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Knocked Out: Pro Wrestling's Best Women's Division (TNA 2010)

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Good show


(Minor note the results in the Main Event are a little screwy as ODB is listed as a winner rather than Daffney just go in and edit it and it wont haunt you forever ;))


Haha Thanks! Missed that in the proof reading. Been reading and formatting this show for too long :D

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Another great show! :D


I might do a monthly update for the men if there is interest? The Autobooker can make some interesting booking decisions (kind of like 2010 TNA irl :p)


I'd certainly like to see that! Maybe ppv results and any other title changes?


And yes Tenille Tayla is Emma - one of my favs!


Get her signed! Then get me her number... :o

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There is a resurgence of all-women's dynasties and I couldn't be more pleased ! :D


Really looking forward to Genesis. The build-up has been simple but really effective until now. I would love for more storylines outside the ones that resolve around the titles though.




I have booked through the next month's PPV and there are more storylines not relating to the titles so watch this space. With only 3 weeks to build to the first PPV, my aim was to set up some strong matches and build up characters at first.


Stay tuned!

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TNA Impact! - Thursday, Week 3 January 2010


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TNA Impact! - Thursday, Week 3 January 2010


<img src="https://imgur.com/uFSc577.png?1"> <img src="https://imgur.com/SvhwDX9.png?1">

Alissa Flash walks into Chyna's office and demands a Knockouts Title match against ODB, due to beating ODB one-on-one last week on Impact, and pinning her again in the tag match on Knocked Out!.


Chyna reminds Flash that Tara is the number one contender as she won the battle royal in which Flash lost as the runner-up. Chyna also points out that Flash has not beaten Tara throughout her time with TNA, although concedes that Flash has a point.


Alissa Flash is visibly angered by Chyna's response however this changes as Chyna offers her the chance to beat Tara this week on Knocked Out!, and if she does manage to win, Chyna will add her to the Knockouts Title match this Sunday at Genesis!


<img src="https://imgur.com/9cXnk9Q.png?1">


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Sarita (w/Taylor Wilde) [vs] Velvet Sky (w/ Lacey Von Erich)


  • Sarita & Taylor Wilde are the Knockouts Tag Team Champions
  • The Beautiful People will challenge for the Titles this Sunday at Genesis

Mike Tenay and Taz point out that Madison Rayne is absent from ringside and speculate this could be due to Madison Rayne accidentally hitting Velvet Sky with the Ugly Stick last week on Knocked Out! and costing The Beautiful People their match.


The cracks continued to show within The Beautiful People as Lacey Von Erich tried to attack Taylor Wilde with the Ugly Stick during the match, distracting Velvet Sky to allow the high-flying Sarita to hit a Diving Crossbody from the top rope for the win!


Winner: Sarita

Finish: Pinfall, following a Diving Crossbody



<img src="https://imgur.com/9cXnk9Q.png?1">


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TNA Knocked Out! - Saturday, Week 3 January 2010


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TNA Knocked Out! - Saturday, Week 3 January 2010


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Taylor Wilde (w/ Sarita) [vs] Madison Rayne


  • Sarita & Taylor Wilde are the Knockouts Tag Team Champions
  • The Beautiful People will challenge for the Tag Titles tomorrow night at Genesis

Mike Tenay and Taz recap some of the miscommunication which has plagued The Beautiful People over the past few weeks and also point out that Madison Rayne was absent from ringside for Velvet Sky's match on Impact!, and both Lacey Von Erich and Velvet Sky are not out at ringside supporting Madison tonight!


Madison was able to pick up some momentum for The Beautiful People ahead of their title match tomorrow night, by picking up the pinfall with a small package and the assistance of a handful of tights!


Winner: Madison Rayne

Finish: Pinfall, following a small package and a handful of tights</div>


Post match, Velvet Sky and Lacey Von Erich make their way to the ring, with Madison Rayne looking weary. Lacey and Velvet embrace Madison and the three Beautiful People jump up and down happily after a successful reunion!


Lacey grabs a microphone and reassures everyone that The Meanest Girls, aka The Beautiful People are all on the same page! Although behind her, Velvet's face seems to indicate she is not convinced...


