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Fantasy Draft: WOTI 6 Discussion/Signup Thread

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="GooseRobb" data-cite="GooseRobb" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46730" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm not exactly to good with the Business stats wise honestly.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You can just choose one of the premade products in the game. </p><p> </p><p> Also make sure to list any tag teams, shows etc that you want to be a part of the mod.</p>
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<p>Promotion Name: Steel Powered Wrestling</p><p>

Promotion Short Name: SPW</p><p>

Promotion Home Region: Pittsburgh Pennsylvania (Tri State USA)</p><p>

Strategy: PPV Focused, Headlined with Major PPV's</p><p>

Drug Policy: Comprehensive</p><p>

Fix Belts: SPW S-Class Champion(Main Event)</p><p>

SPW A-Class Champion (Midcard)</p><p>

SPW Duel Tag Team Champions</p><p>

SPW B-Class Champion (Floating)</p><p>

SPW C-Class Champion (Low Level)</p><p>

Regular Promotion OR Touring Promotion: Regular</p><p>

IF Touring, during which months?:N/A</p><p> </p><p>


Product- </p><p>

Name: Harderned Steel</p><p>

AI for Events: 1v1=80% , 2v2=20% , 3v3=0 , Triagle=0 , Four Way=0 , Match Ratio= 70%</p><p>

AI for TV: 1v1=60% , 2v2=25% , 3v3=10% , Triagle=0 , Four Way=5% , Match Ratio= 50%</p><p> </p><p>

Product Appeal: Equal Performance and Popularity </p><p> </p><p>

Traditional = Heavy</p><p>

Mainstream = Heavy</p><p>

Comedy = Very Low</p><p>

Cult = Low</p><p>

Risque = None</p><p>

Modern = Heavy</p><p>

Realism = None</p><p>

Hyper Realism = None</p><p>

Hardcore = Low</p><p>

Lucha Libre = Low</p><p>

Pure = None</p><p>

Daredevil = Low</p><p>

Match Intensity: 40% </p><p>

Match Danger: 55%</p><p>

Womens Wrestling: Integrated</p><p>

T&A Levels: Low</p><p>

Face/Heel Divide: No</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Valkyria" data-cite="Valkyria" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46730" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Probably a stupid question, but I really need Help. Where do i see if someone has owner skills?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You gotta look into the skills and at the bottom you'll see Owner skills and Booking skills.</p>
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<p>Alternately you can search for potential Owners & Bookers in the edit Data area for workers and then go into Buisness in those peoples profiles</p><p> </p><p>

Meanwhile my fed continues to mutate into the kind of Meltzerian Fantasy Land that will be almost unimageinably good in ring. A 1000 Star out of 5 match is inevitable at this point.</p>

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<p>So 3 Quarters of the way through how are things shaping up</p><p> </p><p>

wshred13 - the Frankenstein fed is an interesting mix of eclectic picks. Will be in the ultra competitive North American battle.</p><p> </p><p>

FellaLibby - It' a solid roster all the way down wih a nice mix of styles</p><p> </p><p>

Valkyria - WCW in flavour but without some of it's worst malcontents it will be intriguing to see how it plays out in the ultra competivie North American landscape</p><p> </p><p>

Destiny - This mod could have been designed for Destiny's beloved youth movement feds. The potential for his roster is huge but in the ultra powerful world of the other feds it will be tough for that fed in other peoples games - The AI just doesn't handle a young roster very well.</p><p> </p><p>

WWW - Some great talent here but it's also a combustible mix. </p><p> </p><p>

GooseRobb - Tag heavy and skewing young there is potential galore in the roster.</p><p> </p><p>

MarkW - The real contender for best bouts in North America. Some absolutely top notch talent in a Turbocharged version of ECW that Paul Heyman would of loved to have.</p><p> </p><p>

ZSR23 - So classic Sports Entertainment WWE meets Bullet Club - conceptually it's a great idea. Could well come out on top in the bttle for supremacy</p><p> </p><p>

alpha2117 - I've channelled my inner Dave Meltzer and ended up with a Japanese Mega fed with a sprinkling of top tier North American workers. The matches will be magnificent. My lower card has people like Joey Mercury with a 98 Psych. I can only imaging how good Okada is going to end up surrounded by these guys. Of course people like Kerry Von Erich and the Dynamite Kid are great in the ring but potential disasters outside it.</p>

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My Fed consists of controverse characters like Triple H, Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Goldberg, Chyna or Shane Douglas, and it's a company run by Ted Turner and Eric Bischoff.

