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[RockVerse] Chi-Town Urban Combat

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DarK_RaideR said:
Here's a little quiz for you all while you're waiting for the next show: who do you believe is the owner of CTUC and who is my user character? Guess right and you might have the chance to be featured on a future episode of the Calvin & Jerry Podcast!

Wasn't ever specified, really... Wanna have a question answered by the two hosts? Learn something about the backstage comings and goings? Whatever, think of it as putting a listener's call on live radio to give the hosts something to talk about.

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Calvin: Alright, alright, alright, it's time to dive into my guilty pleasure of a wrestling promotion, the company Jerry loves to hate, Chi-Town Urban Combat!


Jerry: Which still has to put up a show anywhere near the greater Chicago area. Or the entire state of Illinois, really.


Calvin: First of all, we have word of our winner, alpha 2117, asking "Honestly … will we ever see Avarice or Mr Mosca in CTUC?"


Jerry: Who the hell is Mr. Mosca?!


Calvin: Hold on, let me pull up a picture...




Jerry: Holy...


Calvin: I know, right? So Mosca has that fly gimmick going on for him, thing is, he's mostly known in Mexico and the SoCal scene so I'm not sure if CTUC would be willing to invest in bringing him in and building him up.


Jerry: Not sure they can afford it either, they got a pretty big roster already and took another major hit when they started the Women's Division... although I've head they fired The Shocker! so maybe Mosca could take his spot? Gosh, I can't believe I just said that...


Calvin: You do have a point though, Jerry. CTUC already has a bunch of crazy characters so Mr. Mosca would fit right in. I was about to say they already have that monster spot covered by you-know-who...




Calvin: Exactly, but then I figured hey, they tried to team him up with Vanity and it bombed, so maybe bring in Mr. Mosca to try and set up a monster team?


Jerry: I don't think that's what "monster heel" is supposed to be...


Calvin: Bottom line is, I don't think they can sign Mr. Mosca... not sure if they should... but if they want to, I could totally see it happening. As for Avarice though...


Jerry: They already signed Avarice, right?


Calvin: Yes, if the Sins' social media is anything to go by, she was one of the signings when CTUC launched their Women's Division, she just hasn't had a televised appearance yet.


Jerry: Which is weird, because we still only got Six Deadly Sins on screen so far.


Calvin: If CTUC was a person, weird would be their middle name, Jerry... Here's something for you to lose your mind over, did you know Avarice is dating Lust?


Jerry: I think "dating" is exaggerating the situation a bit...


Calvin: Far from us to criticize anyone's private life, but yeah, that is a thing. Anyway, Avarice may be making her TV debut at long last during CTUC's upcoming show, Absolute Power.


Jerry: Am I legally obliged to quote Emperor Palpatine now?


Calvin: Won't stop you if you do! So, as I was saying, CTUC has finally announced a Women's title, which they call the "Baddest Bitch" belt...


Jerry: Yeah, sounds like CTUC alright.


Calvin: Also, they finally got their heads straight and they're gonna have the women's match headline the show...


Jerry: Now that's a first!


Calvin: And not only that, it's going to be a 10 Woman Battle Royal. Thing is, the numbers don't match.


Jerry: What do you mean?


Calvin: There's three in the Devil's Playthings. Abominatrix and Annabelle the Canni-belle take us to five. Assuming Avarice is in that match, that's her, Pride, Envy and Lust of the Sins. Five and four is nine. So who is the tenth person?




Calvin: Are you suggesting he's female?


Jerry: Can you prove that's not the case?


Calvin: CTUC being CTUC, I wouldn't be surprised.


Jerry: Would give their fans the weirdest of boners.


Calvin: Joking aside though, I think that would be fun, if this was a comedy match, but it isn't. It's a title match headlining a show, they can't be that suicidal.


Jerry: That's what people thought too, then Santina Marella won the Women's Battle Royal to become Miss Wrestlemania. And that wasn't some small silly promotion like CTUC either.


Calvin: Oh God, you're right... I mean, you do have a point there... I was thinking maybe they'd put one of the Exoticos there, but now that you mention it, I can see, like... Vanity in a blonde wig?


Jerry: Or Simba the Tribal Warrior. He's got the skirt already...


Calvin: You opened a real can o' worms there, Jerry. I got a ton of potential candidates and each idea is ever worse than the previous one.


Jerry: Welcome... to the mind of whoever's booking CTUC!


