings home a bad report card........well son, it's a Big Smack Shuffle and a severed spinal chord for you. You'd better think about bringing home a bad report card next time.


Come on, we all know The Smacker's the type to home school his kid.


And the only classes are gym and applied mathematics


You're forgetting The Science of Steroids 101 and Sunglasses And You!: A 64 Lesson Guide on How To Wear Sunglasses, The Smacker Way!

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My predictions for TEW2016.


SWF has fallen to Cult!


USPW has risen to International.


These predictions are based on the trends that Adam has established from the previous releases of TEW, in with USPW has risen a level in nearly every release and SWF has fallen from an International level to a national level. Perhaps Operation Lullabye took it's toll on SWF.

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Usa i don't think operation lullaby will have any effect on SWF. The 2 guys i.m.o. are not so skilled and thery are quite old. It would be funny if Cornell fed got tax problems and the english guy fly away from usa to avoid jail. Mayne coming home and create a new fed opposing 21st?

Uk at least another fed

Europe: vma is actually the no.1. The other two batlle one each other help this.

Australia. Nothing really different

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