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I didn't buy Forbidden Door because AEW have gone the WCW route and made their TV shows weekly "spectaculars" so their last couple PPV's have just been extended Dynamites and not worth the PPV money. I opted out of paying £20 for this one as with the exception of Daniel Bryan v. Okada (and maybe Punk v. Kojima) I had no real interest in any of the matches (well, not enough to part with £20).

I hate (actually HATE) Will Ospreay  so even if he put on a 60000 star match I couldn't care less. I mean, Kenny I can watch in other matches but Ospreay is just such a PoS that I refuse to watch anything that poncey little b***h is involved with.

I did enjoy Collision this week though... don't want my post to seem like I hate AEW because I don't! :) 

I saw a clip of Jungle Boys heel turn and to be honest we all knew it was coming the minute they teamed him up with Hook. Maybe Jack Perry feels like the FTW title is his last chance at winning a singles belt after losing his other title matches. I don't think he should beat Hook though, and not because Hook is ready to move up the card, but because it will add to Jacks desperation to win a singles title like he "promised" in 2023 and have him cheat his way to title opportunities, throw tantrums, and getting more desperate and devious the closer we come to the years end. His obsession for a belt could build him into a great heel. Or they could have him beat Hook, get the FTW title and disappear onto Rampage with it - which lets face it is the more likely scenario but it is less creative and uninspiring.


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19 hours ago, Fleisch said:

I saw a clip of Jungle Boys heel turn and to be honest we all knew it was coming the minute they teamed him up with Hook. Maybe Jack Perry feels like the FTW title is his last chance at winning a singles belt after losing his other title matches. I don't think he should beat Hook though, and not because Hook is ready to move up the card, but because it will add to Jacks desperation to win a singles title like he "promised" in 2023 and have him cheat his way to title opportunities, throw tantrums, and getting more desperate and devious the closer we come to the years end. His obsession for a belt could build him into a great heel. Or they could have him beat Hook, get the FTW title and disappear onto Rampage with it - which lets face it is the more likely scenario but it is less creative and uninspiring.



Jungle Boy's heel promo was painful to watch. It was like store brand MJF. Awkward all the way down.

Jack Perry has no charisma and isn't believable, He's been way over pushed in AEW.

Hope that Hook jobs the guy out and moves up the card. Hook is the future of AEW.


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On 6/27/2023 at 7:08 PM, milamber said:

Hook is a sideshow act in the lower midcard which is fine because he's young and still learning the business. They give him a match occasionally and the crowd go wild. Perry is far above him in the pecking order and should absolutely beat him. Then he needs to drop the Jungle Boy name and get a new theme remix.

Hook should absolutely go over and should absolutely be in the title picture right now.

He can win matches convincingly in 5 minutes and look good doing it. That's all AEW needs to give Hook a "monster" push in the company.

Tony Khan has guys like Danielson and Punk out there to carry Hook through the longer matches too.

At this point in Goldberg's run, he was challenging for big titles and being presented as a star.

Hook should get the same treatment -- he's cut from the same mold as Goldberg is.

Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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23 minutes ago, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

Jungle Boy's heel promo was painful to watch. It was like store brand MJF. Awkward all the way down.

Jack Perry has no charisma and isn't believable, He's been way over pushed in AEW.

Hope that Hook jobs the guy out and moves up the card. Hook is the future of AEW.


Yeah he has all the charisma of a dead salmon. Its hard to believe he is Luke Perry's son to be honest. After watching that its like ordering an MJF promo off wish and this is what arrives! 

I take back my "he could be made into a decent heel" because his refusal (or lack of talent) to learn how to cut a good promo is painful to watch.

Maybe he should call one of his Dads old acting friends to teach him to sound authentic rather than a 10 year old cutting a promo in their back garden.

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5 minutes ago, Fleisch said:

Yeah he has all the charisma of a dead salmon. Its hard to believe he is Luke Perry's son to be honest. After watching that its like ordering an MJF promo off wish and this is what arrives! 

