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<p>El Horse, thank you kindly. Its great to read stuff about how you've done and how the gameworld has unfolded around your BCG. I love threads like this for that very reason, but a lot of the recaps people have provided on here was back before the loyalty-fixing patch, so that makes a big difference. </p><p> </p><p>

It was indeed Kikuchi and Shimizu that I stole from GCG. I figured they would be pretty useful even if they never become stars. I've really come to value midcard workhorses with enough skill to put on a solid match with anyone, and I hope they will both be that. </p><p> </p><p>

I haven't touched the production issues yet. Maybe I will for the spring tour, as getting rid of those penalties will make a difference in the show grades and help growth, which helps make more money.</p>

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<p>Just about to finish the first tour. We are down $400K at this point so money is beginning to make me sweat a bit. I did raise the production in early February so the penalties are gone. Every show raises our popularity, which is nice. The popularity of the top stars hasn't moved much. Promo angles keep their momentum really high, so it should start to shift. Best show I've managed so far is a C+. </p><p> </p><p>

American Demolition won the Big Battle TagMania tournament. I wanted to go with Black on Black (Kiyoka and Kadonomaro Kamisaka, with good chemistry), but they didn't increase their popularity quick enough to make it workable. </p><p> </p><p>

The first matches of the Maeda Grand Prix are underway. Two blocks of 6 so its not huge, but I'm enjoying booking it. Feels weird to have it split up by a tour break, but it works so whatever. I upped my shows to 1.5 hours so each show is 3 GP matches and 1 more match, plus a couple of promos. </p><p> </p><p>

I keep adding to the roster. A pretty decent randomly generated worker came through and I signed them. They are raw but look to have potential. Then PGHW cut one of one of this young "future stars". Can't recall the name, but he is basically a clone of Rokuemon Matsushita. Another big bashy boi witih Stamina issues but good Star Quality. Don't know why PGHW let him go but he's in the BCG fold now and loyal. I will absolutely be trying to pair them as a tag team.</p>

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Hirobumi Takimoto! I've had very good luck with him in my save(s). Got lucky enough to have good chemistry with Naozane Goto and they had a short title run up to the point that Goto did what Goto does and got mad about a disciple issues and left the company.


How's attendance been up to this point? Where are you finishing in the regional battle? Have you been really raided yet?

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Hirobumi Takimoto! I've had very good luck with him in my save(s). Got lucky enough to have good chemistry with Naozane Goto and they had a short title run up to the point that Goto did what Goto does and got mad about a disciple issues and left the company.


How's attendance been up to this point? Where are you finishing in the regional battle? Have you been really raided yet?


Takimoto indeed. I want to pair him with Rokuemon as a tag team like Wild II. I will probably even name them Wild II lol


Attendances have been between 200 and 600. I've been running the events in the home region and they've been around 3K. But I've still lost $450K in the two months. I finished 3rd in January but after upping the production values, finished 2nd in February. Finished off the first tour last night and advanced through the off month in March. Things got.... bad.


Fully expected to lose talent. But it got a bit messy. Burning Hammer has been predatory from the start, and they've mostly poached GCG, which led to the Golden Canvas poaching us. But GCG just hit Cult so they got more aggressive. I lost Sojoro Sen, Roku Satomura, Inejiro Yoshizawa, and Dynamite Narahashi pretty early. Part of why I went on a signing spur to grab guys who would become loyal. But through the March break, we also lost Finlay, Yoriie Ippitsusai, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Kadonomoro Misaka, and I think there was an offer Sharaku Okimasa. GCG are now offering written deals like Burning Hammer, so even if it was tempted to try to outbid them to try to keep one or two workers, I really can't (and it would screw the finances so it would be a poor decision anyway). I counted 10 departures, and there might be a couple more who have signed and haven't left yet. I legit lost count. The starting roster is 20 so I've lost AT LEAST half of it, possibly more. None of them are truly irreplaceable talent, but the midcard is gutted and it makes building up the new generation tougher. The team of Kadonomoro and Kiyoka was going to anchor the tag division, and several of the departed were in the Grand Prix. I'm having to replace about a third of the Grand Prix participants.


I am really tempted to call this a learning save and start over, control the roster bloat a bit more, and be more prepared for the possible complete carpet-bombing of my roster. The only thing that is making me hesitate is Takimoto, which I'm pretty sure was a random event and I don't expect PGHW would release him like that in another save. But I also don't think its enough to keep going with it.


One thought... With GCG at cult, they would no longer be involved in the regional battle, would they? Meaning I could win it potentially?

