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ROF: A New Fire

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Hello, my name is Derek Robinson. My whole life has revolved around wrestling, pure wrestling. Not sports entertainment, wrestling. So when I was old enough, I packed up all my belongings and traveled to England to start wrestling for Ring Of Fire. My dream was to eventually work my way to wrestling for PGHW in Japan, but that dream was shattered when I was dropped on my head while taking a backdrop in only my second match ever. It doesn't even matter who it was against, because it was completely my fault. Luckily for me, my time in ROF wasn't over. Our owner, British Samurai, had just taken the company over from Geordie Jimmy and was, for the time being, both owner and booker. He was getting burnt out, and wanted to drop the book. Even though I had never done it before, he saw something in me that told him I could do it, so he asked me. I was shocked, floored even, and stammered out a "Sure". He told me that my first show would have to be sometime during the month of December and that for now, he wanted me to run small shows once a month. He told me to draw up a schedule and some plans and run them by him soon. I got to work on the largest opportunity in my lifetime. OOC: This one has a larger chance than any of my previous diaries of actually staying around because pure wrestling relies on barely any storylines at all. All I have to do is monitor overness and make sure I can keep my head above water financially. It may be the cheap way out, but people have been asking for a few more UK diaries, so here's one more.
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After two days, British Samurai called me back into his office. I had thrown together a schedule of events until May of 2006 and had also figured out who we were going to push and who we were going to job out. He listened to my ideas on that, and seemed really pleased. He also liked the event titles that I had thought up. I thought we needed to give ROF a little bit of an edge so we could stand up against MOSC, who is by far the most popular promotion in all of the UK. I also told British Samurai that until further notice, we would be booking the Norman Blue Athletic Club (NBAC) in the Midlands for our events. Our event titles are as follows: December: Cold Snap January: Rising February: Broken Dreams March: Path To Destuction April: Reign Of Pain May: Manic Oppression He told me that we would have an uphill battle, as the wrestling industry as a whole was on the downturn in the Isles, but the economy was looking good, so people would at least have some money to come to our shows with. Also, he gave me some concrete goals for my tenure. First off, we'd have to be more popular in the Midlands by the end and secondly, we should not be in debt. Those should hopefully be not too hard, but time will tell. Anyway, I left Samurai's office, and began to plan for our first event, Cold Snap, which would happen on Thursday of Week 3.
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[CENTER][B][U]ROF Cold Snap[/U][/B] Thursday, Week 3, December 2005 Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands[/CENTER] As I enterd the NBAC, British Samurai informed me that there were three wrestlers who had chosen to go elsewhere for the night. I was incensed when he told me that UK Dragon and our new referee, Patrick Garrett, had decided to work the UCR show over ours. But what really put me over the edge was when he informed me that JD Morgan was not even in the continent because he had signed a written deal with NOTBPW, only a scant 2 days after I had signed him to a PPA. I had hoped to use him to put our youngsters, like the Martin Brothers, Don Henderson, and Billy Robinson through the paces and get some good matches out of them. Also, UK Dragon may find himself not being pushed if he continues to pick UCR shows over ours. Of course, my goal is that that decision will be made in our favor eventually. Anyway, after I found that out, I informed Jake Bailey that he would in fact be wearing the striped shirt tonight and then settled in next to a monitor backstage to watch the action with Kathleen Lee, who is going to be my righthand woman behind the scenes. First up was a dark match. [U]DARK MATCH: Kelly Martin vs. Walter Morgan[/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/KellyMartin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/WalterMorgan.jpg[/IMG] This match was pretty decent, for a dark match that is. Kelly is still really raw in the ring, but if anyone on the roster can extract a decent match from him, it's got to be Walter. Walter did his best to make Kelly look like a star, bumping for everything that Kelly could do, but he still went over in the end, just to keep whatever momentum that he had going. Result: Walter Morgan d. Kelly Martin by pinfall in 7:53. [B](C-)[/B] [I]On his way back to the locker room, I stopped Kelly and told him he did a really good job out there tonight. His technical and performance skills are really starting to grow, and Kathleen and I both agreed that he did a great job, but it didn't hurt that Walter was out with him.