So what would be better than to form the "Controversy Wrestling Company" out of it?




Promotion Name: Controversy Wrestling Company

Promotion Short Name: CWC

Promotion Home Region: Atlanta, USA (South East)

Strategy: Entertainment

Drug Policy: hell no, we have Scottt Steiner!


Name: Bischoff Entertainment

AI for Events: 1v1=70% , 2v2=20% , 3v3=0 , Triagle=5 , Four Way=5 , Match Ratio= 60%

AI for TV: 1v1=70% , 2v2=20% , 3v3=0 , Triagle=5 , Four Way=5 , Match Ratio= 60%


Traditional = Heavy

Mainstream = Key

Comedy = Medium

Cult = None

Risque = None

Modern = None

Realism = Medium

Hyper Realism = None

Hardcore = Low

Lucha Libre = None

Pure = None

Daredevil = Low


Match Intensity: 15%

Match Danger: 15%

Womens Wrestling: Division

T&A Levels: High

Face/Heel Divide: Yes



CWC World Heavyweight Champion(Main Event)

CWC United States Heavyweight Champion (Midcard)

CWC World Women's Champion (Floating)

CWC Television Champion (Low Level)

CWC World Tag Team Champion (Floating)

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Imma clear some things with how my set up is:


Announcers: Gorilla Monsoon, Michael Buffer

Colours: Bobby "The Brain" Hennan

Manager: Percy Pringle

Ref: Jim Higuchi, Tommy Young

RA:Peter Maiavia, Lou Thez, Verne Gange(Owner)

Personality: Brian Gurwitz(Booker)


One huge thing I'm very pleased is, I avoided all negative influenced workers. So many of my workers are positives and a hell of a lot of Locker Room Leaders. I'm very pleased with how my draft turned out. There were some hiccups but from top to bottom, experienced, well loved and great workers and at the middle to lower, got the hungry, never got their true chance to shine and potential stars.

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Promotion Name: World Wrestling Association

Promotion Short Name: WWA

Promotion Home Region: Kanto (Japan)

Strategy: Wrestling is Sport

Drug Policy: High


Name: Wrestling is Sport

AI for Events: 1v1=50% , 2v2=20% , 3v3=20 , Triangle=5 , Four Way=5 , Match Ratio= 90%

AI for TV: 1v1=50% , 2v2=20% , 3v3=20 , Triangle=5 , Four Way=5 , Match Ratio= 80%


If settings are Low then min is very low and Max Medium, If Setting is Medium then min is Low and Max is Heavy


Traditional = Medium

Mainstream = Medium

Comedy = Low

Cult = Low

Risque = Low

Modern = Medium

Realism = Medium

Hyper Realism = Low

Hardcore = Low

Lucha Libre = Medium

Pure = Medium

Daredevil = Low


Match Intensity: 50%

Match Danger: 40%

Womens Wrestling: Division

T&A Levels: Low

Face/Heel Divide: No

Weight Split: Yes


Spinal Moves Banned



WWA World Champion(Main Event) (Use AJPW Triple Crown)

WWA Super Junior Champion (Floating) (Use AJPW World Junior)

WWA World Women's Champion (Floating) (Use the WWEU RAW Womens)

WWA World Trios (Floating) (Use the Beautiful Lucha Underground Gift of the Gods Belt)

WWA World Tag Team Champion (Floating) (Use the AJPW All Asia Tag)

WWA RAW (Use RAW Tag) (Floating)

WWA SMACKDOWN (Use Smackdown Tag) (Floating)


Events Monthly Sunday Week 4 - WWA Wrestle Kingdom (Numbered) on WWA Network



WWA RAW Is WAR (Monday 2 hrs) on Commercial TV

WWA Smackdown Live(Thursday 2 hrs) on Commercial TV

WWA King of Sports (Saturday 2 hours) On WWA Network (Pamela tobe the Announcer rather than Gordon on this one)


Tag Teams:


Wildcards - Steve Austin & Brian Pillman

Team Wolf - Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Masahiro Chono

Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuhara Misawa

Giant Baba & Jumbo Tsuruta

Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens

Akira Taue & Toshiaki Kawada


Description: Formed by Giant Baba the WWA is the spiritual successor to the great Japanese wrestling feds of the past like AJPW and NJPW. The promotion is dedicated to the concept of bringing the world the best wrestling matches possible by the best talent in the world. It's Motto is ''Wrestling IS Sport''



Notes: The settings are designed to be neutral, conceptually the product is being presented as a sport rather than Sports Entertainment and any style except Hardcore/Daredevil should be allowed to thrive. I made Modern Medium to show that while it's based in traditional Pure Wrestling it's also embracing the faster style of modern (if not the more outlandish moves). Lock the belts which will force the AI to hire Women for the planned Womens Division and some more lightweights for the Junior Division. I've set it with a proper drug policy - either guys like Dynamite Kid & Von Erich will clean up or be fired. My hope is that with the match quality it creates a Wrestling is Sport product where talking can help hype things but in the end it's how you perform in ring.

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So my feds done


After not being around to form a clear coherent plan and just going off a list of the best available circumstances led me to Japan. Nobody else was taking those guys and by rnd 9 when I returned I was in a position where that was the most logical place to go. Once I embraced that concept I ended up with a fed full of people with great in ring skills and high psych so the ''Wrestling IS Sport'' concept started to come together for me.


Right at the death I decided that since I had the Network I could add Women and make use of those Joshi girls.



Strategy Post Draft.


1) After checking the set up go back and go through RWC, TheWho, Shifting Sands and Golden Era 1987 and bring in anyone who I think would be fun to have in the mod long term (Hello Will Osprey etc etc). With the 1987 guys tweak start dates to fit with this mod. There are guys from Golden Era not in the mod and this is one I'm tempted to play for a while (maybe until TEW 2020 comes out) so I want it to be as fun and full of life as possible.


2) Start a new game.


3) Search for Womens Wrestlers and fill out my womens division with the best talent available


4) Search for bargain quality workers who have slipped through the cracks and fill my needs.


5) Depending on finances upgrade the WWA Network in Japan and/or open a Dev Company


6) When finances allow open a Dojo


7) Over time upgrade the Network


8) In Game Figure out who works as Tag Teams or Trios and use them in those title races. Use my women as my lower card. At the moment I am hoping Austin & Pillman can get a good run as my Tag champs.


9) My situation should be ultra strong in Japan and once I am comfortable that is secure then hit other areas. Mexico, Australia and Europe should be almost undefended. Destiny is in British Isles I believe but his fed is more a cult level style thing so no battle is likely there. I can shore those up whilst what is likely to be a bitter battle rages between the North American AI feds.


10) The Quality of my matches should ensure that I get a solid following in the Americas and once I'm confident of being strong in the undefended parts of the world and the Isles I can try to get in on the ground in North America. That's going to be tough because my product is designed to be more sport than entertainment and the US is very much a Entertainment region. I expect to be dominant outside the Americas but probably more a niche product in the Americas.

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My staff members are:

Owner: Ted Turner

Booker: Eric Bischoff

Commentators: Tony Schiavone and Eric Bischoff

Referee: Nick Patrick

Road Agent: Killer Kowalski



TV Shows:

CWC Blast (Monday 2 hrs) on TNT

CWC Friday Night (Friday 2 hrs) on TNT



and the Teams/Tag Teams


Evolution - Triple H, Ric Flair, Drew Galloway

Houston Heat - Booker T, Stevie Ray

1 Night in China - X-Pac, Chyna

Natural Disaster - Earthquake, Typhoon

The Canadian Ninjas - Portia Perez, Nicole Matthews

The Hart Dynasty - Teddy Hart, Harry Smith

The Dudley Boys

The Steiner Brothers

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There's a standard set of questions someone usually posts in these drafts so here goes


- What was your goal in drafting your roster?

- What pick(s) were you most excited about?


- Are there any picks you regret?


- What were some picks made by others that you really liked?


- What were some picks made that puzzled you?


- What company other than your own would you be most likely to watch?


- How do you see your promotion unfolding once you're able to play it?

