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RevPro: Something more than Honor

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[COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on E! (Episode 204) Shown Live on Wednesday, September 23, 2006 Held at the Joplin Memorial Hall in Joplin, Missouri Attendance: 2,000 (sell-out) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] No online upload this week. The Internet will just have to make do with the free corker Nigel and Shannon put on for Revolution of the Species. Before the opening title sequence could play, John Laurinaitis was talking with [COLOR=#892331][B]Vampiro[/B][/COLOR], who looked ready to leave the arena. He said there was no way he was facing Christopher Daniels in a Last Man Standing match, saying Daniels already had his shot at him on Friday. He was about to take off when [COLOR=#892331][B]Commissioner “Superstar” Billy Graham[/B][/COLOR] blocked his path. Graham said that since Vampiro had weaseled out of getting pinned with Lacey’s interference, he would definitely be in that match, and Lacey wouldn’t be allowed down to ringside. Vampiro was fuming. [COLOR=#892331][B]B [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] MATCH 1 CLOUDY vs. ACCOMPLICE[/B][/COLOR] Accomplice entered wearing a hoodie and jeans and didn’t even bother shedding them for the match. ([I]Rave: We saw Accomplice at Revolution of the Species taking out his former ally, Homicide, and he’s kicking off the action tonight![/I]) Cloudy tried to dodge him, but Accomplice battered him with those rock hard fists, and dazed him with a one-two combination before driving him with the Flattener. ([I]Rave: One, two, three, count it! What a big win for Accomplice in his wrestling return![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Accomplice at 3:53, C+[/B][/COLOR] Accomplice grabbed a microphone and talked to the closest camera in an unstable yell. “Homicide! You didn’t even give me a name… well I have one. My name is Jack! [COLOR=#892331][B]Jack Vandal![/B][/COLOR] And Homicide, you’re going to wish you’d never made me your ‘boy’. You wanted me out of your life, but now there’s no escaping me. I want you in the ring, so I can bleed you dry! Homicide, your new name is Dead Meat, and you’ll never be able to forget that mine is Jack Vandal!” [COLOR=#892331][B]C Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR] entered the arena and the crowd reacted favourably. ([I]Rave: There’s the big winner! He was victorious in perhaps the biggest main event in RevPro history, and he’s here tonight! Smokes: Man, it ain’t fair, he gonna get any kind of match with Scott Colton that he want![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] was in the ring after the commercial break, and didn’t seem pleased. Some ringside fans were chanting “You Lost, You Lost” at him. “Yeah, fine, I lost on Friday, but I’d like to see anyone else in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling even make it to the ring after getting their jaw shattered by a punch! The only reason that I’m not holding the gold right now is because Bob Holly screwed everything up for me. He showed up to where I work, and messed with me! I should show up to where he works and—oh, wait. Bob doesn’t have a job anymore.” ([I]Rave: For someone with a "shattered jaw", Shelley does a lot of talking.[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Chris Sabin [/B][/COLOR]walked down the aisle unexpectedly, and pulled out a microphone. “Alex, I remember when you weren’t so… whiny. So you got punched! Get over it. If you want to punch someone back, I’ll wrestle you, and I’ll beat you.” Shelley agreed to it. [COLOR=#892331][B]C+ MATCH 2 ALEX SHELLEY vs. CHRIS SABIN[/B][/COLOR] Sabin came close to beating Shelley, but the Exhibitionist slipped the shoulder up just before three after a Cradle Shock. Shelley scrambled to get Sabin on his back and put his feet on the second turnbuckle for a sneaky pin. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Alex Shelley at 11:34, B- Austin Aries[/B][/COLOR] was interviewed backstage, and Laurinaitis informed him that Roderick Strong had yet to arrive at the arena. Aries looked upset, but then composed himself and said, “Looks like I get to give Rave and Mamaluke twice the f***ing beating.” [COLOR=#892331][B]C[/B][/COLOR] A video started playing that showed grainy, neon-green night-vision footage of [COLOR=#892331][B]Commander Combat[/B][/COLOR] in what looked like a wartorn battlefield. Combat walked past two snipers who had nightvision gear. He said that the Alternative could have just lost once, and that would be the end of it. But by cheating, and shoving him to the floor, they made their penalty that much more severe. Combat called out “FIRE!” and the snipers opened fire on three dummies that were dressed to look like Shannon, Xile and Morley Depraved. The shot went back to the snipers who removed their helmets and goggles to reveal themselves to be [COLOR=#892331][B]Jacobs[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Sydal[/B][/COLOR]. “See you soon, boys.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 3 JAY LETHAL vs. TOMOAKI KOIZUMI[/B][/COLOR] Lethal was operating with a hurt back after being chokeslammed from the ring to the floor by Roc, but still had Koizumi on the defensive, until Scott Colton ran down to the ring and knocked both men out with his title belt. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: No Contest at 1:55, C+[/B][/COLOR] Colton dumped both men to the floor and grabbed a microphone. “Now that I have the floor… congratulations, Bryan Danielson. You snuck up behind me, dropped me on my head and pinned me. You might think you’re the better man, but as long as I have this…” He held the World Championship up high. “You aren’t. We’ve got a match at the next Pay Per View, RevPro Payback, and you get to name the rules for it. So come on out here and tell me what kind of match we’re doing. But remember, no matter what it is, you still won’t be able to get your hands on my gold.” There was some silence and then [COLOR=#892331][B]Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR]’s new speed metal theme hit to bring the crowd to their feet. Danielson spoke as he stopped halfway down the aisle. “Hey Scotty. I’m gonna make this short and sweet. Last night, I got to pin you, and that felt pretty good. But at Payback, I want to make you feel the pain I felt. I want to make you feel it over, and over again.” “I wanna make you tap like a bitch, Scotty. So our match is going to be… ultimate submission!” Danielson grinned and Colton looked unnerved as the crowd cheered. “Thirty minutes! Whoever gets the most submissions wins! And rest assured, Scotty, I won’t be satisfied unless I get you screaming like a little girl twenty times in that match.” “Ultimate submission, huh? I’ll do that. But I want you to remember when I broke your shoulder. Remember the joint being compacted? Remember the muscle tearing off the bone? Whenever I need a pick-me-up, I think about that, and I smile. And Bryan, when we meet in that ring, I’ll ruin that shoulder as many times as I have to so I can end this. I’m better than this, I’m better than you, and it’s time to move on.” Colton’s music played, and Danielson walked back up the aisle, smiling. [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 4 AUSTIN ARIES vs. TONY MAMALUKE and JIMMY RAVE[/B][/COLOR] Aries started off hot, but was quickly worn down by the odds. He had pin opportunities, but the man on the outside was always there to break it up. When things looked bleak, Nigel McGuinness ran down the aisle and got into Aries’ corner. ([I]Rave: Nigel’s here! Looks like Aries has a partner after all![/I]) Aries headbutted Mamaluke in the teeth to send him away, and, falling to his knees, saw Nigel. He hesitated but as the fresh Rave rushed him, Aries dove to tag Nigel in. McGuinness was hot, and put a hurting on the opponents before zapping Rave with the Tower of London. Mamaluke tired to crawl to break up the pin, but Aries squashed him with a 450 Splash. ([I]Rave: Three! Nigel gets the pin, and, to be quite honest, saved Austin Aries’ ass![/I]) Nigel and Aries got their arms raised, but Aries warily moved away from it, not wanting to be too close to Nigel. ([I]Rave: Call me crazy, but Nigel seems genuine here. I really think he’s sorry for what he’s done to Aries. Smokes: Tell that to Roddy Strong, dude![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Nigel McGuinness and Austin Aries at 12:55, B-[/B][/COLOR] In his dressing room, [COLOR=#892331][B]Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] was pacing back and forth with a steel chair and psyching himself up for the main event. [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 5 ALPHA (w/ Melina Perez) vs. ABYSS[/B][/COLOR] The Monster didn’t have a lot of trouble bulldozing young Alpha and finishing him with a Shock Treatment and Black Hole Slam. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Abyss at 4:38, C+[/B][/COLOR] As Abyss prepared to leave, the lights went out and a spotlight shone on the entranceway. [COLOR=#892331][B]Roc[/B][/COLOR], dressed in his winged robe, entered it and made his way to the ring. ([I]Rave: It’s Roc! What business does he have with Abyss?[/I]) He got into the ring and stood in front of Abyss, whose size he more than matched. ([I]Smokes: Think hard, Rave! He call himself King of the Giants, and Abyss a giant! Rave: This is a call-out, plain and simple![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 6 (MAIN EVENT) LAST MAN STANDING VAMPIRO vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/B][/COLOR] Vampiro did his best to stay in this one, at one point launching a chair into Daniels’ head from across the ring, but Daniels couldn’t be stopped. The Fallen Angel broke out the chair he brought to the ring, and flapjacked Vampiro onto it before scooping it up and driving it over his skull. Vampiro was busted open, and the referee started his count, but Vampiro climbed up by the ropes and was on his feet by seven. He rushed Daniels, but took a chair in the stomach to be doubled over. Daniels folded the chair out, and double-underhooked Vampiro, lifting him and hitting an Angel’s Wings onto it. ([I]Rave: What a move! Vampiro has to be—[/I]) Daniels took the dented remnants of the chair and went to the top rope. He perched himself and jumped off, legdropping the chair straight across Vampiro’s head. He wasn’t moving, and as Daniels watched closely, the referee counted to ten. ([I]Rave: It’s mercifully over! Daniels just destroyed Vampiro![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Christopher Daniels at 13:31, B-[/B][/COLOR] Daniels raised the chair in the air, showing it to be a pink colour—the red from Vampiro’s blood mixed with the powder white of his facepaint. The Fallen Angel still looked unsatisfied, even though he’d just thoroughly defeated Vampiro. [COLOR=#892331][B]B- Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B-[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Arn Anderson let me know that it didn’t seem like Accomplice, or should I say Jack Vandal’s, turn interview went very well at all. He'll have to work on his promo skills if he hopes to keep the crowd on his side. - Thanks for the positive, and negative, feedback, lowki. I liked what you had to say about Roc, because it's probably reflective of how the internet would feel about him in reality. The goal is to differentiate him from other "hosses", we'll see if I can pull it off. [B]Fast Results:[/B] [quote][B]Christopher Daniels[/B] def. Vampiro [B](B-)[/B] [B] Abyss[/B] def. Alpha [B](B-)[/B] [B] Aries and McGuinness[/B] def. Rave and Mamaluke [B](B-)[/B] Jay Lethal went to a [B]no contest[/B] with Tomoaki Koizumi [B](C+)[/B] [B] Alex Shelley[/B] def. Chris Sabin [B](B-)[/B] [B]Jack Vandal[/B] def. Cloudy [B](C+)[/B][/quote]
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[COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on E! (Episode 204) Shown Live on Wednesday, September 23, 2006 Held at the Joplin Memorial Hall in Joplin, Missouri Attendance: 2,000 (sell-out) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] No online upload this week. The Internet will just have to make do with the free corker Nigel and Shannon put on for Revolution of the Species. Before the opening title sequence could play, John Laurinaitis was talking with [COLOR=#892331][B]Vampiro[/B][/COLOR], who looked ready to leave the arena. He said there was no way he was facing Christopher Daniels in a Last Man Standing match, saying Daniels already had his shot at him on Friday. He was about to take off when [COLOR=#892331][B]Commissioner “Superstar” Billy Graham[/B][/COLOR] blocked his path. Graham said that since Vampiro had weaseled out of getting pinned with Lacey’s interference, he would definitely be in that match, and Lacey wouldn’t be allowed down to ringside. Vampiro was fuming. [COLOR=#892331][B]B [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] MATCH 1 CLOUDY vs. ACCOMPLICE[/B][/COLOR] Accomplice entered wearing a hoodie and jeans and didn’t even bother shedding them for the match. ([I]Rave: We saw Accomplice at Revolution of the Species taking out his former ally, Homicide, and he’s kicking off the action tonight![/I]) Cloudy tried to dodge him, but Accomplice battered him with those rock hard fists, and dazed him with a one-two combination before driving him with the Flattener. ([I]Rave: One, two, three, count it! What a big win for Accomplice in his wrestling return![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Accomplice at 3:53, C+[/B][/COLOR] Accomplice grabbed a microphone and talked to the closest camera in an unstable yell. “Homicide! You didn’t even give me a name… well I have one. My name is Jack! [COLOR=#892331][B]Jack Vandal![/B][/COLOR] And Homicide, you’re going to wish you’d never made me your ‘boy’. You wanted me out of your life, but now there’s no escaping me. I want you in the ring, so I can bleed you dry! Homicide, your new name is Dead Meat, and you’ll never be able to forget that mine is Jack Vandal!” [COLOR=#892331][B]C Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR] entered the arena and the crowd reacted favourably. ([I]Rave: There’s the big winner! He was victorious in perhaps the biggest main event in RevPro history, and he’s here tonight! Smokes: Man, it ain’t fair, he gonna get any kind of match with Scott Colton that he want![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] was in the ring after the commercial break, and didn’t seem pleased. Some ringside fans were chanting “You Lost, You Lost” at him. “Yeah, fine, I lost on Friday, but I’d like to see anyone else in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling even make it to the ring after getting their jaw shattered by a punch! The only reason that I’m not holding the gold right now is because Bob Holly screwed everything up for me. He showed up to where I work, and messed with me! I should show up to where he works and—oh, wait. Bob doesn’t have a job anymore.” ([I]Rave: For someone with a "shattered jaw", Shelley does a lot of talking.[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Chris Sabin [/B][/COLOR]walked down the aisle unexpectedly, and pulled out a microphone. “Alex, I remember when you weren’t so… whiny. So you got punched! Get over it. If you want to punch someone back, I’ll wrestle you, and I’ll beat you.” Shelley agreed to it. [COLOR=#892331][B]C+ MATCH 2 ALEX SHELLEY vs. CHRIS SABIN[/B][/COLOR] Sabin came close to beating Shelley, but the Exhibitionist slipped the shoulder up just before three after a Cradle Shock. Shelley scrambled to get Sabin on his back and put his feet on the second turnbuckle for a sneaky pin. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Alex Shelley at 11:34, B- Austin Aries[/B][/COLOR] was interviewed backstage, and Laurinaitis informed him that Roderick Strong had yet to arrive at the arena. Aries looked upset, but then composed himself and said, “Looks like I get to give Rave and Mamaluke twice the f***ing beating.” [COLOR=#892331][B]C[/B][/COLOR] A video started playing that showed grainy, neon-green night-vision footage of [COLOR=#892331][B]Commander Combat[/B][/COLOR] in what looked like a wartorn battlefield. Combat walked past two snipers who had nightvision gear. He said that the Alternative could have just lost once, and that would be the end of it. But by cheating, and shoving him to the floor, they made their penalty that much more severe. Combat called out “FIRE!” and the snipers opened fire on three dummies that were dressed to look like Shannon, Xile and Morley Depraved. The shot went back to the snipers who removed their helmets and goggles to reveal themselves to be [COLOR=#892331][B]Jacobs[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Sydal[/B][/COLOR]. “See you soon, boys.