[/I] Out next was Justin Blackham, our encyclopedia of an announcer, who informed the 182 people in attendance at the NBAC that our main event would in fact be the heart and soul of ROF, British Samurai, taking on Stevie Stoat for the ROF True Warrior Championship. The crowd was a little confused by this, but Blackham explained that all of the titles in ROF had been renamed. The #1 Contender Title had been renamed the Warrior's Heart Championship, the Tag Team Championship was now the Brothers In Arms Championship, and the ROF Championship was now the True Warrior Championship. The crowd appreciated the announcement, but wanted some more action. [B](D)[/B] [U]DARK MATCH: Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Petey Barnes (w/ Phoebe Plumridge)[/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/JohnnyStones.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/PeteyBarnes.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/PhoebePlumridge.jpg[/IMG] Our second and final dark match of the night was another opportunity for a younger worker to learn some more about the business. This time, Rolling Johnny Stones took Petey Barnes to school with his wide variety of suplexes. However, Johnny left lots of room for Barnes to get his high-flying offense in, and sold for him like a champ. The finish came when Johnny actually went for a flying legdrop off the top rope but missed badly. Petey rolled out of the way and took Johnny over with a Oklahoma roll for the win. Result: Petey Barnes d. Rolling Johnny Stones by pinfall in 6:39. [B](C)[/B] [I]I stopped Johnny and Petey on their way to the back and thanked both of them for a great match. I told Johnny he looked a little more comfortable on the top rope, even if he blew that legdrop. He gave a little chuckle at that. Also, his performance skills were looking real good. I then told Petey that his technique was rounding into form quite nicely. I then let them go, as they would both be in action again later in the show. As the ring crew came out and set up a little additional lighting for our eventual DVD release, I silently hoped that the actual show would come off as good as the pre-show had.[/I] [U]Jay B. vs. K'Lee Hawkins[/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/JayB.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/KLeeHawkins.jpg[/IMG] Our actual show started off on an unfortunate bad note, as Jay and K'Lee were just bumping around the ring, and not in a good way. They seemed to not be very comfortable with each other in the ring and their styles didn't mesh together well at all. Luckily, Justin Blackham and Joan Evans, our commentary team, didn't disappoint, so it wasn't a complete train wreck. Result: K'Lee Hawkins d. Jay B in 8:49 by pinfall. [B](D)[/B] [I]On the plus side, I did see that Jay B's perfomance skills were definitely on the uptick. However, my joy at that was tempered when Kathleen told me she thought Jake Bailey was doing a horrendous job as our referee. If only Garrett had picked our show...[/I] [U]Chuck Frisby & Merle O'Curle vs. The Shooters (Billy Robinson & Don Henderson)[/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/ChuckFrisby.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/MerleOCurle.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/BillyRobinson.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/DonaldHenderson.jpg[/IMG] Our next match was between our young team of Billy Robinson and Don Henderson versus an improvised team of Chuck Frisby and Merle O'Curle. I was hoping O'Curle's skills would rub off on the other three competitors and I was not disappointed. The finish of this decent match came when Don Henderson trapped Merle O'Curle in a painful looking variation of a dragon sleeper that made O'Curle tap out. This has not been a good week for Merle, as earlier this week he lost his 21CW Strong Style Title to Davey London, of all people. Result: The Shooters (Robinson & Henderson) d. Frisby & O'Curle by submission in 13:58. [I]Henderson and Robinson's techinical skills were benefitted by just being in the ring with Merle. Also, Chuck, Merle, and Billy did a good job of showing some better performance skills throughout the match.