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- What was your goal in drafting your roster?

None, I worked without a concept or list, then halfway through the drafts I looked at what came out of it and just went on.


- What pick(s) were you most excited about?

Actually none, the mod has so many good characters to choose from, but I am glad that it still worked out with Drew Galloway. I'm also happy about Scott Steiner, you can do a lot with him.


- Are there any picks you regret?

Idon't regret it, But i don't have any plans with John Morrison, but I still think he would fit in quite well.


Too bad I couldn't get the New Age Outlaws.


- What were some picks made by others that you really liked?

Wshred's Arn Anderson, Alpha's Pillman, Valkyria's outsiders and MarkW's HBK are picks i could easily need for my company.


- What were some picks made that puzzled you?

Destiny's Husky Harris, Harper & Rowan seem to be a bit early to me, I probably would'nt have drafted them before round 20.

I also think Alpha's Kerry Von Erich and Magnu TA very early, I don't think they were on many lists.

I'm also surprised that Lex luger stayed so long in the pool.


- What company other than your own would you be most likely to watch?

Wshred, Valkyria, GooseRob and MarkW has very strong rosters and of course Alpha, with his strong concepts.


- How do you see your promotion unfolding once you're able to play it?

I don't think the company will become very popular, and as far as talents are concerned there is not so much potential. Most of the people in my company are either not big performers or close to their zenith. And I would like to have a more sophisticated women's division, unfortunately I slept there.

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- What was your goal in drafting your roster?


I had no plan just a list of best available. When I got back as of rnd 9 it became a Japanese Meltzerian Wet Dream fed.


- What pick(s) were you most excited about?


Austin, Giant Baba, most everybody once the concept statred to form


- Are there any picks you regret?


Originally Magnum TA but that turned into Misawa in a trade, Kerry Von Erich - maybe Dynamite Kid who is a great deal round 27 but will be my problem child too.


- What were some picks made by others that you really liked?


I will concentrate on people who my fed would have picked because most everyone has great picks


wshred13 - Stan Hansen, Lance Storm, Kana

FellaLibby - Owen, Malenko, Tiger Mask

Valkyria - Rick Rude, Vader, Tully Blanchard (great value rnd 28)

Destiny - The Usos, Adrian Neville

WillyWillyWilly - John Morrison, the rest of the guys are quite alien to my product and probably wouldn't fit me.

GooseRobb - Man I love this fed - I would have signed Jessie, Peyton & Melissa post draft for sure

MarkW - LAX that late, pretty much any of his early picks.

ZSR23 - The Good Brothers late are great value and were on my radar before I realised you were going full Bullet Club, DIY


- What were some picks made that puzzled you?


wshred13 - pretty much the whole fed because as wshred said he wanted style clashes which means it's eclectic. I love odd visions and can get this one but it's very haphazard nature makes it hard to visualise for me. It's not drafted for me though and I am sure wshred13 has plans of how they will book this weird Frankesntein fed.

FellLibby - The Ascension - If you were getting lower card tag teams there were people who are more exciting to me at that point

Valkyria - Some of the late picks where you picked half of tag teams etc felt like you were unsure of how to fill out the end of your roster

Destiny - By now I know what the plan is - kind of surprised that Jon Moxley & Fenix were't brought in given the drafting of Rollins & Pentagon Jr more than any pics that were made.

WillyWillyWilly - Weirdly my fave pick Morrison is also the one who puzzled me in that he seems a little out of place after Miz or Mercury weren't brought in soon after.

GooseRobb - Nah I've got nothing - it's a pretty clear vision and much like Destiny's you need to judge it on what it is. Heavy on tag action and younger Main Eventers and pretty girls.

MarkW - not sure you need both Vince & Paul Heyman. Vince feels a little out of place.

ZSR23 - Ronda Rousey - It just didn't feel like a pick that fits the rest (classic Sports Entertainment meets Bullet Club) and led to you picking 2 more girls later which gives you a half hearted womens roster. It just feels like you might of been better served grabbing 3 guys instead.


- What company other than your own would you be most likely to watch?


I love Destiny's Young Lions fed, I love MarkW's Turbocharged ECW, all the other feds will have some real high points too - theres no fed that is terrible. I am intrigued how the AI handles wshred13's beast as if it's confusing to a human mind I can only imagine how confusing it will eb to the AI.


