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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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I mean once you get to a certain point, you have to unless you want to start giving away a bunch of solo matches from your upper mid card and M/E scene.


WWE gets around this with non-finishes, but AEW does it with multimans. Both can get trying, but I prefer the multiman's more that 15 matches between guys ending in DQs or other silly finishes.


I mean, 3v3s are fine. Thought they would even have a Trios belt by now. But 4v4 and 5v5 is a bit much. Even more because they do it almost every week. If I recall correctly, they even did a 10v10 once. That's just too many bodies in a wrestling ring.

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- SuperKliq vs CHAOS was my MOTN. Trent got his last name back.

- Lambert still a heat magnet. Fun segment. Sammy almost got Dante height on the cutter. Nyla won that promo battle.

- Ford vs Conti submission match was solid for the short time they were given. Nice to see them try out new moves.

- Kingston's Crew vs 3.0 & Acclaimed was solid but rushed. Rare win for Garcia. Caster interrupted twice was funny.

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They were down 20% in the key demo from a year ago. I'm part of a very sizable minority.


He sells a ton of merch and gets one of the biggest crowd responses. Ratings are down everywhere. You're just reaching for things because apparently Page kicked your dog and stole your significant other in a previous life or something.

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He sells a ton of merch and gets one of the biggest crowd responses. Ratings are down everywhere. You're just reaching for things because apparently Page kicked your dog and stole your significant other in a previous life or something.


at least have him do something constructive on tv, danielson carried the fued each week, hangman has been just there, even a squash match on tv would be nice, lets see him be the champ

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That was such a great show.


The main event was incredible! Sting is out of this world. MJF is such a gem.

I don't like Ruby Soho, so I hope the winner of the TBS tournament comes out of the other side of the bracket. I hope it's Jade.

Fun squashes by Malakai and Wardlow. Black is very unique and Wardlow is such a freakin' star.

Pretty good opener too. I just wish Orange Cassidy wasn't wrestling so much but I guess that's not gonna change. Great debut by KOR and Cole being between the two tags is some good storytelling.


On the Hangman vs Bryan match, the judges are a cool stipulation. I remember they did that once. But I sure wish they don't go the full hour again. I need a finish dammit!

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- Cole vs OC was great. Perfect spot for Kyle to debut. He's already shifted the dynamic in the SuperKliq.

- Good job keeping the Hangman/Danielson feud hot.

- More Wardlow turn teasing. Nice to see Dean on Dynamite even if it was a squash.

- Lambert's good but he'd be better if he kept his promos shorter. Please let Hayter turn on DMD soon.

- Nice tribute to Owen Hart.

- Nyla vs Ruby was good. The Jacket went into business for itself lol. Deeb fired up.

- Griff vs Black was solid.

- Pinnacle vs Sting, Darby & Punk was my MOTN. The facepaint choices were cool.

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They were down 20% in the key demo from a year ago. I'm part of a very sizable minority.


are we.....are we really going to pretend that the Champion is what drives ratings gain or loss? in 2021?


I guess every champion in WWE should be stripped of their belts then, since there ratings are down as well.


The ratings were falling well before Hangman by the way, so was that because people didn't like the idea of hangman being champ in the future in your mind or.....?

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Cody Rhodes winning the TNT title to continue trolling and working a section of the fanbase is killing me.


Also, Hook has had two matches and he's already one of the most over people on the roster.


Sammy wasn't doing anything with it. It makes perfect sense to me to move it onto an actually live storyline to put it back in a prime TV spot.


Hook is riding the Punk rub, and the high from exceeding meme expectations. To me, he's still a meme, but maybe one with upside down the road. Which before I saw absolutely nothing in, so good for him.


What he's doing in this Cody angle though I find highly odd unless its to be the fulcrum to turn Cody. But who knows what they're doing anymore.

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- Jungle Boy vs Zay was great. Isiah made the most of a rare singles match.

- Give me Ricky/Dante. Miro about to level up. Production botch with his promo on FITE.

- Bronson vs Hook was good. Hook is a total babyface lol.

- Hirsch vs Statlander was great. No entrances... boo!

- Cody vs Sammy © was my MOTN. Sammy using Cody's moves was fun. I was hoping Cody would win but didn't think it would happen. Keith Lee for next Champion.

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They had Sammy G break Miro's singles undefeated streak. Had a short feud with Ethan Page as part of a larger, more important story to build a PPV 5v5. Had two segments building a match with Scorpio Sky that never happened. Did an open challenge where he faced two previously unsigned wrestlers who have done absolutely nothing since losing to him. Then he got definitively beat by Cody who kicked out his finish. What a raw deal, lol.
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- Jurassic Express, Christian & Lucha Bros vs FTR & HFO was good.

- 3Point0 vs Kingston & PnP was solid. Eddie the cannibal. Nice to see 3Point0 being treated like a threat.

- MJF would make a good politician. Sterling lol. Lambert & Brandi mic battle was fun. The Transformer and Heyman lines were funny. Cringed at the Cornette namedrop.

- Jade vs WolveRosa was solid. I was impressed by Jade's selling. At least Rosa didn't lose clean. Mercedes!

- Good Punk & Pillman promos. Shida vs Deeb... Best of 7? Nice to see lots of promos and multiple feuds for the women.

- ReDragon & Cole vs Best Friends was my MOTN. Already building up a Bucks/ReDragon rivalry.

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I am so hyped for Mercedes. Such a great pick up and hopefully she is able to thrive. She's such a talented worker.


Good pickup indeed. The women's division has a lot of veterans now.


It's crazy to think that Toni Storm, Mia Yim, Athena, Taya Valkyrie and Nixon Newell could possibly join AEW next year. Might be a long shot but maybe Kairi Hojo if she returns to wrestling.

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Seems like the roster is split over the issue, depending on how they've been treated and how much they care about diversity.


Swole was interviewed about her experiences in AEW and was entitled to her opinion. TK should have discussed it with her instead of taking a cheap shot that made him look like an ass.


I doubt it will happen (because casuals probably won't know what happened) but it would be interesting if next week's important shows took a hit in the metrics Tony is so fond of lauding. He'd only have himself to blame.

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