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 3 JAY LETHAL vs. TOMOAKI KOIZUMI[/B][/COLOR] Lethal was operating with a hurt back after being chokeslammed from the ring to the floor by Roc, but still had Koizumi on the defensive, until Scott Colton ran down to the ring and knocked both men out with his title belt. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: No Contest at 1:55, C+[/B][/COLOR] Colton dumped both men to the floor and grabbed a microphone. “Now that I have the floor… congratulations, Bryan Danielson. You snuck up behind me, dropped me on my head and pinned me. You might think you’re the better man, but as long as I have this…” He held the World Championship up high. “You aren’t. We’ve got a match at the next Pay Per View, RevPro Payback, and you get to name the rules for it. So come on out here and tell me what kind of match we’re doing. But remember, no matter what it is, you still won’t be able to get your hands on my gold.” There was some silence and then [COLOR=#892331][B]Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR]’s new speed metal theme hit to bring the crowd to their feet. Danielson spoke as he stopped halfway down the aisle. “Hey Scotty. I’m gonna make this short and sweet. Last night, I got to pin you, and that felt pretty good. But at Payback, I want to make you feel the pain I felt. I want to make you feel it over, and over again.” “I wanna make you tap like a bitch, Scotty. So our match is going to be… ultimate submission!” Danielson grinned and Colton looked unnerved as the crowd cheered. “Thirty minutes! Whoever gets the most submissions wins! And rest assured, Scotty, I won’t be satisfied unless I get you screaming like a little girl twenty times in that match.” “Ultimate submission, huh? I’ll do that. But I want you to remember when I broke your shoulder. Remember the joint being compacted? Remember the muscle tearing off the bone? Whenever I need a pick-me-up, I think about that, and I smile. And Bryan, when we meet in that ring, I’ll ruin that shoulder as many times as I have to so I can end this. I’m better than this, I’m better than you, and it’s time to move on.” Colton’s music played, and Danielson walked back up the aisle, smiling. [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 4 AUSTIN ARIES vs. TONY MAMALUKE and JIMMY RAVE[/B][/COLOR] Aries started off hot, but was quickly worn down by the odds. He had pin opportunities, but the man on the outside was always there to break it up. When things looked bleak, Nigel McGuinness ran down the aisle and got into Aries’ corner. ([I]Rave: Nigel’s here! Looks like Aries has a partner after all![/I]) Aries headbutted Mamaluke in the teeth to send him away, and, falling to his knees, saw Nigel. He hesitated but as the fresh Rave rushed him, Aries dove to tag Nigel in. McGuinness was hot, and put a hurting on the opponents before zapping Rave with the Tower of London. Mamaluke tired to crawl to break up the pin, but Aries squashed him with a 450 Splash. ([I]Rave: Three! Nigel gets the pin, and, to be quite honest, saved Austin Aries’ ass![/I]) Nigel and Aries got their arms raised, but Aries warily moved away from it, not wanting to be too close to Nigel. ([I]Rave: Call me crazy, but Nigel seems genuine here. I really think he’s sorry for what he’s done to Aries. Smokes: Tell that to Roddy Strong, dude![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Nigel McGuinness and Austin Aries at 12:55, B-[/B][/COLOR] In his dressing room, [COLOR=#892331][B]Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] was pacing back and forth with a steel chair and psyching himself up for the main event. [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 5 ALPHA (w/ Melina Perez) vs. ABYSS[/B][/COLOR] The Monster didn’t have a lot of trouble bulldozing young Alpha and finishing him with a Shock Treatment and Black Hole Slam. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Abyss at 4:38, C+[/B][/COLOR] As Abyss prepared to leave, the lights went out and a spotlight shone on the entranceway. [COLOR=#892331][B]Roc[/B][/COLOR], dressed in his winged robe, entered it and made his way to the ring. ([I]Rave: It’s Roc! What business does he have with Abyss?[/I]) He got into the ring and stood in front of Abyss, whose size he more than matched. ([I]Smokes: Think hard, Rave! He call himself King of the Giants, and Abyss a giant! Rave: This is a call-out, plain and simple![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 6 (MAIN EVENT) LAST MAN STANDING VAMPIRO vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/B][/COLOR] Vampiro did his best to stay in this one, at one point launching a chair into Daniels’ head from across the ring, but Daniels couldn’t be stopped. The Fallen Angel broke out the chair he brought to the ring, and flapjacked Vampiro onto it before scooping it up and driving it over his skull. Vampiro was busted open, and the referee started his count, but Vampiro climbed up by the ropes and was on his feet by seven. He rushed Daniels, but took a chair in the stomach to be doubled over. Daniels folded the chair out, and double-underhooked Vampiro, lifting him and hitting an Angel’s Wings onto it. ([I]Rave: What a move! Vampiro has to be—[/I]) Daniels took the dented remnants of the chair and went to the top rope. He perched himself and jumped off, legdropping the chair straight across Vampiro’s head. He wasn’t moving, and as Daniels watched closely, the referee counted to ten. ([I]Rave: It’s mercifully over! Daniels just destroyed Vampiro![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Christopher Daniels at 13:31, B-[/B][/COLOR] Daniels raised the chair in the air, showing it to be a pink colour—the red from Vampiro’s blood mixed with the powder white of his facepaint. The Fallen Angel still looked unsatisfied, even though he’d just thoroughly defeated Vampiro. [COLOR=#892331][B]B- Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B-[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Arn Anderson let me know that it didn’t seem like Accomplice, or should I say Jack Vandal’s, turn interview went very well at all. He'll have to work on his promo skills if he hopes to keep the crowd on his side. - Thanks for the positive, and negative, feedback, lowki. I liked what you had to say about Roc, because it's probably reflective of how the internet would feel about him in reality. The goal is to differentiate him from other "hosses", we'll see if I can pull it off. [B]Fast Results:[/B] [quote][B]Christopher Daniels[/B] def. Vampiro [B](B-)[/B] [B] Abyss[/B] def. Alpha [B](B-)[/B] [B] Aries and McGuinness[/B] def. Rave and Mamaluke [B](B-)[/B] Jay Lethal went to a [B]no contest[/B] with Tomoaki Koizumi [B](C+)[/B] [B] Alex Shelley[/B] def. Chris Sabin [B](B-)[/B] [B]Jack Vandal[/B] def. Cloudy [B](C+)[/B][/quote]
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[B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Monday, October 2nd, 2006 BLOCKBUSTER LIVE SHOW TO KICK OFF OCTOBER![/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B] DANIELSON TO FACE SHELLEY IN MAIN EVENT[/B] Two of the four competitors from Revolution of the Species’ marquee match will get it on Wednesday night, when Alex Shelley will meet the match’s winner, Bryan Danielson, in one-on-one action. Danielson will headline Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s next event, Payback, against Scott Colton in an Ultimate Submission match, and with it looming eighteen days from now, the champion will hope Danielson can get worn down or hurt in this one. Shelley has something to prove after promising victory in New York City and coming up short. Defeating Bryan Danielson will put him back where he wants to be. [B] A BATTLE OF THE GIANTS – ABYSS vs. ROC[/B] If Roc calls himself the King of the Giants, he will have to earn that moniker Wednesday night when he’s across from a true wrestling giant, Abyss! Roc confronted the Monster last week and stood nose to nose with him, now he’ll put his impressive record on the line against someone who was RevPro’s first World Champion, and who has never backed down from any challenge, big or small. [B] “MONUMENTAL” ANNOUNCEMENT COMING FROM BILLY GRAHAM[/B] Commissioner “Superstar” Billy Graham usually only puts the spotlight on himself when he has something important to say, so it’s safe to assume something huge is coming down the pipeline. He’s asked for time right at ten o’clock to make an announcement he claims is monumental. [B] EVANS vs. FUNAKI, SYDAL vs. XILE, STRONG RETURNS TO ACTION[/B] Jack Evans fell short of the mark at Revolution of the Species, but won’t have any time to waste to claw his way back to the top when he is challenged by Shoichi Funaki. They might be the two best fliers on the roster, and the action should be wild in West Virginia. Also, Sydal will hope to avenge his team’s loss when he gets one half of the Tag Team Champions, Xile, in the ring. We’ll also see Roderick Strong take on Jimmy Yang. Strong was AWOL a week ago when he was scheduled to team with Austin Aries. Will he explain his whereabouts? [B] KERRY “DOING WELL”, CLOSE TO RETURNING[/B] Rookie sensation Chris Kerry, who suffered a concussion in an attack by former roster member Brian Lawler and had it recur in a match against Funaki, is reportedly close to re-entering the ring. He’s had a couple of scary moments, but has passed the most recent tests doctors have done on him, and is pushing hard to get back between the ropes as soon as possible.
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[B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Monday, October 2nd, 2006 BLOCKBUSTER LIVE SHOW TO KICK OFF OCTOBER![/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B] DANIELSON TO FACE SHELLEY IN MAIN EVENT[/B] Two of the four competitors from Revolution of the Species’ marquee match will get it on Wednesday night, when Alex Shelley will meet the match’s winner, Bryan Danielson, in one-on-one action. Danielson will headline Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s next event, Payback, against Scott Colton in an Ultimate Submission match, and with it looming eighteen days from now, the champion will hope Danielson can get worn down or hurt in this one. Shelley has something to prove after promising victory in New York City and coming up short. Defeating Bryan Danielson will put him back where he wants to be. [B] A BATTLE OF THE GIANTS – ABYSS vs. ROC[/B] If Roc calls himself the King of the Giants, he will have to earn that moniker Wednesday night when he’s across from a true wrestling giant, Abyss! Roc confronted the Monster last week and stood nose to nose with him, now he’ll put his impressive record on the line against someone who was RevPro’s first World Champion, and who has never backed down from any challenge, big or small. [B] “MONUMENTAL” ANNOUNCEMENT COMING FROM BILLY GRAHAM[/B] Commissioner “Superstar” Billy Graham usually only puts the spotlight on himself when he has something important to say, so it’s safe to assume something huge is coming down the pipeline. He’s asked for time right at ten o’clock to make an announcement he claims is monumental. [B] EVANS vs. FUNAKI, SYDAL vs. XILE, STRONG RETURNS TO ACTION[/B] Jack Evans fell short of the mark at Revolution of the Species, but won’t have any time to waste to claw his way back to the top when he is challenged by Shoichi Funaki. They might be the two best fliers on the roster, and the action should be wild in West Virginia. Also, Sydal will hope to avenge his team’s loss when he gets one half of the Tag Team Champions, Xile, in the ring. We’ll also see Roderick Strong take on Jimmy Yang. Strong was AWOL a week ago when he was scheduled to team with Austin Aries. Will he explain his whereabouts? [B] KERRY “DOING WELL”, CLOSE TO RETURNING[/B] Rookie sensation Chris Kerry, who suffered a concussion in an attack by former roster member Brian Lawler and had it recur in a match against Funaki, is reportedly close to re-entering the ring. He’s had a couple of scary moments, but has passed the most recent tests doctors have done on him, and is pushing hard to get back between the ropes as soon as possible.
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[quote]I can't wait for Bob Holly to get his ass kicked by Alex Shelley.[/quote]But Bob Holly isn't in RevPro... I'm so confused... **** [COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on E! (Episode 205) Aired Live on Wednesday, October 4, 2006 Held at the Huntington Center in Huntington, West Virginia Attendance: 2,985 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [B]TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE vs. TJ WILSON[/B] Homicide looked pissed off after Jack Vandal’s attack on him at Revolution of the Species, and took it out on poor young go-getter TJ Wilson, slapping him around and hitting a nasty Kudo Driver for an efficient win. [B]Winner: Homicide at 3:47, C+[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=#892331][B]Commissioner “Superstar” Billy Graham[/B][/COLOR] made his way down to the ring for his big announcement. “I’ve been talking with the people that own this company about some ideas, and they threw one at me that knocked me off my feet. See, in about a month, we’re going to have some elections in this country, and the guys upstairs said, ‘Why don’t we have one of our own?’ It makes perfect sense—you see, you fans vote for the person who runs your city, and you vote for who runs your country, so why the hell wouldn’t you want to vote for the person who runs your wrestling? So in November, we’re going to have an election here in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling, and my position of Commissioner is going to be up for grabs.” ([I]Rave: That’s kinda huge! This is a first—the fans will vote for who will run RevPro![/I]) “But it won’t just be your fans voting—no, no. That’s only 50% of the vote. The other half of the vote will come from the wrestlers on this roster. I’d like to think that most of the boys back there think I’ve done a good job, but some probably do not. So, they’ll get their say, and so will you. The door is open for anyone here in the company to challenge me for my position—it could be someone on the active roster, could be a manager, could be the guy selling T-shirts, hell, could be Rob or Julius here at ringside!” ([I]Smokes: Hmm, dude’s got me thinkin’. Rave: He's a miracle worker, folks![/I]) “Thanks for your time, and let’s start the show!” [COLOR=#892331][B]B+ MATCH 1 JACK EVANS vs. SHOICHI FUNAKI[/B][/COLOR] We knew it would be an aerial display, but this one blew the crowd away. They had fifteen minutes to work with, and they didn’t take one breather. Evans’ back looked to be hurting after taking that dive through the announce table in New York City and Funaki capitalized on that when Evans missed a somersault dive to the outside. Funaki shoved him into the post, and then scaled the barrier to dive onto him. The action went back inside where Funaki hit his tornado DDT and covered, but Evans slipped out. Funaki tried to hit another one, but Evans dropped him backwards with a Northern lights suplex reversal, and made it to the top rope to nail his 630 splash. ([I]Rave: 630! Cover! And three! Evans wins![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Jack Evans at 14:51, B+[/B][/COLOR] Evans hobbled over to Funaki afterwards, and extended his hand, which the veteran shook. Funaki raised Jack’s hand and pointed to him. [COLOR=#892331][B]B+[/B][/COLOR] After a commercial break, [COLOR=#892331][B]Shannon[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Morley Depraved[/B][/COLOR] stood in the ring with [COLOR=#892331][B]Xile[/B][/COLOR] as he waited for his opponent, [COLOR=#892331][B]Sydal[/B][/COLOR]. [COLOR=#892331][B]Jacobs[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Commander Combat[/B][/COLOR] walked down to ringside with him, but Shannon picked up a microphone. “Hey Commander, I just had a funny idea. See, there’s three of us, and three of you guys. So instead of a one-on-one match, why don’t we make it a six-man tag?” Sydal and Jacobs conferred concernly with Combat. ([I]Rave: Commander Combat, wrestling?[/I]) Shannon continued, “Or are you scared, Commander?” Combat pushed his men away and nodded. ([I]Rave: He’s going for it! Smokes: Combat’s gon’ wrestle? All we seen him do in two months is talk![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]C MATCH 2 THE ALTERNATIVE (SHANNON, XILE and DEPRAVED) vs. COMMANDER COMBAT, SYDAL and JACOBS[/B][/COLOR] Combat shouted his commands from the apron as Sydal and Jacobs dominated the other three men early on. The momentum swung the other way and the ring cleared, leaving only Shannon as the legal man and Combat on the apron. Shannon laughed and beckoned Combat on. Shannon got attacked from behind by Jacobs, but Shannon tossed him back to the floor. He turned around right into a top-rope cross body from Combat. ([I]Rave: Wow! Crossbody, and pin! Shannon kicked out![/I]) Shannon got back to his feet and advanced on Combat, who seemed nervous from his body language. Combat got down on his knees, maybe to beg, but as the referee was busy with the events on the outside, Combat stunned Shannon with a low blow and leapt over him with a sunset flip pin. ([I]Rave: Combat has the cover! Two, and three! Smokes: What?! Dude ain’t even a wrestler! He a… what the hell is he anyway?