- How do you see your promotion unfolding once you're able to play it?


I am going to be the best bout fed. I will be buying a whole slew of girls to fill my womens roster and will grab some bargain buys once the game starts. I'm going to be King of Japan and likely dominant outside North America after a while too but with so many strong feds in North America I cant see me becoming dominant there with it's preference for Sports Entertainment over Sports heavy product.

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Promotion Name: pro wrestling entertainment

Promotion Short Name: PWE

Promotion Home Region: new england usa

Drug Policy: High


Name: new sport Entertainment

AI for Events: 1v1=70% , 2v2=20% , 3v3=0 , Triangle=5 , Four Way=5 , Match Ratio= 70%

AI for TV: 1v1=50% , 2v2=40% , 3v3=0 , Triangle=5 , Four Way=5 , Match Ratio= 70%


Traditional = Medium

Mainstream = key feature

Comedy = Low

Cult = Low

Risque = Low

Modern = low

Realism = Medium

Hyper Realism = none

Hardcore = Low

Lucha Libre = none

Pure = none

Daredevil = Low


Match Intensity: 40%

Match Danger: 30%

Womens Wrestling: Division

T&A Levels: Low

Face/Heel Divide: yes

Weight Split: no



PWE World ChampionB(Main Event)

PWE cruiserweight Champion (Floating)

PWE World Women's Champion (Floating)

PWE World Tag Team Champion (Floating)



Events Monthly saturday Week 4 on Direct TV


PWE TV (Thursday 3 hrs) on NBC


Tag Teams:

The Hart Foundation - Bret Hart and Jim NeidHart

Golden Lovers - Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi

Steenerico - Kevin Owens and El Generico

Young Bucks - Nick and Matt Jackson

The Brotherhood - Cody and Dustin Rhodes

The club - Drew Hankinson and Karl Anderson

DIY - Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa



the club: kenny omega, Nick and Matt Jackson, finn balor, Drew Hankinson and Karl Anderson


the rhodes family: cody, dustin and dusty


Owner: Vincent J McMahon

Booker: Daniel Davis

Announcers: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole

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MarkW - not sure you need both Vince & Paul Heyman. Vince feels a little out of place.


Vince is mainly there for a feud with Punk. Once it became clear we weren't getting Austin/McMahon it felt like the right thing to do (but also picturing the McMahon, Heyman, Cornette creative meetings appeals to me).


Will try to get my promotion details and take on the draft up tonight.

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WillyWillyWilly - I also think Alpha's Kerry Von Erich and Magnu TA very early, I don't think they were on many lists.


They probably really should have been. Just to explain my somewhat obtuse logic. There are only 108 wrestlers with Great SQ in the mod and some are aging whilst one is … well a bear. That means if you want to be successful and compete in battles you need people with that sort of SQ. When I was doing my initial list I assessed those people and both Magnum TA and Kerry Von Erich made the cut. They weren't top tier and they have flaws but they were decent workers.


In rnd 8 Kerry Von Erich is one of 32 wrestlers 31 years old and under who have both Great SQ and Decent in ring skills. I think around 19 of those had already come off the board when it reached the Von Erich pick. The people who were still there are problem children like Sid Vicious, niche workers like Trish & Jushin Thunder Liger or people like Teddy Hart who people forget about a bit because he never really made it big. When I was doing my list Von Erich was where he was because while he has issues outside the ring his potential inside it and as a Star is still high. He's one of those picks you make if you are willing to make the effort to get him cleaned up to give you that back up star (who could well have loyalty to you once you go through the clean-up process).


At rnd 9 when I took Magnum TA (off my list because I still wasn't around) only the aging Andre, El Santo, Bobo Brazil or Bob Sapp were on the board in the excellent SQ range and none are good workers at this point in their careers. As for Great SQ people there are 69 who are good workers and Great and above and who are under 39 and most had already been taken meaning Magnum TA hits that sweet spot of being good enough in ring and with enough Star Quality to be useful and not so old that he will be in heavy decline. Again many of the people who fit that criteria were gone or were being taken around that time. He was picked because he fits the mould of a back-up Star to a tee.


