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All Elite Wrestling

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On January 1st of 2019, Cody Rhodes, The Young Bucks and Hangman Page made an announcement that would change the wrestling world. On the heels of the very successful All In show, run just months ago in Chicago, the group, collectively known as The Elite, has launched their own wrestling company with the financial backing of the billionaire Khan family.


The following Tuesday, the promotion held a rally in Jacksonville, where they announced the signings of former WWE Cruiserweight Champion Pac, former MLW Middleweight Champion Maxwell J Friedman and more, including the major announcement that "The Alpha", "The Ayatollah of Rock n' Rolla", "The Greatest of All Time", "The Maverick" Chris Jericho had signed a contract with the upstart promotion.


Jericho's signing signaled a shift in the wrestling landscape, as up to this point, he had said that he would not work for a company in the United States that wasn't World Wrestling Entertainment. It was also the first shot fired in a war that would overtake the world of pro wrestling in 2019. The emergence of All Elite Wrestling with their big new signing would bring about the signing of several talents to exclusive contracts in promotions ranging from WWE all the way through to the indies where Ring of Honor and Major League Wrestling have begun scrambling to get their talents under deals that would keep them away from both WWE and AEW.


On February 1st, after much deliberation on the part of the talent, All Elite Wrestling announced the signing of yet another major name, and it was a big one, as they kept one of the consensus best wrestlers in the world from joining the WWE. On a special episode of Being the Elite, broadcast live over YouTube, Facebook and Twitch, former IWGP Heavyweight Champion Kenny Omega announced his intentions and signed his contract to join All Elite Wrestling.


A rift was beginning though, as the rest of The Elite showered Omega with praise, he told them that since he now had a three year deal with the highest wage he's ever been paid... it was time to show his true colors. At the tail end of the episode, Omega would slap away the hand of Cody Rhodes and proceed to tell the group that he is above them, bigger than them, and that if they didn't convince him to sign, they would have been dead in the water.


Not being the type to let themselves drown in sorrow, Cody, Hangman and the Bucks issued a statement, both praising and condemning their new signing and saying that they were as shocked as anyone by what appeared to be Kenny Omega striking out on his own for the first time since joining Bullet Club in New Japan Pro-Wrestling.


Shortly after their joint statement, AEW held a press conference with the promise of new information and a major announcement.


During the press conference, the date for Double or Nothing was changed, and the show would be happening a month and a half earlier than planned in April, putting them closely matched up against both WWE's WrestleMania spectacular, and the joint Ring of Honor/New Japan show at the sold out Madison Square Garden. When asked why the decision was made, Cody turned things over to President Tony Khan with the next announcement... All Elite Wrestling would be debuting, live on the TBS network on the first Tuesday of March! The weekly show was announced as being two hours long, with five shows in the build-up to Double or Nothing.


The Young Bucks were next up with an announcement, saying that those shows, dubbed Tuesday Night Dynamite on TBS, would host a sixteen man tournament to crown the first ever AEW World Champion, with the finals taking place at Double or Nothing. Cody returned to the forefront to make another announcement, stating that the first major partnership brokered by AEW would be with AAA Lucha Libre out of Mexico, and that several of their stars would be competing during the initial launch of Tuesday Night Dynamite. Brian Cage, El Texano Jr, Puma King, Argenis and Super Fly would all be competing in the tournament, representing AAA in their bid to control the AEW World Championship.


When asked if this meant that a partnership with Impact Wrestling and Pro Wrestling NOAH would be following, Cody mentioned that those are two groups that actively work with AAA currently, and it wouldn't be out of the question for either promotion to wind up being partners of All Elite Wrestling down the road. Rhodes even made special mention of Impact Wrestling allowing Brian Cage to participate in the launch of All Elite, albeit as a representative of AAA. Rhodes said that he has a close relationship with Impact management, both from his time there and in New Japan (a reference to Don Callis).


Finally, Hangman Page was brought out to make one more announcement, listing off several names that had signed on to compete with All Elite Wrestling. Free agents such as Angelico, Zema Ion (formerly DJ Z), Pepper Parks, Colt Cabana, Trevor Lee, Jazzy Gabert and Diamante were announced. Following that, Page mentioned that while no official agreement has been put into place, Impact Wrestling stars Cherry Bomb and Rosemary were set to join the AEW Womens Division... and to strengthen the division even more, at the risk of upsetting a company that helped put them all on the map, All Elite Wrestling has wrestled away Kelly Klein and Tenille Dashwood from Ring of Honor, citing the desire of the two performers to reach a larger audience.


Cody came back out and said that this might all be a lot to digest, so they're cutting the press conference there. He did say that All Elite would be very aggressive in bringing in the top talent from around the world, and that they aren't here to make corporate friends, they're here to provide the world's best pro wrestling to the best pro wrestling fans in the world, and to give the talents the best place to work in the world.


Before leaving, Rhodes mentioned that with the first episode of Tuesday Night Dynamite imminent, that the first ever main event for the show would feature two of his favorite wrestlers, The Young Bucks, against two teams that have been in the debate for best tag team in the world for a long time. First off, Cody says that The Addiction will be involved in the match, touting the resume of the team, but also that of Christopher Daniels, who we may remember was a large part of the early success of Ring of Honor and Impact Wrestling. The second team, Cody gets ready to announce, but gets interrupted by The Young Bucks, who jokingly say that Hangman Page is the absolute worst ambassador, because he forgot to mention two major signings!


Joining the Young Bucks and The Addiction in the first ever Tuesday Night Dynamite main event, as per The Bucks themselves... PENTAGON JR & REY FENIX, The Lucha Brothers! They all thank everyone for coming and ask them to tune into TBS in March, as All Elite Wrestling starts their journey towards changing the world of pro-wrestling.



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  • 2 weeks later...

<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">AEW Tuesday Night Dynamite</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Tuesday Week 1 of March</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

From the Packard Stadium in Tempe, Arizona (South West)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Opening</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-The very first edition of AEW’s Tuesday Night Dynamite went live with pyro exploding from the set in the Arizona desert. Already in the ring were the four men most closely associated with All Elite Wrestling. Cody Rhodes, The Young Bucks and Hangman Page, collectively known as The Elite, stood in the ring to raucous cheers of “The Elite… The, The Elite”, all standing together, smiles as wide as they can be.</p><p> </p><p>

Cody got to speak first, introducing the other men. When he got to himself, he paused and said that one other person is just as responsible for this happening, but she’s not at the building yet because of a business meeting, and he thanks his wife Brandi Rhodes for being there through all of this, and working so hard to help them all achieve their dreams. He then introduced himself as the son of a legend, a former NWA World Heavyweight Champion, and the man who will carry the Rhodes name through the future. Sounds like Cody is back to using his full name.</p><p> </p><p>

Cody gave the microphone to Matt Jackson, who held it up for both he and Nick. Announcement time! At first, it’s a little bit of a let-down, as the Young Bucks just repeat old information, telling us about the sixteen man tournament to crown the first AEW World Champion, and how the championship match will be at Double or Nothing, which will be held at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada. They also mentioned the partnership with AAA out of Mexico, and said that they were going to hand things off to Hangman Page before they all get the hell out of the ring and let us watch some wrestling. But first, it’s like they forgot, they had one more announcement, and that was a huge one, as they announced a new signing who would be here tonight and taking part in the tournament… YUJIRO KUSHIDA.</p><p> </p><p>

Hangman got the microphone and said that he would keep it short and sweet. First off, he thanked everyone, and then mentioned that Cody had hooked him up with someone to help cultivate him as a singles star. Hangman has a manager now, and his name is Diamond Dallas Page (no relation). Hangman then ran down tonight’s card, including four tournament matches with AAA’s Puma King taking on Angelico… the aforementioned Kushida against “The Carolina Caveman” Trevor Lee… Cody Rhodes against Pepper Parks, and “The Maverick” Chris Jericho going one on one with AAA’s El Texano Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

In addition to those tournament matches, we’ll have Rosemary teaming with Cherry Bomb against Diamante Zuniga and “The Alpha Female” Jazzy Gabert… a AAA Three Way Showcase with Argenis against Brian Cage and Super Fly… four men who will collide next week in tournament matches will be in tag team action as Page himself will team with “The Spandex Saint” Zema Ion against a man he used to call a friend, Kenny Omega and his partner, “The Bastard” Pac… and of course, our main event, the Three Way between The Young Bucks, The Addiction and The Lucha Brothers.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>First Round Tournament Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Angelico Vs Puma King</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-The very first in-ring action for All Elite Wrestling saw a lucha libre exhibition between AAA’s Puma King and Angelico. Angelico had previously worked for AAA before leaving to spend more time working in Europe.</p><p> </p><p>

The bout started with a fast paced exchange, as both men jockeyed for positioning. There was a nice exchange of pinfall attempts early on, with Angelico scoring a very near-fall on an O’Connor Roll, but as soon as Puma King was back to his feet, Angelico, still on his knees, ate a vicious Superkick from the Mexican star.</p><p> </p><p>

Puma would attempt to send Angelico into the turnbuckle, but the Irish Whip was reversed and the masked man wound up in the corner. Angelico charged and attempted a Bicycle Knee Strike, but Puma King moved out of the way and caught him with a second Superkick. Puma went up top, waited for his opponent and connected with a Flying Plancha for a two count.</p><p> </p><p>

Puma King had the momentum, but Angelico had the fans on his side, and after side-stepping Puma and sending him tumbling to the ringside floor, the angelic luchador hit the ropes and caught his opponent with a beautiful Tope Con Giro, turning the tide of the match.</p><p> </p><p>

Puma King went for a third Superkick out of desperation, but his opponent moved out of the way and caught him unaware with a Pele Kick. Puma got to his knees, but Angelico unloaded on him with rapid fire Kicks to the front and back of his torso, followed by a Superkick square on the jaw. With the crowd firmly behind him, Angelico hoisted his opponent and connected with the Fall of the Angels, picking up the three count and becoming the first man to advance in the AEW World Championship tournament.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage with Dave</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-We head backstage with The Wrestling Observer’s Dave Meltzer, who is stood in front of the AEW logo just like the interviewers of old. Meltzer isn’t alone, as he stood with Impact Wrestling stars Rosemary and Cherry Bomb.</p><p> </p><p>

Meltzer asked if their familiarity with each other will help them out tonight in tag team action against a first time pairing. Rosemary replied that she believed it would, as her and Cherry have a very good relationship. Bomb added in that they would destroy everyone in the ring tonight. Dave asked if she was okay, and Rosemary responded that Cherry Bomb is just fine, and that she has her under control.</p><p> </p><p>

