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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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- Suzuki vs Kingston (c) was solid.
- Mox forced to take a break. Christian live from the control center. WBD stands for Warner Bros Daddy.
- Danielson vs Swerve was my MOTN. Swerve is on a hot streak despite the loss.
- Jericho vs Hobbs was a solid squash.
- Humble abode. Rick Strong the Giraffe. TV is the Devil...
- OC vs Fenix (c) was a good sprint. Fenix must be legit banged up.
- SILENT CINEMA. Shame there wasn't time on this extra long show for a Toni squash match...
- Wardlow needs a proper feud. Squash matches is retreading old ground.
- Hangman vs Jay was great. Gang Gang Bang on trikes lol. MJF's promos are better when he has someone to bounce off instead of crowd pandering.
- Shida vs Saraya (c) was good. It helped that they got more than 10 minutes. Watch out for the shoe. Shida the first 3-time female Champion! I hope she faces Emi, Ruby, Veny & Mone.
- Don with cue cards loophole. Caster trying to be Max's new best friend lol.
- Luchasaurus vs Copeland was good. Pre-match promo was entertaining. Brawl!

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AEW Dynamite did really poorly in the ratings again this week. 609,000 probably is the worst rating they've done in recent memory. And the company did everything (except book MJF in action) to get people tuned in.

NXT beat them by over %50 this week.

While I'm critical of AEW, I've always been cheering for them to succeed. I'm worried about their viability at this point.

The live attendance numbers and ratings the last couple months have been pretty poor even if the in-ring action has been solid.

Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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AEW is going nowhere. They started recouping the Fight Forever investment. Probably made as much money from the last 3 PPVs as they did all last year. The next TV deal will be huge.

TV attendance figures are sliding but that can be fixed with better marketing and lower ticket prices. I don't think TK will bother unless it gets worse.

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Little late to the party here, I went to Wrestledream last week with my partner (she has never watched wrestling before). Thought I'd share some quick notes:

- I thought Julia and Statlander crushed it. I wish that TK put more women on the card as it was the first moment that my partner actually engaged and connected with the show (she found the preshow weak - her comment was that you could tell they were newer wrestlers 'learning the craft'. I didn't have the heart to explain to her that preshow content is just lighthearted in comparison and that the first name she saw wrestle (Kojima) has been actively wrestling longer than she's been alive.)

- Swerve versus Hangman was by far the most invested the crowd was. While Swerve was the runaway babyface, I'd argue Hangman was more over as he received more chants (even though they were negative) and actually started winning the Seattle crowd over as a face in the second half of the match.

- Being in attendance for ZSJ vs Danielson was next level - I can't really describe it. Danielson is so good at everything in between the ropes.

- My partner loved the 6 man tag, it was clearly her favourite match. She found the acrobatics to be her hook, saying that it was like art and she was surprised that she enjoyed the show overall as much as she did. Her favourites were Will Ospreay, Sammy Guevara, Orange Cassidy ("he's just so different from everyone else") and Don Callis' sparkly shoes.

- I felt bad for FTR vs Aussie Open, they had a spot on the card that left the match feeling a lot less engaging than they would have otherwise. AEW could use a few more cool-down matches like Starks vs Wheeler to help the audience breathe. There was literally no feeling of 'intermission' in the arena, and 4-5 hours straight is definitely draining.

- The main event spot with the steel steps was very uncomfortable. My partner disliked the main event as she said it was too much (glad Mox didn't have a match on the card, lol) but outside of the steps bump, I absolutely loved everything about the main event.

- The live crowd had great energy and despite the looming debut of Ed-... Adam Copeland... the crowd was engaged with the rest and there was only one comment about Edge showing up in my section prior to him actually appearing. And when he did show up, the crowd exploded. I felt like this was the icing on my first wrestling experience cake. Like, if it hadn't happened, I wouldn't have cared - the show already had left me a happy customer. But damn, getting to be a part of that moment made me feel less like one of 7000 members in attendance and more like one of 70,000 members of attendance. Amazing energy and moment. Pretty much decided for me that I would be going to any future AEW shows in the Pacific Northwest if I get the opportunity to.