[/I]) Combat went to the outside as Shannon held his crotch and grimaced. The Commander had his arms raised by Sydal and Jacobs. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Combat, Sydal and Jacobs at 9:34, B- Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] was backstage, talking about how he was going to run off Bryan Danielson just like he’d run off Bob Holly, when [COLOR=#892331][B]Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] approached him. “We’ve had our differences, Alex, but we had our match, and that’s all over. Now we have to deal with Danielson. I don’t want you to wrestle him out there tonight, I want you to scratch at him, bite him, and work that shoulder. Even if it means losing, I want you to—” “Hey man, I’m not here to lose. I’m here to—” Colton cut him off. “We’re friends, aren’t we, Alex?” Shelley eyed him warily. “Yeah, man. We’re friends.” “Well friends help each other out. They have each other’s back. So do me a solid, and go out there and hurt Danielson.” [COLOR=#892331][B]A MATCH 3 JIMMY YANG vs. RODERICK STRONG[/B][/COLOR] Roddy looked very motivated and put together a great performance. He shrugged off a spinning heel kick from Yang to crack him with a stiff lariat. Yang got nailed by the Death by Roderick which actually bounced him into the air and was soundly defeated. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Roderick Strong at 6:37, C+ Homicide[/B][/COLOR] walked into Billy Graham’s office and smugly sat down on his desk. “Hear you got a little election goin’, chief.” “That’s right, Homicide. Are you thinking of running against me?” “Hell no, Superstar. I got enough s*** on my plate without havin’ to run in no election. But it’s gon’ be great when some guy takes yo’ sucker-ass job, and gets you out of my life.” “What did you want, Nelson?” Homicide stood up. “I wanna match with that b**** who attacked me in New York.” “Jack Vandal?” “His name don’t matter, man. He just another kid who ain’t grateful for what I done.” “You want a match with him? You’ve got it.” Homicide smiled and went to leave. “Oh, just a second—” Graham stood up and put a pin on Homicide’s shirt that said “VOTE GRAHAM IN 06”. Homicide sneered and left the office. [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 4 “THE MONSTER” ABYSS vs. “KING OF THE GIANTS” ROC[/B][/COLOR] These two locking up was a power fan’s dream. Abyss rocketed off the ropes in the early going for a clothesline but couldn’t budge Roc. The newcomer tried it himself and only moved Abyss slightly. Roc didn’t seem to be phased by anthing Abyss had to offer until he was whipped into the corner and squashed with an avalanche. Abyss walked out backwards, raising an arm in triumph, but Roc nailed him with a huge boot when he turned. Roc put Abyss’ head between his legs and slowly lifted him for a powerbomb, crushing him down and falling himself from the impact. ([I]Rave: Good God! He powerbombed Abyss! That’s a first![/I]) Roc made the cover and Abyss wasn’t moving at all. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Roc at 9:02, B[/B][/COLOR] Roc picked up a chair from outside of the ring and took it back inside, placing it in the corner, facing up on the second turnbuckle. He pulled Abyss off of the mat, put him in a chokehold, and lifted him off the mat enough to drive his head down through the chair. The crowd gasped, and Roc remained emotionless. ([I]Rave: Chokeslammed through that chair! Smokes: Goddamn, I never seen anything colder than that! Rave: He just intentionally tried to hurt Abyss! Smokes: The man needs to know: there’s only enough room for one giant in RevPro![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B[/B][/COLOR] John Laurinaitis was talking to [COLOR=#892331][B]Roderick Strong[/B][/COLOR]. Rod said that some people might be fooled by Nigel McGuinness change of heart, but he wasn’t. “Nigel’s screwed you before, Austin, and he’ll do it again. I want two things: for you to stop believing his crap, and one more match, between me and you. Let’s see who the better man is when it’s one-on-one, with no interruptions.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) BRYAN DANIELSON vs. ALEX SHELLEY[/B][/COLOR] Shelley appeared to be doing as Colton asked, and viciously worked over Danielson’s previously injured shoulder. When Danielson caught him in a Dragon suplex position from behind, Shelley slyly hit him in the crotch to knock him down. At another point, Shelley bit at Bryan’s forehead, drawing a warning from the referee. ([I]Rave: Shelley is going at Danielson tooth and nail! Smokes: Colton want him beat up for the Pay Per View, and Danielson is gettin’ wore down here.[/I]) As Shelley tried to set up a frog splash, Colton ambled down to ringside with the belt over one shoulder. ([I]Rave: He’s got absolutely no reason to be spectating.[/I]) Colton applauded for Shelley, who launched off the top rope, but Danielson moved and Shelley got nothing on it, cutting Colton’s applause short. Danielson nailed Shelley with some forearms as Colton got up on the apron and yelled at Shelley to fight back. Shelley stopped Danielson with an eye gouge, and got his leg hooked for the Shell Shock. ([I]Rave: Shell Shock coming![/I]) Danielson broke free and dropkicked Shelley, who fell backwards into Colton, knocking him to the floor. ([I]Rave: Down goes Colton![/I]) Shelley held his head and stumbled into a single-arm takedown that became the Cattle Mutilation. ([I]Rave: It’s locked in strong! Smokes: Donttapdonttapdonttap![/I]) Shelley struggled to break free but had to give up, and the fans cheered. ([I]Rave: Danielson wins![/I]) Colton, sitting on the floor, cursed to himself and looked irate. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Bryan Danielson at 15:48, B[/B][/COLOR] Colton started to walk away, glaring at Danielson, when Bryan called for a microphone. “Scotty, it’s gonna be a lot of fun at Payback. But I’ve decided, the stakes need to be raised. You seem to like that belt a lot… so I’m gonna take it from you.” Colton shook his head. “Oh, that’s right. I can’t have a shot. I guess I’ll have to get you to agree to one then.” Danielson stood overtop of the hurting Shelley. “Unless you agree to put the belt on the line, I’m gonna stretch your buddy here until his arms pop off!” The crowd cheered and Colton looked torn. Danielson reapplied the Cattle Mutilation, causing Shelley to scream in agony. Danielson reached the microphone back up to his own mouth. “Make it happen, Scott!” Colton licked his lips nervously as the referee ran him a microphone. ([I]Rave: Decision time! Shelley’s being tortured, and Colton can stop it by putting the belt up![/I]) Danielson applied more pressure by raising the bridge, and Shelley continued to wail. Colton finally spat out a response. “No deal!” Colton dropped the microphone and walked away through the curtain. ([I]Smokes: There he goes! Rave: Some friend, huh?[/I]) Danielson kept the hold on for about ten more seconds before dejectedly releasing it, and leaving the ring at the referee’s behest. [COLOR=#892331][B]B+ Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Evans and Funaki’s match was the big surprise. I thought they’d be able to deliver a good opening match but a B+, considering that they’re both faces, was great. Roc also had a great outing, and Danielson and Shelley performed pretty much as expected in the main event. - The Tag Team Champions, Xile and Morley Depraved, re-upped with us this week for some slightly more generous numbers. Also inking a fresh deal was interviewer and backstage worker extraordinaire John Laurinaitis. [B]Fast Results:[/B] [quote][B]Bryan Danielson[/B] def. Alex Shelley [B](B)[/B] [B]Roc[/B] def. Abyss [B](B)[/B] [B]Roderick Strong[/B] def. Jimmy Yang [B](C+)[/B] [B]Combat, Sydal and Jacobs[/B] def. the Alternative [B](B-) Jack Evans[/B] def. Shoichi Funaki [B](B+)[/B][/quote]
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[quote]I can't wait for Bob Holly to get his ass kicked by Alex Shelley.[/quote]But Bob Holly isn't in RevPro... I'm so confused... **** [COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on E! (Episode 205) Aired Live on Wednesday, October 4, 2006 Held at the Huntington Center in Huntington, West Virginia Attendance: 2,985 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [B]TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE vs. TJ WILSON[/B] Homicide looked pissed off after Jack Vandal’s attack on him at Revolution of the Species, and took it out on poor young go-getter TJ Wilson, slapping him around and hitting a nasty Kudo Driver for an efficient win. [B]Winner: Homicide at 3:47, C+[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=#892331][B]Commissioner “Superstar” Billy Graham[/B][/COLOR] made his way down to the ring for his big announcement. “I’ve been talking with the people that own this company about some ideas, and they threw one at me that knocked me off my feet. See, in about a month, we’re going to have some elections in this country, and the guys upstairs said, ‘Why don’t we have one of our own?’ It makes perfect sense—you see, you fans vote for the person who runs your city, and you vote for who runs your country, so why the hell wouldn’t you want to vote for the person who runs your wrestling? So in November, we’re going to have an election here in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling, and my position of Commissioner is going to be up for grabs.” ([I]Rave: That’s kinda huge! This is a first—the fans will vote for who will run RevPro![/I]) “But it won’t just be your fans voting—no, no. That’s only 50% of the vote. The other half of the vote will come from the wrestlers on this roster. I’d like to think that most of the boys back there think I’ve done a good job, but some probably do not. So, they’ll get their say, and so will you. The door is open for anyone here in the company to challenge me for my position—it could be someone on the active roster, could be a manager, could be the guy selling T-shirts, hell, could be Rob or Julius here at ringside!” ([I]Smokes: Hmm, dude’s got me thinkin’. Rave: He's a miracle worker, folks![/I]) “Thanks for your time, and let’s start the show!” [COLOR=#892331][B]B+ MATCH 1 JACK EVANS vs. SHOICHI FUNAKI[/B][/COLOR] We knew it would be an aerial display, but this one blew the crowd away. They had fifteen minutes to work with, and they didn’t take one breather. Evans’ back looked to be hurting after taking that dive through the announce table in New York City and Funaki capitalized on that when Evans missed a somersault dive to the outside. Funaki shoved him into the post, and then scaled the barrier to dive onto him. The action went back inside where Funaki hit his tornado DDT and covered, but Evans slipped out. Funaki tried to hit another one, but Evans dropped him backwards with a Northern lights suplex reversal, and made it to the top rope to nail his 630 splash. ([I]Rave: 630! Cover! And three! Evans wins![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Jack Evans at 14:51, B+[/B][/COLOR] Evans hobbled over to Funaki afterwards, and extended his hand, which the veteran shook. Funaki raised Jack’s hand and pointed to him. [COLOR=#892331][B]B+[/B][/COLOR] After a commercial break, [COLOR=#892331][B]Shannon[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Morley Depraved[/B][/COLOR] stood in the ring with [COLOR=#892331][B]Xile[/B][/COLOR] as he waited for his opponent, [COLOR=#892331][B]Sydal[/B][/COLOR]. [COLOR=#892331][B]Jacobs[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Commander Combat[/B][/COLOR] walked down to ringside with him, but Shannon picked up a microphone. “Hey Commander, I just had a funny idea. See, there’s three of us, and three of you guys. So instead of a one-on-one match, why don’t we make it a six-man tag?” Sydal and Jacobs conferred concernly with Combat. ([I]Rave: Commander Combat, wrestling?[/I]) Shannon continued, “Or are you scared, Commander?” Combat pushed his men away and nodded. ([I]Rave: He’s going for it! Smokes: Combat’s gon’ wrestle? All we seen him do in two months is talk![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]C MATCH 2 THE ALTERNATIVE (SHANNON, XILE and DEPRAVED) vs. COMMANDER COMBAT, SYDAL and JACOBS[/B][/COLOR] Combat shouted his commands from the apron as Sydal and Jacobs dominated the other three men early on. The momentum swung the other way and the ring cleared, leaving only Shannon as the legal man and Combat on the apron. Shannon laughed and beckoned Combat on. Shannon got attacked from behind by Jacobs, but Shannon tossed him back to the floor. He turned around right into a top-rope cross body from Combat. ([I]Rave: Wow! Crossbody, and pin! Shannon kicked out![/I]) Shannon got back to his feet and advanced on Combat, who seemed nervous from his body language. Combat got down on his knees, maybe to beg, but as the referee was busy with the events on the outside, Combat stunned Shannon with a low blow and leapt over him with a sunset flip pin. ([I]Rave: Combat has the cover! Two, and three! Smokes: What?! Dude ain’t even a wrestler! He a… what the hell is he anyway?[/I]) Combat went to the outside as Shannon held his crotch and grimaced. The Commander had his arms raised by Sydal and Jacobs. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Combat, Sydal and Jacobs at 9:34, B- Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] was backstage, talking about how he was going to run off Bryan Danielson just like he’d run off Bob Holly, when [COLOR=#892331][B]Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] approached him. “We’ve had our differences, Alex, but we had our match, and that’s all over. Now we have to deal with Danielson. I don’t want you to wrestle him out there tonight, I want you to scratch at him, bite him, and work that shoulder. Even if it means losing, I want you to—” “Hey man, I’m not here to lose. I’m here to—” Colton cut him off. “We’re friends, aren’t we, Alex?” Shelley eyed him warily. “Yeah, man. We’re friends.” “Well friends help each other out. They have each other’s back. So do me a solid, and go out there and hurt Danielson.” [COLOR=#892331][B]A MATCH 3 JIMMY YANG vs. RODERICK STRONG[/B][/COLOR] Roddy looked very motivated and put together a great performance. He shrugged off a spinning heel kick from Yang to crack him with a stiff lariat. Yang got nailed by the Death by Roderick which actually bounced him into the air and was soundly defeated. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Roderick Strong at 6:37, C+ Homicide[/B][/COLOR] walked into Billy Graham’s office and smugly sat down on his desk. “Hear you got a little election goin’, chief.” “That’s right, Homicide. Are you thinking of running against me?” “Hell no, Superstar. I got enough s*** on my plate without havin’ to run in no election. But it’s gon’ be great when some guy takes yo’ sucker-ass job, and gets you out of my life.” “What did you want, Nelson?” Homicide stood up. “I wanna match with that b**** who attacked me in New York.” “Jack Vandal?” “His name don’t matter, man. He just another kid who ain’t grateful for what I done.” “You want a match with him? You’ve got it.” Homicide smiled and went to leave. “Oh, just a second—” Graham stood up and put a pin on Homicide’s shirt that said “VOTE GRAHAM IN 06”. Homicide sneered and left the office. [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 4 “THE MONSTER” ABYSS vs. “KING OF THE GIANTS” ROC[/B][/COLOR] These two locking up was a power fan’s dream. Abyss rocketed off the ropes in the early going for a clothesline but couldn’t budge Roc. The newcomer tried it himself and only moved Abyss slightly. Roc didn’t seem to be phased by anthing Abyss had to offer until he was whipped into the corner and squashed with an avalanche. Abyss walked out backwards, raising an arm in triumph, but Roc nailed him with a huge boot when he turned. Roc put Abyss’ head between his legs and slowly lifted him for a powerbomb, crushing him down and falling himself from the impact. ([I]Rave: Good God! He powerbombed Abyss! That’s a first![/I]) Roc made the cover and Abyss wasn’t moving at all. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Roc at 9:02, B[/B][/COLOR] Roc picked up a chair from outside of the ring and took it back inside, placing it in the corner, facing up on the second turnbuckle. He pulled Abyss off of the mat, put him in a chokehold, and lifted him off the mat enough to drive his head down through the chair. The crowd gasped, and Roc remained emotionless. ([I]Rave: Chokeslammed through that chair! Smokes: Goddamn, I never seen anything colder than that! Rave: He just intentionally tried to hurt Abyss! Smokes: The man needs to know: there’s only enough room for one giant in RevPro![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B[/B][/COLOR] John Laurinaitis was talking to [COLOR=#892331][B]Roderick Strong[/B][/COLOR]. Rod said that some people might be fooled by Nigel McGuinness change of heart, but he wasn’t. “Nigel’s screwed you before, Austin, and he’ll do it again. I want two things: for you to stop believing his crap, and one more match, between me and you. Let’s see who the better man is when it’s one-on-one, with no interruptions.