<img src="https://imgur.com/9cXnk9Q.png?1">


Backstage, Lauren Brooke is with Sharmell, who recently returned to TNA Wrestling alongside her husband, Booker T.


Sharmell says that she want to send a warning to whoever is the Knockouts Tag Team Champions after Genesis, because they are officially on notice that her team, the Bitch Breakers are coming for the titles!


Lauren asks who the Bitch Breakers are as Sharmell rolls her eyes. From behind Lauren, Jazz and Jackie Moore step into shot and knock shoulders with Lauren to join Sharmell.


<img src="https://imgur.com/qgWA6UL.png?1"><img src="https://imgur.com/ZsrOOdL.png?1">

Sharmell tells Lauren now she knows, and up next, so will the rest of the world...


<img src="https://imgur.com/9cXnk9Q.png?1">


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The Bitch Breakers (w/ Sharmell) [vs] Christy Hemme & 'The Original Knockout' Traci Brooks


  • The Bitch Breakers are making their debut as a team in this match

Experience and power was on the side of the Bitch Breakers who made short work of Christy and Traci. In the end Jazz was able to lock Traci in the Bitchlock for the submission!


Winners: The Bitch Breakers

Finish: Submission, via Bitchlock (Elevated Double Chickenwing)</div>


<img src="https://imgur.com/9cXnk9Q.png?1">


Backstage, Chyna is in her office speaking with Sojo Bolt and SoCal Val when Raisha Saeed enters to the shock of everyone!


<img src="https://imgur.com/YCe98Qg.png?1">

Chyna addresses the elephant in the room and says she is surprised to see Saeed after Awesome Kong powerbombed her through the stage 4 months ago. Raisha says that she wants revenge on Kong now she is fit and healthy.


Chyna checks some documents on her desk and informs Raisha that according to her information Saeed terminated her contact with TNA Wrestling from her hosptial bed back in September 2009 following the powerbomb.


Raisha prophesies that the Knockouts Division is in danger if Kong is left uncontrolled and only Saeed can control her. SoCal Val interrupts and points out that Kong was seen shaking Hamada's hand after their match last week on Knocked Out! in a sign of sportsmanship, which is hardly the behavior of an out-of-control monster.


"Silence" Raisha says as she clutches what appears to be some kind of artifact in her hand, raising it up towards Val and Sojo.


Chyna tells everyone to take a breath and says that due to Saeed's contract being terminated and not having a current wrestling license Chyna can't take the risk of having her face Kong herself, however she has an idea:


Chyna proposes Saeed try to find someone who can successfully pin Kong one-on-one, suggesting each week there will be a Kong Challenge, until next months Pay-Per-View, Against All Odds. Chyna says if one of Saeed's selected challengers can pin Kong they will earn a wrestling contact, and Saeed will also earn herself a managerial contract back with TNA Wrestling, however if Saeed's challengers are unsuccessful Saeed is back out the door!


Raisha agrees to the terms, looking pleased...


<img src="https://imgur.com/9cXnk9Q.png?1">


Elsewhere backstage, Lauren Brooke is looking for the Beautiful People for comment on their earlier reunion. Lauren comes across a room with the door slightly ajar, and Velvet's voice can be heard inside...


<img src="https://imgur.com/3dYxBTu.png?1">

Lauren pushes the microphone into the room and we hear Velvet wanting someone to be at the Impact Zone tomorrow night, for Genesis. Velvet tells the person that they need to win the belts and she isn't confident they can do it without their help. Velvet tells the person that they know what to do, as Lauren accidentally drops the microphone, alerting Velvet to her presence!


Velvet yells at Lauren for eavesdropping on her private conversation and furiously slams the door in Lauren's face!


<img src="https://imgur.com/9cXnk9Q.png?1">


Knockouts Champion ODB makes her way out to join the commentary team for the main event!


