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[RockVerse] Chi-Town Urban Combat

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Appreciate it. Had a lot of fun writing it out and really had a feeling it was something special. Glad it came across.


Ghoste Esta La Pollo! Well, the worker's a Freelancer and wouldn't take a longer contract (which actually was perfect timing so he'd be leaving as soon as EL CHUPACABRA! would return from injury) but with CTUC, you never know. Especially if willr0ck is willing (pun intended) to make a ghostly re-render!




This is from right after I ran Day Zero. He is now autopushed to Main Eventer

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CTUC presents:



Main Event

Body Acceptance match for the CTUC Baddest Bitch title

(That's the politically correct way to say it, means they'll be fighting naked, y'all!!!)

Pride © vs Lillith


Semi Main Event

CTUC Nation of Violence title match

Mikey Malice © vs The Grim Reefer


Monster's Ball match for the CTUC Bucket of Blood title



Three Way Women's Tag Team match

The Devil's Playthings vs Annabelle the Canni-belle and Hardcore Barbie vs The Seven Deadly Sins (Avarice & Lust)


CTUC Deadly Duo titles match

Loser Leaves CTUC

The Bonechillers © vs Killboy Powerhead


Six Man Tag Team match

Die Übersoldaten vs Jive Soul Bros


Opening Six Man Tag Team match

Club Exotico vs The Seven Deadly Sins (Gluttony, Sloth and Wrath)

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Main Event

Body Acceptance match for the CTUC Baddest Bitch title

(That's the politically correct way to say it, means they'll be fighting naked, y'all!!!)

Pride © vs Lillith


Semi Main Event

CTUC Nation of Violence title match

Mikey Malice © vs The Grim Reefer


Monster's Ball match for the CTUC Bucket of Blood title



Three Way Women's Tag Team match

The Devil's Playthings vs Annabelle the Canni-belle and Hardcore Barbie vs The Seven Deadly Sins (Avarice & Lust)


CTUC Deadly Duo titles match

Loser Leaves CTUC

The Bonechillers © vs Killboy Powerhead


Six Man Tag Team match

Die Übersoldaten vs Jive Soul Bros


Opening Six Man Tag Team match

Club Exotico vs The Seven Deadly Sins (Gluttony, Sloth and Wrath)



My Take:


Pride in the ultimate eye candy match is a no brainer. Malice will never lose. EL CHUPACABRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hardcore Barbie has some sort of profile and giving her a win is a good idea. Jive Soul Bros because Die Ubersoldaten will get DQ'ed and beat them up in a 4 on 3 beat down post match (with Abominatrix). The Sins over the Exoticos who have been booked as jobbers. Lastly dare I dream that Killboy Powerhead are gone … oh please let this be so.

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Pride © vs Lillith

Mikey Malice © vs The Grim Reefer


The Devil's Playthings vs Annabelle the Canni-belle and Hardcore Barbie vs The Seven Deadly Sins (Avarice & Lust)

The Bonechillers © vs Killboy Powerhead

Die Übersoldaten vs Jive Soul Bros

Club Exotico vs The Seven Deadly Sins (Gluttony, Sloth and Wrath)

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Jerry: Well Calvin, it seems the good people over at CTUC decided to end the year with a bang.


Calvin: Hate to say so, but they have every right to do so. When they first launched, I doubted they'd last an entire year.


Jerry: Let's break down their final show, Day Zero, for which I should say right from the start, it was a pretty match heavy show. Only a couple of basic promos from start to finish.


Calvin: Yes, if CTUC shows usually feel like episodic television, this one felt like the monthly Pay Per View show.






Jerry: We kick things off with a 3 vs 3 match as Club Exotico faces the Sins and I was thinking throughout this match, my how the Sins have fallen. Like, where do they go now? They lost the tag titles, they wrapped up the angle with Vanity...


Calvin: I hate making predictions, especially when it comes to CTUC, but it seems they're gonna be feuding with Die Übersoldaten, especially given Wrath's real world past. Which is probably why the Sins also got the win here to get over for the next clash with ze Germanz.