Calvin: I'm gonna crowdsource this one till we return to break down the show so fans, let us know, who do you think might be the tenth person in that Women's, I stress that part, Women's Battle Royal?

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Well, Togg put up the November DotM nominations, so I guess it's official: this one co-won match of the month for October thanks to that Barb Wire Cage match. Which is weird, because this is willr0ck's mod I'm using and the other match that won was his PSW Three Stages of Hell match. Which I won the prediction to pick the stipulation for. This is as shared as a prize can get, huh?


Thank you all for nominating and voting, if you liked the rest make sure to nominate and vote again. I'll be back with that mysterious 10 woman battle royal soon!

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October was never announced, I just gave it some time in case we had any announcements about people double-voting, or voting past the deadline and whatnot. If the next month's nominations are up, I think it's safe to say the previous one's are finalized. Go claim your September prize spacer.png Edited by DarK_RaideR
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DarK_RaideR" data-cite="DarK_RaideR" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47038" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Well, Togg put up the November DotM nominations, so I guess it's official: this one co-won match of the month for October thanks to that Barb Wire Cage match. Which is weird, because this is willr0ck's mod I'm using and the other match that won was his PSW Three Stages of Hell match. Which I won the prediction to pick the stipulation for. This is as shared as a prize can get, huh?<p> </p><p> Thank you all for nominating and voting, if you liked the rest make sure to nominate and vote again. I'll be back with that mysterious 10 woman battle royal soon!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Just catching up on the thread as I've been traveling trying to wrap up all the end of the year projects for work so I've missed some stuff. Fantastic read as always, its aweosme to see the characters you created come to life. It's down right flattering actually. </p><p> </p><p> Congrats on winning co-match of the month. I'm stoked I finally won something though you came up with the concept so I'll give you about 80% of the credit on that one. Thanks to everyone that voted as well. The PSW dynasty shall return once I'm done with my super secret I would tell you but then i would have to kill you project.</p>
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So I started reading this yesterday when I was trying new things and trying to remember if RockVerse was where I saw all those awesome Wilr0ck renders that I wanted to poke through (network interviewers and such) and decided that I am an insanely massive fan of a diary presented as a podcast making fun of a bad wrestling show. Everything about this is fantastic and I needed to mention it.
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Jerry: I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but we are finally here with a breakdown of Chi-Town Urban Combat's latest show, Absolute Power!


Calvin: I think by this point it's no surprise the show was once again not held anywhere near Chicago or the state of Illinois, is it?


Jerry: Certainly not, so let's dive into the wrestlecrap that is the promotion love to hate and everyone loves to make fun of and their July 2016 show, CTUC Absolute Power!





Calvin: And dive we really did, headfirst too, with a wild, crazy, chaotic, overbooked spotfest of a hardcore match that opened the show. Kurtis Payne, who we haven't seen in a while, got a shot out of the blue at the CTUC Bucket of Blood title and Chi Church Cult representative, Orcus.


Jerry: The booking really was out of the blue with this one, so they made it super crazy to distract from the lack of any reason or storyline leading to this match. Also, I should bring up Orcus' stamina, he's shaped up his frame but still needs to work on his cardio if he wants to work a simple 10 minute match proper.


Calvin: A tables match, no less, stipulation that plays well into the hardcore nature of this match and the title in general, I think they got that part right. And it also gave Scarlett Church a lot to do at ringside, like set up tables for the champion and pull one away just in time to prevent Orcus from going through it when Payne chokeslammed him off the apron.


Jerry: That's true, this match was a lot abut Church as much as it was about the wrestlers themselves, like you said Calvin, overbooked to the finish, with her playing into the finale to make sure that Orcus retained.


Calvin: With all the issues in this one, it still was a well put together and well executed hardcore match, a strong opener and just a quarter of a star above CTUC's usual two-star threshold.




Jerry: You know, the follow up was probably just as good with Chris Moxley joining in for a beatdown on the fallen challenger. Moxley got a good reaction on his promo too, something about the title's name and how they were going to actually draw a bucket of blood out of Payne as sacrifice or communion or something...


Calvin: Well they did beat Kurtis Payne to the point where he bled profusely, but you know who the scent of blood was bound to bring out...






Jerry: That was actually pretty good, it made sense and I know I never saw it coming. They're probably setting him up as the next one to challenge Orcus and oddly enough, I'm kinda intrigued to see that match now.