Cherry Bomb leaned into Meltzer and in a hushed tone said that she heard that Diamante was a crime lord and Jazzy Gabert is her muscle. Meltzer stepped back a bit and said that he heard something similar, obviously talking to Cherry Bomb as if she were a child. Rosemary pulled Cherry back and finished off the interview by saying that it didn’t matter who had what connections or muscle, because when anyone steps into the ring to play with them, they’re stepping into a darkness that Rosemary is the master of.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tag Team Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Rosemary & Cherry Bomb Vs Diamante Zuniga & Jazzy Gabert</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-Rosemary and Diamante started the match off, with an exchange of Forearm shots leading to Zuniga connecting with an Enzugiri after gaining the advantage with a rake of the eyes. It didn’t take long for Diamante to tag in her enforcer, as Gabert came in and cleaned house, taking out Rosemary with a Running Powerslam, and then knocking Cherry Bomb off the apron with a brutal Superman Punch.</p><p> </p><p>

“The Alpha Female” continued to dominate Rosemary in the ring, pounding away on her with rights and lefts from the mount position. Gabert got cocky though and tried for a cover with just her foot on the chest, and Rosemary kicked out easily. “The Demon Assassin” blocked an attempt at a Powerbomb and sent Gabert over with a Backdrop, giving her just enough time to make the tag.</p><p> </p><p>

Cherry Bomb came in and executed a Headscissors Takeover, sending Gabert into her corner. Diamante tagged in and the two exchanged blows in the middle of the ring. Neither seemed to gain an advantage early on, but after about a minute of back and forth action, Diamante found herself falling victim to the Cherry Valley Driver.</p><p> </p><p>

The match looked to be over, but Gabert came in to break up the pinfall, dropped Cherry with a vicious Clothesline, and then dragged her partner to their corner for the tag. Jazzy took over from there, connecting with two very hard Clotheslines on Bomb, but failed to pick up the victory when Cherry kicked out.</p><p> </p><p>

The match fell into confusion as all four were in the ring. Diamante attempted her Rolling Cutter finish on Rosemary, but “The Demon Assassin” saw it coming, blocked it and shoved her directly into a Superkick from Cherry Bomb. Rosemary wound up tagging in to become legal in the match, and connected with the Red Wedding on Diamante, though she was not legal and the ref did not count.</p><p> </p><p>

The confusion was all that the heels needed to win this match, as Rosemary argued with the ref. Gabert knocked Cherry off the apron for a second time, this time with a Running Boot to the face. Rosemary turned and faced the bigger woman, exchanging Knife Edged Chops until she was taken out from behind by Diamante with a strike to the back of the head. Diamante signaled for the end, and Gabert planted Rosemary with a second Running Powerslam, this time hooking the leg and scoring the pinfall.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage with Dave</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-In what appears to be a recurring segment, we headed backstage with Dave Meltzer again. This time, his guest was “The Best Bout Machine” Kenny Omega. Dave says that Kenny signing with All Elite was as big, if not bigger, than the announcement of Chris Jericho’s signing. Dave began running through the history of The Elite, but Omega stopped him and told him to shut his mouth.</p><p> </p><p>

Kenny said that he didn’t sign here to play around with his buddies, and in fact, said that there comes a time in every man’s life when he has to decide if he wants to be loyal or be successful. Omega said that as part of The Elite, he helped to create this opportunity, and when he saw the zero’s on the contract that was offered, knew that it was time to take that chance.</p><p> </p><p>

Meltzer replied that without The Elite, Kenny may never have successfully defeated Kazuchika Okada in Japan, and Omega agreed, but only because he was a weaker man then and needed that support. Kenny pointed out though, that his rise in New Japan came about more because of his best friend Kota Ibushi, and pointed to the Bullet Club turmoil that they experienced in 2018 as a reason why he felt held back by the group.</p><p> </p><p>

Omega said that he’s done talking about the past though. The Elite are inconsequential to him, but to them, he is everything. Without him, Omega arrogantly said that AEW would be dead in the water. Kenny attributes his signing to the large amount of interest throughout the wrestling world, and then said that his partner tonight is someone else who The Elite should be grateful for coming in.</p><p> </p><p>

Dave asked how Kenny felt about teaming with Pac tonight, instead of making his debut in a singles contest. Omega replied that he felt slighted by it in a way, but that he could do worse than teaming with “The Bastard” Pac, who he called a formidable foe and/or ally, depending on the situation. Omega said that tonight, they’ll be on the same side, and they will be victorious, but that if they meet in the tournament, Omega promised to drive an arrow straight through his heart.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>First Round Tournament Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Yujiro Kushida Vs Trevor Lee</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-A new home and a fresh start for the former IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, Kushida brought not only his impressive resume to the States with him, but his first name as well. Both men brought the action early on, but the favorite to win, Kushida, took the advantage in strikes early. Kushida worked over the left arm of Lee a bit, but his focus betrayed him when “The Carolina Caveman” reversed an Overhead Wristlock by twisting out and then pulling his opponent in for a devastating European Uppercut.</p><p> </p><p>

Lee would later continue to best Kushida in the striking exchanges, connecting with a series of stiff Forearms, and then ducking a Lariat attempt and delivering a Roundhouse Kick to the temple that saw Kushida crumple to the mat. The fan favorite didn’t stay down long though, kicking out just at two. Trevor Lee went to the top rope and called for a Flying Double Stomp, but Kushida moved out of the way. Lee grabbed at his left knee, giving Kushida enough time to hit him with a Chop Block, and follow up with a Standing Moonsault for a two count of his own.</p><p> </p><p>

“The Carolina Caveman” fought back to get in control, but couldn’t seize the advantage from that point. He delivered a series of big Forearm Strikes, followed by a European Uppercut. A second Uppercut was blocked by Kushida, but Lee fired away with his other arm. Kushida saw it coming, and grabbed the left arm of his opponent as it connected with his chest, pulling it up and wrenching it in one motion before dropping to his butt with a Shoulderbreaker variation designed to put the strain on the elbow.</p><p> </p><p>

Having already worked over the left elbow of Lee previously in the match, Kushida saw an opening and took advantage, delivering a Penalty Kick to the arm as Lee tried to get to his feet. Kushida tried for the Hoverboard Lock, but Lee had it scouted and rolled through into a German Suplex position. Lee got him up off the ground, but Kushida caught him hard with an elbow to break his grip before he could deliver the move.</p><p> </p><p>

With Lee dazed, Kushida, back to his opponent still, jumped into a Cross Armbreaker! Kushida wrenched back on the hold, and Lee struggled to get free. Instead of breaking the hold, however, Lee managed to stack Kushida in a pin for a two count. That was the closest he would come to victory though, as Kushida transitioned out of the pinfall attempt into the Hoverboard Lock, and with his opponent in the middle of the ring, Kushida forced the submission and punches his ticket for the quarter-finals.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AAA Showcase</strong></p><p><strong>

Three Way Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Argenis Vs Brian Cage Vs Super Fly</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-This three way showcase from the AAA promotion went balls to the wall, starting out quickly and keeping the momentum in a fairly short match. Cage wound up on the outside of the ring as his opponents double teamed him early. Argenis took out Fly with a Back Springboard Plancha, and then caught Cage with a Tope Suicida. He let his adrenaline control things too much though, as he looked for another dive on Cage but ran into a big right hand from Super Fly, who followed up with a kick to the gut and a Last Ride style Powerbomb, stacking the legs for a two count.</p><p> </p><p>

Cage came back in and nailed Super Fly with a Superkick. “The Swollverine” beat down on both of his smaller opponents for a few moments before Argenis dodged a Superkick and hit one of his own to wobble the bigger man. Super Fly connected with another on Cage, and then teamed up with Argenis to drop him with a Double Superkick.</p><p> </p><p>

Later on, Super Fly tried for a Plancha from the top rope, but Cage caught him. While showing off his power though, Cage opened himself up and Argenis came off the ropes with a Springboard Dropkick to the back of Super Fly, dropping Cage. Argenis would then hit a Springboard Plancha on Cage for a two count, when Cage threw him off from the pin. This provided an opportunity for Super Fly though, as he came off the top rope with a beautiful Moonsault on Cage. It looked like it was over, but Argenis broke up the pin.</p><p> </p><p>

Argenis and Super Fly traded shots back and forth until Fly caught him with a Clothesline over the top rope. Fly hit the ropes for a Tope Suicida, but Argenis dodged out of the way, sending him crashing to the floor. Argenis motioned for a dive of his own, but as he hit the ropes in the ring, ran right into a Discus Lariat from Cage, who then pulled him back up and connected with Weapon X for the victory.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-The video feed went backstage right after the match, with officials all shown scrambling around. Cody Rhodes ran into the scene and broke through a crowd of officials, revealing his wife Brandi laying unconscious on the concrete floor. Cody yelled for medics, and as they arrived, was approached by Billy Gunn, who told him that he would take care of the situation because Cody’s match was up next.</p><p> </p><p>

Cody reluctantly agreed to go, telling Gunn that he better make sure Brandi is okay and figure out what happened. As Cody Rhodes left the scene, another figure emerged, as Kelly Klein walked into frame with a villainous smile on her face. Billy got up and confronted her, but Klein simply told him to make sure Brandi was okay and mind his own business.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>First Round Tournament Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Cody Rhodes Vs Pepper Parks</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-With what had just transpired backstage, Cody came into this match with more on his mind than the AEW World Championship, and it showed in the early goings. Rhodes couldn’t seem to get himself on track here, and after a brief exchange of amateur style wrestling, the two men wound up just exchanging big right hands. Cody went for a Clothesline, only to have Pepper Parks duck underneath and come back with one of his own.</p><p> </p><p>

The first near-fall of the match took place after Parks reversed out of a very early attempt at the Cross Rhodes, getting himself into position for one of his own before lifting Cody into position for a Spinning Tombstone Piledriver! The fans thought it may be over, and there was an audible gasp as Cody managed to get his shoulder off the mat, but just barely.</p><p> </p><p>

Parks continued to work over the neck of his opponent, but had an attempted German Suplex countered as Cody connected with one of his own out of desperation. Both men made it back to their feet and brawled through the next minute or so. Pepper was looking for a Running Big Boot, but missed and had Cody come back off the opposite ropes with a Front Chopblock to the left knee.</p><p> </p><p>

Rhodes put himself to work, singling out the knee with stomps and then later on, connecting with a Running Dropkick to the back of the same knee. Cody locked his opponent in the Figure Four Leglock, forcing the submission as Parks just couldn’t seem to turn him over to reverse the pressure in the middle of the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