I take back my "he could be made into a decent heel" because his refusal (or lack of talent) to learn how to cut a good promo is painful to watch.

Maybe he should call one of his Dads old acting friends to teach him to sound authentic rather than a 10 year old cutting a promo in their back garden.

If Perry wants to fit into a Rockstar Spud or James Ellsworth role, Jack really needs to work on promos.

I can see why Jack got over so fast -- Robert Gibson boy band face, cool theme song -- but his talent right now doesn't justify the push.

Right now, Jack would be best in an undercard face role. I do think that some written off TV would help him out.

Hook could be a star right now. He's got the same skillset -- and limitations -- as Goldberg in the 90s.

Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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- Mox vs Ishii was my MOTN. Eddie & Claudio beef will never end.
- Better than you, baybay! Renee about to crack some skulls lol.
- Cassidy, Vikingo & Lee vs JAS was solid. Random trios pairing reminded me of Dark jobbers.
- Dark Order vs The Elite was good. Split screen titantron was a nice touch. Conflicted Cowboy. DO should turn heel and merge with The Righteous.
- The women better get a big gimmick match later this year.
- Generic white guy lol.
- Sounds like Christian has been coaching Jack. Still room for improvement on his delivery. Diving into the car lol.
- Using the lockjaw was fine heeling. Good promo from Ruby.
- Sting & Darby vs Jericho & Sammy (Tornado Tag) was fun. Sting trying to out-crazy Darby & Sammy 😮

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Perry's promo was underwhelming, but it was his first go at being a heel. Remember, Britt Baker's first heel promo on the Jericho Cruise episode of Dynamite was also painful and awkward, but she grew into it and got much better (even though, admittedly, she still delivers some awkward and painful promos on occasion). Speaking of awkward and painful, that Ruby Soho match/ promo. UGH, I am so over this Outcasts storyline. When RUBY SOHO is the most charismatic member of your stable, there is a problem. I really hope Thunder Rosa is healed up and ready to return soon, because this storyline desperately needs a shot in the arm, because Britt can't carry it by herself, and while Willow appears to be in it as well (I'd be shocked if the finals of the Owen aren't Ruby/ Willow), AEW seems to be doing their start/ stop with female talent with her, so she's never really building up a good degree of momentum to really make an impact.

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9 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Perry's promo was underwhelming, but it was his first go at being a heel. Remember, Britt Baker's first heel promo on the Jericho Cruise episode of Dynamite was also painful and awkward, but she grew into it and got much better (even though, admittedly, she still delivers some awkward and painful promos on occasion). Speaking of awkward and painful, that Ruby Soho match/ promo. UGH, I am so over this Outcasts storyline. When RUBY SOHO is the most charismatic member of your stable, there is a problem. I really hope Thunder Rosa is healed up and ready to return soon, because this storyline desperately needs a shot in the arm, because Britt can't carry it by herself, and while Willow appears to be in it as well (I'd be shocked if the finals of the Owen aren't Ruby/ Willow), AEW seems to be doing their start/ stop with female talent with her, so she's never really building up a good degree of momentum to really make an impact.

I really hope the Shida/Taya match is a setup for them to join the storyline, although Shida has already been involved sporadically. Same goes for Riho. Athena, Rosa & Deeb could be added as well while they wait for Hayter to heal up. It's annoying that the men are getting another Blood & Guts while the women's division is still spinning its wheels.

Edited by milamber
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9 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Perry's promo was underwhelming, but it was his first go at being a heel. Remember, Britt Baker's first heel promo on the Jericho Cruise episode of Dynamite was also painful and awkward, but she grew into it and got much better (even though, admittedly, she still delivers some awkward and painful promos on occasion). Speaking of awkward and painful, that Ruby Soho match/ promo. UGH, I am so over this Outcasts storyline. When RUBY SOHO is the most charismatic member of your stable, there is a problem. I really hope Thunder Rosa is healed up and ready to return soon, because this storyline desperately needs a shot in the arm, because Britt can't carry it by herself, and while Willow appears to be in it as well (I'd be shocked if the finals of the Owen aren't Ruby/ Willow), AEW seems to be doing their start/ stop with female talent with her, so she's never really building up a good degree of momentum to really make an impact.