<div style="width:900px;padding:10px 30px 10px 30px;color:darkred;border-style:solid;border-width:3px;box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 ";">Knocked Out Main Event:

<img src="https://imgur.com/5e39pLG.png?1"><img src="https://imgur.com/YKyZdej.png"><img src="https://imgur.com/uFSc577.png?1"><img src="https://imgur.com/lPn61xu.png?1"><img src="https://imgur.com/J08J5ZE.png?1">

Tara [vs] Alissa Flash (w/ Daffney)


  • Tara is the Number One Contender for ODB's Knockouts Championship tomorrow night at Genesis
  • If Alissa Flash beats Tara, she will be added to the Title match!

Both Knockouts have a lot to gain by winning this match: Alissa Flash - her first chance at the Knockouts Title; Tara - a 50/50 chance at the title, rather than the 33% chance of a triple-threat match.


Seeing her friend on the losing end and Tara signalling for the Widow's Peak, Daffney grabs Tara's leg behind the referee's back. Seeing this from commentary, ODB runs down to ringside and takes out Daffney! ODB yells at the ref for not seeing the interference, as Tara yells at ODB telling her that she has got this and doesn't need her help!


However, this distraction allows Flash to roll Tara up with a schoolboy and get the win!


Winner: Alissa Flash

Finish: Pinfall, following a schoolboy and outside distraction



As soon as the bell sounds, ODB attacks Alissa Flash while Tara tries to work out what just happened with the end of her match.


<img src="https://imgur.com/5e39pLG.png?1">

Tara hits the Widow's Peak on ODB for costing her the match and no sooner was she back to her feet, she is hit by Flash with the Michinoku Driver II!


<img src="https://imgur.com/SvhwDX9.png?1">

Chyna makes her way out to the stage and officially adds Alissa Flash to the Knockouts Title Match tomorrow night at Genesis, making it a Triple Threat Match!


Alissa poses with Daffney over the fallen Champion ODB and other challenger Tara as Knocked Out! goes off the air...


<img src="https://imgur.com/9cXnk9Q.png?1">


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Pay Per View Preview - Genesis 2010


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TNA Pay-Per-View Preview: Genesis 2010 - tonight, Sunday Week 3 January 2010


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TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship

Sarita & Taylor Wilde © [vs] The Beautiful People (w/ Lacey Von Erich)


The Beautiful People have not been making friends with the rest of the Knockouts Division with their 'Meanest Girls' skits and backstage antics, however if you ask them they have each other and don't need anyone else.


The Beautiful People earned this title opportunity by defeating the Champions in a non-title match. Sarita and Taylor Wilde then teamed up with Christy Hemme and were able to defeat The Beautiful People in a 3-on-3 match due to Madison Rayne accidentally hitting Velvet Sky with the ugly stick!


The following week, Madison was not at ringside when Sarita was able to beat Velvet Sky one-on-one, however this time Lacey Von Erich indirectly cost the match for The Beautiful People.


This past week saw Madison Rayne flying solo as she took on Taylor Wilde, however without her teammates present she was able to pick up the pinfall. After this match, Lacey Von Erich and Velvet Sky came to the ring and embraced Madison and told everyone that they are all back on the same page. However, Velvet Sky was heard desperately trying to call for some backup for Genesis...


Who will walk out of Genesis with the Knockouts Tag Team Championships?




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TNA Knockouts Championship

Triple Threat Match:

ODB © [vs] Tara [vs] Alissa Flash


ODB has her work cut out for her when she puts her Knockouts Title on the line against not one, by two very physical Knockouts in a Triple Threat match.


Tara won a 10-Knockout Battle Royal to earn this title opportunity on the premiere episode of Knocked Out!, by last eliminating Alissa Flash. After the match Flash attacked both Tara and ODB which set the three women on a collision course!


Alissa Flash defeated ODB one-on-one in a match that ODB requested, and again in a tag match with Daffney against ODB and Tara, following miscommunication between ODB and Tara, causing Champion and Challenger to come to blows after the match!


This past week, Alissa Flash felt that she deserved a title-match after her victories over the Champion the week before. Chyna gave her the opportunity to earn it, by knocking off the woman she hasn't defeated - the Number One Contender, Tara.


Last night, on Knocked Out!, Alissa Flash was able to do just that, when ODB tried to even the odds against Daffney who was causing trouble at ringside, it ended up costing Tara the match. This earned Flash the Championship opportunity and ODB a Widow's Peak by Tara! Following this, Flash also laid out Tara and stood tall over the two other participants...


