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Prior to WCW's closing there had been wrestling on TBS for 30 years. The move makes sense. It keeps AEW on a Turner network that has a rich wrestling history. WarnerMedia is also reportedly paying AEW upwards of $10million(up to just below $100million, exact number not revealed, just that it's eight digits) for the move to TBS.


I think I'd have to revoke my wrestling fan credentials if I didn't know about wrestling's history on TBS. I just found it odd before seeing the insane amount of money that Warner is paying them that Dynamite was getting moved to a network that mostly broadcasts sitcoms major networks passed on and failed Seth MacFarlane cartoons. And I was concerned (because Turner networks do this all the time to shows I like) that they were moving AEW to another network to hurt their ratings and give the network execs an excuse to can their TV deal.


TBS has rights to some MLB Playoff games and also broadcasts NCAA March Madness games. Those are both big and important.

I had honestly forgotten they still did MLB Playoff games. For some reason I was under the impression they only did regular season games these days.

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And I was concerned (because Turner networks do this all the time to shows I like) that they were moving AEW to another network to hurt their ratings and give the network execs an excuse to can their TV deal.


WarnerMedia has done nothing but be supportive of AEW since the AEW launch happened and they actually go out of their way to promote AEW on a regular basis. They have also renewed Dynamite two multiple times with expected increase in payment.


Unless something insane happens, I don't think WarnerMedia is going to do anything to AEW.

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WarnerMedia has done nothing but be supportive of AEW since the AEW launch happened and they actually go out of their way to promote AEW on a regular basis. They have also renewed Dynamite two multiple times with expected increase in payment.


Unless something insane happens, I don't think WarnerMedia is going to do anything to AEW.


Also, they get paid more for the 4 specials a year on TNT. Previously those weren't more money


This is literally a big vote of confidence in them by Warner. If they thought they weren't worth it, they'd just keep them on TNT and be like "Well, enjoy getting preempted multiple times a year so no one can figure out your actually time slot"

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Ren Narita and Rocky Romero are wrestling on Dark Elevation next week. Kojima is on Impact. I wonder if he could be the Joker in the Casino Battle Royale...


I would be really surprised if it wasn't Paul Wight. That being said I love the fact that I have no idea who is going to win it. Christian is probably the most logical option but it will be interesting to see.

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<p>I was thinking about AEW going back on the road and one of the things I'm most looking forward to is how the crowd reacts to Eddie Kingston. Dude is the most consistently entertaining male talent in the world and I really hope the crowds go crazy for him </p><p> </p><p>

I know he and Mox won't beat the lame ass Bucks, but a guy can dream.</p>

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<p>Cody Rhodes said in an interview that the TNT title isn't going to be renamed. Probably for the best I imagine.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, apparently he's as big of an American Dad fan as I am and he's excited to be on the same network. I would love if there was an AEW/American Dad crossover at some point.</p>

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<p>Double or Nothing card:</p><p> </p><p>

* AEW World Championship: Kenny Omega © vs. Orange Cassidy vs. PAC</p><p>

* AEW Women’s World Championship: Hikaru Shida © vs. Dr. Britt Baker, DMD</p><p>

* AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks © vs. Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston</p><p>

* AEW TNT Championship: Miro © vs. Lance Archer</p><p>

* Stadium Stampede: The Inner Circle vs. The Pinnacle</p><p>

* Cody Rhodes vs. Anthony Ogogo</p><p>

* Hangman Adam Page vs. Brian Cage</p><p>

* Sting & Darby Allin vs. Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky</p><p>

* Casino Battle Royale (Mystery Joker entrant)</p><p>

* NWA Women’s Championship: Serena Deeb © vs. Riho (The Buy-In)</p>

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Bucks and Omega are just dorks. They're not believable heels to me. They're the guys that get picked on in high school because they're losers. They're also terrible promos. Callis should really give them promo lessons because anytime they talk they just come across like morons playing a character. Omega especially needs to take lessons. You shouldn't bury your opponents in promos because then when you beat them, they weren't anything. And if you lose to someone you buried in a promo, then it just makes you look bad. This is promo work 101. Foley and Jericho have talked about this numerous times over the year.


I agree. Omega, who I still don't buy as championship stuff, did deliver with the Bucks turning on him. But even that was nothing remarkable. Omega tries to be the new Ric Flair....there's some serious promo-men on the roster to write his lines.

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I dunno if it's just because I'm in a bad mood or that I'm exhausted and stayed up to watch Dynamite, but it wasn't as good as usual for some reason. I thought the weigh in was incredibly dumb and unneeded. Weigh ins in wrestling just make no sense in the slightest. QT, who I genuinely like, then made an idiotic comment about how Anthony is going to win because he weights one pound more than Cody? I get that he's a heel, but that just sounded so dumb.