I really hope they use Jamie Hayter's injury as an opportunity to push Skye Blue. She's really impressive and could be a huge star for them -- she could be AEW's Bayley.

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3 hours ago, milamber said:

I really hope the Shida/Taya match is a setup for them to join the storyline, although Shida has already been involved sporadically. Same goes for Riho. Athena, Rosa & Deeb could be added as well while they wait for Hayter to heal up. It's annoying that the men are getting another Blood & Guts while the women's division is still spinning its wheels.

The men have had no less than four televised battle royals this  year alone.

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4 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

The men have had no less than four televised battle royals this  year alone.

Plus Anarchy in the Arena. The women occasionally get a street fight that rates highly then it's back to normal booking and fan apathy sets in again.

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37 minutes ago, Jaysin said:


One of my personal pet peeves with this company is literally making teams that everyone knows won't last longer than a few matches and makes up names and merch for them. Jungle Hook, this picture, hell of I remember they were still selling merch for Swerve in our Glory in it's dying days. I just... I don't like it, it gives me a fomo (fear of missing out) vibe on potential memorabilia on something everybody sees is just a farce.

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4 minutes ago, FellaLibby said:

One of my personal pet peeves with this company is literally making teams that everyone knows won't last longer than a few matches and makes up names and merch for them. Jungle Hook, this picture, hell of I remember they were still selling merch for Swerve in our Glory in it's dying days. I just... I don't like it, it gives me a fomo (fear of missing out) vibe on potential memorabilia on something everybody sees is just a farce.

The segment was the first time MJF entertained me in a promo in awhile and the picture made me laugh. So I shared it. AEW is partnered with a t shirt company though, so of course they're going to make a crap ton of short run merch. I mean they do Top Rope Tuesday already with an exclusive AEW shirt that is only sold for a week and the AEW crate that has exclusive shirts. Not to mention PWTees Wrestling Crate that has exclusive shirts as well. 

I understand your pain though. I've missed out on quite a lot of shirts I really wanted, but didn't have the money for. The aforementioned Top Rope Tuesday had a Surfer Sting shirt one week that was amazing and I just couldn't swing the money. 

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9 hours ago, milamber said:

Plus Anarchy in the Arena. The women occasionally get a street fight that rates highly then it's back to normal booking and fan apathy sets in again.

Would it kill them to do a women's Dynamite Dozen or Face of the Revolution match?

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12 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Would it kill them to do a women's Dynamite Dozen or Face of the Revolution match?

AEW has been giving the wrong women TV Time -- he's pushing girls based on their look (Britt Baker) or their name (Saraya) and not their in-ring skill.

For example, Tony took forever to push Jamie Hayter . It was obvious a year ago Hayter was a star, but Britt Baker kept getting pushed -- Britt hasn't even put her over yet and Jamie clearly is their top female star!

As a result, AEW appears to have much less talented women than they actually do -- because the wrong women are headlining and the names aren't putting the young stars over.


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They clearly lined up three months of creative for Jamie Hayter that they have had to throw out because of her injury. With Toni, Ruby and Saraya all heel, the roster is unbalanced now Jamie has gone down and Shida is part-time. Aside from Britt, they are threadbare in terms of faces that can bounce off the Outcasts and that's hurting the group a lot. They're a bit cringe, I don't enjoy the catiness of it. Mean Girls is something that wrestling should have stopped after Laycool but it doesn't help that the best Tony can put in front of them is Skye Blue and Willow Nightingale.