Jerry: No need to point out this was another standard two star CTUC match, but I was surprised that Gluttony tapped out Exotico Muerto, it looked like Wrath would be the dominant monster through and through.


Calvin: Well he has the size, but he lacks the skills yet. Speaking of skills, Muerta is really starting to look like the better wrestler of his group, show after show.






Jerry: Well Die Übersoldaten also got a win in the next trios match, which may indeed be building up to a clash with the Sins. And as much as I cringed hearing that finisher is actually called the Fuhrer-Plex, the match itself was a notch above the usual two star CTUC standards.


Calvin: Well they weren't shy about the gimmick or the move's name and they certainly weren't shy about the racial undertones in this match. What mostly surprised me was the clean finish, with Abominatrix on the outside I felt like they were building towards a dirty finish with her interfering.


Jerry: They might be saving that for bigger matches. Like having her interfere to beat the Sins and extend the feud.


Calvin: Well the one thing that won't be extended is Killboy Powerhead's contracts, which means a much safer work environment for everyone else in that ring!





Jerry: That's right, the Bonechillers retained against Killboy Powerhead, which means the roid rager and his spot monkey partner are out of CTUC!


Calvin: This barely lasted ten minutes, it was overbooked as hell, both Killboy and Powerhead took some big nasty bumps and still somehow it managed to drag around the middle! I'm glad those two are gone, because if stuff like that shows even amidst all the mayhem, that is irrepairably bad.


Jerry: I know it still feels a bit weird to see the Bonechillers with the titles, but I bet everyone was praying for them to retain. CTUC could pull a swerve for the sake of as swerve and that did make the match somewhat unpredictable, but the Chillers and Skullsy in particular are so over, it would be suicide to kick them out.




Calvin: Lillith provided a breather with a promo after that mess and I could tell fans were hyped for that main event. Matter of fact, I'm surprised she and Pride agreed to wrestle naked!


Jerry: She did the best she could given the situation, it was pretty convincing when she talked about how Pride was too vain to show off her body in front of the fans and how she'd use that uncertainty to defeat her.


Calvin: Yeah it almost made me forget this was in fact a crowd pleasing jigglefest of a match they were talking about.








Jerry: Lillith's girls were up in action next and frankly I was a bit surprised she wasn't on their corner, but whatever. Guess she had to prepare or something. Or was saving some sort of surprise "outfit" for the main event.


Calvin: Well with the main event being the night's eye candy segment, this was a down and dirty hardcore match between the three teams and they did not hold back. I really enjoyed the action in this one, again a tad above the usual two star stuff CTUC puts on.


Jerry: They really upped the ante with this show, it seems. A decent combination of power and high flying from Astrid and Arabella, against the intensity and weapon usage of Annabelle and Barbie.Then we had Lust being, well, Lust, plus the high flying of Avarice, who I must say was much better her than when she's teaming with Envy.


Calvin: Yeah it seems Envy needs quite a bit of carrying, whether it's Pride or Avarice on her side. Another surprise outcome too by the way, I thought Barbie was gonna win this one but it was Astrid who got the pin over Avarice with an Eternal Damnation.




Jerry: And on we go to what is probably becoming fans' favourite part of every CTUC show, the ongoing feud between the Chi Church Cult and...




Calvin: Another solid promo by Chris Moxley here, who's basically doing all the mic duty now that Scarlett Church is gone. It did help that he was hyping up the Monster's Ball match, meaning Orcus just had to stand beside him and look like he was an uncontrollable maniac.





Jerry: What can I say about this match... it was every bit the hardcore chaos that a match for the hardcore title should be. It was wild, it was bloody, it was full of weapons and crazy spots, they went outside the ring to brawl between the fans... it ticked every box, really.




Calvin: Including an appearance from Señor Mosca, who was the equalizer to Moxley's ringside presence. And with that, we get to what probably every fan of CTUC has been waiting for...


Jerry: Your winner, and new CTUC Bucket of Blood champion...




Calvin: He's a fitting champion, I'll give him that. And he's over like it's nobody's business.


Jerry: Came back from a big injury too. Which didn't show in his ring work, to be honest. Another two star plus match, CTUC really raising the bar!





