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20 hours ago, Makhai said:

At the time, Dinner Debonair was lapped up by all of you. And the feud was a net win for MJF, who went over in the end. MJF became a star off this. His ratings draw starts here. 


And I want to make clear that I would ask Jericho where his wife was on Jan. 6th to his face. I hate the fact you are putting me in a position to defend him. 

I totally disagree I think that could’ve ruined MJF. Luckily he is a once in a lifetime talent and that feud with Punk was legendary.

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4 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Jade Cargill wrestles an average of two matches a month. PAC wrestled two matches in less than a hour.

And he totally killed it! Could've done without 2 (basically) identical finishes though. Don't get me started on Jade. I thought Willow might actually get the win. As much as I respect Vicky, I could go the rest of my life without hearing "Excuse me!!" in the voice of a shrieking monkey again.

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On Chris Jericho, Orange Cassidy beat him twice and within the proceeding three months he had lost to Brodie Lee, drawn with Cody, lost to Cody, and lost to MJF. Any benefit he may have gotten from the Jericho rub was immediately squandered.

Kingston beat Jericho and rather than being given a World title shot, he earned the dubious honour of continuing to feud with Jericho. When it finally ended, the follow up was Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti.

Ortiz worked a sublime Hair match with Chris and was then told to just run down the ramp for a good month before he was drafted in to a pre-show storyline. Isiah Kassidy had a very fine outing versus Jericho and was sent straight back to Dark. If I talk about the American Top Team storyline I may have to start using all caps. The booking lacks foresight and they don't capitalise on many of the gains their talents could potentially be making by working with one of their top stars.

Edited by Mootinie
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Hager was "over" the moment he joined Hager (comparatively - look back at the roster then, and there was plenty of promise, but Hager was still more well known to most people outside 7 or 8 workers). That was not because he was remembered as a WWE jobber - his gold belts in WWE played it part.

Did he ever get more over? Slightly, but couldn't sustain it and was leapfrogged by many other workers.. Like his WWE career...

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Jericho helped Sammy by virtue of securing him a huge amount of screen time in the last 3 years he wouldn't have had on his own. He was elevated from a random indie flippy guy into a known name. Of course things went downhill  for Sammy during the TNT booking fiasco and he now gets an undeserved amount of hatred from fans.

Hager hit his peak with Claudio in WWE and was brought in as a heater for Inner Circle, but not the Wardlow/Hayter type deserving of a big solo push. He didn't get more over and doesn't need to be in that role.

Santana & Ortiz were big on the indies and TNA but became bigger names after joining Jericho. They stood out in the group because of their ability. Sadly, TK never rewarded them with even a short tag title run like Lucha Bros got.

Edited by milamber
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- LFI vs BCC was good.
- Nese & Woods don't need to be on TV so much unlike The Acclaimed.
- TayJay AS vs Rayne & Blue was solid.
- Dark Order vs Death Triangle (c) was good. Will the Lucha Bros be OK with PAC cheating?

- Trent vs PAC (c) was my MOTN. Angry Orange!
- Willow vs Jade (c) was good. Nyla's next.
- ShidaStorm reunited.
- Gates of Agony vs FTR (c) was good. Gunn Club lol. Brawl!

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12 hours ago, milamber said:

Jericho helped Sammy by virtue of securing him a huge amount of screen time in the last 3 years he wouldn't have had on his own. He was elevated from a random indie flippy guy into a known name. Of course things went downhill  for Sammy during the TNT booking fiasco and he now gets an undeserved amount of hatred from fans.

I honestly can't think of anyone who has earned more justifiable backstage heat relative to card position in his career than this guy. Everyone says the exact same thing about him, it's been 5 years of hearing this. And Andrade was just a textbook example. 

He should not be in that company after the Andrade thing. Knowing the PR, and the state of the company after the Punk-EVP scandal. Just going to get worse to keep a mid-card flippy guy that you have 100 of on Dark right now. 

Edited by Makhai
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1 hour ago, Makhai said:

I honestly can't think of anyone who has earned more justifiable backstage heat relative to card position in his career than this guy. Everyone says the exact same thing about him, it's been 5 years of hearing this. And Andrade was just a textbook example. 

He should not be in that company after the Andrade thing. Knowing the PR, and the state of the company after the Punk-EVP scandal. Just going to get worse to keep a mid-card flippy guy that you have 100 of on Dark right now. 


Sammy started getting hate because stupid fans thought he cheated on Pam with Tay. Then being miscast as a tweener in TNT feud with Sky after Cody left and TK thought that would work. He got even more hate when he and Tay started coming out together and kissing. Some people can't separate the performer from the character.

He needs to learn when to keep quiet sometimes but Andrade dragged his name through the mud in an interview (despite after all the meetings about leaks and improving backstage harmony) and then punched Sammy first chance he got because he wants to leave.

Edited by milamber
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11 minutes ago, The Swanton825 said:

I feel like Battle of the Belts would be a better name for a show for champion vs champion matchups but they'd probably need to have other promotions belts on the line and I imagine Impact is only willing to have their championship change hands on AEW TV so many times.

They only need to bring in some more titles and can have a Gran Prix like CMLL, nothing shows how much all your titles are worth than a tournament of almost all of your champions.

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14 minutes ago, The Swanton825 said:

I feel like Battle of the Belts would be a better name for a show for champion vs champion matchups but they'd probably need to have other promotions belts on the line and I imagine Impact is only willing to have their championship change hands on AEW TV so many times.

Nothing devalues champions, like having a bunch of useless titles so you can fill out an event on your calendar. One of the refreshing things about this company was that there were like 3 belts, and they all meant something. 

Now there are 40, and I don't care about any of them. 