Calvin: I noticed our favourite Mexican monster was a bit more muscular since we last saw him a couple of months back. He seems to have taken well to it also, his body language played into that and I think as terrible as this character is, he's poured his heart into it. That's a cult hit in the making, mark my words.




Jerry: So once the Chi Church Cult retreated and the monster did his roaring or whatever that was, out comes Mikey Malice to join the announcing team for the next match. Pretty standard stuff, considering that match would be a triple threat to determine his next challenger...




Calvin: I gotta say, I wasn't thrilled about this match because as soon as I heard of the stipulation and saw who was in it, I knew how it was going to go down. I mean, Simba was the first man Malice faced for the title, Starr is probably the one he'll be feuding with long term, so I knew right there and then Vanity would win.


Jerry: A return to form and the usual two star classics CTUC has us used to, I'll admit I didn't think of it that way but it still was nothing to write home about either.


Calvin: I'm kinda curious to see where they go with this next though, because Vanity pulled off an unorthodox win via roll up, which fits his character, the question is, will Mikey Malice pull the trigger on a title switch? I think his ongoing saga for acceptance by the Seven Deadly Sins would take an interesting turn if he showed up holding the top prize in CTUC.


Jerry: Knowing Malice, he probably won't play ball. Plus the Sins already hold the tag titles and... alright, I won't spoil the main event, we'll get back to this in a moment.


Calvin: They teased it though, with Vanity and Malice having a staredown while the announcers brought all that up. And then off to the main event we went.





Jerry: So there you go alpha2117, Avarice finally made her main show CTUC debut...


Calvin: And the mysterious 10th participant proved to be Exotico Muerta.


Jerry: I'd be surprised if they brought in a new face on a roster that's already bigger than they can afford, but I'm not sure about where I stand on this decision.


Calvin: What do you mean, Jerry?


Jerry: Well, for starters, let me say I'm glad they handled Exotico as an Exotico instead of trying to pretend he fooled everyone and passed as a woman.


Calvin: That would have been a little hard when you got Lust in that match.


Jerry: Yeah and that's probably why we were spared of any gay or transgender jokes, come to think of it. Back to my point though, the way they presented him, I was conflicted. Exotico Muerta is a man and was treated as a man, so if you're going to go that way, why not pick a bigger man and make him the monster heel of the match?


Calvin: That would have been one way to go about this, but since he is the high flyer of the Exoticos group, I imagine they picked him to make the match more even. Figure it was easier for the girls to work a high flyer than a big bruiser.


Jerry: This was the eye candy match of the night though, we probably shouldn't be taking it that seriously.


Calvin: But it was a title match! And a royal rumble, you don't get those so often. I see your point though, they probably went with someone who looks good enough and wouldn't make the wrestling action too spicy to distract from all the jiggling and flesh on display.


Jerry: So you got all three of the Devil's Playthings in this match. Four ladies from the Sins group. Abominatrix and Anna-belle who are quite similar and seem to always find themselves in these 'forced teamwork' situations. And Exotico Muerta, who is on his own. And a dude.


Calvin: Lot of connections in this one and of course, Muerta was the one everybody zoned in as soon as the bell rang. We've said a lot about him already but let's be honest, he was an emergency solution and fans saw right through it. He got booed, so he then got jumped and quickly eliminated, much to the fans' rejoice.


Jerry: Yeah he was literally there so the set-up could pass as a 10 person rumble, then as soon as that was established, he was taken out and we had an actual 9 woman rumble.


Calvin: More like three stable warfare and that was what it boiled down to by the end of the match. Shout out to Lust who managed to eliminate three people before she herself was eliminated once it came down to the final four.


Jerry: So with Lust out, it was kind of down to the faction leaders. Lilith, Anna-belle and Pride.


Calvin: Once Lilith got eliminated, I really thought we'd see Anna-bell the Canni-belle win.


Jerry: Why so?


Calvin: Well, Pride and Lilith have their respective groups to work a program with. Putting the title on Anna-belle would give her something to keep herself busy with too. Alas, it was not meant to be. I think Pride will make a great champion though, she's got the looks, she's got the skill... oh, she can talk too, as evidenced by her post-match celebration promo, almost as good as that three and a half star main event rumble.





Jerry: Which brings us back to the overall title scene I was discussing earlier. The Sins now hold the Womens, no, excuse me, Baddest Bitch title and the tag titles. So assuming Vanity wins the big one, how would that impress them enough?


Calvin: Well, it still is the top prize. Do you think they'd go with an angle where one group holds all the gold?


