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[B]The Dynamic Duo[/B] vs The United Nations [I]If you read your promo, it looks like they're facing the tag team champs at your next ppv so...[/I] [B]Double Dutch [/B]vs Matravers and O’Curle For the UCR Tag Team Titles [I]I like both teams...[/I] The Force vs [B]The Kosher Nostra (Team)[/B] [I]The force won on your last show[/I] [B]Joey Beauchamp[/B] vs Geena the Warrior Princess [I]He's too good. Or you could make him lose and then push him for the UCR World Combat Title?[/I] Matt Backlund and Sergei Kalashnov vs [B]Mr. Evilness and A Mystery Partner[/B] [I]A lot will depend on who the mystery partner is and how much impact you want him to make.[/I] [B]Captain Hero and White Knight[/B] vs Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth [I]Let the good guys win once[/I] Anna Ki vs [B]Byron[/B] [I]Don't really like mixed matches[/I] [B]Mister Blister[/B] vs Louis Figo Manico For the UCR World Combat Title [I]I like both...[/I]
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Ancient Rivalries turned out as good as I could have hoped for, it ended a few stories and moved a couple of other stories forward. I was happy with all of the upper card matches and most of the angles. It really looks like I’ve got something really going here. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/AncientRivalriesBig.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] A crappy match to show case all the crappy tag teams we have and that’s all our opening bout was and it lived up to it’s name. It wasn’t 14 minutes of chaos and just about everyone but The Youth bandits were exhausted at the end. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B][U][CENTER]Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] The beginning of the show was a video package for the main event of the evening of Mister Blister and Louis Figo Manico for the UCR World Combat Title. The video highlighted Louis’ rise to the number one contender spot and showed off the dominance over his opponents that Mister Blister has show as of late. The last graphic of the video were still of Louis and a still of Blister with the UCR World Combat Championship between them and the words “battle of titans” under it all. [B]Rating: C+[/B] The Dynamic Duo was in action and put on a half decent match with The United Nations and they came out with a win to boot. Even though The U.N. was the higher ranking team Dragon and Inky carried most of the match, they are a great edition to the tag team division. UK Dragon finished the match off by catching Kirk the Turk in not only the Dragon Drop but the Super Dragon Drop for a beautiful win. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Video number two for the evening was a package for the on going Anna Ki versus Byron fiued, The opening is the words “battle of the sexes” then it shows a few of Byron and Anna’s individual singles matches. Then it put up a graphic saying “battle of wills” which is followed by film of some of the amtches between Anna and Byron. As it ended the graphics came a few words out a time and it said, “No One Battle Wins The War”, “No One Match Can Tell A Tale”, “No One Fal Can Win The Day”, “Anna Ki”, “Byron”, “Best Two Out Of Three”. [B]Rating: C[/B] Double Dutch got their win over Matravers and O’Curle mostly through the mistiming and miscommunication between the two British stars. The match it self could have been better but it defiantely could have been worse so I was happy. Ruud Van Pain caught O’Curle in The Flying Dutchman after he accidentally knocked out Matravers off the ring apron. [B]Rating: C-[/B] After the loss Adam Matravers got all up in Merle O’Curle’s face yelling at him for losing the match. After a minute of this Matravers throws up his hands and walks off. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The Force took to the ring first and the crowds loved them and then The Kosher Nostra hit the ring and not only did the crowd boo but The Princess cowered. The match went back and forth for a bit but The Force was, at least this time, the better team. Jed High picked up another win for his team with The Lightside Leap on to Bully Benrubi for the win. [B]Rating: C[/B] As The Force celebrated their victory in the ring a number of police officers came and had a few words with Joseph the Nose. After a moment the cops took off the entire Kosher Nostra off in handcuffs [B]Rating: C-[/B] Sergei Kalashnov and Matt Backlund were backstage and had a cameraman ready to hear their tale. Their tale was one of deceit, lying and cheating and it all had come from Mr. Evilness. Backlund stood back mostly as Kalashnov spoke about sportsman ship and valor and it all end with the two saying they didn’t care who his partner was because they would both be going home losers. [B]Rating: C+[/B] The big match for the UCR European Champion was and average match for a midcard title. Geena the Warrior Princess and Joey Beauchamp at least looked good in the ring, Geena brought the all out brawling game while Joey took to the top rope. The ending though was all Female Dominance and a win for Geena the Warrior Princess. [B]Rating: C[/B] As Geena stood there with the belt held defiantly over her head Adam Matravers music came over the loud speaker. He stepped onto the entrance ramp with his manager and girlfriend Phoebe Plumridge and they told Geena not to get to comfortable with the title because she won’t have it for long. [B]Rating: D[/B] Anna Ki was in the back getting warmed up for her match with Byron and she looked like she was in perfect shape to take him on [B]Rating: A*[/B] Louis Figo Manico was backstage with a mic and a camera to talk about Mister Blister and his dirty tactics. He said that he couldn’t be sure what was going on but no matter what it was it wouldn’t be enough to help Blister in the nights match. He said no matter how powerful the Moscow Lariat was there was no standing up The Madrid Maul [B]Rating: C+[/B] After three months and many failed attempts Captain Hero and White Knight finally beat out all the odd against Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth. The match was a short affair and both teams came out flying banners as official tag team, The Paragons of Justice and The Plague Bringers. It seemed that actually being a named Tag Team made all the difference dor Hero and Knight and their Tag chemistry improved. Captain Hero saved the day forcing his nemesis Doctor Insane to submit to a Justice Lock. [B]Rating: C[/B] After finally losing to Captain Hero and White Knight, the leaders of The Rouges Gallery began a frustrated post match beat down. From the back come two figure to break it up the crowd recognized Sergei Kalashnov right away, but it took them half a minute before they realized that the other man was British strong man Jeff Nova. [B]Rating: C[/B] In his first televised match the fans not only in Europe but also the UK got to see Matt Backlund in action. The Mystery partner for Mr. Evilness was the Mohawked mad man himself Bigger Dan Ewe. The match itself was pretty short both Backlund and Dan couldn’t really do to much in the ring but the pure star power in the ring got the fans off their feet. Backlund showed that some times right does triumph over wrong and he gave Mr. Evilness The Yellow Card. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Matt Backlund and Sergei Kalashnov celebrated together in the ring after their win. Backlund thanked Sergei for his help and said he thought he could take things from there. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Mister Blister is in his locker training when Geri Smith came she told him everything was all set and even though he didn’t need it she wished him luck on his match. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Anna Ki and Byron had a very hard fought two out of three falls match which the fans really got behind. They both went all out and it was the first match we didn’t do any scripted prep for, ever. Byron got the first win and he didn’t even have to cheat to win, but Anna quickly picked up the second. It took some time for the third win to come but Anna finally managed to catch a daze Joey the Chaos Calling and got a clean and well deserved pin. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Anna Ki took some time to celebrate in the ring after her big win she was running around to each post and raising up her hands. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Joey Beauchamp was seen in the back watching a monitor as Anna Ki was celebrating. He seemed very sure of something as he turned and headed away into the back. [B]Rating: C-[/B] As Byron left there was a commotion and the camera turned and it was Mr. Evilness laying in a huge beating to Matt Backlund and telling him that Mr. Evilness is not a problem to be handled. Evilness beat him for a few minutes and then left him slumped in a pile of fallen boxes. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Louis Figo Manico could not over come the sheer force, the brutal power or the cheating ways of Mister Blister and hi s manager Geri Smith. The match went along pretty evenly between the two of them as they kept one upping each other. There was very little selling shown on Blisters part but that just made him seem stronger. Louis seemed pretty resilient as well and looked like he almost would have kicked out of the pin after the Moscow Lariat except the ref counted the one, two, three damn fast. [B]Rating: C+[/B] With the match over and Mister Blister having stayed the champion through what appeared to be a quick count, Mister Blister laid in a huge beating on Louis Figo Manico. Geri Smith directed traffic telling Mister Blister exactly what to do with his opponent. The show ended with Blister standing over Manico’s fallen and bloodied body. [B]Rating: C Overall Rating: C+[/B] Dark Match: The Rescue rangers over the Youth Bandits, The Evil Henchmen and Dark Eagle and The Big Bad – E The Dynamic Duo over The United Nations – C- Double Dutch over Matravers and O’Curle for the UCR Tag Team Titles – C- The Force over The Kosher Nostra (Team) – C Geena the Warrior Princess over Joey Beauchamp for the UCR European Champion – C Captain Hero and White Knight over Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth – C Matt Backlund and Sergei Kalashnov over Mr. Evilness and Bigger Dan Ewe – C+ Anna Ki over Byron in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match – C+ Mister Blister over Louis Figo Manico for the UCR World Combat Title – C+
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Monday Week 1 April 2006 From UCR.com We’ve got huge news for you here at UCR with the hiring of a lot of big European, British and American Stars we have added a new non televised show to the UCR Schedule. UCR: Ye Olde Battlegrounds will be touring the UK area bringing our unique product to the British isle. UCR management has added two new titles and lost one. With a lack of female competitors we have retired the UCR Female Title. The two new titles for our younger and quicker workers are the UCR Jr. Tag Team Titles for fresh tag teams trying to show their stuff before moving on to the UCR Tag Team Titles, and the UCR Tope Rope Title, for all of the many high fliers found throughout Europe. Due to our many recent hires we here at UCR have decided to release our full roster. In the near future UCR will be doing stories on a lot of our new additions and old favorites to give you a real feel for our roster. [B]Anna Ki[/B], Jeff Nova, [B]Louis Figo Manico[/B], Matt Backland, [B]Sergi Kalashnov[/B], Bigger Dan Ewe, [B]Byron[/B], Doctor Insane, [B]Joey Beauchamp[/B], Mister Blister, [B]Scheming Behemoth[/B], Mr. Evilness, [B]Adam Matravers[/B], Geena The Warrior Princess, [B]Frank De Pain[/B], Captain Hero, [B]Inky the Squid Boy[/B], Jed High, [B]Jeri Behr[/B], Ruud Van Anger, [B]Toby Juan Kanobi[/B], UK Dragon, [B]White Knight[/B], Bully Benrubi, [B]Herman the German[/B], Herschel The Hammer, [B]Jake Panic[/B], Kirk the Turk, [B]Geoff Borne[/B], Nina The Psycho Ballerina, [B]Ian Vincible[/B], Super Falcon, [B]Wonderboy[/B], Puffy The Sand Iron Player, [B]Abraham Slam[/B], Alpha Female, [B]Dark Falcon[/B], Evil Henchmen #1, [B]Evil Henchmen #2[/B], JD Morgan, [B]Joss Thompson[/B], Merle O'Curle, [B]Razor Valentine[/B], Speedy Marie, [B]The Big Bad[/B], Cannonball Logan, [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B], Principessa, [B]Miss Information[/B], Rod "The God" Todd, [B]Keith Adams[/B], Ali Bloxsome, [B]The Rockin' Rebel[/B], Bullet Bob Cronin, [B]C.H. Threepwood[/B], The Pit Bull, [B]Flemmy Lemming[/B], Red Dragon (Note: Workers not in any particular order and bold just to make it esier to read) [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/HeroesandVillainssmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]The Force vs The United Nations Round One UCR Tag Team Titles Tournament[/CENTER][/U][/B] There are four teams that are contending to the UCR tag Team Titles after the Matravers and O’Curle group broke up. The Force and The United are the first two teams to be named in this contest and will meet at the first Heroes and Villains of April. [B][U][CENTER]Adam Matrvers vs Inky the Squid Boy[/CENTER][/U][/B] Adam Matravers already made his wants known through his manager and girlfriend Phoebe Plumridge. As he looks forward to facing Geena the Warrior Princess he has to also keep his eyes on the present as he is to face high flying iNky the Squid boy in the ring. [B][U][CENTER]Anna Ki vs Jake Panic[/CENTER][/U][/B] Anna Ki took the best two out of three falls match for the best two out of three matches with Byron and looks to cement her image as a significant female competitor by taking on the six foot psycho himself Jake Panic. [B][U][CENTER]Jeff Nova vs Puffy the Sandiron Player[/CENTER][/U][/B] Jeff Nova made his debut on Ancient Rivalries as he and Sergei Kalashnov stopped Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth from beating the tar out of Captain Hero and Scheming Behemoth. In his first match in UCR he takes on Puffy the Sandiron Player to show us his stuff. [B][U][CENTER]Matt Backlund vs Mr. Evilness[/CENTER][/U][/B] After the tag win and then a beat down Matt Backlund finally gets a solo shot at Mr. Evilness. The evil one is not known for following rules as it was but Backlund has proven that even his small size cannot stop him from laying in a huge beating on an opponent. [B][U][CENTER]Mister Blister vs Louis Figo Manico For the UCR World Combat Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Louis Figo Manico was more than a little angry at what seemed to be cheating by Mister Blister and his manager Geri Smith to win the title at Ancient Rivalries. He has managed to talk the managing staff into giving him another shot right away for the title, he is the boss after all. Can there be a chance at winning and will Manico punish ref Gary Garrett for the seeming fast count? [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/YeOldeBattlegroundSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Ali Bloxsome vs C.H. Threepwood Round One UCR Top Rope Title Tounament[/CENTER][/U][/B] The newly created UCR Top Rope Title needs a newly crowned Top Rope Champion and the tournament to find one starts at the UKs first Ye Olde Battleground. Ali Bloxsome not known for his top rope skill hopes that his technical work can ground American born C.H. Threepwood and pick up a win to be the first ground worker to win an obvious high flying title. [B][U][CENTER]Born Free vs Killer Instinct[/CENTER][/U][/B] There will be two new tag teams to debut and all we’ve got for you are the team names, Born Free will be taking on Killer Instinct in what we hope will be a good viewing of who will be facing off for the UCR Jr. Tag Team Titles soon. [B][U][CENTER]Geoff Borne vs JD Morgan[/CENTER][/U][/B] Lightweight highflying Geoff “Air” Borne makes his UCR debut along with another new member of the roster, British born DaVE superstar JD Morgan. JD looks to snatch Air borne out of the sky and keep him on the ground where he can utilizes his amazing ground work on the younger competitor. [B][U][CENTER]UK Dragon vs Puffy the Sandiron Player[/CENTER][/U][/B] UK Dragon has been having a great ride from the bottom of the roster all the way to the uppercard and it’s been thanks to his patience and his determination. He looks to bring his winning streak back home to the UK as he faces Puffy the Sandiron Player. [B][U][CENTER]Jeff Nova vs Byron[/CENTER][/U][/B] Big Bad Jeff Nova, Britain’s Strongest Man headlines the debut show of Ye Olde Battleground taking on one of UCR’s current top stars Byron. Jeff Nova looks to take a big win in front of his home country’s fans. And the end of April brings you combat from the skies as UCR Presents… [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/GodsofThunderSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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Thanks the ismailite I'm glad you liked the last two shows the most I had originally been kind of keepin gthings short (yeah I know the stuff before didn't seem short) But writing is my personal hobby and I like to make things vivid but it generally takes more reading than a lot of people who read boards like to put in. But I finally said to hell with it so the match write ups are longer but I think they convey more which is good for an SE or Family fun fed which is all about stories.