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  • 4 weeks later...
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="iamazombieboy" data-cite="iamazombieboy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41393" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Then what happened?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Is that directed at me? Gonna assume lol</p><p> </p><p> I ended up starting over and made it a few months once again. Got a bit frustrated with having to be so careful with who gets any sort of push (basically gotta be loyal) and waiting to lose every midcarder or higher worker who is at all talented. Funakoshi is a true MVP and can pull a strong grade with a with almost anyone, but his popularity didn't move at all. I know its just a matter of time til it does, but it was still a bit frustrating. One thing I did notice is who CGC targets first does vary save to save. so you can't even really plan on "I expect to lose these three" because you might lose three others. Or those three but just not where you expect. </p><p> </p><p> I ended up wanting to try something other than puroresu, so I save jumped to the SWF (two different periods) and am right back looking at a puro save again. I started up with Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods, because the financial freedom is appealing and I quite enjoy the super juniors. Especially creating new ones. But.... the smaller roster and simplicity of BCG also appeals. Not sure which direction I'll go for sure.</p>
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Has anyone here ever done a lot with Munemitsu Senmatsu and the Brothers in Vengeance in BCG? I feel like all three of those guys have the skills to make it work big-time in BCG.

All three of these men are essential part of WEXXV, which might put certain people off. Lore and narrative aside, they all are loyal to that promotion, which kills off any plans of tying them down to a contract upon hitting Cult size, again might put off some people from making long term plans about them. Well, MunSen mainly, because the other two are already pretty old and BCG has no shortage of veterans in decline.


I've stayed away from Morisue so far; hardcore is his top skill, even if slightly over brawling, which will be penalized. His looks scream hardcore deathmatch, which isn't the vibe I'm going for with BCG and since I play as booker, owner goals prevent me from bringing in a Psychopath.


Sakata I've brought in with Kimi Kawano for TagMania. Decline is his main issue for me.


Munemitsu Senmatsu is essentially the blueprint of a BCG wrestler in my eyes, maybe next to Funakoshi who also has some Technical skills. If you wanna go down that path, he's the only one out of those three who could be anything. I just stick with the narrative and avoid bringing in the ace of another company, especially one with a product like WEXXV. But then again, I more or less avoid bringing in anyone who's working for a promotion that's part of the MJM, so take my words with a grain of salt.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DarK_RaideR" data-cite="DarK_RaideR" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41393" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>All three of these men are essential part of WEXXV, which might put certain people off. Lore and narrative aside, they all are loyal to that promotion, which kills off any plans of tying them down to a contract upon hitting Cult size, again might put off some people from making long term plans about them. Well, MunSen mainly, because the other two are already pretty old and BCG has no shortage of veterans in decline. </div></blockquote> Oh, I'm not talking long term. But I always used to do a working agreement with WEXX as GCG back in the day, and the tip of the spear was usually Senmatsu and the Brothers in Vengeance. I'd have Senmatsu win the Openweight title and BoV win the tag titles before dropping them to someone else as part of a tour or two. <p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41393" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've stayed away from Morisue so far; hardcore is his top skill, even if slightly over brawling, which will be penalized. His looks scream hardcore deathmatch, which isn't the vibe I'm going for with BCG and since I play as booker, owner goals prevent me from bringing in a Psychopath.</div></blockquote> Mhm. Morisue reminds me a bit of Abdullah the Butcher in AJPW, where he fits in an old school way. He screams challenger to Funakoshi in a one off. <p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41393" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Munemitsu Senmatsu is essentially the blueprint of a BCG wrestler in my eyes, maybe next to Funakoshi who also has some Technical skills. If you wanna go down that path, he's the only one out of those three who could be anything. I just stick with the narrative and avoid bringing in the ace of another company, especially one with a product like WEXXV. But then again, I more or less avoid bringing in anyone who's working for a promotion that's part of the MJM, so take my words with a grain of salt.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Eh. AJPW brings in Daisuke Sekimoto and Yuji Okabayashi plenty, and they're basically my blueprint for the WEXXV Trio. They come in, work a few months, win some titles, lose some titles and head on out.</p>
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I had those three in a Burning Hammer save and they did really well for me. I would LOVE to bring them into my current BCG save, but its a matter of cost. I don't mind that they are WEXXV true blood and that has connotations. But they are solid workers who do well, and unless you want to be super-strict in your interpretation of Black Canvas puro purity.... they would add something for fans.
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I've brought in Senmatsu. He can have great matches with BCG's style, and if you change things to include 10% angles on shows it's nice to have an above average menace guy. It's easy to turn him into a star, even though you probably shouldn't since he's loyal elsewhere.
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<p>I'm having a hard time figuring out how to proceed forward with BCG. The tsunami will be happening in the month I am, and obviously I'm not making a profit to start. Ive lost nearly 10 pop in non Chubu/Kinki regions to start and haven't lost or gained any pop due to regional battles in those regions. EX2010/SAISHO use the loans from WLW/GCG to give me trouble surpassing them tbh. I'm getting mid-50s rated shows.</p><p> </p><p>