[/I] [U]Lance Martin vs. Rolling Johnny Stones[/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/LanceMartin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/JohnnyStones.jpg[/IMG] This match was Johnny's receipt for helping out Petey Barnes in the dark match. Johnny looked like a suplex machine this match, but as he is so good at doing, gave Lance his fair bit of offense. Towards the end of the match, Lance started to fade a bit, so Johnny had to end it with a nice crisp German suplex, which he held for the win. Result: Rolling Johnny Stones d. Lance Martin by pinfall in 13:27. [B](D)[/B] [I]Lance was visibly tired when he walked through the curtain, and all I could do was shake my head. I hope he saw me. I was happy that he stood toe to toe with Johnny though, and showed some improving rumble skills. Also, his already decent perfomance skills are getting even better.[/I] [U]Wigan Bulldogs (Walter Morgan & Leo Price) vs. Show Stealers (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes) (w/ Phoebe Plumridge) for the [B]Brothers In Arms Championship[/B][/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/WalterMorgan.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/LeoPrice.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/PeteyBarnes.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/PhoebePlumridge.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/originalbelt04.jpg[/IMG] This was the first title match of the night, and I hoped that the crowd would eat up the high energy action of Adam & Petey. However, using Walter Morgan in a dark match may have hurt me, as he was not up to carrying two opponents in this match. Leo Price, his tag partner, did his part though, and came out looking really good. In the end, it was Morgan who took the fall, going down to a facebuster from Petey Barnes for the win. Result: The Show Stealers (Matravers & Barnes) d. Wigan Bulldogs (Morgan & Price) by pinfall in 18:42. The Show Stealers made their first successful defense of their [B]Brothers In Arms Championship. (C)[/B] [I]Oddly enough, the first thing that Kathleen told me is that Adam and Phoebe didn't mesh too well. Seeing as though they're currently dating, that doesn't bode well for their future. Phoebe still did some good work though, and her presence was not completely pointless at ringside. This match was really good for Leo Price, as his performance and flying skills are really starting to shine. He's showing that at least one of the Wigan Bulldogs is not too old to learn a few new tricks.[/I] [U]British Samurai vs. Stevie Stoat for the [B]True Warrior Championship[/B][/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/BritishSamurai.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/StevieStoat.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/originalbelt08.jpg[/IMG] Our main event was for the True Warrior Championship, as British Samurai engaged in a heated bout with our champion, Stevie Stoat. Stoat, quite a warrior himself, was more than up to the challenge. The match went back and forth, with neither man really ever getting the upper hand. Stevie and Samurai didn't seem to quite know what each other was up to, so the match was not quite as good as it could have been. The finish came when Samurai went for a savate kick, but Stevie ducked it, legsweeped Samurai down to the canvas, and locked in a dangerous looking ankle lock that made Samurai tap out. Result: Stevie Stoat d. British Samurai by submission in 24:50. Stevie Stoat made his first successful defense of the [B]True Warrior Championship. (C)[/B] [I]This match was good, and it would have been even better if Samurai and Stoat clicked at all. I really wish they would have, because I want to book this as the main drawing card of ROF into the summer. It wasn't a complete loss, however, as Samurai showed some improved performance skills and Stevie showed some improvement in his flying and performance skills. All in all, the show was a success. The only drawbacks were that I forgot I scheduled UK Dragon to take on Johnny Stones and Kathleen seemed to think I used Petey Barnes too much. I don't think a skill-building dark match and a high-quality tag match really constitute overuse, but that's just my opinion. Overall, the show was about a [B]C-[/B].[/I] Thoughts, comments, and suggestions are more than appreciated...
