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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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I just rewatched this bit and actually noticed that when he bent over to check on him Anderson grabbed Knox by the shirt and made him get down on the ground with him. So, while I do think that the Knox thing is going to pay off eventually, in this instance there is at least a reason. Machine Gun actually acts hurt and calls for Knox. When Knox leans over, Anderson grabbed him so Nick could interfere.


Thanks for catching that! Makes way more sense

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There's another Casino Battle Royal at All Out for the women's division. Ruby Riott's non compete ends the week before. I would flip out if she's the Joker.


According to multiple sources, it's pretty much a done deal that Tommy End is AEW bound. Hopefully he brings his wife. I miss seeing her on tv.


The Iiconics trademarked the name Iinspirations. I'm assuming that will be their new team name. I just don't know where they should go. Maybe Impact since they have tag titles for women, but I feel like that would be slumming it.


Would like to see Chelsea Green and Santana Garrett in AEW, but they're probably Impact bound.



Are the Butcher and the Blade injured or something? They haven't worked since April and Hardy hasn't mentioned their absence that I have seen. They've just kind of been replaced by TH2. I thought maybe Butcher's band was maybe doing a tour or something, but couldn't find anything besides a show this coming August. I miss seeing them.

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There's another Casino Battle Royal at All Out for the women's division. Ruby Riott's non compete ends the week before. I would flip out if she's the Joker.


According to multiple sources, it's pretty much a done deal that Tommy End is AEW bound. Hopefully he brings his wife. I miss seeing her on tv.


The Iiconics trademarked the name Iinspirations. I'm assuming that will be their new team name. I just don't know where they should go. Maybe Impact since they have tag titles for women, but I feel like that would be slumming it.


Would like to see Chelsea Green and Santana Garrett in AEW, but they're probably Impact bound.



Are the Butcher and the Blade injured or something? They haven't worked since April and Hardy hasn't mentioned their absence that I have seen. They've just kind of been replaced by TH2. I thought maybe Butcher's band was maybe doing a tour or something, but couldn't find anything besides a show this coming August. I miss seeing them.


I know they mentioned Blade was hurt at the PPV and was replaced by one of the members of Private Party in the Battle Royal. I have no idea where Butcher is, but they recently posted an article about him from the local newspaper so it doesn't appear that he is on the outs or anything.

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So I randomly messaged the Butcher asking if he knew when they would return and he actually replied! He said he just got the brace off his hand, but he and the drs are being very cautious since he's also a guitar player and don't want to wreck that. He said hopefully soon though.
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Joey Janella showed up to a town meeting dressed as a right wing conspiracy nut and trolled everyone and even took a pic with Qanon whacko Drake Wuertz/Younger ����


I am now a huge Joey fan


Just saw a vid, he even made the news!




He's too funny. I love the story of how Jurassic Express were told their stable name (which Tony Khan himself came up with) and Joey just pops his head in and says "well, that's f*****' stupid."

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So I randomly messaged the Butcher asking if he knew when they would return and he actually replied! He said he just got the brace off his hand, but he and the drs are being very cautious since he's also a guitar player and don't want to wreck that. He said hopefully soon though.


That makes a ton of sense. Hopefully, everything heals well and we can see them back soon.

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That makes a ton of sense. Hopefully, everything heals well and we can see them back soon.


You can blame my insomnia for me getting the idea to message him! I had been up for 36 hours and I was so sad they hadn't been around for awhile. Him replying made me an even bigger fan of his though. Not gonna lie and say I was always a fan as if you go back in this thread you'll see I bashed them quite a lot at first. But man, they've won me over big time. I've actually got into his band Every Time I Die a bit too lately. Not mega into them, but I've added quite a few tracks to my apple music playlist.


I'm stoked fans are coming back for most promotions. Hopefully the pumped in fan sounds stop because I think they're mega distracting and annoying. Really hoping AEW sells out their NYC show. It's in WWE territory and even pre-pandemic shows there weren't selling that well from what I've read.


I hope every promotion sells well. I saw MLW's ECW Arena show sold out.