- 5 hours is too long. Even though it was my first ever wrestling event, I was ready for it to wrap up with one hour left. Would actually suggest that people don't watch the buy-in's for stamina's sake :) - I know I'll be an empty seat until the official start at the next one

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I feel like I should've liked this past Dynamite way more than I did. But having OC in action and Swerve losing took me out of this show.

Not even a single mention about The Righteous. A two week push to job to MJF on a handicap and they're gone. I hate when they do that. And now they're doing Wardlow squashes again for two weeks in a row. If he doesn't win the Dynamite Ring match next week, he's done. Either push the guy for real or have him bodyguard for someone. Enough with the squashes and pointless matches.

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This isn't TNA like when Hogan-Biscoff era, or Dixie. But I'd agree that when Punk got the axe, he did take a lot of winds out of their sales, figuratively and literally. As much as I dislike CM Punk, his name carries alot of weight and many fans. While Adam 'Edge' Copeland is a big deal, especially retaining the Metallingus song, it isn't enough to stem the tide of down business. Basically, the honeymoon period is over, and they need to figure out a way to regain interest.

So GDS faithful, let's brainstorm together what does AEW need to do to regain momentum? I'll start. Cut back on "big announcements".

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10 minutes ago, FellaLibby said:

This isn't TNA like when Hogan-Biscoff era, or Dixie. But I'd agree that when Punk got the axe, he did take a lot of winds out of their sales, figuratively and literally. As much as I dislike CM Punk, his name carries alot of weight and many fans. While Adam 'Edge' Copeland is a big deal, especially retaining the Metallingus song, it isn't enough to stem the tide of down business. Basically, the honeymoon period is over, and they need to figure out a way to regain interest.

So GDS faithful, let's brainstorm together what does AEW need to do to regain momentum? I'll start. Cut back on "big announcements".

Hire someone like Lance Storm or Gail Kim (when their Impact contracts are up) to book the women's division. Let Jimmy Jacobs and Bryan have more control over Collision and TK and Jacobs focus on Dynamite. Jacobs is a creative enough guy to be on both shows and having him on both would allow continuity between the shows. TK is a creative guy, he just needs someone to help focus him. I believe Jacobs can be that guy. 

I still wish TK could work out some sort of deal to get Scott D'Amore as a booker in AEW in some capacity. He does wonders with the scraps he's given in Impact, imagine what he could do with the stars and talents AEW has? 

Did WWE ever rehire Gabe? Maybe bring him in to bolster the creative department? 

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1 hour ago, FellaLibby said:

So GDS faithful, let's brainstorm together what does AEW need to do to regain momentum? I'll start. Cut back on "big announcements".

Just have the main eventers featured more. Choose five guys to be the face of the company and have them in high-profile programs with each other. It's the same with the women, don't try to build everybody at once. Establish the division first and then add one by one until they're in a closer level.

Omega is at his prime and he is having tag matches every other week. Takeshita beat him at All Out and he's had a trios and a tag match ever since. It's been 40 days.

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1 hour ago, FellaLibby said:

This isn't TNA like when Hogan-Biscoff era, or Dixie. But I'd agree that when Punk got the axe, he did take a lot of winds out of their sales, figuratively and literally. As much as I dislike CM Punk, his name carries alot of weight and many fans. While Adam 'Edge' Copeland is a big deal, especially retaining the Metallingus song, it isn't enough to stem the tide of down business. Basically, the honeymoon period is over, and they need to figure out a way to regain interest.

So GDS faithful, let's brainstorm together what does AEW need to do to regain momentum? I'll start. Cut back on "big announcements".

