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Friday Week 2 February 2006 From EuropeanRatings.com [QUOTE]UCR: International Wrestling Superstars held strong for the second week in a row at 33,000+ viewers. With actually a few more viewers then last week this may be the beginning of upswing for erupeans only big name promotion.[/QUOTE] From UCR.com [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/UCRInternationalWrestlingSuperstarsSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Toby Juan Kanobi vs Herschel the Hammer[/CENTER][/U][/B] Toby took a very cheap loss to Bully Benrubi last week and now faces off against Herschel the Hammer. Toby and his partner in The Force Jed High have yet to fin the princess and the question on everyone’s mind is wil he be forced to take antoher dive. [B][U][CENTER]Joey Beauchamp vs Puffy the Sandiron Player[/CENTER][/U][/B] After already running through Mr. Evilness and Jeri Behr, Joey Beauchamp meets up with the last person who wanted to be a contender to his title Puffy the Sandiron Player. This is another non-title exhibition match to show Geena what she will be facing when they meet at UCR: Rome is Burning. [B][U][CENTER]Bigger Dan Ewe vs ???[/CENTER][/U][/B] With one win a piece between Dan and Louis the mohawked maniac is taking on antoher as yet unnamed opponent to try and get the advantage and become the next number one contender. [B][U][CENTER]The Rouges Gallery vs The Super Crew[/CENTER][/U][/B] With all the bad blood between the heroes and the villains a ful on 4 on 4 match has been arranged. For the heroes it will be the entire Super Crew, Captain Hero, White Knight, Super Falcon and Wonderbiy. For the villains it will be, Doctor Insane, Scheming Behemoth, The Big Bad and Dark Falcon. No one’s even sure if a ref is going to be able to handle this match. [B][CENTER]Anna Ki and Geena the Warrior Princess vs Byron and Mr. Evilness[/CENTER][/B] From this past weeks singles matches to a tag team match Anna Ki and Geena will be showing off their feminine wiles as they take on Byron and Mr. Evilness. A match sure to show of quite a bit of talent and quite a bit of rage. [B][U][CENTER]Sergei Kalashnov over Mister Blister[/CENTER][/U][/B] The Number one contender gets his second shot at the UCR World Combat Title as Mister Blister takes on the champ Sergei Kalashnov. Can the Giant walk out the champion or will he have to try again another day? [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/RomeIsBurningsmall.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] Two more matches have been announced for UCR: Rome is Burning and what matches they are. [B][U][CENTER]Captain Hero vs Scheming Behemoth[/CENTER][/U][/B] After all that has gone on between the Super Crew and The Rouges Gallery the heroes have decided to trade off nemeses. Captain Hero will be facing off against Scheming Behemoth… [B][U][CENTER]White Knight vs Doctor Insane[/CENTER][/U][/B]…and the White Knight will take on Doctor Insane. Will this change in tactics allow for a change in fortunes of the beleaguered heroes. Card so far: Anna Ki vs Byron Captain Hero vs Scheming Behemoth White Knight vs Doctor Insane Geena the Warrior Princess vs Joey Beauchamp[/QUOTE]
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Back to the U.S.S.R. well not really but hey I’m allowed to amuse myself. We hit our favorite spot in Russia, the Omsk Hall where we put on another good show last night. The crowd liked it and we’re still selling out these small halls. It may soon be time to look into a bigger establishment but that can wait a bit. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/UCRInternationalWrestlingSuperstarsBig.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] Defending UCR Female Champion faced off against the red headed speed demon in the first dark match in very bad match for the title. Speedy didn’t want to lose but the title doesn’t really suit her so Alpha female took the win. Everything was pretty open and Alpha Female took some liberties with the rules to squeak a qin through. [B]Rating: D[/B] The second match was a fun one with Inky the Squid Boy taking his top rope talents to one half of The United nations, Kirk the Turk. With Kirk moving up the card the match was pretty open but after Kirk to a thumb to the eyes of Inky he got a little of his own medicine with the black mist inky calls The Ink Blot. The crowd cheered for Inky as he used the time to land a top rope body block knocking Kirk down for the pin. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B][U][CENTER]Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show started with Geri Smith in the ring and she talked about how she just came to this company and how she expects to do big things, and she can do no bigger thing that announce the first client she’s signed. At that point Mister Blister came walking down the and just looks generally menacing. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Ok well now I mean it this is the last time I’m using The Evil Henchmen on the main show they suck they drag down any match they touch and I’ll say it again they suck. The Youth Bandits did a number on them though and took away another win putting them in contendership for the UCR Tag Team Titles right up there with The United Nations. [B]Rating: E[/B] Anna Ki and Geena the Warrior Princess came down to the ring and Salty Larry slid into the ring to interview them. They disn’t speak much about their opponents but said what an honor it was to be teaming together. Anna put Geena over as going to be the best UCR European Champion and Geena told Anna she could more then hang with the big boys. [B]Rating: C[/B] Toby got his a match against another member of the Kosher Nosta, facing off against the massive Herschel the Hammer. The match was a good back and forth for a few minutes until Toby got the upper hand, but then we had a repeat of last week. The screen flickered on showing the Princess telling Toby if he wanted to ever see here again he’d have to lose. Toby relented and allowed himself to be slid up into the powerbomb Herschel calls The Last Nail and he got pinned. [B]Rating: C[/B] As the match came to an end the screen showed the video camera falling over and as he leaned down to pick it up we saw the face of Bully Benrubi. With the revelation that it was the Kosher Nostra who abducted the Princess Toby Juan and Jed get into an argument with Herschel the Hammer and Abraham Slam who was at ring side. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Joey Beauchamp came to the ring to do some more of what he does talk about himself. He promised that to night would be yet more proof of how great a UCR European Champion he was. He wanted everyone to be ready to see another display of great wrestling. [B]Rating: C+[/B] In an attempt to make himself look like a champion for his bout with Geena the Warrior Princess Joe Beauchamp ran into a man who just could read his body language. Puffy the Sandiron Player was trying to make Beauchamp loko good but they just didn’t click in the ring and it was obvious. Joey got another win in a subpar match with the Windchill. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Salty Larry went into the ring to announced he would be interviewing the UCR World Combat Champion Sergei Kalashnov. Sergei came down and spoke with Larry at length about how he was the best champ this company had ever seen and not just because of his looks. He said that he honored the belt and what it stood for and that even with his new manager Mister Blister wouldn’t be getting his hands on it tonight or anytime soon. [B]Rating: C[/B] Bigger Dan Ewe’s myster opponent was his same opponent as two weeks ago UK Dragon. The reasons were obvious UK carried Dan the whole match and actually managed to keep the flow of the match going while selling Dan’s power. Dan through Dragon around in another impressive match and if their great chemistry is any indication we should see more of these two. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Another Byron video played this time Byron was playing chess against four different women and one by ne he got each into check mate. The caption read “Byron, not just faster and stronger but also smarter.” [B]Rating: C-[/B] This was a five minute completely uncontrolled substandard free for all between the full Super Crew (Captain Hero, White Knight, Super Falcon and Wonder Boy) and most of the Rouges Gallery (Doctor Insane, Scheming Behemoth, The Big Bad and Dark Falcon). Completely confused the ref finally found a pin some where in the ring and called one, two, three as Doctor Insane got what we can only assume was a good win, because we didn’t see how he got knocked down, but suffice to say the cahir that was hiding behind Scheming Behemoth’s back couldn’t have been a good sign. [B]Rating: C-[/B] After more cheating by The Rouges Gallery the whole thing brings out into a huge four on four brawl until just about all of security has to come out to separate everyone. [B]Rating: C-[/B] We saw Mister Blister warming up for his match against Sergei Kalashnov when his new managers walked in and wished him luck. Geri Smith told Blister that everything should go according to plan and not to worry. [B]Rating: B[/B] A decent match between the men and the women with a lot of good back and forth, but it could have been a bit better if Mr. Evilness wasn’t slightly off his game, again. Things were going well for the men for awhile but Anna and Geena pulled of a great comeback and Anna got Mr. Evilness in her modified Tornado DDT, Chaos Calling for the win. [B]Rating: C[/B] Anna Ki and Geena the Warrior Princess celebrated their win in the ring as Byron and Mr. Evilness headed back to the locker room area. The women were so excited and the crowd got excite about that fact that they were excited. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Sergei Kalashnov although a good looking champ doesn’t have enough skill to really carry himself let alone some one else. Although Geri Smith helped a little just by being at the ring side the moves wren’t sold enough and it was noticeable. Mister Blister got himself disqualified after taking the belt from Geri and trying to hit Sergie with it. He missed but Geri couldn’t keep the ref distracted long enough for him to miss it so the bell was called for. [B]Rating: C Overall Rating: C[/B] Dark Match: Alpha Female over Speedy Marie for the UCR Female Title – D Dark Match: Inky the Squid Boy over Kirk the Turk – C- The Youth Bandits over the Evil Henchmen – E Herschel the Hammer over Toby Juan Kanobi – C Joey Beaucham over Puffy The Sandiron Player – C- Bigger Dan Ewe over UK Dragon – C- Insane, Behemoth, Big Bad and Dark Falcon over Hero, Knight, Super Falcon and Wonder Boy – C- Anna Ki and Geena the Warrior Princess over Byron and Mr. Evilness – C Sergei Kalashnov over Mister Blister by DQ – C
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IMHO, fire all of those garbage cruisers! Oh how I hate them. Toby Juan, the super freaks, all of'em. I never have use for cruisers. Oh and Puffy too! Fire the bum! That stuff said... I still love this! I like what your doing with Blister, and I can't wait to see my favorite CVERSE character (Figo Manico) get that Combat Title! I'd like to see Mr. Evilness pushed as well. I know he's not so great, but I mark for him.
