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Turned on dynamite for a few minutes and caught a piece of Taya v Britt. Taya looks like she’s wrestling in slow motion. She has a great look but she needs to change up her style if she is unable to move as fast as she used too. I only watched for five minutes cause when Taya kicked out of the Canadian Destroyer I turned the show off.

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4 hours ago, Jaysin said:

AEW updated the roster page and Santana and Ortiz have profiles referencing Proud and Powerful. Seems they could be returning together. Hopefully they mended whatever fences needed mended. It's always sad when friendships end. 

At the very least, I'd hope they'd patch things up enough for one AEW tag title run. It is a CRIME that Austin and Colten Gunn have been champs, but Santana and Ortiz have not.

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I was not expecting much from the card and tonight was just not good. All In is in a month and they are using Dynamite to turn AR Fox?

Well, at least Collision is gonna be a good time.

As a matter of fact, I don't think All In was mentioned once. I saw a graphic about Grand Slam but I don't recall any mentions of All In. As the second biggest show in history, you'd think everyone would be trying to get a spot in the show somehow.

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10 hours ago, aXminster said:

As a matter of fact, I don't think All In was mentioned once. I saw a graphic about Grand Slam but I don't recall any mentions of All In. As the second biggest show in history, you'd think everyone would be trying to get a spot in the show somehow.

Who knows what's going on with that show. I just checked and it's not showing up on FITE but there's been no announcement of it airing on any other PPV carrier. ITV in the UK have not yet announced they are carrying it either. Dynamite airs on ITV4, I don't think All In will be on that channel. That would be like WrestleMania airing on FS1, it's a bit hidden away for such a major event. But if it's going to be on ITV1, I would have expected an announcement by now. Surely they would want their brand all over the promotional material if they were airing it.

If it was being bundled with All Out on PPV, one would assume that package would be available to buy now. But it's not. You can buy All Out! So, I can only conclude that All In just won't be on PPV and will likely air live on TBS or TNT in the US. Or will it? I feel like we should know, it's odd considering we are only a month out.

Edit: Not to mention there's been no main event announcement. Blood & Guts was the perfect time to announce this as that's when you will have the most eyeballs on your product.

Edited by Mootinie
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I agree with you that its very strange that there is no main event announcement and we don't even know what medium it will be on. I also agree that it will almost certainly be on television but even at that its a huge show you're not going to be advertising it? It makes me concerned it might just be a throw away show ala Battle of the Belts or something of that nature. 

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I have friends living in the UK that are posting pictures of busses with All In advertisements all over them and billboards. Not exactly sure where they are as we are just social media friends. 

I like the idea of turning AR Fox heel personally though. 

May be an image of 7 people and text that says 'Book The Womens Division Better'

Edited by Jaysin
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1 hour ago, Jaysin said:

I like the idea of turning AR Fox heel personally though. 

I do like AR Fox. His moveset is pretty unique. But to put it in TEW terms, he's Recognisable at best. Meanwhile The Elite, who won last week's Blood and Guts, were nowhere to be seen.

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2 hours ago, aXminster said:

I do like AR Fox. His moveset is pretty unique. But to put it in TEW terms, he's Recognisable at best. Meanwhile The Elite, who won last week's Blood and Guts, were nowhere to be seen.

Why would they be on the show after a hellacious B&G match? Did you see the state of Kenny's back? A pre-taped promo maybe. It's the lost art of selling. Of course BCG are straight back because they aren't  wussy amateurs.

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- Cassidy (c) vs Fox was very good. I liked Darby hyping up Fox. His post-match attack was interesting. Wasn't expecting Mox's attack either.
- Don stirring the pot. I BEAT HOOK. EC-Dub!
- PAC vs Gravity was solid.
- Good promos from MJF & FTR.
- Swerve vs Darby was my MOTN. I like the Fox & Swerve pairing.
- JAS is past its expiry date.
- DMD vs Taya was OK aside from the botch. Homegrown/Outcasts storyline has completely stalled. "Book the women's division better" sign on point.
- Best Friends vs Lucha Bros vs BCC was solid but it should have been tornado tag rules.

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Yeah, there's no real excuse when you consider the talent the division has and what they are doing with them. Willow wins The Owen, has she been on TV since? By the time they decide to do something with her, we will have forgotten she even won that trophy. Statlander isn't doing anything but wrestling random matches. No stories, no promos, no real direction. They never follow up on everything, they never develop any sort of character building consistency with anybody. Why not have Statlander lose the belt to Sakura and then do a chase angle where Kris has to fight back to win it? Emi is overdue something and she's got the grizzled veteran energy to take advantage of Statlander's knees. Okay, you have to cut off Statlander a little but it's a story, it's something that fans might actually invest in over this turgid open challenge business.

