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Elevation was long but good. Evans vs Jungle Boy and King vs Mizunami were my favorite matches. Chandler Hopkins impressed on his debut. Paul Wight sounded more comfortable on commentary.


I didn't like Chandler all that much. He didn't seem natural. I think Wight said he was relatively new to wrestling though.


One thing I forgot to mention in my last post was that Austin Gunn is growing on me quite a bit. He has so much energy and is constantly improving. Colton is improving too, but much slower.

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Elevation was fun again. Wight was solid until he said "selling the shoulder". STOP IT PAUL.


Really digging Bear Country, Kilynn King, Alex Gracia, and Vipress. Hope AEW locks them down.


Wight is a decent commentator 98% of the time and then drops something like that which makes me want to SCREAM.


Loved Dynamite, though! Fantastic main, tons of good to great angles, and Jade.

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SO MANY STABLES! I friggin love it!


That Nightmare Factory angle was amazing. Glad Anthony Ogogo is finally getting involved in the product.


Also loved the Inner Circle/Pinnacle stuff.


I thought Young Bucks were going to swerve everyone and super kick Mox. I hate that they started that heel turn and then basically backtracked. Maybe they'll turn next week?




Trent looks freaking amazing. He clearly was hitting the gym a lot during his post surgery period.

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- Christian vs Kazarian was great. Loved the Darby and Jade promos.

- Cody vs QT was solid. The aftermatch was good. I like that Red Velvet got the rub for saving Cody.

- Mox in a bad mood lol. That was the best Bononi has looked.

- Team Taz is still fine. Pinnacle/Inner Circle backstage brawl was fun. Young Bucks close to breaking point.

- Lucha Bros & Laredo Kid vs Omega & Good Brothers was great.

- Bunny & Nyla vs Conti & Shida was solid for the short time they were given. Surprise result but Conti will get her revenge.

- Arcade Anarchy was my MOTN. Statlander! Sue! Trent! What a way to end the show.

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Something is bugging me and I hope someone has an answer


Did they ever explain why Scorpio Sky left SCU? I have never missed a Dynamite, but there was a time where I wasn't watching Dark. The last time Sky teamed with Daniels or Kaz was a tag title shot back in September and then according to cagematch he was mostly doing singles matches on Dark.


Then his heel turn happened randomly as a guest commentator.


And now he's seemingly back in a tag team, but this time it's with Ethan Page. It's a good pairing, but it's weird he was seemingly going to get a singles run and then boom, back into the tag scene.


I'm hoping I just missed something on Dark to explain why Sky left SCU because I know it never happened on Dynamite. They don't even reference SCU when Sky is on camera.


According to Wikipedia, he's still a member of SCU which doesn't make sense since they're faces. It also claims he didn't turn heel until after his TNT shot against Darby, but he was acting heel before that by being a pompous blowhard on commentary

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Okay so it's not my imagination. All they need to do is have CD and Kaz confront him and then move on. Not acknowledging him splitting is weird as hell.


This isnt the first time something has been dropped without being mentioned. I'm an unabashed AEW fanboy, but it's kind of annoying when they just drop stuff.


At least when they dropped the Nightmare Collective, they came out and said "hey, this isn't working so we're moving on".


Off the top of my head they've also dropped the Young Bucks heel turn because FTR showed up. Like they went from being pricks and super kicking people to back to white meat baby faces without an explanation.

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No, it was never explained, nor was the cancelling of The Bucks heel turn. Sometimes I think this is the problem with not having writers, yeah the talents love working with bullet points for promos and having freedom but lack of continuity and narrative structuring definitely becomes a problem.


I thought the most recent Dynamite was good but I don't think this Kenny Omega story is working. Him and The Good Brothers are amongst my least favourite thing on the show at the moment, one of those angles where they have the wrong kind of heat.

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<p>I've really enjoyed JD Drake on Dark/Elevation, but his performance against Darby was his best one yet. Hopefully it helped win over some naysayers.</p><p> </p><p>

I do really like the Dark and Elevation talent has started appearing more and more on Dynamite. It let's the bigger names work less and gives the younger guys a chance to rub shoulders with established talents.</p>

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<p>Dynamite was super fun as usual lately. I predicted Bucks turning on Mox, but it was still well done.</p><p> </p><p>

I feel for Spears though, Tyson unleased a sweet flurry of punches. Tyson is in amazing shape. </p><p> </p><p>

Super excited for Blood & Guts finally. </p><p> </p><p>

I hope Darby keeps doing the open challenge gimmick and more of the rookies get shots to show how talented they are.</p>

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<p>- Hangman vs Caster was solid. I'm down for some more Death Triangle/Best Friends.</p><p>

- Inner Circle arriving in style. Masterful promo from Jericho dissing the Pinnacle but also putting over MJF. Blood & Guts!</p><p>

- Jurassic Express vs Bear Country was solid. Enjoyed QT's promo.</p><p>

- Sting agreeing with Archer was an interesting development. Taz trying to shore up the cracks in his team. Replacing Cage with Cage is a funny idea.</p><p>

- Drake vs Darby © was great. I wonder if this will lead to a Sting vs Hardy cinematic match...</p><p>

- Tyson fighting automatically made it his most interesting appearance. Dr. Britt > Rankings.</p><p>

- Bunny vs Conti was good. Strong showing from Bunny after barely wrestling for months. Nice Velvet promo.</p><p>

- Omega & Good Brothers vs Young Bucks & Mox was my MOTN. The Bucks finally made a choice. The Callis Masterplan paid off.</p>

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No, it was never explained, nor was the cancelling of The Bucks heel turn. Sometimes I think this is the problem with not having writers, yeah the talents love working with bullet points for promos and having freedom but lack of continuity and narrative structuring definitely becomes a problem.


