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Professional Fighters League: Road to the Million

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Professional Fighters League 2: Regular Season 2020: PLAY BY PLAY & RESULTS


Light Heavyweight Bout: Fabio Maldonado (24-12) vs. Bozigit Ataev (20-4-1)


Round 1

And here we go! Maldonado uses a flurry of four punches but Ataev wasn't caught by any of them. Ataev moves in fast and clinches with Maldonado. With control of the clinch, Ataev tries to complete a takedown. Maldonado fights it as best he can, but ultimately ends up on his hands and knees with Ataev on top and facing him. Ataev floats over the turtled Maldonado and takes his back. Maldonado gets quickly back to his feet, although Ataev does get back control. Ataev looks for a trip takedown while holding Maldonado from behind. Maldonado shows stubborn resistance and Ataev cannot complete the takedown. Ataev blocks an attempt to break free of back control. Ataev looks for a trip takedown while holding Maldonado from behind. Maldonado is soon on his way to the ground, Ataev gets the takedown with ease. Maldonado landed hard, and Ataev gets a mount off of the takedown! Ataev tries to lock Maldonado in an armbar. Ataev gets the armbar, sinks it in deeply, and Maldonado has to tap! Bozigit 'Volk' Ataev takes the win by submission!


Official Result: Bozigit Ataev def. Fabio Maldonado by Submission (Armbar) in 3:20 of Round 1.


Women´s Featherweight Bout: Alexis Dufresne (6-3) vs. Iony Razafiarison (6-3)


Round 1

Round one begins! Both fighters step in to strike. Dufresne hits a left cross. Razafiarison hits a jab but doesn't find the mark with a right hook. Dufresne lands two jabs and then catches Razafiarison with a right hook. They come together and strike but neither fighter does any damage. Razafiarison shoots in, looking for a takedown. Razafiarison gets hold of a leg but Dufresne remains standing, hopping on the other foot. Razafiarison uses the position to drive Dufresne up against the cage. Razafiarison tries to take Dufresne down. The takedown is completed, Dufresne is left turtled up on his hands and knees, Razafiarison on top of her. Razafiarison pounds away, but is unable to land many clean shots on Dufresne. Razafiarison pounds away, but is unable to land many clean shots. Razafiarison pounds away but Dufresne deals with the blows fairly easily. Razafiarison pounds away, but Dufresne calmly deals with them. Dufresne gets quickly back to her feet, although Razafiarison does get back control. Razafiarison, holding Dufresne from behind, looks to try and take her down. Dufresne shows stubborn resistance and Razafiarison cannot complete the takedown. Dufresne struggles free of the back control of Razafiarison and returns to the center. We move into the final sixty seconds of this round. Setting it up with excellent timing, Dufresne comes forward and shoots for the takedown. Razafiarison cannot stop the takedown and only catches Dufresne in half guard. Dufresne pounds away with right hands, but doesn't do much damage. Razafiarison uses an underhook to work some separation, then quickly scrambles. There wasn't enough separation though, Dufresne is able to catch her and secure side control. Dufresne drops some elbows, but is unable to land any of them cleanly on Razafiarison. Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.


An extremely close round, could have gone either way, but personally I'll give it to Razafiarison 10-9.


There is a buzz building around the crowd, they can smell a potential upset here.