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Right now I'm looking to use who they've saddled me with and personally I'm all about cruisers. It would be better if the cruisers had some in ring talent but that'll just have to work itself out. Truth be told I sprung right into the stories I'm writing now without regard to anyone's skill and that was mistake as you can see from my completely dropping the UCR Female Title Story. On a side note I'm a Star Wars geek so i love Toby and Jed.
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Friday Week 3 February 2006 From EuropeanRatings.com [QUOTE]And the streak continues at three weeks in a row at 33,000+ viewers for UCR: International Wrestling Superstars. Rumor has it that although they aren’t willing to negotiate about a renewal Continental Sports X1 has given them another time slot for another show.[/QUOTE] From UCR.com [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/UCRInternationalWrestlingSuperstarsSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]The Youth Bandits vsThe United Nations[/CENTER][/U][/B] The Youth Bandits and The United Nations both up for number one contendership. Whoever takes the win in this match faces Double Dutch for the UCR Tag Team Titles at UCR: Rome Is Burning. [B][U][CENTER]The Force vs The Kosher Nostra (Team)[/CENTER][/U][/B] After finding out that The loser Nostra were the ones who kidnapped The Princess, The Force look to meet them in battle to try and win her back. Even if they do win will the moil mafia give her back? [B][U][CENTER]Joey Beauchamp vs Geena The Warrior Princess Nono-Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Geena the Warrior Princess gets her shot at Joey in non-title action before the big PPV. Geena looks to show Joey what she’s got waiting for him and Joey looks to show Geena why he’s the UCR: European Champion. [B][U][CENTER]Louis Figo Manico vs ???[/CENTER][/U][/B] Bigger Dan Ewe has two consecutive wins now and Loius looks to even the score again but if he does who will be the number one contender, only time can tell? [B][U][CENTER]White Knight vs Scheming Behemoth[/CENTER][/U][/B] The pinnacle of purity, the White Knight once again takes on the dastardly demon, Scheming Behemoth ina a lash of the titans. The armor comes off and the fists start flying as these two massive men take each other too task. [B][U][CENTER]Captain Hero vs Doctor Insane[/CENTER][/U][/B] El Capitan face off once again with his arch foe, his nemesis, his foil in a match good versus evil and it looks to be a good one. The two have been battling for years but is now the time for heroes to prevail. [B][U][CENTER]Anna Ki vs Byron[/CENTER][/U][/B] A preview match before their big match at UCR: Rome Is Burning can Anna take away two wins in a rw or will she get one tonight and none tomorrow? The question on her mind is what if Byron is right and she doesn’t belong in the Main Event. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/RomeIsBurningsmall.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] Another big match has been announced for UCR: Rome Is Burning and it looks to be a good one. [B][U][CENTER]Sergei Kalashnov vs Mister Blister For the UCR: World Combat Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Mister Blister has taken two losses so far against Sergei Kalashnov for the UCR: World Combat Title and UCR: Rome Is Burning he gets one last shot before he looses his number one contender spot to be replaced by either Bigger Dan Ewe or Louis Figo manico. Card so far: Anna Ki vs Byron Sergei Kalashnov vs Mister Blister For the UCR: World Combat Title Captain Hero vs Scheming Behemoth White Knight vs Doctor Insane Geena the Warrior Princess vs Joey Beauchamp For the UCR European Title[/QUOTE]
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It was back to the UCR home base of Bayem Stadion in Germany where the beer was strong and so are our wrestlers. I like to mull around the crowd after and try and pick up some German but it also helps me figure out what the crowd likes. From what I could understand people really enjoyed the show but their were a few comments wondering about the toher guy in the weird star wars tag team. I gues they meant Jed High as he’s not as over here as Toby is. All in all though I was happy with… [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/UCRInternationalWrestlingSuperstarsBig.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] Still trying to build up my women but it looks like that may take a long time I might scrap my entire women’s division and retire the title but I haven’t completely decided yet. If the match between Alpha Female and Miss Information was any judge then I might have to make my decision soon. Between the two of them there was three good moves and luckily one of them was Alpha Females side arm breaker Grim Endings and that was the match. [B]Rating: E[/B] Inky the Squid Boy and UK Dragon teamed up and took on The Evil Henchemn and I must say the twins didn’t looks as bad as they usually do but I think that came from Squid and Inky taking away most of the match in impressive feats of top rope skill. Inky hit Evil Henchmen #2 with his Ink Blot while the ref was turned dealing with Henchmen one who was trying to bring a chair into the ring. When the ref turned around Inky had #2 pinned. I guess that’s what you get for trying to cheatm turn about is fair play and all. [B]Rating: D[/B] [B][U][CENTER]Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] We opened the show with an interview as Salty Larry interviewed Anna Ki about her match tonight and at UCR; Rome Is Burning against Byron. Anna Ki said she was confident in her ability and confident in her skill. If last weeks tag match was any indication then she has a good shot at beating Byron. [B]Rating: C[/B] Blah on the tag division they may go the way of the women’s division but we’ll see. The United Nations took a very cheap win for their shot at the UCR Tag Team Titles at Rome Is Burning. As a matter of fact when Kirk the Turk hit Cannonball Logan with that low blow every male in the crowd winced. [B]Rating: D[/B] The Kosher Nostra took out The Force in what ended up being a four on one. Even though Bully Benrubi and Abraham Slam were in the ring, Herschel and Joseph were both at ring side. The ref could barely keep track of who was wear and while distracted by Joseph who was getting Herschel to beat n Toby Juan, Jedi High got double teamed taking Benrubi’s The Hebrew Hitter and and Abraham’s Kosher Bomb. When the ref turned back Jed was pinned and it was all over. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Salty Larry took interview duty again as he spoke with Byron this time about the two upcoming matches. Byron let him no that there was nothing at all to worry about that a girl couldn’t beat him and there was no need for Larry to be concerned for his well being, which Larry obviously wasn’t. He told Larry to be prepared because after his win at Rome Is Burning there would be a huge party. [B]Rating: C[/B] And the non-title match went to Geena the Warrior Princess who looked for awhile like she was going to win fairly, which might have been why Joey went outside for the chair. The ref kept trying to get him to put it down but when Joey knocked him over he called for the bell. Oddly Joey didn’t seem to disappointed about losing the match as he walked out of the ring without even hitting Geena with the chair. [B]Rating: C[/B] Geena the Warrior Princess stayed in the ring as Joey Beauchamp walked out she wanted to let him know that she was wining tonight and that on Sunday at Rome is Burning she will come out the victor for sure. [B]Rating: C[/B] The Kosher Nostra led by their mouth piece Joseph the Nose took the attention of a camera backstage to tell The Force that they have one more shot at regaining The Princess. The next time though will be at UCR: Rome Is Burning and it will be a handicap match with the Full Kosher Nostra taking them on. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Louis took a win over Jake Panc to make himself look strong as some one running for the title shoud. The Problem was he’d never worked with Panic before and as it turns out they have no, that is zero, in ring chemistry. Luckily the match was only slightly below average for this but still didn’t help Louis in looking strong. [B]Rating: C-[/B] We got a quick glimpse backstage and we saw Byron as he was warming himself up for the match [B]Rating: A*[/B] The battle of the titans, who can’t last more then five minutes in the ring, was well average. Scheming Behemoth won with a rake to the eyes has jackknife power bomb called the Oath Breaker and not surprisingly an unseen handful of tights. [B]Rating: C[/B] We also got a quick backstage shot off Anna Ki working out and preparing for her big main event match [B]Rating: A*[/B] And another average match between to arch nemeses, much to the delight of the crowd and the chagrin of me. Doctor Insane used every dirty trick in the book, Eye Gouges, Thumb Rakes, Blatant Choking, you name it he did it. He even got of the Failed Experiment, which didn’t keep the Captain down at all. Finally Scheming Behemoth came down to the ring and distracted the ref long enough for Doctor Insane to use his eyeball staff to whack Captain Hero and then he got the pin. [B]Rating: C[/B] Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth stood in the ring as Captain Hero left and they were telling him that there was no way they could win tonight just like there is no way they can win at Rome Is Burning. [B]Rating: C[/B] The great chemistry between Byron and Anna Ki really ends a show the right way. The match had a great flow and a lot of back and forth action with Anna matching Byron’s top rope skill and her own technical prowess to slow down Byron’s brawling. The match however wasn’t to be one by our female hero as Byron slid into a quick pin but used the ropes for leverage for the win. [B]Rating: C+[/B] The showed ended with Byron standing in the ring telling Anna that this was exactly what was gonna happen on Sunday. She can expect no mercy and she can expect ending up flat on her back being pinned once again. [B]Rating: C+ Overall Rating: C+[/B] Dark Match: Alpha Female over Speedy Marie and Miss Information for UCR Female Title – E Dark Match: Inky the Squid Boy and UK Dragon over The Evil Henchmen – D The United Nations over The Youth Bandits – D The Kosher Nostra (Team) over The Force – C- Geena The Warrior Princess over Joey Beauchamp Non-Title – C Louis Figo Manico over Jake Panic – C- Scheming Behemoth over White Knight – C Doctor Insane over Captain Hero – C Byron over Anna Ki – C+