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) BRYAN DANIELSON vs. ALEX SHELLEY[/B][/COLOR] Shelley appeared to be doing as Colton asked, and viciously worked over Danielson’s previously injured shoulder. When Danielson caught him in a Dragon suplex position from behind, Shelley slyly hit him in the crotch to knock him down. At another point, Shelley bit at Bryan’s forehead, drawing a warning from the referee. ([I]Rave: Shelley is going at Danielson tooth and nail! Smokes: Colton want him beat up for the Pay Per View, and Danielson is gettin’ wore down here.[/I]) As Shelley tried to set up a frog splash, Colton ambled down to ringside with the belt over one shoulder. ([I]Rave: He’s got absolutely no reason to be spectating.[/I]) Colton applauded for Shelley, who launched off the top rope, but Danielson moved and Shelley got nothing on it, cutting Colton’s applause short. Danielson nailed Shelley with some forearms as Colton got up on the apron and yelled at Shelley to fight back. Shelley stopped Danielson with an eye gouge, and got his leg hooked for the Shell Shock. ([I]Rave: Shell Shock coming![/I]) Danielson broke free and dropkicked Shelley, who fell backwards into Colton, knocking him to the floor. ([I]Rave: Down goes Colton![/I]) Shelley held his head and stumbled into a single-arm takedown that became the Cattle Mutilation. ([I]Rave: It’s locked in strong! Smokes: Donttapdonttapdonttap![/I]) Shelley struggled to break free but had to give up, and the fans cheered. ([I]Rave: Danielson wins![/I]) Colton, sitting on the floor, cursed to himself and looked irate. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Bryan Danielson at 15:48, B[/B][/COLOR] Colton started to walk away, glaring at Danielson, when Bryan called for a microphone. “Scotty, it’s gonna be a lot of fun at Payback. But I’ve decided, the stakes need to be raised. You seem to like that belt a lot… so I’m gonna take it from you.” Colton shook his head. “Oh, that’s right. I can’t have a shot. I guess I’ll have to get you to agree to one then.” Danielson stood overtop of the hurting Shelley. “Unless you agree to put the belt on the line, I’m gonna stretch your buddy here until his arms pop off!” The crowd cheered and Colton looked torn. Danielson reapplied the Cattle Mutilation, causing Shelley to scream in agony. Danielson reached the microphone back up to his own mouth. “Make it happen, Scott!” Colton licked his lips nervously as the referee ran him a microphone. ([I]Rave: Decision time! Shelley’s being tortured, and Colton can stop it by putting the belt up![/I]) Danielson applied more pressure by raising the bridge, and Shelley continued to wail. Colton finally spat out a response. “No deal!” Colton dropped the microphone and walked away through the curtain. ([I]Smokes: There he goes! Rave: Some friend, huh?[/I]) Danielson kept the hold on for about ten more seconds before dejectedly releasing it, and leaving the ring at the referee’s behest. [COLOR=#892331][B]B+ Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Evans and Funaki’s match was the big surprise. I thought they’d be able to deliver a good opening match but a B+, considering that they’re both faces, was great. Roc also had a great outing, and Danielson and Shelley performed pretty much as expected in the main event. - The Tag Team Champions, Xile and Morley Depraved, re-upped with us this week for some slightly more generous numbers. Also inking a fresh deal was interviewer and backstage worker extraordinaire John Laurinaitis. [B]Fast Results:[/B] [quote][B]Bryan Danielson[/B] def. Alex Shelley [B](B)[/B] [B]Roc[/B] def. Abyss [B](B)[/B] [B]Roderick Strong[/B] def. Jimmy Yang [B](C+)[/B] [B]Combat, Sydal and Jacobs[/B] def. the Alternative [B](B-) Jack Evans[/B] def. Shoichi Funaki [B](B+)[/B][/quote]
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[QUOTE=Oldschool;159115]Is there anyway you can update us again on who is playing some of created characters Morley Depraved (Trent Acid..right??) Chris Kerry (Greg Pawluck???) Scott Colton (Colt Cabana?) Commander Combat, Shannon, Xile, Roc, Jack Vandal, Accomplice[/QUOTE] You nailed the first three. Shannon is Shannon Moore, and Xile is FWA high-flier Jody Fleisch. Roc is Matt Morgan, and Jack Vandal and Accomplice are the same guy, XPW's Messiah. As for Commander Combat, who knows? Dude wears a helmet.
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[QUOTE=Oldschool;159115]Is there anyway you can update us again on who is playing some of created characters Morley Depraved (Trent Acid..right??) Chris Kerry (Greg Pawluck???) Scott Colton (Colt Cabana?) Commander Combat, Shannon, Xile, Roc, Jack Vandal, Accomplice[/QUOTE] You nailed the first three. Shannon is Shannon Moore, and Xile is FWA high-flier Jody Fleisch. Roc is Matt Morgan, and Jack Vandal and Accomplice are the same guy, XPW's Messiah. As for Commander Combat, who knows? Dude wears a helmet.
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[B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Monday, October 9th, 2006 WORLD CHAMPION: “NO DEAL!” FOR CHAMPIONSHIP SHOT[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B] COLTON TO FACE SAMOA JOE IN NON-TITLE ENCOUNTER[/B] Even when Bryan Danielson had Alex Shelley trapped in the Cattle Mutilation and screaming for mercy, it still wasn’t enough to encourage Scott Colton to put his World Championship on the line for Payback in Cleveland, Ohio. That means that their Ultimate Submission match will remain a non-title bout. But this week, Colton will have more than Danielson’s upcoming challenge to worry about, as he’ll step into the ring with Samoa Joe on Televised Revolution! His belt is safe for the time-being, but his body is very much in danger; Joe could do some serious damage and jeopardize his chances of defeating Danielson at Payback. [B] GRAHAM FOR COMMISSIONER IN ‘06[/B] Last Wednesday, we saw Commissioner “Superstar” Billy Graham make an announcement unprecedented in wrestling history that will see the fans, and the wrestlers, choose who will preside over Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. Graham has said that he will campaign to keep his position, but there is currently no one running against him. Will he win by default, or will a worthy candidate step up to challenge him for the role of Commissioner? [B] LET’S GET IT ON! AUSTIN ARIES VS. RODERICK STRONG[/B] After a rematch was requested last week, the Tri State Championship will be on the line when Aries and Strong hook up for a second time! Aries phoned in to Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s offices the day after Televised Revolution to simply tell the Commissioner to “make it happen”. The first bout between the two at Revolution of the Species was marred by interference, first by Jimmy Rave and Tony Mamaluke, and then by Nigel McGuinness, who ran them off and seemingly inadvertently nailed Strong with a chair, ruining his chances. Strong was impressive in last week’s showing against Jimmy Yang, and he’s got a great shot at becoming Tri State Champion. [B] KERRY CLEARED TO COMPETE[/B] “The best feeling in the world!” That’s what Chris Kerry called it when he answered the phone Sunday morning to be told he was cleared to wrestle again. He’s suffered two concussions in his time in RevPro, but can now retake his place in the squared circle. As one of the most impressive prospects in recent memory, he’ll be looking to continue his ascent up the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling ranks.
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[B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Monday, October 9th, 2006 WORLD CHAMPION: “NO DEAL!” FOR CHAMPIONSHIP SHOT[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B] COLTON TO FACE SAMOA JOE IN NON-TITLE ENCOUNTER[/B] Even when Bryan Danielson had Alex Shelley trapped in the Cattle Mutilation and screaming for mercy, it still wasn’t enough to encourage Scott Colton to put his World Championship on the line for Payback in Cleveland, Ohio. That means that their Ultimate Submission match will remain a non-title bout. But this week, Colton will have more than Danielson’s upcoming challenge to worry about, as he’ll step into the ring with Samoa Joe on Televised Revolution! His belt is safe for the time-being, but his body is very much in danger; Joe could do some serious damage and jeopardize his chances of defeating Danielson at Payback. [B] GRAHAM FOR COMMISSIONER IN ‘06[/B] Last Wednesday, we saw Commissioner “Superstar” Billy Graham make an announcement unprecedented in wrestling history that will see the fans, and the wrestlers, choose who will preside over Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. Graham has said that he will campaign to keep his position, but there is currently no one running against him. Will he win by default, or will a worthy candidate step up to challenge him for the role of Commissioner? [B] LET’S GET IT ON! AUSTIN ARIES VS. RODERICK STRONG[/B] After a rematch was requested last week, the Tri State Championship will be on the line when Aries and Strong hook up for a second time! Aries phoned in to Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s offices the day after Televised Revolution to simply tell the Commissioner to “make it happen”. The first bout between the two at Revolution of the Species was marred by interference, first by Jimmy Rave and Tony Mamaluke, and then by Nigel McGuinness, who ran them off and seemingly inadvertently nailed Strong with a chair, ruining his chances. Strong was impressive in last week’s showing against Jimmy Yang, and he’s got a great shot at becoming Tri State Champion. [B] KERRY CLEARED TO COMPETE[/B] “The best feeling in the world!” That’s what Chris Kerry called it when he answered the phone Sunday morning to be told he was cleared to wrestle again. He’s suffered two concussions in his time in RevPro, but can now retake his place in the squared circle. As one of the most impressive prospects in recent memory, he’ll be looking to continue his ascent up the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling ranks.
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[COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on E! (Episode 206) Aired Live on Wednesday, October 11, 2006 Held at the Felipe Castillo Auditorium in Las Cruces, New Mexico Attendance: 2,000 (sellout) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [B]TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM “THE FUTURE” CHRIS SABIN vs. JAY LETHAL[/B] A hard-fought contest between friends that got the crowd warmed up. Sabin plucked Lethal out of the air into a fireman’s carry and hit the Cradle Shock for the three count. [B]Winner: Chris Sabin at 5:54, C+[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] After the opening titles, [COLOR=#892331][B]Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] was already on his way to the ring, dressed in leather pants and a T-shirt. His walk had a bit of a hump to it, as Shelley was clearly still feeling the effects of last week. ([I]Rave: That’s the result of being locked in the Cattle Mutilation for a pretty long time! Smokes: Colton coulda bailed him outta it but he didn’t![/I]) Shelley got a microphone, and we could see that he had a piece of paper in his other hand. “[I]¿Cómo estás?[/I], my New Mexican friends… last week, because of an issue I am no part, I was brutally assaulted. I was raped!” The fans popped big for that. “So forgive me if my temper's flaring this week, because I’m straight pissed off. Not just because my back is wrenched, but also because we have a Pay Per View in Cleveland, Ohio in nine days and no one bothered to give me a match. Come on, guys! If you want to pop the big buyrates, you have to give the people a chance to know I’m gonna be involved.” He held up the piece of paper. “This is a contract for anyone in the back to take me on at Payback. No questions asked. If you can drag yourself out here and sign your own name—that rules out Joe—then we have a match.” There was a pause before [COLOR=#892331][B]Chris Sabin[/B][/COLOR]’s music hit and he walked out. ([I]Rave: Some history between these two! They were best friends at a time, and when they met two weeks ago, Shelley cheated his way to victory.[/I]) “Come on down, Chris,” Shelley beckoned. Sabin slid into the ring and stood in front of Shelley. “Well, I was hoping for someone a little more… high profile, but this will do.” Shelley handed him the paper and a pen. “Put your little alien symbol on the line there, and let’s make it official.” Shelley offered his back to a wary Sabin so he could write on it, and he finally obliged. But before Sabin could get the first letter of his name down, Shelley dropped him with a jawjacker. ([I]Rave: Oh, for God’s sakes![/I]) Shelley hopped up and started kicking the tar out of the stunned Sabin until he had rolled to ringside. Shelley laughed as he shouted insults at Sabin. However, behind him, the fans were parting and many raised their arms in the air. ([I]Rave: Something happening here…[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Bob Holly[/B][/COLOR] jumped the barrier and eluded the security team to jump into the ring. ([I]Rave: It’s Bob Holly![/I]) Shelley turned, still laughing, and walked right into a double-leg pickup from Holly. With Shelley on his back, Holly kicked a security team member off of the apron, and then crushed Shelley with the Alabama Slam to send the crowd into a frenzy. ([I]Rave: Alabama Slam! Smokes: He ain’t a RevPro wrestla, gettim the f*** outta here![/I]) Holly looked down at Shelley with a grin, but then his stare shifted to the paper contract. Holly picked it up and found the pen. ([I]Smokes: No! Put it down, don’t do that![/I]) Holly looked around at the crowd and then signed his name to the contract. Holly raised his arms, and pointed at Shelley, but had to take off through the roaring crowd as security re-inforcements ran down the aisle. ([I]Rave: It’s going to be Alex Shelley vs. Bob Holly at Payback! Whether he’s on our roster on not, his name is on that contract, so it's going to happen![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 1 JACK EVANS vs. ALPHA (w/ Melina Perez) [/B][/COLOR] Thanks to some trickery, Alpha was able to get Evans on his stomach and stomp at him furiously. But the fan favourite stormed back and hit a Falcon Arrow suplex followed by the devastating 630 as Melina could only watch. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Jack Evans at 6:31, B[/B][/COLOR] Jack Evans took a microphone as Melina led Alpha up the aisle. “Yo, I got a challenge I wanna make too… there’s a guy who’s been tearin’ it up, beatin’ some pretty tough guys in RevPro, and I need to know if I measure up. The guy’s name is Roc.” ([I]Rave: Excuse me, I think I have something crazy in my ear. He’s challenging ROC?[/I]) “I ain’t no giant, but I beaten guys just as big as you, yo. So if you want a challenge, I’ll be at Payback… and you know this, [I]man[/I].” ([I]Smokes: Yeeah, yeeah! This is gon’ be better than a bucket of Halloween candy, Rave! Roc bustin’ that stringbean like a rubba band![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B+[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, [COLOR=#892331][B]Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] was freaking out and accosting backstage workers. It soon became clear that his belt had been stolen from his bag. He stopped one worker with a headset, knocking it off his head. “Did you see Bryan Danielson? Was Danielson here?” The worker said that he hadn’t seen Danielson all day, and that he shouldn’t have, because he isn’t booked. Colton pushed him backwards and walked off. [COLOR=#892331][B]A MATCH 2 “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. KANETSU[/B][/COLOR] Two performers with similar fan support, it started off technical and respectful, but after Kanetsu laid in a hard kick to Daniels’ back while he was seated, it became stiff and personal in a hurry. They traded right hands and hard shots until it spilled to ringside. As the count started, Daniels lifted Kanetsu up and dropped his neck across the steel barrier, and continued to hammer on his back. As the Fallen Angel tried to leave the area to get back into the ring, Kanetsu grabbed his arm and slung him into the barrier head-first. Kanetsu kneeled over Daniels and laid in more right hands as the count reached ten. [COLOR=#892331][B]Double count-out at 11:58, B[/B][/COLOR] Daniels fought Kanetsu up to a standing position and they continued to tear into each other. ([I]Rave: This isn’t stopping![/I]) The over-worked security team stepped in again and had to break them up. [COLOR=#892331][B]C[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, [COLOR=#892331][B]Nigel McGuinness[/B][/COLOR] was talking to one of the ring crew workers when [COLOR=#892331][B]Roderick Strong[/B][/COLOR], dressed in his ring attire, approached him. Nigel, sensing how hot he was, put up a hand. “Whoa, just a second now, Rod. I don’t want a fight. You know what I done to you was a bloody accident.” “This isn’t about me. This is about Austin. You might have convinced him that you’re some kind of changed man, but I’m not so easy to fool. I want you to stay away from him, got me?” “Roddy, you’ve got it all wrong, I--” Strong didn’t wait for him to finish, and crushed him with a knock-out sucker punch. Nigel fell like a sack of bricks, and Strong smiled as he walked away. [COLOR=#892331][B]C MATCH 3 “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE vs. ???