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[B]The Force[/B] vs The United Nations I like 'em both [B]Adam Matrvers[/B] vs Inky the Squid Boy I know you want to build him up in europe ;) Anna Ki vs [B]Jake Panic[/B] [B]Jeff Nova[/B] vs Puffy the Sandiron Player This is held in the european main land right? Then you'll want to build up Nova there. Matt Backlund vs [B]Mr. Evilness[/B] evil all the way... Mister Blister vs [B]Louis Figo Manico [/B]For the UCR World Combat Title strip it off him and make him beat up other guys. Make Figo champ so he can have a fued with Beauchamp. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Ali Bloxsome[/B] vs C.H. Threepwood Round One UCR Top Rope Title Tounament He's better. Born Free vs [B]Killer Instinct[/B] just guessing [B]Geoff Borne[/B] vs JD Morgan Getting borne over in the UK by defeating a popular british guy. [B]UK Dragon[/B] vs Puffy the Sandiron Player I like him. Jeff Nova vs [B]Byron[/B] You want Byron to gain pop in britain i think.
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No need to thank me man, thank you. I'm very glad this diary exists! [B]The Force[/B] vs The United Nations [B]Adam Matrvers[/B] vs Inky the Squid Boy [B]Anna Ki[/B] vs Jake Panic [B]Jeff Nova[/B] vs Puffy the Sandiron Player: So glad you hired Nova. He can carry your company in both Europe and the UK. Matt Backlund vs [B]Mr. Evilness[/B]: I mark for Evilness! Mister Blister vs [B]Louis Figo Manico[/B] For the UCR World Combat Title: I love them both but I got to go with "The Manic Man" as he is my favorite in the C-Verse. I actually try to avoid encounters with those two in my game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Ali Bloxsome[/B] vs C.H. Threepwood Round One UCR Top Rope Title Tounament: Bloxom is a warrior! [B]Born Free[/B] vs Killer Instinct: I so hope Rolling Johnny Stones is involved in this. Geoff Borne vs [B]JD Morgan[/B]: So glad you went out and hired Morgan [B]UK Dragon[/B] vs Puffy the Sandiron Player [B]Jeff Nova[/B] vs Byron: This is a good pairing!
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Our first show in the UK was at the Caledonia Club in Scotland. Back to the small halls we grew from gave some of our older workers the chills from memories but things went over very well I’d say, very well indeed. I was mostly happy with the performances put on and the problems we had were nothing that could have been foreseen. If our shows continue like this one did we should be getting over very quickly in the UK. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/YeOldeBattlegroundBig.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A graphic came across the smaller screen apparently being used for the UK shows for the tag team named Killer Instinct. Some harsh music came over the loud speaker next and two relatively unknowns came out. For those who took their wrestling very seriously they recognize American technical specialist Flemmy Lemming and 6’ 6” 320lb British newcomer Bullet Bob Cronin. Salty Larry came into the ting and handed them a mic each but Flemmy did most of the talking in the long run. Larry coaxed out of them that it was Killer Instinct that was gonna win the UCR Jr. Tag Titles and it was Killer Instinct that was gonna take out Born Free. [B]Rating: D[/B] Ali Bloxsome and C.H Threepwood was an almost completely ground based match to pick the first, round one winner for a high flying title imagine that. Beyond the fact that C.H. was the only one to make a top rope excursion, beyond the fact that both men were obviously heels and Beyond the fact the Threepwood was completely unknown in the UK this was an ok match for low card guys. With both men cheating it was just a matter of who could cheat best as Bloxsome got the win with a handful of tights for a pin. [B]Rating: D[/B] Jeff Nova came out to the ring waving the Union Jack to speak to the crowd and tell them that later in the night he faced one of the nastiest men in UCR. That he was, with their help, going to come out strong for the good old UK. [B]Rating: C[/B] We’d already met Killer Instinct earlier and when some bizarre Celtic like rock music came over we got our first glimpse of Born Free. The Rockin Rebel (if anyone was paying attention would recognize as Rolling Johnny Stones) and the red face painted mysterious Red Dragon. The match was decent for two fresh made young tag teams but we learned a great lesson. Flemmy Lemming and Bullet Bob Cronin absolutely don’t work well together. It was a sad fact between Matravers and O’Curle but this is really gonna kill my Jr. Tag Division. The match was pretty good for such young guys and Born Free Picked up the win when The Rockin’ Rebel locked up Bullet Bob Cronin in the Rockin’ Robin [B]Rating: D[/B] Salty Larry asked Born Free to stay in the ring after their win and asked them if their was anything they wanted to let the crowd know. They said they wanted them to know how grateful they were for their cheers and that thanks to them they will be moving on to whoever comes next in the UCR Jr. Tag Team tournament. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Geoff Borne and JD Morgan was a little less then I expected it to be but I suppose I really shouldn’t have been surprised because no one knew who Air Borne was, but they do now. JD Morgan kept most of the match in his favor just like a local should but Borne got it back in the end and almost hit Morgan with the Borne Again. JD didn’t want to take any chance so while Borne was still dazed he hit him with some kind of object from his shorts before finishing him off with a Slingshot Suplex and a pin. [B]Rating: D[/B] After the match JD Morgan laid in the boots to Geoff Borne and for a minute the crowd cheered as JD was one of their own. Then they realized that JD was the bad guy here and some one threw a drink at him. The joys of running shows in small halls is that the fans can actually hit you when they throw stuff at you [B]Rating: F[/B] A nice match between UK Dragon and Puffy the Sandiron Player kept the showing actually moving forward. Again the match was good I think the lack of crowd reaction was more about the lack of recognition. Puffy stuck to what he knew best bring the brawl hard and fast and UK Dragon brought the rest as he flew around the ring and tied puffy up in knots. Even with the size difference UK Dragon got Puffy into the Super Dragon Suplex for the win. [B]Rating: C[/B] And the last night of the match I was amazingly disappointed with, Jeff Nova may not be the best in the ring but between his stardom and raw power there should have been something. And Byron is one of my top heels who has brought me good match time and time again. The problems was the complete lack of connection between the two, they couldn’t reconcile their styles to put on a good match. The fans did however love seeing Byron tap out to the World’s Strongest Bear Hug. [B]Rating: C[/B] Jeff Nova stayed in the ring to celebrate his win and the crowd just ate it up. Nothing like the countries biggest hero getting a win on the first show to get things going for a promotion looking to break in to the area. [B]Rating: B+ Overall Rating: C[/B] Ali Bloxsome vs C.H. Threepwood - D Born Free over Killer Instinct - D Geoff Borne over JD Morgan - D UK Dragon over Puffy the Sandiron Player - C Jeff Nova over Byron - C