Who will walk out of Genesis with the Knockouts Championship?

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While the Beautiful People might be set for a victory with the arrival / return of a fourth member, I think it might actually be more likely that BP lose, to continue their internal strife as Sarita and Wilde get another defense under their belts.


Meanwhile, I think you've positioned Flash very strongly in recent weeks, perhaps to the detriment of ODB and Tara. I think both have a lot left to offer, but with Sarita and Wilde retaining, you can flip the switch on a heel champion and give Alyssa what she never held in IRL.

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TNA Genesis (2010) - Sunday, Week 3 January 2010


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<div style="width:850px;padding:10px 60px 10px 60px;text-align:justify;"><div style="text-align:center;">TNA Genesis - Sunday, Week 3 January 2010</div>

Pay-Per-View preview [here]


<img src="https://imgur.com/hIzz54j.png" style="max-width:100%;">

TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship

Sarita & Taylor Wilde © [vs] The Beautiful People (w/ Lacey Von Erich)

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Tale of the Tape:

  • The Beautiful People are the "Meanest Girls" and have constantly berated and attacked the Tag Champions and other Knockouts for weeks
  • There has been miscommunication recently between The Beautiful People, are they back on the same page?
  • Will Velvet's mysterious backup make an appearance?

For months The Beautiful People have been tormenting the Knockouts Division with their reality documentary skits 'The Meanest Girls' and perhaps no Knockouts fell victims as much as the Knockouts Tag Team Champions, Taylor Wilde and Sarita.


Lacey Von Erich and her Ugly Stick at ringside was The Beautiful People's go-to plan A for the match, and it was put into play towards the end of the match after the Tag Team Champions had worked over Madison Rayne and signaled the end was near. Lacey climbs onto the apron of the six-sided ring and distracts Referee Earl Hebner, allowing Velvet Sky to grab the Ugly Stick and attempt to enter the ring. However, the agile Taylor Wilde saw what was happening and dropkicked Velvet Sky off the apron, Ugly Stick and all before going out to the floor after her.


Meanwhile, in the ring, Sarita hits Madison Rayne with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex, bridging into a pin - but Lacey still has the Referee distracted! Frustrated, Sarita breaks the pin and gets up to her feet when a masked figure runs into the ring and hits Sarita square in the mouth with a running boot before exiting the ring and crouching out of view, as a stunned Lacey Von Erich climbs off the apron, appearing to be as confused about what had occurred as anyone.


Madison crawls over to Sarita's limp body and covers her with a single outstretched arm:










Taylor tries to dash back into the ring but realizes it's too late!


<img src="https://imgur.com/6Xm4G1A.png">

Winners: and NEW Knockouts Tag Team Champions, The Beautiful People!

Finish: Pinfall, following a Big Boot from an outside interference


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After the match, The Beautiful People stand tall in the ring, Knockouts Tag Team Championships in hand and a bewildered Lacey invites the masked assailant into the ring.


The figure rips off their mask and jacket to reveal themselves, to Velvet's delight and to Madison and Lacey's surprise, as Angelina Love!


<img src="https://imgur.com/8jmSs9R.png?1">

As Angelina climbs the turnbuckle to pose, Lacey Von Erich doesn't seem too happy about Angelina's return...



<img src="https://imgur.com/T9VkQkk.png" style="max-width:100%;">

TNA Knockouts Championship

Triple Threat Match:

ODB © [vs] Tara [vs] 'Future Legend' Alissa Flash

<div style="width:1000px;padding:10px 60px 10px 60px;>

Tale of the Tape:

  • All three Knockouts are very physical and very tough
  • Over the last few months, no one has been able to stop ODB - Not Tara or even Awesome Kong. But, Alissa Flash appears to have ODB's number.
  • Cody Deaner has been seen recently supporting his "One Darlin' Beauty", will the Deaner factor come into play?

These three Knockouts have been on a collision course for weeks and the animosity was clear from the onset of this match. The fact that ODB hasn't been able to beat Alissa Flash recently has clearly been on her mind, uncharacteristically showing frustration and making mistakes in the ring allowing both Tara and Alissa Flash to take advantage.