[/B][/COLOR] Homicide was out to face an unknown opponent. Some fast-paced music hit and Chris Kerry jogged through the entrance to a decent reaction. ([I]Rave: It’s Chris Kerry! Off of the disabled list and back to RevPro! He’s had a tough time so far, but according to the doctors is ready to go.[/I]) Kerry slid in and Homicide attacked him immediately. Kerry fired back with a dropkick that pushed Homicide into the corner, and ran at him to hit a jumping monkey flip. Homicide bided his time and slipped in when Kerry tried a suplex to sock him in the gut and make it a DDT of his own. Homicide wore Kerry down and finally ducked a misplaced clothesline to hook him for the Kudo Driver. Homicide dropped him with it and got the three count. ([I]Rave: A good effort by Kerry, but he’s just not there yet.[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Homicide at 7:18, C+[/B][/COLOR] Homicide looked ready to leave, but stopped himself and picked up Kerry again. ([I]Rave: Oh, come on! What does this prove, big man?[/I]) Homicide got him set up for the Kudo Driver. ([I]Rave: He has a history of concussion problems! Don’t do this! Smokes: Drop ‘im, dog! Rattle them brains![/I]) Homicide hit the nasty driver that put Kerry down, and not moving. ([I]Rave: Why can’t somebody—[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Jack Vandal[/B][/COLOR] tore down the aisle, holding a chair, and Homicide wisely bailed out of the ring. Vandal threw the chair at Homicide, who dodged it, and checked on Kerry as a couple of officials came out for the same reason. [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 4 FOR THE REVPRO TRI STATE CHAMPIONSHIP AUSTIN ARIES c. vs. RODERICK STRONG[/B][/COLOR] Strong seemed a little bit peeved at Aries too, and when Austin offered him a handshake, Strong used it to reel him into a headlock. Aries dropped him with a belly-to-back suplex and slapped on an armbar as things got serious. They ripped into each other with hard chops and took a fall to ringside together as Aries cactus’d Strong over the top. Back in the ring, Aries was up for the Death by Roderick but turned it into a reverse DDT that had Strong on his back. Aries sensed an opportunity and headed up top for the 450 Splash. But Nigel slid into the ring and started attacking the downed Strong, calling for the bell. ([I]Rave: That’s Nigel, and he’s getting revenge! This match is over![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner, by disqualification: Roderick Strong at 13:49, B- Still champion: Austin Aries[/B][/COLOR] Aries got down off of the top rope to pull Nigel off of Strong, and yell at him. Nigel explained that Strong attacked him backstage, but then Strong barreled through Aries to get at Nigel. The two brawled it out, with no sign of the over-taxed security team. Aries got in the middle, and tried to get between the two and break it up. [COLOR=#892331][B]C[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, John Laurinaitis was talking to [COLOR=#892331][B]Commander Combat[/B][/COLOR]. Combat said he wasn’t going to talk about the Assault Unit, or the Alternative, or the Tag Team Titles. He was going to talk about power. “To survive in wrestling, you need it. With my team, with Sydal, with Jacobs, I have some, but quite frankly, if I want to do what I said I would do, and take RevPro by storm… I need more. I want to make Revolutionary Pro Wrestling where only the strong survive, and where only your best is good enough to remain. And so, I’m officially announcing my intention to run for Commissioner of RevPro.” Combat walked off and Laurinaitis looked stunned. ([I]Rave: Did you hear that? Commander Combat is going to run for Commissioner![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) NON-TITLE MATCH SCOTT COLTON vs. SAMOA JOE[/B][/COLOR] Colton still looked very upset walking down the aisle. Colton tried to wrestle Joe to the mat, but that didn’t really take. So he brawled with him, and fought off some hard kicks to nail Joe with an enziguri that finally dropped him. Colton braved Joe’s Island Driver to get a shoulder up at two and a half, and took advantage when the referee got in the way of one of Joe’s clotheslines. Colton brought a chair in and KO’d the Samoan with a straight shot, and when Joe fell to one knee, nailed him again. The referee slowly came to, and it was enough for three. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Scott Colton at 12:34, B[/B][/COLOR] Colton was walking back up the aisle when [COLOR=#892331][B]Bryan Danielson [/B][/COLOR]appeared on the video screen. He appeared to be up on the catwalk of some kind of warehouse. “Scotty! Don’t worry, I’m not in the arena... but I do have this.” Danielson held up the World Championship and Colton started swearing at him. “You really showed what you were made of last week when you wouldn’t even get your little buddy out of the Cattle Mutilation. But I want you to see where I am tonight.” The camera pulled back to show Danielson was in some kind of plant, as there was a large vat below him. “This is Las Cruces’ largest metal working plant, Scotty. And below me is a bubbling vat of liquid metal. It’s no coincidence that if I drop this belt, it will quickly become melted into nothing.” Colton looked concerned. “I know you like this belt. I know you probably like it more than anything else. So I’m going to give you two options. A! You make it so our Ultimate Submission match at Payback is a World Championship match. B! It’s non-title, and this belt is dropped down below to make a fine shovel one day. The ball’s in your court.” Danielson started to lower the belt slightly. Colton raised his hand. “Alright! Fine! F*** you, Danielson, you win. It’s a title match at Payback. You’ve got it.” The crowd cheered and Danielson looked pleased. “But Danielson, you’re never gonna wrestle again after our match, I guarantee that. You’re playing with fire, and I promise you that you’ll never have that belt around your waist.” Danielson waved goodbye and left the catwalk. ([I]Rave: Can you believe that Colton would put the title on the line to save the material belt, but not Alex Shelley? Smokes: That belt is more important than yo’ life, Rave! The belt means everything! And I think Colton is going to keep it![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]A Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Jack Evans continues to be the guy on the roster who can put on a show with just about anyone. Alpha hasn’t had a ton of opportunity to shine, but Evans made his offense look convincing, and bumped him up a level tonight. - One more show before the Pay Per View, RevPro Payback. Already booked is Colton vs. Danielson, Roc vs. Evans, Shelley vs. Holly and Jack Vandal vs. Homicide. [B]Fast Results: [/B][QUOTE][B]Scott Colton [/B]def. Samoa Joe [B](B) Roderick Strong [/B]def. Austin Aries by DQ [B](B-) Homicide[/B] def. Chris Kerry [B](C+) [/B]Christopher Daniels [B]drew[/B] Kanetsu [B](B) Jack Evans [/B]def. Alpha [B](B)[/B][/QUOTE]
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IndieHearsay.com - October 14 10:02:11 [B]IndieHearsay.com Headlines RevPro: Bob Holly, Vampiro, Jack Evans and… Stan Hansen?[/B] - Wednesday night’s [B]Televised Revolution[/B] made it official, as if it wasn’t already—[B]Bob Holly[/B] is a member of [B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling[/B]. He’s jumping straight into a feud with one of their hottest young stars, [B]Alex Shelley[/B], and if anything is right with the world, Shelley will go over. Some are saying that the signing seems antithetical to RevPro’s apparent purpose of pushing young stars, but Bob Holly is going to help the company. Even though he didn’t have any huge title reigns in the [B]WWE[/B], he has to be RevPro’s biggest face in terms of notoriety, and crowd reaction. From what we hear, Holly didn’t make it easy on them at the bargaining table, and while RevPro will have to pay a little more attention to their financials because of the deal, Holly will also undoubtedly be pushing himself to a new level to prove that he’s worth what they’re shelling out. - While Holly is in, it looks like a safe bet that [B]Vampiro[/B] is on his way out. In the relatively quiet and friendly RevPro locker room, Vampiro has gained the reputation of only being there for the money, and complaining whenever he’s booked to take a loss. The only question seems to be whether the company will work his imminent departure into storylines or just quietly let him go. It also puts [B]Lacey[/B]’s status in the air. Though it seems like the company would like to keep her on, it’s unclear what her next role would be. - [B]Jack Evans[/B] is within the last thirty days of his contract that dates back to [B]Ring of Honor[/B]. Since that signing, he’s gone from a midcarder to a main event presence, and it’s safe to assume that RevPro will be giving him a healthy bump in his per-show fees. - And finally, RevPro was back overseas last week in Japan, but it wasn’t to add any more Japanese wrestlers to their roster. Rather, it was to talk turkey with an American talent turned Japanese idol… [B]Stan Hansen[/B]. The fifty-seven-year-old seems interested in working for RevPro on a part time basis, and at this point it appears it would be in a managerial or otherwise non-wrestling role. It seems like a lock at this point, so don’t be surprised if the cowboy appears on your screen sooner rather than later.
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[B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Monday, October 16th, 2006 THE BELT IS ON THE LINE! ONE MORE SHOT FOR DANIELSON AT PAYBACK[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B]BIGGEST TELEVISED REVOLUTION MAIN EVENT TO DATE![/B] Last week, the main event of Payback took on a whole new complexion when Bryan Danielson threatened to melt Scott Colton’s World Championship, and forced the champion to put it on the line to save it. This week, Colton will have a chance to strike back with their Ultimate Submission showdown a mere two days away! [B] DANIELSON TEAMS WITH BOB HOLLY TO FACE COLTON AND SHELLEY[/B] Whether Alex Shelley likes it or not, he’ll be challenged by Bob Holly at Payback after the former WWE star knocked him out and signed the match contract. Now, he’ll at least have a chance to scout his opponent out in a special tag match main event! Holly was inked to a special one-match contract by “Superstar” Billy Graham, with the Commish stating that Holly deserved a proper warm-up before he competes on Friday. Holly is still not a member of the RevPro roster, but he has a chance to make a huge splash against RevPro's best before he returns to the free agency pool! [B]ELECTION ’06 – GRAHAM vs. COMBAT![/B] Billy Graham must have known that someone would rise to challenge him for his Commissioner’s position, but did he know someone would do it so quickly? Only one week after elections were declared, Commander Combat declared that he was tossing his helmet into the ring. This came as a surprise to many, as no one knew that Combat had any ambitions in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling past making his “Assault Unit”, Sydal and Jacobs, successful. With that, the election is on, and RevPro fans have been given the green light to begin casting their vote! Unlike the wrestlers on the roster, who will only have one night, October 25th, to vote, the fans can cast as many votes as they want leading up to the announcement of the winner on November 3rd. Scroll down this page to find out how to cast your vote! Both Combat and Graham will be in the house this Wednesday. Will anything develop between these unlikely opponents? [B]LAST CHANCE FOR THE COMBAT ASSAULT UNIT[/B] The Commissioner has been an extremely busy man, booking another big match for this week’s show. He has made a one-on-one match with the Alternative vs. the Combat Assault Unit, where each side will get to nominate someone to compete, and if the Assault Unit wins, they’ll get another chance at the Tag Titles at Payback! With so much on the line, who will both sides pick? Graham has also said that he has two more big matches lined up for Payback, but he’s waiting until RevPro goes live on E! to make them official. [B] EVANS CHALLENGES ROC—REALLY?[/B] While he’s one of the smallest competitors in RevPro, Jack Evans has always been able to hold his own against larger wrestlers, but this time he might have bitten off more than he can chew. Last week, he challenged "the King of the Giants" Roc, who stands 6’10, weighs 330 pounds, and has destroyed everyone he’s faced so far. The match has been slated for Payback, and this week, Jack Evans has requested a match with Abyss, to get himself ready for facing a much-larger opponent. Will it even matter? Or is this simply an insurmountable challenge, even for someone with the heart of Evans? [CENTER] **** [/CENTER] [COLOR=DimGray] [/COLOR][CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=DimGray][B] Make your pick, and make it count![/B] [B]Who will be Revolutionary Pro Wrestling's Commissioner?[/B][/COLOR] [/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=Black][B]"Superstar" Billy Graham [][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray] or[/COLOR] [/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=Black][B]Commander Combat [][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][B] Click [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/private.php?do=newpm&u=3124"]here[/URL] to cast your vote! Send it as many times as you want leading up to November 3![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on E! (Episode 207) Aired Live on Wednesday, October 18, 2006 Held at the Andy Sayers Civic Center in Jacksonville, Florida Attendance: 2,000 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM SHOICHI FUNAKI vs. CLOUDY[/B] Straight domination from Funaki, who didn’t have any trouble with Cloudy and hit a nasty-looking Tornado DDT for a swift win. [B] Winner: Shoichi Funaki at 3:36, B-[/B] [FONT="][IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [/FONT] The show opened with [COLOR=#892331][B]Commissioner “Superstar” Billy Graham[/B][/COLOR] standing outside of a locker room. He held the World Championship in one hand, and knocked on the door with the other. It opened, and [COLOR=#892331][B]Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] came out. “Hey champ. I believe this is yours.” Graham gave the belt to Colton. “It’s about time.” “I’ve told Bryan Danielson that if he pulls anything else with this federation’s title belt, then he’ll be suspended.” “Ha! A warning? That’s rich, Graham. His ass should be fired, and you know it.” Graham smiled. “Just focus on your match tonight, Scott. It’s you and Shelley against Bryan and Bob Holly.” [COLOR=#892331][B]A MATCH 1 NIGEL MCGUINNESS vs. TONY MAMALUKE[/B][/COLOR] Mamaluke gave Nigel some trouble, but the London native was too motivated. Smokes pointed out that Nigel seemed to be talking about “Roddy”, Roderick Strong, as he measured Mamaluke for the Tower of London and made it count. ([I]Rave: Three, and McGuinness wins it! I bet he wishes that'd been Roderick Strong after the issues they’ve been having.[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Nigel McGuinness at 11:19, C+[/B][/COLOR] “The following political advertisement was paid for by RevPro Wrestlers Against Superstar Billy Graham.” [COLOR=#892331][B]Homicide[/B][/COLOR] stood against a blue backdrop. “Yo, I wrestled in a lotta different places for a lotta different bosses, and I never been given more disrespect than here in RevPro with Billy Graham. He play mind games with me and he ain’t never given me my main event opportunity. I don’t know much about this dude Combat, but I know he ain’t that sucka Graham, and that’s good enough for me. Superstar… it’s over. You losin’ yo’ damn job. My name is Homicide, not Nelson, and I approved this message, b****.