Once the tsunami is gone, should I aim for cult and just build Kinki/Chubu or should I get the 6 other regions to 30 pop for the 1st TV deal? </p><p> </p><p>

I've got story plans so right now my concern is building the company up financially/size wise.</p>

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I'm having a hard time figuring out how to proceed forward with BCG. The tsunami will be happening in the month I am, and obviously I'm not making a profit to start. Ive lost nearly 10 pop in non Chubu/Kinki regions to start and haven't lost or gained any pop due to regional battles in those regions. EX2010/SAISHO use the loans from WLW/GCG to give me trouble surpassing them tbh. I'm getting mid-50s rated shows.


Once the tsunami is gone, should I aim for cult and just build Kinki/Chubu or should I get the 6 other regions to 30 pop for the 1st TV deal?


I've got story plans so right now my concern is building the company up financially/size wise.


I'd personally go for television before going to cult. If you can get a short term commercial deal before switching to Jade 237 for PPV money then I think you can get past the effects of the tsunami.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hashasheen" data-cite="Hashasheen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41393" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'd personally go for television before going to cult. If you can get a short term commercial deal before switching to Jade 237 for PPV money then I think you can get past the effects of the tsunami.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Im halfway through May so tsunami is right around the corner. Im imagining the industry and economy are going to be too low to gain any pop for a while :/but I do agree that a TV deal might be the way once I can gain pop.</p>
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My approach is to hit all the areas so that we build up popularity in all of them. Targeting those broadcast deals. No use racing to Cult if you don't really have the financial stability to survive at Cult. And unless the financials have changed, you generally need about $1 million in the bank to ensure Cult doesn't sink you. As much as I'd love to hit Cult so I can offer Written deals and stave off the CONSTANT talent thefts.... it would come at a big cost.
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  • 3 months later...

<p>So, this is kind of gamey, but I rationalized it.</p><p> </p><p>

In January, February, March and April I ran multiple, "3 day wrestle-fests" in each location per month. I TORCHED through money but I tried to keep the shows limited to 3 matches per show. Basically, I scrambled to 30% in each area and hit my goal by early April, got the tv deal and have been stable since then.</p><p> </p><p>

The biggest issue is that I've lost essentially my entire roster to raids from the larger companies. I absolutely had to sign all these youngsters to contracts to get the loyalty bonus, I explain it as it's the 2016 class of BCG workers, "the exciting future of BCG."</p><p> </p><p>

I also had a snafu in May. I kept losing members of my tag team champs to the point where I went through 3 different sets of tag team champions in one month. We call it, "The Month of 3 Champions" now.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm so scared to put any belt on anyone who doesn't have loyalty with me at this point. My tag team champs are Katou and Miyaki, two guys I'm grooming big time. My Challenger champ is Rokuemon who is trash in regard to his stamina, but he's loyal so he wins. Torii is still my main champ, and he's going to beat Funakoshi in a best of three series at the next tour. Funkakoshi seems to not be able to get past 54% pop which would SUCK massively for me.</p><p> </p><p>

I also signed Art Reed and Greg Gauge after their touring contracts ran out with PGHW and GCG respectively.</p><p> </p><p>

Currently, I run 1 show a week, 4 matches per show, and then I throw the roster on the main show each month. I'm averaging around 10k profit a month, so that's good. I want to make a BCG dojo but I kind of want it to be at least 60% quality and can't afford it.</p><p> </p><p>

Edit: DO NOT rush to cult. I'm bleeding 100k a month right now even with PPV and TV. Dumb of me. In my defense it happened by accident.</p>

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<p>Cheap plug time.</p><p> </p><p>

I have a BCG Diary going <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=543021" rel="external nofollow">here</a> using a lot of the ideas in the thread with my own spin on it. On <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2340258&postcount=14" rel="external nofollow">page 1</a> of it I even laid out my strategy as to why I'm warring with all MJM and how to get a TV deal early (I got mine in January).</p><p> </p><p>

Cheap plug #2 - DarK_RaideR has an excellent BCG diary <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=541640" rel="external nofollow">here</a> as well that is really well done and you should check out.</p>

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OK, 1 year into my BCG game I accidentally hit cult and was bleeding money. 8 months into my Cult status and I've finally become profitable with literally 30k left in the bank (I made literally $400). I'm making 250k in PPV revenue which is helping immensely, so all is not lost. I had to be smart with my shows and my workers. I'm hoping to be able to ride this for a while and save up some money before going to National where I'll be battling WLW and BHOTWG. I seem to have the cult scene locked down with Machine Gun Torrii and Funakoshi being my aces.