As soon as the bell rang, Cody gave a quick wave to the fans to say thank you, and then bolted to the back to check on his injured wife.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tag Team Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Hangman Page & Zema Ion w/ Diamond Dallas Page Vs Kenny Omega & Pac</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-Ion, the former DJ Z, came out with an entirely new (old?) look to match up with his new nickname. “The Spandex Saint” came out to some music that sounded like Motley Crue or Skid Row, and playing up the hair metal gimmick, was wearing tights that looked like they were made up of several pairs of torn spandex, with various colors showing through at different areas. His trademark hair had also changed, as he looked to be growing it back out.</p><p> </p><p>

Page started the match at the behest of his new manager, locking up with Pac and having a very good exchange to start the match, with neither man able to top the other. The Hangman managed to knock Pac to his back after an exchange of Shoulderblock’s between the two. Pac feigned being scared, allowing Kenny Omega to enter the ring and attack his former friend from behind. This allowed a double team, as Diamond Dallas Page accidentally kept the ref’s attention away from the ring while he argued with him about the legality of it all.</p><p> </p><p>

The ref finally got Page to relent, and turned to see what the fuss was about. The heels went for a Double Clothesline, but Page broke through them like he was hell-bent on winning a game of Red Rover, and then turned to drop Omega with a big right hand, spinning off of the strike and landing a Rolling Elbow directly on the jaw of Pac. Kenny sprung back to his feet, only to find himself the victim and unwitting participant in a beautiful Dropsault as Page’s feet connected with his chest, using him as a launching pad for a Moonsault on Pac, but he could only get a one count.</p><p> </p><p>

Later on, with Ion in the ring against Omega, the former Impact X Division Champion found himself in an uphill battle against one of the absolute best in the business. Omega though, as shown earlier in his interview with Dave Meltzer, was being very arrogant and lightly kicking at the head of his opponent. This proved to be a mistake when Zema Ion caught him in the face with a Spinning Heel Kick. Ion went to the corner to compose himself, and managed to avoid a charging Omega, who hit the turnbuckles chest first. Ion capitalized with a Belly to Back Suplex variation, as he flipped Kenny overhead into a Facebreaker across his knee.</p><p> </p><p>

Ion and Page weren’t overly cohesive as a tandem, but took control momentarily. With Page the legal man in the ring, Omega connected with the Dragon Rush, a Snap Dragon Suplex, after ducking under an attempt at the Buckshot Lariat. Hangman pulled himself up using the ropes, but was tagged out by Ion and didn’t seem too happy about it. The two men argued briefly, and Pac ambushed them. “The Bastard” tossed Page to the outside, where DDP would check on him, and then absolutely leveled Zema with a Clothesline.</p><p> </p><p>

Pac picked Ion up for a Suplex, but then placed him on the shoulders of Omega in an Electric Chair. Simulataneously as Kenny connected with Croyt’s Wrath for the victory over Ion, Pac would shoot one more arrow from his quiver against his first round opponent next week, as he nailed Page with a Tope Suicida to ensure that he would be unable to break up the pinfall.</p><p> </p><p>

Diamond Dallas Page got into Pac’s face after the match, but the man who used to call himself the King of the Cruiserweights didn’t budge, mean-mugging DDP until the official announcement was made. Omega celebrated in the ring, but Pac didn’t join him, instead just yelling to him that he is going to be Champion, and Omega won’t be able to get past him.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>In Ring</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-As Omega left, Pac grabbed Hangman and shoved him back into the ring, rolling in and then driving fists furiously into the face of his opponent for next week. DDP slid into the ring and pulled Pac off of his charge, but ended up being shoved down and rolling to the outside. Pac picked Hangman back off the mat and drove him into the turnbuckle. He set him up and looked to be going for the Avalanche Suplex that has won him many bouts, but before he could pull it off, took a steel chair shot to the back courtesy of Diamond Dallas Page.</p><p> </p><p>

Pac dropped off the turnbuckle and rolled to the outside, clutching at his back before warning DDP that if he gets involved next week, that he will have more to worry abou than just his client.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage with Dave</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-Meltzer was with So Cal Uncensored this time. He began by mentioning how excited they must be to be a part of the launch of All Elite Wrestling. Daniels replied that they were excited, and that they got so much love at the initial Fan Rally that they had such high hopes for this company. Meltzer noted the phrase “were excited” and asked what changed.</p><p> </p><p>

Kazarian spoke up, saying that when they got the match cards for the first two weeks, they went from being at an all time high, to completely disappointed. Kazarian said that they’ve been treated like an afterthought so many times in their careers, and that they had to force their way into Ring of Honor keeping them on the roster by winning their Tag Team Titles. They had to force their way onto PPV in Impact Wrestling by being the absolute best tag team in their history… and now they see that the grass isn’t greener on the other side, because they’re right back in the same position.</p><p> </p><p>

Dave didn’t agree, and Scorpio Sky told him that he’s blind. Scorpio told him to look at the field of sixteen for the AEW World Championship tournament. Meltzer replied that he’s really excited to see how it plays out, because there’s sixteen names in there that are legitimate top guys or guys who could prove themselves in that spotlight. Scorpio asked him how many SCU members are a part of that. Zero, was the answer.</p><p> </p><p>

Meltzer brought up that the highly touted Lucha Brothers aren’t included in the tournament despite their singles successes, and that even the Young Bucks, who are executives in this company, don’t have spots in the tournament. Daniels was enraged, stopping Meltzer and telling him that it’s all just a conspiracy to hold down SCU, and that it was a bad idea. Dave replied that they got a main event spot on the very first show, so he should settle down and get his mind on the Tag Team division. Daniels, taking exception, pie-faced Meltzer before leaving with his teammates.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>First Round Tournament Match</strong></p><p><strong>

El Texano Jr Vs Chris Jericho</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-In the final tournament match of the evening, “The Maverick” Chris Jericho got under the skin of Texano early on, treating him like he didn’t belong in the same ring as the former WWE World Champion. Jericho’s arrogance nearly cost him in the opening moments, as he would go up to the top rope for a high risk move, but took too long playing to the crowd and was crotched on the top by Texano. The Mexican superstar took full advantage, taking Jericho down from the top with an Avalanche Hurricanrana for a two count that clearly shook the legend.</p><p> </p><p>

Texano followed up with some big strikes to his opponent, but Jericho used his wiles and after shoving the ref slightly, took advantage with a big thumb to the eye. Jericho tackled Texano and began pounding away with rights and lefts before being pulled off by the referee. Texano tried to get to his feet, but was met with a Dropkick to the face, which was then followed up by Jericho’s trademark Double Underhook Backbreaker.</p><p> </p><p>

“The Maverick” kept focused on the back of his opponent, first by driving knees into the small of the back, and then by attempting the Walls of Jericho. Texano managed to power his way out of the attempt, and sent Jericho to the outside with a Clothesline over the top. With Jericho outside, Texano regained his composure and breath. The two men battled from either side of the ropes, exchanging punches before Jericho managed to catch Texano with an Elbow that sent him to his back.</p><p> </p><p>

Later on, Jericho would connect with a Missile Dropkick off the second turnbuckle. The two men continued to brawl until Jericho attempted an Irish Whip into the corner, but Texano countered, sending him hard into the buckles. El Texano Jr would follow up with a series of right handed Knife Edged Chops and left arm Lariats in a combination.</p><p> </p><p>

The advantage would be all Texano’s for a few moments, but Jericho fought his way out of a Headlock with a brutal shot to the kidneys. Texano would go for a Powerbomb later, but found himself unable to lift Jericho, who had kept a focus on his opponent’s back for the duration of the bout. Jericho took advantage and connected with a nice Pendulum Backbreaker, but could only get a two count.</p><p> </p><p>

Jericho went for the Walls one more time, and managed to apply the move, but Texano used his leg strength to flip Jericho over and break the hold before he submitted. Texano rallied the crowd, and connected with a half-power Lariat, followed up by a Superkick. Jericho shot back to his feet, and Texano charged for something else, but found himself victim of the Codebreaker, as Jericho delivered the move completely from out of nowhere. The veteran Jericho made a quick cover and scored the three count in a match that was considerably more even than he had anticipated, as El Texano Jr established himself as a legitimate threat.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hype Video</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-Tenille Dashwood was spotlighted, as she talked about her run in the WWE and Ring of Honor. Dashwood said that she’s worked really hard and paid her dues over the years… and she made the fans fall in love with her several times over… but she got kicked to the curb because she didn’t have the fire to force her way up the card. Dashwood claimed that she was too nice in the past.</p><p> </p><p>

She said that here in All Elite Wrestling, it’s all about her. She called herself the Elite Queen, challenged anyone to step up and prove her otherwise, and said that this is her kingdom. Tenille Dashwood will debut next week in tag team action!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Main Event</strong></p><p><strong>

Three Way Tag Team Match</strong></p><p><strong>

The Young Bucks Vs The Lucha Brothers Vs The Addiction</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-The action in the main event started out quickly and kept a torrid pace right to the finish. All six men began the match by brawling inside of the ring. Soon after, Fenix would send Daniels to the outside and then wind up sending Matt Jackson over the top rope with a Back Body Drop onto Daniels. Pentagon took them both out with a Tope Suicida. Kazarian followed up with a Pescado onto all three. Nick Jackson hit Fenix with a Superkick inside of the ring, and then hit the ropes for a dive of his own, but Fenix took him out with a Shotei. Fenix went up top for a dive while the four men outside continued brawling, but was crotched on the top by Nick, who followed up by taking everybody out with an Avalanche Hurricanrana, sending Fenix into the crowd of wrestlers.</p><p> </p><p>

Back in the ring, Nick Jackson sent Fenix into the Young Bucks corner and tried to follow up with something, but Fenix moved out of the way and then caught him with a Springboard Back Kick. Matt tagged himself in, but found himself victim of a quick Arm Drag, rolling to his feet and going for a Dropkick at the same time Fenix did, with neither man connecting.</p><p> </p><p>

Nick Jackson scored the first near-fall of the match with a Swanton Bomb on Pentagon Jr, coming after the Bucks cleared the ring of The Addiction with Superkicks. Fenix broke up the pin and took out The Addiction on the outside with a Springboard Moonsault. Pentagon would get the near-fall back on Nick shortly after, when he sent Nick head over heels into the turnbuckle with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex that also knocked Matt off the apron.</p><p> </p><p>

Nick would have to fight his way out of a mess when Kazarian tagged himself in. The Addiction double teamed the blonde Buck, and were going for a double team move off the top rope, but Nick got them in the gut with right hands before sending Daniels crashing to the floor outside. Kazarian fell back off the turnbuckle, and Nick connected with a Plancha off the top rope, but rolled too far and was tagged out by Fenix.</p><p> </p><p>

