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Filters and Mass Import/Edit for Free Pictures

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This suggestion could easily apply to both TEW and WMMA. It's basically a suggestion to increase the ease of use and add some advanced features to the editor for free pictures in both series. I saw Adam's response in the TEW forums to a similar suggestion and while I respect it, I do disagree with it. However my suggestion would require people who know what they are doing for it to be effective (which is an obvious downside).


Anyway lets start with a story. In TEW2016 I added about 3000 free pictures to a personal database. I did this this by presorting since the save & continue button saves your checkbox selections from the previous entry to the next. Thus I had a mod for female asian, male asian, female white, male white, etc. which I combined at the end in order to minimize the amount of clicks (and required thought to do it :D). It's not a stretch to think that this concept could be extrapolated to a mass import feature.


At the very least some additional filters should be added (at least to filter by ethnicity) to provide some ease in editing this portion of the database.


In addition one simple mass edit feature that should be added is the ability to change the "used once" field "Yes/No". Currently all the free pictures in the default database are set to "Yes". While that suits me just fine, for anyone who wanted to change it, it currently requires them to click through every entry (as I'm assuming that a person who didn't care if pictures are used more than once would want to change them all to no).

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