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Give and take About a week after Cold Snap, JD Morgan officially left us and DAVE to go and work for NOTBPW. But as JD was leaving, I was welcoming another new competitor to the fold. I had made some calls, made some promises, and gotten a high-profile American competitor to agree to give wrestling in the UK a try. I had to pay him a little more than I thought I would ($900 an appearance), but I think it will eventually be more than worth it. The newest ROF competitor is . . . . . [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG] [B]HELL MONKEY![/B] As you can see, I told him to leave the funky mask and the ears in America. That kind of stuff may fly for USPW and WLW, but it's not going to wash with the vibe I'm trying to get across here in ROF. He can keep Hell Monkey, but he's not going to sporting the headgear. He will start out as a lower midcarder, as he's more than willing to prove himself in the rings of ROF. I'm looking forward to see how the ROF fans take to him at Rising next month. Also, I'm chasing another referee to replace Bailey, as I can't have him dragging down any more matches.
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Decent first show it's nice to see a british fed being shown. I nver understood why Phoebe was in ROF it's apure fed no real need for managers. Hell Monkey is a great edition to any pure fed, although you must be playing with the work in any region mod becuase normally he couldn't work the UK.
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Year End Update of The Cornellverse I have just entered 2006. The 2005 Year End Awards that actually were awarded were as follows: [LIST] [*]Young Wrestler of the Year: Emerald Angel [*]Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Yoshifusa Maeda [*]Match of the Year: Nobuatsu Tatsuko defeated Yoshimi Mushashibo at PGHW Japanese Wrestle Peace Festival in December 2005 [*]Card of the Year: BHOTWG's Japanese Wrestle Peace Festival [/LIST] There also have been a few title changes worldwide in the month of December. They are as follows: [LIST] [*]Jimmy P defeated Snap Dragon for the CZCW Coastal Zone Championship at CZCW Heavy Duty [*]Kenko Takemitsu defeated Edd Stone for the NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title at NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, Week 1 [*]Joshua Taylor defeated William Hayes for the PGHW International Title at PGHW: The King's Road, Week 1 [*]Oceano & Manuel Prieto defeated Los Dominques for the Campeones de Parejas OLLIE at Salido Y Juego, Week 1 [*]Steve DeColt defeated John Maverick for the CGC World Title at CGC Title Bout Wrestling, Week 1 [*]Nakasawa defeated Yoshii Shiomi, Dynamite, and Shibanuma for the Burning Openweight Championship at BHOTWG Lords of the Ring, Week 2 [*]Davey London defeated Merle O'Curle for the 21CW Strong Style at 21CW Pain Barrier, Week 2 [*]Sensational Ogiwara defeated Saori Nakadan for the 5 Star World Title at 5SSW Japanese Wrestle Peace Festival, Week 2 [*]The Incredible KOYAMA defeated Insane Machine for the World Level Streetfighting Title at WLW Japanese Wrestle Peace Festival, Week 2 [*]Danny Patterson defeated Joss Thompson for the MOSC UK Championship Title at MOSC Heavy Duty, Week 3 [*]Steve Gumble defeated Freddy Huggins for the TCW All Action Title at TCW Presents Total Wrestling, Week 3 [*]Eisaku Hoshino defeated Noriyori Sanda for the PGHW Historical Japan Title at PGHW: The King's Road, Week 3 [*]The Big Bad and Herman The German defeated Double Dutch for the UCR Tag Team Titles at UCR Live! Sold Out!, Week 3 [*]Whippy The Clown & Ed Monton defeated The Specialists for the CGC World Tag Team Titles at CGC Title Bout Wrestling, Week 3 [*]Canadian Gangsta defeated Darryl Devine, Brett Fraser, and Air Attack Weasel for the 4C Hardcore Championship Title at 4C Presents ... Do Or Die, Week 4 [*]Samoan Destruction Inc. defeated Hyobanshi & Makuda for the GCG World Heavyweight Tag Titles at GCG: Stars of the Golden Canvas, Week 4 [/LIST] In other promotional and TV news, DAVE has lost their timeslot for Danger Zone TV and CGC has also lost their timeslot for Title Bout Wrestling. Both will have to wait until networks start scheduling again to try to regain a TV clearance.