Round 2

There's the bell and round number two begins! Both fighters come together and strike. Dufresne hits a left hand. Razafiarison hits a left cross. It looked like we were about to see Razafiarison try and get some grappling started, but Dufresne was more aggressive and took the initiative. Dufresne can't hit a set-up left jab, but then catches Razafiarison with a low kick to the front leg. Razafiarison shoots in, looking for a takedown. She has the takedown! It's a single leg, and Dufresne has to pull guard. Not giving her opponent any room to work, Razafiarison keeps close body-to-body contact while throwing short strikes to the head and body. Dufresne tries a sweep from the bottom of the guard, but doesn't budge Razafiarison. Razafiarison clings very tight to Dufresne while using short strikes, clearly trying to minimise the threat of a submission attempt. Securing an arm, Dufresne then brings her legs up and tries to lock Razafiarison in a triangle choke. Razafiarison pulls free of the triangle and brilliantly spins to side control. Razafiarison keeps Dufresne guessing with a few quick strikes. Dufresne struggles and does well, managing to get full guard. Razafiarison peppers Dufresne with small strikes, making sure to keep very tight and not give her any room to work with. Dufresne tries to catch Razafiarison with a punch, but it is not on target. Wary of the submission threat of her opponent, Razafiarison keeps very tight to Dufresne, peppering her with short strikes. Dufresne grabs hold of an arm and attempts a triangle choke on Razafiarison from the bottom of the guard. Razafiarison shows great skill by twisting out of the triangle attempt and getting side control over Dufresne. Looking to catch her breath, Razafiarison is content to just throw a couple of punches to the body. Dufresne skillfully moves to full guard. Razafiarison keeps tight to Dufresne, peppering her with short strikes. Dufresne pulls Razafiarison in close and hits a couple of short, sharp punches to the side of the head. Razafiarison uses a shoulder smash to keep Dufresne down. Round two is brought to an end as time runs out.


That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Razafiarison.


With one round left, Dufresne realistically needs to stop her opponent in order to win.


Round 3

It's the final round and we are back underway! Dufresne connects with a jab, but finds nothing but air with a big right. Razafiarison seizes the chance and grabs Dufresne into a clinch. With control of the clinch, Razafiarison tries to complete a takedown. Dufresne blocks the takedown attempt and takes control of the grapple. Dufresne uses some dirty boxing as she grapples with Razafiarison. Dufresne tries to wrestle Razafiarison backward and up against the cage. She does so and now has Razafiarison pinned to the cage. Razafiarison is controlled up against the cage and eats a sharp right to the ear. Dufresne uses dirty boxing to punish Razafiarison while she is pressed up against the cage. Razafiarison takes a knee strike just above the hip. Dufresne smothers Razafiarison against the cage, then hits her with a quick elbow strike. We move into the second half of this round. Razafiarison is trapped against the cage and Dufresne hits her with a quick elbow. Dufresne scores with an glancing elbow strike from the clinch. Dufresne hits a knee strike to the side of the ribs. Razafiarison is controlled up against the cage and eats a sharp right to the ear. Razafiarison is breathing very hard. With the fighters having been stuck against the cage for quite a while, the referee brings them back to the center. There's a takedown attempt from Dufresne. Razafiarison partially defends it and ends up hopping on one foot while Dufresne has a hold of the other. Unable to complete the takedown, Dufresne instead pushes Razafiarison up against the cage. Dufresne shows her grappling ability by trapping Razafiarison up against the cage. Occasional short punches are all that happen for the next sixty seconds as the two fighters continue to be pressed up tight against the cage. Dufresne looks to take Razafiarison down with a trip. An outside leg trip sweeps Razafiarison down to the ground! The takedown leaves Razafiarison seated with her back pressed against the cage. The time runs out and that round is over, and so is the fight.


That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Dufresne.


The ring announcer is now giving the official scores.


Sal D'Amato scores the contest as 29-28 to Dufresne.

Mohamed Brumfield scores the contest as 29-28 to Razafiarison.

Wiktor Shrewsbury gives a score of 29-28 in favour of Dufresne.


Alexis 'Sneaky Zebra' Dufresne is the winner by split decision!


Official Result: Alexis Dufresne def. Iony Razafiarison by Split Decision.