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Friday Week 4 February 2006 From EuropeanRatings.com [QUOTE]A full month of 33,000+ shows is how it’s done and this week UCR: International Wrestling Superstars almost made it to 34,000. The name of the new UCR show is UCR Heroes and Villains which will be shown live Friday nights but we’re still left wondering if Continental Sports X1 will pick up UCR: International Wrestling Super Stars[/QUOTE] From UCR.com [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/RomeIsBurningsmall.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Double Dutch vsThe United Nations For the UCR Tag Team Titles[/CENTER][/U][/B] Having beaten out The Youth Bandits, the United Nations gets a shot at the UCR Tag Team Titles. The reigning champs have beaten The United Nations on more then one occassiona so this match could definitely be a real fight for Kirk and Herman. [B][U][CENTER]The Force vs The Kosher Nostra (Stable) 3 on 2 handicap match[/CENTER][/U][/B] The Force lost their match to get The Princess back but it seems Joseph the Nose is giving them another shot. The catch to all this is that the Sci-Fi heroes have to take the whike crew of The Kosher Nostra to win back their manager. [B][U][CENTER]Joey Beauchamp vs Geena The Warrior Princess For the UCR European Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Joey Beauchamp lost his match with Geena the Warrior Princess with what seemed to be an intentional disqualification. This left everyone including Geena wondering if that’s his plan to retain his title or if he was just playing mind games. [B][U][CENTER]Louis Figo Manico vs Bigger Dan Ewe[/CENTER][/U][/B] Bigger Dan Ewe has two consecutive wins now and Loius looks to even the score again but if he does who will be the number one contender, only time can tell? [B][U][CENTER]White Knight vs Doctor Insane[/CENTER][/U][/B] The White Knight gets his shot at Captain Hero’s Arch foe Doctor Insane in what can only be called a very weird tactic on behalf of the Super Crew. Will this change give the Shining Swordsman the edge he needs or will Doctor Insane be able to use his special brand of evil to stop White Knight. [B][U][CENTER]Captain Hero vs Scheming Behemoth [/CENTER][/U][/B] Captain Hero gives a bit in terms of size to Scheming Behemoth but that may very well be an advantage for the caped crusader. The demonic power the Behemoth uses to fill his rage may however be a match for the Captain’s super abilities but we’ll have to wait and see. [B][U][CENTER]Sergei Kalashnov vs Mister Blister For the UCR World Combat Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Already losing two matches to Sergei Mister Blister gets his third and last shot at the UCR World Combat title. Will his new manager be enough edge for him to pull it off or will this not so gentle giant make his final faluire. [B][U][CENTER]Anna Ki vs Byron[/CENTER][/U][/B] The match that everyone is coming to see is Anna Ki versus Byron. As the battle of the sexes continues and Anna Ki and Byron meet up in the ring yet again after two months of Byron’s cheating ways will Anna be able to pull out a win? One can only hope.[/QUOTE]
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Rome is Burning Predictions: Double Dutch vs [B]The United Nations[/B] For the UCR Tag Team Titles The Force vs [B]The Kosher Nostra [/B](Stable): Big Nostra fan! Joey Beauchamp vs Geena The Warrior Princess: Have no use for cruisers, but I like Beacuhamp and Geena. I'm up in the air here. For the UCR European Title [B]Louis Figo Manico[/B] vs Bigger Dan Ewe: Get used to seeing me pic The Manic Man White Knight vs [B]Doctor Insane[/B] [B]Captain Hero[/B] vs Scheming Behemoth: Sergei Kalashnov vs [B]Mister Blister[/B]: Love Blister in this diary. He 's due! Not only will he make a great champ, he'd arguably be the best in the world imo. Anna Ki vs [B]Byron[/B]: I don't know why I like Byron, I just do. Grows on ya I guess. I love the segments your doing with him! BTW, Heroes and Villains... Great name for your show!
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Rome is burning our second pay per view and I couldn’t be happier, our wrestlers are moving forward with their skill and our storylines are moving forward perfectly. The crowd stayed hot most of the match and were on their feet for the final match. There was some backstage complaining about certain matches but I told everyone to stick to the stories and it’ll all be ok. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/RomeIsBurningbig.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] The Rescue Rangers of the Super Crew drew The Big Bad and Super Falcon from The Rouges Gallery for the opening dark match. The in ring action wasn’t horrible just that the crowd really did care about these guys. Super Falcon ended up pinning Dark Flacon after hitting him with the Falcon Dive. [B]Rating: D[/B] Mr. Evilness had dark match duty for the second match and he took on Jeri Behr. Having both been left in the dust by Geena the Warrior Princess for the UCR European Title these two showed that they both had a lot to prove. The match was decent but could have been better; Mr. Evilness was again of his game, he can put on a good match but just not consistently. Mr. Evilness locked in his submission the Master Plan and for good measure used hung on to the ropes for more torque. Jeri Behr had no choice but to tap and give Mr. Evilness the win. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B][U][CENTER]Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show opened up with a video recap off all the things that have gone on between Anna Ki and Byron. The background mostly has some of the speaking parts from Byron’s better then women videos and the action is Anna losing time and time again. It ends with the two in the ring staring each other down as we saw three weeks ago. [B]Rating: C[/B] Double Dutch and The United Nations put on what has been one of the best tag division matches we’ve seen in a long time, which actually still wasn’t all that great. A lot of work has to go into these two teams but they both have a lot of potential. The match had a decent back and forth flow with Double Dutch showing why they were the champs, but the match would have a very different ending the expected. From out of the crowd two figures came and hit the ring they laid out Double Dutch and the ref called for the DQ. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Having debuted by costing Double Dutch their match, British workers Adam Matravers and Merle O’Curle were recognized by some of the folks in the crowd. They decided to add injury to insult and beat the hell out of Frank and Ruud. The action itself is directed by the duo’s manager Phoebe Plumridge. [B]Rating: E[/B] The second match into an already decent Pay Per View saw The Force take on The Kosher Nostra in a two on three handicap match. For the talent we have this was a good match with Abraham, Benrubi and Herschel showing off their power. Joseph the nose did a good job at ring side taunting Toby Juan and Jed with their tied up manager The Princess. The taunting, however, had the opposite effect as it seemed to throw the Sci-Fi duo into high gear and they really made a nice comeback. The match ended with Jed High taking the top rope and pulling off The Light Side Leap onto Bully Benrubi, the ref counted the pin as Toby stopped Herschel the Hammer and Abraham Slam from breaking it up. [B]Rating: C[/B] After the match is over Toby and Jed untie The Princess who had been brought out to ring side and tied to a chair by Joseph the Nose. The three get in the ring and celebrate the win and being reunited. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Salty larry spoke about the main event as everyone cleared the ring. Salty was trying to keep the promo on target while Tara was letting him know that if Anna Ki laid one hand on her man that she would have it out with her. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Joey Beauchamp retained his title in a good match against Geena the Warrior Princess and the fans really took a liking to it. The action was fast and furious with Geena taking a lot of the match by keeping Joey off the top rope, but when he did make up their he did an awful lot of damage to the Amazon. Joey Beauchamp went back out for the chair and it looked like he was going to get himself disqualified again but the ref managed to get him to let go. As the ref threw the chair out of the ring Joey took that moment to hit Geena with a pair of brass knuckles he had in his tights. When te ref turned around Joey went for the pin and retained his title. [B]Rating: C[/B] We got Sergei Kalashnov backstage and he had a mic and he wanted to talk about his match with Mister Blister. He told us all that he had already won two matches against Blister and new manager or not three is no way the steroided up freak could get his hands on the UCR World Combat Title. [B]Rating: C[/B] Surprisingly a better than average match with Bigger Dan Ewe in, which must have been because Louis Figo Manico took all the good moves and most of the momentum. Dan actually managed not to make Manico look bad and for his part Manico hit him with an impressive Madrid Maul to become the number one contender. [B]Rating: C+[/B] After his big win over Louis Figo manico got a mic in the ring and started to talk about his rise to the top. He said just because he’s the boss doesn’t mean he doesn’t have to work to get to the top and work it he did. He knows there’s a UCR World