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Mod Idea - Death of WWE

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Hey Guys,


The last couple weeks i've been working on a mod based around the death of WWE. Using the current Real World Continued mod, WWE is closed due to the tragic death of Vince, Steph, Shane and HHH in an aeroplane accident. Casting aside the fact that the WWE would probably still run if they all died, the WWE closed liquidating all assets except NXT and including WCW and ECW.


As such WCW was repurchased by a sober, Jeff Jarrett. ECW by Paul Heyman, and NXT is continued by Shawn Michaels in honour of his late best friend. Along with this saw the opening of All-Elite Wrestling as an opportune Shahid Khan pulled the trigger on the Young Bucks and Cody's company.


Based in April 2019 the mod looks at the chaos this event has caused on the wrestling landscape and how the world progresses from this point.


It is very roughly constructed at this point and doesn't have a set graphics pack besides the base SAMPP used for the RWC mod. But if anyone is interested I will soon make the mod public and available.


EDIT/Add on:


So after a couple more days of work, I feel the mod is at a very very very rough point where I can release it for testing. So first I want to thank the fantasy booker guys on discord, there are a lot of you who helped me with ideas who I will thank upon further full release. Also thankyou to southside hitmen who I used as a base for the mod.


A warning regarding the picture packs, please use SAMPP but alot of things will be missing such as the belts and logos for All-Elite as I still am not sure what I will do for them. But my own seperate community sourced pic pack will come on full release.


Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, this mod is no where near finished but is a good enough base for some testing.


It is downloadable here:





hankyou for checking it out!

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<p>I have it based around June 2019 so a good 6 months after the accident. Giving say 2 months for everything to be set up. It still has 4 months of running of these companies, so I have set up the rosters depending on what I think should be apart of it. Taking into account history and current context, so like The Revival and Zack Ryder go to AEW per what the Bucks and Cody said respectively.</p><p> </p><p>

Heyman, Dudleyz, Rhino and some other ECW legends are apart of ECW while they also have Tyler Black, Jon Moxley, Kevin Steen all on PPA deals as they seem to fit the product that I see modern Heyman ECW to be.</p><p> </p><p>

Whilst WCW has a bunch of major Sports Entertainment guys like Elias, EC3, Hardyz, Wyatt, Miz and Braun. It will see alot of people who are decent in ring but wouldn't really be running 5* NJPW matches.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Alot of people are also rejoining the indies so like the Kings of Wrestling, Ricochet, The Mighty (TMDK), Bryan Danielson, etc. All have ppa deals with their former employers at the least. This also means alot of guys returned to njpw which may be a bit chaotic which ill need to maybe sort out later.</p>

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So after a couple more days of work, I feel the mod is at a very very very rough point where I can release it for testing. So first I want to thank the fantasy booker guys on discord, there are a lot of you who helped me with ideas who I will thank upon further full release. Also thankyou to southside hitmen who I used as a base for the mod.


A warning regarding the picture packs, please use SAMPP but alot of things will be missing such as the belts and logos for All-Elite as I still am not sure what I will do for them. But my own seperate community sourced pic pack will come on full release.


Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, this mod is no where near finished but is a good enough base for some testing.


It is downloadable here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aYFfgkGYXPeSp_rHHX0aSdjgygRYHImA/view?usp=sharing


Thankyou for checking it out!

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