Pentagon would connect with a Standing Double Stomp to Kazarian inside of the ring, followed up by an attempt at the Sacrifice Armbreaker, but he was distracted as Fenix was attacked on the outside by SCU member Scorpio Sky. The Young Bucks hit the ring, which kept the ref’s attention off of the battle between Fenix and Scorpio on the outside.</p><p> </p><p>

After cleaning house with Superkicks and a Wheelbarrow/X-Factor combo on Pentagon, they dragged him to their corner and Matt tagged himself in. Matt and Kazarian went back and forth, with Frankie blocking a Superkick and connecting with a DDT. Kazarian crawled to his corner, and tagged in Daniels. “The Ring General” Christopher Daniels hit the ring hot, taking out Matt with an STO before directing Kazarian to go help Scorpio fighting with Fenix, as Pentagon had at that point began following them through the crowd.</p><p> </p><p>

Daniels was overconfident though, as that left him alone with The Young Bucks, who would take full advantage. On an attempt at the Best Moonsault Ever, Nick pulled Matt out of the way and Daniels hit the mat hard. Superkicks galore followed up, as Daniels would not be put down. He kept stumbling around, and after six Superkicks from his opponents, he was wobbling like a drunk man, but still wouldn’t fall. With Daniels out on his feet, the Bucks called for the end and delivered, driving Daniels head first into the mat with the first Meltzer Driver in All Elite Wrestling.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>In Ring</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-As The Bucks celebrated their victory, the Lucha Brothers returned to the ring, as Scorpio Sky and Kazarian had come back to get Daniels out of there. Fenix extended his hand in a show of sportsmanship, and the two teams shook, but Fenix also motioned that they would meet again.</p><p> </p><p>

The Young Bucks left to celebrate with the fans, but the show wasn’t quite done, as Pentagon got his hands on a microphone and cut a promo in Spanish, challenging The Addiction to face them next week on Tuesday Night Dynamite. He then thanked the crowd for coming in English, before turning things over to the announce team.</p><p> </p><p>

Joey Styles of ECW fame called the very first show for All Elite Wrestling, joined by former independent referee Bryce Remsburg. The two men thanked the fans for making this happen, and Joey specifically said that he hadn’t been this excited about pro wrestling in years! They then ran down next week’s card, featuring the tag team match that was just put out there, as Styles said that he had gotten confirmation in his head-set that the Lucha Brothers will in fact face off with The Addiction.</p><p> </p><p>

Remsburg then ran down the tournament matches for next week, as the first round of the tournament concludes with Kenny Omega taking on “The Spandex Saint” Zema Ion… their partners from the first show will collide as well, as Hangman Page goes one on one with “The Bastard” Pac… AAA’s Argenis will face the debuting Colt Cabana… and the final match in the first round is a AAA showcase when Brian Cage takes on Super Fly.</p><p> </p><p>

Styles and Remsburg again thanked everyone for supporting All Elite Wrestling, and announced that every Sunday, the company will be putting out a News Report to announce additional matches for the weekly Tuesday Night Dynamite program, as well as any breaking news and rumors regarding the promotion.</p>

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<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>The All Elite Wrestling Dot Com Sunday News Bomb</strong></span></p><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>

Week 1 of March</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Intro</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-Welcome to the first edition of the Sunday News Bomb! My name is Freddie Brock, and I will be your guide to the news and rumors surrounding The Elite… The, The Elite. As All Elite Wrestling is a company for the fans, you can expect that I won’t be pulling any punches here, and I have the full backing of ownership in regards to what I feel is worth writing about each week. Watch out all you locker room cancers and backstage politicians… just like The Boogeyman, I’m comin’ to getcha!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Second Major Event</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-After revealing that a second big event, or Pay Per View event, was in the cards at the fan rally in January, a lot of fans have been asking about the details surrounding that. Not much is known at this point, but here is what I have been able to uncover.</p><p> </p><p>

The first major show, obviously, is Double or Nothing at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. The second major show was announced as happening in Jacksonville, with proceeds from the event going towards aiding victims of gun violence. I have done some digging, and poked and prodded at the infinitely calm Cody Rhodes to try and gather more information.</p><p> </p><p>

The event will be titled Fight for the Fallen, which is a name that was part of the trademarks filed originally prior to the announcement of the company. Fifty percent of all revenue from the event will be donated to help the victims of gun violence, which is a cause very important to all of us, but championed courageously by President Tony Khan.</p><p> </p><p>

There is no official date set for Fight for the Fallen as of this writing.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New Japan Connection</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-With Chris Jericho’s contract allowing him to work a set number of limited dates with New Japan Pro-Wrestling, there has been a lot of talk about what that means for a potential business relationship with AEW.</p><p> </p><p>

Unfortunately, I have to stop any rumors here and it definitely hurts a bit, as New Japan helped to cultivate a lot of the performers and ideas that are now All Elite Wrestling. Due to their pre-existing relationship with Ring of Honor, and our shrewd business moves of luring a couple of their top female talents away from that promotion (oops), New Japan has respectfully declined any type of proposal to work alongside All Elite.</p><p> </p><p>

It was understood coming into this venture that not everyone in the wrestling world would be happy with the arrival of a new promotion, and everyone at All Elite Wrestling would like to wish New Japan Pro-Wrestling and its affiliates all of the best in the years to come. Perhaps at some point in the future, things will change, and we are most certainly open to working with anyone and everyone given the right circumstances.</p><p> </p><p>

That being said, we have already announced and shown a working arrangement with Mexico’s famous AAA promotion. China’s OWE is a working partner of AEW as well, though we probably won’t see many of their stars on AEW shows in the near future. The Chinese promotion run by the legendary CIMA is the first of its kind in the country, and they are still learning the business. It is absolutely amazing to see what they are doing over there, and with CIMA continuing to teach these guys, it’s going to be awesome to see them when they arrive.</p><p> </p><p>

There are contracts being worked on for other business relationships, and though they may not be all that surprising, due to the nature of the politics of the wrestling business, AEW has opened the door by working with AAA to potentially making that same deal with Impact Wrestling and Pro Wrestling NOAH.</p><p> </p><p>

An interesting wrinkle in the proceedings is that Impact has begun working with Major League Wrestling in recent months. Originally set as a way to help fans of both companies get to both shows on WrestleMania weekend, the two sides seem to be set to work something out to continue the relationship. If they do, and they join the grouping of AAA, Impact and NOAH, it will be interesting to see if the promotion is willing to join the fold with AEW as well.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>No Villain?</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-Members of The Elite have been getting a ton of emails, direct messages and fans asking in person about a missing member of the group. Where is Marty Scurll? Well, Marty is absolutely killing it over in Ring of Honor, where he has formed Villain Enterprises with two very hot acts in “The Bounty Hunter” Brody King and Pierre Carl Ouellet.</p><p> </p><p>

Scurll’s ROH contract runs for awhile longer, and while we would love to have him join All Elite, he will do what is best for himself, as we would have no expectation of him doing otherwise. ROH is currently Marty’s home, and we encourage fans to keep up with what he’s doing by watching their very good product.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duology</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-With the AEW World Championship tournament under way, a focus backstage has been on scouting and securing tag team talents for the division. There have been a number of in-person meetings in regards to who may be available, and the thought is that AEW will slowly build itself a tag team division unrivaled in the business today.</p><p> </p><p>

One team that’s been discussed on the various dirt sheets is The Revival. While we would absolutely love for those top guys to come in and prove their worth, they are under contract to WWE and will be for the foreseeable future.</p><p> </p><p>

There has been no shortage of teams in contact with AEW though, and it should be quite exciting to see who pops up to challenge the Young Bucks, The Addiction and The Lucha Brothers for dominance in the division.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Matches Announced for Dynamite</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-Added to this week’s Tuesday Night Dynamite have been the following matches: Cody Rhodes will team with El Texano Jr against Chris Jericho and Pepper Parks. Last week, Rhodes defeated Parks and Jericho defeated Texano in first round tournament action… the team of Rosemary & Cherry Bomb will be back in action as well, as they take on the debuting Tenille Dashwood & Kelly Klein. After Klein’s unprovoked attack of Chief Branding Officer Brandi Rhodes, one has to wonder if there will be any push back from Brandi this week… and finally, after being victorious in the first ever AEW main event, The Young Bucks will be back in action to open the show this coming week as they take on the team of Puma King & Trevor Lee in what should be a fast paced, action filled start to the show.</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">AEW Tuesday Night Dynamite</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Tuesday Week 2 of March</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

From the Packard Stadium in Tempe, Arizona (South West)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tag Team Match</strong></p><p><strong>

The Young Bucks Vs Puma King & Trevor Lee</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-Tonight’s show started out with a quick video package for the remaining first round matches in the AEW World Championship Tournament, and then went right to introductions, as All Elite has no desire to waste anyone’s time.</p><p> </p><p>

In our first match of the evening, the Young Bucks, who were victorious last week in the first ever main event of Tuesday Night Dynamite, got set to do battle with the first time team of AAA’s Puma King and “The Carolina Caveman” Trevor Lee. Both Puma & Lee were on the wrong end of their tournament matches last week, and were ooking for a strong bounce-back performance tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

The Bucks used their vast experience as a tandem to control the early moments of the match, but Puma King would manage to make a tag to Trevor Lee, who came in and cleared house with big right hands, followed up by sending Matt up and over the top rope to the floor. Nick saw an opening and went for a Superkick, but Lee dodged out of the way, hit the ropes and turned him inside out with a Clothesline.</p><p> </p><p>

Puma King would end up back as the legal man, but couldn’t get much momentum. Nick managed to break free from a Side Headlock, but before he could tag in his brother, Matt was yanked violently off the apron by Lee, who rammed him back first into the barricade for good measure. Matt has had issues off and on with his back over the past year or so, and “The Carolina Caveman” knew exactly what he was doing.</p><p> </p><p>

Lee called for Puma King to tag him in, but the Mexican star instead saw an opportunity and looked to be going for an Asai Moonsault to Matt on the outside, but Nick stopped him with a Superkick to the gut, and then pulled him through the ropes to connect with a Hangman’s Neckbreaker. Nick Jackson took to the air with a 450 Splash off the second turnbuckle, but Trevor Lee was there waiting for him with a Jawbreaker as he got to his feet. Puma King picked Nick up and shoved him into a Spinebuster from Lee.</p><p> </p><p>

