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DOTM: RW June 2018 Voting

DOTM: RW June 2018 Voting  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. DOTM: RW June 2018 Voting

    • WWF1987: It'll be a happening by Crossface
    • New Japan Pro Wrestling - The Global Expansion by joemurphy
    • ECW 2001: Betrayal by KnowYourEnemy
    • A new generation.....a new attitude? by to4sty
    • New Japan Pro Wrestling 2009 and Beyond: The Path of Light! by Rhyme123
    • Wuxiandou by bhutapati

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Voting Closes: 20th July





Real World:

1. WWF1987: It'll be a happening by Crossface x2

2. New Japan Pro Wrestling - The Global Expansion by joemurphy

3. ECW 2001: Betrayal by KnowYourEnemy

4. A new generation.....a new attitude? by to4sty

5. New Japan Pro Wrestling 2009 and Beyond: The Path of Light! by Rhyme123 (Rookie)

6. Wuxiandou by bhutapati (Rookie)





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