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11 minutes ago, Makhai said:

Nothing devalues champions, like having a bunch of useless titles so you can fill out an event on your calendar. One of the refreshing things about this company was that there were like 3 belts, and they all meant something. 

Now there are 40, and I don't care about any of them. 

Really? Because I always saw them as the World title as the I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Bullet-Club and also Jericho belt, the TNT title as the Cody Rhodes belt and the Tag titles as the afterthought belts. Everyone always talked about how much they "meant something" the same way they talk about "long term booking" but honestly even the NWA World Heavyweight circa Adam Pearce and the Impact World title immediately after Victory Road 11 still had more prestige than any AEW belt has ever had. Seriously, who has held the AEW World title and could conceivably hold any other main event title right now? A Chris Jericho ten years past his sell-by date? A banged-up, unmotivated Kenny Omega who just wants to go back to Japan but is stuck in this venture because he couldn't tell his friends no? The millennial anxiety cowboy? No, no and no. That leaves us with Moxley when he cares enough to tell a story and not just do his Atsushi Onita impression and a healthy CM Punk, a being so rare and mythical that Mountain Monsters is filming a special episode in search of him.

Oh and I guess the Women's title has been there since the start too, but it's hard to tell with how rarely it's on TV. Something, something, ratings drop. Something, something, other excuses lazy bookers always use.

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2 minutes ago, The Swanton825 said:

Really? Because I always saw them as the World title as the I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Bullet-Club and also Jericho belt, the TNT title as the Cody Rhodes belt and the Tag titles as the afterthought belts. Everyone always talked about how much they "meant something" the same way they talk about "long term booking" but honestly even the NWA World Heavyweight circa Adam Pearce and the Impact World title immediately after Victory Road 11 still had more prestige than any AEW belt has ever had. Seriously, who has held the AEW World title and could conceivably hold any other main event title right now? A Chris Jericho ten years past his sell-by date? A banged-up, unmotivated Kenny Omega who just wants to go back to Japan but is stuck in this venture because he couldn't tell his friends no? The millennial anxiety cowboy? No, no and no. That leaves us with Moxley when he cares enough to tell a story and not just do his Atsushi Onita impression and a healthy CM Punk, a being so rare and mythical that Mountain Monsters is filming a special episode in search of him.

Oh and I guess the Women's title has been there since the start too, but it's hard to tell with how rarely it's on TV. Something, something, ratings drop. Something, something, other excuses lazy bookers always use.

The Women's belt was the second biggest in the company until the TBS was minted and the deathmarch began. 

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1 hour ago, Makhai said:

The Women's belt was the second biggest in the company until the TBS was minted and the deathmarch began. 

Oh yeah, Riho and Nyla Rose were just setting the world alight with a white hot feud everyone loved when that belt was established. And don't even get me started about the nonstop thrills from when Shida dropped the belt to the woman who thinks being a dentist is a personality. Half the actually talented women had to choose between being stuck in Japan or the US during the pandemic while the other half had to spend all their time making Britt Baker and Brandi Rhodes look good.

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16 hours ago, The Swanton825 said:

Oh yeah, Riho and Nyla Rose were just setting the world alight with a white hot feud everyone loved when that belt was established. And don't even get me started about the nonstop thrills from when Shida dropped the belt to the woman who thinks being a dentist is a personality. Half the actually talented women had to choose between being stuck in Japan or the US during the pandemic while the other half had to spend all their time making Britt Baker and Brandi Rhodes look good.

At least lean into it "Britt Yankem, DDS" - I have enjoyed what I have seen of Britt, but you're right - what exactly is the gimmick?

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On 10/9/2022 at 8:13 PM, The Swanton825 said:

Oh yeah, Riho and Nyla Rose were just setting the world alight with a white hot feud everyone loved when that belt was established. And don't even get me started about the nonstop thrills from when Shida dropped the belt to the woman who thinks being a dentist is a personality. Half the actually talented women had to choose between being stuck in Japan or the US during the pandemic while the other half had to spend all their time making Britt Baker and Brandi Rhodes look good.

I'll give you Britt, but I think the bit about Brandi is unfair. The only big TV feud she had that time was with Anna Jay, who she put over.

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3 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

I'll give you Britt, but I think the bit about Brandi is unfair. The only big TV feud she had that time was with Anna Jay, who she put over.

I'll give you that. Though personally I'm of the belief that the disaster that was The Nightmare Collective was meant to get her over as a top heel and the angle flopping was the only thing that spared us of that. I'm also more than a little bitter that they brought Awesome Kong in just to be her enforcer. Even if she wasn't the same worker she was before, she still would've been a solid gatekeeper monster heel ala Kane.

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1 hour ago, milamber said:




I was expecting this when her Oral Sessions podcast numbers fell off a cliff. But then she got the Bengals gig made me think she was gonna stick it out for a while longer. Seems like the end for Tony and JR though. We'll see. 

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1 hour ago, Makhai said:



I was expecting this when her Oral Sessions podcast numbers fell off a cliff. But then she got the Bengals gig made me think she was gonna stick it out for a while longer. Seems like the end for Tony and JR though. We'll see. 

I always felt like she was a great interviewer but not necessarily the best announcer. I wonder how she would be at the table though, especially with Mox as the champ.

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I thought her and Corey Graves worked very well together, so well that I could pretend Michael Cole wasn't there trying to ruin everything with how bad he is.

As for the show tonight, I thought the ROH match was great up until the finish. It absolutely did not land because they just ran something similar with Hayter and Baker.

The MJF, Mox, and Hangman promos were solid.

Pac vs, Cassidy was terrific.

The opener was good, again, until the finish. What's the end game here? Aside from dragging things out until Full Gear?

I'm not sure who's supposed to be the heel with the TBS feud. The announcers were clearly denouncing Nyla, but her promo was almost one hundred percent cocky cool babyface.

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