Puma had gone for a pinfall, but the referee wasn’t having any of it. Instead of counting the pin, he forced Lee back out onto the apron despite his protests. King got into the official’s face about it, but that just allowed Matt Jackson to tag in and give his brother a moment’s rest. Matt took the advantage, but lost it again after Lee tried to get back into the ring, distracting Matt and allowing Puma King to use the ropes and propel himself into a twisting Codebreaker with a quick back springboard.</p><p> </p><p>

Having seen the tactics of their opponents, Nick Jackson showed that two can play at that game, as he came flying off the top rope with a Plancha onto Puma King. Nick rolled to the outside, but King ended up rolling towards his corner and tagged in Lee. Nick rallied the fans behind his brother, but Lee took him to the outside and then drove him back first into the apron with a vicious Belly to Back Suplex. Lee got into the ring, and Matt followed at the count of eight. Unfortunately for the Jacksons, Matt rolled back into the ring and right into a Cross Armbreaker attempt.</p><p> </p><p>

Lee wrenched back on the hold, but Matt had his wrists clasped to keep his elbow from hyper-extending. Matt lifted him and drove him into the second turnbuckle in the Bucks corner. Nick tagged in, leapt into the ring and used the ropes to hit a Springboard Superkick on the unsuspecting Puma King, knocking him to the floor. Matt, meanwhile, had set up Lee so that he was draped face down over the second rope, and Nick kept moving quickly, making it all the way back to the other side of the ring and to the apron, following up with a Springboard Swanton Bomb across the back of Lee.</p><p> </p><p>

Nick and Trevor Lee exchanged Forearm shots in the center of the ring. Jackson hit a trademark Superkick, but Lee came right back at him with a vicious Knee strike to the abdomen. Nick fell to his knees, and Trevor Lee caught him with a Deadlift German Suplex. Lee called for the finish, but stopped to check on Puma King, who had just made it back to his feet, holding the back of his head as if he had hit it on the ringside floor. Lee turned back around and right into a Double Superkick from the Jackson brothers.</p><p> </p><p>

Puma King began making his way into the ring, but he ate a Double Superkick for his efforts before he even got fully into the ring, with his body slumping to the mat and right leg still draped over the second rope. The Young Bucks dug into their bag of tricks and pulled out a classic, as they finished the match off with More Bang for Your Buck, winning for the second straight week.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>First Round Tournament Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Argenis Vs Colt Cabana</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-The first of four tournament matches on the night kicked off with Colt Cabana making fun of Argenis and his size. Cabana offered up a test of strength to start the proceedings, and to his surprise, Argenis agreed. It appeared that Colt would be able to overpower his foe, and in better circumstances may have, but Argenis dropped to his back, bringing Colt up and over with a Monkey Flip while retaining the grip. Argenis wound up on top of his opponent, but Colt used his legs to push him up and into a standing position. The momentum brought Cabana back to his feet as well, and Argenis tried to take advantage by going into a Wheelbarrow, looking for an offensive maneuver.</p><p> </p><p>

Cabana saw it coming though, and took Argenis over with a Wheelbarrow Suplex. After regaining his composure, Cabana put the boots to Argenis over and over until the referee stepped in to stop him. Cabana would manage to keep Argenis grounded for a bit, and locked in the Chicago Crab for an attempt at the early submission. The AAA star managed to fight his way to the ropes, and wound up taking the advantage using his speed to stick and move against the bigger Cabana.</p><p> </p><p>

Argenis would come close later on to scoring a pinfall, as he connected with a Springboard Plancha that caught Cabana off guard and scored him a two count. This also seemed to wake up Colt though, as he brutalized Argenis with Forearms. Cabana scored his own near fall as he hit a Kneeling Colt 45 on his opponent. Cabana immediately pulled him back up and dropped him with a the Colt 45 proper, but this time, Argenis rolled right to the floor.</p><p> </p><p>

Colt went outside and sent Argenis from one side to the other and back again with a pair of hard Irish Whips into the guardrails. Cabana shoved his opponent into the ring, but took too long arguing with the fans in the front row. Argenis barely connected, but still did some damage, with a Superkick underneath the bottom rope. Cabana slid back into the ring, and avoided a Superkick inside. Colt though, again got distracted by fans, taking his attention away and allowing Argenis to catch him with a Quebrada Press for a surprise three count.</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Cabana just sat in the ring, angry with himself for allowing the fans to take his attention off of the match.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hype Video</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-All Elite’s first announced female signing, Dr. Britt Baker was spotlighted. Footage from the initial Fan Rally was shown with Baker talking about the great opportunity here, followed by a brief clip of her telling Brandi Rhodes in the locker room that she’s here to prove that she’s the best in the world. A graphic was displayed at the end of the video to announce that Baker will make her in-ring debut next week in a Four Way Match against “The Alpha Female” Jazzy Gabert, Kelly Klein, and the aforementioned Brandi Rhodes.</p><p> </p><p>

Not only will this be Baker’s debut for the company, but it will also allow Brandi to get her hands on Kelly Klein after last week’s unexplained attack.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tag Team Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Rosemary & Cherry Bomb Vs Tenille Dashwood & Kelly Klein</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-After losing in their debut match last week, the team of Rosemary & Cherry Bomb started things quickly in week two. Tenille Dashwood started the match out against Rosemary, and after a quick exchange of Arm Drags led to a stalemate, Dashwood got the last shot in with a stiff slap to the face. Tenille though, showing her arrogance, turned her back to play to the crowd, and turned right back around and into a big Roundhouse Kick that rocked her. Rosemary picked her up and delivered her patented Red Wedding very early!</p><p> </p><p>

Dashwood almost ate the pinfall before the match really got going, but Kelly Klein broke it up at two. Klein leveled Rosemary with a brutal Clothesline and then dragged Dashwood over to their corner to tag her in. Klein opened up on Rosemary with a series of big strikes, throwing rights and lefts, a big kick to the gut, and a Spinning Backfist for good measure. Cherry Bomb got Klein’s attention, screaming from her corner and spitting on her hand, before using it to smudge and distort the goth-styled makeup on her face.</p><p> </p><p>

Klein got into Cherry’s face, but backed off, disgusted, and complained to the official. The referee went over to have a brief chat with her, but this just allowed Rosemary to rise from the mat and spray Klein in the face with a Green Mist. Klein, blinded, swung wildly in a striking exchange with Rosemary, but ultimately fell to a Superkick due to her inability to see the attack and stop it from landing.</p><p> </p><p>

With Cherry Bomb in the ring a bit later, Kelly Klein managed to regain her composure and did a good job in transitioning from a Suplex into a Guillotine Choke by rolling through after the impact. Klein wrapped her legs around Cherry and really tried to force the submission, but Cherry Bomb was too close to the ropes and grabbed the bottom one to break the hold. The team of Klein & Dashwood showed good teamwork here, as Dashwood would absolutely steamroll over Cherry Bomb with a Running Crossbody, as Klein used an Irish Whip to send Cherry into her oncoming partner.</p><p> </p><p>

Cherry Bomb continued to be the focus, as her back would be worked over by her opponents. Klein would drive her back directly into her knee with a Pendulum Backbreaker, which was followed by a Running Boot to the side of the head from Dashwood. Klein & Dashwood continued the double team, but Cherry Bomb ducked under a Double Clothesline and dove to her corner to make the hot tag.</p><p> </p><p>

Rosemary came in and did a good job holding her own against her two opponents, but eventually fell to the numbers game. Dashwood connected with a Butterfly Suplex, but “The Demon Assassin” was quickly back to her feet and fired up. Dashwood missed with a Clothesline, but rocked Rosemary with a big Forearm shot. She reared back for another, but before she could connect again, found herself flat on her back after a devastating Headbutt. Rosemary followed up with a series of Running Forearms, each one knocking Dashwood back to the mat.</p><p> </p><p>

Later on, Cherry Bomb looked to have things wrapped up as she delivered the Cherry Valley Driver to Kelly Klein, but Klein was not the legal woman in the match. Dashwood had tagged herself in out of sight of Cherry Bomb, which allowed her to come in and connect with the Spotlight Kick. Rosemary came in to help her partner, but ended up being tossed to the outside by Dashwood, who then proceeded to drive Cherry’s face hard into the canvas with a Curb Stomp.</p><p> </p><p>

Dashwood tagged out to Klein, and then connected with a Baseball Slide Dropkick to send Rosemary into the guardrail. Dashwood kept Rosemary busy on the outside, but with Cherry Bomb fighting back in the ring with everything she had left, Rosemary took strength from that and made her way back to her corner after sending Dashwood ino the guardrail with an Irish Whip. Rosemary got the tag from her partner, but was too slow getting to the attack, as she wanted to make sure Cherry Bomb was okay. The delay allowed Klein to regain her composure, and when Rosemary thought she had it in the bag and attempted the Red Wedding, Klein gripped on tight, blocked the move in mid-air and fell into a Guillotine Choke.</p><p> </p><p>

Cherry Bomb tried to get back in to make the save, but Dashwood tackled her and the two rolled to the floor as Rosemary was forced to tap out, giving her team their second loss in as many weeks.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage with Dave</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-Meltzer was with Chief Branding Officer Brandi Rhodes, and began right away by asking her about why Kelly Klein attacked her last week in the backstage area. Brandi replied that she had no idea. She said that she was the one who flew to Klein’s house to sit down and hash out the contract with her. Brandi said that she was the one who put an asterisk beside Klein’s name because she felt like she belonged at the top of women’s wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

Dave asked if Brandi thought that Klein was trying to make an impact, saying that as a new company, there isn’t a Womens Champion yet, and the typical big dog role could be filled by Brandi, with her executive position in the company. Rhodes, looking thoughtful for just a moment, agreed with Dave that perhaps making an impact was Klein’s reasoning. Did she? Brandi said that she absolutely did, if that was her intention, but it was a bad decision. Rhodes said that she’s not going to use her executive position to get back at anyone though, and that she will handle this situation the good old fashioned way.</p><p> </p><p>

Meltzer wondered what that meant, and Brandi said that she has her in-ring debut next week in a Four Way Match, and that Klein is part of that match. Brandi promised that she would get her hands on Klein and show her that she made a mistake attacking her last week.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>First Round Tournament Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Brian Cage Vs Super Fly</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-These two men faced off last week in a AAA Three Way showcase match, which saw Cage pick up the victory over Argenis. Tonight would be a singles meeting between Cage and Super Fly, with a berth in the Quarter-Finals of the AEW World Championship Tournament on the line.</p><p> </p><p>