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We flew in everyone we needed from the UK show so that they could be ready for the show in our current home Bayem Stadion in Germany. I’m really beginning to like this place I think my German might eb getting better. We had yet another sold out crowd and the show was well worth it as they soon found out. I was pretty happy with things Matt Backlund was a really trooper working though a pulled muscle in his left leg he sustained at Ancient Rivalries we kept the crowd pretty hot all evening. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/HeroesandVillainsbig.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] Rod and Geoff could have put on a better match if Todd wasn’t completely off his game. It was like he wasn’t even their. On top o that the crowd had no clue who these two young men were but they will get to know them very quickly. Even with the slip ups we did get quite a few of Todd’s patented flashy top rope moves, but Geoff Borne had control of most of the match and took Todd to school with an air mail delivery of Borne Again. Truth is I hate the name of that finisher but Geoff seems to think it’s cool. [B]Rating: E[/B] Here was a match up I wasn’t expecting much from and got more then I bargained for good and bad. I started out covering my eyes as Wonderboy completely messed up his first spot but then the sound guy tapped me and I watched closer these two actually had some pretty good ring chemistry, something to note for the future. Nina took most of the match trying to pirouette all over her opponent. Nina took a huge leap into the air doing a split and let leading first leg almost kick Wonderboy’s teeth out ina move she calls the Grand Jeté. She took a bow and pinned her opponent. (Note yes I looked up Ballet moves just to give her a finisher) [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B][U][CENTER]Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] Matt Backlund opened the show in the ring with Salty Larry talking about the tag match at Ancient Rivalries. Backlund talked about how it felt good to get into the ring and really show some one like Mr. Evilness that cheating isn’t the way to win against opponents. He also said that he looked forward to meeting Mr. Evilness ne on one especially after the beating he took at the end of Ancient Rivalries. Backlund told Salty it was gonna be just like Soccer, Mr. Evilness already has one Yellow Card and he doesn’t want to see what getting the red card will be like. [B]Rating: C[/B] Round one of the UCR Tag Team Titles saw a win for The Force who had already come off a big win ending a long fued with The Kosher Nostra. With all this forward momentum it looks like it might be The Force that moves on to be the number one contenders for the titles. The match itself wasn’t exactly a thing of beauty but it was decent. There was a mix of good top rope and ground work, although an almost complete lack of brawling. Toby Juan picked up the win this time with the 180 degree force flip from the top turnbuckle on to Herman the German for the pin. [B]Rating: C[/B] Jeff Nova came out to the ring and the crowd was pretty excited about it. Nova took a moment on the mic to talk about how happy he was to be here in UCR and how he was gonna work his ass off to make all the fans, especially the fans of his home country proud. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Captain Hero soared to a win over veteran British worker, Mr. Martial Arts, Razor Valentine. The match itself was below par even with Valentines grasp of Psychology he still just wasn’t popular enough to make the people care that Hero was beating the living tar out of him. El Capitan completely dominated the macth with eery top rope move he had in his arsenal until he finally locked in his submission Justice Lock. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Louis Figo manico was in the back with a camera and a mic and he had a few choice words for Mister Blister and Geri Smith. He Wanted them to know he knew something was up buthe just couldn’t put his fingers on it. He knew that some how they have been cheating to get these victories and he’d figure it out eventually. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Here’s another match I thought would do better but it might have been that the crowd wanted to feel a little more involved. What these to men gave them was an all out speed demon, bumper cars, top rope extravaganza. The match was fast, furious and non stop and not what the crowd was looking for in the middle of a card. Even though Matravers was most obviously the heel in the group the crowd still gasped and cheered at the Mile High Moonsault for the win. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Adam Matravers jumped up on the ropes screaming at the crowd while Phoebe plumridge came into the ring with a mic. Matravers stood behind his woman and she let Geena the Warrior Princess know that they were coming that soon that title belt she worked so hard to get would be around the waist of a true champion. [B]Rating: D[/B] Anna Ki really showed why she was the top woman competitor in UCR she dominated jake Panic from the top ropes, she tied panic up in knots on the mat and she even stood toe to toe with panic in an all out brawl. After keeping most of the match to Panic finally took the low road and tried to bring a chair into the ring. The ref took it from him and he and Anna went to throw it out of the ring when Joey Beauchamp popped up. He hit the top rope for the Windchill Factor on Panic and then high tailed it out of there. Anna turned around and pinned her fallen opponent none the wiser. [B]Rating: C[/B] Mister Blister and Geri Smith took to the ring to answer the accusations made by Louis Figo Manico. Geri Smith said the only reason they had been winning is the perfect physical form of her client Mister Blister. Between his size and his strength there wasn’t anything Mnaico could do against such a monster. She told Manico to look out cause tonight Blister might just take him out permanently. [B]Rating: C[/B] Jeff nova took out Puffy the Sandiron Player in a match that was mostly Jeff. Nova showed why he is Britain’s strongest man and the crowd got to witness some one tap out for the first time to The World’s Strongest Bear Hug. The match was decent but not great and the fans were into it but we’ve yet to see where nova is going. [B]Rating: C[/B] As Jeff Nova was walking out we cut to a video package from Mister Blister versus Louis Figo manico. The video mostly showed the highlights of the match at Ancient Rivalries including the very quick count by the ref for the Blister win. [B]Rating: C+[/B] As Matt Backlund was headed out toward the ring he bumped into Jeff Nova and Nova said he watched him a lot when he used to be a player and wished him luck in his match that was coming up. [B]Rating: B-[/B] This match turned out to be a real winner even though Backlund was working through a pulled left thigh muscle. Baklund played fair the whole way through and Mr. Evilness, well he was eveil and tried all of the dirty tricks in the book and then some it appeared he made up on the spot. Backlund couldn’t be stopped though and he hit Mr. Evilness with another Yellow Card, which is an impressive super kick, for the win. (For those of you who aren’t soccer [or football depending where you’re from] fans a Yellow card is a warning from the ref in the game. After two yellow cards you can get a red card and be ejected) [B]Rating: C+[/B] A furiously frustrated Mr. Evilness attacked matt Backlund as he tried to leave the ring and tried to beat on him until they were separated by security. [B]Rating: B-[/B] This match was just as good as the match at Ancient Rivalries and it had all the same problems. Mister Blister still hasn’t learned to sell a blow but he coming along and it does make him appear strong to get hit with no effect. The match had a nice back and froth flow and Geri Smith was a perfect distraction at ring side. The end came with a wink and a nod to red Gary Garret and a wuick count for a win by Mister Blister, too bad this time Manico wasn’t half dazed from a Moscow Lariat. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Louis Figo Manico argued with the ref a bit after the match finally realizing what had been going on the whole time. The boss was pissed and he told Gary Garrett that he wouldn’t be reefing these matches any more. [B]Rating: C Overall Rating: C+[/B] Dark Match: Geoff Borne over Rod “The God” Todd – E Dark Match: Nina the Psycho Ballerina over Wonderboy - C- The Force over The United Nations – C Captain Hero over Razor Valentine – C- Adam Matrvers over Inky the Squid Boy – C- Anna Ki over Jake Panic – C Jeff Nova over Puffy the Sandiron Player – C Matt Backlund over Mr. Evilness – C+ Mister Blister over Louis Figo Manico – C+