Combat Title match tonight but no matter who wins he’s gonna be ready for them. [B]Rating: B-[/B] We saw Mister Blister working out, lifting some weights, in his locker room when Geri Smith walks in. Geri tells him not to worry she’s got everything under control and this time he’ll walk away the UCR World Combat Champion. [B]Rating: B-[/B] We had another average match when Doctor Insane took on the white night in a six minute battle of wills. White Knight kept coming after the good doctor with punch after punch after punch, but Doctor Insane used his superior technical skills to keep his opponent off his lateral base. Doctor Insane didn’t even need to cheat his way into a win as he got White Knight into the ailed experiment. [B]Rating: C[/B] We caught Anna Ki in her locker room and she’s warming up getting ready to go out and take on Byron [B]Rating: A*[/B] Scheming Behemoth and Captain Hero was just as good a match as White Knight and Doctor Insane. Behemoth was a little to slow to catch hero as often as he would of liked and by using the top rope hero ekpt up a full attack. The match probably would have gone for Hero if Doctor Insane hadn’t come down to the ring and distracted the ref which gave Behemoth long enough to rake Hero’s eyes and hit him with a low blow. When the ref turned around Behemoth landed Hero in the Oath Breaker and took the pin and the win. [B]Rating: C[/B] After the match as Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth put the boots to Captain Hero, White Knight ran in for the save and it turned into an all out brawl between the floor. [B]Rating: C[/B] Next we got a look at Byron who was in his locker room warming up getting ready to go one on one with Anna Ki. [B]Rating: A*[/B] We got another video package showing us the rise of Mister Blister to number one contender. Then it went on to show Blisters two losses to Sergei Kalashnov and his gaining of a manager. The whole package leads up to a graphic showing Mister Blister vs Sergei Kalashnov for the UCR World Combat Title. [B]Rating: C-[/B] I would have felt better if the UCR World Combat Title match was better then say average. Mister Blister is an impressive looking walking mountain and is a decent high flier with good charisma but neither one had what they need to bring the psychology of a championship match. Beyond that Blister could sell ice in the desert and Sergei is only on the tale end of being good at it but not enough to carry Blister. The highlight of the match was Geri Smith excellent ring side management technique which included the hitting Sergei in the head with the belt while the ref was distracted by Mister Blister. As Sergei stumbled up he wobbled right into the Moscow Lariat and almost lost his head. Blister slid in for an easy pin and was crowned the new UCR World Combat Champion. [B]Rating: C[/B] Lastly we had the match that everyone came to see after months of trying could Anna Ki finally lay out Byron and the answer was yes. The match was fast paced and intense much more so then we’ve seen out of the two. Both competitors were flying around the ring and giving it their all to the gasps of the crowd. Anna Ki did everything by the book as Byron tried at every chance to slip in a tainted victory, even hitting the poor girl with an unseen outside object. When she kicked out Byron was livid, his rage was his down fall as he ran right into a perfectly execute Chaos Calling and found himself laid out on the mat. And that was the match as Byron lay sprawled out and Anna Ki got the one, two, three. [B]Rating: C+ Overall Rating: C[/B] Dark Match: The Rescue Rangers over The Big Bad and Dark Falcon – D Dark Match: Mr. Evilnees over Jeri Behr – C- Double Dutch over The United Nations For the UCR Tag Team Titles – C- The Force over The Kosher Nostra Stable – C Joey Beauchamp over Geena The Warrior Princess For the UCR European Title – C Louis Figo Manico over Bigger Dan Ewe #1 Contender Match – C+ Doctor Insane over White Knight – C Scheming Behemoth over Captain Hero – C Mister Blister w/ Geri Smith over Sergei Kalashnov For the UCR World Combat Title – C Anna Ki over Byron – C+
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Monday Week 1 March 2006 From UCR.com [QUOTE]With our Wednesday night slot of UCR: International Wrestling Superstars gone we’ve opened our live Friday night broadcast of UCR: Heroes and Villains, still on Continental Sports X1 every Friday at 11pm. We look forward to seeing you there as we broadcast live from the home of UCR Bayem Stadion in Germany. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/HeroesandVillainssmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]The Dynamic Duo vs The Big Bad and Dark Flacon[/CENTER][/U][/B] The Dynamic duo shot up as a new tag force to be reckoned with when UK Dragon and Inky the Squid Boy got together to fight their way out of lower card obscurity. This week they see televised battle against The Big Bad and Dark Falcon from the Rouges Gallery. [B][U][CENTER]The Force vs The United Nations[/CENTER][/U][/B] With a big win over The Kosher Nostra, Toby Juan Kanobi and Jed High are looking to keep making a name for themselves as they face off against the last contenders for the UCR Tag Team Titles. [B][U][CENTER]Geena the Warrior Princess vs Pufy the Sandiron Player[/CENTER][/U][/B] Geena the Warrior Princess was screwed out of her chance of becoming the UCR European Title holder and has to work her way back up a few notches. She will have to get through Puffy the Sandiron Player to get to Joey if her nerve hasn’t been shaken by her cheap loss. [B][U][CENTER]Jeri Behr vs Mr. Evilness[/CENTER][/U][/B] Mr. Evilness will meet up with Jeri Behr both former contenders to the UCR European Title, which ever takes away a win may have a future shot at it. [B][U][CENTER]White Knight vs Jake Panic[/CENTER][/U][/B] The White Knight is looking to build some momentum after another loss to the leaders of the Rouges Gallery. He faces off against the psycho Jake Panic as he tries to regain his honor and dignity. [B][U][CENTER]Anna Ki vs Joey Beauchamp Non-Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Anna Ki off a big win at Rome Is Burning looks to cement that by beating the UCR European Champ. She says she doesn’t care about getting the title she just wants to test her skill. [B][U][CENTER]Louis Figo Manico vs Sergei Kalashnov[/CENTER][/U][/B] Number one contender faces off against former champ, if Sergei can beat Louis maybe he’ll get the next shot at the title and knock the boss one rung down the ladder.[/QUOTE]
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The first edition of our new live Friday night show UCR: Heroes and Villains and we did it infront of our home audience in Bayem Stadion, Germany. Except for White Knight versus Jake Panic I was really ahppy with the show and if this is any indication I’ve gotten the hang of our roster and I’ll soon be moving the shows up a notch. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/HeroesandVillainsbig.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] Those fans that showed up early got “treated” to a match between UCR Female champion Alpha Female as she took out Speedy Marie. Alpha used her brutal strong style technique to destroy Marie and retain her UCR Female Title. As we all know the match wasn’t great hell it wasn’t even good but I think a lot of it is that the fans don’t appreciate women wrestlers. [B]Ratings: E[/B] Set them up as a huge team coming in wrecking house and it turns out they don’t even work well as a team. The hope was that Matravers high Flying would be supplemented by OCurle’s technical ability but instead they wree all over the place in the match. They still completely dominated The Evil Henchmen but I’m not sure how much that mattered. Matravers ended the match with his famous Mile High Moonsault right on to Evil Henchmen #1. [B]Ratings: E[/B] [B][U][CENTER]Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] We opened with an interview from Sergei Kalashnov how spoke about losing the title and getting it back. He said that today he would take on the number one contender Louis Figo Manico, the boss, for another shot at his title. He wanted every one to know although he respected his opponent he intended to win. [B]Rating: C+[/B] We caught a glimpse of Italian Soccer superstar Matt Backlund walking backstage though the arena. [B]Rating: B+[/B] The Dynamic Duo took a nice win over The Big Bad and Dark Falcon looking very strong as they went flying around the ring. Although it took both of the smaller wrestlers to really take out The Big Bad they still managed to do enough damage to keep him off his feet. Inky the Squid Boy used his Ink Blot to blind Dark Flacon and get the win. I don’t think the bad guys are used to the good guys using slightly underhanded tactics, because it looked like Falcon was really surprised. [B]Ratings: D[/B] We saw the backstage area where Mr. evilness ran into Matt Backlund and he welcomed him to UCR but told him that he should stay out the The Rouges Gallery’s way. He let Backlund know that they were the dominant power here in UCR. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Coming off their big win from at Rome Is Buring, The Force put on a decent match looking strong in the ring against The United Nations. Toby Juan and Jed are getting quite a bit better in the ring and The Princess is back to being her regular cheery self at ring side. Jed High took the win this time with the Lightside Leap right on to Kirk the Turk for the pin. [B]Ratings: C-[/B] Matt Backlund ran into Jeri Behr who was stretching backstage getting ready for her match he wished her good luck in her match against Mr. Evilness. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Geena the Warrior Princess had a halfway decent match against Puffy the Sand Iron Player as she tries to get back to Joey Beauchamp for another title shot. Geena and Puffy had a nice back and forth through most of the match but Puffy wasn’t destined to win as Geena took him out with Female Dominance. [B]Ratings: C-[/B] Louis Figo Manico took some air time in the back talking about his becoming number one contender. He wanted to let Mister Blister know he was coming for the title but more importantly he wanted to let Sergei know that the match that evening was deadly serious. He said he didn’t make it as far as he has now just to be stopped her. He would be going on to meet Mister Blister at the next pay per view Ancient Rivalries. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Mr. Evilness and Jeri Behr the third slightly below average match of the evening but it cemented Mr. Evilness as a real bad seed. The things he was trying to pull no self respecting man would pull on a woman. When he almost “accidentally” took her tights down the ref really had it out with him. The tights wasn’t Mr. Evilness’ only “Accident” he “Accidently” Knocked out the ref by missing Jeri Behr and slamming him into the turn buckle. While the ref was out Mr. Evilness hit Jeri Behr with the ring bell and then through her up in his seldom used pile driver finisher, Evil Incarnate. [B]Ratings: C-[/B] Mr. Evilness attacked behr even after cheating to beat her but after a minute Matt Backlund comes out and throw a hardcore beating on Evilness. Surprisingly for his small size Backlund really knows how to lay it in, must be from all those years as a top soccer player. [B]Rating: C[/B] Anna Ki was warming up for her match against Joey Beauchamp and looking like the real winner she is. [B]Rating: A*[/B] White Knight versus Jake Panic was a disaster of an upper card match not so much that the fans didn’t know the opponents or the lack of psychology in the ring but just that neither guy had much skill. White Knight looked pretty strong in the match though and took the pin after his running powerbomb, Smite. [B]Ratings: D[/B] We caught Loius Figo Manico in his office and he’s jumping around and loosening up getting ready for his match. [B]Rating: A[/B] Anna Ki took a win over Joey Beauchamp in a good match between both contenders. Although Anna took the win Joey still took a good chunk of the offense and looked good in the ring. The one thing Joey didn’t seem to be able to contend with was when Anna Ki locked in the Russian Leg Lock, as he took that moment to tap out. [B]Ratings: C+[/B] The camera crew was backstage and they catch up to a brawl already in progress. Apparently Mr. Evilness jumped Matt Backlund backstage and the two were going at each other something fierce. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Louis Figo Manico and Sergei Kalashnov put on a great matc, so great in fact it seemed that the announcers couldn’t keep p with it. Loius came with the brawling skill and Sergei with the top rope ability but the real show was when both men got into some nice technical ground work. Sergei though wasn’t to be the winner as Louis hit him with the Madrid Maul and got a nice pin to retain his number one contendership. [B]Ratings: C+ Overall Rating: C+[/B] Dark Match: Alpha Female over Speedy Marie for The UCR Female Title – E Dark Match: Matravers and O’Curle over The Evil Henchment – E The Dynamic Duo over The Big Bad and Dark Flacon– D The Force over The United Nations – C- Geena the Warriro Princess over Puffy the Sandiron Player – C- Mr. Evilness over Jeri Behr – C- White Knight over Jake Panic – D Anna Ki over Joey Beauchamp Non-Title – C+ Louis Figo Manico over Sergei Kalashnov – C+
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Saturday Week 1 March 2006 From EuropeanRatings.com [QUOTE]UCR: Heroes and Villains got foo to a rough start with only 13,500 viewers on it’s debut night. The show however was good so it’s this reporters opinion that the ratings will go up dramatically.[/QUOTE] From UCR.com [QUOTE]We head back to Ostrava Arena in the Czech Republic for next weeks live broadcast of UCR: Heroes and Villains. This past week we saw former soccer star Matt Backlund getting involved in a dangerous situation with Mr. Evilness and Louis Figo Manico cement his position as number one contender by beating the former champ Sergei Kalashnov and his announcement that the next Pay Per View Ancient Rivalries will see him do battle for the title.. This week we see more combat and more clashes of wills at and more action on UCR: Heroes and Villains. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/HeroesandVillainssmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]The Rescue Rangers vs Matravers and O'Curle[/CENTER][/U][/B] Adam Matravers and Merle O’Curle take on The Rescue Rangers in their first televised match. Having attacked the UCR Tag Team Champions at Rome Is Burning could this match be a prelude to taking on Frank and Ruud for their titles? [B][U][CENTER]The Force vs The Youth Bandits[/CENTER][/U][/B] The Force looks to continue it’s winning streak as it faces off against The Youth Bandits. [B][U][CENTER]Geena the Warrior Princess vs Jake Panic[/CENTER][/U][/B] Geena the Warrior Princess is stepping it up to high gear as she takes on Jake Panic. [B][U][CENTER]Frank De Pain vs Mr. Evilness [/CENTER][/U][/B] One half of the Tag Team Champions takes on Mr. Evilness in singles competition. The master of all that is evil has a ton of dirty tricks up his sleeve can the orange tight wearing underdog take home a win. [B][U][CENTER]Scheming Behemoth vs White Knight[/CENTER][/U][/B] Feeling like a new man after he Smote Jake Panic, White Knight lokos to take on his Nemesis Scheming Behemoth one more time. Is good finally going to triumph over evil? [B][U][CENTER]Jeri Behr vs Byron[/CENTER][/U][/B] Byron looks to even out wins with Ana Ki showing that he can keep uo after his loss to her at Rome Is Burning. He faces of against the Swedish wonder girl Jeri Behr to prove his point [B][U][CENTER]Louis Figo Manico vs Bigger Dan Ewe[/CENTER][/U][/B] In a rematch from Rome Is Burning Louis Figo Manico takes on the Mohawked Maniac, Bigger Dan Ewe. Already locked in as the number one contender Louis takes on a man almost the size of his opponent for Ancient Rivalries can he win out again? [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/AncientRivalriesSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Mister Blister vs Louis Figo Manico For the UCR World Combat Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Mister Blister the new UCR World Combat Champ looks to hold ont his title over the boss, Louis Figo Manico. Blister has an ace up his sleeve in the form of Geri Smith but wil that be enough to keep the title around his giant waist?[/QUOTE]
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Monday Week 2 March 2006 From UCR.com [QUOTE][B][U]Portrait of Champions[/U][/B] [B][U]UCR World Combat Title Champion[/U][/B] [B]Mister Blister /w Geri Smith[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/MaratKhoklov.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/GeriSmith.jpg[/IMG] Mister Blister has come from being a ring side enforcer for some of UCR’s top heels to being the UCR World Combat Champion. Although his in rings skill leaves a little to be desired his match generally don’t last long enough for that to be a problem. Between this seven and one half foot giant’s pure strength and brutal strikes and his manager Geri Smith’s silver tongue and razor cunning we may see Mister Blister as the UCR World Combat Champion for some time. [B][U]UCR European Champion[/U][/B] [B]Joey Beauchamp[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/JoeyBeauchamp.jpg[/IMG] The top rope king Joey “The Breeze” Beauchamp has been the European Champ for well over a year now and he looks like he is going to continue that reign. Although his arsenal of moves seems limited they always look almost as good as he does when he performs them. Beauchamp is a killer when given the mic and has been known to send lesser opponents crying their way back to the locker room with just his sharp tongue. He stands out among the pack with his top rope finisher The Windchill Factor and his catch phrase “I am cool, I am The Breeze.” [B][U]UCR Tag Team Champions[/U][/B] [B]Double Dutch Frank De Pain and Ruud Van Anger[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/FrankDePain.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/RuudVanAnger.jpg[/IMG] The Tag team champions of UCR are the childhood friend underdogs Double Dutch. For a long time the UCR Tag Team Title was obscurely used in the under card ranks but with Ruud and Frank becoming such fan favorites the title itself has also move into the midcard with them. Both men are small and quick and can be very elusive to bigger foes, they also have the Stamina needed to keep the all out assaults going that have repeatedly won them matches. [B][U]UCR Female Title[/U][/B] [B]Alpha Female[/B] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/AlphaFemale.jpg[/IMG] Alpha Female is one of the larger women in the Female division and she boasts training in the mainly Japanese art of Strong Style wrestling. Deceptively strong for her small size she bully around the younger Female wrestlers as current leader of the pack. Her real name is Vera Grimm and her harsh look and even harsher German accent make her the perfect one to dominate the UCR Female division, and her finisher Grimm endings doesn’t hurt either.[/QUOTE]
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The Rescue Rangers vs [B]Matravers and O'Curle[/B] Matravers owns. [B]The Force[/B] vs The Youth Bandits I'm a star wars fan... [B]Geena the Warrior Princess[/B] vs Jake Panic Don't care about this one [B]Frank De Pain [/B]vs Mr. Evilness Hup Holland Hup! [B]Scheming Behemoth[/B] vs White Knight Yay for the heels! Jeri Behr vs [B]Byron[/B] Don't care about this either... [B]Louis Figo Manico [/B]vs Bigger Dan Ewe He's one of the best wrestlers in the CV, too bad he's the owner of a fed and doesn't work in the USA
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The Rescue Rangers vs Matravers and [B]O'Curle[/B] [B]The Force[/B] vs The Youth Bandits [B]Geena the Warrior Princess[/B] vs Jake Panic Frank De Pain vs [B]Mr. Evilness [/B] Scheming Behemoth vs [B]White Knight[/B] Jeri Behr vs [B]Byron[/B] [B]Louis Figo Manico[/B] vs Bigger Dan Ewe: The Manic Man!
