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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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It's been a slowburn story arc for quite awhile. One of the better long term bookings in awhile.


It's been one of the worst actually. Swerved themselves into the turn being far less interesting than it could have been. My main issue with pulling the trigger here is that Jungle Boy doesn't seem anymore ready to enter the main event scene than he was this time last year, and that was the whole point of this.


If anything, it's shown he's much more comfortable doing his tag-team matches with Luchasauras. Which I think is where he belongs. He's still in his mid-20s the time will come when this roster gets very long in the tooth and you can pull the trigger then.


See this ending poorly with Jungle Boy cutting some Jumpin Jeff Farmer level promos, and them having a very good match with no heat in the mid-card.

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]It's been one of the worst actually.[/b] Swerved themselves into the turn being far less interesting than it could have been. My main issue with pulling the trigger here is that Jungle Boy doesn't seem anymore ready to enter the main event scene than he was this time last year, and that was the whole point of this.


If anything, it's shown he's much more comfortable doing his tag-team matches with Luchasauras. Which I think is where he belongs. He's still in his mid-20s the time will come when this roster gets very long in the tooth and you can pull the trigger then.


See this ending poorly with Jungle Boy cutting some Jumpin Jeff Farmer level promos, and them having a very good match with no heat in the mid-card.


It wasn't even a swerve in the slightest if you pay attention to the shows and interviews. This has been brewing awhile with subtle little things here and there.


If you don't like it, cool, good for you, but for you to tell me my opinion is wrong? Ridiculous

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Honestly, as soon as Christian started partnering with Jurassic Express, I think most fans were waiting for the "sudden but inevitable betrayal". Similar to how, when he debuted with MJF, there was little doubt the end goal was for him to go Batista on his employer.
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I mean, has there ever been a partner Christian hasn't betrayed because they failed him or just out of pure jealousy? In fact I swear I remember a promo in TNA during his feud with Rhino where he got compared to the Scorpion and the Frog. Turning on people is in his nature.


I think Lance Storm said the same thing about how he was the only partner Christian never turned on.

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I wish Taz and Excalibur commentated every show together with a rotating third /fourth announcers where appropriate.


Taz and Excalibur have a ton of chemistry together.


Ricky Starks is always a fun third.


Yeah, I like Taz & Excalibur, too... Good ol' JR can do no harm...i think, maybe, they could have a different talent every week as the co-host come out and do some commentary. It would keep people from being left off the card. And you might find some talent/chemistry between them, furthering their career.

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- Mox vs Dante was good. Trout slapper lol.

- Swerve grovelling so Lee doesn't beat his ass. Assclaimed are over. Always a surprise when Hook talks.

- Willow vs Cargill © was good. Simp Stoke lol. Post-match setup was fine.

- Fish vs Darby was my MOTN. Stang!

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It wasn't even a swerve in the slightest if you pay attention to the shows and interviews. This has been brewing awhile with subtle little things here and there.


If you don't like it, cool, good for you, but for you to tell me my opinion is wrong? Ridiculous


They were put together to split up, built it for a year, and set it up to do it at Revolution. For some reason they aborted it and that put the tag division on tire spin for 3 months plus. The triple threat matches have been fine, but they have the exact same layouts and you could tell they were trying to do the thing where they get you to think Christian was going to turn and then didn'tm in every Jurassic Express match since. It kinda took the sting out of it.


If they just did it when they were supposed to, reDRagon is hotter The Hardy's and YB match at DoN is for the title, etc. Ruined the flow.

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You know, I noticed something this week- most, if not all, of Jade's televised matches since winning the TBS championship have been on Rampage. I thought that was odd since, you know, Rampage isn't on TBS, Dynamite is. And then I thought, "Well, maybe that's because it's pre-taped, and that gives them a day or two to fix things up in editing in case someone screws up...."
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You know, I noticed something this week- most, if not all, of Jade's televised matches since winning the TBS championship have been on Rampage. I thought that was odd since, you know, Rampage isn't on TBS, Dynamite is. And then I thought, "Well, maybe that's because it's pre-taped, and that gives them a day or two to fix things up in editing in case someone screws up...."


Honestly, it's probably a mix of that and being able to present her as a big draw for Rampage.

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Honestly, it's probably a mix of that and being able to present her as a big draw for Rampage.


It's because Rampage doesn't pull viewers so no one can see how much she sucks on a regular basis. Hopefully, they sign Sasha, come up with a new character for her, and let her slap Jade back to Dark where she belongs.

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It's because Rampage doesn't pull viewers so no one can see how much she sucks on a regular basis. Hopefully, they sign Sasha, come up with a new character for her, and let her slap Jade back to Dark where she belongs.


and then Sasha will botch five million times and complain about losing. :rolleyes:

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Dynamite this week was a slightly familiar tale of wrestlers outperforming shoddy creative and making it work.