Financewise - I'm keeping my wages sub 200k. Making 250k in PPV and tickets and 50k in TV and 90k in merch and 150k in sponsorship.


Rokuemon Matsushita has been a MASSIVE disappointment. I gave him a challenger series run with the belt and took it off of him in favor of Hirobumi Takimoto, who I'm also, albeit a little less, disappointed in.


Bunrakuken Torii has been my champion since day 1 but he's going to drop it soon to Funakoshi.


Blast Ikoma has settled in as a perennial Upper midcard gatekeeper.


PGHW release Tsurayuki Kamachi in December 2016 and I snapped him up and he's got great chemistry with both Funakoshi and Torrii so he's a main event mainstay (for under 1500).


The future finally looks bright for BCG in October 2017. Let's see what happens.


Edit: Also, PGHW just released a ton of midcarders (who for us would be solid UMC) but since I'm trying to keep the wages down, I'm not touching them yet. Maybe I'll start rotating guys, (make a few cuts to overpaid MC and LMC and bring these guys in).

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My experience has led me to usually cap at Regional so I can build up some cash reserves before jumping to Cult, but given BCG's heavy schedule, the ticket and TV/PPV income might facilitate the transition.


Matsushita has been performing in the B range in my saves, but only as long as he's being a monster in matches of 10' or less. Think it's where he usually caps, can't think of him ever being a top singles competitor. I'm guessing he either got a bad destiny roll in your game or you're expecting more than what he can deliver. Likewise, I've had Takimoto get past his stamina issues in some saves and turn into a decent worker, but again it's down to his destiny roll.


Torii, in my main save, has terrible chemistry wrestling almost anyone, so I had to take the belt off him and put it on Funakoshi until Yoshi Taku could carry it. Shame, because Torii is a great worker. Ikoma, on the other hand, has been disappointing, especially in singles bouts, so he's spending time as either an upper midcard gatekeeper or tag team specialist.

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  • 1 month later...

<p>I did the "grind to a TV deal" gimmick and now i'm in July 2016 and I'm making a profit of about 10k a month. My roster is extremely lean.</p><p> </p><p>

The problem here is that I'm getting EVERYONE poached from me. It's horrible. My roster turnover is ridiculous and I have no idea how these other companies are keeping such huge rosters. I'm about to lose Findlay to GCG and I'm so livid because he's a cool monster Gaijin.</p><p> </p><p>

The real issue is that my new signees who are going to be my backbone of the comapny are still young lions and I don't want to job the leaving guys out to them since they're all... old lions.</p><p> </p><p>

BCG is definitely fun, especially once you get TV and it's stabilized. It's just really difficult because I'm literally afraid to put the belt on anyone who isn't loyal to me.</p><p> </p><p>

I renamed Torii to "Machine Gun Torii" and I have Torii and Blast in a stable called "Machine Gun Squad." I'm looking for a third member.</p><p> </p><p>

I also am keeping the rule that only Japanese workers can be signed to non-touring except for one gaijin who will be main event pushed and I only sign 3 foreigners to touring contracts each tour.</p><p> </p><p>

Art Reed is my new gaijin, so we'll see how long that last. Rokuemon seems better in this game as he's putting on fairly good matches but I have my eye on him.</p>

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  • 1 month later...

When the game first came out, I had fun but lackluster BCG saves, but I started a new one after digesting this thread's advice and it's been the most fun I've had with TEW.


I'm in 2018, having just survived the bleeding money in cult phase, now having good shows AND turning profits.


The most noteworthy development was Burning Hammer buying and folding GCG, leaving their entire roster for the taking, which has been amazing for BCG. Has GCG gone under in any of you saves?

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When the game first came out, I had fun but lackluster BCG saves, but I started a new one after digesting this thread's advice and it's been the most fun I've had with TEW.


I'm in 2018, having just survived the bleeding money in cult phase, now having good shows AND turning profits.


The most noteworthy development was Burning Hammer buying and folding GCG, leaving their entire roster for the taking, which has been amazing for BCG. Has GCG gone under in any of you saves?


I havent seen a game where they dont go out of business. The game world tends to evolve fairly predictably.

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