Calvin: Never thought I'd see the day when a Mikey Malice match for the Nation of Violence title would not be in the main event slot.


Jerry: How about, never thought we'd see the day when Mikey Malice would drop the Nation of Violence title?


Calvin: True, very true, even if it did take a Tombstone Piledriver off the top turnbuckle and through a table to hold him down.


Jerry: Well, Malice may be an obnoxious character, but he does understand what's best for business. Reefer is way more well known than him, probably a better wrestler too. And of course, a Pride vs Lillith match with them naked for a title, that's probably the most over match they've ever promoted anyway.




Calvin: Speaking of which, we had Pride's promo next in response too Lillith's earlier.


Jerry: Pride's a great talker and she nailed her character's cockiness with all that "I'm too good looking to be ashamed of my nudity" thing.





Calvin: Well I was wondering how they'd get past the nudity in a full on match and we got our CTUC swerve alright, with tiny but existing underwear for the ladies. Or swimwear, I'm not so sure on the details.


Jerry: Pride had a flesh-tone set and Lillith had a white one to match her body paint, so essentially this was like a riskier Bra & Panties match; they were wearing very little and the point was to strip each other completely naked.


Calvin: Taste aside, this was a smart way to keep the fans hooked till the finish. I mean, you gotta give them something to expect. If they'd walked out butt naked, the novelty factor would have worn out real quick.


Jerry: Back to the match now, so far we had the Bonechillers retain, which was what made sense, but the two singles titles did change hands. I think Pride's ran through the roster already so I was expecting another title change in this three and a half star main event, but it didn't happen. She retained.




Calvin: Enter Señora Muerte.


Jerry: Big acquisition, big debut and a strong start by having her beat both competitors to end the show with her standing tall and holding the title.


Calvin: I was expecting the Sins or Playthings to come out but then I realized, they all had matches earlier. It actually was believable that none of them showed up.


Jerry: Well that's probably kicking off a new angle for the CTUC Baddest Bitch title but also wrapping up a big show juuuuust under three stars. I bet the folks over at the IWC will be relieved.


Calvin: Looks like that broadcast deal got the boost it needed to continue.


Jerry: As did CTUC, I'm not ashamed to admit I'm really curious to see what they'll have in store for the New Year!

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That show is crazy man. Who are those guys with the gas masks and what's going on there?!

Here's a direct quote from the bio of Abominatrix, the one with the knife on their corner (yes, that's a female!)

Horrifying, shocking and downright distasteful are words that have been used to describe wrestler Lizzy Lawson's twisted alter ego, Abominatrix. A rare breed, a women's hardcore wrestler, Lizzy's character has proven to be one of the most offensive gimmicks ever to set foot in a wrestling ring. Not much of an in ring worker at all, Lizzy relies on stiff brawling, excessive use of weaponry including her trademark survival knife she brings with her to the ring and her willingness to shed blood.


So yeah, I first hired her and tried to go ultra offensive by giving her a N A Z I gimmick. Cringed as I was at first, it got a Legendary rating and apparently the readers here were into it, so I stuck with her. Then I brought in these Übersoldaten to be her goons/stable

German occultists of a certain political leaning have long been a staple of pulp stories, but nobody ever had the great/horrible idea to bring the concept to pro wrestling, until the Übersoldaten, a trio of super soldiers imbued with mystical powers who were cryogenically frozen at the end of World War 2. Led by the sinister Major Deitz, the Übersoldaten now fight to create the Fourth Reich...somehow. Needless to say, a lot of people are pissed while just as many are too busy laughing themselves into a coma to be offended by this completely bonkers gimmick.


So in a way, it's a bit like Ilsa She Wolf of the SS meets some villains from Hellboy kind o deal.