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This show was not up to par, I mean it was an average show but between all my workers not being on point for the evening and some of them just not having the talent I need it didn’t work out. I think I’m gonna have to bring in a lot of new talent. Not sure who but I may just flood the roster with midcard and lower midcard guys to just to make the matches look better. All this will have to wait to the next PPV at least. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/HeroesandVillainsbig.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] Do you know what’s worse then a crappy match between two competitors with little to no talent, when one of those two competitors is off their game. Alpha Female is the cahmp, the whole point of the match to make her look strong and she wrestled like she was running through molasses. She still handed Miss Information a beating and retained her title. [B]Rating: E[/B] The Kosher Nostra looking good in a dark match against the new tag team the Dynamic Duo. The Hewbre hitmen had to actually work for the win but at least they didn’t cheat for it. Joseph the Nose did some excellent work distracting the ref and messing with the other team. In the Long run Abraham Slam got off the Kosher Bomb on Inky the Squid Boy for the win. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B][U][CENTER]Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show opened with White Knight in the back, all gleaming armor and perfectly white teeth. He was talking about the night’s match with Scheming Behemoth and how the time for good to triumph over evil had finally come. He let Behemoth know that the end of the his reign of terror and that he would be smote. [B]Rating: C[/B] Wow not only am I pushing a tag team that just doesn’t click for a story but then Wonder boy had to go and be half a world away while trying to pu on a match. The result was a very sloppy opening match between two teams that were all over the place. Matravers and O’Crule’s manager Phoebe Plumrdige helped with the finish she distracted the ref by attacking Super Falcon and O’Curle held down Wonder Boy while Matravers went up for the Mile High Moonsault, it was all academic from there. [B]Rating: D[/B] Matt Backlund Arrived in a Limo to the Arena, he got out and signed some autographs for the fans and then headed inside. [B]Rating: B[/B] And the parade of workers who weren’t all their continued as The Force took a strong win against The Youth bandits. The match would have been nicer if it semed like Cannonball Logan’s mind was in it at all but he wasn’t. The match ended quickly though as The Kosher Nostra hit the ring and beat on The Force getting them the DQ win. [B]Rating: D[/B] The Kosher Nostra stayed up on the entrance ramp and with an excellent piece of microphone work by their manager and leader Joseph the Nose they let The Force know that nobody “wins” when you mess with the family. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Matt Backlund was seen wandering the halls looking for some one, he stopped to ask a crewman if he’s seen Mr. Evilness but when the guy said no he moved on. [B]Rating: B+[/B] And then the matcher got a little better, Geena the Warrior Princes showed why the women are just as good as the men or even better as she took a strong win over Jake Panic. The match itself was nothing special just a little on the boring side, it did end with a rather nice Female Dominance by Geena. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Geena the Warrior Princess stayed in the ring for a few moments she wanted to tell Joey Beauchamp that he hasn’t seen the last of her. She said that sooner or later Joey would feel the sting of female dominance. [B]Rating: C[/B] Why can I never win trying to make Mr. Evilness a big threat and between him and Frank mistiming things they both looked like they couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with a guided missile. Note to self no more Mr. Evilnees and Frank De Pain in the ring. Mr. Evilness of course cheated to win with a handful of tights for a roll up pin. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The match was over and Mr. Evilness was celebrating his victory, no matter how cheap, when Matt Backlund came out of the crowd and attack Evilness from behind. Backlund lay in a huge beating for his small size and then left evilness lying there as he headed up the entrance ramp. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Alright finally a decent match it wasn’t long and it wasn’t exceptionally pretty but it was something the crowd could get behind. Both of these massive men stood toe to toe and went blow for blow in the middle of the ring. Behemoth, however, was learning from Doctor Insane and in a moment of ref distraction low blowed White Knight. The under handed tactic allowed Behemoth to slip Knight into the Oath Breaker and get the pin. [B]Rating: C[/B] Scheming Behemoth grabbed a mic and spoke down to the fallen White Knight, he told him that good would never triumph because it has to follow rules. Evil will always win because it is willing to do what it take to do so. [B]Rating: C[/B] We saw Louis Figo Manico in the back warming up getting ready for his match with Bigger Dan Ewe. [B]Rating: A[/B] My kingdom for main event and upper card workers who can actually wrestle, it’s a very small kingdom but it’s all yours. Ah well it wasn’t so bad and I know Byron can put on a good show with the right person so I’ll live. Byron in his first match since his loss at Rome is Burning had to resort to using the ropes for leverage to get a pin oh jeri Behr, but he did win. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Byron cut a nice promo on himself completely ignoring the fact that he lost to Anna Ki at Rome is Buring and that he just had to cheat to win out over Jeri Behr. He calls himself the single greatest wrestler alive today. [B]Rating: C+[/B] And the match of the night was Louis Figo Manico versus Biger Dan Ewe. With a size difference of a foot and a half watching Louis run rough shod over Dan was very impressive. Anyone with an eye could tell the the Boss was carrying the match but he made it look good, sold a few blows and kept Dan off his feet with some great technical work. The Madrid Maul won the day and Dan managed to sell the move perfectly as he went down for the pin. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Louis Figo Manico having just won stayed in the ring and he got a mic and wanted to let the world and Mister Blister he was coming for the UCR World Combat Title. “I worked my way up to the top just like everyone else and now I’m going to see the fruits of my labor” he said, “come Ancient Rivalries the belt I helped create will once again be mine.” [B]Rating: C+ Overall Rating: C[/B] Dark Match: Alpha Female over Miss Information for the UCR Female Title – E Dark Match: The Kosher Nostra (team) over The Dynamic Duo – C- Matravers and O’Curle over The Rescue Rangers – D The Force over The Youth Bandits – D Geena the Warrior Princes over Jake Panic – C- Mr. Evilness over Frank De pain – C- Scheming Behemoth over White Knight – C Byron over Jeri Behr – C- Louis Figo Manic over Bigger Dan Ewe – C+
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Saturday Week 2 March 2006 From EuropeanRatings.com [QUOTE]UCR: Heroes and Villains took a slide down the slippery slope into the mid 12k rankings in viewers. The show wasn’t as good as some of their previous stuff but it’s working toward it. We’ll have to see if things can be turned around on the next show.[/QUOTE] From UCR.com [QUOTE]As we are moving toward UCR Ancient Rivalries we have a few matches to add to that event and a lot of matches coming to you live on our next edition of… [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/HeroesandVillainssmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]The Rescue Rangers vs The United Nations[/CENTER][/U][/B] After losing to the new team of Merle O’Crule and Adam Matravers last week The Rescue Rangers are looking for a little redemption. They take on The United Nations who are no slouches of their own having recently been the last contenders to the UCR Tag Tam Titles. [B][U][CENTER]The Youth Bandits and Jeri Behr vs The Kosher Nostra (Stable)[/CENTER][/U][/B] A six man tag match has been put together between the team The Kosher Nostra screwed out of any chance of a win last week The Youth Bandits. By attacking The Force the DQ win was automatic and now The Youth Bandits have enlisted Jeri Behr to help them regain their honor. [B][U][CENTER]Joey Beauchamp vs Jed High Non-Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Joey Beauchamp is looking to show why he is still UCR European Champ and why Geena the Warrior Princes should fear him. He takes on Rising tag team star Jed High in a non-title match to prove his point. [B][U][CENTER]Ruud Van Anger vs Mr. Evilness[/CENTER][/U][/B] Last week Mr. Evilness faced Ruud’s partner Frank De Pain this week he takes on the other half of the tag team champions. Will Mr. Evilness’ dirt tactics win the day again or can Ruud Van Anger bring home a in for the Tag Team Champs? [B][U][CENTER]Captain Hero vs The Big Bad[/CENTER][/U][/B] Captain Hero returns in his first match since Rome Is Burning and takes on the Rouges Gallery member The Big bad. The good Captain has been having troub;e with the leader of the Rouges Gallery and now the question is will he have trouble with just a lackey. [B][U][CENTER]Mister Blister vs Geena the Warrior Princess For the UCR World Combat Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Mister Blister is so confident that no matter what he’ll be champion that he is willing to put the title on the line for the contender of the UCR European Title Geena the Warrior Princess. This is Geena’s chance to skip right over Joey Beauchamp and get the UCR World Combat Gold. [B][U][CENTER]Anna Ki vs Bigger Dan Ewe[/CENTER][/U][/B] Anna Ki moves on to a bigger opponent to show Byron that she can hang with the biggest of the big boys as she takes on Bigger Dan Ewe. The Mohawked Maniac is looking to get some big wins after losing to Louis Figo Manico on more theone occasion. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/AncientRivalriesSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Joey Beauchamp vs Geena the Warrior Princess For the UCR European Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Joey Beauchamp has been told he will be giving Geena the Warrior Princess another shot at the UCR European Title and this match has been signed for UCR: Ancient Rivalries. [B][U][CENTER]Anna Ki vs Byron Two of Three Falls Grudge Match[/CENTER][/U][/B] Also coming to UCR: Ancient Rivalries we have the third match in the battle for the sexes. Both Anna Ki and Byron have a win a piece at UCR’s big event pay per views and now they are looking to break up this stale mate. The match has been signed as a two out of three falls match and looks to be one for the record books. Card so far… Joey Beauchamp vs Geena the Warrior Princess for the UCR European Title Anna Ki vs Byron in a 2 of 3 Falls Grudge Match Mister Blister vs Louis Figo Manico for the UCR World Combat Title[/QUOTE]
