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Fantasy Draft: WOTI 6 Discussion/Signup Thread

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For this draft we will be using the WOTI 6 Mod. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=541020



To sign up, just post in the thread you want in. First 12 people to sign up get a spot in the draft. I think it is better if we don’t name our promotions or post the product until after the draft is complete/nearly complete, but if you want to do that upfront then go ahead.


I've mostly stolen the rules from Uncrewed's draft who got them from MHero so credit goes to them.




7. ALL workers drafted will be under written contracts.


22. 40 Rounds on the docket. If several people want to add to their roster we may add an optional 10 rounds between those who wish to continue.


24. No mystery boxes for this one.


25. No nation based quota. Draft whoever you want to work wherever you want.


27. Because there is no location based requirements, we can have as many promotions in one area as we want.


The rules for the draft are as follows:

1. Use http://www.random.org/sform.html to assign a random order for promotions picking.


2. Once a pick is made, the next person has 1 hour to make his selection. We will use time stamps on the posts. Serpentine order so it's fair to everyone (well, fair in the sense that #1 doesn't always pick first. I can't be held accountable if you lose out on a worker based on your placement in the draft.)


3. Once the one hour time period elapses, and the next in line does not draft, then whoever is next in line can jump in and select. When you make your selection you are going to be required to copy and paste the draft board in your thread while making your post bold to stand out.


4. If someone is skipped for missing a selection, they can make their selection at any time.


5. If you have been skipped three times then you will be automatically skipped for any future picks. If by five rounds after you've been put on the skip list (so 8 rounds) you'll be removed from the drafting pool and your promotion's roster will be made up by myself post-draft of the worst workers in the data. Unless they've all been drafted. ¬_¬


6. If you submit a list to me, ranking wrestlers, and you are not online to make your pick, I will take the first person from that list who has not been selected for your pick (Granted that I am online to do so). Others may be able to fill this role as needed.

8. Staff will count as part of your 40 draft picks. It is not required to draft staff (ie Referee's, Announcers, Managers, Road Agents, Colour Commentators, Personalities) but is encouraged to at least get the minimum so the game is playable right away.


10. Trades are allowed and actively encouraged. All workers are available to be traded in any way you see fit. Trades will not be completed unless all players involved have confirmed the trade to me, and if there is any doubt then my word is final.


The best method would be via PM although the forum would be fine too. Once a trade is confirmed by both sides then it is final and cannot be undone.


11. In this draft you can pick workers from any area to join your promotion. Worker restrictions will be turned OFF.


12. Default Owners and Head Bookers from each promotion will be assigned by you from the roster of workers you have drafted if not already selected.


13. Any company can have a touring schedule.


14. All the contract information is being set to the following guidelines:


- Random Expiry date

- Alignment set to default, whatever the worker is better at.

- Gimmick set to database default to match alignment.

- Gimmick rating of Good

- Momentum set to random


15. You can select anyone you have drafted to be your owner/booker when the time comes or when you draft them.


16. All title will begin with a default prestige level appropriate to their level. Main event titles will be set to 80 prestige, all midcard titles will be set to 50 prestige and all low level titles will be set to 20 prestige.


17. All events will be set to have a default event importance of "normal". All promotions are entitled to elevate the prestige of any 1 events by two levels (up to Highly Regarded) or any 2 events up by one level (up to Above Average). This can't be traded to other promotions.


18. The only workers not able to be drafted in the draft are dead workers.


19. All Broadcasters from the default database will be in this database.


20. You can draft TV deals and PPV deals.


21. You do not have to draft Titles.


22. 40 Rounds are on the docket.


23. All promotions start with good finances.


26. Popularity will be determined by your top five most popular workers that you draft.

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This looks interesting. Can someone explain what is this technically? I understand what a draft is and what are the rules. But can someone explain how this works?


This was the last draft we did: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=543434


This will run pretty much exactly like that, just with the few rule changes I put in bold. Our draft pool comes from the WOTI 6 mod, which is a fantasy mod that has pretty much every worker ever all in the business simultaneously. It should give us some really intriguing and stacked rosters.


So far we have:










TheCed (if you want in)


There are 2-3 more spots open for the draft (depending upon TheCed). We will probably be looking at starting Friday if those get filled tonight/tomorrow.

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It does look a pretty good mod - although it's short on certain things. It's got some of the Exoticos but not May Flowers, Polvo, Estrella Divina, La Chica Yeye etc and I think the modern trans girls like Nyla Rose, ASUKA, Candy Lee aren't in. One day my desire to get the most fabulous fed ever will come to fruition.


It's a smorgasbord though. Someone like me who likes to have fun and create something thematically interesting can go to town with that mod. I think I'll hold off on deciding what way to go until I draft my first couple of guys - no use getting excited over a concept only to get it stomped out early.

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It does look a pretty good mod - although it's short on certain things. It's got some of the Exoticos but not May Flowers, Polvo, Estrella Divina, La Chica Yeye etc and I think the modern trans girls like Nyla Rose, ASUKA, Candy Lee aren't in. One day my desire to get the most fabulous fed ever will come to fruition.


It's a smorgasbord though. Someone like me who likes to have fun and create something thematically interesting can go to town with that mod. I think I'll hold off on deciding what way to go until I draft my first couple of guys - no use getting excited over a concept only to get it stomped out early.