Willow should be the #1 babyface of the division right now, she should be gunning for the belt and we should have an Outcasts promo on every show about Willow. Follow up and do it now. But they won't. She's lost to Athena and she's probably gonna take three months off now or whatever the heck. We'll probably have to sit through another awful Britt vs. Toni match like nobody in AEW has noticed that Britt can't work a match if she doesn't blade or fall in thumbtacks, let alone that she has no chemistry with Toni and these two just cannot have a good match together.

Skye Blue was given a hot minute earlier in the year but they haven't followed up on her losing to Toni and what that means to Skye as a character. She wrestled, she lost and that's it. Nobody is on TV consistently, nobody is given segments to help build them up or define who they are. Has Anna Jay been seen since she lost to Julia? What's going on with Julia? What was the point of the matches they ran between them and what do they mean?

They tell you that nothing matters. Taya did nothing to earn a shot at Statlander, she did nothing to earn a shot at Toni. Fans sit on their hands during these matches because none of it means anything. When wrestlers lose three in a row and get a random title shot because "open challenge", you're telling us that the three matches you ran before were pointless. Lady Frost fought for the TBS title recently and I don't think I have ever seen her win a match. I didn't even watch it, I knew she was losing because she's clearly marked as a talent they won't invest in. Marina Shafir is the same, she's on the canvas more than Rembrandt. Vert Vixen lost a TBS title eliminator to Jade Cargill and then AEW brought her back a few months later and gave her a TBS title shot. 

I've read TEW diaries that are better booked than this by people whose saves are just a little hobby outside of their jobs and their families. Who barely have any time at all to book a wrestling promotion but still wind up putting together something that is tight, entertaining and enthralling. How is it that the people whose full time job is writing a wrestling show manage to make it so bad all of the time? They have no excuses, this is their entire livelihood. It should be multitudes better than it is.

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Nyla vs Shida was good. Looking forward to Toni vs Shida on Dynamite. There's no substitute for storytelling but putting your best workers in the ring together at least guarantees some quality matches.

Randomly booking Kiera vs Martinez on Collision reminds me of TK's hyping up ROH on AEW to get a TV deal phase. I assume the winner will face Statlander for the TBS title next week.

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Good show tonight. The ladder match was my MOTN, great work by both guys and Julia.

FTR retaining was the right call, and damn I was glued to the screen until the very last second waiting for someone to attack lol wish they had given more than 20 minutes to the main event.

Fun trios match + Jay White in a cartboard lmao. I'm loving BC Gold!

When Punk was talking about being the world champ, I wish MJF would've come out to say anything. Someone else is claiming to be the world champion and the real world champion is backstage and there's no response? It's not like he wasn't in the building.

Dynamite's card next week doesn't excite me. Might just skip and get the results later.

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27 minutes ago, aXminster said:

Good show tonight. The ladder match was my MOTN, great work by both guys and Julia.

FTR retaining was the right call, and damn I was glued to the screen until the very last second waiting for someone to attack lol wish they had given more than 20 minutes to the main event.

Fun trios match + Jay White in a cartboard lmao. I'm loving BC Gold!

When Punk was talking about being the world champ, I wish MJF would've come out to say anything. Someone else is claiming to be the world champion and the real world champion is backstage and there's no response? It's not like he wasn't in the building.

Dynamite's card next week doesn't excite me. Might just skip and get the results later.

MJF was too focused on the Tag Title Match

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- Buddy vs Andrade ladder match was great. Nice to see Julia get in on the action.
- Miro fighting QTV is better than no feud I suppose.
- Darby vs Suzuki was good.
- Strong promo from Toni.
- Joe vs Gravity was a fun squash.
- Entertaining segment. Steamboat! Looks like winner of Punk vs Ricky will face MJF at Wembley.
- Vikingo, Darius & Andrett vs BCG was solid. Cardboard cutout Jay lol.
- Kiera vs Martinez was solid. Random ROH match. At least it set up a Stat title defense.
- MJF & Cole vs FTR (c) was my MOTN. I wanted another 10 minutes. I'm glad MJF didn't turn.


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Hoping that Adam Cole is the one that turns heel and reunites with Roddy and KOR. Not saying I want it to happen anytime soon, just down the line. MJF as a babyface has a ton of potential. MJF turning heel is just too safe and predictable. Sure, he can generate heat as a heel with cheap jabs at local crowds(OH THE HUMANITY!), but he seems genuinely likable and relatable right now and I'm enjoying it a lot. 

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