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Card announced for Rising [U]Chuck Frisby & Jay B. vs. Leo Price[/U] The first scheduled match of the evening will be Chuck Frisby and Jay B., two of ROF's mainstays, joining forces to try and take out Leo "The Lion" Price, one of the most recognizable ROF stars in the promotion's history. Can Leo take out too people, or can Frisby & Jay B. fly their way to an upset win? [U]Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Walter Morgan[/U] Two of the older competitors in ROF will lock it up at Rising. Stones was victorious over Lance Martin at Cold Snap, while Walter Morgan lost in his attempt to get the Brothers In Arms Championship, along with his partner, Leo Price. Can Morgan redeem himself, or will Stones throw him around the ring like he did young Lance? [U]Hell Monkey & Merle O'Curle vs. The Show Stealers for the [B]Brothers In Arms Championship[/B][/U] Hell Monkey is the newest ROF competitor and he's teaming up with ROF and 21CW mainstay Merle O'Curle in what is sure to be a brusing twosome. They have already christened themselves the Trans-Atlantic Pain Syndicate, or TAPS. They have a large obstacle in their first time out, as they will face the current champs, Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes, who are collectively known as the Show Stealers. Will they live up to their name, or can TAPS make a huge impact in their first experience as an actual tag team? [U]UK Dragon vs. British Samurai vs. Stevie Stoat for the [B]True Warrior Championship[/B][/U] Hot off the heels of their match at Cold Snap, Stoat and Samurai were chomping at the bit to get at each other again. But word came to ROF management that UK Dragon was extremely upset that he was almost left off the card, and wants to prove himself. He's getting one more shot - can he make it count?
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[U]Chuck Frisby & Jay B. vs. [B]Leo Price[/B][/U] Other then the fact that you said take out too instead of take out two (don't worry I make tons of mistakes in my own diary) I'm going with Leo on this one. [U][B]Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] vs. Walter Morgan[/U] I like Stones he needs a push, he did well in my 4C game untill I lost the data [U][B]Hell Monkey & Merle O'Curle[/B] vs. The Show Stealers for the Brothers In Arms Championship[/U] I'm going Monkey for a early title win on his entrance in the fan, but is it me or is every tag team Matravers is in diaries on this board called the Show Stealers. [U]UK Dragon vs. [B]British Samurai[/B] vs. Stevie Stoat for the True Warrior Championship[/U] Beyond being the owner Samurai is your man keep him champ for awhile
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline] [U][B]Hell Monkey & Merle O'Curle[/B] vs. The Show Stealers for the Brothers In Arms Championship[/U] I'm going Monkey for a early title win on his entrance in the fan, but is it me or is every tag team Matravers is in diaries on this board called the Show Stealers.[/QUOTE] Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes are a default team... called the Show Stealers.
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I don't know how long I'm going to keep Adam & Petey together. Petey seems to have more potential than Adam, actually, and I think he can be a breakout star. I did monkey (sorry, couldn't help it) with the data a bit to get Hell Monkey, as I needed another locker room leader, and the only ones normally available in the UK (Jeff Nova and Razor Valentine) were way more expensive than I felt I had the ability to pay. Phoebe and Kathleen Lee might not be in the company for too much longer, although Kathleen does have some semblance of booking skills. As soon as Phoebe and Adam break up (they always seem to), she very well might be shown the door.