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Continuing on our regular circuit it was back to the Omsk Hall in Russia, beautiful but cold as all get out. All in all the show was a complete let down. The storylines are flowing but the talent just isn’t there and it’s really starting to become a problem. I can’t wait to finish out this month and then we’ll see what the next one will be like. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/HeroesandVillainsbig.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] Wow the opening women divion match between Speedy marie and Miss Information only mostly sucked. When either of these women work with the champ they do really badly, and the champ is the only Female Division worker I have with any in ring psychology. That match went ok but ended in a double DQ as Speedy Marie and Miss Information both went for the foreign object to end their opponent’s momentum. [B]Rating: D[/B] So we had a match to get Backlund ready in the pre show and those fans that were present liked it. Inky the Squid Boy was a touch off his game but between having to protect Matt Backlund’s complete lack of in ring ability and trying to make Backlund look good he did well. Inky did so well in fact that Backlund came off looking like a real star in the match. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Matt Backlund showed the crowd what a real sportsman is like as he shooks hands with Inky the Squid after a match in which he was obviously better. Backlund came off as a real hero with this hand shake and to tell you the truth Inky who’s been getting a big push looked like a second rate chump. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B][U][CENTER]Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] Salty Larry started the show in the ring and he announced that it was his honor to interview one of the top rising stars of UCR Anna Ki. The crowd enjoyed the whole thing and Anna Ki came out all good looks and smiles. Larry asked her about her match that evening against a monster of a man Bigger Dan Ewe and she said she had proven to herself that she could play with the big boy and now she was gonna prove it to one of the biggest boys on the roster, Dan. [B]Rating: C[/B] And the tag division fails to impress yet again as The United Nations took out The Rescue Rangers. The match was a fairly even affair that ended when Herman the German locked Wonder Boy in The Berlin Wall. [B]Rating: D[/B] Geri Smith was backstage with her Client Mister Blister and she was talking about his match later in the evening with Geena the Warrior Princess. They wanted Geena to know that no matter how good she thinks she is even a little Female Dominance can’t win out over the pure power of Mister Blister. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The Kosher Nostra took an off the average mark match against The Youth bandits and Jeri Jehr. I blame the whole thing on Cannonball Logan who made a few too many slip ups but what can you do. The Kosher Nostra was the strong and slightly more dominant force with Joseph the Nose doing an excellent job as a ringside heel manager. Even with all the cheating in the match Abraham Slam ended the match with a clean Kosher Bomb on Jeri Behr, and they say you shouldn’t hit a woman. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Soccer Superstar Matt Backlund and the man with the master plan Mr. Evilness were caught by the cameras getting into an argument over Backlund getting into business that wasn’t his. That last for all of two minutes before Mr. Evilness through a punch and the whole thing degenerated into a brawl. The whole thing had to be broken up by Louis Figo Manico and Sergei Kalashnov who happened to be walking by. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Geri Smith was seen backstage telling Mister Blister not to worry about anything she’s got all the bases covered for tonight and for Ancient Rivalries. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Jed High actually put up a great fight against Joey Beauchamp, both of these high fliers made some decent top rope ballet happen. Joey Beauchamp, however was the superior athlete knocking Jed out with a well performed DDT abd then landing the Windchill Factor on him from the top rope. [B]Rating: C[/B] Joey Beauchamp couldn’t let a good win go to waste so he stayed in the ring to talk about how great he was, how he was the greatest UCR European Champion ever and the greatest man ever for that matter. He let people know as always that he is cool, he is the breeze. [B]Rating: C+[/B] We saw Gary Garret the UCR ref coming out of a locker room with a huge smile on his face as he stuffs something in his pocket. We se the locker room door and it says Mister Blister. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Mr. Evilness had yet another just below par match taking on the other half of the UCR Tag Team Champions Ruud Van Anger. The whole match Evilness seemed to have his mind somewhere else, but in a way that made the match look good. After awhile of looking back at the ramp Mr. Evilness hit Ruud with a rake to the eye that the ref didn’t see giving him just the opening to hit Evil Incarnate. For good measure Evilness grabbed a handful of Ruud’s tights just to make sure. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Mr. Evilness decided to let out some of his frustration from early in the evening by beating on Ruud Van Anger. Again, however, Matt Backlund ran in for the save laying in his pint sized beating on Mr. Evilness and giving Ruud his chance to get away. The whole thing had to be broken up by security as they hled Backlund back leading Mr. Evilness off to the back. [B]Rating; C[/B] Geena the Warrior Princess was getting ready for her match with Mister Blister when Anna Ki walked by. Anna stopped and spoke with Geena telling her that she was doing really great and wishing her well in her match later in the evening. [B]Rating; B-[/B] Captain Hero dominated The Big bad in a below average match for his first outing since Rome Is Burning. The match gave the leader of The Super Crew back some of his momentum but all in all it could have been better. The captain finally got to employ his finisher which we haven’t seen in ages his bouncing spear Speeding Bullet. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Anna Ki getting ready for her match with Bigger Dan Ewe making sure stretches out everything to face the mohawked menace. [B]Rating: A*[/B] Mister Blister took a big beating to Geena the Warrior Princess using his power to out match everything she tried to bring. He hit her again and again like it was going out of style with shot after shot. The whole match ended in less the five minutes when he nearly decapitated her with The Moscow Lariat. And as if the match wasn’t pretty much over Gary Garret the ref counted an awful quick three count with a wink from Geri Smith. [B]Rating: C-[/B] After the commercial we came back to the final match of the night and it was well one of the best matches of the night even if it was only average. Anna Ki showed that even a woman as small as herself could stand up to a man almost seven foot tall if she brought the right offense and boy did she. Top rope dives, knee shots and leg locks kept Bigger Dan ewe off his feet most of the match. This was all probably for the best because it stopped Dan from having to show off that he wasn’t the greatest in ring worker, even though that did shine through a little. Anna had to take six shots at his knees and then a diving top rope clothes line to get him completely off his feet so she could lock in the Russian Leg Lock [B]Rating: C[/B] Anna Ki having one her match stayed in the ring to give byron a piece of her mind and that piece said that she’s gonna come out victorious at Ancient Rivalries. She’ll put to rest once and for all his notion that women can’t be in the main event. [B]Rating: C Overall Rating: C-[/B] Speedy Marie Draws Miss Information – D Matt Backlund over Inky the Squid Boy – C+ The United Nations over The Rescue Rangers – D The Kosher Nostra (Stable) over The Youth Bandits and Jeri Behr – C- Joey Beauchamp over Jed High – C Mr. Evilness over Ruud Van Anger – C- Captain Hero over The Big Bad – C- Mister Blister over Geena the Warrior Princess for UCR World Combat Title – C- Anna Ki over Bigger Dan Ewe – C
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Saturday Week 3 March 2006 From EuropeanRatings.com [QUOTE]And UCR: Heroes and Villains feel further this week but not too much, around 11,900 viewers as the show begins to lose popularity.[/QUOTE] From UCR.com [QUOTE]As we are moving toward UCR Ancient Rivalries we have a few matches to add to that event and a lot of matches coming to you live on our next edition of… [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/HeroesandVillainssmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Matravers and O’Curle vs The Youth Bandits[/CENTER][/U][/B] Adam Matravers and Merle O’Curle are on a roll and as they move slowly up the card it looks like if they win out over The Youth Bandits they’ll move into a match for the UCR Tag Team Championship with Double Dutch at Ancient Rivalries. [B][U][CENTER]The Force vs The Kosher Nostra (Stable)[/CENTER][/U][/B] It took two weeks but after their attack The Force has gotten two matches with The Kosher Nostra, the first is a handicap match this week at UCR: Heroes and Villains. [B][U][CENTER]Joey Beauchamp vs Geena the Warrior Princess Non-Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Joey Beauchamp is being forced to give Geena the Warrior Princess an exhibition match at the UCR: Heroes and Villains show before Ancient Rivalries. The Match is non-title but could be very telling of what we have to come at our next PPV. [B][U][CENTER]Sergei Kalashnov vs Mr. Evilness[/CENTER][/U][/B] After breaking up the brawl between Mr. Evilness and Matt Backlund this past week, Sergei Kalashnov has been booked in a match with the evil one. Backlund has showed up to stop all of Mr. Evilness’ travesties of justice but Sergei has been known to take care of his own problems. [B][U][CENTER]Captain Hero vs Doctor Insane[/CENTER][/U][/B] El Capitan faces off against his nemesis in a one on one after taking out The Big bad last week. Things look like they may have turned toward the forces of good but that may only be temporary. [B][U][CENTER]Mister Blister vs Bigger Dan Ewe For the UCR World Combat Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Mister Blister is putting his title on the line again so confident he is and this time it’s against another monster Bigger Dan Ewe. Dan has fared poorly against the rest of the UCR upper card but can he take a win against the champ himself? [B][U][CENTER]Louis Figo Manico vs Byron[/CENTER][/U][/B] Louis Figo manico and byron are both looking to take wins into their big matches at Ancient Rivalries but only one can walk out a winner. Will the boss go against Mister Blister with a win under his belt? Or will it be Byron taking on Anna Ki with a bit of momentum? [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/AncientRivalriesSmall.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]The Force vs The Kosher Nostra (Team)[/U][/B][/CENTER] The second match set up for the Force is against the tag team of The Kosher Nostra. Both groups have been at each others throats for months and Ancient Rivalries looks to end things once and for all. Card so far… Joey Beauchamp vs Geena the Warrior Princess for the UCR European Title Anna Ki vs Byron in a 2 of 3 Falls Grudge Match Mister Blister vs Louis Figo Manico for the UCR World Combat Title The Force vs The Kosher Nostra (Team)[/QUOTE]
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[B]Matravers and O’Curle[/B] vs The Youth Bandits The Force vs [B]The Kosher Nostra (Stable)[/B] Joey Beauchamp vs [B]Geena the Warrior Princess[/B] Make her lose here and Beauchamp win at the PPV, he's way too good as a champ. Sergei Kalashnov vs [B]Mr. Evilness[/B] Captain Hero vs [B]Doctor Insane[/B] Uhm... who are these guys? [B]Mister Blister[/B] vs Bigger Dan Ewe For the UCR World Combat Title [I]I kinda like this guy. Too bad he can't talk...[/I] [B]Louis Figo Manico[/B] vs Byron Seems obvious if he has a world title match at your ppv
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[QUOTE]Captain Hero vs Doctor Insane Uhm... who are these guys?[/QUOTE] Go back a few pages I did a review of both The Super Crew and The Rouges Gallery they are the leaders of the two groups. Super hero and super villain the whole reason that UCR is Family Freindy and not Sports Entertainment.
