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angle ratings

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When I do my angles I like to rate people on the skills that they would use in that segment (entertainment, selling, menace, microphone etc.) rather than just rating them on overness as I feel that's a more realistic way to play even if it means I don't get the best ratings and I like the fact that Kevin Owens then delivers a better promo than Finn Balor, despite the fact they are equally over in my game, as Owens is a much better promo.


However what I want to know is does popularity play a part in determining a segments rating even if you have them rated on entertainment, menace etc or are these segments solely rated on the area you have chosen to rate it on?


I just wondered whether it worked in a similar way to matches in that popularity and ability are both used to determine a match rating and whether in an angle popularity and the chosen rating are taken into account or if it is just on that chosen rating?

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This is covered in the in-game Players Handbook (go to Your Company -> Payers Handbook tab) in the section labelled "How Angles Are Rated". :) A rough answer is it's 40% the selected skill and 60% overness... with factors such as momentum and star quality playing in too. :)
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