In general, they seem to have lost some sort of hiring power. They've signed Ashley D'Amboise who I would really like to see on TV but she has only done a couple of ROH dates and already been beaten by Athena (or was it Mercedes Martinez?). It seems a bit odd that TNA have gotten their paws on Kilynn King, Trinity, Masha Slamovich, Jody Threat, Gisele Shaw and Killer Kelly with AEW having never even been rumoured to be in for any of them. I wonder if it's a reputational thing, that IMPACT uses them and helps them push their brand whilst women in AEW seem to die on the vine. Perhaps they'll follow up when contracts expire and benefit from their exposure over there. Outside of Taya Valkyrie, it's been a while since they've signed anybody recently and I think the roster needs turning over more. I don't know what the deal is with some of AEW's contracted talent, it just seems that some of them are not good enough, some of them cannot stay healthy and some of them have lost their credibility and can't be used in a meaningful capacity. I cannot even remember the last time some of them were used consistently and I wonder if women like Kilynn think if I sign there, I'll either be in catering or on Dark and that's not where I want to be?

We are now at a point now where Statlander holds a belt and has no challengers whilst Storm holds a belt and has no challengers. The underside is looking okay, I quite like Promise Braxton, I think Vert Vixen has upside, I think they should look at Queen Aminata some more, I think they should continue with Trish Adora. Laynie Luck is coming along and should probably be brought in. Megan Bayne is back from her ACL injury and is working the indies again. But the top end is worringly light and sticking three ladies together in a heel group has certainly not helped matters.

Edited by Mootinie
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8 hours ago, Mootinie said:

They clearly lined up three months of creative for Jamie Hayter that they have had to throw out because of her injury. With Toni, Ruby and Saraya all heel, the roster is unbalanced now Jamie has gone down and Shida is part-time. Aside from Britt, they are threadbare in terms of faces that can bounce off the Outcasts and that's hurting the group a lot. They're a bit cringe, I don't enjoy the catiness of it. Mean Girls is something that wrestling should have stopped after Laycool but it doesn't help that the best Tony can put in front of them is Skye Blue and Willow Nightingale.

In general, they seem to have lost some sort of hiring power. They've signed Ashley D'Amboise who I would really like to see on TV but she has only done a couple of ROH dates and already been beaten by Athena (or was it Mercedes Martinez?). It seems a bit odd that TNA have gotten their paws on Kilynn King, Trinity, Masha Slamovich, Jody Threat, Gisele Shaw and Killer Kelly with AEW having never even been rumoured to be in for any of them. I wonder if it's a reputational thing, that IMPACT uses them and helps them push their brand whilst women in AEW seem to die on the vine. Perhaps they'll follow up when contracts expire and benefit from their exposure over there. Outside of Taya Valkyrie, it's been a while since they've signed anybody recently and I think the roster needs turning over more. I don't know what the deal is with some of AEW's contracted talent, it just seems that some of them are not good enough, some of them cannot stay healthy and some of them have lost their credibility and can't be used in a meaningful capacity. I cannot even remember the last time some of them were used consistently and I wonder if women like Kilynn think if I sign there, I'll either be in catering or on Dark and that's not where I want to be?

We are now at a point now where Statlander holds a belt and has no challengers whilst Storm holds a belt and has no challengers. The underside is looking okay, I quite like Promise Braxton, I think Vert Vixen has upside, I think they should look at Queen Aminata some more, I think they should continue with Trish Adora. Laynie Luck is coming along and should probably be brought in. Megan Bayne is back from her ACL injury and is working the indies again. But the top end is worringly light and sticking three ladies together in a heel group has certainly not helped matters.


I started watching Maria's promotion Women's Wrestling Army after she mentioned it on Unrestricted. Loads of talented women TK could sign to low-tier deals. Most of them have already appeared in Impact, Dark or toured Japan.


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You know, as not good as QTV segments have been (they make me nostalgic for a Dan Lambert Old Man Yelling At Clouds promo), Harley Cameron as managed to get herself on TV pretty much every week, which is hard if you're not Britt or feuding with Britt.

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