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<p>I dearly hope the Rockverse gets a full release down the track - the US area beta is tremendous fun and what's been revealed about Mexico is if anything even better.</p><p> </p><p>

What's even better about this diary is there are still a heap of possible bodies that could be brought in that fit the weirdness. The Giant Lucha Ninja guy, The Circus Freaks and Senor Mosca's natural enemies - the Exterminators! A demonic Eye Doctor, A guy who believes the most charismatic gimmick he could think of is John Smith - Auditor (who in no way is a rip off of IRS).</p>

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Jerry: Happy New Year everyone, welcome back to the Calvin and Jerry podcast and, surprisingly enough, our review of the first ever CTUC show to be held twice in history. That's right, it's their one year anniversary as they kicked off last year with Battle Lines and I know Calvin here never thought they'd still be around a year later.


Calvin: Not just that, it seems they're expanding as they've already announced a second show for January. What is the world coming to...


Jerry: Well let's take everything from the top because it was the show to launch several new storylines and one of the biggest opened the show right from the start.


Calvin: Seems they have a thing for strong, shocking openings as of late. Myself, I'm just still in shock that Mikey Malice agreed to drop the main title.








Jerry: Well you may be on to something, or there may have been a plan behind Malice dropping, because the show opened with the Jive Soul Bros revealing two more identical title belts!


Calvin: Dr. Funkenstein was on mic duty to explain this, basically turning this into CTUC's new trios title and let me say I agree with that move, "Nation" of Violence really has the ring of a six man title to it, doesn't sound like a main championship at all and they've finally realized.


Jerry: But what of the main title, you might ask. Well, that's been changed and they made a very valid point again;if the show is broadcast on the Internet Wrestling Channel and, might I add, that's what's keeping them financially afloat, it only makes sense for the top guy to be...




CTUC Internet champion!




Calvin: I like the irony of an Internet or TV title usually being used as a midcard title and now it's CTUC's top belt. Kinda like its top stars would struggle to be anything more than jobbers in the bigger leagues.


Jerry: Well one man who didn't like that change was "The Ghetto Cowboy" Tyrell Starr, who shocked everyone and crashed his own group's party by slamming that brand new belt into the face of the Grim Reefer!


Calvin: Just a few moments into this world and already there's blood on that gold. CTUC, everyone!


Jerry: Well clearly Starr, Simba and the doctor of funk won't be the ones to be awarded the new trios title, but apparently Starr will also be the first man to feud with Reefer for this new belt.


Calvin: Yeah he made a great point in his post-attack promo about how this spit in the face of his year-long attempt to become CTUC Nation of Violence champion, having it now become a three person prop belt they'd be awarding instead of winning.


Jerry: I'm not sure if that was a face or heel promo, but it certainly got a reaction. Seems like the decision was met with criticism and Starr's move swung the critics in his favor.










Calvin: Speaking of trios titles, onto the opening match and another two star CTUC classic in a variation of Day Zero's opening match, only this time it was Envy and Lust who teamed with Wrath to take on Club Exotico.


Jerry: It did feel like a lot of the same and it didn't help that Lust, arguably the best and most over worker in that ring seemed to have a bad night. Or maybe it was the pressure of having to carry everyone. She did however get the pin over Exotico Muerta, who once again was the better wrestler for his team.


Calvin: At least she walked out of there in one piece, Wrath seemed to have some sort of lower back problem and I should know it's legit, the man's got zero selling skills as a giant and being in his rookie year as a wrestler.







Jerry: Next up, we had the former CTUC Deadly Duo champions making another valid point against current strap holders, the Bonechillers.


Calvin: I'm surprised it took so long for this to come up, really. Guess their booking mirrors their matches, have a huge mess with so much going on that you conveniently miss some bad spots.


Jerry: Well Gluttony and Sloth did request a rematch and considering how the Bonechillers lost their first title shot but got a second after they stole the tag belts, it's only fair to have this match one more time and give the Sins team a second chance too.


Calvin: They're probably building up to that and continuing the feud, which is a similar tactic to what we saw in the next match...







Jerry: Ah, yes, new and former CTUC Bucket of Blood champions in a tag team match alongside their allies in Chris Moxley and Señor Mosca. A Tables tag match, to be exact!


Calvin: It is no surprise this match was wild, chaotic and overbooked as hell. What surprised me was that this was the first match of the night to break past the usual two star rating.