Light Heavyweight Bout: Viktor Nemkov (27-7-1) vs. Smealinho Rama (11-5-1)


Round 1

And here we go! The two fighters touch gloves. A quick exchange of strikes doesn't lead to anything. The two fighters engage. Nemkov hits a left cross. Rama scores with a great right hook. Rama initiates an exchange of strikes. Nemkov fires off a counter jab. Rama lands a left hand and then he hits Nemkov with a straight right. The two fighters engage. Nemkov misses a jab but scores with a quick kick to the lead leg. Rama scores with two quick punches that set up a nice uppercut. That last blow may have really hurt Nemkov, he staggers backward against the cage and tries to cover up as best he can! Rama goes under the guard and nails Nemkov with a right uppercut! What a shot! Nemkov can't cover up well enough and gets clocked with a right hand to the side of the head and goes down hard! Rama moves in quickly, kneeling beside Nemkov and starting to hammer down with punches! Rama pounds away on Nemkov, who is getting destroyed by repeated heavy shots to the head! With Nemkov taking a beating, referee Dan Miragliotta has to stop the fight! By TKO, the winner is Smealinho Rama!


Official Result: Smealinho Rama def. Viktor Nemkov by TKO (Strikes) in 2:02 of Round 1.


Lightweight Bout: Johnny Case (27-7-1) vs. Mark Bocek (13-5)


Round 1

And here we go! They come together and trade leather but neither fighter really does any damage. Bocek uses great movement to set up a takedown attempt. Case gets taken down by a single leg, and has to pull guard. Bocek starts trying to work to get past the guard. The pass attempt results in a scramble for position as Case tries to get back up. Case ends up having to pull guard, losing out in the scramble. Bocek lies on top of Case, basically smothering him. Bocek attempts to pass guard and gain a better position. Bocek passes to half guard. Bocek pounds away with right hands, but doesn't do much damage. Bocek fires away with punches, but Case doesn't take any undue damage. In half guard, Bocek throws a couple of punches designed to keep Case guessing. Bocek throws a few right hands, but is mainly trying to catch his breath. Looking to catch his breath, Bocek is content to just throw a couple of punches to the body. Bocek pounds away, but Case isn't troubled by the strikes. The referee decides that there is a lack of progress being made and stands them back up. Case comes in looking to strike. A quick flurry of punches from Case sees three of three hit home and then hits Bocek with a straight left. The time is up, and that's the end of round one.


That was a good round, full of action, hopefully we've got more of the same to come.


I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Bocek.


Bocek, the heavy favourite, has stamped his authority on the fight in that first round.


Round 2

There's the bell and round number two begins! Bocek lands a couple of weak right hands that barely registered. Case connects with a nice jab and then lands a left hand. Case comes in looking to strike. Bocek may have been setting up to shoot, but Case aggressively took the initiative. Case doesn't trouble his opponent with a combination ending in a body kick. Bocek was ready and manages to catch the kick! Bocek tries to use the caught leg to enable a takedown. Bocek gets the takedown! Case pulls guard. That's his second successful takedown from two attempts. Bocek tries to pass the guard. Bocek passes to side control, but doesn't have time to secure the position before Case starts scrambling. Case scrambles to his feet, but Bocek immediately drives him up against the cage. Bocek smothers Case up against the cage. Occasional short punches are all that happen for the next sixty seconds as the two fighters continue to be pressed up tight against the cage. Bocek looks for a takedown by grabbing both his opponent's legs and trying to trip him to the mat. He has the takedown! Case pulls guard. Bocek smothers Case with his body by pushing forward and down. Bocek punches down at Case, but they are easily taken on the gloves. Bocek looks to get past the guard. He can't quite manage to get past guard on this attempt. Case isn't trying to attack or sweep at all, everything he is doing is about slowing down and frustrating Bocek. We have one minute of the round remaining. Bocek lies on top of Case, basically smothering him. Bocek smothers Case with his body by pushing forward and down. Round two ends as time expires.


That round goes to Bocek, 10-9 on my card.


Case is in deep trouble with only one round remaining - I think he needs a finish or he will lose this fight.