I thought the most recent Dynamite was good but I don't think this Kenny Omega story is working. Him and The Good Brothers are amongst my least favourite thing on the show at the moment, one of those angles where they have the wrong kind of heat.



I mean bro, I agree not every single thing on Dynamite is explained, but your really going to say if they had writers it would be better while that trainwreck that is WWE's long term booking exists and every single thing is written for talent?


Have you watched any recent WWE programming? they change up things with no explanation at all, end story lines, end talents pushes (is Allister black just dead? anyone know?)


no show is perfect, but give me AEW's continuality over WWE or Impact any day of the week.


Now, NJPW, you've got me there


but yea, it ain't the writers man.

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No, it was never explained, nor was the cancelling of The Bucks heel turn. Sometimes I think this is the problem with not having writers, yeah the talents love working with bullet points for promos and having freedom but lack of continuity and narrative structuring definitely becomes a problem.


I thought the most recent Dynamite was good but I don't think this Kenny Omega story is working. Him and The Good Brothers are amongst my least favourite thing on the show at the moment, one of those angles where they have the wrong kind of heat.



100 disagree on the Kenny storyline. He's doing an amazing job of being a smarmy, hateable heel I'd like to see punched in the face and avoiding the "cool" Heel syndrome currently plaguing wrestling where the Heel is actually the babyface.


Will make his eventual loss to Hangman Page all the more satisfying when he underestimates him for being the only Elite member to not get back on board with Kenny (which is 100% where they are going with this long term, the outcast ex-tag partner and elite member defies and dethrones the God of Wrestling)

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I've really enjoyed JD Drake on Dark/Elevation, but his performance against Darby was his best one yet. Hopefully it helped win over some naysayers.


I do really like the Dark and Elevation talent has started appearing more and more on Dynamite. It let's the bigger names work less and gives the younger guys a chance to rub shoulders with established talents.


I also like that they are incorporating the dark guys, but the problem is now bloat at the top of the card.


In no way, shape or form should Hangman Page, Jungle Boy and Luchasausus, Lance Archer, Miro, and others be only on like every other week.


This is my only fear with AEW, what has made them so good so far is the (relatively) tight storylines and focus on the top of the card and moving guys up slowly worked better with a 2 hour program when they have like 40 workers. I worry long term they will dilute everything with WWE level booking around like 3 shows, ect.


I enjoy being able to watch one very tight and well done show a week, with Dark there for times I want more. I don't want to have to follow 15 hours a week of programing like WWE to keep up with the roster, you know?


I trust them to manage it, but just a concern of mine with the amount of people on Dynamite lately

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I also like that they are incorporating the dark guys, but the problem is now bloat at the top of the card.


In no way, shape or form should Hangman Page, Jungle Boy and Luchasausus, Lance Archer, Miro, and others be only on like every other week.


This is my only fear with AEW, what has made them so good so far is the (relatively) tight storylines and focus on the top of the card and moving guys up slowly worked better with a 2 hour program when they have like 40 workers. I worry long term they will dilute everything with WWE level booking around like 3 shows, ect.


I enjoy being able to watch one very tight and well done show a week, with Dark there for times I want more. I don't want to have to follow 15 hours a week of programing like WWE to keep up with the roster, you know?


I trust them to manage it, but just a concern of mine with the amount of people on Dynamite lately


They pretty much have already said that the reason Dark and Elevation are so long is that Tony Khan wants to give as many guys/girls work as possible. Once they start touring again I imagine Dark and Elevation being 45mins-1 hour featuring mostly their guys, and for the roster to be greatly slimmed down to just the contracted workers.

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AEW has dropped multiple angles though. It's cool they're letting workers have creative freedom, but there needs to be someone to focus it. In the last month there are three faction split up angles going on. MJF and Wardlow leaving Inner Circle and creating The Pinnacle. QT and the Factory trainees leaving the Nightmare Family. and Team Taz is currently going through it too. I love stables, but three stables breaking up around the same time is bush league booking.


There's also the problem with never mentioning shit again. Scorpio left SCU with no kayfabe explanation. The only explanation that Sky has given for any of this is in a non-AEW interview that most people aren't going to read anyway and it's kayfabe. He explains he sided with Ethan because Ethan was promised the star treatment and hasn't gotten that. Yet none of this explanation has been on TV. Again, poor booking.


There was also Shaq disappearing from the ambulance with no follow up. Even on the show it happened the announcers just moved on. Idiotic. They simply never mentioned Shaq again after he disappeared.


I love AEW and they're by far my favorite promotion and I even enjoy them more than peak TNA, but they have so many plot holes on a regular basis that it's not even funny.


There needs to be someone that looks at all the workers' ideas and shoots down stuff that is too similar to other angles going on and stuff that's illogical. Miro's entire storyline with Kip and Best Friends was absolute dog shit. I have been a fan of Miro since day one in NXT, but man, what a horrible storyline. "You broke my clearly fake arcade cabinet GRRRRR"

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Yeah, I agree with Jaysin. I don't necessarily think they need a boardroom full of writers nor should talent be reciting scripts verbatim, but having just one or two whose sole responsibility is handling the stories wouldn't go amiss.


The product for the most part is very fun and diverse, but if there was someone to focus the roster's creativity, they'd be in much better shape I think.

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