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[CENTER][B]ROF Rising[/B] Thursday, Week 3, January 2006 Norman Blue Athletic Center, Midlands[/CENTER] [I]We're already off to a better start this month as everyone has showed up to the event. Thankfully UCR is not running a show tonight, as UK Dragon would have surely picked them over us and completely screwed up our main event. This should be a good show, with a few surprise appearances - one is a glimpse at the future of ROF, while one is a blast from the past. I have hired Humphrey Woolsey to be the head ROF referee, so Jake Bailey is kicking it as my righthand man, seeing as though I showed Ms. Lee the door, as $1,000 a show to help me break down tape was a bit much. Also, seeing as though Adam and Phoebe have finally broken up, Phoebe was also let go. Another grand saved...[/I] [B]DARK MATCH: HELL MONKEY vs. LANCE MARTIN[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/LanceMartin.jpg[/IMG] I put this match together to showcase our new acquisition, Hell Monkey, for the crowd and also to try to get another decent match out of Lance Martin. However, if this is all Lance has to offer, he and his brother might find themselves on the unemployment line right alongside our former female employees. Hell Monkey is good, but even he couldn't extract much out of Lance. Mercifully, Monkey took Lance out in a little under seven minutes with a beautful Hell Fire Kick, his version of a Pele Kick. [B]Result: Hell Monkey d. Lance Martin in 6:47 by pinfall with a Hell Fire Kick. (D)[/B] [B]DARK MATCH: KELLY MARTIN vs. K'LEE HAWKINS[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/KellyMartin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/KLeeHawkins.jpg[/IMG] K'Lee was definitely not up to the task of carrying Kelly Martin through this match, as it was as bowling-shoe ugly as the last one. Kelly and Lance are surely not scoring many points for themselves. I'm very glad the cameras aren't officially rolling yet. K'Lee finally locked in a single leg Boston Crab that made Kelly tap out. [B]Result: K'Lee Hawkins d. Kelly Martin in 8:26 by submission. (D)[/B] [I]As our ring crew set up the additional lighting for the actual show, I hoped that the few little surprises I had planned for the 194 people that filed into the NBAC this Thursday night were not in vain. The dark matches were a bit clunky tonight, but let's see how our guys perform when they're on Memorex.[/I] [B]HANDICAP MATCH: LEO PRICE vs. CHUCK FRISBY & JAY B.[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/LeoPrice.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/ChuckFrisby.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/JayB.jpg[/IMG] Doing the curtain-jerking honors were Chuck Frisby and Jay B. tonight. They gave it a valiant try, but Leo "The Lion" Price was way too much for the two of them combined. Leo stretched them into oblivion and finally dispatched the both of them when he took Chuck Frisby down with a fisherman's suplex for the win. Even though he didn't take the loss, Jay B. was down and out outside the ring, sucking a whole lot of wind while Price hooked in the suplex. [B]Result: Leo Price d. Chuck Frisby & Jay B. in 7:53 by pinfall (Price/Frisby) (C-)[/B] [B]DON HENDERSON vs. PHIL COX[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/DonaldHenderson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/PhillipCox.jpg[/IMG] Our first surprise of the evening was the ROF debut of Phil Cox, who wrestles in 21CW under a mask and goes by Stardust. I told him that wasn't going to fly here, so he agreed to wrestle under his given name. His debut was quite a bit underwhelming, unfortunately, as he was put away fairly easily by Don Henderson. I was especially disappointed that both Don and Phil were visibly tired as they walked back through the curtain. At least Phil's performance looked to be improving a bit from what I had seen of his matches in 21CW. He's only 19 years old, so he's got quite a ways to go before he can put together a well-rounded match. [B]Result: Don Henderson d. Phil Cox in 12:30 by pinfall. (D)[/B] [B]PROMO: TRANS-ATLANTIC PAIN SYNDICATE (HELL MONKEY & MERLE O'CURLE)[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/MerleOCurle.jpg[/IMG] Wow, was this ever a bad idea. I figured that I needed to introduce our new team, so I gave Monkey and Merle a bit of the precious little mike time available in a promotion like ours. And what do they do with it? They completely botch it and ruin any semblance of momentum that the show had. I can't say as it wasn't my fault, but still, it was pathetic. Anyway, Monkey said that he had conquered America and Japan, and next on his list was jolly ol' England. He pledged that all of the tag-teams in ROF were going to go on the list of people to tap out to TAPS, the Trans-Atlantic Pain Syndicate. Merle didn't have much to say at all. [B](F)[/B] [B]TRANS-ATLANTIC PAIN SYNDICATE (MERLE O'CURLE & HELL MONKEY) vs. SHOW STEALERS (ADAM MATRAVERS & PETEY BARNES) for the [COLOR="Red"]BROTHERS IN ARMS CHAMPIONSHIP[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/MerleOCurle.