Jerry: I have a hard time finding anyone in the Sins who could take that hardcore title off Orcus. Still, anything could happen. We got a show with all of its matches except one being above the usual two star threshold. That must be some kind of record for CTUC!


Calvin: Two and a half stars in general for the whole show, I gotta say it may have been the best in terms of wrestling, but it was a pretty damn entertaining show overall.


Jerry: If they keep it up like that, they might actually dig themselves out of the Graveyard slot eventually!

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Pride is the Rockverse's Okada circa his IMPACT era run.


The beauty of the Rockverse is that the Free-Agents you've used to build this roster feel like such big distinctive personalities and willr0cks renders are so visually interesting that someone with skill like Dark Raider can make this feel alive. It's like a weird early CZW/CHIKARA hybrid where reality has taken a holiday.


I don't think I will ever get tired of …. EL CHUPACABRA!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Chi-Town Urban Combat presents:


Main Event

CTUC Nation of Violence title match

Mikey Malice © vs Vanity


Semi Main Event

4 on 4 Women's Bloodbatch match

The Devil's Playthings and Abominatrix vs Four of the Seven Deadly Sins (Avarice, Envy, Lust & Pride)


Monster's Ball match

Chris Moxley vs EL CHUPACABRA!


Opening Trios match

Club Exotico vs Three of the Seven Deadly Sins (Gluttony, Sloth & Wrath)

Edited by DarK_RaideR
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How have I only seen this now??


Ok, here goes...



Chi-Town Urban Combat presents:


Main Event

CTUC Nation of Violence title match

Mikey Malice © vs Vanity


Semi Main Event

4 on 4 Women's Bloodbatch match

The Devil's Playthings and Abominatrix vs Four of the Seven Deadly Sins (Avarice, Envy, Lust & Pride)


Monster's Ball match

Chris Moxley vs EL CHUPACABRA!


Opening Trios match

Club Exotico vs Three of the Seven Deadly Sins (Gluttony, Sloth & Wrath)



Looking forward to the write up where I can get a handle on some these peeps.

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<p>Main Event</p><p>

CTUC Nation of Violence title match</p><p>

<strong>Mikey Malice</strong> © vs Vanity</p><p> </p><p>

Semi Main Event</p><p>

4 on 4 Women's Bloodbatch match</p><p>

The Devil's Playthings and Abominatrix vs <strong>Four of the Seven Deadly Sins (Avarice, Envy, Lust & Pride)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Monster's Ball match</p><p>

Chris Moxley vs <strong>EL CHUPACABRA!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Opening Trios match</p><p>

Club Exotico vs <strong>Three of the Seven Deadly Sins (Gluttony, Sloth & Wrath)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

CTUC cant by definition have a great card but this is close to one. Malice will of course win (that title is grafted to his flesh). </p><p> </p><p>

The Playthings & Abominatrix could win as it sounds like a hardcore bout which suits them better but I cant pick against my babies. </p><p> </p><p>

Moxley is potentially great but he's really young so losing to cult hero EL CCHHHHHHHPPPPPPPPAAAAACCCCCAAAAABBBBBRRRRRAAAA!!!!!!!!! Does him no long term harm. </p><p> </p><p>

As for that opener - it's my babies versus my babies so I'm a winner all round - Wrath needs help but if you persist booking him strong his sheer size offers potentially huge rewards in Menace angles so I think common sense says the Sins going over here.</p>

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<p><strong>Mikey Malice</strong> © vs Vanity</p><p>

The Devil's Playthings and Abominatrix vs <strong>Four of the Seven Deadly Sins (Avarice, Envy, Lust & Pride)</strong></p><p>

Chris Moxley vs <strong>EL CHUPACABRA!</strong></p><p>

Club Exotico vs <strong>Three of the Seven Deadly Sins (Gluttony, Sloth & Wrath)</strong></p>

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Jerry: Everyboooodyyyy...


Calvin: Please don't


Jerry: Rock your booodyyy...


Calvin: Stop it


Jerry: Everybooodyyy...


Calvin: No


Jerry: Rock your booodyyy riiight...


Calvin: This is gonna be hell to pull through


Jerry: Backstreet Battle is back, alright! Well, not really back, it's the first ever CTUC show under that name...


Calvin: I'm still waiting for the first CTUC show that's going to be held anywhere near Chi-Town.


Jerry: It's been a while, so let's get down to it. I heard things were already off with a bang in the pre-show after Powerhead gave Dr. Funkenstein a head injury.


