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Negative relationships . . .

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Right now, I'm back into the formidable addiction known as WrestlingSpirit. Playing my Rookie to Legend game, I always tried to stray from negative relationships because, well, for some reason they bother me. Oddly enough, I can't explain it. So, of course I didn't mean for them to happen, but if you click your mouse too fast well, sometimes you aren't hitting the option you'd like to hit which has to me having two negative relationships in my almost two year career. I know it's strange because it is. But, too ease my mind, I was wondering if any of you know how to rid of them. I know it can be done because once, while playing Death of the Territories, I got into a fight with a guy which caused a lot of negative relationships, and what not, and after talking to one of the guys who was on that list, the next day, he disappeared from the list. All help is appreciated.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I think just being nice to them will eventually get rid of them. Also if you talk to someone who doesn't like you and it leads to them starting a fight with you and you win anyone else in the locker room at that time who doesn't like you will move one step closer to liking you [Hatred -> Dislike, Dislike -> Normal]. I'm not sure but I think that over time Dislike relationships may fade if you aren't in the same promotion as them for a certain amount of time, but as I said I'm not entirely sure about that.
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