It's not that easy to come up with a funny concept. The mod is great, but unlike the mod from the last draft, there are just too few special characters or too many low level workers, and I don't want to run a Godzilla company again.


Maybe I do something like "most crappiest wrestling" with workers who are just horrible in the ring, on the microphone and behind the scenes if i can get a decent roster out of it.


But I'm thinking about another concept.

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It's not that easy to come up with a funny concept. The mod is great, but unlike the mod from the last draft, there are just too few special characters or too many low level workers, and I don't want to run a Godzilla company again.


Maybe I do something like "most crappiest wrestling" with workers who are just horrible in the ring, on the microphone and behind the scenes if i can get a decent roster out of it.


But I'm thinking about another concept.


Yeah I hadn't looked at this b4 it's a very str8 down the middle sort of mod. I was thinking with the numbers going Exoticos and minis but it's down too many of those. There are some interesting options though

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tardelli" data-cite="Tardelli" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46730" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Im thinking about Wrestling Society X on steroids. No safety ,almost non psychology, flip around and break someones neck in the process style of wrestling <span class="ipsEmoji">😁</span></div></blockquote> <p> </p><p> NJPW? I kid but if you saw Dominion you would know I am also kind of serious. There were way too many spots where I was just flashing back to that Timebomb incident wondering when someone was going to end up doing a Misawa. I was actually getting a little uncomfortable watching it.</p><p> </p><p> Just a note on that idea though back in December there was a draft using Shifting Sands with 3 Japanese feds and two of them had those sorts of settings. It was carnage. I am still playing that one and 6 years in there are a heck of a lot of guys working as Road Agents with red in the Body and Legs after Spinal injuries (KENTA, Roderick Strong, Chris Benoit all come to mind but probably 4 or 5 a year jut instantly taken out for a year and then of to Road Agents). My normal aggressive poaching methods are now more a case of desperate attempts to rescue the Japanese guys before they die - I got Marufuji and he had like a 75% Painkiller Addiction (although his injuries were more small and regular than catastrophic ones) and got KENTA to work as a Road Agent and he was at 50% Painkillers and red in the legs after a Spinal Rupture. The sort of fed you are proposing is one that I don't actually thin is playable for any length of time.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="alpha2117" data-cite="alpha2117" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46730" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>NJPW? I kid but if you saw Dominion you would know I am also kind of serious. There were way too many spots where I was just flashing back to that Timebomb incident wondering when someone was going to end up doing a Misawa. I was actually getting a little uncomfortable watching it.<p> </p><p> Just a note on that idea though back in December there was a draft using Shifting Sands with 3 Japanese feds and two of them had those sorts of settings. It was carnage. I am still playing that one and 6 years in there are a heck of a lot of guys working as Road Agents with red in the Body and Legs after Spinal injuries (KENTA, Roderick Strong, Chris Benoit all come to mind but probably 4 or 5 a year jut instantly taken out for a year and then of to Road Agents). My normal aggressive poaching methods are now more a case of desperate attempts to rescue the Japanese guys before they die - I got Marufuji and he had like a 75% Painkiller Addiction (although his injuries were more small and regular than catastrophic ones) and got KENTA to work as a Road Agent and he was at 50% Painkillers and red in the legs after a Spinal Rupture. The sort of fed you are proposing is one that I don't actually thin is playable for any length of time.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> I feel you. Dominion was at times scary to watch - good that this is a game where killing people doesnt matter <img alt=":rolleyes:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/rolleyes.png.4b097f4fbbe99ce5bcd5efbc1b773ed6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> But yeah on a serious note i agree with you regarding NJPW.</p>
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<p>Alright I'll go ahead and semi-close registration here. Anyone else who is interested can sign up and they will be added to the end of the draft order. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Draft Order For Odd-Numbered Rounds: </strong></p><p>

auto45 - 1</p><p>

wshred13 - 2</p><p>

FellaLibby - 3</p><p>

alpha2117 - 4</p><p>

Valkyria - 5</p><p>

Tardelli - 6</p><p>

Destiny - 7</p><p>

WillyWillyWilly - 8</p><p>

GooseRobb - 9</p><p>

MarkW -10 </p><p>

ZSR23 - 11</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Draft Order For Even-Numbered Rounds: </strong></p><p>

ZSR23 - 1</p><p>

MarkW -2</p><p>

GooseRobb - 3</p><p>

WillyWillyWilly - 4</p><p>

Destiny - 5</p><p>

Tardelli - 6</p><p>

Valkyria - 7</p><p>

alpha2117 - 8</p><p>

FellaLibby - 9</p><p>

wshred13 - 10</p><p>

auto45 - 11</p><p> </p><p>

The draft will start<strong> Saturday June 15th at 10 AM EST/2 PM GMT.</strong> Keep all discussion in this thread and make all your picks in the official draft thread: <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2363248#post2363248" rel="external nofollow">http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2363248#post2363248</a></p><p> </p><p>

If you aren't available for a certain time period, you can send someone your shortlist or you can let us know and we will auto-skip your picks and you can make them up when you get a chance.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tardelli" data-cite="Tardelli" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46730" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Im thinking about Wrestling Society X on steroids. No safety ,almost non psychology, flip around and break someones neck in the process style of wrestling </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thats called Autobooker with a 100% match intensity. XD</p>
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