- Ortiz vs. Jericho: This was pretty good! It was a heated, slightly old school professional wrestling match that went back and forth and had the crowd following along for all of it. We can be critical of how long this story has been going on but if you get a guy like Ortiz in there and he has a good showing against a veteran like Jericho, there's no complaints. This story has legs and this was one of the better AEW matches I've seen recently. ***3/4


- I suppose it's only right that Guevara be put back with Jericho but it's a bit of a shame that AEW cannot seem to get the original Inner Circle crew away from Jericho's stratosphere.


- Wardlow vs. the Plaintiffs: This died really quickly didn't it? First, Dasha says that 4 of them were eliminated by being knocked off the apron and even the commentators seemed confused since it had been promoted as pinfall and submission only. This sucked. Thankfully it was short. If they want to kill Wardlow they're absolutely going the right way about it. DUD


- Ospreay vs. Dax the Ax: There was some good action here, even with the lull in the middle of the match, they picked it back up and we got some drama towards the end. If you like big moves, near falls but no story and no selling, you might like this one. I can see why people dig Ospreay and throw the stars at him but this sort of match isn't my bag and never really has been. ***1/4


- Miro vs. All Ego: Ethan Page is odd in that the upside is there but I don't think he's put it together in AEW so far. I think he's a WWE talent just waiting to be signed. It was always obvious The Redeemer was winning here. Practically no drama and it being heel vs. heel meant that the live crowd didn't know who to root for. **


- Toni Storm vs. Britt Baker: I felt like Toni gave this socks and tried her best but getting a good match out of Britt Baker at the moment is like milking blood from a stone. It's so weird how the commentators put the DMD over so strong yet she never wins without interference, it's a presentation that seems to be put together by somebody who knows nothing about wrestling. It's time for the Jamie Hayter turn, do it ASAP and give the DMD a new coat of paint. *1/4


- Jurassic Express vs. Young Bucks: This was an entertaining plunder brawl ladder match but I feel like these talents didn't need the smoke and mirrors to wrestle a good match. I don't know why it was a ladder match either. Christian turning is at least a story but The Young Bucks have gone from losing on PPV to The Hardyz to being tag champs within like 2 and a half weeks. The rankings don't matter and I guess they shouldn't get in the way of creative but what's the point having a story device if you continually insist on not using it? This hasn't been built up over a number of weeks, I would rather they put these belts on Hobbs & Starks at Double or Nothing as it just felt like their time. ***1/4

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In Jade's defence, they started turning her into a babyface because she went on a good run for several weeks and had good matches. The first one against Anna Jay was very good. The one against Julia Hart was decent. I liked the Tay Conti match on PPV. She was looking every bit like the star they presented her as. She was getting more positive crowd reactions and it felt like she had turned a corner and put it together. Then they put The Baddies on her, effectively making her a heel women's wrestler with two lackies who help her out. Does that sound familiar to anybody?
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In Jade's defence, they started turning her into a babyface because she went on a good run for several weeks and had good matches. The first one against Anna Jay was very good. The one against Julia Hart was decent. I liked the Tay Conti match on PPV. She was looking every bit like the star they presented her as. She was getting more positive crowd reactions and it felt like she had turned a corner and put it together. Then they put The Baddies on her, effectively making her a heel women's wrestler with two lackies who help her out. Does that sound familiar to anybody?


Uh... what? She was pretty much always a heel. Before the Baddies, she had Smart Mark Sterling distracting people and would constantly run down her opponents (I think; she once called Anna Jay "Anna Banana" which is maybe an insult a 5-year old would use), and insult whatever town they were in.

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Full Takeshita vs Speedball match that was a banger:


TJPW Summer Sun on July 9 will include Thunder Rosa vs Miyu Yamashita and Willow Nightingale vs Miu Watanabe.


Thanks for the link, that was a fun match. First Speedball match I've actually seen after hearing his name for the last couple of years, I was very impressed. Have seen some of Takeshita's matches for a while, he's always fun to watch and looks like he could be huge in the future.

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Uh... what? She was pretty much always a heel. Before the Baddies, she had Smart Mark Sterling distracting people and would constantly run down her opponents (I think; she once called Anna Jay "Anna Banana" which is maybe an insult a 5-year old would use), and insult whatever town they were in.

She won the TBS title clean in front of her daughter in the crowd and celebrated with her afterwards. It felt pretty babyface. That, and, I always thought the Smart Mark thing was him trying to impress her and not them being in cahoots. He's a klutz and she didn't need him but he was always trying to prove his value. I don't know, we're trying to make sense out of AEW's storylines and this feels like an exercise in futility.

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She won the TBS title clean in front of her daughter in the crowd and celebrated with her afterwards. It felt pretty babyface. That, and, I always thought the Smart Mark thing was him trying to impress her and not them being in cahoots. He's a klutz and she didn't need him but he was always trying to prove his value. I don't know, we're trying to make sense out of AEW's storylines and this feels like an exercise in futility.


I'd consider that a one-off, like MJF in Long Island.

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