Super Fly, having seen the damage that Cage can do first-hand last week, opened the bout quickly, connecting with a Shotgun Dropkick at the sound of the bell. Cage stumbled backward, but did not fall. Fly hit one more, sending Cage into the corner. “The Swollverine” walked out of the corner angry, and went for a Lariat as Super Fly charged at him, but Fly ducked under, hit the ropes and connected with a third Shotgun Dropkick. This one would send Cage to his back.</p><p> </p><p>

Super Fly played to the crowd and charged at a standing Cage for something else, but instead ended up eating a vicious Jumping Knee Strike that crumpled him. Cage mounted his opponent and absolutely just laid into him with right and left Forearms until the ref pulled him off. With Cage in control for a bit, Super Fly found himself on the defensive, just trying as best as he could to weather the storm.</p><p> </p><p>

Cage would look to hit Weapon X, which he used last week on Argenis to secure the victory, but with Super Fly on his back, he could not connect with the move as his opponent fought tooth and nail to block it, rolling through into a Sunset Flip for a two count. Cage tried to get up, but Super Fly caught him with a Knee Strike, and then a Superkick. With Cage wobbly, Super Fly drove him into the canvas with a Last Ride styled Powerbomb, but Cage kicked out at one.</p><p> </p><p>

The luchador tried to keep the momentum going, unloading on his opponent in the corner with a series of Open Hand Chops. The ref pulled him away after the five count, and then Cage came roaring out of the corner looking for the Discus Lariat. Super Fly had it scouted though, ducking under and catching Brian Cage with a Back Springboard Plancha.</p><p> </p><p>

Super Fly quickly went up top, looking to end the match with a Moonsault. Unfortunately for him though, Cage managed to roll out of the way and Super Fly crashed hard to the mat. Both men got to their feet at the same time. Super Fly threw a Rolling Elbow, but Cage blocked it and replied in kind with the Discus Lariat, this time nearly decapitating his opponent. “The Swollverine” wasted no time here at the end, dead-lifting Super Fly from the mat into a Suplex position. Cage held it, delaying and allowing the blood to rush to his opponent’s head before channeling Scott Steiner and dropping him directly on the head with the Drill Claw, securing the victory and a spot in the Quarter-Finals.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage with Dave</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-Backstage again with Dave Meltzer, this time with special guest Angelico. Dave brought up that Angelico is world-traveled and has seen and done damn near everything… so why come to All Elite Wrestling? Angelico thanked Dave for mentioning how much he has accomplished, but said that in all of his travels, he’s never had the opportunity to really be “The Guy”, and that’s important to him.</p><p> </p><p>

Meltzer brought up the quality of talent already here, and the potential of other big names looking at AEW as an option in the future. So why does Angelico believe AEW gives him that opportunity? Angelico replied that when he met with Cody Rhodes and the Young Bucks about their new company, he was impressed by their demands that the cream rise to the top.</p><p> </p><p>

Angelico brought up that he was told that wins and losses will matter, and in a position like that, he is supremely confident that he will find himself getting World Championship opportunities, because he believes he is that good. Meltzer nodded, adding that as long as talent is winning matches, they’ll be putting themselves in position for Championship opportunities. Angelico agreed, saying that if he fails, he wants to fail on his own lack of merit, not because someone in the back doesn’t think he’s big enough to represent their company. Size doesn’t and shouldn’t matter, said Angelico, adding that wins and losses, that’s what should really count.</p><p> </p><p>

Angelico added that he gets to face Cody Rhodes next week in the Quarter-Finals, and while he is grateful for the opportunity, when they step into that ring, he’s not standing across from an executive. He’s standing across the ring from the guy who is trying to take away his opportunity. Meltzer wished him luck against the former ROH and NWA World Champion. Angelico thanked him, and told him to keep watching the skies, because the best of the best are going to be tearing it up in AEW, and he believes he belongs in those discussions.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tag Team Match</strong></p><p><strong>

The Lucha Brothers Vs Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-The challenge for this match was placed after last week’s main event, but So Cal Uncensored tried to throw everyone off as when the introductions were happening, Christopher Daniels stopped the ring announcer and informed him that Scorpio Sky would be competing as Kazarian’s tag team partner tonight. The Lucha Brothers didn’t seem to care too much about the substitution though, as after a moment of confusion, Fenix went over and said something, and the bell would ring to start the match.</p><p> </p><p>

Scorpio Sky would see his first action as a member of the All Elite roster here, opening things up against Fenix. There was an exchange of traditional lucha libre styled moves to open the bout, but Scorpio would be the first man to really strike, executing a Reverse Monkey Flip out of the corner after Fenix missed on an attempted Stinger Splash.</p><p> </p><p>

Unfortunately for SCU, the Monkey Flip sent Fenix far enough across the ring to allow him the opportunity to tag in his brother. Pentagon Jr came in and slowed things down, exchanging Open Handed Chops to the chest with Scorpio. Penta seemed to enjoy the exchange, stopping to clap and get the fans involved in the match.</p><p> </p><p>

A bit later, after a few tags have been exchanged, we were back to Penta and Scorpio in the ring. Pentagon Jr looked to be going for The Sacrifice Armbreaker, but Kazarian caught him with a Bicycle Kick to keep that from happening. Scorpio managed to lock his opponent in a Crossface, but it was far too early, and Pentagon managed to crawl his way to the bottom rope.</p><p> </p><p>

The first near-fall of the match came when Fenix tagged in, following a Superkick from Pentagon to Kazarian, who was now the legal man. Fenix came flying off the top rope with a Frog Splash, but only managed to score a two count against “The Heavy Metal Rebel”. Fenix maintained control though, and would go on to catch Frankie with a Handspring Back Elbow, which he followed up with a Back Springboard Dropkick as Kazarian tried to regain his composure.</p><p> </p><p>

Scorpio Sky continued to impress in this match, as he would catch Pentagon with a Belly to Back Suplex later on. The only problem for Scorpio there, was that Penta had already tagged out. With Scorpio looking for the pin, the ref did not count, but someone else was acting on it, as Rey Fenix came off the top rope with a Springboard Double Stomp. Fenix caught Scorpio with a Handspring Ace Crusher, and then followed up with a Fireman’s Carry, viciously driving Scorpio neck first into the top turnbuckle in the Lucha Brothers corner.</p><p> </p><p>

Pentagon tagged in and the pair were looking for the Double Stomp Fear Factor to put their opponents away, but Frankie Kazarian nailed Pentagon in the back of the head with a Clothesline, and then shoved Fenix off the top and to the floor. Outside the ring, Christopher Daniels lifted Fenix to his feet and Kazarian took him out with a Pescado. The referee admonished Daniels for getting involved, but he claimed he never touched Fenix.</p><p> </p><p>

As the referee continued his discussion with “The Ring General”, Kazarian came to the aid of his regular partner to try and persuade the ref to let him stay at ringside. Meanwhile, in the ring, Scorpio Sky fell victim to the Fear Factor. Pentagon noticed the referee was busy, but as he set up for the Pentagon Driver, pointed to his brother, who had been forgotten by their opponents. Fenix caught both Scorpio and Daniels with an Asai Moonsault, and Penta scored the three count with the Pentagon Driver inside of the ring.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Video</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-A pre-taped video was shown as “The Alpha Female” Jazzy Gabert was revealed to be operating a smart phone to record. The video needed to be turned around though, and after finding the function on the phone, the image went to the opposite camera on the phone, revealing Diamante Zuniga.</p><p> </p><p>

Diamante said that these rumors of her being some kind of crime lord are ridiculous. She claims that this is real life, not Scarface. You can hear Gabert laugh in the background as Diamante says that Cherry Bomb is literally insane. She said that whatever happened to her has made her more psychologically screwed up than Deadpool, but she’s nowhere near as fun.</p><p> </p><p>

Diamante did give her credit for being right on one count though, as Jazzy Gabert is in fact someone that was hired by Diamante. To clarify, Zuniga says that she’s not a bodyguard, because she doesn’t need one. She’s just a very powerful friend to have. The camera was turned and Gabert flexed with her free arm.</p><p> </p><p>

Zuniga finished off the video by saying that when the time comes to decide the first ever AEW Womens Champion, she’ll have the upper hand because she’ll have “The Alpha Female” in her corner… and when she wins that title, Gabert will be the measuring stick by which she decides who is worth of a title shot.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tag Team Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Cody Rhodes & El Texano Jr w/ Brandi Vs Chris Jericho & Pepper Parks</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-These four men met in First Round Tournament action last week with Rhodes and Jericho coming out on top of their respective matches. After a very good performance against Jericho last week, Texano came into this match looking for a quick victory as he would tie Pepper Parks up in an Inside Cradle for a two count before Jericho even had his jacket off.</p><p> </p><p>

Texano and Parks were both looking to impress here and didn’t want to tag out too early, but with Texano and Parks countering each other’s attempts at a German Suplex continuously, the two men made it from one side of the ring to the other and Cody tagged himself in. Texano held onto Parks, allowing Cody to rock him in the jaw with an Open Right Hand before taking over and delivering the German Suplex finally.</p><p> </p><p>

With Rhodes firmly in control of the match, the veteran Chris Jericho saw an opening to help his partner out and caught Cody off guard with a Plancha off the top rope. The referee forced Jericho back out, but the move allowed Parks to recover and deliver a handful of hard right hands to the forehead of Rhodes. Pepper kept on the attack, but as he tried for a Back Body Drop, Cody fell to the mat in front of him and connected with an Open Handed Strike to the jaw, reeling his opponent, but sending him directly into a tag from Jericho.</p><p> </p><p>

“The Maverick” came in and did what he does best, causing chaos inside of the ring. Jericho connected with back to back Running Boots to the face of Cody, and then put him down with a textbook Pendulum Backbreaker. Knowing that Cody is still very much alive in the tournament, Jericho went to work on the back, throwing Cody to the outside and following up by driving him into the guardrail three times. El Texano ran over and began brawling with Jericho, but the referee saw it and forced Texano back to his corner. The distraction allowed Jericho time to toss a few steel chairs into the ring before putting Cody back in as well.</p><p> </p><p>

Jericho went to use one of the chairs in the ring, but the ref saw it and pulled it away from him. Cody tried to take advantage with an O’Connor Roll, but the ref was still removing the chairs from the ring. Rhodes let go of the maneuver, knowing he wouldn’t get a count, but ended up on the receiving end of a low blow from Jericho, who then delivered his patented Double Underhook Backbreaker before tagging Pepper Parks back into the match.</p><p> </p><p>

