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Alliance Titles Help

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Hey guys,


playing around with a database. Is it possible that a title can be both an alliance title and owned by a company? I didn't think so but when adding both to a title within the database a message reads: 'Belts that belong to a alliance cannot be assigned to a company as well (this can only be done in-game).'


so it is possible?



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Is there a way to make companies use alliance titles more? IE if i make ROH top title an alliance title of course i still want them to book it for all of their own major events. But i want to borrow it like how it is often used on NJPW shows.
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You can set the frequency of defended to 'often' for events/tv/tours -- whatever you want to see it appear on more. If you set it to often, it will get utilizied more on those shows by all the companies that have access to it. I always set the COTT titles in the default database to be defended often -- and regularly guys are defending the titles multiple times a month across the various promotions.
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