Jerry: Well the other surprise was seeing Annabelle the Canni-belle get involved to help eliminate Orcus. Pretty early in the match too, this was the very first elimination to go down.


Calvin: Well it shouldn't surprise you, Jerry. Annabelle showed up during that chicken nuggets segment when the current champion made his return from injury. She has a thing for blood too. And she's actually being portrayed less as a cannibal and more as a cavewoman or wildling.


Jerry: I did notice you're dancing around the mention of the name, so let's get it out of your system, okay? Elimination number two in that match was...




Calvin: There... So yeah, Moxley basically did a handicap match after Orcus was out but he played the brains card against the beasts to set up a spot where he dodged a spear to get the elimination and boil the match down to himself and Señor Mosca.


Jerry: You know what, now I'm thinking the Tables stipulation was there to get around the pin or submission thing. I mean, being disgusting is Mosca's gimmick, how do you even grapple with such a character?


Calvin: Oh geez...


Jerry: You think I'm overthinking this again?


Calvin: No, I just got a text from one of our fans... They forwarded me the tweet too. CTUC put out an official announcement, probably because those two and Annabelle can't say so themselves on the mic.


Jerry: And? What's the news?


Calvin: Well the CTUC Bucket of Blood champion I'm trying not to name, Señor Mosca and Annabelle the Canni-belle are now an official stable, named... you ready for this?








Jerry: That's such CTUC branding...


Calvin: Well they've put together a bunch of stables, now they introduced trios titles







Jerry: Probably the only low point of the show was the next segment, with Pride walking up to Lillith and Arabella to set up the night's main event.


Calvin: Well Arabella looked a bit out of place between the leaders of the two factions, but the reasoning was a little off to me as well.


Jerry: It's like they agreed to team up against Señora Muerte but through proxies, in a triple threat match. And I had these mixed signals that maybe there was a title shot up on offer, but it wasn't explicitly said and it lost me. Would it be if Señora Muerte got pinned? Pride's proxy? Either? And which one of the Playthings would be getting the shot?


Calvin: Now I do think you're reading way too much into this.


Jerry: Well don't we just have the perfect match for that lined up next...







Calvin: It's Abominatrix versus Hardcore Barbie! And if it sounds like a dream hardcore match... it's not. This was a Bra & Panties match. Ugh.


Jerry: They seemed to think the same, Calvin. Both women really didn't look like they had their head in this match so it didn't even make it all the way to three stars.


Calvin: Well, I mean, who doesn't want to see Abominatrix naked, huh? I'm telling you, as soon as I didn't see her goons around, I knew they'd show up to either help her win or, more likely, to prevent her from losing.


Jerry: Well they did make the save to protect the mask. Barbie's pretty adamant about defeating "the uggos" so even with the match over, she tried to remove her opponent's mask.


Calvin: Which, I assume, was the cue to send in the troops. Quite literally, too.







Jerry: Yeah they ran in and made the save to beat down Barbie. You know what, watching this, I felt like this angle was putting the group over but also groups in general. They're building stables left right and center, so it was as if they were saying "look at Barbie, this is what happens when you have no friends here."







Calvin: Well it wasn't the same in the main event, because Señora Muerte won and she was the only one to not be affiliated with any group. Speaking of which, I'm amazed no one else from the Sins or Playthings showed up.


Jerry: They're probably trying to get her over as a force to be reckoned. Also, dare I say that Deadly Elbow Drop just looks amazing for a finisher.


Calvin: It's a graceful aerial move, which fit well in this match because both Astrid and Avarice are their respective groups' high flyers. Not a big deal for the lucha libre undead.


Jerry: Just under three stars for the main event, a solid two and a half star for the show in general and a good start for CTUC in the new year. Their next show is Dog Days, as they've named it, and it runs on the last day of January.


Calvin: It's a bold step forward, let's see if they pace their booking accordingly to not burn out too quick.

Edited by DarK_RaideR
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Thing is, she's my top draw (by far) and the Exoticos are all on the very bottom. They might fit thematically, but it doesn't make much sense booking-wise. Then again, when was CTUC about wise or sensible booking?