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B[/B][/COLOR] The helmeted [COLOR=#892331][B]Commander Combat[/B][/COLOR] stood with John Laurinaitis, and first mentioned that he was officially challenging the Commissioner to a debate at Payback. He then said that tonight, for his team, it would be Jacobs going up against a member of the Alternative for a Tag Title shot at the same Pay Per View. [COLOR=#892331][B]C Melina Perez[/B][/COLOR] was standing with [COLOR=#892331][B]Jimmy Rave [/B][/COLOR]in a hallway, and didn’t look pleased. “Tonight is the night when you get your ass in gear, Jimmy! First of all, what was all that with that loser, Tony Mamaluke, going after Aries and Strong? Who told you you could do that? Because it sure wasn’t me. Second, when’s the last time you won a match? Two, three months ago? At the beginning of this year, I told you that you’d have the World Championship around your waist by 2007, and now you’re making me look like an idiot! If you want to make me happy, go out there and beat Jack Vandal tonight.” [COLOR=#892331][B]C MATCH 2 JACK VANDAL vs. “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE (w/ Melina Perez)[/B][/COLOR] Well, so much for that. Rave did his damndest but Vandal rocked him hard, dizzying right hands. Rave went up top for a moonsault, but Vandal rose and used Rave’s height to get him with the reverse Death Valley Driver, which Rave called the Vandalizer. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Jack Vandal at 6:00, C[/B][/COLOR] Before Vandal could get to his feet, [COLOR=#892331][B]Homicide[/B][/COLOR] had run down the aisle and gotten into the ring. Vandal turned into Homicide who grabbed him and thrust a hand into his back. Vandal shook and fell down. Homicide raised a tazer into the air and grinned. ([I]Rave: Homicide just zapped Vandal! Their match is in two days, it isn’t fair![/I]) Homicide laid in a stiff kick before some officials ushered him out of the ring, and medical attention arrived for Vandal. [COLOR=#892331][B]C[/B][/COLOR] The entire Alternative—[COLOR=#892331][B]Shannon[/B][/COLOR], [COLOR=#892331][B]Xile[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Morley Depraved[/B][/COLOR]—was standing with John Laurinaitis, who asked who would be competing tonight. Morley looked ready to answer, but Shannon pulled the microphone towards his own mouth. “Not a hard question, John. See, the Commissioner screwed up by saying any member of the Alternative could compete tonight, not just Xile or Morley. So it’s gonna be me! In times of trouble, leaders lead, and I’m going to show my guys how it’s done. Let’s get to the ring!” Shannon walked out of frame, leaving Xile and Morley who looked at each other quizzically. ([I]Rave: The decision seems a little less than unanimous to me.[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]C MATCH 3 JACOBS (w/ Commander Combat and Sydal) vs. SHANNON (w/ Xile and Morley Depraved)[/B][/COLOR] Both sides prevented the other team from getting involved, which meant that Jacobs and Shannon got to fight this one on their own. Xile and Depraved spent a lot of the match conferring with each other, and looking upset that they weren’t in there. Shannon hit a DDT on Jacobs and headed to the second rope to set up his You Don’t Know The Way I Feel flipping neckbreaker, but dawdled, taunting Commander Combat on the outside. Jacobs got up and slugged Shannon, tossing him to the mat. Jacobs dragged him to his feet, and ran him to the corner to hit what was once called the Contra Code, but is now the Preemptive Strike. Jacobs covered, and Xile and Depraved could only watch as the Combat Assault Unit had earned their title shot. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Jacobs at 7:51, B-[/B][/COLOR] Jacobs and Sydal celebrated with Commander Combat, who, we could tell from his body language, was very pleased. ([I]Rave: With that, it will the Combat Assault Unit and the Alternative one more time at Payback in Cleveland! Smokes: You gotta wonder, if it were Xile and Depraved in there, would Jacobs’a won at all?[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]C Bob Holly [/B][/COLOR]was with John Laurinaitis, who simply asked him “why are you in RevPro?” “Because I ran outta asses to kick, that’s why. I was with a company for twelve years, and in twelve years, you get run down, worn out. You don’t want to see a ring again for the rest of your life. So I took a break, and I thought I was done for good. Then Shelley disrespected me, and when I pounded his face, it reminded how good it felt to be able to do that to such an annoying little b****. It might be the last match I ever wrestle this Friday, so I’m gonna make it the best match I ever wrestle. That boy’s gonna get hurt, bad.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B[/B][/COLOR] “Superstar” Billy Graham was in his office, and addressed the camera. He thought Commander Combat’s idea of a debate at Payback was a stroke of genius, and gladly accepted it. He also said he had two more matches to make for it. The first was Christopher Daniels vs. Kanetsu; after their brawl last week, Graham said they could settle the score at Payback. The second would be a triple threat match. The Commissioner said that Roderick Strong wanted a fair shot at Austin Aries, and Nigel McGuinness wanted a piece of Strong. So, all three of them will be in the ring, and the Tri State Championship will be on the line. [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 4 JACK EVANS vs. ABYSS[/B][/COLOR] Evans got tossed around a bit by Abyss in the early-going, but dodged an avalanche attempt and started a comeback. He knocked Abyss down with a springboard clothesline, and then headed to the top rope. ([I]Rave: Moonsault from Evans! But wait, he’s going back up…[/I]) Evans came off a second time with an elbow drop. The impact of this one had Abyss rolling near the corner. Evans again climbed up top. ([I]Rave: Evans, 630! Hit it clean, two, three! Evans is the winner![/I]) Evans’ arm was raised, and he held his back in pain. ([I]Smokes: Yeah, whatever! Abyss big, but he ain’t Roc! Let’s see how it goes at Payback.[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Jack Evans at 11:42, B-[/B][/COLOR] Scott Colton was in the promo position backstage. “Thirty minutes… one half hour… me and you, Bryan. The worst mistake you ever made was allowing this belt to get back around my waist. When I’ve got this thing, I’m more powerful than you know. It gives me a feeling that I can’t even explain. Pride, worth, power, all of that. I scream one word: “legendary”, Bryan, and this piece of gold is the exclamation point! If you think it’s going to take thirty minutes, and a couple of arm bars, to beat me, you’re crazy. It took me my whole life to get to the point where I could finally be recognized as the absolute best in my field, and a half an hour, Bryan… Ultimate Submission, Bryan… just isn’t enough.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B+[/B][/COLOR] A strange theme song hit in the arena, and out walked a huge surprise—[COLOR=#892331][B]Stan Hansen![/B][/COLOR] ([I]Rave: Wow! Can you believe it, Smokes? Smokes: It’s Stan Hansen! Rave: He made his name overseas in Japan, he’s considered a God there![/I]) Hansen strode confidently to ringside, wearing a suit that made him look like an oil billionaire. Some knowledgable fans in the crowd started bowing to him. ([I]Smokes: Why’s the Cowboy here? Rave: I have no idea.[/I]) “Howdy! If you don’t know me, my name is Stan Hansen, and I’ve spent a lot of time in Japan over the last thirty years. I gave a lot to that country, and, ladies and gentlemen, now Japan has something to give to you.” “I seen a lot of fine prospects in my travels, but there’ve been two that take the cake. They knocked me outta my boots and, if I may, I’d like to bring them out right now. How’d ya like that?” The crowd liked this idea. “Well then, get out here, boys!” There was a brief pause before two Japanese men waked through the entrance. They were dressed impeccably; one, in a black suit (Tomoaki Koizumi), was young with long hair like a Hong Kong movie star, but was also big. The other (Hideyori Hirayama), in a white suit, was a little smaller and older, and had closely-cropped hair. They got into the ring where Hansen greeted them. “Now neither of these boys speak a lick of English so I’ll have to do the honors.” He clapped a hand onto Koizumi’s shoulder. “This fella here’s genuine Japanese royalty. He coulda loafed off his folks for the rest of his life, but instead he’s into kickin’ in heads! I give you… [COLOR=#892331][B]Shinsuke Koizumi![/B][/COLOR]” Koizumi, recognizing his name, extended one big arm to the crowd. Hansen moved over to the smaller man. “This gentleman likes to hurt people. He started off in the shoot fightin’ ring, but they found his methods a little too… uh, harsh. He’s here to make sure that no one lays a finger on Shinsuke or myself, and I’m bettin’ he’ll get some jollies offa it. A big hand for… [COLOR=#892331][B]Hirayama![/B][/COLOR]” Hansen stood between them. “These two bucks are gonna give you something special. They deserve your respect, and I’d appreciate it if that’s what you gave them. Japan is back on the rise, folks, and my team is proof positive of that… I call it, [COLOR=#892331][B]the Tokyo Exchange[/B][/COLOR]. I thank you graciously for your time, folks, and stay tuned… we ain’t gonna be hard to find.” Hansen shook his team’s hands again and led them out of the ring. [COLOR=#892331][B]C- MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) BRYAN DANIELSON and BOB HOLLY vs. SCOTT COLTON and ALEX SHELLEY[/B][/COLOR] Shelley got caught in the opposition corner and took a beating from Danielson and Holly. Shelley slowed Holly down with a poke to the eye, and stepped on his neck to ground him. Things quickly broke down when Danielson and Colton met in the ring, and they traded fierce right hands. Colton got backed up to the ropes and a crossbody from Danielson sent them both over. Danielson wrapped a cable around Colton’s neck in the aisle, cutting off his air until Colton tossed him to the floor. Holly and Shelley were left alone in the ring, and Shelley foolishly tried to piledrive Holly, but got taken up over his shoulders and drilled with a quick Alabama Slam that sent Holly down as well. Bob made the cover and was able to keep Shelley down. ([I]Rave: Ring it up! Holly scores the big win in his warm-up match for Payback![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Bob Holly and Bryan Danielson at 18:36, B-[/B][/COLOR] Holly got up in the corner and held up one finger while pointing to Shelley, indicating that he was going to beat him one more time this Friday. [COLOR=#892331][B]A Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B-[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Lots of storyline to take care of leading into the Pay Per View, and there was a bad string of “C” segments in there, which was a flip-the-channel moment for some of our viewers, I’m sure. The “official” introduction of Koizumi and Hirayama didn’t rate too well, as they’re both C-minuses across the country, but it had to be done. For those keeping score at home, they’re both game-generated workers, and I had Hirayama under a mask as Masked Kengen for a couple of months to get his feet wet. - There's still a debate yet to come, but you can still... [CENTER] **** [/CENTER] [COLOR=DimGray] [/COLOR][CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=DimGray][B] Make your pick, and make it count![/B] [B]Who will be Revolutionary Pro Wrestling's Commissioner?[/B][/COLOR] [/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=Black][B]"Superstar" Billy Graham [][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray] or[/COLOR] [/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=Black][B]Commander Combat [][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][B] Click [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/private.php?do=newpm&u=3124"]here[/URL] to cast your vote! Send it as many times as you want leading up to November 3![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [LEFT][B]Fast Results:[/B] [quote][B]Holly and Danielson [/B]def. Shelley and Colton [B](B-) Jack Evans [/B]def. Abyss [B](B-) Jacobs[/B] def. Shannon [B](B-) Jack Vandal[/B] def. Jimmy Rave[B] (C) Nigel McGuinness[/B] def. Tony Mamaluke [B](C+)[/B][/quote] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [U] Next[/U]: RevPro Payback!
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[CENTER][COLOR=#8e0b77][B]Final Preview – RevPro Payback[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] Friday, October 20, 2006[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] The Cleveland Times Arena – Cleveland, Ohio[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/pay2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B]For the RevPro World Championship[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] Thirty-Minute Ultimate Submission Match[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] Scott Colton (Champion)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] vs. Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR] For Colton, the goal is survival, but for Bryan Danielson, it’s payback. If the challenger gains the most submissions within thirty minutes, he’ll have finally laid to rest this rivalry that spanned the entire summer. A draw will mean that the title stays with Colton, so the champion must know that he doesn’t have to win the match, he just can’t lose. [COLOR=#8e0b77][B]Grudge Match[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B]vs. Bob Holly [/B][/COLOR] Once again, Alex Shelley’s ego and big mouth have gotten him into trouble. This time, it’s not even someone in RevPro that he’s angered. It’s Bob Holly, who was a special front-row guest at Revolution of the Species, and rushed the ring at an episode of Televised Revolution to seize a one-night-only opportunity to get into a RevPro ring and duke it out with the brash Exhibitionist. Holly has been known for dominating younger wrestlers in the past. Will Alex Shelley be just another victim? [COLOR=#8e0b77][B]For the Tri State Championship[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] Triple Threat Rules[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] Austin Aries (Champion)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] vs. Roderick Strong[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] vs. Nigel McGuinness[/B][/COLOR] What is it about championships that breeds paranoia? Longtime friends Strong and Aries have been distanced after a pair of controversial match-ups, and Strong believes that McGuinness’ efforts to apologize to Aries have been part of some elaborate trick. At Payback, it becomes all about the championship silver. With all the tumult in his life right now, can Aries hold on? [COLOR=#8e0b77][B]For the Tag Team Championship[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] No Managers Permitted at Ringside[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] The Alternative--Xile and Morley Depraved (Champions)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] vs. The Combat Assault Unit--Sydal and Jacobs (Challenger)[/B][/COLOR] In a hold-over from Revolution of the Species, these two teams will battle it out again, except this time neither Commander Combat nor Shannon will be allowed at ringside. The better team will leave Cleveland with the title belts, but which hungry young duo will it be? [COLOR=#8e0b77][B]Jack Evans[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] vs. “King of the Giants” Roc[/B][/COLOR] By Evans’ own request, he’ll step into the ring with the undefeated giant of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. Some are even questioning if this will be the last match he ever wrestles, but somehow, someway, can he pull off the upset of the year? [COLOR=#8e0b77][B]"The Notorious 187" Homicide vs. Jack Vandal[/B][/COLOR] Homicide decided that Accomplice wasn't worth anything to him, but Jack Vandal is on a quest to prove that he is. He'll get the Notorious 187 in the ring at Payback. Will the former protector strike back in style? [COLOR=#8e0b77][B][U]Also[/U]:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] vs. Kanetsu[/B][/COLOR] These two couldn’t be confined to a television match, so their rivalry is making its way to Pay Per View! Simply, who’s the better man? [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] Live Commissioner's Debate[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] “Superstar” Billy Graham and Commander Combat[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#8e0b77][B] Moderator: The Director of Integrity, Dean Malenko[/B][/COLOR] With every man and woman on the RevPro roster having an opportunity to vote for who will be the Commissioner heading into 2007, Billy Graham and Commander Combat will get to speak to them, and all the fans who are already able to cast their vote online, in front of the live crowd. If you haven’t voted yet, you won’t want to miss this! [LEFT][B]Prediction Key[/B]: Scott Colton / Bryan Danielson Alex Shelley / Bob Holly Austin Aries / Roderick Strong / Nigel McGuinness The Alternative / The Combat Assault Unit Jack Evans / Roc Jack Vandal / Homicide Christopher Daniels / Kanetsu [/LEFT] [/CENTER] Feel free to leave any predictions comments or suggestions!