From most to least important things that would help AEW gain momentum:

(one or two really specific things but I'm trying not to venture too far into booking territory)

Sign MJF to a long-term deal and make sure he's on TV a lot more. Even if this means MJF dropping the world title. He's their clear #1 draw and his absence hurts the show. 

Sign Will Ospreay long-term exclusively when his contract comes up with NJPW soon. Arguably their top heel right now and one of the few guys AEW has pushed consistently.  He's coming off huge PPV wins over Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho and in a hot faction, he needs to be written a blank check to keep him aboard. 

Spend more time promoting big matches on TV.

Limit the number of TV Special Episodes to no more than 15 yearly.

Have more big matches and more build for the TV Special Episodes. Model your existing Special Episodes off the Grand Slam Arthur Ashe Stadium Show.

Have at most 5 PPVs a year -- All Out, All In, Double or Nothing, Full Gear and Revolution. Replace Forbidden Door and less prestigious PPV specials with similar Special Episodes. TV almost always gets more viewers than PPV -- PPV is for drawing money -- and AEW has plenty of money right now.

Get some David Finlay appearances so you can run the Bullet Club vs. Bullet Club Gold angle. 

Push Juice Robinson. Make him head of Bullet Club in AEW. 

Push Anthony Bowens as a main event babyface.

Run more shows in the UK where AEW has some momentum. 

Have Jamie Hayter unify the TBS Title and the AEW Women's Title. 

Have Jamie Hayter squash Britt Baker and then have Britt take several months off television to reinvent her character.

Run a big women's-only TV Special in England where Jamie Hayter beats Saraya in a Title vs. Career match in the main event. Build the match on TV for at least a month. 

Have Saraya retire and work in commentary and backstage as an agent.

Don't run a regular TV Show on the weekend.

Cancel either AEW Collision or AEW Rampage and rebrand the other. Have a new announce team and noticeably different presentation on the new show. Have different storylines on the B-shows and feature different talent in big spots. 

Cut dead weight from the roster. 

Have either Adam Cole, Bryan Danielson or Samoa Joe unify all ROH Singles Titles plus the AEW International Title into one unified ROH Title on Dynamite. Only recognize the new Unified ROH Title as a Singles Title on AEW Programming going forward. 

When ROH Titles are defended on AEW Television, have the ROH commentary team call the match, ROH officials referee and have all ROH Title matches occur under the Code of Honor. 

Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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24 minutes ago, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

Have either Adam Cole, Bryan Danielson or Samoa Joe unify all ROH Singles Titles plus the AEW International Title into one unified ROH Title on Dynamite. Only recognize the new Unified ROH Title as a Singles Title on AEW Programming going forward. 

When ROH Titles are defended on AEW Television, have the ROH commentary team call the match, ROH officials referee and have all ROH Title matches occur under the Code of Honor. 

IMO ROH stuff shouldn't be featured on AEW. It should be kept as developmental and the champions shouldn't overlap.

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2 hours ago, aXminster said:

IMO ROH stuff shouldn't be featured on AEW. It should be kept as developmental and the champions shouldn't overlap.

I would tolerate it more if they made the ROH Stuff feel special. But overall, I agree, way too much ROH Titles and stuff knocking around AEW.

2 hours ago, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

Cancel either AEW Collision or AEW Rampage and rebrand the other. Have a new announce team and noticeably different presentation on the new show. Have different storylines on the B-shows and feature different talent in big spots. 

(Examples separated because this involves a bit of fantasy booking)

AEW would probably do best to tape the B-Show in a home arena similar to Lucha Underground's Temple or The Impact Zone. 

I'd probably use Lucha Underground as a template for the show. Have the B-show focus on the Luchadors. AEW has a lot of talent really over in Mexico and they should cater more to that audience. 

Andrade is a guy who could be huge for AEW in that regard.

Might consider the main B-show title being an X-Division equivalent to further make the B-Show feel special. Only occasionally have the B-show title defended on big Dynamites and PPVs and bring out the B-Show commentary team, officials and presentation when you do so.