Lower Level drones with a A, well in CTUC's case D-Lister makes perfect booking sense. The WWE just elevated Akam, Rezar and Buddy Murphy with Rollins adjacency for instance and Muerte is Buddy Murphy in drag according to your match description. Unless you have other plans it's what I would do given the fact Club Exotico are useful in ring but essentially are currently jobbers so using them as a human shield makes sense. CTUC is a bit like NJPW in that the Rockverse free agent pool was faction heavy and you've mined that meaning CTUC is faction heavy and Muerte has 3 obvious lackeys ready and waiting.

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Yeah it definitely is a play on words.


Alpha isn't wrong about the faction thing though, CTUC has great factions and I can kind of see Club Exotico as meat shields. The do fit her style well and I can see her and them vs Aby and the Uber drivers as a viable feud with the 3 totally not nazties and the 3 totally not women taking falls left and right ... very far right in one case. Giving jobbers a purpose for jobbing is always a plus. Of course you could have other plans but right now flying solo in CTUC seems like a really bad idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Calvin: Who let the dooooogs out...


Jerry: Please don't...


Calvin: That's right people, it's time to look into CTUC Dog Days, the first show in the revamped bi-weekly schedule of the weird and crappy promotion we love to keep up with on this podcast.


Jerry: Speak for yourself, Calvin. I'll give them one thing though, they made this a pretty big deal and had every title on the line.


Calvin: Almost every title, there was no defense of the Women's title, or should I say, CTUC Baddest Bitch title!







Jerry: Things kick off with a trios match for the vacant CTUC Nation of Violence titles. For those of you new to this part of the show, this used to be the promotion's main title until they realized it sounds like a trios title. So of course, instead of renaming it, they made it a trios title and introduced the Internet title as their main strap.


Calvin: Right. This was done at the start of the previous show, with the original idea being that Grim Reefer would be handing it to his Soul Jive Bros: Dr. Funkenstein, Simba the Tribal Warrior and Tyrell Starr. Thing is, Starr took offense and turned on the group, so now they had to crown new champions.


Jerry: Well I don't think there was ever any question as to how this would play out, Club Exotico are comedy jobbers on a losing streak, though I'd argue they could use those titles as much as ze Germanz here.


Calvin: Might have been the fact that they opened the show with a titles match, but this had pretty solid action too, enough to take it a notch above the usual two star standard of CTUC matches.


Jerry: I still can't tell which German is which and I certainly can't get over the fact they call that finisher the Fuhrer-Plex. Anyhow, Satanico took the fall and here we are now, Die Übersoldaten are your first ever CTUC Nation of Violence champions.




Calvin: The post-match angle was... less exciting though. Supposedly building on last show when Hardcore Barbie beat Abominatrix and then got jumped by her cronies, but man was Barbie's promo here a mess or what!


Jerry: Yeah her talking was a mess, I can't tell if it was stress, a bad moment or whether she can't shoot and needs a script, but that was uncomfortable to watch as she made a fool of herself, in a bad way.


Calvin: Thing is, she kept that feud going and I do believe she was trying to hint at bringing in backup, but it was really hard to tell the way she was stuttering.






Jerry: In that sense, it was wise they rushed into the night's jigglefest and once again, it stole the show in terms of a fan reaction. For what it was, it gets a solid three and a half stars. For what it was.


Calvin: I don't know how much longer they can keep putting the Devil's Playthings against various combinations of the Sins' ladies, but I guess if this still sells, it makes good sense to keep doing it.


Jerry: Plus Lillith got some heat back by pinning Envy.


Calvin: And Envy managed to make it through the match without injuring herself.


Jerry: It's funny how she's now the butt of these jokes since Killboy Powerhead left, but I'd like to also point out how much Avarice seems to have grown. I'd say she almost outperformed Lust in this one.


Calvin: We're not having this discussion about an Eye Candy match. On to the next one.





Jerry: Well here's another matchup you might find a bit overplayed, Calvin. Bonechillers versus Gluttony and Sloth for the CTUC Deadly Duo titles.