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[CENTER][COLOR=#820b6d][B]RevPro Payback – Friday, October 20, 2006[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#820b6d][B] Live! on UrbanXtra Pay Per View[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#820b6d][B] Held at the Cleveland Times Arena in Cleveland, Ohio[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#820b6d][B] Attendance: 5,000 (sell-out)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#820b6d][B] Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM FOR THE NUMBER-ONE CONTENDERSHIP TO THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS THE RING CREW EXPRESS vs. JIMMY RAVE and ALPHA (w/ Melina Perez) vs. CHRIS SABIN and JAY LETHAL[/B] The winners of this one would be next in line for a shot at the Tag Team, whether that meant the Alternative or the Combat Assault Unit. Sabin and Lethal took it when Marcos ate Jay’s diving headbutt and was peeled off the mat for a Future Shock. [B] Winners: Chris Sabin and Jay Lethal at 7:35, B-[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/pay2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#820b6d][B]MATCH 1 FOR THE TRI STATE CHAMPIONSHIP AUSTIN ARIES c. vs. NIGEL MCGUINNESS vs. RODERICK STRONG[/B][/COLOR] The fans were behind the defending champion but were split on Nigel and Strong, who spent the majority of the match trying to get at each other. Nigel didn’t seem to have any interest in attacking Aries, but the champion wasn’t playing favourites, laying out both men with belly-to-back suplexes. Strong was left all alone with Aries, and blasted him with a Death by Roderick, but Nigel knocked him to the floor before he could cover. Nigel stood over the hurt Aries, and had all the time in the world to pin him. ([I]Smokes: Do it! Pin the man! Rave: He doesn’t know if he wants to! He said he wasn’t in it for the belt![/I]) Nigel finally shook his head and safely rolled Aries out of the ring. But as soon as he turned, Strong zapped him with an uppercut to the groin followed by a Death by Roderick. ([I]Rave: There it is! Two! And three! He did it, new champion! Strong’s the Tri State Champion[/I]!) Strong was handed the belt, and pumped his arm in the air as Nigel writhed in pain. [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Winner, and new Tri State Champion: Roderick Strong at 14:49, B Bob Holly[/B][/COLOR] was shown entering the arena with his bag slung over one shoulder. [COLOR=#820b6d][B]A Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] was being interviewed by John Laurinaitis, and promised victory against Kanetsu. He was very intense and looked like he’d been mentally preparing since Wednesday. [COLOR=#820b6d][B]B+ MATCH 2 KANETSU vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/B][/COLOR] They really laid into each other, leaving the display of mat wrestling mastery for another night. The order of the night was stiff chops and harsh knees to the head. Kanetsu got grounded and took a huge beating from Daniels, who almost got three off of a Best Moonsault Ever. The former Chad Collyer made the mistake of telegraphing a back body drop, and Daniels stopped short to hook him up and drive him with an Angel’s Wings. Not leaving anything to chance, Daniels went back up top and made it official with another BME. [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Winner: Christopher Daniels at 13:04, B+[/B][/COLOR] “The following political advertisement was funded by the RevPro Wrestlers Against Superstar Billy Graham.” The World Champion, [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR], was now the person in front of the blue background. “I’m going to be completely honest here: I never liked Billy Graham. Not when he was a big orange freak, not when he wore those tie-dye rags, not when the Lord Baby Jesus blessed his heart, and definitely not when he was my boss. I use the past tense preemptively because, in a couple of weeks, Graham is going to be gone. For all the crap he’s tried to pull on me, he deserves to be gone. Just like Bryan Danielson after tonight, the Commissioner is history. So RevPro fans, do your duty. Vote for Commander Combat.” [COLOR=#820b6d][B]A MATCH 3 “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE vs. JACK VANDAL[/B][/COLOR] These two boxed each other in an extremely painful fashion, showing the festering hatred between them. Homicide tried to break out his taser early, but had it pulled away by the referee, Jim Korderas. As Homicide protested, he got taken up for the Vandalizer, and nailed with it, but managed to groggily drape a foot on the ropes to break the pin. Vandal tried for another one, but Homicide broke it up with an eye rake, and pushed Vandal chest first into the corner. Vandal stumbled backwards into a pickup and Kudo Driver that was luckily enough for Homicide, as he had been completely battered to bits by his former ally. [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Winner: Homicide at 7:40, B+[/B][/COLOR] It was time for the debate. Out first was the moderator, the Director of Integrity, [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Dean Malenko![/B][/COLOR] Then it was [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Commander Combat[/B][/COLOR] hitting the ring, and finally the Commissioner, [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Superstar Billy Graham[/B][/COLOR]. It started off very cordial, with Combat stating through his helmet that his military background made him ideal for keeping up the morale of a large group of men, and Graham played up that he’d gotten RevPro a live TV deal, in a better timeslot, on a better network. Then Combat shot in a jab out of nowhere. “By the way, where were you the night of the first show on that network? If I remember correctly, weren’t you at a party in Los Angeles?” “It was a network function. Now—” “In all of your network fluffing, why couldn’t you stop someone from attacking the Bravo executives and almost leaving RevPro without a TV deal?” Malenko jumped in. “Hey, come on.” Combat couldn’t stop himself. “Billy, sometimes you aren’t seen on TV for two, three weeks. We know your heart’s not really in the wrestling business anymore, but—” “Commander, I—” “Graham, you are a pretender. You pretend to be someone who’s committed to making Revolutionary Pro Wrestling number one, but you’re really just riding the rocket. You’re using RevPro for your own gain, giving yourself exposure. You’re leeching!” Graham had had it. “Speaking of someone who’s not what they say they are, why hasn’t anyone ever seen your face, Commander? You expect the fans to believe in someone who’s hiding behind a helmet?” Combat stepped face-to-facemask with Graham. “I’m not hiding from anything. My face is scarred from something that occurred in military action that the people of this country don’t know about. It’s classified, and even if it weren’t, I wouldn’t bother telling you.” Malenko jumped in. “We’re almost out of time, can we please keep this on-topic?” Combat spoke. “On-topic, Dean? Here’s something that the fans will be very interested to hear. If I’m made Commissioner, I will sanction Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s first… ever… barbed wire match.” The fans buzzed and cheered. ([I]Rave: Barbed wire! But—[/I]) “And not only that, but for the fans’ enjoyment, competing in the match will be someone I’m sure they’d love to see gouged and gored… the World Champion! Scott Colton.” The fans went crazy. ([I]Rave: Oh my God! Can you picture that? Smokes: I don’t wanna! Rave: I think Commander Combat just curried some fan support![/I]) Combat continued. “Whether Colton is the champion after tonight or not, he’ll be in that match.” Graham couldn’t take it. “That’s irresponsible. The sheer amount of liability that—” Malenko had to cut him off. “Sorry, Bill, we’re way out of time.” With the debate over, Combat extended his hand and Graham shook it, but he shot daggers at Combat while doing so. ([I]Rave: Things just got very interesting! Fans, you can vote right now![/I]) [COLOR=#820b6d][B]B Jack Evans[/B][/COLOR] was walking down a backstage corridor, wearing earbuds, and looking psyched-up for his match. [COLOR=#820b6d][B]B+ MATCH 4 JACK EVANS vs. “KING OF THE GIANTS” ROC[/B][/COLOR] Evans was ready. But so was Roc. Evans threw everything but the kitchen sink at the big man, and managed to stun him with a flying knee to the jaw. With Roc down on one knee, Evans went up to the top rope to try something, but Roc got up and caught him. Roc threw him from the top turnbuckle and almost bounced him to the opposite corner of the ring. ([I]Rave: Evans got launched![/I]) Roc pulled Evans up and put his head between his legs. Evans tried to fight away but got driven with a powerbomb anyway. Roc held on and brought Evans back into the air, driving him back down with a devastating chokeslam. ([I]Rave: That’s the Hand of God! And Evans has been struck down![/I]) Roc covered Evans and got the pin. [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Winner: Roc at 9:49, B[/B][/COLOR] ([I]Rave: It was a valiant effort from Evans, but in the end—[/I]) Roc picked Evans back up and put him in a chokehold. ([I]Rave: Come on![/I]) Evans was lifted up and thrown down with reckless abandon. Roc looked like he was going to pick Evans up again when [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Shoichi Funaki[/B][/COLOR] tore down the aisle. ([I]Rave: Finally, some help! Funaki, Evans’ friend![/I]) Funaki got into the ring and tried to beat at Roc, but it was like punching a brick wall. He took a crushing boot to the head and a subsequent powerbomb that had him seizing around on the mat. Roc turned back to Evans, and had him on his feet, when some familiar horns sounded. [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Samoa Joe[/B][/COLOR] walked through the curtain as the fans cheered. ([I]Rave: Here we go! Samoa Joe![/I]) Joe walked briskly down to ringside with fire in his eyes. Roc dropped Evans and turned to Joe. ([I]Rave: You want a giant, Roc?! You got one![/I]) As Joe got to ringside, Roc stepped over the top rope and got out of the ring. Joe shouted at Roc as he walked away. ([I]Rave: Evans’ former tag team partner Samoa Joe was enough to dispatch Roc, but the damage has been done![/I]) Joe kneeled down to tend to Evans, who was barely moving. [COLOR=#820b6d][B]B+ Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] was backstage, and said that he would be known forever as the man who retired Bob Holly, since he would be gone from RevPro after tonight. “I’m not some rookie you can broomrape backstage, Sparky! I’m about to show you what we do to sports entertainment rejects in RevPro!” [COLOR=#820b6d][B]A MATCH 5 FOR THE REVPRO TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS THE ALTERNATIVE c. vs. THE COMBAT ASSAULT UNIT[/B][/COLOR] No managers allowed at ringside for this one. The Unit seemed to suffer from this fact, as they’ve yet to compete in a match where Commander Combat wasn’t shouting instructions at them. It was fast and furious, with a bunch of breathtaking spots. At one point, Xile was sitting on the top turnbuckle when Sydal ran at him and leapt up for what seemed like a hurricanrana to the mat, but he twisted and slung Xile all the way to the floor! But the Assault Unit was definitely missing Combat’s orders, and Sydal and Jacobs got crossed up and collided at a pivotal point in the match. This led to Jacobs falling to ringside and Sydal getting isolated with an atomic drop from Depraved and Xile’s stunning springboard 720 DDT that had to be it. ([I]Rave: That’s all! The Alternative stops Combat’s team once again to keep the straps![/I]) [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Winners, and still champions, the Alternative at 12:52, B[/B][/COLOR] John Laurinaitis asked [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR] for his thoughts before his match, but Danielson said that he had nothing left to say, other than the talking he’d do in the ring, and walked off. [COLOR=#820b6d][B]B+ MATCH 6 ALEX SHELLEY vs. BOB HOLLY[/B][/COLOR] Did Shelley ever take a beating in this one! Holly drubbed him with huge blows across the back, and brutalized him in the turnbuckles. Shelley struck back, fighting off the powerful Holly, and even dared to Skull Love his opponent. ([I]Rave: NOT a good idea.[/I]) Indeed, it just pissed Holly off, and Shelley got roughly tossed to the floor. Shelley’s head was bounced off of all four sets of stairs, and he got tossed back in. He hit Holly with a side backbreaker, and went to the top rope. Before he could try his frog splash, Holly was up and grabbed his legs to sling him over his back as the fans roared. ([I]Rave: Oh yeah! Here comes the Alabama Slam[/I]!) Shelley wriggled and fought, and managed to fall and turn it into a sunset flip. ([I]Rave: Holly’s shoulders are down![/I]) As the referee counted, Shelley latched onto the second rope and used it for leverage. ([I]Rave: He’s got the rope![/I]) Shelley got the three and immediately rolled out. ([I]Smokes: Shelley done it! You see that? Rave: I saw him hooking the ropes, yeah![/I]) [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Winner: Alex Shelley at 14:55, B[/B][/COLOR] Shelley celebrated at ringside as Holly cursed up a storm between the ropes. Shelley waved and tried to start a “hey hey hey, goodbye” chant that really didn’t catch on. Holly was dejectedly walking up the aisle when he was cut off by Superstar Billy Graham’s theme. ([I]Rave: Here’s the Commissioner![/I]) Graham had a microphone, and Holly stopped. “Bob, it’s too bad about that loss. But I mean, you were in the ring with one of RevPro’s top stars—hell, one of the premiere talents in wrestling today! Wouldn’t you agree, Alex?” Shelley nodded and clapped. “And so, Bob, I think lasting fifteen minutes with such a great talent is worth something.” Graham pulled out a contract. “This is a one-year contract that was just drafted up. Sign it, and not only will you be a full-fledged member of the RevPro roster, but you'll also have a rematch clause to face Alex Shelley one more time.” Holly took the contract and the fans chanted “sign it, sign it, sign it”. He looked right at Shelley and signed on the dotted line. ([I]Rave: There it is! Holly is RevPro![/I]) Shelley freaked out and eventually stormed through the crowd, not liking what had happened. [COLOR=#820b6d][B]A[/B][/COLOR] “The following political advertisement was funded by the RevPro Wrestlers Against Superstar Billy Graham.” [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Vampiro[/B][/COLOR] was the next one to bash the Commissioner, as [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Lacey[/B][/COLOR] clung onto her man. He said that Graham booked him in a Last Man Standing match against Christopher Daniels on a night when he wasn’t even prepared to compete. “If he’s so willing to put a living legend in a position to be injured, then Graham isn’t fit to run a Wal-Mart.” [COLOR=#820b6d][B]A MATCH 7 (MAIN EVENT THIRTY-MINUTE ULTIMATE SUBMISSION MATCH FOR THE REVPRO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SCOTT COLTON c. vs. BRYAN DANIELSON[/B][/COLOR] The crowd was hot, hot, hot for this one. Colton invited Danielson to face off with him, but as soon as Danielson stepped close enough, Colton popped him with a sucker punch and began a stompdown. ([I]Rave: There’s the bell, and we’re off! The clock is running and remember, the man with the most submissions in thirty minutes walks out with the belt![/I]) Danielson fought back with right hands that pushed Colton backwards and knocked him to ringside with a roaring elbow. ([I]Rave: Colton is out to the floo[/I]r!) Danielson followed him and hurt Colton with a whip into the barrier. He tried to pick the champion up and drop him across the steel but Colton knocked him away and then pushed him into the timekeeper’s table. Danielson fell down, and as he curled up in pain, Colton pulled a ringside producer out of his chair and folded it. ([I]Rave: Wait, he can’t—[/I]) Colton slammed the chair onto Danielson’s shoulder and did it four more times before the bell sounded. Colton immediately dropped the chair and Danielson looked like he was in extreme pain. ([I]Rave: Why did he do that? He just cost himself a point, Danielson’s up one-nothing![/I]) [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Scott Colton is Disqualified Bryan Danielson Leads 1-0 with 26:40 Remaining[/B][/COLOR] Colton stomped at Danielson’s shoulder and then dropped a knee onto the join. ([I]Smokes: Colton has gotta be the smartest wrestler there ever was! He gave Danielson a point, but now the boy’s shoulda’s gonna be ruined for the rest of the match! Rave: This is supposed to be a pure wrestling match! Smokes: Rules are rules, but Colton is workin’ around ‘em! I love this guy![/I]) Colton brought Danielson to the ring post and slammed his shoulder into it, as Danielson was in agony. Colton rolled Danielson in, but before Bryan could get up, Colton dropped an elbow onto the shoulder. ([I]Rave: Danielson missed so much time with that injury, and we even wondered if he was healthy enough to return, and now Colton is doing everything in his power to destroy that shoulder![/I]) Colton had Danielson on one knee, and wound the arm around three times to torture Danielson. Bryan backed him up with a right hand but Colton stormed back with a running kick to the head. Danielson went down, and Colton swooped in with an armbar. Danielson’s face contorted in pain as he struggled to move and break free. He eventually wormed his way to the ropes, and Colton took full advantage of the five count before releasing Danielson. The challenger rolled out and tried to buy some time with