Round 3

Our last round, round three, begins! They stand and trade in the center of the cage but neither fighter can land a good shot. Case moves forward, constantly trying to pressure Bocek into exchanging strikes. Bocek hits a jab in the exchange. A jab hits home from Case and then he hits Bocek with a straight left. Case comes forward and the two fighters start trading blows. Bocek tries to hit a jab, but misses. Attacking with a quick flurry, Case lands three of three punches and then he lands a left hand. They engage in the center. Bocek hits a left jab but has a right hand absorbed on the gloves. Case scores with a stinging left high kick. That last hit did some damage, Bocek is trying to cover up but is clearly hurt! He slumps up against the cage looking dazed and unsteady! Clearing his head just in time, Bocek ducks under the head kick that would have ended the fight. Bocek manages to clear his head and circle away from the cage, back to the center. The two fighters stand and trade strikes, neither lands a significant blow in the exchange. Case hits a right hand, but misses when he attempts a big head kick to follow. We go past the halfway point of this round. Case steps forward and a striking exchange begins. Bocek tries to hit a jab, but misses. Case lands two right hands and then he catches Bocek with a low kick to the front leg. Case comes forward and the two fighters exchange strikes. Bocek misses with a left hand in the exchange. Case hits a right hand but the following leg kick misses. Case can't hit a set-up right jab, but then scores with a spinning back kick to the body. For the first time, Case is starting to breathe a little heavier. Case comes forward to attack. Bocek hit a counter left hand. Case fails to find a home for his jab, but then he hits a scything kick to the legs of Bocek. They engage in the center. Bocek uses a left jab but misses with a right hand. Case doesn't connect with a right jab but lands a left hook. We have one minute of the round remaining. Case comes forward. Bocek lands a left hand in the exchange. Case can't connect with a jab, but then he lands a left hand. Both fighters move in and engage. Bocek misses a big right hand, putting him off balance and allowing Case to attack with a right kick to the ribs. The two fighters come forward and engage. Bocek sees a head kick coming and counters with a jab and a right hook that is ducked. We reach the time limit and this fight is over.


That round goes to Case, 10-9 on my card.


The judges have given their scores, which are about to be announced.


Terrence Neubauer scores the contest as 29-28 to Case.

Mohamed Brumfield has scored it 29-28 Bocek.

Wiktor Shrewsbury scores the contest as 29-28 to Bocek.


Making Mark Bocek the winner by split decision!


Official Result: Mark Bocek def. Johnny Case by Split Decision.


Featherweight Bout: Alexandre Almeida (21-10) vs. Tyler Diamond (11-1)


Round 1

There's the opening bell! Almeida confidently comes in closer. Almeida throws a two-punch combo but Diamond avoids both. Diamond comes in, looking for a takedown. Almeida almost stops the takedown but is left hopping on one leg while Diamond holds the other. Diamond can't get Almeida down and so settles for pushing him up against the cage. Almeida gets caught with a knee to the inside of the thigh. Diamond stomps down on his opponent's foot. Almeida takes a knee strike to the inside of his own knee. Diamond smothers Almeida against the cage, then uses his dirty boxing skills to his advantage. Diamond catches Almeida with a knee strike to the thigh. Diamond hits a knee strike to the side of the ribs. Almeida gets caught with a knee to the side of the stomach. Diamond hits a knee strike to the thigh. Diamond scores with an glancing elbow strike from the clinch. With the fighters having been stuck against the cage for quite a while, the referee brings them back to the center. We are now at the halfway point of the round. Almeida moves in closer, ready to attack. Almeida throws a one-two, but Diamond was equal to it. It looked like we were about to see a shot from Diamond, but Almeida was more aggressive and took the initiative. Almeida can't hit a set-up left jab, but then scores with a right cross that landed hard. Showing great speed, Diamond shoots in on Almeida. The takedown is completed, it was a single leg and Almeida is left on his back pulling guard. Clearly worried by the submission threat, Diamond keeps very tight to Almeida and peppers him with short strikes. Almeida attempts to grab an arm of Diamond from the bottom of the guard. Diamond fends off Almeida, and doesn't give up an arm. Diamond peppers Almeida with small strikes, making sure to keep very tight and not give him any room to work with. Diamond deflects a couple of punches that Almeida threw from below. Diamond clings very tight to Almeida while using short strikes, clearly trying to minimise the threat of a submission attempt. Diamond blocks Almeida as he tries a sweep from the guard. Not allowing his opponent any room to work submissions from, Diamond keeps close contact and throws short, stinging strikes. Time expires and we come to the end of round one.