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Saturday Week 1 April 2006 From EuropeanRatings.com [QUOTE]UCR Heroes and Villains broke 14,000 viewers on last nights edition of the show and it looks like they are going to continue to go up in the ratings. After a mass hiring it looks like the downward spiral fro the company is heading back up[/QUOTE] From UCR.com [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/YeOldeBattlegroundSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Jack Geidroyc vs Keith Adams Round One UCR Top Rope Title Tounament[/CENTER][/U][/B] The UCR Top Rope Title Tournament Continues with two great all around workers. Clean Cut Jack Giedroyc goes up against another upstanding citizen Mr. Law and Order Keith Adam. This looks to be a great match that actually has more to do with wrestling then cheating to win. [B][U][CENTER]Killer Instinct vs The Evil Henchmen[/CENTER][/U][/B]After their loss to Born Free, Killer Instinct looks to redeem themselves in a match against the lunk headed lackesy The Evil Henchmen. Can this team of a giant brawler and a small technical worker actually make an impact in the UCR or will they soon go their separate ways? [B][U][CENTER]Geoff Borne vs Joss Thompson[/CENTER][/U][/B] Geoof Borne took his first win in the UK by DQ against JD Morgan he hopes to get a better and more appropriate victory over another American born worker who’s moved to Britain Joss Thompson [B][U][CENTER]Inky the Squid Boy vs Jake Panic[/CENTER][/U][/B] Inky the Squid Boy has been doing respectably with his tag partner UK Dragon and looks to bring his winning streak off the mainland and onto the British Isles much like Dargon has. His first match is against “Panic Attack” Jake Panic. [B][U][CENTER]Anna Ki vs Mr. Evilness[/CENTER][/U][/B] The ever loveable and quite deadly Anna Ki hits the main event as the we head out of Scotland and into Northern England. Her opponent for the evening will be none other then the one eyed wonder Mr. Evilness. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/HeroesandVillainssmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]The Dynamic Duo vs Failed Ambition Round One UCR Tag Team Titles Tournament[/CENTER][/U][/B] Moving into week two of April we have our second match nin the tournament for the UCR Tag Team Titles. The fast rising Dynamic Duo will be taking on newly formed tag team Failed Ambition. As is the wanted of UCR management the unveiling of the new team will be left right up to the point of the match so stay tuned. [B][U][CENTER]White Knight vs Dark Falcon[/CENTER][/U][/B] The White Knight makes his first outing since defeating The Plague Bringers at Ancient Rivalries. He is going to be pitted against an ally to his long time rivals in the form of Dark Falcon. These two have neer met in one on one battle and how things well turn at is as yet to be seen. [B][U][CENTER]Merle O’Curle vs Adam Matravers[/CENTER][/U][/B] Merle O’Curle looks to stop Adam Matravers forward momentum as he had been ditched to head on to bigger things. Although they don’t seem to be able to have coexisted as partners seeing them as opponents looks to be great for all concerned. [B][U][CENTER]Anna Ki vs Kirk the Turk[/CENTER][/U][/B] Anna Ki took a cheap win last week and didn’t even know it. Now she faces Kirk the Turk and one can only wonder if we’ll be seeing Joey Beauchamp again and what is his stake in Anna Ki? [B][U][CENTER]Sergei Kalashnov vs Joey Beauchamp[/CENTER][/U][/B] Speaking of “The Breeze” Joey Beauchamp meets up with “The Fresh Prince of Belarus” Sergei Kalashnov as he tries to break away from his loss from Geena the Warrior Princess and into the main event by beating the former UCR World Combat Champion. [B][U][CENTER]Matt Backlund vs Mr. Evilness[/CENTER][/U][/B] Matt Backlund isn’t through with Mr. Evilness just yet. Small as the former soccer star may be what he does have is tons of heart and a lot of energy and he’s not gonna stop at just one beating. Mr. Evilness has to be getting really frustrated by the losses and the fact Backlund comes back beating after beating. [B][U][CENTER]Mister Blister vs Louis Figo Manico For the UCR World Combat Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Mister Blister took another win over Louis Figo Manico but the boss figure out the plot. Referee Gary Garret has been removed from reffing the next UCR World Combat Title match. His replacement and the only other ref in UCR is Gary’s identical twin brother Patrick Garret. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/GodsofThunderSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Two matches have been announced for Gods of Thunder the last Sunday of April and one is for a title. [B][U][CENTER]Geena the Warrior Princess vs Adam Matravers For the UCR European Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Adam Matravers has gotten under the skin of Geena the Warrior Princess with his verbal assaults and she has asked to be allowed to give Matravers a title shot for the UCR European Title at Gods of Thunder. [B][U][CENTER]Matt Backlund vs Mr. Evilness In A Classic Cage Match[/CENTER][/U][/B] Things seem to have gotten to the point that Matt Backlund asked for a special match from UCR management, he wanted to face Mr. Evilness in his all time favorite Classic Cage match. No where to run and no where to hide, with pinfall or submission to win this can not be something Mr. evilness is looking forward too.[/QUOTE]
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[U]YOB[/U] [B]Jack Geidroyc[/B] vs Keith Adams - He's good... too good... Killer Instinct vs [B]The Evil Henchmen[/B] - due to the sucky chemistry you're gonna try to break em up i suppose...? [B]Geoff Borne[/B] vs Joss Thompson - hard to tell... [B]Inky the Squid Boy[/B] vs Jake Panic - after reading the promo... Anna Ki vs [B]Mr. Evilness[/B] - Bah mixed matches [U]HAV[/U] The Dynamic Duo vs [B]Failed Ambition[/B] - I like the name... White Knight vs [B]Dark Falcon[/B] - Don't underestimate the power of the dark side. Merle O’Curle vs [B]Adam Matravers[/B] - He's good but you need to find the key to open his treasure chest... I haven't managed to find it in my game. Anna Ki vs [B]Kirk the Turk[/B] - I like the "United Nations" team Sergei Kalashnov vs [B]Joey Beauchamp[/B] - The best damn guy in Europe... [B]Matt Backlund[/B] vs Mr. Evilness Mister Blister vs [B]Louis Figo Manico[/B] - third time, good time?