Tara was eager to take out Flash early, feeling she shouldn't even be in the match however ODB clearly wanted to beat Flash in this match to retain her title.


The wrestling styles of the three ladies are so different however meshed together well in this match: ODB's rough and tumble brawling offense; Tara's methodical approach with calculated power-moves; and Alissa Flash bringing technical skill into the fold.


In the end it seemed to all come down to luck! Tara had been taken out of action by Flash's Michinoku Driver II and rolled out of the ring; while ODB was sat on the top turnbuckle - Alissa Flash walks into the Dirty Dozen however Flash manages to break ODB's grip after a couple of shots, and also climbs the turnbuckle, hitting ODB with a Fisherman Suplex right off the top rope! Tara raced in to break up what looked to be a certain 3 count!


Tara and Flash trade blows but the experience of Tara is the turning point when she takes out Flash's legs with a kick to the knee. Tara wastes no time in getting Flash up and hitting a Widow's Peak! Tara is clearly hurting by this point in the match but manages to barely cover Alissa Flash 1... 2... ODB just manages to break up the pin with a flurry of punches to Tara's back.


Tara gets back to her feet and manages to turn the tide by ducking a wild chop attempt by ODB. Now from behind Tara bends down to raise ODB up on her shoulders setting up for what appears to be an Electric Chair Drop!


ODB senses she is in danger and begins to fight for her life! Hammering down on Tara's head. In a last minute desperation attempt, ODB rolls forward and turns it into a Victory Roll! ODB has both of Tara's legs hooked:










<img src="https://imgur.com/5KRPMpr.png">

Winner: and STILL Knockouts Champion, ODB

Finish: Pinfall, following a Victory Roll


After the match, ODB celebrates with her Knockouts Title while a frustrated Alissa Flash hits the mat with her fist after realizing what has occured!


<div style="width:1000px;margin-bottom:-3px;"><img style="max-width:100%;" src="https://i.imgur.com/FNj4S0o.png">

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Great first road to the PPV! The final edition of Knocked Out! before Genesis was perfect in terms of build-up and showcasing talents that weren't booked for the PPV.


I'm really intrigued by the storyline surrounding the Beautiful People even though Love's return was to be expected when Velvet began seeking for help.


ODB retaining the title is a strange choice! However, she has the personality to have a lengthy and meaningful run with the title before dropping it to Flash.


Really looking forward to what you've planned next!

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TNA Impact! - Thursday, Week 4 January 2010


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TNA Impact! - Thursday, Week 4 January 2010


<img src="https://imgur.com/3dYxBTu.png?1"><img src="https://imgur.com/gQEPwTE.png?1"><img src="https://imgur.com/nyFpVcz.png?1">

The new TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions, Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne make their way to the ring, accompanied by Lacey Von Erich. Lacey grabs a microphone and says that last Sunday night was the most beautiful night in TNA history - The Beautiful People finally won what is rightfully theirs, the Knockouts Tag Titles!


Velvet takes the microphone and says that these belts were made for them and now they are sitting around their pretty little waists; but this would not have been possible without the original beautiful person, the one and only... Angelina Love!


<img src="https://imgur.com/8jmSs9R.png?1">

The crowd erupt into a chorus of boos as Angelina Love makes her way down to the ring. Angelina goes to grab the microphone from Velvet, but before she can do so, Lacey takes the microphone back:


"I know that I could never replace you Angelina, but let me tell you it was such a... surprise seeing you turn up like you did on Sunday night. However I think we can all agree that now you're back, the Meanest Girls will be better than ever..."


Angelina takes the microphone from Lacey.


"Hang on, hang on there Lacey, slow down... What's this Meanest Girls crap? I think you mean Mi Pi Sexy, right!?"