The crowd is buzzing after a very exciting round.


I have to give that round to Diamond, but only a 10-9.


Round 2

And here we go, round two! Diamond shoots in for a takedown. He has the takedown! Almeida pulls guard. Diamond clings very tight to Almeida while using short strikes, clearly trying to minimise the threat of a submission attempt. Almeida tries to sweep Diamond but doesn't get anywhere. Perhaps wary of submissions, Diamond keeps extremely tight to Almeida and peppers him with short punches. Almeida attempts to grab an arm of Diamond from the bottom of the guard. Diamond fends off Almeida, and doesn't give up an arm. Perhaps wary of submissions, Diamond keeps extremely tight to Almeida and peppers him with short punches. Almeida throws out some punches, but Diamond leans back to avoid them. Not giving his opponent any room to work, Diamond keeps close body-to-body contact while throwing short strikes to the head and body. Almeida attempts to grab an arm of Diamond from the bottom of the guard. Diamond blocks it. Diamond lies on top of Almeida, basically smothering him. With no progress being made, the referee brings the fighters back to their feet. Almeida comes in looking to strike. Almeida throws a punch but Diamond avoids it. There's a very quick takedown attempt from Diamond. Diamond couldn't complete the single leg, but does end up standing holding a leg while Almeida hops in place on the other. Unable to complete the takedown, Diamond instead pushes Almeida up against the cage. Almeida takes a knee strike to the inside of his own knee. Almeida gets caught with a knee to the side of the stomach. Diamond drives a knee to the thigh area. Diamond goes to use some dirty boxing, but Almeida is aware of the danger and uses wrestling to prevent any damage from happening. Diamond drives a knee to the thigh area. Diamond smothers Almeida against the cage, then hits him with a knee strike to the ribs. The time runs out on round two.


I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Diamond.


Even if he can take this final round, I can't see Almeida winning on the judges' scorecards. He needs a finish.


Round 3

It's the final round and we are back underway! Diamond sets it up well and shoots in at speed. Almeida cannot stop the takedown and has to pull guard. That's his third takedown of the fight. Diamond peppers Almeida with small strikes, making sure to keep very tight and not give him any room to work with. Almeida tries to ensnare an arm. Diamond doesn't let his arm get taken. Diamond clings very tight to Almeida while using short strikes, clearly trying to minimise the threat of a submission attempt. Almeida tries to get double underhooks on Diamond so that he can get some control, but can't get them. Wary of the submission threat of his opponent, Diamond keeps very tight to Almeida, peppering him with short strikes. Almeida drags Diamond in to close control, then hits him with a couple of short punches. Diamond clings very tight to Almeida while using short strikes, clearly trying to minimise the threat of a submission attempt. Almeida attempts to grab an arm of Diamond from the bottom of the guard. Diamond doesn't let his arm get taken. We are now at the halfway point of the round. Diamond punches down at Almeida, but they are easily taken on the gloves. Almeida tries to ensnare an arm. Almeida cannot secure the arm. The referee decides that there is a lack of progress being made and stands them back up. Diamond sets it up well and shoots in at speed. Diamond gets the takedown! Almeida pulls guard. There's under a minute left in this round. Diamond attempts to pass guard and gain a better position. He passes guard, but Almeida was ready and immediately starts to scramble. The scramble results in Almeida having to turtle, with Diamond holding him down while facing him. Diamond pounds away with right hands and Almeida is having trouble doing anything about it! The referee has no option but to leap in and stop the fight! By TKO, the winner is Tyler Diamond!


Official Result: Tyler Diamond def. Alexandre Almeida by TKO (Strikes) in 4:46 of Round 3.