Parks would apply a Camel Clutch to his opponent, but when it became apparent that Rhodes would be able to grab the bottom rope, Pepper let go of the hold and dropped an Elbow across the small of the back. Parks continued to work on the back of Cody, and the damage done was significant enough that when Rhodes attempted the Beautiful Disaster, he ended up unable to come off the ropes properly and crashed to the mat in front of his opponent. Parks lifted him into a setup for an Inverted DDT, but Cody quickly reversed out and into the Cross Rhodes!</p><p> </p><p>

Both Rhodes and Parks made it to their corners and tagged in their partners. Jericho and Texano picked back up where they left off earlier, exchanging big right hands in the ring same as they did outside of it. Jericho rocked Texano with an Elbow Strike, and then looked to be going for the One Handed Bulldog to set up the Lionsault, but Texano swung around with his right arm and drilled Jericho across the chest with a Lariat.</p><p> </p><p>

Texano got Jericho up into a Fireman’s Carry, but had his eyes raked before he could do anything from the position. Jericho hit the ropes again, but this time ran directly into a Spinebuster. Texano tagged out, unable to see properly and Rhodes came in with a series of Running Clotheslines. Cody tried for the Alabama Slam, but had to put Jericho down as he clutched at his back in pain. Jericho saw an opening and went for a Dropkick, but Rhodes saw it coming and stepped back.</p><p> </p><p>

Cody grabbed the legs of his opponent and rolled through into a pinfall for a two count, but instead of letting go, rolled to his side and lifted Jericho back into position, this time sending him crashing into the canvas with the Alabama Slam. Cody called for the end, but Jericho blocked the Cross Rhodes and hit a desperation Suplex, which allowed him to make the tag out.</p><p> </p><p>

Pepper Parks returned to the action and sent Cody hard into the turnbuckles, where he would proceed to remind him of what Ric Flair used to do to his father Dusty, as he let loose with about five Knife Edged Chops. The final one just fired up his opponent though, and Cody unloaded with a rapid fire succession of his own, backing Parks into the wrong corner and allowing Texano to tag in. Jericho stood on the outside and watched, but did not get involved, as Cody Rhodes guarded the ring and Texano put away Pepper Parks with the Final Kick.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-So Cal Uncensored was shown in their locker room, and Christopher Daniels was not happy. He told the other two that they are now 0 for 2 in their All Elite matches, and that just won’t do. Scorpio agreed, saying that since wins and losses matter here, they can’t just go out and take what is theirs. Daniels replied that they absolutely can, but the thing is, they need to do it in the ring here. They can’t just rely on pissing everybody off enough to get them opportunities.</p><p> </p><p>

Frankie Kazarian pitched in, saying that he had an idea. Both Daniels and Scorpio were keen to listen, and Kazarian said that his idea is really quite simple, and it’s not something they haven’t done before. They just need to get back to doing what they’re the best in the world at. Daniels asked him what it was, and Frankie replied that they need to get mean out there. They’ve been fighting like they are happy to be here, but in reality, AEW should be happy to have them.</p><p> </p><p>

Daniels smiled his trademark evil smile, and all three men tossed their hands into a pile before letting out a loud “S-C-U”. As the camera began to leave the dressing room, Daniels could be heard telling Frankie that he is one-hundred percent right, and it starts next week.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>First Round Tournament Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Hangman Page w/ DDP Vs Pac</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-Pac was on the winning side of a tag team encounter last week against Hangman Page, but with DDP in his corner, Page would not be intimidated by the self proclaimed “Bastard”. The two men went nose to nose before the bell rang, and exploded into a series of Forearm Strikes as soon as it did. Both men kept challenging the other to throw a strike, and in turn, would absorb it and throw one back. Neither man could score the advantage over the other in the striking exchange, and it ended only when they both threw at the same time, knocking each other down.</p><p> </p><p>

The first real momentum swing of the bout came when Page caught Pac off-guard with a Superkick, as “The Bastard” was clearly expecting Hangman to re-engage in the battle of strikes. Knowing how good his opponent is, Page stayed on the attack as DDP cheered him on outside the ring. After putting Pac down with a Rolling Elbow, Hangman Page pointed at DDP and told him that the next one was for him. Page set up a Pumphandle with Pac still on the canvas, and then connected with the Bridging Deadlift Pumphandle Suplex for a two count.</p><p> </p><p>

At the behest of Dallas Page outside the ring, Hangman set Pac up on the turnbuckle and looked to be attempting an Avalanche Suplex. The move is one right out of the Pac playbook though, and he fought back, driving his fist into the gut of Page twice before shoving him off the buckle. As Hangman got back to his feet, he was met with a vicious Front Missile Dropkick, as Pac drove both of his feet full force into the chest of his opponent. Hangman managed to get up before a pin could be attempted, but holding onto the ropes to do so, found himself headed up and over to the floor outside as Pac caught him with a Clothesline.</p><p> </p><p>

DDP went to the aid of his client, but had to move out of the way as Pac came off the second turnbuckle with a Moonsault. “The Bastard” stepped up to the former WCW World Champion, and then went right back to work, sending Page hard into the guardrail with an Irish Whip. With both men on the ring apron, Pac set up for a Piledriver, but Page would not allow himself to be lifted for the move. Pac drove his Forearm into Page’s back with a couple of clubbing blows, but Hangman shoved him off, freeing his head from between the legs of his opponent. Pac slipped on the apron a little, and that gave Hangman the opportunity to right himself and then drop his opponent with a Big Boot, sending Pac crashing to the floor.</p><p> </p><p>

Hangman Page would rally the crowd, connecting with his trademark Shooting Star Shoulderblock off of the apron to much applause. Page looked set to get Pac back into the ring, but changed his mind and evened the score, sending him crashing into the guardrail with an Irish Whip of his own. Back in the ring, Page still had control, but Pac wasn’t making it easy as both men would connect with a series of strikes. Page hit his second Rolling Elbow of the match, but when he attempted another, ran into a Back Kick from Pac that doubled him over. Pac hit the ropes and drilled Page with a Lariat.</p><p> </p><p>

“The Bastard” saw an opening for his patented Black Arrow, but took too long getting to the top rope and ended up being crotched on the buckle by a diving Page. Hangman climbed to the second turnbuckle and the two men exchanged right hands. Pac looked to get the advantage, but Page held onto the top rope, let out a primal scream and drilled Pac in the jaw with an Elbow. This allowed Hangman to connect with an Avalanche Swinging Neckbreaker, but before he could crawl over and pin his opponent, Pac had already rolled toward the bottom rope, hooking it with his feet to prevent any attempt.</p><p> </p><p>

DDP did his best to distract Pac as he tried to regain his composure, and the decision was great as it allowed Hangman to catch him with the Buckshot Lariat. Page went for the pin, but Pac was up just at the count of two. Page lifted his opponent up and into position for the Rite of Passage, but even as the fans erupted at the thought of Hangman advancing, Pac forced his way back down as he drove his Elbow into the kidney of his opponent. Pac attempted a Piledriver for the second time in the match, and again was foiled as Hangman fought off the attempt to lift him.</p><p> </p><p>

Page shoved Pac off for a second and drilled him in the jaw with a nasty Rolling Elbow, and then set up for the Rite of Passage again. Again though, Pac fought it off, this time by wildly swinging his right and left Forearms into the back. Page let Pac’s feet hit the canvas, and that’s all he needed, as “The Bastard” used the momentum to quickly pull up and spike Page head first into the mat with a Piledriver.</p><p> </p><p>

Pac went up top and connected with the Black Arrow. The referee’s hand almost came down for the third time, but Page’s right arm exploded off the canvas and the crowd erupted. Unfortunately for the fans in attendance and for the Hangman himself, the veteran Pac wouldn’t be phased and immediately rolled him over and into the Rings of Saturn, wrenching back on the hold. Diamond Dallas Page screamed and pleaded with Hangman to fight and break the hold, but “The Bastard” kept wrenching back, harder and harder until finally, Page relented and verbally submitted, giving Pac the win and sending him to the Quarter-Finals of the tournament.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage with Dave</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-Back again to the backstage area with Dave Meltzer. His last guests for the night were the Young Bucks, who were victorious in the opening match of the evening. Meltzer first congratulated the duo on winning the first ever AEW main event match, as well as now being 2-0 in the company. They thanked him, and said that they were just proud to be able to deliver a main event match, from the tag team division, on the first show that had people talking.</p><p> </p><p>

Matt said that it was important to them to establish right off the bat that any division could headline an All Elite card. Nick added that tag team wrestling has seemingly fallen by the wayside in mainstream pro wrestling, and they’re happy to be the guys to rectify that.</p><p> </p><p>

Dave then asked what they are most looking forward to. Nick replied that, aside from the obvious, which is their first PPV event, Double or Nothing, they are most excited about building professional wrestling’s greatest tag team division ever. Matt said that the level of talent that has been contacting the company is outrageous, and while they wish they could just sign everyone, it’s going to come down to timing and needs. Right now, they figure that they need more tag teams.</p><p> </p><p>

Meltzer asked if they had anyone in mind, and they both stopped for a second to think. Matt said that there are fantastic teams all over the world, and they’ve already got three of the best, which we saw in action in last week’s main event. Nick then said that next week, they plan to address the tag team division on Tuesday Night Dynamite, but that because of their standing and what they have to say, they are actively stepping back from the recruitment drive themselves… because they love surprises. The fans love surprises. Who doesn’t love surprises, Dave asked.</p><p> </p><p>

Nick finished up by saying that while they won’t be actively recruiting teams themselves for the time being, that he is excited for what’s to come, because the rest of the management team already knows what they have planned, and wheels are in motion. Dave thanked them for their time, and said that he was very much looking forward to their address next week.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Main Event</strong></p><p><strong>

First Round Tournament Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Zema Ion Vs Kenny Omega</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-The main event match would be the final match in the First Round of the AEW World Championship Tournament. Last week, Omega pinned Ion with Croyt’s Wrath in tag team action. Ion came out hot, using his speed to try and keep away from Omega. He was successful early on, but got greedy after managing to connect with a Gory Bomb on the former IWGP Heavyweight Champion.</p><p> </p><p>

Ion hit a Suplex, but then tried for another and had it blocked. Kenny caught him in the jaw with a vicious Knee Strike, and took control from there. Omega bullied around the smaller Ion, and scored a two count after hitting a second turnbuckle Moonsault out of the Rolling Fireman’s Carry. Ion couldn’t escape the maneuver, but he did manage to kick out at two.</p><p> </p><p>

Omega began making fun of Ion’s love of hair metal, calling him a “dollar store Chris Jericho wannabe” pretty audibly. Ion put up a fight and laid into Kenny with Knife Edged Chops, but he hit the ropes in an effort to connect with a Back Springboard move of some sort, only to be drilled in the face with a V-Trigger. Instead of going for the cover though, Omega lifted him into position and put him down with the Aoi Shoudou. This time, Kenny made the cover, but Ion would not go down so easy and kicked out at two.</p><p> </p><p>