Angelina looks to Velvet who nods in approval, while Madison uncomfortably avoids eye contact with Angelina. Lacey snatches the microphone back:


"Excuse me Angelina, but I think I would know what
group is called and let me think... ah yes, we are the Meanest Girls"


Madison nods her head ever so slightly before Velvet Sky glares her down. Angelina forcefully snatches the microphone back from Lacey:


"Hold up, did you just say


Lacey attempts to snatch the microphone back but Angelina holds onto it firmly, not relenting. Lacey motions to Madison to get her another microphone. Madison steps towards the apron however Velvet Sky tells her not to proceed. Lacey pushes Velvet out of her way and gets another microphone from a crew member:


"Yes I said my group! Remember? You called me and said you had to leave TNA so you wanted me to take over The Beautiful People and continue doing what we do..."


Angelina Love interrupts


"Yeah I said keep doing what we do, not to turn it into some high school cheerleader revenge quest diva crap!"


Angelina Love and Lacey Von Erich get up in each other's faces but Velvet Sky manages to stick her Knockouts Tag Title between them and pull Angelina away as Madison attempts the same with Lacey Von Erich.


Angelina says she is outta here and drops the microphone, heading back up the ramp with Velvet Sky following along behind her as Madison Rayne and Lacey are left in the ring looking dumbfounded!


<img src="https://imgur.com/9cXnk9Q.png?1">


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TNA Knocked Out! - Saturday, Week 4 January 2010


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TNA Knocked Out! - Saturday, Week 4 January 2010


<img src="https://imgur.com/uFSc577.png?1"> <img src="https://imgur.com/SvhwDX9.png?1">

Alissa Flash is in the office of Knockouts Commissioner, Chyna. Flash tells Chyna that due to the fact that she wasn't pinned at Genesis, she deserves another shot at the Knockouts Title, after all ODB hasn't beaten her.


Chyna replies that while what Flash says is true, in her Knockouts Division people need to earn their opportunities and Flash is no different, so if Flash wants another shot at the title she will have to prove it, just like everybody else.


Elsewhere backstage, we see Lacey Von Erich and Madison Rayne taking deep breaths as they are standing outside the locker room of The Beautiful People. Lacey is holding a cake which has "I'm sorry" written in pink sparkly icing on top. Lauren Brooke rushes to catch up to them:


"M-Madison, Lacey, excuse me! After what we saw Thursday night on Impact! what does the future hold for The Beautiful People?"


Lacey groans loudly at Lauren's presence, as Madison rolls her eyes before retorting:


"Lauren, Thursday was so five minutes ago... not that it's any of
business but Lacey and I have baked a cake to show Angelina and Velvet that we are sorry!"


Lacey shoves the cake under Lauren's nose whilst looking very pleased at their efforts:


"That's right Madison... what happened on Impact was just a simple misunderstanding, and when Angelina and Velvet see our cake, everything will be beautiful once again!"


Madison, Lacey and the cake enter the locker room, slamming the door in Lauren's face


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'The Pride of Tennessee' Jackie Moore (w/ Jazz & Sharmell) [vs] Christy Hemme


  • Christy and Traci lost to the Bitch Breakers last week

The Bitch Breakers looked to continue their momentum after an impressive debut as a team last week however things didn't quite go to plan as the agile Christy Hemme was able to steal the win with a roll-up out of nowhere!


Winner: Christy Hemme

Finish: Pinfall, following a roll-up</div>


<img src="https://imgur.com/9cXnk9Q.png?1">


A video package is shown hyping up the return of Roxxi, next week!


Raisha Saeed makes her way out onto the stage to introduce the first woman she has found to take on Awesome Kong. Saeed tells the audience to be silent and introduces us to Melody Medeiros who is a former OVW Women's Champion.


<div style="width:900px;padding:10px 30px 10px 30px;color:darkred;border-style:solid;border-width:3px;box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 ";">Kong Challenge:

<img src="https://imgur.com/wJ3Dxtg.png?1"><img src="https://imgur.com/YKyZdej.png?1"><img src="https://imgur.com/QQCSOQi.png?3"><img src="https://imgur.com/lPn61xu.png?1"><img src="https://imgur.com/PAadW1a.png?1">

Awesome Kong [vs] Melody Medeiros (w/ Raisha Saeed)


  • If Raisha Saeed's handpicked challenger can pin Awesome Kong before Against All Odds, both the wrestler and Raisha Saeed will earn TNA Contracts.

The first Kong Challenge didn't last long as Melody went down after a few shots from Kong which allowed her to easily hit the Implant Buster for the win.