After about round 6 is when people start to stretch for picks. You yourself took the Dudleys and Diamond Dallas Page rounds 6 through 8. All are good guys but none have the SQ of the guys I took nor are they better in ring workers. The two guys I took were taken out of the biz early in real life - Magnum TA could have been the next Hogan but he was crippled in a car crash (he certainly was seen as the next big star at the time) and Von Erich's drug issues spiralled out of control after he lost a foot in a motorcycle accident (his time in WWE was already after that injury and he was wearing a artificial foot) much like his brothers he failed to fulfil his enormous potential. Their early exits from the game means people tend to forget how big they could have been. I like reclamation projects like that. I think of the Dudley picks as being equivalent of my picks in that they are the kind of people you expect to start getting picked once the big complete package workers start to run out - You went for a quality Tag Team and I went for back-up stars. I think most people would have their own personal criteria to determine who you should pick once the big complete packages are off the board. For me I know the game rewards High SQ so that was the first thing I was looking for in those early rounds.

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Vince is mainly there for a feud with Punk. Once it became clear we weren't getting Austin/McMahon it felt like the right thing to do (but also picturing the McMahon, Heyman, Cornette creative meetings appeals to me).


Will try to get my promotion details and take on the draft up tonight.


If only you had Vince Russo too - that's a show in and of itself.

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- What was your goal in drafting your roster?

Gathering the best characters in specific professions and styles.


- What pick(s) were you most excited about?

Undertaker, Monsoon, Owen and the Trade I had with Alpha


- Are there any picks you regret?

At first, Mr. Kennedy. But I've discovered a role for him.


- What were some picks made by others that you really liked?

Eddie by wshred, Claudio by Alpha, Davey Boy Smith by Valkyria, Jeff Hardy by Destiny, Ric Flair by Willy, Benoit by Gobb, Prince Devvitt by ZSR


- What were some picks made that puzzled you?


wshred's Sabu - I don't mind Sabu I find him quite exciting. But, I do worry if he maybe a problem for ya. I'm hoping he is worth the risk.


Alpha's Mistico - One of the best luchadores with one of the worst attitudes. I hope you got someone in mind to keep him in check.


Valkyria's Jeff Jarrett - I'm not a big fan of Double J, and from what I know hes gonna be a bother and a half...


Destiny's Ezekiel Jackson - The one man powerhouse who has little else to offer, in my opinion.


WWW's Tommy Dreamer - Stacked to the brim of talent and then Dreamer. Not for nothing, but lol.


Goose's Ken Shamrock - I love the format and I love Shamrock, but I'm curious how you'll fit him in the tag based format.


MarkW's Mark Coffey - You got one Coffey but not the other???:confused:


ZSR's Jim Neidhart - This roster is stacked. Biggest of big names from WWE and NJPW's history of WWE's biggest draws and Bullet Club. Then. Jim Niedhart. Where would be even sit in this?


- What company other than your own would you be most likely to watch?


Imma watch all peoples :)


- How do you see your promotion unfolding once you're able to play it?


I see it being The Undertaker vs the roster. All fear the Deadman.

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So for my fed Shane as owner, Dutch as Booker, ed Lewis for road agent, justin Robert's as announcer, hebner as ref, Mean Gene as Colour


VWE Global Heavyweight Championship (Main Event Title)

VWE Global Tag Team Championship (Main Event Title)

VWE South FL Tag Team Championship (Midcard title)

VWE Hardcore Championship (Floating)

VWE Vixens Championship (Woman, low Level)

VWE Vixens Tag Team Championship (woman tag, mid level)


Shows to air on MTV2

VWE Star-Struck (A Level, Every Thursday)

VWE ShockWave (B show, Every Sat)


Tag Teams

New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn, Brian James)

Rated RKO (Edge, Randy Orton)

Beer Money (James Storm, Bobby Roode)

Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin)

The Briscoes (Mark and Jay Briscoe)

American Wolves (Eddie Edwards, Davey Richards)

The Hollys (Crash and Bob Holly)

The Revival (Dash and Dawson)

The Beautiful People (Angelina Love, Madison Rayne (Ashley Lane))

The Iiconics (Peyton Royce, Billie Kay)

The Anti Divas (Paige and AJ Lee)



The New Corporation (Shane McMahon, Christian (The People's Champion), Dash, Dawson)

British Invasion (Magnus, Desmond Wolfe, Rob Terry, and in my play through I plan on picking up Doug Williams)

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Well since Alpha cleared the air about his strategy I'll elaborate on my initial and finishing touches.