Calvin: It's been a long time coming, if we're being honest.










Jerry: So the main show opens with a trios match and if we're going Mexico, we're going all the way with Club Exotico competing in it. Their opponents, the tag team champions and Wrath, three of the seven sins and you know what Calvin, I counted them and now the group has all Seven Deadly Sins proper.


Calvin: Which probably means Vanity is joining them after all, if nothing else to mess that up.


Jerry: At first I thought maybe they were using this to set up a title match, but I just couldn't see how you could get Wrath out of the equation to make that happen. I guess it was just to warm up the crowd though and these Exoticos can do that proper. I mean, they're more about character and working the crowd than actually wrestling.


Calvin: Which in turn set up Wrath destroying them.


Jerry: Yup, clean win, fan applause and a thumbs up from me for not doing that spot again where someone messes with Tiffany Poe to send Wrath into a frenzy. Was starting to feel they might be going to that well one time too many, it was a pleasant surprise to not have that happen again.


Calvin: We have a very different idea of what things we were glad to not see happen.


Jerry: You know the drill, another two star CTUC classic but the actual tag title story was advanced elsewhere, after the match...







Calvin: Classic comedy segment. Surprised CTUC didn't do something more tasteless


Jerry: So you had the Bonechillers, sneaking into the locker room and stealing the title belts...


Calvin: Completely unnoticed, except for the cameraman who was there to tape it and broadcast it to everyone


Jerry: Geez Calvin, it's pro wrestling. Crappy pro wrestling, even. It's like porn or kung fu movies, you start thinking about logic and realism, you miss the whole point.


Calvin: I can only suspend my disbelief to a point and that point is tested with every CTUC show. I kinda liked the Chi Church Cult promo that came next though.







Jerry: So yeah, Orcus talks about how they were attacked last show and the Cult requested a match to get back at... altogether now...




Calvin: Oh boy... yeah and all this while, Moxley's being a spaz and not saying anything. Which is weird, because he loves to talk. And is a great talker too.


Jerry: I had the same question, but we were duped because Orcus then says something like 'to beat the beast... you gotta be the beast'


Calvin: Was he referencing Ric Flair there?


Jerry: I don't know, but whoever thought of this angle was certainly refencing Mankind, because they pass the mic to Moxley and he just grunts BOILERRRR... ROOM... BRRRAAAAAWL!


Calvin: For you young grasshopers out there, that's when the two competitors are supposedly locked alone inside a room for 24 hours before the match with no light, food, water or kayfabe.


Jerry: It's a stipulation made for characters like EL CHUPACABRA! and I think they made pretty good use of it here.







Calvin: The execution was pretty solid too, except for that cringe-worthy spot. I mean, anything less than a wild brawl across the entire venue would be underselling the stipulation.


Jerry: They ran with it and went wild, as they should have. Moxley bled like a stuffed pig, he took a crazy bump through a sheet of glass, but man, that elbow...


Calvin: Botchamania 101. It started off as a comedy spot, but... ugh!


Jerry: So here's what happened. Moxley is down inside the ring. His monstrous opponent has some wild idea, climbs to the top rope and pats his elbow...


Calvin: I mean, the very idea of a character like that doing a move like a diving elbow drop is comedy


Jerry: He jumps. Moxley rolls away. He lands. Badly. Real bad.


Calvin: As in, his armbone stuck out of his suit, bad. I couln't watch, I prayed for the X to end it right there.


Jerry: It was genuinely hard to watch. But somehow he soldiered on and hit the Silencio de los Cabras, probably they rushed straight to the finish and he never broke character either. I mean, it was slightly above the usual two star stuff, but no one wants or needs to see that. Stay safe, people.


Calvin: I'm guessing he'll move on to fight Orcus for the title next? Assuming he doesn't get sidelined for too long.


Jerry: Probably. I'm not quite sure how I feel about the follow up to this though.







Calvin: Annabelle was winging that promo. Or the intro, at least.


Jerry: She basically implied that match got her hungry and wanting to suck the marrow from that protruding bone or something. I can't imagine someone wrote it for her like that word for word, but the creative team probably expected some mayhem after the match and this was how they'd segway into her promo. So maybe she just re-phrased the first part.


Calvin: She made it genuinely creepy though. Because otherwise, it was a basic promo of her complaining she wasn't in the next match.


Jerry: Oh man, the Bloodbath match...