Winner: Awesome Kong

Finish: Pinfall, following an Implant Buster (Lifting Double Underhook Facebuster)</div>


<img src="https://imgur.com/9cXnk9Q.png?1">


Backstage, TNA Knockouts Champion ODB is in the office of Chyna. ODB tells Chyna that she heard Flash was asking for another title match and that ODB wants to face Flash to prove she can beat her when it counts. ODB requests the match for next week however Chyna denies ODB's request.


Chyna says she meant what she said about people needing to earn their opportunities. Chyna says that Flash will have an opportunity next week as there will be a Number One Contender's Fatal Four Way Match: Alissa Flash vs Angelina Love vs Hamada vs the returning Roxxi!


Lauren is waiting outside the locker room of The Beautiful People as Angelina Love and one half of the new Knockouts Tag Team Champions, Velvet Sky arrive. Angelina claps her hands when she sees Lauren:


"Well look, if it isn't my favorite blonde barbie doll! How 'ya been bitch?"


Velvet laughs as Angelina messes up Lauren's hair:


"It's not fair is it Angelina, that you had to leave TNA but
bitch is still here? I mean
come on!


Angelina and Velvet push Lauren aside and enter their locker room. In the center of a beautifully decorated table is the cake from Madison and Lacey. Lauren follows Angelina and Velvet into the room to get their reactions. Velvet picks up the note left beside the cake and reads it out loud:


"Dearest Angelina and Velvet. Please accept this cake and our sincerest apologies for the misunderstanding we had on Thursday night. Love always your BFFs, Lacey and Madison xoxo"


Angelina Love and Velvet Sky fake cry over the note as Angelina pulls a tissue out of her bra to wipe her eyes:


"It's a shame I'm on no carbs this year as that is
butter frosting"


Velvet Sky looks shocked:


"Wait, is butter a carb?"


Angelina just shakes her head as she tells Velvet they should find Madison and Lacey to let them know they forgive them. Angelina grabs a big heap of the frosting and throws it on Lauren's face as they approach the locker room door, cake in hand, as Angelina looks back at Lauren:


"We aren't leaving you alone with our cake"


Just as Angelina reaches to open the door, the door swings open, knocking the cake all over Angelina and Velvet's faces and chests.


<img src="https://imgur.com/gQEPwTE.png?1"><img src="https://imgur.com/nyFpVcz.png?1">

Madison Rayne and Lacey Von Erich enter, unaware they have just knocked the cake all over their fellow Beautiful People. Lauren laughs so hard she snorts as Madison and Lacey peer around the corner and realize what has happened.


Madison and Lacey frantically try to apologize and brush cream and cake off Velvet and Angelina however they appear to just be spreading it and making it worse. Angelina Love and Velvet Sky are furious when Lauren reminds them Angelina has a match next!


<img src="https://imgur.com/9cXnk9Q.png?1">


<div style="width:900px;padding:10px 30px 10px 30px;color:darkred;border-style:solid;border-width:3px;box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 ";">Knocked Out! Main Event:

<img src="https://imgur.com/6mXWk1M.png?1"><img src="https://imgur.com/lPn61xu.png?1"><img src="https://imgur.com/uK9n2km.png?3"><img src="https://imgur.com/YKyZdej.png?1"><img src="https://imgur.com/8jmSs9R.png?1"><img src="https://imgur.com/lPn61xu.png?1"><img src="https://imgur.com/bBNIYFr.png?1">

Taylor Wilde (w/ Sarita) [vs] Angelina Love (w/ Velvet Sky)


  • This is Angelina Love's first match back since returning at Genesis
  • Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne defeated Sarita and Taylor Wilde to win the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships at Genesis
  • This match was made following Angelina costing Taylor Wilde and Sarita the titles.

Angelina Love and Velvet Sky are still covered in cake and cream as they furiously make their way to the ring, Velvet using her title as a makeshift mirror for Angelina to try and clean herself up. Mike Tenay and Taz speculate that Lacey and Madison, who were scheduled to be ringside with Velvet Sky may have been ordered to stay backstage by Angelina.