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/PeteyBarnes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/originalbelt04.jpg[/IMG] Merle & Monkey stayed in the ring after their stellar mike work, and waited for Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes to come out, minus the unemployed Phoebe Plumridge. When they finally got underway, they put on a decent little match. Monkey and Merle looked to be a decent team, as they at least didn't get in each other's way. Petey Barnes looked good as always, but Adam Matravers seemed a bit off of his game tonight. Was he missing Phoebe? Who knows. Anyway, he was good enough to put away Merle O'Curle with his Mile High Moonsault so he and Petey could retain the Brothers In Arms Championship. [B]Result: The Show Stealers (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes) d. TAPS (Merle O'Curle & Hell Monkey) in 14:41 by pinfall with a Mile High Moonsault (Matravers/O'Curle) The Show Stealers made defense 2 of their [COLOR="Red"]Brothers In Arms Championship[/COLOR].(C-)[/B] [B]WALTER MORGAN vs. ROLLING JOHNNY STONES[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/WalterMorgan.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/JohnnyStones.jpg[/IMG] Next up was a match between two of the veterans of ROF, Walter Morgan and Rolling Johnny Stones. Morgan brought out the best in Stones, as Johnny looked like a million bucks tonight. Morgan sold every suplex like he had been shot with a shotgun and generally made Johnny look like a bonafide championship contender. Stones finally put Morgan away with a German suplex that looked extremely stiff. [B]Result: Rolling Johnny Stones d. Walter Morgan in 15:49 by pinfall. (C-)[/B] [I]I was very happy with how this match turned out. I wasn't even mad both of them were dragging in the locker room after the match. Johnny is getting even better at his performance skills, and is even learning a few new things technically from Walter. Who knew?[/I] [B]UK DRAGON vs. BRITISH SAMURAI vs. STEVIE STOAT for the [COLOR="Red"]TRUE WARRIOR CHAMPIONSHIP[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/UKDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/BritishSamurai.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/StevieStoat.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/originalbelt08.jpg[/IMG] After last week's marathon match between British Samurai and Stevie Stoat, everyone, including me, was eager to see what they could do again. One man, however, wanted in on the action - UK Dragon. He was working the UCR show last month, but heard about the match and wanted his shot also. So this match was made to showcase all three of them at the same time. The match itself was as good as the first one, with all three men equally contributing on offense. The first one to be eliminated was British Samurai, who fell victim to a Dragon Drop falling reverse DDT from UK Dragon around the 15 minute mark. The last 8 or so minutes of the match were Dragon and Stevie toe to toe, battling it out for the highest title in ROF. The finish came when Dragon had Stevie locked in an Octopus Stretch, but Stevie powered out with a hiptoss and quickly locked in an ankle lock, the same maneuver which he dispatched Samurai with at Cold Snap. UK looked really good this match, as his technical skills seem to be growing nicely. [B] Result: Stevie Stoat d. UK Dragon and British Samurai in 22:55. Stevie Stoat made defense 2 of the [COLOR="Red"]True Warrior Championship[/COLOR]. (C)[/B] As UK Dragon made his way back to the locker room, I saw who was coming out to meet Stevie Stoat and he and I exchanged a quick smile. When he came out, Stevie Stoat was flabbergasted. He just stood there as he walked down the aisle, stepped through the ropes, and stared a hole through Stevie. Who is this man? . . . . . [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/ROF%20Pictures/JimmyMorris.jpg[/IMG] [B]GEORDIE JIMMY![/B] The former owner of ROF had returned and was locked in a tense staredown with Stevie Stoat as Rising ended. [B](D)[/B] [I]All in all, I thought this show was great. Two debuts and two good title matches. There was some talk that I used Hell Monkey too much, but I think that's ridiculous. We should be even more popular in the Midlands after this show.[/I]
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