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YOB [B]Jack Geidroyc[/B] vs Keith Adams: Jack is England... Period! Killer Instinct vs [B]The Evil Henchmen [/B] Geoff Borne vs [B]Joss Thompson[/B]: Joss could be your future in the UK. [B]Inky the Squid Boy[/B] vs Jake Panic Anna Ki vs [B]Mr. Evilness [/B]: You just can't do this to Evilness! HAV The Dynamic Duo vs Failed Ambition: I also like the name [B]White Knight[/B] vs Dark Falcon [B]Merle O’Curle[/B] vs Adam Matravers - O'Curle is the man! [B]Anna Ki[/B] vs Kirk the Turk: To make up for the loss she better take to Evilness!:D Sergei Kalashnov vs [B]Joey Beauchamp[/B]: I hate both of these guys. Darn Cruisers! Matt Backlund vs [B]Mr. Evilness [/B]: Need I say it!? Mister Blister vs [B]Louis Figo Manico:[/B] Always The Manic man! Love the booking on this one though!
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We ended up in a small club in northern England called the Phoenix Nights and we sold out the 200 seat audience. Now the problem with these shows is gonna be my main event guys want to do them and I need them to do them if they want to get over in England, but they want to be in the main event. Now a lot of my new hires are from the UK and so my lower card is getting the ratings that my upper card should be getting. I think after my let tournament to get the Tope Rope and Jr. Tag titles around some one’s waists I’m going to have to switch things around for Ye Olde Battlegrounds a bit. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/YeOldeBattlegroundBig.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The first things to happen had the crowd off their feet as England’s own Jack Geidroyc came out to talk. He didn’t want to disparage his opponent so he spent some time talking about how happy he was to be in a ring once more for the fans of England. The crowd ate it up and Jack was the hero of the night. [B]Rating: B[/B] The match was as good as everyone though it was going to be, both men had a ton of all around skill and it showed throughout the match. Jack ready kept most of the momentum in his corner but not so much so that Adam looked like a chump. The fans came to see Geidroyc win and that was exactly what happened. Once he performed the Crashing on the crowd knew everything was finished and he got the pin for the three count. The best part of this match was not only that the fans knew who both of these guys were and that they were both great athletes, they had superb chemistry in the ring. [B]Ratings: C+[/B] Jack Geidroyc being the honorable clean cut man that he is extended his hands to the leaping law man and Keith Adams almost immediately accepted. The two men hugged and Adams raised Geidroycs hand as the victor of their match. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Between a tag team that doesn’t work well as a tag team and a tag team that doesn’t worker as wrestlers period this match was horrific. Nobody knew who anyone else was and the match, well I would have liked to have ripped my eyes out of my head. Lemming and Cronin moved great alone but together it was like watching a buffalo trying to run on ice. The Evil Henchmen well, good god they suck that’s all I can say. The match thankfully ended with The Suicide Solution applied by Flemmy Lemming to Evil Henchmen #1. [B]Ratings: F[/B] Mr. ****y Joss Thompson was decently well known in the UK and most of the fans in the small arena knew who he was. He also put on an amazing display at the mic, the problem being everyone went huh who? When Thompson talked about beating his opponent Geoff “Air” Borne inot the gourd. Thompson still managed to pull it off and make it pretty clear Borne was no match for some one as great as him. [B]Rating: D[/B] The match was better then the promo and it was a nice match between the two men. There was a little bit of every type of wrestling shown off and the crowd got a display of the talent they deserve to see. There was a lot of back and forth until Borne laid Thompson flat with a tornado DDT and went up top for the Borne Again. [B]Ratings: C-[/B] Anna Ki came out to the ring to hype her match against the man with the master plan Mr. Evil. The crowd seemed impressed with Anna’s look, but not really so much with her mic skill or her opponent, whom only a few had heard of. She told the crowd of say 200 people that Mr. Evilness could try and cheat his way through another match but she would ultimately prevail. [B]Rating: D[/B] Here was another horrific garbage match that shouldn’t have been. Only a handful of people knew who Inky was and evne less knew who Panic was. Inky was completely off his game I thought he almost slipped and broke his neck at one point. Even though Inky was supposed to be looking strong in this match the utter lack of chemistry between him and Jake Panic well, it was bad. I’m not even gonna bother trying to remember how this match finished I think Inky and Panic slipped and hit each other in what looked like a head butt and then Inky accidentally fell on Panic. The ref thankfully just called the pin and that was that. [B]Ratings: E[/B] Mr. Evilness came out to do his dastardly routine and the crowd bought it just as well as Anna’s Tomboy routine. It was only a bad segment because still know one knew who they were but I think they may be growing on them. Evilness said Anna was weak and pathetic and he didn’t even know why she was in a ring. He called her out right then and there and that was her cue. [B]Rating: D[/B] The match well it would have been better if Mr. Evilness could have found his groove. The problem with Evilness is that he’s good in the ring but not consistently good. That’s probably why he never really got a title shot before me and probably why I’ll hold off giving him one. The match had a nice back and forth and Evilness used his arsenal of dirty moves to turn momentum his way a few times. Anna finally got thing going and it looked like she was going to get a win but Mr. Evilness slid out od the ring nad came back in to hit her in the back of the head with a chair getting himself DQ’d.. [B]Ratings: D Overall Rating: D[/B] Jack Geidroyc over Keith Adams – C+ Killer Instinct over The Evil Henchmen – F Geoff Borne over Joss Thompson – C- Inky the Squid Boy over Jake Panic – E Anna Ki over Mr. Evilness – D
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Back to the Czech Republic and I think the Ostrava Arena is really beginning to grow on me. I thought German was hard to learn I still haven’t gotten the hang of the Cxech language thank godd a lot of people speak English and German. The show went off pretty well and the fans are really starting to understand my product and follow my storylines. The interested level is rising but since we’re not as over here the crowd reaction shows on TV and lowers our vewiers. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/HeroesandVillainsbig.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Pre Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] This was a great rematch from the Ye Olde battle Grounds show. I liked it so much their I thought it was a good idea to let the fans here see it even if it only is a dark match. These two guys put on another great show and the fans that were resent enjoyed it even if they didn’t know who was wrestling. Jack Geidroyc picked up the win again with the Crash Course but Adams didn’t seem at all upset about. I didn’t have enough time for all the other stuff so to make my point about camaraderie I had them leave the ring together as friends. [B]Rating: D[/B] Genna the Warrior Princess hasn’t been in action since she won the UCR European Title so she faced off against The Big Bad in a dark match. The match was ok Female Dominance Dominated and it looked good, she seemed to be perfectly ready for Adam Matravers at Gods of Thunder which is exactly how I wanted the match to come off. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B][U][CENTER]Show[/CENTER][/U][/B] Matt Backlund arrived in his limo and the fans were thronged outside he signed a few autographs and rubbed some little kid’s hair. [B]Rating: B+[/B] Mr. Evilness came out from the crowd of fans and looked Matt Backlund dead in the eye, and as hard as it was Backlund had a stare down with a guy a good six inches taller than he was and who only had one eye. [B]Rating: C+[/B] The Dynamic Duo hit the ring first waiting for their as yet un named opponents. The music that came across the screen was a discordanent mess like some one with no talent trying to write a symphony. The screen showed clips of failure after failure at all sorts of tasks and then the tag team Failed Ambition arrived. It was a mixed tag team with Puffy the Sandiron Payer and Nina the Psycho Ballerina. The match was, for lack of a better term, interesting. Nina and Puffy tried and failed at everything but still managed to keep half the match for themselves. The Dynamic dup looked good but occasionally the other teams lack of perfect skill appeared to throw them off. UK Dragon got the win though sliding Puffy into a near perfect Dragon Drop for the pin. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Louis Figo Manico came out to the ring to do some talking about his battles with Mister Blister. He told Blister that he’s got him figured out he’s not a real champ he a cheat. His manager ahs been bribing the ref and that’s the only way he could win. He said that tonight Gary Garrett will not be calling the match, tonight it will be Gary’s straight and narrow brother Pattrick Garrett. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Match was as good as it could be with these two competitors white White Knight seeming to have come out of his funk during his matches against Doctor Insane and Scheming Behemoth. He looked good taking out dark Flacon time after time. He was even headed into the Smite when Bigger Dan Ewe attacked him from behind and the ref called for the DQ. Dan ran off quickly and White Knight seemed very confused. [B]Rating: C-[/B] Joey Beuachamp was in the back to talk about his match with Sergei Kalashnov. He said he wasn’t going to be winning the match for himself, he was going to be winning it or some one special. He wanted Sergei to know that there was nothing he could to stop him because this match had meaning and that would allow him to win. [B]Rating: C+[/B] This match could have gone better I think, or maybe it was just O’Curles lack of popularity. Matravers looked very impressive against his former tag team partner and showed why he is the one moving forward toword a title and no O’Curle. Now that Phoebe was no longer his manager she took eery opportunity to harass O’Curle during the match and the fans enjoyed it. O’Curle got himself caught in a swinging neckbreaker that laid him out perfectly for the Mile High Moonsualt. [B]Rating: C-[/B] The backstage camera came up to Joey Beaucham who seemed to be sneaking around backstage. He looked at the cameraman and put his finger to his lips to tell him to be quiet. He shooed the cameraman off but seemed to be hiding something behind his back. [B]Rating: D[/B] Anna Ki took a pretty dominant stance against Kirk the Turk during her match as she beat him from pillar to post. Things looked like they were all Anna until Kirk knocked out the ref. Anna went over to help him get up and didn’t see Joey Beauchamp again hit the ring and DDT Kirk the Turk right into next week. With the ref back into the action Anna got over to a woozy Kirk never realizing why he was out of it and got him right into the Chaos Calling for a pin. [B]Rating: C-[/B] We saw mister Blister in the backstage area following Geri Smith and he has some kind of black duffle back over hi shoulder. For a second it looked like the actually moved. [B]Rating: C[/B] The macth didn’t go exactly as Beauchamp had planned but at least he had quite a bit of advantage through out the match. Even with all the abck and forth his mind seemed to be somewhere else which is probably why he slipped right into the Eastern Block and got pinned. [B]Rating: C+[/B] We caught Anna Ki entering her locker room to do some winding down from her previous match. On her dresser there is a bouquet of flowers. She sees the note attached and reads it aloud. It said “To my dearest love I’m doing it all for you.” [B]Rating: C[/B] Matt Backlund in another impressive battle with Mr. Evilness, showing us more proof that good can triumph over evil. There were quite a few shifts in momentum every time Mr. Evilness hit a rake to the eyes or a low blow, but Backlund eventually prevailed. Mr. Evilness got the wrong end of his third yellow card, second in singles competition with Backlund and was down longe enough for the three count. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Mr. Evilness goes for an after match beatdown but this time Backlund is ready for him he reaches into the bag he brought to rings side and pulls out a soccer ball. He power kicks it right into Mr. Evilness’ face and knocks him clean to the floor. [B]Rating: B-[/B] Backlund got a mic and got all in Mr. Evilness’ face telling him that he’d have to get up pretty early in the morning to be able to pull something like that on him more then twice with out any retaliation. [B]Rating: C+[/B] We had a video package showing all that had been going on with Mister Blsiter and Louis Figo manico. This package focused mainly on highlighting each of the times Manico got screwed by Blister. The package made sure show the wink and the nod from geri Smith each time the ref made the quick count [B]Rating: C[/B] Mister Blister and Louis Figo Manico had an impressive third match and Manico seemed to be doing more damage to the giant, either that or Blister wa[B][/B]s learning to sell. The match had the fans rockin’ and rollin’ but Manico just couldn’t keep Blister down. Some how some way Mister Blister got Manico in what looked like a very painful Boston Crab and Manico reached for the ropes. Once, Twice, a third time he missed and the ref called for the bell with a submission. Manico seemed completely stunned as he didn’t remember tapping out. [B]Rating: C+[/B] As the match ended we cut to a camera in the back and the camera man seemed to be following the sound of muffled voice from inside a closet. The cameraman opened up the door and tied to a cahir is some one who looks exactly like the ref. [B]Rating: D Overall Rating: C[/B] Dark Match: Jack Giedroyc over Keith Adams – D Dark Match: Geena the Warrior Princess over The Big Bad – C- The Dynamic Duo over Failed Ambition – C- White Knight over Dark Flacon – C- Adam Matravers over Merle O'Curle – C- Anna Ki over Kirk the Turk – C- Sergei Kalashnov over Joey Beauchamp – C+ Matt Backlund over Mr. Evilness – C+ Mister Blister over Louis Figo Manico for the UCR World Combat Title – C+
