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December 2005 Who would have thought that I would have to travel around the world to get a job in the wrestling industry? From New York City all the way to Madrid, Spain to what passes for a corporate headquarters to the only game in town, Ultimate Combat Ring. The promotion had just gained its first TV show UCR: International Wrestling Superstars and they wanted to bring me in to help get things going. Now I’m not known for my ability to write a wrestling show but I’ve been known to throw together a few comic and the occasional cartoon script and that caught the eye of owner, Louis Figo Manico. So here I am in a country that I don’t even speak the national language to do a job I have no previous experience in, for little to no pay. Life is great ain’t it?
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Friday Week 4 December, 2005 From UCR.com [QUOTE]The inaugural UCR: International Wrestling Superstars show is coming next week Friday the first week in January and we’d like to invite you to tune in on Continental Sports X1 live at 7pm. Bayem Stadion in Germany will be the venue for our first taping so be there or be on your couch, glue to UCR: International Wrestling Superstars. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/UCRInternationalWrestlingSuperstarsSmall.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Double Dutch vs The United Nations[/B][/U][/CENTER] The seeming underdogs Ruud Van Anger and Frank De Pain have the tag titles and they’re going to defend it against the ruthless and efficient United Nations, Herman the German and Kirk the Turk. Can The Dutch do stand up against the assault of the U.N.? [CENTER][U][B]The Force vs the Kosher Nostra[/B][/U][/CENTER] Her royal highness The Princess has garnered a match for her team of Toby Juan Kanobi and Jed High against the meanest of the mean, Stetson Hatt’s The Kostra Nostra. Light swords and mind tricks may work on some but will they be enough to bring down Abraham Slam and Bully Benrubi? [CENTER][U][B]Louis Figo Manico vs Mister Blister[/B][/U][/CENTER] Three men are in contendership for the UCR World Combat Title. The big boss man Louis Figo Manico and the Giant Mister Blister go at it in an attempt to bring out a clear number one contender. The winner will face Bigger Dan Ewe the week after. [CENTER][U][B]Captain Hero and The White Knight vs The Evil Henchmen[/B][/U][/CENTER] Truth and Justice are to be meted out as the leaders of the Super Crew Captain Hero and The White Knight take on Doctor Insane’s yes men The Evil Henchmen. The super duo looks to triumph over these lackeys and bring the fight to their evil master.[/QUOTE]
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So you gave up on your 4C diary huh? Anyway, I've never seen an UCR diary before... My predictions: [B]Double Dutch[/B] vs The United Nations [B]The Force[/B] vs the Kosher Nostra [B]Louis Figo Manico[/B] vs Mister Blister Captain Hero and The White Knight vs [B]The Evil Henchmen[/B] BTW: I think it's Toby Juan Kanobi and not Roby :)
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I had a coputer malfunction and I made the mistake of not having the saved games store somewhere else in case of that eventuallity. So the 4C game is no more. Now I'm sure if I wantes to continue it I could look back at my diary and re-enact all the shows but that just would be too much work for me. I was going to do a CGC diary but I decided no one really does any UK or European diaries so here I am with UCR, a huge roster of nearly talentless wrestlers. Oh and you're right about the Toby thing, I was just up late and that was a typo....
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Last night was my first show on the job and I must say I think I did alright. After looking at the roster I realized I have a ton of talent, with very little talent. On the good side a lot of these kids are gonna grow into their positions, on the bad side well it’s hard to put on a good show if your guys aren’t that good. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/UCRInternationalWrestlingSuperstarsBig.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Pre Show[/B][/U][/CENTER] I wanted to check out some of my guys so I made good use of the dark matches. The first was a meet up between The Young Bandits and Alpha Female and Miss Information. This match was horrible, atrocious, a pain to watch, in other words it stunk. Alpha Female was the only one with any cohesiveness in the ring but Logan showed some skill on the top rope even if he couldn’t string the moves together they looked good take individually. The match ended by a pinfall by Cannonball Logan after a springboard move he called the Cannonball run landed a disoriented Miss Information on the mat, with Alpha Female nowhere to be found. [B]Rating: E[/B] As the winners left the ring Alpha Female and Miss Information got into it about Alpha not being in the ring. The more powerful Alpha pushed the smaller secretary around a bit before leaving the ring. [B]Rating: E[/B] The Super Falcon and his arch nemesis Dark Falcon went at in the second dark match of the evening. Surprisingly for two guys who have trained together and who have spend most of their short careers firing each other, they have absolutely no chemistry. Still a better match than the first one but I don’t think I’ll be putting these guys up against each other again anytime soon. Our colorfully clad super hero took down his black clad enemy with a Falcon Dive for the pin. [B]Rating: D[/B] After losing dark Falcon took the boots to Super Falcon until the super heroic tune of Wonderboy’s entrance music rang through the arena. As the young hero hit the ring the dastardly villain hit the bricks. Wonderboy helped Super Falcon up and out of the ring. [B]Ratting: E[/B] [CENTER][U][B]Show[/B][/U][/CENTER] The opening pyros hit the air and UCR: International Wrestling Superstars makes its debut on air. As the announce team makes it’s introduction a deep jungle beat comes over the sound system and Geena The Warrior Princess makes her way to the ring with the UCR Female Title. The powerful Amazonian takes a mic and announces that she is vacating her title and says she’s shooting for the European Title. She wants to show that a woman is not just stuck to winning a woman’s title and next week she’ll meet her first opponent on the road to the title. The warrior woman left the ring leaving her belt hanging over the ropes. [B]Rating: C[/B] The Dutch Duo and current tag team champions fumbled their way to a win against the world dominating United Nations. The two underdogs actually managed to take a convincing beating from the slightly bigger nad better trained tyrannical team up but the pure of heart still maneuvered themselves into a win when Rudd Van Anger hit the top rope and came down on Kirk the Turk with Anger Management. [B]Rating: D[/B] As the two teams vacated the ring that old sea dog Salty Larry and his first mate the always psycho Tara Green announce a match for next week. It appears Geena The Warrior Princess will be facing the ever hated Puffy the SandIron Player. The Salty Sea Dog plays up Geena’s warrior spirit but the woman you never want to be your ex-girlfriend talks about the dreamy golfer who will one day be hers. [B]Rating: D[/B] Lord Byron the idol of young girls everywhere is backstage talking with some of “the boys” talking about the announcement. He talks about how girls have no places in the ring as they should all be swooning for him. The Russian disaster area Anna Ki comes up and the two get into it as she tells him a woman can do anything a man can. It gets near escalating to blows before Byron’s ego says she isn’t worth it and he tells her so and walks off. [B]Rating: C[/B] First out to the ring was The Force led out by the gold bikini clad Princess to a pseudo John Williams beat prefaced by The Princess’ voice saying “Help me Toby Juan, you’re my only hope”. The crowd was excited to see them and they were exited to see the crowd. Out next game the Hebrew Hitters, The Kosher Nostra. Now the crowd booed by I couldn’t help but laugh as the entrance music was like a mix between Hava Nagila and the theme from the Godfather. The match itself was actually just slightly below par nad the fans really got excited when an argument broke out between Stetson Hatt and The Princess. After a lot of below average back and forth Toby Juan finally pulled out the Force Flip on Bully Berubi for the pin and a nice clean win. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Anna Ki comes to the ring and Salty Larry goes in to interview here. The young star stumbled over her words a bit but Salty helped her a long a bit as she gained more confidence on the stick. She called out Byron saying that she’ll show him that a woman can beat a man any day of the week. [B]Rating; C-[/B] Byron answered the call all blonde flowing locks and attitude. He let the little vixen know that he’ll face her but not just yet. He wasn’t planning on a match tonight but he’ll be ready by the end of the match, in the main event. [B]Rating: C[/B] Salty Larry and Tara Green take a minute or two as Byron and Anna leave for the backstage area. Salty Larry talks up the competitors of the next match between Louis Figo Manico and Mister Blister qualifying to see who will be number one contender for the UCR World Combat Title. Larry talks about the skill of the boss and the size of the Russian giant, Mister Blister. Tara Green spends the time talking about the Mister Blister’s rippling biceps and his suitableness as a boyfriend. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The match was average and that’s a good thing. The boss Louis Figo Manico tried to use his technical know how but the big man just couldn’t be taken down at first. Any one with an eye for the business could see that Manico was carrying the giant but he actually managed to make him look good, powerful and even half way decent in the ring. The big boss finally took down the Russian giant with the Madrid Maul to get a pinfall [B]Rating: C[/B] Louis Figo Manico stays in the ring and says now that he’s picked up one win he plans on taking his next one next week against Bigger Dan Ewe. When the boss is on a roll he’s on a roll and the crowd loves him for it. Between his looks and his skill on the mic the fact that he also has skill in the ring has made him a fan favorite. [B]Rating: C+[/B] The theme for the Super Crew brings out two of their nominal leaders the ever popular bringer of justice, Captain Hero and the shining paragon of honor, White Knight. The crowd loves these guys and the full suit of armor worn by White Knight is as always impressive. Their opponents already in the ring are the identical twins of terror, Doctor Insane’s Evil Henchmen. This match could have been much worse than it was as The Evil Henchmen have a complete lack of talent other then a distinctive look. White Knight showed his power and Captain Hero tied them in knots with his technical skill. The match was going well until the Henchmen’s bosses Doctor Insane and the ominous Scheming Behemoth. The ref calls for the bell and then hightails it out of the ring. [B]Rating; C-[/B] With most of the Rouges Gallery in the ring the beating ensued and Captain Hero and White Knight got the fuzzy end of a lollipop. Security finally made it into the ring to break it up. They helped Hero and Knight out of the ring and the Evil Henchmen slinked off into the night. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Doctor Insane grabs a mic, he promises that next week Evil will triumph over good in another tag match between Captain Zero with the Weak Knight and himself with his black knight Scheming Behemoth. The interview would have gone better if the Maniacal Madman had done it himself but the Demon in the black suit did some talking too and there is a reason he shouldn’t. [B]Rating: C[/B] Te main event was exactly what it should have been the best match of the night. The king of the teen magazine Byron and chaos incarnate Anna Ki put on a good show. Byron carried most of the match but the Russian disaster area held her own. Anna almost had the win on more then one occasion and this seemed to annoy Byron, who apparently thought this would be a piece of cake. Byron finally got the pin but he had to use the ropes for leverage to do it. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Adding insult to injury the heartbreaker lay a small beating into Anna Ki just to show her who’s boss. [B]Rating; C[/B] Byron took a few minutes to rip into Anna Ki saying there is no way a woman could ever beat some one like him. Although he failed to mention that he had to cheat to win. He lets her know that he can’t be beaten because he’s too sexy to lose. [B]Rating: C+ Overall: C[/B] Dark Match: The Youth Bandits over Alpha Female and Miss Information - E Dark Match: Super Falcon over Dark Falcon by DQ - D Double Dutch over The United Nations - D The Force over The Kosher Nostra - C- Louis Figo Manico over Mister Blister - C Captain Hero and White Knight over The Evil Henchmen by DQ - C- Byron over Anna Ki - C+
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Sunday Week 1 January 2006 From UCR.com [QUOTE]We had a decent inaugural show and we’re looking forward to moving on into a bright future. First we like to thank Euro Your Demand for becoming our pay per view provider. We already have out first Pay Per View special UCR: A Night At The Coliseum set for the last Sunday of January. No matches have been announced yet but that’s sure to change quickly [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/UCRInternationalWrestlingSuperstarsSmall.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Miss Informatino vs Alpha Female[/B][/U][/CENTER] After last weeks pre show loss Miss Information wants a piee of Alpha female and with the UCR Female Title being vacated byt Geena this past week it’s gonna be a title match. [CENTER][U][B]Geena The Warrior Princess vs Puffy The Sandiron Player[/B][/U][/CENTER] The mighty Amazon is looking to get a shot at Joey Beuachamp and the UCR European Title. To start that drive for gold she meets up with Puffy The Sandiron Player. He he can keep out of the rough Puffy is a tough cookie and sure to be a challenge even for the might warrior princess. [CENTER][U][B]Joey Beauchamp vs Jake Pain[/B][/U][/CENTER] Joey Beuachamp knows everyone is coming after his title and he intends to show them what thye have to look forward too. The psychotic Jake Panic doesn’t qualify for the youngster title but he will still certainly be opening a can of whup ass on Joey Beauchamp. [CENTER][U][B]Louis Figo Manico vs Bigger Dan Ewe[/B][/U][/CENTER] Louis Figo Manico took his first win over Mister Blister at the inaugural show and now he looks to take down another monster. Bigger Dan Ewe “The Real Menace to Society” wants his shot at the UCR World Combat title as well so its sure to be a great battle [CENTER][U][B]Anna Ki vs Mr. Evilness[/B][/U][/CENTER] Looking to prove she can stand up with the boys as she faces off against Mr. Evilness. After her last tainted loss against Byron it’s a lot less about proving her talent to the fans or herself as it is proving it to Byron. [CENTER][U][B]Captain Hero and The White Knight vs Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth[/B][/U][/CENTER] The battle between the true blue heroes and ultimate evil rages on in the ring as Captain Hero and White Knight face of against their respective nemeses Doctor Insane Scheming Behemoth. Will Truth and Honor triumph over Deceit and Guile? Also say tuned for… [IMG]http://images.kodakgallery.com/photos1766/1/90/59/90/6/1/106905990107_0_ALB.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE]
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Monday January Week 2 2006 From UCR.com [QUOTE][B][U]A Portrait of Evil – The Rouges Gallery[/U][/B] [B]Doctor Insane[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/DrInsane.jpg[/IMG] Doctor Insane is the twisted leader of The Rouge’s Gallery who lords over all as he performs his twisted experiment. Occasionally teaming with Mr. Evilness the Doctor can be counted on to bring his evil to the ring, and freak the crowd out on the mic. [B]Scheming Behemoth[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SchemingBehemoth.jpg[/IMG] The Demon Knight and powerhouse of The Rouges Gallery Scheming Behemoth is the arch nemesis of the puritanical White Knight. He wears a striking black armour-style suit for his entrance, which is genuinely quite creepy and intimidating. Scheming Behemoth destroys his foes with a single determination and great power. [B]Mr. Evilness[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/MrEvilness.jpg[/IMG] Mr. Evilness is the general second in command behind Doctor Insane and gives the underlings their orders. Truly gruesome his eye patch actually does cover a missing left eye. No real purpose of his own Mr. Evilness is just a generally bad apple all around. [B]The Big Bad[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/TheBigBad.jpg[/IMG] The Big Bad is a Russian evil doer who takes his cues from Russian folklore. This man doesn’t so much wrestle as he pummels his opponents into the ground. A legitimate monstrous heavyweight he adds a lot of fire power to The Rouges Gallery. [B]The Evil Henchmen[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/EvilHenchman1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/EvilHenchman2.jpg[/IMG] Evil Henchmen #1 and Evil Henchmen #2 are two particularly inept lackeys for The Rouges Gallery. These identical twins do all the dirty work for Doctor Insane and Mr. Evilness adding some more muscle to the already considerable power team of super villains. [B]Dark Falcon[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/DarkFalcon.jpg[/IMG] Dark Falcon is the evil counterpart to the Super Crew’s Super Falcon. As his name sake Dark Falcon can truly take flight and gives The Rouges Gallery the air support they need. Generally pitted against Super Falcon and his fellow Rescue Ranger, Wonderboy, Dark Falcon is looking to move forward his career in UCR.[/QUOTE]
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Thursday Week 2 January 2006 From EuropeanRatings.com [QUOTE]Last night the first ever UCR: International Wrestling Superstars aired and I must say it had a good first showing. The show averaged about 20,000 viewers for the evening. The numbers didn't fluctuate much but they did take a momentary upswing in the second half hour of the show when Louis Figo Manico took on Mister Blister. We'll see how well they can keep the showing in the next few weeks.[/QUOTE]