Welterweight Bout: Magomed Magomedkherimov (26-5) vs. Jake Ellenberger (31-13)


Round 1

The fight begins! Ellenberger steps forward, looking to strike. Magomedkerimov lands a left hand in the exchange. Ellenberger throws two quick punches but doesn't hit with either. Both fighters meet in the center. Magomedkerimov slips past a right hook attempt and attacks with a couple of jabs that are followed by a right hand. Both fighters come together and strike. Magomedkerimov is off-target with two jabs and also doesn't reach with a hook to the body. Ellenberger doesn't connect with a left jab and also has a right hand blocked. Magomedkerimov comes forward on the attack. Ellenberger lands a left hand in the exchange. Magomedkerimov throws a one-two, but Ellenberger was equal to it. There's an exchange of strikes at relatively close range but nothing really lands. They exchange strikes but nothing really gets through. We go past the halfway point of this round. They engage in the center. Magomedkerimov scores with a left hook. Ellenberger lands a left jab but finds his right cross blocked. They engage in the center. Ellenberger scores with a jab but has a right hook blocked. Magomedkerimov doesn't connect with a left jab but hits a good kick to the leg. The two fighters come together and strike but it's really tentative and nothing comes of it. Both fighters meet in the center. Magomedkerimov misses a big right hand, putting him off balance and allowing Ellenberger to attack with a quick left jab and a big right hand that just misses. We have one minute of the round remaining. Ellenberger comes forward. Magomedkerimov scores with two counter jabs. Ellenberger throws three punches, but Magomedkerimov defended successfully against them all. The two fighters engage. Ellenberger misses a right hook and gets countered with a powerful right hook! Ellenberger is knocked down by that shot! Magomedkerimov knows that this is a golden opportunity and quickly pounces on Ellenberger, looking to finish him off by raining down punches! Magomedkerimov pounds away on Ellenberger, who is getting destroyed by repeated heavy shots to the head! With Ellenberger taking a beating, the referee has to stop the fight! The winner, by TKO; Magomed Magomedkerimov!


Official Result: Magomed Magomedkerimov def. Jake Ellenberger by TKO (Strikes) in 4:52 of Round 1.


Featherweight Bout: Lance Palmer (22-3) vs. Daniel Pineda (26-13-2 NC)


Round 1

Round one begins! The two fighters touch gloves. Both fighters move in and engage. Palmer hits a left to the body. Pineda scores with a jab but has a right hand taken on the gloves. Both fighters meet in the center. Pineda scores with a jab but finds his right cross blocked. Palmer lands a left jab and a right cross. The two fighters engage. Pineda misses a big right hand, putting him off balance and allowing Palmer to attack with a jab and a right hook that is avoided at the last second. Palmer comes forward and the two fighters start trading blows. Pineda hits two left hands on the counter. Palmer connects with a nice jab and then he hits Pineda with a straight right. A quick exchange of strikes does not produce any damage. The two fighters stand and trade strikes, neither lands a significant blow in the exchange. A quick exchange of strikes does not produce any damage. We've now passed the halfway mark in this round. The two fighters engage. Palmer lands a one-two. Palmer glances at his corner and gets a thumbs up in response. They come together and strike but neither fighter does any damage. The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike. Pineda misses a right hook and gets countered with a left cross. The two fighters come forward and engage. Pineda misses a right hook and leaves himself open to be countered with a jab and a right cross that just misses. An exchange of blows comes and goes without either fighter really landing anything significant. The two fighters come forward and engage. Palmer hits a left hook to the body. Pineda hits a left jab but misses with a right hand. Palmer glances at the clock. An exchange of strikes happens right in the center of the cage but nothing comes of it. Round one ends as time expires.


I have to give that round to Palmer, but only a 10-9.