Calvin: True, though they've managed to keep this feud a bit more fresh by throwing in all sorts of stipulations. We've seen a straight match, a Ladder match and this one was a Tables match so they all felt a little bit different.


Jerry: We're back to the usual two star CTUC match and Skullsy looked terrible to be honest, he basically botched every spot he was in, to the point where I'm thinking they may have altered the match on the fly to have him be the first person to be eliminated.


Calvin: If they did, good call, took him out of the match to hide his shortcomings since he was clearly having a terrible night. It also fits his goofy character, I gotta say I chuckled at Skullmageddon's temper tantrum after his teammate was eliminated.


Jerry: It also helped the match in dramatic terms, I mean the Bonechillers were the underdogs here even in a straight 2 on 2 situation, let alone 2 on 1.


Calvin: You know what, as soon as it came down to that, my first thought was 'Gluttony's missing some move to end up crashing through a tabe'. Which is exactly what happened.


Jerry: I don't know, maybe they should have kept that for the finish because one on one, you could tell something was wrong with Sloth.


Calvin: He was stoned out of his mind, that's what was wrong!


Jerry: Well here's the funny thing about CTUC, I think this match exemplifies the way they work. Everything falls apart, they pretend that was the plan all along and somehow, it works! Not just works, it makes sense even!


Calvin: CTUC making sense?!


Jerry: No, think about it for a moment. Skullsy's out first, but his character is that of an incompetent sidekick anyway. Gluttony eliminates himself, but that's who he is, an impulsive brute. Sloth is being all sluggish, but that's his character. And Skullmageddon retains the belts after a 2 on 1, reaffirming his whacky character!




Calvin: If you wanna talk actual plans and not adjusting on the fly, how about the post-match promo from Jungle Boogie. They challenged for the titles and you know what, having them on that spot while Starr and Reefer feud for the main strap makes a lot more sense than holding them all down as the Nation of Violence champions.


Jerry: Well hold on to your horses, because the CTUC Bucket of Blood title was up next and that can only mean one thing...









Calvin: Let's get this out of the way first, this was nothing like the chaotic wild hardcore matches we've come to expect from these two, or the Bucket of Blood title matches.


Jerry: Not to say it was tame, but yeah other than Moxley's bladejob, they could have done a lot more with this setup. Maybe they were holding back to protect the champion after his injury?


Calvin: Not sure, but I'll say he and Annabelle the Canni-belle are a great pairing in their animalistic ways, how they seem to communicate with grunts and all that act. Way to keep her around in a pretty crowded Women's Division and a nice way to get her over as part of that new stable.




Jerry: Speaking of which, Señor Mosca also made an appearance for the assist, helping the champion retain. I'll give it two and a half stars, what is even happening to the good ol' two star CTUC classics?!




Calvin: Next up was the Baddest Bitch title segment, you're right about that one not being on the line, Jerry, so this was the angle to set up a match between Pride and Señora Muerte for next show.


Jerry: Yeah a pretty basic "if you want a job done right, do it yourself" kind o' promo, but it got the point across and these two are over like it's nobody's business. I'm guessing they could headline next show with that match, easy.


Calvin: I'm just hoping it's not made into another Bra & Panties match or whatever.





Jerry: Big match in the main event for the brand new CTUC Internet title, Grim Reefer versus Tyrell Starr.


Calvin: Surprised they didn't stretch that feud for more. Well, I guess after Mikey Malice dropped the title, anything can happen.


Jerry: Wonder where he went off after he dropped the title. Anyway, this was the night's stunt show and I'll say it right now, putting Starr in that kind of match really let him shine. He's got the crazy moves to pull this off.


Calvin: And he came crashing onto a trash can when he missed one of them, gotta have these kinds of spots every now and then to remind fans why they're called "high risk moves".


Jerry: True, that was the turning point of the match where Reefer took control for good, leading up to the big final Tombstone Piledriver onto the chair. Another two and a half match, hell, I'd say overall it was a two and a half show, way to go CTUC!


Calvin: They're certainly getting better after their first year, they know their workers, they've gotten them over, they've seen what works and now I'm curious to see if they can make this bi-weekly show thing work without burning up storylines or too much cash.

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