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After some discussion the filming on Friday airing on Wednesday thing wasn’t working for us so I moved the tapings to Monday. It gave everyone a few extra days to rest and it means we won’t be filming the show after the PPV before the PPV. We were at the Ostrava Arena in the Czech Republic for our second show and the crowd was nice and ready for some wrestling. The worst part of the whole night was that after it was all said and done I heard some of the fans complaining about a match they wanted to see. It turned out the printer had sent out fliers that set Anna Ki would be facing Mister Blister, not Mr. Evilness, I’m still getting over this language barrier thing. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/UCRInternationalWrestlingSuperstarsBig.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] Good god what garbage this match was The Big Bad looked really powerful taking on two men at the same time and winning but he looked like a powerful klutz and it didn’t help that he was exhausted at the end of the match. It’s hard to look like a strong man weezing for breath after taking on two much smaller guys. [B]Rating: E[/B] A much better match and the Kosher Nostra looked particularly strong as they took on the heroes. Watching Hershel the Hammer lift Super Falcon and Wonderboy over his head in a hand a piee was quite impressive. Still it’s like they neer heard of training camps in Europe, but they’ll get better. Abraham Slam got the final pin on Wonderboy after a move with Bully Benrubi called the Dradle Drop. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [U][CENTER][B]Show[/B][/CENTER][/U] The show opened with the UCR World Combat Champion in the ring; Sergi Kalashnov had the title belt over his shoulder and his trade mark sunglasses on. With a smirk and the cheers from the crowd he talked about who will be the first man facing him for the UCR World Combat Title. He said he had a lot of respect for the boss as he’s a good competitor, and he may not have a lot of respect for the attitudes of Mister Blister and Bigger Dan Ewe, but he does for their size. He said that anyway you see it though he’s the champ and he intends to stay that way. [B]Rating: C[/B] Alpha Male the queen of raw aggression and Miss Information the princess of distraction and sneakiness went toe to toe for all of six minutes before beating each other up outside the ring. The match was a disaster and I had to close my eyes just to keep from being physically Ill. When the ref called for the double count out I knew I was gonna have to cut my losses with the UCR Female Title after the PPV. [B]Rating: E[/B] Backstage we saw Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth roaming the halls poking through doors apparently trying to find some one, or something. [B]Rating: C[/B] The Force was strong this evening and having the ever attractive princess at ringside kept the crowd going. The match was not half bad, which meant it also wasn’t half good but it’s getting there. The action itself went pretty back and forth until The Kosher Nostra hit the ring. After last weeks match it seemed like a little revenge was in store as Jed High was attacked by Abraham Slam and Toby Juan Kanobi was attacked by Bully Benrubi and Herschel the Hammer. The ref called fro the DQ and The Hebrew Hitters Hightailed it before security made it to ringside. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The Force stayed in the ring as The Kosher Nostra retreated and they challenged them to a 2 on 3 match at UCR: A Night At The Coliseum, [B]Rating: C-[/B] Joey Beauchap showed the world why he was champion as he tore apart Jake Panic. The Psycho from London could keep his hands on the smaller Beauchamp who flew around like a pinball on tilt. The cold hard ending came from the Windchill off the top rope and a one, two, three for Joey Beauchamp. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The Kosher Nostra was in the back and Stetson Hatt wanted to let The Princess and her little squad of dorklings know that his last action as manager for the Kosher Nostra was to accept the challenge. When next you see the Hebrew Hitters, Stetson Hatt’s cousin Joesph the Nose will be heading up this end of the family. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The matches stayed at about the same level as we continued Geena and Buffy kept most of the crowd entertained. The fans may hate Puffy but they love watching him drive out in his little golf cart. The ref had to stop Puffy from going for his clubs when he got fed up with the beating he was taking, but he managed to keep Surly Slicer in line. Geena show puffy the ropes and then what Female Dominance is all about for the win. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Geena grabbed a mic and looked toward the back of the area where she lets Joey Beauchamp know she’s coming for his title. The pride of the woman warrior will win out she said and he’s gonna feel the pain of Female Dominance. The Amazon is always decent on the mic and she’ll just keep getting better. [B]Rating: C[/B] Joey Beauchamp on the other hand was in the back after his big win. He was watching Geena make her promises on a monitor and he smiled as he rubbed the UCR European Title. “The Breeze” is always cool as a cucumber and he didn’t’ seem to let thigns phase him. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The Announcers hyped Louis Figo Manico versus Bigger Dan Ewe. Salty reminded us that if the Admiral, Louis Figo Manico, gets the win he’ll get a shot at the UCR World Combat Title. Tara Green reminded us that if the ever dreamy Mohawked Menace wins he gets a second match to see if he goes for the title. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The match was short and sweet and a good thing to because Bigger Dan Ewe has very little actual in ring talent other than his pure size and strength. The Boss made him look good out there even though he was hesitant about the loss. It was all over in five minutes when Dan got off a very impressive Monster Mash. [B]Rating: C[/B] The White Knight was found Backstage all battered and bloody his armor all dented up, He was helped to his feet by some staffers but said he didn’t remember who attacked him. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Here’s a match that could have been better and too bad for Anna Ki because it would have kept her looking stronger. It was actually mostly Mr. Evilness who seemed a bit off the mark for the night, always one step behind and not ina good way. Anna Ki looked like she was about to get a clean win when the Blonde Bombshell Byron attacked her from behind with a steel chair. The ref called for the beel and security quickly came out to help Anna off to the back. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Byron was standing in the ring and got tossed a mic as Anna Ki was moving up the ramp. He was shouting at her about how worthless she was and how she was never ever gonna be able to beat him. A good bit f taunting and it looked like Anna was about to head back in after him but thought better of it after she almost fell over. [B]Rating: C[/B] The announce team hyped the main event as Byron left the ring. That Old Sea Dog Salty Larry wondered if White Knight would be able to make it to the ring. Tara Green said if he were her man she would have never let him out of her sight, ever. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth stop at the top of the entrance ramp and saw that Captain Hero is already in the ring alone. They asked him what happened to his partner, they hoped he didn’t have an “accident” that would be terrible. They told him the match must go on though so they guessed it’ll be a handicap match. [B]Rating: C[/B] The match started as a handicap but didn’t last that long as a bandaged up White Knight half hobbled half ran down to the ring. This was bad move because after disposing of Captain Hero to the outside the already weakened White Knight was a very easy target. Hero finally made his way back to the ring side but as he tried to enter the ref turned his back on the action to stop him. Scheming Behemoth took his armored helmet to White Knight and then got the refs attention for the pin. [B]Rating: C+[/B] After their loss the leaders of the Super Crew grabbed up a mic and demanded a rematch. Captain Hero told Doctor Insane that he intends to bring him to the light of truth and White Knight pointed to Behemoth and promised to banish his evil from the world, at UCR: A Night At The Coliseum. [B]Rating: C- Overall Rating: C[/B] Dark Match: Big Bad over The Youth Bandits – E Dark Match: The Kosher Nostra (Stable) over The Rescue Rangers and UK Dragon – C- Alpha Female Draws Miss Information Double Count Out – E The Force over The United nations DQ Outside Interference – C- Joey Beauchamp over Jake Panic – C- Geena Warrior Princess over Puffy The Sandiron Player – C- Bigger Dan Ewe over Louis Figo Manico – C Anna Ki over Mr. Evilness DQ Outside Interference – C- Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth over Captain Hero and White Knight – C+
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Thursday Week 3 January 2006 From EuropeanRatings.com [QUOTE]Things are moving ahead slowly but surely as UCR: International Wrestling Superstars jumped a couple hundred viewers this week. 20,233 viewers tuned in starting a bit above that and slowly going down. I’m sure everyone over at UCR is very happy about this and if their numbers continue to climb it should be all smiles over there.[/QUOTE]