Round 2

Round two begins! Both fighters move in and engage. Pineda misses a right cross that leaves him open to the counter. Palmer attacks with a jab and a solid right hand. A strike appears to have opened up a small gash underneath the eye of Pineda. The two fighters engage. Pineda misses a big right hand, putting him off balance and allowing Palmer to attack with a left jab and a right cross. The two fighters come together and strike but it's really tentative and nothing comes of it. Palmer steps forward and a striking exchange begins. Pineda hits two left hands on the counter. Palmer can't connect with a jab, but then he catches Pineda with a right hook. The two fighters come forward and engage. Pineda misses a right hook and leaves himself open to be countered with a left hook to the side of the body. The two fighters stand and trade strikes, neither lands a significant blow in the exchange. The two fighters engage. Pineda misses a right cross that leaves him wide open to the counter. Palmer comes in with a left jab and a right hand that narrowly fails to connect. We've now passed the halfway mark in this round. Palmer comes forward, walking down Pineda. Pineda hit a counter left hand. A jab hits home from Palmer and then he catches Pineda with a right hook to the body. The clock is stopped as the referee wants to check the cut on Pineda. The doctor checks the wound, and doesn't take long to signal to the referee that it is only minor. The referee signals for the fight to continue! Both fighters meet in the center. Pineda misses a right cross that leaves him wide open to the counter. Palmer comes in with a brace of jabs that are followed by a right hook. Pineda starts bleeding again, a strike has re-opened the cut under his eye. Both fighters step in to strike. Pineda misses a right cross that leaves him wide open to the counter. Palmer comes in with a left hook. The two fighters stand and trade strikes but neither lands anything damaging. They come together and strike but neither fighter does any damage. Both fighters meet in the center. Palmer counters a right hand with a left jab and a solid right hand. The time is up, and that's the end of round two.


The crowd is buzzing after a very exciting round.


I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Palmer.


By my scorecard, Pineda is going to lose this fight if it goes to the judges. He needs a finish in this final round.


In between rounds, the cut man tries to stop the bleeding of Pineda.


Round 3

And here we go, one last round! Both fighters move in and engage. Pineda lands a left jab but has a right hand absorbed on the gloves. Palmer hits a left jab but misses with a right hand. The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike. Pineda hits a jab but fails on a leg kick attempt. Displaying quick hands, Palmer lights up his opponent with four quick punches. Palmer is starting to slow down a touch, perhaps conserving a little energy. Pineda is slowing just a little as he starts to get into the gas tank a bit. The two fighters engage with strikes but nothing significant lands. The two fighters engage with strikes but neither lands anything worthwhile. They stand and trade, but all the shots are either off target or are safely dealt with. We go past the halfway point of this round. The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike. Pineda hits a left cross. Palmer lands a one-two. The two fighters come forward and engage. Palmer scores with two punches out of a sudden flurry and then hits a left to the body. Pineda doesn't connect with a left jab but nails a right cross. The fighters go toe-to-toe with strikes but the flurry ends without any really damaging shots landing. Both fighters move in and engage. Pineda lands a left jab but has a right hand absorbed on the gloves. Palmer finds a way past his opponent's guard and lands a sharp one-two. We're into the final minute of the round. They come together and strike. Palmer slips past a right hook and counters with a jab and an attempted shot to the body that gets taken on the arm. The two fighters stand and trade strikes, neither lands a significant blow in the exchange. They exchange strikes but nothing really gets through. We reach the time limit and this fight is over.


I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Palmer.


The ring announcer is now giving the official scores.


The judges score the contest as 30-27 (Mohamed Brumfield), 29-28 (Wiktor Shrewsbury) and 29-28 (Terrence Neubauer).


Lance 'The Party' Palmer is the winner by unanimous decision!


Official Result: Lance Palmer def. Daniel Pineda by Unanimous Decision.