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Friday Week 4 March 2006 From WrestlingInsider.com [QUOTE]Rumor has it that UCR went on a huge hiring spree, with an already bloated roster one can only wonder what UCR will do with what is rumored to be at least 15 new workers, mostly from the British Isles. Do to the large amount of hirings we couldn’t nail down exactly who they got but names like JD Morgan and Jack Giedroyc came up as ddi a few female wrestlers to help their female division along.[/QUOTE]
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We stayed at the Omsk Hall in Russia one more week before heading back to Germany for Ancient Rivalries. The show was pretty good and I hope finished setting up all the matches we have set for Ancient Rivalries. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/HeroesandVillainsbig.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] We started with another draw between Speedy Marie and Miss Information even the crowd that was their seemed a bit put off. The match was decent but I think they want to see something new out of these women or that’s at least some of the comments I think I translated while roaming through the crowd. The draw was the result of a double count out as both brawled to the back of the arena. [B]Rating: D[/B] Matt Backlund took a win over another great lower card wrestler UK Dragon. The win was impressive, Dragon made Backlund look both strong and good by hiding all the missed shots. Between Dragon and Inky helping me out here I’m gonna have to give them a shot at something soon. Backlund got a solid win after an impressive clothesline and apin. [B]Rating: C[/B] Again Matt Backlund showed why he was always well liked as a soccer star as he came up to UK Dragon and offered him his hand. Dragon accepted and embraced Backlund letting the fans know he had been beaten by a true competitor. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B][U][CENTER]Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] The show opened with a video package showing the build up to the UCR World Combat Title match for UCR Ancient Rivalries. It shows Mister Blister winning the title for Sergei Kalashnov and it shows Louis beating Bigger Dan Ewe for the number one contendership. The video proclaims the match as being a clash of titans, a battle between ancient forces, a fight to the finish. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Adam Matravers and Merle O’Curle did a nice job picking up the win over The Youth Bandits really dominating the young tag team in the ring. I’m really gonna have to break O’Curle and Matravers soon as their lack of tag compatibility is really dragging down the matches. [B]Rating: E[/B] Phoebe Plumridge came into the ring and announced that her team will be facing Double Dutch for the UCR Tag Team Titles at Ancient Rivalries and they will be leaving with the gold. [B]Rating: D[/B] The Force took on the entirety of The Kosher Nostra in a two on three handicap match. This time The Force was focused they let The Princess deal with Joseph the Nose’s dirty dealings while they took a full offense to The Kosher Nostra. Jed High got the win with the Light Side Leap on Herschel the Hammer and got a pin before the rest of the Hebrew Hitters could come in for the save. [B]Rating: C-[/B] A second video hype package showed the time line leading up to the Anna Ki versus Byron two out of three falls match. The video proclaimed Anna a woman among men and Byron a man with a mean streak. It showed the loss of Anna Ki to Byron at A Night At The Coliseum and the loss of Byron to Anna Ki at Rome is Burning. The final wording came a few words at a time, Anna Ki, Byron, Ancient Enemies, A final battle, One Winner. [B]Rating: C[/B] Joey Beauchamp won his preview match against Geena the Warrior Princess. The match was decent and had a nice flow and Joey didn’t even need to use dirty tricks to get the pin, although he did try a few during the match. After a nice spear by Joey he went up to the top rope and “the Breeze” pulled off the Windchill Factor. [B]Rating: C[/B] Joe Beauchamp stayed in the ring looming over the fallen Geena and he let her and the fans know that come Ancient Rivalries “The Breeze” was gonna blow right through her. [B]Rating: C[/B] Mr. Evilness got his match against Sergei Kalashnov for breaking up his brawl with Matt Backlund last week but Sergei wasn’t as big a push over as some of his prior opponents. Mr. Evilness couldn’t keep his hands on the momentum for the match and finally had to resort to an unseen thumb to the eye to turn things in his favor. He knocked Sergei over while he was distracted and locked him in The Master Plan, not only that while the ref was watching Sergei for the tap out Mr. Evilness used the ropes to lift himself up and add pressure forcing the matter. [B]Rating: C[/B] Mr. Evilness did his usual of attacking his opponent after the match and just a minute after Matt Backlund ran out and Mr. Evilness flew out of the ring and up the ramp. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Matt Backlund helped up Sergei Kalashnov and the two of them said that they’d be meeting Mr. evilness at Ancient Rivalries with a partner of his choice. [B]Rating: C+[/B] A horrible match with no in ring psychology and a complete lack of selling any blows but the crowd still though it was almost good. They liked seeing two huge guys whose faces were familiar beat on each other for no effect. Both men seemed to be going at full steam for all five minutes it last, that was until the ref with a wink from Geri Smith counted a very quick three count on Dan. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Geri Smith took the microphone to speak on behalf of Mister Blister she reminded the crowd and Louis Figo Manico about leaving sleeping giants lie. She said that Manico had roused a beat and he had better be prepared to face him because nothing can stand against Mister Blister and the best he can hope for is to come out still breathing. [B]Rating: C[/B] The Doctor most certainly was in and he had it in for Captain Hero. Hero gave as good as he got showing off some of what he gave to The Big Bad last week but he just was no match for Doctor Insane’s cunning. The turning point of the match was Doctor Insane using his staff on the head off Captain Hero while the ref was temporarily knocked out from and “accidental” bump by Insane. As the Doc revived the ref he quickly covered Captain Hero for a quick pin. [B]Rating: C[/B] Doctor Insane stood up on the entrance ramp and gloated over his win. He reasserted Scheming Behemoths idea that good would never win because it is not willing to do what it takes to do so. He told Captain Hero to come at him any way he wanted at Ancient Rivalries there is no chance of victory against The Rouges Gallery. [B]Rating: C[/B] The only thing wrong with this match was that the announcers couldn’t keep up, a problem I may have to remedy soon. Louis and Byron brought all the talent need in the ring both with a ton of brawling and Byron with some top rope talent, but it was “The Pain From Spain” Louis Figo Manico who stole the match with his superb technical skill. Five count them five suplexes in a row sent Byron on a trip he couldn’t recover from, which led to The Boss taking him apart with the Madrid Maul and then a quick pin. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Louis Figo Manico stayed in the ring to finish the show and he wanted to tell Mister Blister one thing that the UCR World Combat Title belonged on some one with actual combat ability not on talentless giants. [B]Ratings: C+ Overall Rating: C[/B] Dark Match: Speedy Marie draws Miss Information – D Dark Match: Matt Backlund over UK Dragon – C Matravers and O’Curle over The United Nations – E The Force over The Kosher Nostra (Team) – C- Joey Beauchamp over Geena The Warrior Princess – C Mr. Evilness over Sergei Kalashnov – C Mister Blister over Bigger Dan Ewe – C- Doctor Insane over Captain Hero – C Louis Figo Manico over Byron – C+
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Saturday Week 3 March 2006 From EuropeanRatings.com [QUOTE]And the tide has turned UCR: Heroes and Villains jumped right back up to almost 13,000 viewers withth is weeks show from the Omsk Hall in Russia. Now it’s just a matter of, can UCR keep up their momentum.[/QUOTE] From UCR.com [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/AncientRivalriesSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]The Dynamic Duo vs The United Nations[/CENTER][/U][/B] The Dynamic Duo has been showing an awful lot of heart here in UCR and they’ve been granted a match on the big event for it. The Dynamic Duo will be facing on former contenders for the UCR Tag Team Titles the United Nations. [B][U][CENTER]Double Dutch vs Matravers and O’Curle For the UCR Tag Team Titles[/CENTER][/U][/B] As has been stated by their manager on Phoebe Plumridge on the last UCR: Heroes and Villains, matravers and O’Curle have earned their shot at the UCR Tag Team Titles. These two youngsters have been very impressive and they very well may come out the new UCR Tag Team Champions. [B][U][CENTER]The Force vs The Kosher Nostra (Team)[/CENTER][/U][/B] The Force has been in a huge three month battle with The Kosher Nostra and this may be were it stops. They won at Rome Is Burning to regain the kidnapped Princess and they won at the past UCR: Heroes and Villains in a handicap match. Ancient Rivalries brings this battle of Light Side and Dark to a head and the fans love it. [B][U][CENTER]Joey Beauchamp vs Geena the Warrior Princess For the UCR European Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Joey Beauchamp has been taking out almost all comers and Geena has been hot on his tail. The two meet once again with Geena’s eye set firmly on the UCR European Title and Joey definitely wants to keep it around his waist as well. [B][U][CENTER]Matt Backlund and Sergei Kalashnov vs Mr. Evilness and A Mystery Partner[/CENTER][/U][/B] Matt Backlund has been showing up at very dirty deed Mr. Evilness has done and now he’ll be facing him in a tag match. Backlund and his new buddy Sergei Kalashnov will be facing off against Mr. Evilness and a partner of his choice. [B][U][CENTER]Captain Hero and White Knight vs Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth[/CENTER][/U][/B] The ultimate battle of good an evil continues on after losing many times to Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth, Captain Hero and White Knight had though they had moved on from them after their matches at Rome Is Burning only to face them again in singles competition. Now they face them again in a tag match and as much as their bodies have been broken the spirit is still strong. [B][U][CENTER]Anna Ki vs Byron 2 of 3 Falls Grudge Match[/CENTER][/U][/B] It’s been three months of battling between Anna Ki and Byron. She long ago proved to the fans she was worthy of the main event, and last month and Rome Is Burning she proved it to herself. At Ancient Rivalries Anna looks to prove it Byron in a two out of three falls match to finish things once and for all. [B][U][CENTER]Mister Blister vs Louis Figo Manico For the UCR World Combat Title[/CENTER][/U][/B]“The Pain From Spain” Louis Figo Manico finally gets his title shot and the title is around the waist of the Russian giant Mister Blister. Not only does Manico have to face a giant in the ring he has to deal with the underhanded tactics of his shifty manager Geri Smith. The biggest question on the mind of all the UCR fans is can The Boss surmount the odds.[/QUOTE]
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