Despite a tumultuous week for The Beautiful People, Angelina Love managed to shake it all off and get the victory over Taylor Wilde in a great back-and-forth match.


Winner: Angelina Love

Finish: Pinfall, following a Botox Injection (Bicycle Kick)</div>


<img src="https://imgur.com/9cXnk9Q.png?1">


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World Wide News Round-Up - January 2010


<div style="width:900px;padding:10px 30px 10px 30px;color:#3D4849;border-style:solid;border-width:3px;box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 ";">


World Wide News Round-Up - January 2010



  • Shawn Michaels defeated Batista to win the WWE Championship on the last RAW before the Royal Rumble;
  • Batista won the Royal Rumble match, perhaps setting up a WrestleMania rematch?;
  • The Royal Rumble Semi-Main Event saw Chris Jericho retain the World Heavyweight Championship over Rey Mysterio;
  • Perhaps inspired by the Knockouts Triple Threat Match at Genesis, WWE booked Michelle McCool to retain her WWE Women's Championship over Beth Phoenix and BFF Layla in a Triple Threat at the Royal Rumble PPV;
  • Maryse also retained her WWE Divas Championship over Kelly Kelly.



  • TNA made several signings in January including: Jeff Hardy; Claudio Castagnoli; Mark Jindrak; Rob Van Dam; Booker T; Shawn Spears; and Colt Cabana;
  • TNA also released Raven and Scott Hall - both of whom wrestled whilst under the influence of drugs. The release of both men upset quite a few big names in the locker room, particularly the release of Scott Hall who is close to Kevin Nash, Sean Waltman and Hulk Hogan.
  • The Main Event of January's Genesis PPV saw Samoa Joe defeat defending Champion AJ Styles, Brother Ray and Rhino in a fatal four way to win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.
  • At the same event, Eric Young defeated Doug Williams for the TNA X-Division Championship



  • A relatively quiet month for SHIMMER, holding a single taping which was mainevented by MsChif successfully defending her SHIMMER Championship against Mercedes Martinez.



  • In a shocking move, Women Superstars Uncensored appointed John Bradshaw Layfield as their CEO.
  • This move couldn't help the fledgling promotion as they fell to small size
  • Allison Danger defeated Rachel Summerlyn for the vacant WSU Heavyweight Title at their January Hit Rock Bottom event.

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I'm really enjoying this diary. The writing is excellent.


Thanks for the feedback, glad you're enjoying it. I'm keeping an eye on your diary too :)


Great first road to the PPV! The final edition of Knocked Out! before Genesis was perfect in terms of build-up and showcasing talents that weren't booked for the PPV.


I'm really intrigued by the storyline surrounding the Beautiful People even though Love's return was to be expected when Velvet began seeking for help.


ODB retaining the title is a strange choice! However, she has the personality to have a lengthy and meaningful run with the title before dropping it to Flash.


Really looking forward to what you've planned next!


Thanks for your kind words. I'm hoping to play out Angelina's return in a way which it should have occurred in real life as I feel her returning as a face going after TBP was the downhill of TBP, they never really peaked as a group after that.


The beautiful People infighting feels spot on


Thanks! They are some of my favorite to write skits for!


It's really good so far.


Thanks for your feedback! I've skimmed through your diary. When I get some time I'll read through properly as I saw you're using plenty of women which is great!

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Roster Update - February 2010



February 2010


<div style="width:450px;padding:10px 30px 10px 30px;color:darkred;border-style:solid;border-width:3px;box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 ";">CHAMPIONS


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<img src="https://imgur.com/fCCfUCo.png?1" style="max-width:50%"> <img src="https://imgur.com/n0AkrRG.png?1" style="max-width:50%"> <img src="https://imgur.com/aAlaRRU.png?1" style="max-width:50%"> <img src="https://imgur.com/twUPRqv.png?1" style="max-width:50%">

<img src="https://imgur.com/akX8WHK.png?1" style="max-width:50%"> <img src="https://imgur.com/5e39pLG.png?1" style="max-width:50%"> <img src="https://imgur.com/6mXWk1M.png?1" style="max-width:50%"> <img src="https://imgur.com/E4Cp1Uf.png?1" style="max-width:50%">




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