twenty minutes to go in the match, but Colton ran him down from behind and gave him a rough ride into the stairs. Colton placed the heavy stairs onto one of Danielson’s hands to immobilize the arm, and then mercilessly stomped the shoulder as Danielson screamed in pain. Colton got him back into the ring and tried for another armbar, but Danielson actually rolled free and turned it into a Cattle Mutilation. ([I]Rave: Cattle Mutilation! It is applied![/I]) Danielson struggled to hold on, as the stress of the move was testing his shoulder, and he eventually had to drop it before Colton could submit. Colton laid a kick into Danielson’s back, and went to the top rope. Danielson made it to his feet, holding his shoulder, and got waylaid by Colton’s flying Pro Line. Danielson fell hard, and Colton wasted no time in applying a cross armbreaker. Colton leaned back hard and rocked the move to apply the most pressure. ([I]Rave: This is hard to watch! Colton: Tap out, boy![/I]) After about thirty seconds of struggling, Danielson had no choice but to submit. Colton released it and looked satisfied. ([I]Rave: Colton gets the tap out! We’re knotted up at one, with fifteen minutes left![/I]) [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Bryan Danielson Submits Score is Tied 1-1 with 15:55 Remaining[/B][/COLOR] The referee held Colton back to get Danielson his ten-second recuperation period. Danielson tried to surprise Colton with a rushing forearm but Colton dropkicked him straight in the shoulder. Daniels went down like a ton of bricks, holding the joint, and the champion went back to the cross armbreaker. ([I]Smokes: Yeah yeah yeah! One more time, make the b**** tap! Rave: How can you endorse this? Danielson doesn’t have a fighting chance![/I]) Danielson refused to submit, even as Colton reared back, and eventually he went limp. The referee checked him once, twice, three times, without any movement, and called for the bell. ([I]Smokes: That’s numba two! Colton’s winnin’![/I]) [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Bryan Danielson Submits Scott Colton Leads 2-1 with 14:26 Remaining[/B][/COLOR] Colton released the hold and got to his feet. Danielson started to move a bit, and Colton played to the crowd, telling them that was all he needed. Danielson got on his hands and knees, and Colton kicked him to send him sprawling into the corner. He let Danielson pull himself up, and rushed the corner, but Danielson threw himself out of the way. Colton hit chest first, stumbled backwards, and Danielson somehow nailed him with the Dragon Suplex. Colton bounced onto his stomach, and Danielson tried to hook in the Cattle Mutilation, but barely had it on for two seconds before his shoulder gave out. ([I]Rave: The Cattle Mutilation isn’t working for him! He’ll need to find something else in his bag of tricks, and quick! There’s only twelve minutes left![/I]) Colton rolled to the ropes, and Danielson rocketed off of the far side to hit a baseball slide that knocked Colton to the floor. Danielson stepped out to the apron and dropped a leg on Colton, which had the champion stunned. Using one arm, Danielson dragged Colton to the announce table and slammed his head into it. Colton turned his back to the table, walking away in pain, but Danielson threw him back-first into it, driving the corner into the small of his back. Colton went down to one knee and Danielson brought him up, put him in a hip toss position with his good arm and threw the champion into the ring post, drawing gasps and cheers from the crowd. ([I]Rave: Colton’s back just collided with the steel post! He looks hurt too![/I]) Danielson rolled Colton into the ring and dropped an elbow onto his back as we entered the last ten minutes. Danielson worked over Colton’s back with kneedrops as the champion screamed in pain. Bryan tried to apply a one-arm version of the Camel Clutch to stretch the back, but Colton fought out and escaped to ringside. Danielson got up, frustrated, and looked over the ropes. He pulled Colton up to the apron by one arm and nailed him with forearm shots to the jaw. Colton countered by grabbing Danielson’s arm and jumping to the floor, wrenching the shoulder and sending Danielson falling down in complete agony. As he rolled around, Colton strolled around ringside, catching his breath and wasting as much time as possible. Colton finally got back in and went to the top rope, swinging his arm around and showing that he planned to KO Danielson with the Pro Line. ([I]Rave: This could put Danielson out for the remainder of our time, five minutes.[/I]) Danielson didn’t get up off the mat though, and Colton couldn’t launch. He complained to the referee about this, and with the momentary distraction, Danielson scrambled up and hit the top rope, crotching Colton. ([I]Rave: He was playing possum! Smokes: I hate possum![/I]) Danielson brought both Colton’s legs to the inside, and yanked him by the feet into the middle of the ring. Danielson held on to them and slipped a leg between his as the crowd rose. ([I]Rave: What’s he…[/I]) Danielson crossed Colton’s legs and turned him over, popping the crowd. ([I]Rave: It’s a Sharpshooter! Sharpshooter! Smokes: That ain’t his move! What the hell?![/I]) Colton wiggled and scrapped as his face turned red. Danielson sat back, holding the move together with his one good arm, and Colton reluctantly tapped out. ([I]Rave: Yes! And we are tied at two![/I]) [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Scott Colton Submits Score is Tied 2-2 with 4:39 Remaining[/B][/COLOR] Danielson released the hold and let Colton have his ten seconds. ([I]Smokes: He can have his tie, man! A tie means Colton keeps the belt, and that’s all that matters![/I]) Once Colton got up, Danielson charged him, but Colton dove through the ropes to avoid him. Colton grabbed Danielson’s leg from the floor and yanked him to the mat. He wishboned Danielson on the pole, and as Danielson reeled, he yanked some cable from around the ring and started wrapping it around Danielson’s feet. ([I]Smokes: He’s tyin’ him up! That’ll kill some time![/I]) As Colton was almost done, Danielson worked one leg free, and kicked Colton away to the barrier. Danielson slid out, but one feet was still stuck to the pole. Colton rushed him and nailed a clothesline to knock Danielson down. Colton rolled Danielson in and started stomping him down as the clock passed the two-minute mark. Danielson got up to one knee, so Colton poked him in the eye and threw him into the corner. An exhausted Danielson got rocked with right hands, including a heavy one that turned him around, chest to the corner. Colton rubbed Danielson’s face into the top pad and held him in place as he watched the clock run down to one minute. ([I]Rave: We’re sixty seconds from a tie![/I]) Danielson was held in place by a reverse waistlock, but put one foot on the second buckle, and then the other. Colton seemed confident, but Danielson grabbed his head and powered backwards, springing from the corner and landing behind Colton in a reverse DDT position. ([I]Rave: Danielson’s free!—[/I]) Danielson dropped to one knee and slapped on the Dragon Sleeper with his one good arm. ([I]Rave: DRAGON SLEEPER! DRAGON SLEEPER![/I]) The clock was down to thirty seconds as Colton’s arms waved madly. The crowd got to their feet. Danielson cinched it on tight and cut off the neck. ([I]Rave: THE CHAMPION IS STUCK![/I]) Colton started to drop off as his legs kicked, and the referee checked his arm once. It dropped. Twelve seconds. He raised it up again, and it dropped. Eight seconds. ([I]Rave: THAT’S TWO! ONE MORE![/I]) Korderas raised Colton’s hand one more time. Up… and down a third time at five seconds. The referee pointed to the timekeeper as the crowd went nuts. ([I]Rave: YES! GODDAMNIT, YES! SUBMISSION! DANIELSON WINS! DANIELSON’S THE WORLD CHAMPION! HE DID IT![/I]) [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Scott Colton Submits Bryan Danielson Leads 3-2 with :05 Remaining[/B][/COLOR] Danielson fell backwards as the crowd jumped and cheered. The last seconds were counted down. The buzzer sounded and the match was over. [COLOR=#820b6d][B]Winner, and New RevPro World Champion, Bryan Danielson at 30:00, B+[/B][/COLOR] Both combatants were still on their backs when Jim Korderas brought the belt into the ring. Danielson’s head was propped up on the bottom rope, and the referee gave him the championship. He couldn’t even get up to accept it, but held it to his chest as he lay there. ([I]Rave: The long road home has ended here at Payback, and Danielson is back on top, where he belongs! Smokes: That’s horses***! It was a choke! Rave: It was not![/I]) Danielson was helped up by the referee, and managed to lift the title belt up to the crowd with his better arm as the Pay Per View went off the air. [COLOR=#820b6d][B]A RevPro Payback Overall Rating: B+[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - A big success! Payback was intended to be what Backlash is to Wrestlemania, and play off of the heat and storylines forged at the previous event, but it ended up eclipsing Revolution of the Species in so many ways. The buyrate shot up to almost 20,000 purchases, and we had three B+ matches on the main card, with the rest being B’s, something that WWE or TNA can’t claim about any of their Pay Per Views in recent memory. Everything seemed to click tonight, and it’s a rarity. Something big that can be built from was created on this night. - This was also our first Pay Per View event sell-out, with all 5,000 seats being filled. [B]Fast Results: [/B][quote][B] Bryan Danielson [/B]def. Scott Colton 3-2 to win the RevPro World Championship [B](B+) Alex Shelley[/B] def. Bob Holly [B](B) The Alternative [/B]def. The Combat Assault Unit [B](B) Roc[/B] def. Jack Evans [B](B) Homicide[/B] def. Jack Vandal [B](B+) Christopher Daniels[/B] def. Kanetsu [B](B+) Roderick Strong[/B] def. Nigel McGuinness, Austin Aries to win the RevPro Tri State Championship [B](B)[/B][/quote]And don't forget to... [CENTER] **** [/CENTER] [COLOR=DimGray] [/COLOR][CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=DimGray][B] Make your pick, and make it count![/B] [B]Who will be Revolutionary Pro Wrestling's Commissioner?[/B][/COLOR] [/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=Black][B]"Superstar" Billy Graham [][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray] or[/COLOR] [/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=Black][B]Commander Combat [][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][B] Click [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/private.php?do=newpm&u=3124"]here[/URL] to cast your vote! Send it as many times as you want leading up to November 3![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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A remembrance I knew something would be different about Payback when I walked from my car toward the venue on Friday morning, because there were people walking back towards me. And they didn’t look happy. It wasn’t until I got inside the cavernous Cleveland Times Arena that the only other staff member to have arrived, one of our marketing guys, cleared it up for me. “It’s a sellout,” he said. “They’re turning people away at the box office.” “There’s a first time for everything,” I happily replied. It was a vindication of the hard work everyone had been doing that, for the first time, we’d be going live on Pay Per View with a full house. Marshall Waters wouldn’t be arriving until a couple of hours before the show, but I knew he’d be pleased as well. This wasn’t like his hockey team, or his basketball team. People were responding to the fresh product we had to offer. We were slowly becoming consequential, and a force within the industry. The first six months were in the books, and as we approached our one-year anniversary, I saw that it wasn’t just talk. We might really change the industry forever. I’d never been a man to make speeches; I’d been one who wrote them for others. But at 7:30, thirty minutes before we hit the air live, I felt like something had to be said. The talent gathered; young men and old men, those at the end of the line and those with their whole lives laid out in front of them like an empty journal. “Anyone who ever doubted us… is wrong. Anyone who thought we were derivative… is wrong. Anyone who thought Ring of Honor should have stayed Ring of Honor… is wrong. And to anyone who doesn’t believe that, I defy them to look through that curtain at that sell-out crowd and tell me differently.” “That house is the result of your hard work, your sweat, your tears. You aren’t here for guaranteed contracts--if you are, you’re in the wrong place. You aren’t here for job security. And you sure as hell aren’t here to make a payment on your second boat. When I look at you all, I see a hunger. You’re hungry for success, and desperate to change people's perception of our art. Maybe I’m crazy, but when you look at what all our competition and all our ancestors in this business have seen wrestling as… we’re the only ones who have got it right.” “So tonight, when you go out there, I’m not telling you to give 110 percent, because you’ve already been putting 200 percent into the bucket, and filling it the rest of the way up with your blood. And I’m not saying to make me proud tonight, because you already have. I’m saying, go out there… and wrestle. Because, goddamnit, we do it better than anyone else on the planet! Now let’s go!” The boys cried back, and many raised an arm into the air, or slapped hands. They tore the house down that right, and it wasn’t because my speech was incredibly empowering; believe me, it’s much less dramatic than I make out. It’s because they were doing what their souls told them to do. Wrestle. And once the arena had cleared out, and the last man to leave the building, Scott Colton, had wished me goodnight, my soul was telling me that the revolution had only just begun.
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[B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Monday, October 23th, 2006 ”GODDAMNIT, YES!” DANIELSON BACK ON TOP[/B] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/pay2.jpg[/IMG] [B]A NEW, OLD WORLD CHAMPION CROWNED IN CLEVELAND[/B] Some wondered if we’d ever see him again in RevPro, and others questioned if he’d be the same. But all the doubters have been silenced after Bryan Danielson went the distance and took a last minute, 3-2 victory over Scott Colton in the Ultimate Submission match to become Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s World Champion for the second time. His shoulder, which will likely never be 100%, took a huge beating, and it should be a target for whoever his first challenger turns out to be. One of RevPro.com’s roving reporters tried to get a word with Colton on his way out of the arena, but the former champion seemed extremely dejected and could only mutter, “It’s over… it’s all over.” [B]WEDNESDAY IS E[/B][B]LECTION DAY FOR REVPRO[/B] The fans have already started to cast their votes, but at Televised Revolution on Wednesday, it will be time for the wrestlers to have their say. The entire roster will pick either Commander Combat or “Superstar” Billy Graham to take the Commissioner’s role, and seven days after that, November 3rd, we’ll finally find out who the fans and wrestlers picked! Where do their loyalties lie? [B] SABIN AND LETHAL CASHING IN THEIR SHOTS, HOLLY IN ACTION[/B] This Wednesday, Chris Sabin and Jay Lethal, who won an opportunity to face the Tag Team Champions in the most recent Online Upload, aren’t letting it burn a hole in their pocket, and will face the Alternative with the belts on the line at Televised Revolution. Said Sabin, “We want them before they have a chance to regroup from their match at Payback, and Jay and I are going to walk out with the gold.” Also, Bob Holly, who signed a one-year contract at Payback, will be in Norman, Oklahoma and will take on an unknown opponent. [B]KERRY “DELUSIONAL”, “IN TROUBLE”: BILLY GRAHAM[/B] After suffering what was the third concussion of his short career, Billy Graham went on the record to say that he will not be allowing the young talent to endanger himself any further. “Clearly, we should have stopped this a couple of stages ago,” the Commissioner stated. “I visited him at his home over the weekend and he’s very… troubled. His brain has taken such a pounding that he’s somewhat delusional, which is a concussion symptom, and it’s very troubling that he’s in the state he’s in.” Refusing to elaborate any further, Graham continued, “We’re not talking abut wrestling anymore, we’re talking about trying to get Chris’ life back in order, and making sure his mental health is a priority.” A call was placed to Kerry’s home by RevPro.com, but strangely, the person who answered stated that no one by the name of Chris Kerry was there. Even more perplexing was that the answerer sounded very much like Kerry himself. [CENTER] **** [/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=DimGray][B]It's close--really close! [/B][B]Your time to vote is running out! Who will be Revolutionary Pro Wrestling's Commissioner?[/B][/COLOR] [/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=Black][B]"Superstar" Billy Graham [][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray]or[/COLOR] [/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=Black][B]Commander Combat [][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][B] Click [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/private.php?do=newpm&u=3124"]here[/URL] to cast your vote! Send it as many times as you want leading up to November 3![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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