You might even consider pitching the show to a Spanish-Language channel at some point.

You could also work with AAA to produce or even-copromote the show or at the least do some talent trades.

If nothing else, a show with matches contested under 2/3 falls and Lucha rules would be distinct from regular AEW Dynamite. It wouldn't come off as a Dynamite B-roll.

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People on /r/SquaredCircle say they never know when AEW is in town for Dynamite or Collision. Apparently, they don't buy local ad spots or do media appearances. That probably needs to change. They were a new shiny thing once. They are neither new nor shiny now, they obviously gotta start selling their product more.

But, you know, WWE booked John Cena, Rhea Ripley. Dominik Mysterio, Paul Heyman, Cody Rhodes, Asuka and The Undertaker to win the demo rating by 0.04 when Dynamite was moved from its well established Wednesday time slot. We're talking about 0.04 here. I don't think it's an emergency. Hopefully there's no panic stations at AEW HQ and they just stay the course with great wrestling.

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1 hour ago, aXminster said:

Just have the main eventers featured more. Choose five guys to be the face of the company and have them in high-profile programs with each other. It's the same with the women, don't try to build everybody at once. Establish the division first and then add one by one until they're in a closer level.

Omega is at his prime and he is having tag matches every other week. Takeshita beat him at All Out and he's had a trios and a tag match ever since. It's been 40 days.

Omega is only good when he has lengthy matches or tag/trios matches. I don't think he's capable of having a good match that's typical tv time and him having long matches on a regular basis would take up way too much time. His singles matches should be saved for special events and ppvs.

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On 10/11/2023 at 11:03 PM, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

AEW Dynamite did really poorly in the ratings again this week. 609,000 probably is the worst rating they've done in recent memory. And the company did everything (except book MJF in action) to get people tuned in.

NXT beat them by over %50 this week.

While I'm critical of AEW, I've always been cheering for them to succeed. I'm worried about their viability at this point.

The live attendance numbers and ratings the last couple months have been pretty poor even if the in-ring action has been solid.

They can always hang their hat on the demo. But in all honesty, AEW is going nowhere. It wasn't a great look, but it was a stacked NXT. Everything Tony did to try to counter it though seemed like overkill if we are playing the result.

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1 hour ago, CQI13 said:

They can always hang their hat on the demo. But in all honesty, AEW is going nowhere. It wasn't a great look, but it was a stacked NXT. Everything Tony did to try to counter it though seemed like overkill if we are playing the result.

AEW is reacting like they're desperate, and it's making things worse.

For one, they're hotshotting titles and not building their angles as well to chase a rating each night.

AEW brass needs to control their emotions better, and more importantly, communicate more professionally publicly.

Tony, for one, could use some social media training.

Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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It's an odd one because AEW is accused by some fans of hotshotting their money matches for a rating win. Then they're accused of holding off on big matches too much and running too many with a result you can see from Mars. All this suggests to me is that they've probably got the balance about right.

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With what he's posted today, I can kinda understand weirdly why he's being as frantic tweeting. It's the anniversary of something no one ever wants to go through and he's got people @-ing him from every angle because the bird app is dumb as hell and no doubt some of the worst people walking the earth will be @-ing him specifically about his ma.

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I get that it's a tough time for him, and I genuinely sympathize - but didn't he start everything today with

"This weekend marks 1 year since @MayoClinic saved my mom's life. During her ordeal many AEW talent came to me alleging WWE tampering, inducing them to break their contracts. I'll never forget these phone calls at her side in the hospital; it's when business became personal for me"

Seems weird to needlessly bring up WWE in a tweet thanking Mayo Clinic for saving his mom's life, it's just ammo for the trolls. And, it's not the only weird tweet he's posted these last week.

I think he should get a social media team to do his twitter and not bother reading and responding to every nameless troll on the internet, unless he wants to go absolutely insane. We all know what good social media is.

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