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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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- Wardlow vs Sky © was good. I'm happy it was a clean finish. Both guys needed this match before they cooled off too much.

- Hype Mox promo. Christian killing it right now. Putting over Claudio is the best use of Hager.

- Butcher & Blade vs Swerve In Our Glory was solid aside from the botch. Ricky going off lol. Smug Bucks.

- Smart focus shift to Tay & Ruby. The Kingston/Jericho feud needs a breather. Rochster is Dark Order & Cowboy Country.

- Rush vs Penta was good. Alex with the spear! It wouldn't be an AEW show without a nut shot.

- OC, Danhausen & Sterling is a funny combination.

- Gunn Club turned even more heel. Miro/Black feud should be fun.

- Nyla & Shafir vs ThunderStorm was good. Shafir already looking better with a tag partner.

- Interim Baddie Leila Grey lol. Takeshita/Kingston hype! Garcia getting more promo time. Death Before Dishonor shaping up nicely.

- Brody vs Mox © was my MOTN. 1.5 minute overrun!

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- Butcher & Blade vs Swerve In Our Glory was solid aside from the botch. Ricky going off lol. Smug Bucks.


Which one? There were multiple botches. Mostly Swerve and Blade having miscues. I figured it was just them having no chemistry together as they're both good workers.

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Which one? There were multiple botches. Mostly Swerve and Blade having miscues. I figured it was just them having no chemistry together as they're both good workers.


Only obvious one I saw was Swerve mistiming the leapfrog. Blade was rocked for a bit afterwards.

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- Takeshita vs Kingston was my Match of the Week.

- Nice promo from Stat & Athena.

- Gates of Agony vs Moriarty & Gresham was solid. Gresham heel turn :o

- You mess with Ruby you mess with Eddie. Barbed Wire Shark Cage Death match because why the hell not.

- Deeb finally turned on Martinez just in time for the ROH PPV.

- Nese vs Cassidy was great. Danhausen doesn't need a law degree when he has a fancy tie.

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Happily rewatched Rosa vs Yamashita from the great TJPW Summer Sun Princess show on Dark. PAC vs Shota from RevPro was a nice treat. Digging Angelico's new theme -


Excited to see Takeshita in another big match but no way he beats Mox unless someone from JAS gets involved.

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Was really enjoying the show until that awful Thunder Storm/DMD promo. Ugh. Really took me out of the show.


That was awful. It takes a lot of work to make a Jade promo look good, but Britt and Hayter stepped up.


Overall, very fine show tonight. Legitimately shocked by that finish.

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Tay insinuating that her dating Sammy is why she's getting more screen time is super cringey.


I get it, she's a heel, but gross.


Main event was stellar and Claudio vs Hager was must see wrestling.


I'd have to rewatch it but I thought the insinuation was that TayJay is over if Anna doesn't leave Dark Order for JAS who get guaranteed screen time every week.

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OC kicking out of the F10 made me turn off the TV for like twenty minutes. What a stupid decision. I'm getting to a point where I just can't take OC anymore.


Cassidy has won a lot of matches with a good winning percentage and he's always been shown to be resilient.


Wrestlers in AEW kick out of multiple super kicks/germans/piledrivers. Only a handful of finishers are highly protected like One Winged Angel. F10's more of a signature move. Wardlow didn't even hit his lifting-knee strike or powerbomb symphony.

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- Cassidy vs Wardlow © was good. Managers licenses to cheat lol.

- Strong Jericho & Kingston promos to sell the barbed wire match.

- Takeshita vs Mox was great. Didn't expect blood.

- One of the better House of Black promos. Hangman & Dark Order should be fun opponents.

- Christian lol. Nice to see Griff get a match even if it was a squash. Excited for Garcia vs Yuta.

- Hager vs Claudio was good.

- Give me Hook vs Wardlow please. Tony butchered Yamashita's name :( Sandbag lol.

- Deeb vs Jay was good.

- Wu-Tang is for the children lol. TayJay is over unless Anna joins JAS.

- Tag Triple Threat was my MOTN. Obligatory nut shot. Shock result! I expected Swerve to turn on Lee.

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Cassidy has won a lot of matches with a good winning percentage and he's always been shown to be resilient.


Wrestlers in AEW kick out of multiple super kicks/germans/piledrivers. Only a handful of finishers are highly protected like One Winged Angel. F10's more of a signature move. Wardlow didn't even hit his lifting-knee strike or powerbomb symphony.


Can anyone even remember the last time he used that in a match? Plus there was the very nonchalant cover.


Am still kind of amazed that the titles changed hands, as this was the Bucks first defense, and AEW doesn't usually do title changes that quickly. The only other time that happened was Sammy dropping the belt back to Sky in the ladder match 11 days after winning it, and by that point in the story, I think we'd all just thrown up our hands and stopped paying close attention.

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Tay insinuating that her dating Sammy is why she's getting more screen time is super cringey.


I get it, she's a heel, but gross.


Main event was stellar and Claudio vs Hager was must see wrestling.


It's also not true, she was getting more time before this in the TBS title hunt and was getting better in the ring. Now she's just Sammy's trampy blam target, stuck in a dead-end angle going nowhere fast.

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Cassidy has won a lot of matches with a good winning percentage and he's always been shown to be resilient.


Wrestlers in AEW kick out of multiple super kicks/germans/piledrivers. Only a handful of finishers are highly protected like One Winged Angel. F10's more of a signature move. Wardlow didn't even hit his lifting-knee strike or powerbomb symphony.


Just because they do doesn’t make it ridiculous when it happens.

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It's also not true, she was getting more time before this in the TBS title hunt and was getting better in the ring. Now she's just Sammy's trampy blam target, stuck in a dead-end angle going nowhere fast.


Yes, that American Top Team angle ruined the credibility of a LOT of people, not to mention the TNT championship. But hey, it was all to establish Paige VanZant, and they've used her SO much since then, so it was ALL worth it.

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- Dark Order vs HOB was good. Darby and a Sting/Black staredown! Conflicted Miro.

- Moriarty vs Gresham © was my MOTN. Top notch selling from both. Cage back on TV. Claudio! Death Before Dishonor looking stacked.

- Renegades vs Statlander & Athena was a fun squash.

- Acclaimed as babyfaces should be interesting.

- Private Party vs Lucha Bros was solid. Not used to Quen without colored hair.

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It was only a matter of time before The Acclaimed turned face one way or the other. They just got so over, often getting some of the loudest reactions on any particular show.


I do feel that they're booking themselves into a corner with the ROH World title. It feels too early to take the title off of Gresham, both because he's still settling into this new role, and because he's still very new to many fans. On the other hand, you can't have Claudio lose so soon after debuting, because they did that with Ruby Soho, and look what happened. You could do a draw or a no-contest after interference from Tully Enterprises, but either one feels like a bit of a cop out.

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I'm sure Castagnoli is winning because they have to be shopping RoH out to potential venders and Claudio is a bigger star than Gresham.


I guess it depends on how quickly TK thinks he can get a TV going. If it's soon then I guess it makes sense have hot talent like Claudio, Deeb/Mercedes, FTR, Joe/Lethal and Yuta as Champs. Would feel bad for Gresham, though.

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