Calvin: I mean, we should have seen it coming. It sounds hardcore, but does CTUC ever use its women for anything more than eye candy stuff?


Jerry: Well, in hindsight, yeah. This was eye candy, people. Flesh for fantasy. A jigglefest, as the modern term goes. The blood part had to do with the substance they filled a big pool inside the ring with.


Calvin: Imagine women's mud wrestling, but with blood instead of mud.


Jerry: It really fit the heels as a visual. The Devil's Playthings in their BDSM gimp bodysuits looked like they were made for this and I bet Abominatrix gave some people the weirdest, most shameful boner of their lives.


Calvin: Really wonder how come Annabelle the Canni-belle wasn't involved in this.


Jerry: Fair point. I was a little lost with the babyface team though. Avarice and Envy did the whole "ew this is disgusting". Pride was all business like the blood wasn't even there. Then there was Lust.


Calvin: That's the character though. Being an oddball.


Jerry: Think Envy might have legit slipped on some blood during the finishing sequence. That landing looked bad.


Calvin: She may have been injured after that.


Jerry: She ate the pin though, so I'm not sure if it was part of the finish. Pretty standard heel group stuff, Lillith directing trafic, all zone in on one enemy, she gets the pinfall.


Calvin: Still the hottest match of the night though. Wait, I didn't mean it like that...


Jerry: Three stars easy, maybe three and a quarter even. Insanely talented, all of them.


Calvin: A shame to see them wasted in these kinds of matches, really


Jerry: Well rejoice, parter, because your favourite Ghetto Cowboy was up next!







Calvin: And he more or less cut the same promo as Annabelle. I should have been in this main event wrestling for the title yadda yadda.


Jerry: He didn't have the aura of Annabelle, but the delivery was pretty solid, methinks.








Calvin: And in case you forgot this was CTUC you're watching, here's a load o' wrestlecrap for the main event to remind you!


Jerry: I mean, it was the usual two star stuff, just like the opener. Full circle and all that.


Calvin: I think it lacked character. That's why the women's match and the Boiler Room Brawl were good, they felt different. Unique.


Jerry: Well Malice and Vanity are not the greatest westlers on the face of the earth, so I guess they could have used some harcore insanity or a crazy stipulation to help spice up this match.


Calvin: You mean distract from their non-existent in-ring talent.


Jerry: However you call it, they shouldn't have done a straightforward wrestling match, no matter how saucy or violent some spots were. At least Malice tried to salvage it when he went for a dive, got caught and then powerslammed onto some chairs.


Calvin: That's defense number, what, three? He's the owner, booker and permanent champion, now where have I seen that before...


Jerry: Overall I'd put the show at two stars and a quarter, D- on the letter scale. Let down by the finisher and while the injuries didn't exactly impact the grade, I'm just a little worried they ended the night with two or three injuries, depending on what happened with Envy.


Author's Note: Kudos to Aurora for getting the predictions 100% correct, only one who saw the heels winning that women's match. You win a night in a boiler room with EL CHUPACABRA!
Edited by DarK_RaideR
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Aurora" data-cite="Aurora" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47038" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Oh good just what every girl needs a creepy guy pawing her in a darkened room.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ha ha, have you been talking to my wife? </p><p> </p><p> Ahem. Another good show, DR. I’m not familiar with this promotion but I’m enjoying the presentation by commentary. More please.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigelow Cartwheel" data-cite="Bigelow Cartwheel" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47038" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ha ha, have you been talking to my wife? <p> </p><p> Ahem. Another good show, DR. I’m not familiar with this promotion but I’m enjoying the presentation by commentary. More please.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Rockverse is a currently incomplete mod by willr0ck, there is a beta with the US feds and workers over in the mods area.</p><p> </p><p> There is another Rockverse diary AWO which features another fed based on Roman/Greek mythology which is a pretty good read too.</p><p> </p><p> The workers are in CTUC are largely made up from the free-agent pool that was created for the US. There's a lot of tongue in cheek stuff going in with them.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="alpha2117" data-cite="alpha2117" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47038" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Rockverse is a currently incomplete mod by willr0ck, there is a beta with the US feds and workers over in the mods area.<p> </p><p> There is another Rockverse diary AWO which features another fed based on Roman/Greek mythology which is a pretty good read too.</p><p> </p><p> The workers are in CTUC are largely made up from the free-agent pool that was created for the US. There's a lot of tongue in cheek stuff going in with them.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It does seem pretty far out.</p>
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