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Road to Saturday Dynamite:




Omega © vs Jungle Boy

Powerhouse Hobbs vs Hangman

Matt Sydal vs Dante Martin

Statlander vs Bunny

Ethan Page vs Bear Bronson


Also great news... Yuka Sakazaki will be back in AEW for a month after the July 1st TJPW show!

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So, for the second week in a row, the one women's match on Dynamite is just there to set up a story between two male wrestlers? *SIGH*


And please tell me there's going to be some sort of substantial pay-off to these "Jade Brand" vignettes and that weeks of these weren't just a build up to a spot to shill t-shirts.

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- Hobbs vs Hangman was great. Taz loves blood lol. Konnan spitting fire but Tully too smart.

- Dante vs Sydal was great. El Idolo! Christian slow-burn heel turn should be fun.

- Vintage Dynamite brawl. Always look forward to Miro's promos.

- Ego vs Bronson was good. Ethan Page is underrated. Coffin match! Thankfully Britt gets more Dynamite time than Shida did as Champion.

- Bunny vs Statlander was solid. I hope the post-match leads to a mixed tag match.

- Jungle Boy vs Omega © - MOTY Contender. I think Omega was the 1st person to survive the Snare Trap.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rampaaage" data-cite="Rampaaage" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Is Hangman's new gimmick that he can't make it through a single match without bleeding? I swear it's been a weekly occurrence all of a sudden.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It doesn't seem to be on purpose, which is the weird thing.</p>
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- Penta & Kingston vs Young Bucks © was great. Happy the babyfaces won. Pronstaches lol.

- All Ego did well to get through his promo with the crowd going in. Stang! Darby ready to snap.

- Evans vs Jungle Boy was good. The slow build to Kenny vs Hangman begins.

- Pillman Jr vs Miro © was good. Epic new theme music. Cage vs Starks hype!

- Nyla & Vicki vs Dr. Britt & Rebel was OK. Looked like Rebel was legit hurt.

- Inner Circle promo was great. Road Rager card looks good but needs another women's match.

- MJF vs Sammy was a MOTY Contender. Sammy's dive to the concrete was nuts. Not keen on interference finishes but here it showed Sammy was on MJF's level despite the loss.

- The video package was a fantastic way to end the Daily's Place era.


Great show. Nice to have Jericho back on commentary.

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I saw news outlets reporting Rebel Not Reba suffered a dislocated kneecap. Is a shame when stuff like that happens, especially since she's not been getting a lot of wrestling time. :(


I got some goosebumps when Alex Reynolds gave Hangman the seal of approval... and also when Hangman DIDN'T come out to challenge Omega before that when the Dark Order Support Group were out there bigging him up. I have no idea how long it's going to take to get him there, but I'm excited in a way that I've not been since the build to Naito challenging Okada after winning his second G1.... can't help but remember that Naito lost that one. ;)

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I saw news outlets reporting Rebel Not Reba suffered a dislocated kneecap. Is a shame when stuff like that happens, especially since she's not been getting a lot of wrestling time. :(


I got some goosebumps when Alex Reynolds gave Hangman the seal of approval... and also when Hangman DIDN'T come out to challenge Omega before that when the Dark Order Support Group were out there bigging him up. I have no idea how long it's going to take to get him there, but I'm excited in a way that I've not been since the build to Naito challenging Okada after winning his second G1.... can't help but remember that Naito lost that one. ;)


It's a shame about Rebel. She was one of the only parts of The Menagerie in TNA that I liked. That whole angle was weird in general, but she was/is a babe with good charisma. Speaking of legit injuries, Mercedes Martinez got knocked out on NXT this week too.


I love the Hangman/Dark Order alliance. It's so fun.


Also, Evil Uno is a super underrated promo guy.

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Road to Road Rager:


Elevation was good this week. Lots of women's matches. Scorpio Sky vs Anime Cosplayer was my favorite jobber match of the year. OC vs Angelico was a Dynamite worthy match. Dante Martin is awesome. They should give Dani Jordyn a contract.


Feugo Del Sol picked up his 1st win on Dark in what could be his last match now they are touring... unless they offer him a contract. Wheeler Yuta beating Nemeth was interesting. Conti vs King was too good not to be on Dynamite.

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