Wasn't a bad show or anything and I am super excited for Double or Nothing, but the show just felt off for some reason.


Having a full crowd was definitely fun though.


They also messed up and interrupted Mox and Eddie's promo and went to a commercial. Luckily they played it again in it's entirety, but it made AEW look bush league. The promo itself was fantastic as usual from them. The Rod and Todd line nearly had me in tears, but I've also been watching a lot of Simpsons.


Little bummed King jobbed so quickly to Jade. I love Jade and think she has a tremendous upside, but I also think King can be a star too at some point. She's got a good look, decent charisma, good size, and has chemistry with Red Velvet and Swole.


The closing segment was pure money though. I am an unabashed Bischoff fanboy so I will always be okay with him getting mic time and the Inner Circle had a great promo segment. The double pile drivers in Jags stadium looked nasty as hell.


Despite me not enjoying Dynamite as much as I usually do, I am so excited for DoN. AEW ppvs have yet to disappoint me beyond the lackluster finish to Mox/Omega's explosion match.

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<p>I agree the weigh in was pointless. I'm not really anti-Cody, but this angle definitely isn't it. </p><p> </p><p>

I also thought Jake Robert's promo was really confusing. I'm pretty sure Archer is supposed to be the face here, but he didn't do a very good job of getting that across. Doesnt help that Miro seems to be super over.</p>

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You're likely not going to like one particular result from the show then. I agree with you about Ogogo though.


If you're talking about Cody beating him, I'm happy with that result. Ogogo has less than five matches to his name. He looked fantastic despite his greenness, but the right man won.


Cody is one of the most over people on the roster. Wouldn't make much sense for a rookie to beat him.

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If you're talking about Cody beating him, I'm happy with that result. Ogogo has less than five matches to his name. He looked fantastic despite his greenness, but the right man won.


Cody is one of the most over people on the roster. Wouldn't make much sense for a rookie to beat him.


It makes total sense for Ogogo to beat him. They were building him as a monster, a man who's capable of ending a match in one punch, beating Cody would've put Ogogo over huge and possibly made AEW a new star. Instead he's the guy who, despite beating Cody pillar to post for most of the match, couldn't get the job done despite hitting his kill move. Now he looks like a choke artist who folded like a card table in the face of his very first challenge. Yeah they've got something special in Ogogo but instead of pushing him to the moon, they let Rhodes win making all that build up pointless.

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It makes total sense for Ogogo to beat him. They were building him as a monster, a man who's capable of ending a match in one punch, beating Cody would've put Ogogo over huge and possibly made AEW a new star. Instead he's the guy who, despite beating Cody pillar to post for most of the match, couldn't get the job done despite hitting his kill move. Now he looks like a choke artist who folded like a card table in the face of his very first challenge. Yeah they've got something special in Ogogo but instead of pushing him to the moon, they let Rhodes win making all that build up pointless.


Where would Ogogo go if he beat Cody? He is way too green to go into the main event scene. I didn't like the storyline going into the match but Cody definitely should have won.

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Where would Ogogo go if he beat Cody? He is way too green to go into the main event scene. I didn't like the storyline going into the match but Cody definitely should have won.


There's dozens of people he could feud with after defeating Cody, Austin Gunn's brother and father come immediately to mind. Have him continue to be the monster while laying the seeds for a big match sometime down the line, against a person who might be able to take him down. Ogogo's something special and with the right booking he could make big money for AEW. Problem is he didn't get that proper booking, Cody Rhodes was a selfish twat and yanked the legs out from under him the first opportunity he got.

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There's dozens of people he could feud with after defeating Cody, Austin Gunn's brother and father come immediately to mind. Have him continue to be the monster while laying the seeds for a big match sometime down the line, against a person who might be able to take him down. Ogogo's something special and with the right booking he could make big money for AEW. Problem is he didn't get that proper booking, Cody Rhodes was a selfish twat and yanked the legs out from under him the first opportunity he got.


So, you want him to beat Cody, and then go down and feud with the other Gunn brother? Cody is one of the most popular guys on the roster and then you want him to go down to feud with the Gunn Club. Ogogo has potential but he definitely isn't ready. This is Cody's first PPV win in over a year, and Ogogo will be fine.

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No offense, but you don't have a clue what you're talking about. If Ogogo beat Cody, feuding with Colton Gunn would be a massive step backwards. The Gunn Club are not stars.


No one should be beating Cody unless they're moving into a main event slot, and Ogogo is not ready for that yet. I imagine Ogogo will go on a tear, rack up wins and improve, and face Cody again down the line when he's ready to move into the main event.


Having green guys in the main event is how you end up with situations like Nathan Jones or Great Khali

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