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DOTM: October 2019

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October 2019 - Diary of the Month

Voting Ends: 3rd December


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Real World

1. W_SX Welcome to the Pleasuredome by Alpha2117

2. World Wrestling Federation 2001 by Leohunter

3. Pro Wrestling Guerilla by Dean





1. [From The Depths] MLWA Classic Canadian Wrestling by Jaded

2. The Oddworld by Bigelow Cartwheel

3. Emeralds may crack and Diamonds may scratch but Steel reigns Supreme by Willr0ck

4. NextGen Wrestling: Change the CVerse by Dark Raider

5. White Canvas Grappling by CGN91

6. Piledriver Wrestling by Dark Raider

7. NYCW -The Ultimate Throwback by Charismatic Enigma




1. FCW A Playboy in Puerto Rico by Historian

2. NOTBPW A Game of Stones... and DeColts by The Lloyd

3. Even the gods are mortal by Historian




1. NJPW Longterm by joshbrady91

2. Pro Wrestling Guerilla by Dean

3. WWE Winds of Change by Levinux




1. The "who stomped on the pie" angle in The Oddworld by Bigelow Cartwheel

2. EL CHUPACABRA in Chi-town Urban Combat by Dark Raider

3. PJ Black in WS_X Welcome to the Pleasuredome by alpha2117




1. Madman Boone vs Spencer Spade, Three Stages of Hell match for the PSW Championship in Emeralds may crack and Diamonds may scratch but Steel reigns Supreme by Willr0ck

2. Abomiatrix vs LUST in Chi-town Urban Combat by Dark Raider

3. Shazza Mckenzie, Colt Cabana and PJ Black vs Polvo, Pasion and Pimpinela in WS_X Welcome to the Pleasuredome by alpha2117

4. Barb Wire Cage match for the CTUC Bucket of Blood title "The Lord's Chosen One" Orcus © vs El Chupacabra vs "The Dark Messiah" Chris Moxley in Chi-town Urban Combat by Dark Raider




1. Ws_X S_X Bomb 5 in Welcome to the Pleasuredome by alpha2117

2. CTUC Caged Ambition in Chi-town Urban Combat by Dark Raider

3. Revenge of the Titans in AWO Who Says Wrestling isn't high art? by Deathzone2

4. PSW Big Ass New Years Bash in Emeralds may crack and Diamonds may scratch but Steel reigns Supreme by Willr0ck



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