Humble beginnings: My first thought was go straight for the best of the best in terms of psychology and character. And have two only true two who are above all mere mortals. The Undertaker, and Ric Flair. But after Flair got poached I had to change direction, so I went for the next best case, Kurt Angle whose character is matched by how memorable his wrestling is. And while my ideals changed for Flair, they never had for Undertaker.


The New Ministry of Darkness: My entire plan from the start was initializing a new Ministry of Darkness for The Undertaker. Its why I picked Kane so early. Along with them, I had planed Paul Bearer, and the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels. And to build them to be far better than anything, The Ascension of Konnor (Conor O'Brian) Apoc (Apocalypse aka Vicktor) And Kennth (Kenneth Cameron) as my team to build to be bigger and better than ever before.


To challenge these threats are, well everyone else. From Owen Hart the Black Hart, The unhinged Matt Hardy, The spectacular Rey Mysterio and the Olympic Hero Kurt Angle, are all up to the challenge to face the Phenom. But they all do not work together and the man in charge has seen fit to remind them of this. Whilst the real owner, Verne Gange commands the promotion, he isn't on screen. But the main financial backer of SPW, The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase has seen fit to protect the Ministry and its disciples, as it was DiBiase who found the Undertaker first and wishes to have those who oppose him fight themselevs and weaken eachother before facing the Deadman.


With all of this happening, a Giant looms. The 8th Wonder of the World Andre The Giant does not bother with the dealings of petty championships. He stands as the most imposing force to any and all challengers who dare face him. He no longer asks for challengers for him to go to, instead, they must go to him.


In SPW there is a class-based system. And in each class theres a championship for each class to hold.

S-Class (Title picture WWF IC Yellow Strap) *Main Event* - The best of the best. Only the most popular and top talent are considered S-Class.

A-Class (Title picture Big Gold with Red Strap) *Midcard*- Those who stand out from the big pack can often break out and are ready for the coup de gace.

B-Class (Title picture NEO in files) *Floating* - The definitive class of "Midcard Hell" in wrestling, the rookies who surpass the following class and start finding their footing in SPW. Teams and alliances are often formed here.

C-Class (Title picture GFW NextGen) *Low Level* - Relatively new to SPW and wrestling. Rookies and those who are looking to hone their skills to be bigger and better.

(The Tag Titles picture is AAA Mixed Tag Team titles) *Floating Level* And in the middle of all of this, the Duel Tag Teams. Alliances formed to achieve gold and hold themselves as the strongest team there is.



Ministry of Darkness - Undertaker (Leader), Kane (Enforcer), Paul Bearer, Christopher Daniels (Enforcer), Konnor (Hitman), Apoc (Hitman), Kennth (Hitman)

The Ascension - Konnor, Apoc, Kennth


Tag Teams

The Ascension (Konnor/Apoc)

Destruction (Konnor/Kennth)

Brothers of Destruction *Occasional* (Undertaker/Kane)

The Eliminators (Perry Saturn/John Kronus)

The Legion of Doom (Road Warrior's Hawk and Animal)

The Dungeon *Occasional* (Owen Hart/Tyson Kidd)


Commentary Team

Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan, Micheal Buffer (Main events only)



Paul Bearer (Managing Undertaker, Kane, Christopher Daniels, Konnor, Apoc, Kennth)



Joe Higuchi

Tommy Young


Road Agents

Verne Gange

Peter Maivia

Lou Thez



SPW Prime Zone (Weekly Wednesday Postfix Numbered)

SPW New Years Wrestling (January Week 2 Saturday Postfix Year)

SPW April Falls (April Week 2 Saturday Postfix Numerals)

SPW Summer Heat (July Week 2 Saturday Postfix Numerals)

SPW HollowFights (October Week 2 Saturday Postfix Numerals)

SPW Winters End (December Week 4 Saturday Postfix Numerals)


*Please note that all of Steel Powered Wrestling events like this are all designed to be like this. These major PPV's along with a weekly PPV.*

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