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Saturday Week 2 April 2006 From EuropeanRatings.com [QUOTE]UCR slipped back down a bit as they went from 13,000+ viewers to 12.750. It’s not looking good for UCR’s TV days, but as they have gotten a lot of British recently it looks like they’re goal is not just set on growing in their home country but expanding into the UK.[/QUOTE] From UCR.com [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/YeOldeBattlegroundSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Rod "The God" Todd vs The Pit Bull Round One UCR Top Rope Title Tounament[/CENTER][/U][/B] The third match of the first round for the UCR Top Rope Title Tournament sees “Te Sainted One” Rod “The God” Todd as he takes on “Mr. Unlucky” The Pit Bull. Both of these men look to move on to the next round and become the first ever UCR Top Rope Champion. [B][U][CENTER]Born Free vs The Evil Henchmen[/CENTER][/U][/B] Born Free has one win as does Killer Instinct as we look to put the UCR Jr. Tag Team Titles around some ones waist. Born Free hoping that one more win will get them noticed enough but The Evil Henchmen have their aspirations for titles as well. [B][U][CENTER]Geoff Borne vs Jake Panic[/CENTER][/U][/B] Geoff “Air” Borne has taken two big wins so far and looks to take his third as he faces UCR veteran Jake Panic. Geoff looks to become one of UCR’s brightest stars and Jake Panic looks to pick up a long awaited win. [B][U][CENTER]Jed High vs Adam Matravers[/CENTER][/U][/B] Adam Matravers heads back to his home country to show the fans what happens when you’ve got real talent. The contender for the UCR European Title takes on tag team Specialist Jed High in a battle for dominance. [B][U][CENTER]Louis Figo Manico vs Doctor Insane[/CENTER][/U][/B] The boss makes his debut in England as he takes on the master of evil, the lord of the freaks, Doctor Insane. Both men look to make their mark on the UK fans as they go toe to toe in a battle for dominance. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/HeroesandVillainssmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Super Falcon vs Adam Matravers[/CENTER][/U][/B] Adam Matravers has been decimating his way though the midcard here at UCR on his path to a shot for the UCR European Title. After destroying his former tag partner Merle O’Curle last week he faces off against the high flying Super Falcon on his road to Gods of Thunder. [B][U][CENTER]Geena The Warrior Princess vs Nina the Psycho Ballerina[/CENTER][/U][/B] With her opponent for Gods of Thunder in action Geena finally takes to the ring to show him what he’ll be up against when they meet. Nina the Psycho Ballerina, already a loser in the tag team tournament, looks to take a win for the first time here in UCR against the UCR European Champion. [B][U][CENTER]Captain Hero vs Joey Beauchamp[/CENTER][/U][/B] Joey Beauchamp’s been up to shenanigans in the matches for UCR’s top female wrestler Annai Ki. This week he sees ring time with the leader of the Super Crew, Captain Hero. Hero and his partner White Knight have been plagued with there own trouble maker Bigger Dan Ewe so he should be ready for Joey. [B][U][CENTER]White Knight vs Byron[/CENTER][/U][/B] Byron in his first match since Ancient Rivalries meets up with the second half of The Paragons of Justice to wrestle in the evening, White Knight. Like his partner White Knight has been plagued by Bigger Dan Ewe, who has attacked him time and again during his matches, and it remains to be seen if he will show up again. [B][U][CENTER]Jeff Nova vs Scheming Behemoth[/CENTER][/U][/B] Jeff Nova’s arrival in UCR was at Ancient Rivalries where he stopped The Plague Bringers from beating on The Paragons of Justice. He will meet up with one half of The Plague Bringers, Scheming Behemoth this coming week and Heroes and Villains and it looks to be a match of strength. [B][U][CENTER]Louis Figo Manico vs Mr. Evilness[/CENTER][/U][/B] Taking a week off of his attempts at stripping Mister Blister of the title, Louis Figo Manico goes up against another villain known for “creative wins”, Mr. Evilness. For his part Evilness has been shut down by Matt Backlund time and again and is definitely looking for a change in his luck. [B][U][CENTER]Mister Blister vs Matt Backlund For the UCR World Combat Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Mister Blister takes on UCR’s newest superstar Matt Backlund. The former soccer superstar has been on quite a roll as he’s taken out Mr. Evilness over and over again. This time Backlund has more then just an opponent to face but also his manager. [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/GodsofThunderSmall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Mister Blister vs Louis Figo Manico For the UCR World Combat Title[/CENTER][/U][/B] Mister Blister and Louis Figo Manico have been facing off in some interesting matches to say the least. It appear that Manico has not been able to stop the machinations of Blisters manager Geri Smith. He now has two weeks to make his plans for keeping the match fair. Card so far… Mister Blister vs Louis Figo Manico for the UCR European Title Matt Backlund vs Mr. Evilness in a Classic Steel Cage Match Geena the Warrior Princess vs Adam Matravers for the UCR European Title[/QUOTE]
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Glad to see you back man. [U][B]YOB[/B][/U] [B]Rod "The God" Todd[/B] vs The Pit Bull [I]I like him[/I] [B]Born Free[/B] vs The Evil Henchmen [I]Seems like you don't like the henchmen. And you created Born Free yourself so...you have to like them.[/I] [B]Geoff Borne[/B] vs Jake Panic [I]Panic is ugly. Borne is cool.[/I] Jed High vs [B]Adam Matravers[/B] [I]I like both actually, hard to decide. I'll give Matravers the advantage due to fighting home.[/I] [B]Louis Figo Manico[/B] vs Doctor Insane [I]Trying to get Figo over in the UK[/I] [U][B]HAV[/B][/U] Super Falcon vs [B]Adam Matravers[/B] [I]Push him![/I] [B]Geena The Warrior Princess[/B] [U]over[/U] Nina the Psycho Ballerina [I]You said it yourself, [B]OVER[/B] :p[/I] Captain Hero vs [B]Joey Beauchamp[/B] [I]I'm a mark of him.[/I] White Knight vs [B]Byron[/B] [I]dunno, going with the heel here.[/I] [B]Jeff Nova[/B] vs Scheming Behemoth [I]He should dominate UCR.[/I] [B]Louis Figo Manico[/B] vs Mr. Evilness [I]You have him in the main event at ur ppv, so can't afford him to lose.[/I] [B]Mister Blister[/B] vs Matt Backlund [I]Squash match.[/I]
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YOB Rod "The God" Todd vs [B]The Pit Bull[/B] [B]Born Free[/B] vs The Evil Henchmen [B]Geoff Borne[/B] vs Jake Panic Jed High vs [B]Adam Matravers[/B] [B]Louis Figo Manico[/B] vs Doctor Insane Always the Manic Man! HAV Super Falcon vs [B]Adam Matravers[/B] Hate all of those Superfreaks! [B]Geena The Warrior Princess[/B] over Nina the Psycho Ballerina I love Geena! [B]Captain Hero[/B] vs Joey Beauchamp White Knight vs [B]Byron[/B] [B]Jeff Nova[/B] vs Scheming Behemoth Louis Figo Manico vs Mr. Evilness Just thanks! I'm sure Evilness takes the loss here, but this is my UCR dream match. [B]Mister Blister[/B] vs Matt Backlund
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Sorry currently unemployed and although I have time to check the baords every now and again and post I don't have the time to get to run the shows. I got a few job interviews later today so hopefully I'll come home with work and then I can starting getting back ito this.
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