Omega paint-brushed the back of the head of his opponent, hoping to ignite some kind of fire. He did. Zema Ion fired away with Open Handed Chops to the chest. Omega responded with a big Elbow Strike of his own, but Ion absorbed it and took him down into a pin with a Hurricanrana for a two count of his own. Kenny got up, shocked and out of sorts, and Ion caught him with a Spinning Heel Kick. “The Spandex Saint” connected with a Belly to Back Facebreaker, driving Omega’s face into the knee.</p><p> </p><p>

Ion measured his opponent and went for the ZDT, but Omega caught him and launched him a couple of feet away, giving him enough distance to wind up and deliver another V-Trigger. Kenny took a moment to clear his head, and then called for the end, setting Ion up in an Electric Chair position. Instead of the One Winged Angel though, Omega went back to Croyt’s Wrath, which he used last week to defeat Ion.</p><p> </p><p>

Zema kicked out at two, just barely getting his shoulder up in time. Omega was visibly frustrated, having expected to just walk through this match. Kenny loaded up for another V-Trigger, but Ion saw it coming and side-stepped it. “The Spandex Saint” connected with a Superkick. Omega responded by throwing a Big Boot at his opponent, but Ion again saw it coming and moved out of the way. This time, he used the opening to lift Omega up into an Electric Chair position, twisting him around and driving him into the mat with a Powerbomb!</p><p> </p><p>

Ion got a two count from the move, and the fans began to rally behind him. It would all be for naught though, as Ion got into a striking contest with Omega, and wound up on the wrong end of that. Kenny turned Ion around with a big right hand that rocked him, and then immediately followed up with a Reverse Rana, driving Ion head first into the canvas.</p><p> </p><p>

“The Spandex Saint” wouldn’t stay down though, as he was almost immediately back up to his hands and knees. “The Cleaner” saw his opening here and put an end to the match, catching Ion with yet another V-Trigger, which he followed up with the One Winged Angel for good measure, picking up the victory in a much harder fought contest than he could have anticipated.</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Omega teased shaking hands with Zema Ion, but instead just tossed him out of the ring and posed for the fans, who were now booing him heavily.</p><p> </p><p>

Before the show went to credits, Styles and Remsburg ran down what we can expect to see next week. All four Quarter-Final matches in the AEW World Championship Tournament will take place. The main event of the show is going to be “The Time Splitter” Yujiro Kushida going one on one for the first time with “The Maverick” Chris Jericho… Angelico will be facing Cody Rhodes, as he announced during his interview with Dave Meltzer… and the other two matches will be announced in the All Elite Wrestling dot Com Sunday News Bomb… there was a Four Way womens match announced tonight, with Britt Baker and Brandi Rhodes making their in-ring debuts against Jazzy Gabert and Kelly Klein. Rhodes will be looking to get even with Klein for the attack last week… and there will be even more!</p><p> </p><p>

Make sure to check out the Sunday News Bomb for the latest on next week’s card!</p>

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<p><em>OOC Note: Thank you guys for the nomination for match of the month. It was a great main event to write out, and I'm very happy that the tag team match was considered worthy of that spot.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Just posting this as a separate reply, because for whatever reason, when I posted my show, it didn't seem to take properly, with my topic remaining on the third page for some reason.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gabriel" data-cite="Gabriel" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46287" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>OOC Note: Thank you guys for the nomination for match of the month. It was a great main event to write out, and I'm very happy that the tag team match was considered worthy of that spot.</em><p> </p><p> Just posting this as a separate reply, because for whatever reason, when I posted my show, it didn't seem to take properly, with my topic remaining on the third page for some reason.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That happens when you take too long to submit a reply. It used to happen to me all the time.</p>
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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The All Elite Wrestling Dot Com Sunday News Bomb</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Week 2 of March</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fight for the Fallen</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-The official date has been set for All Elite Wrestling’s second Pay-Per-View spectacular! Fight for the Fallen will take place in Jacksonville, Florida on the third Sunday of May. This will allow for six weeks of build to the show. During those six weeks, we are currently expecting tournaments for both the AEW Tag Team, and AEW Womens Championships to be held.</p><p> </p><p>

President Tony Khan is very excited to be able to give back to the communities in the Florida area, with a portion of the proceeds from the Fight for the Fallen PPV being donated to victims of gun violence.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>NOAH’s Ark</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-In a move that many fans predicted after the announcement of the working relationship between All Elite and Mexico’s AAA promotion, Cody Rhodes officially signed off on an agreement with Japan’s Pro Wrestling NOAH.</p><p> </p><p>

Executives from NOAH made the journey to the United States to meet with Rhodes and Tony Khan, working out the finer details of the agreement. In response to my questioning, Cody said that “what you’ll see with All Elite Wrestling and our partners is a revolving door of international talents being introduced to the North American market. Our guys and girls will be available to work for our partner promotions as they continue to grab exposure for both themselves and All Elite on the international stage. Over time, we are expecting that some of our partners will be sending their stars our way for longer periods, but you can expect… at the beginning here, you can expect to see these great talents coming for relatively quick bursts.”</p><p> </p><p>

Cody kept quiet about specific names that might be in line to represent Pro Wrestling NOAH when the time comes for the promotion to send some stars State-side… but after annoying him to no end, Tony Khan revealed to me that one of the initial talents that we will see in All Elite Wrestling, through the arrangement with NOAH, is a former GHC Heavyweight Champion. Khan said “it was important to us, in the negotiations, to establish that we absolutely want the young lions, the up and comers… but we also want to make sure we are giving our fans a legitimate representation of the quality of Pro Wrestling NOAH, and I believe that the first group of guys to come over from Japan will be quite the treat. We’ve got a former GHC Heavyweight Champion signed to debut with us in the next few months, as well as one of my favorite tag teams. I do think too, that some fans will be surprised by some of the names that we’ve been in talks with.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>New Signings</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-With Fight for the Fallen given a date, All Elite has been hard at work securing new talents to join the promotion. There is a tag team set to debut in two weeks, but who are they? I’ll never tell. Seriously though, they have had mainstream exposure as a team in the United States, but are excited by the prospect of growing their brand through the exposure that Tuesday Night Dynamite on TBS will provide to them. The team is a high flying duo, and they are sure to excite.</p><p> </p><p>

AEW is currently in talks with two men with ties to World Wrestling Entertainment. One is a former WWE World Champion, and the other is a former WWE United States Champion. One of them have apparently already received a contract offer from the promotion, which is now just waiting for a signature. The other is currently employed, but in the final month of his contract with WWE.</p><p> </p><p>

Former Impact Wrestling X Division Champion Matt Sydal has signed a contract with the promotion, but has no start date as of yet, as he is currently recovering from knee surgery.</p><p> </p><p>

I was originally asked not to reveal too much, but I mean, that’s what you’re here for right? Plus, I’m Freddie freakin’ Brock. If I get in trouble, I’ll just spit some venom back.</p><p> </p><p>

SIGNINGS BLITZ! International sensation Sammy Guevara will be joining the company soon. The Young Bucks have convinced a pair of their rivals to join the revolution in AEW, as Best Friends Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta will be coming to All Elite to prove that they are the best tag team in the world. Last, but certainly not least, our Chief Brandi Officer has been hard at work looking to expand the womens division. “The American Kaiju” Nyla Rose will be looking to assert her dominance in the division, but with the talent already there, that will prove to be a heavy task. In addition to the signing of Rose, AEW is ecstatic to have the King and Queen of Indy Wrestling joining the roster. Penelope Ford will debut after the Double or Nothing show, and will be managed by her main squeeze, “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela. Joey is currently on the mend with a serious leg injury, but will manage his partner until he is ready to return to in-ring action.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Competing with WWE</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-We are not.</p><p> </p><p>

I’d like to just leave it at that, but there has been so much discussion among fans on social media, and I just feel like it’s kind of important to address this. World Wrestling Entertainment is a brand entrenched in the mainstream. As the leader in “Sports Entertainment”, WWE has been without legitimate competition in the pro wrestling world for almost two decades. I suppose you could even go ahead and just say two decades, because realistically, WCW was messier in the final two years than a teenager’s bedroom.</p><p> </p><p>

Our goal is to provide them with that missing competition, absolutely. It is, however, a long-term goal. As a brand new company, All Elite Wrestling is focused on assembling the best possible roster of pro wrestlers to put on the best possible pro wrestling shows. So yes, the long-term goal is to give them a legitimate competitor, but there are no plans to put them out of business, and we would really appreciate if people would stop trying to spread that around.</p><p> </p><p>

More competition means more money for the wrestlers and backstage talents across the entire profession. There is room for more than one company at the top, especially when considering the fact that we are focused on different aspects of the business than WWE.</p><p> </p><p>

TL:DR version: WWE is the biggest pro wrestling related company in the world and we aren’t idiots. We are working towards being competition, but right now, we are just focused on being the best alternative that we can be, proudly waving the flag of professional wrestling.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Matches Announced for Dynamite</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-In addition to the two already announced Quarter-Final Tournament matches, I can now announce that the other two matches in the second round of the tournament will see Argenis taking on Kenny Omega, leaving Brian Cage against Pac in a match featuring two of the pound for pound strongest men on the roster.</p><p> </p><p>

“The Spandex Saint” Zema Ion impressed in his First Round match against Kenny Omega, and will team up with Omega’s former partners The Young Bucks in six man tag team action against So Cal Uncensored. The SCU trio determined that they need to get meaner to succeed in All Elite, and that starts this Tuesday on TBS!</p><p> </p><p>

Trevor Lee was on the losing end of a tag team bout last week, but will try his hand at it again on Tuesday night when he teams with a new partner in the veteran Colt Cabana. The duo will be facing off with tough competition though, as they step into the ring with Pentagon Jr and Rey Fenix, the Lucha Brothers.</p><p> </p><p>

The final scheduled match for this week’s show will be a singles contest between Cherry Bomb and Diamante Zuniga. With the AEW Womens Championship set to be decided by AEW’s Fight for the Fallen event, both women will be looking to improve their records in hopes of earning a spot in the tournament to crown the first ever champion in the division.</p><p> </p><p>

Oh, and there’s also going to be a debut announcement on the show… but you didn’t hear it from me.</p><p> </p><p>

Until next week, I’m Freddie Brock, you’re the best wrestling fans in the world, and I still stand by my belief that She’s All That is a classic of 90’s cinema.</p>

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