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Friday Week 3 January 2006 From UCR.com [QUOTE]Things are moving forward as we come closer to UCR: A Night At The Coliseum the battle gets more heated. Some matches for the pay per view have already been announced and some wait their final entrant from matches at the next UCR: International Wrestling Superstar. As always the power struggle between good and evil is pulling apart the locker room as battle lines are being drawn. One always wonders if a few skirmishes can win the war or if this is just the beginning of a bigger problem. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/UCRInternationalWrestlingSuperstarsSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Miss Informatino vs Alpha Female[/CENTER][/U][/B] A double count out left the UCR Female title still vacant and a rematch has been made between these two women. Will the power of Alpha Female be enough to take on the guile of Miss Information? [B][U][CENTER]The Youth Bandits vs The Evil Henchmen[/CENTER][/U][/B] With The United Nations losing their shot at the title at the opening show of UCR: International Wrestling Superstars who will face Double Dutch is in question. The Youth Bandits have had a couple of bad losses and they are looking to take a win over The Evil Henchmen for their shot at the title. [B][U][CENTER]Jeri Behr vs Mr. Evilness[/CENTER][/U][/B] It has been decided that the winner of Jeri Behr versus Mr. Evilness will face off against Geena the Warrior Princess at UCR: A Night At The Coliseum. And the winner of that will be the number one contender for Joey Beauchamp’s UCR European title [B][U][CENTER]Bigger Dan Ewevs Mister Blister[/CENTER][/U][/B] Bigger Dan Ewe got one win last week over the boss, this week he faces Mister Blister. If he can pull out a win he’ll be the first contender to Sergei Kalashnov’s UCR World Combat Title, if not that still leaves the field wide open. [B][U][CENTER]Byron vs Geena The Warrior Princess[/CENTER][/U][/B] After laying in insult and injury to Anna Ki Byron will face off against Geena the Warrior Princess just to show Anna what he will do to her in the ring at UCR: A Night At The Coliseum [B][U][CENTER]Captain Hero vs Doctor Insane[/CENTER][/U][/B] The battle between the true blue heroes and ultimate evil rages on in the ring as Captain Hero and White Knight face of against their respective nemeses Doctor Insane Scheming Behemoth. Will Truth and Honor triumph over Deceit and Guile? [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/ANightAtTheColiseumSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Double Dutch vs The Youth Bandits or The Evil Henchmen For the UCR Tag Team Titles[/CENTER][/U][/B] The Tag Team Titles will definitely be on the line at the first PPV for now the contenders are still in doubt. I t will either be the Youth bandits or the Evil Henchmen but anyway you see it, it’ll be a good match. [B][U][CENTER]The Forces vs The Kosher Nostra 2 on 3 Handicap Match[/CENTER][/U][/B] After the Hebrew Hitters interfered in a match, the Force has request a match. It’ll be the battle between the light side and the dark and only one can come out the winner. As is ussaully the case the dark side is slightly more powerful but that doesn’t leave the light side out, as the force has determination and faith. [B][U][CENTER]Joey Beauchamp vs Inky the Squid Boy Non-Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] With no contender to the UCR European Title, Joey Beauchamp didn’t want to be left of the card. Beauchamp’s going to face off against the wanna be hero Inky the Squid Boy in another non-title affair. Beauchamp is hoping for another win before he finds out who his first opponent for the title will be, but Inky is no push over. [B][U][CENTER]Geena The Warrior Princess vs Jeri Behr or Mr. Evilness[/CENTER][/U][/B] Geena’s already got her spot and the match and we’ll soon find out who her opponent is for UCR: A Night At The Coliseum. The question still remains who will be the contender to the UCR: European Title. [B][U][CENTER]Anna Ki vs Byron[/CENTER][/U][/B] Anna Ki and Byron have been having their troubles from the start. The Instant she got launched into the main event Byron has been against her. He doesn’t seem to mind women swooning over him, but he doesn’t seem to want one in the ring. Anna just wants to show Byron that a woman can stand toe to toe with him in the ring. [B][U][CENTER]Captain Hero and The White Knight vs Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth[/CENTER][/U][/B] The true battle between good and evil, light and dark will meet in the ring in another tag team match. Captain Hero and White Knight are looking for redemption in the face of their last loss. Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth are betting on another victory and hopefully wiping away one thing that always stands in the way of their treacherous plans.[/QUOTE]
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Saturday Week 3 January 2006 From UCR.com [QUOTE]A Light In The Darkness – The Super Crew [B]Captain Hero[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/CaptainHero.jpg[/IMG] Captain Hero is the leader of The Super Crew and a true hero. He personifies all the things a her should he shows honor in the ring, he shows a truthful and commanding presence in his speech and he tries to bring justice in this darkening time. He is light to Doctor Insane’s darkness and a foil to all his plans. He’s an al around good wrestler with his finisher Speeding Bullet and his ultimate submission hold the Justice Lock. [B]White Knight[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/WhiteKnight.jpg[/IMG] The armored hero White Knight is the second in command to Captain Hero and backbone of faith for the group. A knight of the most holy order White Knight looks to banish all the evils of the world back to the nether from which the came. His Nemesis is the Demon Knight Scheming Behemoth, who is the strong arm of Doctor Insane. The poerbomb he ises to end his matches is simply called Smite for that is what he does. [B]Super Falcon[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SuperFalcon.jpg[/IMG] The flying force for good, Super Falcon is a hero for the masses. With his bright blue suit and his feathered cap he leaps from the top rope to finish off villains with the Falcon Dive. Flacon trained with Dark Falcon who turned his back on good to join The Rouges Gallery and Super Falcon is always there to stop him with his sidekick Wonderboy. [B]Wonderboy[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/WonderBoy.jpg[/IMG] The Italian born boy of wonder is a speedy hero and sidekick to Super Falcon in the team The Rescue Rangers. As part of The Super Crew he helps the other veteran heroes thwart the plans of Doctor Insane and his many minions. With a flip off the top rope Wonderboy ends his opponent’s reign of terror with the wonder bomb.[/QUOTE]
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The trip out to Russia from the Czech Republic was, well, scenic. But we set up in The Russian Omsk Hall. I think we may have got a little extra boost by promoting the night before when the hall held its boxing night, but none the less we had a packed house. The show itself could have been better but I’m still learning the talent and the languages so we’ll get there. I really wish some of these guys could go more then 5 minutes in the ring without looking like they’re gonna fall over. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/UCRInternationalWrestlingSuperstarsBig.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] First of the pre show matches was Double Dutch doing non title battle with the United nations. Definitely not what I’d call a great match all four men seemed to be getting quite a bit better, especially Ruud Van Anger who’s getting more air time in his leaps and Herman the German who’s technical work seems to be growing leaps and bounds. To that end Ruud Van Anger dropped the Flying Dutchman on Herman for the pin. [B]Rating: D[/B] The Champ saw his first match in Omsk and “The Fresh Prince of Belarus” looked cool and powerful in a match that looked like it was put together by a ten year old. I expected this kinda junk from the lower card but from the Champ. For his part Puffy the Sandiron Player wasn’t all the great either and everything was ended with the Eastern Block for the pin by Sergei. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B][U][CENTER]Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] Well we kept the utter crap out of the pre show but kept it in the real show. Miss Information and Alpha Female both need a lot more training and a lot more exposure. And I’m not gonna be able to get them over on their mic skills either. The match ran to a double DQ as both women went after each other with weapons, thank god. [B]Rating: E[/B] The Paragons of virtue Captain Hero and White Knight made a backstage statement to their intended foes for UCR: A Night At The Coliseum, Scheming Behemoth and Doctor Insane. The true blue heroes wanted the vitriolic villains to know that their days were numbered. Captain Hero also promised to stop Doctor Insane when they met latter in the evening. [B]Rating: C[/B] The match to see who got their shot at the tag team titles looked more like a mess than a match. The whole thing lacked flow but then again when you’ve got to useless brawlers and two kids in the ring you can’t expect much. The Twin Terrors took a page out of their masters book as Evil Henchmen #2 distracted the ref so #1 could hit the two youngsters with the ring bell. Evil Henchmen #2 then laid over Ian Vincible for the win. [B]Rating: E[/B] Ole Salty and the bunny boiler took a moment to remind the fans that The Evil Henchmen just won thei match that made them the contenders to the gold. So Sunday night at A Night At The Coliseum it will be The Evil Henchmen will be taking on Double Dutch for the UCR Tag Team Titles. [B]Rating: E[/B] AT least the matches kept getting better as we go along and the crowd was behind it. The Swedish gymnast Jeri Behr took on the always consistent Mr. Evilness. Jeri brought the top rope moves to the ring while the evil one showed us the brawling and technical goodies. Mr. Evilness was the winner of the match with his submission finish the Master Plan, but to add insult to injury he used the ropes to add to his pressure on Jeri. [B]Rating: C-[/B] With Mr. Evilness taking the win Salty Larry and Tara Green took a moment or two to update one of the matches for the PPV. Geena the Warrior Princess will now be facing Mr. Evilness at UCR: A Night At The Coliseum. Larry played up Geena’s rising star but Tara said if she gets anywhere near any of her men that she’ll show her what trouble is. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Teen Dream Byron came down to the ring, and the younger female audience swooned while everyone else booed. He let everyone know that Anna Ki doesn’t have a chance of winning at UCR: A Night At The Coliseum. To Prove his point tonight he’s gonna show her why women were meant to be in his fan club and not in “his” ring as he beats Geena the Warrior Princess. [B]Rating: C[/B] The Mister Blister and Bigger Dan Ewe match was like trying to watch two water buffalo ballet dance. Both men have size, strength and power; on top of that they both have a great look. The fact that neither man has any idea on how to make a match work and can’t go more the 5 minutes before blowing a cog is just too much. What was said was that the crowd didn’t actually seem to mind that not only was their no selling and a complete lack of in ring psychology, but Dan was completely off his game. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The announce box was all aflutter as a note was brought out from the back. Apparently with all three of the top competitors getting a win it looks like there is going to be a three way dance at UCR: A Night At The Coliseum; Mister Blister versus Bigger Dan Ewe versus Louis Figo Manico for a shot at the title. Salty Larry seemed excited to see a huge match, Tara Green seemed excited to see three cute men in tights in the ring. [B]Rating: C-[/B] For a man who doesn’t seem to like women in general at least in the ring, put on another great match with a woman. Geena the Warrior Princess really held her own against Byron who seemed to get very annoyed by it all through the match. Byron seemingly couldn’t risk the loss so while the ref wasn’t looking he used a foreign object on the power woman. After she was already out he went to the top rope and did his flying elbow to the chest he calls the heartbreaker. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Byron just couldn’t let it drop, all his anger and frustration, so he took it out on the unconscious Geena. It was a full minute before Anna Ki finally made it out to the ring and laid a beating on Byron who fled as she helped Geena up. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Doctor Insane came out to the ring a bit before the match starts and he really rips into Captain Hero. He told Hero that the good guy winning is not how the real world works. He wanted to let him know that not only was he going to beat him now but at the UCR: A Night At The Coliseum. [B]Rating: C[/B] Doctor Insane and Captain Hero put on an average match for two average workers. I’d actually say they were below average workers with a look but that’s what sells comics and apparently sells seats as well. The match was a fairly good back and forth between a hero and his nemesis and was coming down the line to what looked like a Captain Hero win until Scheming Behemoth crashed the party. Doctor Insane kept the ref distracted while Behemoth hit Captain Hero with the Oath Breaker. The Doctor rolled in and got the pin for the win on the laid out Super Hero. [B]Rating: C[/B] Doctor insane and Scheming Behemoth then took the chance to attack the fallen Captain Hero. White Knight came shooting out of the back all Knight in Shining Armor like to run of the vile villains and save Captain Hero. [B]Rating: C- Overall Rating: C-[/B] Dark Match: Double Dutch over The United nations – D Dark Match: Sergei Kalashnov over Puffy The Sandiron Player – C Miss Information draws Alpha Female Double DQ – E The Evil Henchmen over The Youth Bandits – E Mr. Evilness over Jeri Behr – C- Mister Blister over Bigger Dan Ewe – C- Byron over Geena Warrior Princess – C+ Doctor Insane over Captain Hero – C
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Thursday Week 4 January 2006 From EuropeanRatings.com [QUOTE]After a show that was sub-par UCR dropped 2,000 viewers on this weeks show to some where in the mid 18,000. It’ll be a tough come back but we have the rest of the season to see how it goes.[/QUOTE]
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Friday Week 4 January 2006 From UCR.com [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/ANightAtTheColiseumSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Alpha Female vs Miss Information For the UCR Female Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Third times the charm after the double count out the first time and the double DQ last week its on for the PPV. The title is on the line and this time its no DQ and no count out. Which woman is gonna come home a champion. [B][U][CENTER]Double Dutch vs The Evil Henchmen For the UCR Tag Team Titles[/CENTER][/U][/B] The Tag Team Titles will definitely be on the line at the first PPV for now the contenders are The Evil Henchmen. Double Dutch are the defending champions but The Evil Henchmen are known for their dastardly ways. Will the old champs walk out still champions or is it time for a reign of terror? [B][U][CENTER]The Forces vs The Kosher Nostra 2 on 3 Handicap Match[/CENTER][/U][/B] Ass previously scheduled the space case mystics will be taking on the Jewish Mobster in a battle for the ages. 2 on 3 isn’t really fair but what is when it comes to good versus evil. [B][U][CENTER]Joey Beauchamp vs Inky the Squid Boy Non-Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Joey Beauchamp is the UCR European Title hold and a ****y son of a gun, who will be facing off against Inky the Squid by in preparation for a match with either Geena the Warrior Princess or Mr. Evilness. [B][U][CENTER]Geena The Warrior Princess vs Mr. Evilness[/CENTER][/U][/B] Geena took a beating from Byron this bast week but she says she’s ready to face Mr. evilness and after that she’s gonna be moving on to Joey Beauchamp. Can Female Dominance compete against The Master Plan? [B][U][CENTER]Louis Figo Manico vs Bigger Dan Ewe vs Mister Blister Three-Way Dance[/CENTER][/U][/B] Each of the contenders to the UCR World Combat Title have a win a piece so now there will be a three way. The boss Louis Figo Manico versus the Mohawked Menace to Society Bigger Dan Ewe and the Russian Giant Mister Blister. [B][U][CENTER]Captain Hero and The White Knight vs Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth[/CENTER][/U][/B] The leaders of the Super Crew and the Rouges Gallery are gonna go toe to toe. Good and evil on the grandest scale comes to a head live on PPV. [B][U][CENTER]Anna Ki vs Byron[/CENTER][/U][/B] Anna Ki stopped Byron from taking out another up and coming female star. Their battle heads to the ring where the raging Russian and English Heartbreaker will try and find an answer to their problems.[/QUOTE]
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The first PPV and I was pretty happy with it. I still gotta work on my undercard matches but my upper card stories are coming along ok. It’s gonna take quite some time to build some of this talent but it should be well worth it. I may have to rbing in some guys with some actual skill but we’ll wait on that. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/ANightAtTheColiseumbig.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] The first dark match had The Rescue Rangers taking on The United Nations. For a dark match it wasn’t that bad and it probably could have been better if super falcon didn’t make a few mistakes, it was like he was out of it. Super Falcon did manage to pull off a decent Falcon Dive on Kirk the Turk for the pin. [B]Rating: D[/B] The Goofy Golfer, Puffy the Sandiron Player, took the second dark match against that as yet unseen speedy Marie. Puffy really took it to the red haired speed demon with his brutal brawling and occasional attempts at golf club shots. Puffy looked good in the ring really overpowering the small woman and throwing her around like a rag doll. It was all finished with the Hole in One and a pin by Puffy. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B][U][CENTER]Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] The first ever UCR Pay Per View opened with a video package showing the eents that had led up to the nights main event. It shoed Anna Ki and Byron in their many brawls and over lapped it with Byron saying, “Women don’t belong in the ring” and “The only place for women is in my fan club.” The final clib is of one of the few brutal beatings Byron laid into Anna Ki after one of her matches. [B]Rating: C[/B] Match number one and a disaister of a match was Alpha Female beating out Miss Information for the UCR Female Title. I’d like to bear myself the memory of the event but I still ahev it burned into my retinas. These women really need to be trained up and what’s sad is their better than half my upper card roster just not as over. It was over when the Alpha Female used the ropes for leverage to get the pin. [B]Rating: E[/B] Even worse then the match was that after the fact Alpha Female lay in a huge beating on Miss Information. [B]Rating: F[/B] Doctor Evil and Scheming Behemoth came down to the ring and played it up to the audience for the match later in the evening. Between Doctor Insane’s cackling, maniacal laughter and the deep booming voice of dread I could say that the audience was legitimately creeped out. The interview itself seemed like garbled word s of madmen but the point was clear, Captain Hero and White Knight would be finished by the end of the evening. [B]Rating: C[/B] I think much like the non existent female division I’m going to have to remove the tag team division from the shows. Double Dutch versus The Evil Henchmen was horrific scene of mishaps and fumbles. The lack of in ring psychology slowed everything down to the point it seemed choreographed and in a 5 minute match both Evil Henchmen were visibly tired at the end. Thank god Double Dutch got the win because I couldn’t bear to watch the Evil Henchmen as champions. I must say I was impressed by Ruud Van Anger’s finishing move the Flying Dutchman as he took a nice hard landing on evil Henchmen #2. [B]Rating: E[/B] The in ring action moved right on to the next match and thank god this one was watchable. All three members of the Kosher Nostra versus The Force in a handicap match. Joseph the Nose made a great new manager for The Hebrew Hitters and the princess did a good job at the ringside as always. It was a pretty open match until Joseph distracted the ref by chasing the princess around one side of the ring. At that point Abraham Slam cornered Toby outside of the ring and Bully Benrubi handed Herschel the Hammer a chair to smack Jed High upside the head with. The ref turned around after the chair was vacated from the ring and saw Herschel hit his Last Nail in the Coffin move and pin Jed High for the win. [B]Rating: C[/B] The Force stayed in the ring after their loss to The Kosher Nostra who cheated. The promised to bring the justice to the evil that is the Hebrew mobsters. Toby is pretty good on the stick and Jed is getting there but he got a bit of help from The Princess to make him sound better then he was. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The ultimate battle of good versus evil was the premise of the next video clip. Not only did it show all the dastardly deeds of Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth but all of the Rouges Gallery. And The whole Super Crew was shown as well. But the ending portion was an emphasis on leaders versus leaders, Captain Hero and Doctor Insane arch nemeses, White Knight and Scheming Behemoth diametrically opposed forces, light versus darkness. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The next match wasn’t so much a match as a display of joey Beauchamp’s skill in the ring. He went up against another half way decent high flier in Inky the Squid Boy. The main point of the match was the strength of Beauchamp who ended the match with is finisher the Wind Chill and game out looking like the UCR European champ that he was. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Joey spends some time talking about himself saying how great he is and how he is the best UCR European Champion and he’s gonna stay champ no matter who comes after his title. Joey is my go to guy on the mic from now on he showed why he can be a true champion. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Another decent match for the first Pay Per View Geena the Warrior Princess showed that a woman can stand up to a man even if he is a one eyed freak. For his part Mr. evilness tried every dirty trick in the book but it wasn’t enough to stop the amazing Amazon. Female Dominance was the final word in the match as Geena came away with the pin and a shot at joey Beauchamps title. [B]Rating: C[/B] A quick flash to the backstage area showed Captain Hero and White Knight warming up for their match. The crowd liked to see that and couldn’t wait to see their heroes come out for the fight. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Byron is in the back with a mic and he says that Geena was just lucky to win but later on Anna Ki isn’t going to be so lucky. Women weren’t meant for the main event they should stick to their Female title like good little girls and leave the big show to the big men. [B]Rating: C[/B] The match looked like three guys ineffectually beating on each other, except of course for the boss who looked like he got beat around a lot. I guess the fact that these guys could make a hit look like it hurt if their lives depended on it wasn’t such a bad thing seeing as Blister and Dan are played up as monsters. Mister Blister got the win after his Moscow Lariat nearly took off Bigger Dan Ewe’s head, which means he moves on to a title shot. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Anna Ki is backstage and she sees Geena the Warrior Princess and congratulates her on her win. Good to see some camaraderie in the back the fans were a bit so so about the whole thing. [B]Rating: C-[/B] All the hype and pomp and a five minute match that was only average, better then some of the lower card dreck but still not great. As was par for the course the bad guys used every dirty drick in the book as the good guys tried to fight fair. The match had a bit of back and forth but ended with a low blow from Scheming Behemoth on White Knight and then a pin. [B]Rating: C[/B] After the match is over the two teams got into a horrible argument about the cheating with the ref kind of caught in the middle. The villains try and attack the ref but the heroes push him out of the way and that lead to a brawl between both teams. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Byron and Anna Ki an nice match with enough time for the fans to sink their teeth into it. Beyond that both of the competitors were at least decent wrestlers they worked very well in the ring. The match was a fairly open affair but Anna Ki seemed to be getting the upper hand toward the end. Bron didn’t like the turn of events so it looked like he purposefully knocked down the ref to take him out for a minute or three. He took that window to hit Anna Ki with the ring bell then he woke the ref and crawl on top of Anna for the win. The show ended with the ref holding up Byron’s hand and Anna still alid out on the floor. [B]Rating: C+ Overall Rating: C+[/B] Dark Match: The Rescue Rangers over The United Nations – D Dark Match: Puffy The Sandiron Plyaer over Speedie Marie – D Alpha Female over Miss Information for the UCR Female Title – E Double Dutch over The Evil Henchmen for the UCR European Title – E The Kosher Nostra over The Force – C Joey Beauchamp over Inky The Squid Boy – C- Geena The Warrior Princess over Mr. Evilness – C Mister Blister over Bigger Dan Ewe and Louis Figo Manico – C+ Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth over Captain Hero and White Knight – C Byron over Anna Ki – C+
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After the Pay Per View we had another sold out show at the Bayem Stadion in Germany. We’ve started doing the show live after bouncing from a Friday taping to a Monday taping. The show was good no complaints by any of the staff and the fans seemed excited about it as well. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/UCRInternationalWrestlingSuperstarsBig.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] The women were in action first and this time the match wasn’t a complete travesty of justice, only a partial one. Speedy Marie’s speed took over the ground work of Miss Information as the women put on their show. If I can keep matches this good or better I might be able to move up the women’s division. [B]Rating: D[/B] The Rescue Rangers made a decent dark match splash as they took an impressive win over The United Nations. Kirk the Turk and Herman the German just could not seem to keep the heroes who just kept bouncing off the ropes like pinballs. Pinfall was all thanks to the Falcon Dive as Super Falcon got the pin on Kirk the Turk. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B][U][CENTER]Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show started with an interview as Salty Larry got Anna Ki’s thoughts on her loss at UCR: A Night At The Coliseum. She spoke about how he cheated but how she wasn’t discouraged and she spoke about meeting up with him again tonight. He may have to cheat to win but she said that she had the tenacity to keep at him. [B]Rating: C-[/B] After their loss at the UCR: A Night At the Coliseum the Evil henchmen took a second loss to Double Dutch in a non-title affair for the opening match. The tag division is lagging almost as bad as the women’s division but I think it may just be The Evil Henchmen but we’ll see how it works out. The match itself was spectacular win for Double Dutch who seemed unstoppable and Frank De Pain pull of an excellent Bring De Pain to pin Evil Henchmen #2. [B]Rating: D[/B] A video package played showing Mister Blister winning the three way match at UCR: A Night At The Coliseum. The video also showed Sergei Kalashnov holding up the UCR World Combat Title and hypes up the Russain Monster versuss “The Fresh Prince of Belarus”. [B]Rating: C[/B] White Knight and Captain Hero were seen arriving to the arena. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Things got better as we moved along and even though it was slightly below average, you could tell by the crowd, it was still a good showing from Abraham Slam and Jed High. The match went on pretty evenly as Jed tried to take the air to stay away from Abraham’s brutal assaults. With just Toby at ring side Jed was easily distracted by Joseph the Nose and the match went along that way for a bit. It all ended when Abraham and Toby had the ref engaged on the outside and Joseph the Nose used a black jack on Jed High. The pin came quickly after all the shenanigans and Abraham Slam picked up the win. [B]Rating: C-[/B] While Abraham Slam is facing off against Jed High with Toby Juan at ring side, The Princess is grabbed from the shadows by four arms and dragged inside to disappear. [B]Rating: D[/B] A video for Byron played and it showed him on the baseball field standing next to a woman. They were both being tossed baseballs. Byron keeps hitting baseball after baseball and the woman keeps missing. The caption at the end says more things Byron is better at then women. [B]Rating: C[/B] Joey Beauchamp took to the ring before his match to comment on Geena the Warrior Princess’ win for a title shot at him. He said that she’ll be getting her title shot at the next PPV UCR: Rome Is Burning but until then he was going to show her why she won’t win by beating on all of the other would be contenders. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Joey Beauchamp’s show off match was was a decent affair he took Mr. evil to task but it was still an even if average match. Things could have gone better of Mr. Evilness didn’t make a few unplanned slip ups. Joey took the win with a pretty impressive top rope Wind Chill and Mr. Evilness was pinned. [B]Rating: C[/B] When the match was over Joey Beauchamp got the mic again and he told everyone especially Geena that this is what happens when you face him in the ring. At UCR: Rome Is Burning this will be her as he retains his title. [B]Rating: C+[/B] The Force was shown walking arund the back apparently looking for some one but they didn’t seem to find them. [B]Rating: D[/B] Some one needs to remind Dan that when he gets hit it should at least look like It hurts. On the brighter side something clicked between Bigger Dan Ewe and UK Dragon, and that helped the match. Dragon really help Dan look as powerful as he should be and that was what this match was about. The Monster Mash was the winning move as UK Dragon stomped a mudhole in UK Dragon and then pinned him. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Sergei Kalashnov did a backstage promo about his match with Sergei Kalashnov later in the eveing for the UCR World Combat Title. He promised a great match but he wanted the Giant to know that he’d be no push over and intended to keep his title [B]Rating: C[/B] The match that almost was Captain Hero and White Knight took it to The Big Bad and Dark Falcon for just about 3 minutes before Scheming Behemoth and Doctor Insane lurked out of the back. The match didn’t so much end as degenerate into a brawl as the ref called for the bell when Doctor Insane Attacked Captain Hero. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Doctor Evil, Scheming Behemoth, The Big Bad and Dark Falcon gave Captain Hero and White Knight a huge beating after the match was over. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Anna Ki was seen warming up as she prepares for her match with Byron in the main event. [B]Rating: A*[/B] My main eventers really need to be main eventers but apparently that’s a problem here. Both men had a great look in the ring and managed to pull of an average match even though neither man could sell a blow to save their lives. Sergei got the win even though he was facing a man four times his size. Two very impressive Eastern Blocks managed to knock Mister Blister on his ass long enough for a pin [B]Rating: C[/B] This was the match fans came to see the Ragin’ Russian and Mr. Heartthrob in a fight to the death, well not quite. The two showed their great chemistry in the ring and Anna showed off her growing skill. Anna Ki was really bring the match to Byron and he just coldn’t stand it. He tried every dirty trick in the book but nothing seemed to work. Byron finally managed to position himself in such away that the ref could see him using the ropes for leverage and he got antoher cheap win. [B]Rating: C+ Overall Rating: C[/B] Dark Match: Speedy Marie over Miss Information – D Dark Match: Rescue Rangers over The United nations – D Double Dutch over The Evil Henchmen – C- Abraham Slam over Jedi High – C Joey Beauchap over Mr. Evilness – C Bigger Dan Ewe over UK Dragon – C- Captain Hero and White Night over The Big Bad and Dark Falcon – C- Sergei Kalashnov over Mister Blister – C Byron over Anna Ki – C+
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Friday Week 1 February 2006 From EuropeanRatings.com [QUOTE]After two weeks of jumping down the ratings UCR: International Wrestling Superstars pulles a huge turn around jumping nearly 15,000 viewers to 33k+. An amazing come back from what could have been a disastrous fall and possible cancellation. The question is can this the only big European wrestling promotion keep this up and stay afloat.[/QUOTE] From UCR.com [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/UCRInternationalWrestlingSuperstarsSmall.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Bully Benrubi vs Toby Juan Kanobi[/B][/U][/CENTER] It seems that The Princess has gone missing but Toby Juan Kanobi has a match up against Bully Benrubi whether his manager is there or not. Already The Force has fallen in tag team and handicap battle. After Jed High’s lost last week will this be the beginning of a resurgence of the force? [B][U][CENTER]Joey Beauchamp vs Jeri Behr Non-Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Joey Beauchamp takes his second I’ll show you match against Jeri Behr. He’s already beaten Mr. Evilness in his attempt to show Geena what will happen to her will Jeri be the next victim to fall? [B][U][CENTER]Louis Figo Manico vs ???[/CENTER][/U][/B] Mister Blister may be the current number one contender but the big boss Louis Figo Manico intends to be the next one. With Bigger Dan Ewe taking a win this past week Louis is looking to make sure he’s on equal footing before making his move. We will definitely see the boss in action against some one. [B][U][CENTER]Super Falcon and Wonder Boy vs Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth[/CENTER][/U][/B] The leaders of the Super Crew beat two of the Rouges Gallery this past week even it was by DQ, so this week the leaders of the Rouges Gallery take on the resident Tag Team of the Super Crew, The rescue rangers. If captain Hero and White Knight find it hard to stand up to Scheming Behemoth and Doctor Insane it should definitely be a task for the Rescue Rangers. [B][U][CENTER]Anna Ki vs Mr. Evilness[/CENTER][/U][/B] Beaten out by another cheap loss to Byron Anna Ki faces off against her next opponent Mr. evilness as she prepares to go on to meet Byron again at UCR: Rome Is Burning. [B][U][CENTER]Geena the Warrior Princess vs Byron[/CENTER][/U][/B] And Geena the Warrior Princess goes up against Anna Ki’s nemesis Byron. Once again Byron is out to prove that women don’t’ deserve to be in the ring and Geena wants to prove she can make it as European champ. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/RomeIsBurningsmall.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Joey Beauchamp vs Geena the Warrior Princess For the UCR European Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] After earning her title shot UCR: A Night At The Coliseum Geena finally gets her chance to face off against Joey Beauchamp for the title at Rome Is Burning. Joey has already thrown down the gauntlet showing his power against Mr. Evilness and it looks like he intend to keep his momentum up until he meet Geena. [B][U][CENTER]Anna Ki vs Byron[/CENTER][/U][/B] The bad blood between these two is as bad as it gets between these two competitors and it seems to only be getting worse. Beyond the cheating to beat her Byron has now taken to taunting her with his skills. For now Anna has no defense against Byron’s dirty tactics but she may have a few new tricks up her sleeve by the time she gets to Rome Is Burning.[/QUOTE]
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I was actually going to remain tight lipped opn this because UCR is my favorite CVERSE fed right now. I play with them myself, and I'm glad to see this diary. I've a few suggestions from my own experiences with UCR, granted I cheated in my game to make it more conducive for my needs. Hope you don't mind. 1. Jack Giedroyc (B- or B Pop) and Jeff Nova (A or A* pop) will get you great ratings in England. I'm sure you have enough pop in at least two parts of the territory to run a small show and make money. 2. Bump your ticket prices up by four dollars everywhere that you run shows! 3. Merle O Curle !!!!! Also, In my game, I cheated and signed Tommy Cornell, Angry Gilmore, Dread, and Dark Angel to PPA contracts for their overness in Europe and England. This is by far, my favorite CVERSE diary on the boards!!
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1) I'm brining in two English workers but not those two, I'm really not looking to expand my roster too far at the moment. I want to get the hang of the guys I already have before I start brining in more talent. By the end of the first year though I'll have added some stars and Giedroyc and Nova are defiantely on my list. 2) Yeah I did that first thing I'm brining in a bit of dough a couple of thousand every month. 3) Merle is on my list for sure Thanks for the compliment... just back from a sci-fi conventino this weekend so the next show should be done by the end of the day.
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It was back to the Ostrava Arena as we passed through theCzech Republic once again. We packed the hosue and the live TV taping went off without a hitch. The show left the fans wanting more and that made me happy. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/UCRInternationalWrestlingSuperstarsBig.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] Jake Panic was supposed to look impressive in this match but it just turned out he looked on slightly less incompetent then The Youth Bandits. Tank god for dark matches because this match was a train wreck so it was good only a few of the eats were filled when it started. [B]Ratings: E[/B] Anna Ki took to the ring to talk about who much she loved the fans and how greatful she was to be out there for them. She definitely needed the practice on the stick bets to giv it to her before the cameras went on. [B]Rating: C[/B] The Tag Team champs took a deent match over two of The Rouges Gallery members in Dark Falcon and The Big Bad. The match was still a bit below par but it did its job. All of these guys are gaiing skill rapidly and seem to be headed up the card. [B]Ratings: C-[/B] After their win Salty Larry came up to interview the Tag Team Champions. Again this seemed more like a mic test for the two and boy did they need it. Larry did a good job directing the interview and the boys seemed to gain some more confidence. The crowd that was present hold them tell Larry about how happy they were to be champions and how they intend on brining honor to the belts. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B][U][CENTER]Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] We opened up in the backstage area where Toby Juan Kanobi and Jed High were talking. They both said how they couldn’t find the princess anywhere and they have no clue who could have taken her. They talk about being worried ut Jed tells Toby to focus on the match he has tonight and he’ll keep looking. [B]Rating: D[/B] If it weren’t for the fact they are the quintessential jobbers I really wouldn’t use The Evil Henchmen for this but they are so I must and our opening match sucked. The fans thankfully had just taken their seats and if I’m lucky had missed most of the match getting concessions. [B]Ratings: E[/B] A video about Byron played and it showed him on a weight bench with a woman on a weight bench next to him. He starts to press the weight and the woman starts as well. He seems to be going fine but she is struggling. The end caption says another reason why Byron is best, paid for by the Hot Women For Byron Association. [B]Rating C[/B] This is a match that could have gone better then it did but Benrubi seemed to be one step behind himself. It was good back and forth between the two and Joseph did a great job of distracting the Ref and Jed High who was at ringside. The end came when the screen came on and we saw The Princess tied to a chair. A masked voice said if you ever want to see the princess again lose this match. Confused but not willing to risk it Toby laid down so that Benrubi could pin him. As Benrubi’s hand was raised Jed and Toby talked to each other walking up the ramp. [B]Ratings: C-[/B] Joey Beauchamp took to the ring a few minutes before his match to talk about what a great UCR European Champion he is. He wanted everyone to know that there was no way he was gonna lose the title and he was about to put on another exhibition match to let them bask in his greatness. [B]Rating: C+[/B] As far as champs go Joey’s matches have just been average. He took an impressive win over Jeri Behr but only impressive in relation to how she looked not really to some of the better matches. The Wind Chill, though, was still an impressive finisher and Joey sailed through the air as he pulled it off. [B]Ratings: C-[/B] We cut to The Force Backstage and they seemed like they were really pissed of. They were smashing things up as they walked down the hall toward their locker room. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Louis was in the ring and he was talking about he even if Mister Blister is the number one contender now that he’s gonna be the next contender for the title. He says he doesn’t care who he has to go through and whoever his next opponent is better be ready because he’s not gonna be shown up by two freaky giants. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Louis looked very strong in this match as he ran rough shot over Puffy the Sandiron Player. Puffy for his part seemed to be really in sync with Louis and so he helped make him lok good without having himself looking too bad. The finish was the best and the Madrid Maul looked like it was almost gonna take Puffy’s head off, good work for both men. [B]Ratings: C[/B] We cut back to the locker room area where we were treated to Anna Ki getting warmed up and ready to head out to the ring. [B]Rating: A*[/B] What we had here was basically a squash match as Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth took out the Rescue Rangers. Insane and Behemoth looked incredibly strong against these two and the match took all of five minute, which is good because I don’t think Behemoth could go anymore than that. The win was clean as for the first time on TV we see Doctor Insane’s breakaway suplex called the Failed Experiment. [B]Ratings: C-[/B] Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth laid a good beating in on The Rescue rangers until Captain Hero and White Knight coming running down the ramp. Insane and Behemoth run off as Hero and Knight take a look at their compatriots. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Just before Anna Ki’s match we saw Byron in the back getting warmed up for his match right after hers. [B]Rating: A*[/B] Anna Ki and Mr. Evilness was a mostly decent open match showing that Anna still had to work for wins even when she wasn’t losing to underhanded tactics. Mr. Evilness tries his own brand of dirsty tricks including at least three rakes to the eyes but Anna would walk away with the win. Having seen here special tornado DDT Chaos Calling, Anna decided to treat us to her submission finisher the Russian Leg Lock, a very impressive move indeed. [B]Ratings: C-[/B] We cut to the backstage are where we saw Captain Hero and White Knight chasing down Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth. The camera follows thema bit but we cut back to the beginning of the main event. [B]Rating: C+[/B] In their second meet up Byron and Geena put on another good match. There was a lot of back and forth with Byron getting visibly more upset as he wasn’t getting the win as quickly as he wanted. Every time he lost momentum he’d gain it back with a thumb to the eye or a few close handed punches. Not wanting to lose to a woman Byron quickly got Geena into a pin and used her tights and the ropes to get the one, two, three. [B]Ratings: C+[/B] After he finished off Geena Byron stayed in the ring to let Anna Ki know that there was no way to beat him, all have tried and all have failed and she is not man enough to do it. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Captain Hero and White Knight were outside in the parking lot and seemed to have lost their quarry. They turned around to head back inside and ended up on the wrong end of an ambush from Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth. [B]Rating: C Overall Rating: C[/B] Dark Match: Jake Panic over The Youth Bandits – E Dark Match: Double Dutch over Dark Falcon and The Big Bad – D The United Nations over The Evil Henchmen – E Bully Ben Rubi over Toby Juan Kanobi – C- Joey Beauchamp over Jeri Behr – C Louis Figo Manico over Puffy The Sandiron Player – C Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth over Super Falcon and Wonder Boy – C- Anna Ki over Mr. Evilness – C- Byron over Geena the Warrior Princess – C+
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I forgot to mention JD Morgan. He's british and has decent pop in the region. He's also someone you might want to consider down the line. Also, I've edited Zeus Maximillion to work in Europe. He's speaks several European languages, and according to his bio, was raised there. I thought that doing that wouldn't be too far of stretch. Just some more suggestions. Good show BTW!
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