Middleweight Bout: Tamdan McCrory (14-5) vs. Thales Leites (27-8)


Round 1

And here we go! McCrory can't hit a set-up left jab, but then lands a low kick to the legs. Leites gets hold of McCrory without taking too much damage. Leites looks to take McCrory down with a trip. It doesn't work, McCrory defended against it well. Leites attempts a trip to put McCrory on the ground. It's unsuccessful, McCrory maintained a good solid base. Leites seems to initiate a break, and the two fighters step apart. Leites looked like he was going to shoot, but McCrory simply took the initiative first. McCrory uses a left jab, but Leites dodges the leg kick that follows. A jab hits home from McCrory and then he scores with a right cross that landed hard. Leites shoots in for a takedown. The takedown is completed, it was a single leg and McCrory is left on his back pulling guard. Leites attempts to pass guard and gain a better position. McCrory tries to counter the pass attempt, and they find themselves scrambling for position. McCrory ends up on the bottom with Leites in side control. Leites tries to lock McCrory into an arm triangle. McCrory doesn't allow the arm triangle to be applied. Leites counters an attempt by McCrory to sweep him by taking his back! McCrory prevents Leites from getting his hooks in. Leites blocks McCrory as he tries to roll over. We move into the final sixty seconds of this round. Leites attempts to complete a rear naked choke. McCrory doesn't allow the arm to go under his chin. Leites blocks McCrory as he tries to roll over. Leites attempts to get a rear naked choke fully applied. The rear naked choke is fully applied, but Leites can't claim the submission because the round ends right then! Time expires and we come to the end of round one.


That round goes to Leites, 10-9 on my card.


Round 2

We are back underway! McCrory lands a jab and then hits Leites with a high right head kick. Leites steps forward, willing to take a few shots as long as he can get close enough to wrestle. McCrory can't connect with his set-up strikes, but then hits Leites with a body kick. Leites is able to grab McCrory. Leites looks for a trip takedown. Leites gets side control off a superb outside leg trip! Showing great technique, Leites tries to set up a D'Arce choke from side control. Leites sinks the hold in deeply and McCrory has to tap! The winner, by submission, is Thales Leites!


Official Result: Thales Leites def. Tamdan McCrory by Submission (D'Arce Choke) in 1:41 of Round 2.


Heavyweight Bout: Mark Hunt (13-14-1-1 NC) vs. Jared Rosholt (20-8)


Round 1

There's the opening bell! We start with a touch of gloves. Hunt can't hit a set-up left jab, but then lands a big right hand. A quick exchange of strikes doesn't lead to anything. Hunt hits a left hand, but finds nothing but air with a big right. Hunt can't hit a set-up left jab, but then lands a big right hand. A jab is wide from Hunt, but then he catches Rosholt with a crunching right hook. Rosholt moves in and out of range, hoping to tempt his opponent into a reckless strike and leave an opening for a takedown attempt. A jab is wide from Hunt, but then he hits a nice straight right that lands hard. Rosholt shoots in for a takedown. The takedown is successful, it's a single leg that leaves Hunt pulling guard. Rosholt lies on top of Hunt, basically smothering him. We've now passed the halfway mark in this round. The clock runs down as Hunt is being smothered against the ground by Rosholt. Rosholt smothers Hunt with his body by pushing forward and down. Rosholt throws a few right hands as he takes a moment to plan ahead. Rosholt smothers Hunt with his body by pushing forward and down. Rosholt begins trying to pass the guard. Rosholt passes to side control, but doesn't have time to secure the position before Hunt starts scrambling. The scramble sees Hunt up first, only to be grabbed and wrestled up against the cage almost immediately. Hunt wrestles back against Rosholt, turning him enough so that he can escape away from the cage. Round one is brought to an end as time runs out.


I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Hunt.


Round 2

There's the bell for the start of the round! Rosholt had looked like he was angling to grapple, but couldn't take the initiative. Hunt can't connect with a jab, but then hits a nice straight right that lands hard. Rosholt shoots in for a takedown. Hunt almost got away but not quite; he is left hopping while Rosholt has hold of one leg. Rosholt can't get Hunt down and so settles for pushing him up against the cage. Hunt is pressed up against the cage and simply can't break the control that Rosholt has over him. They remain there for at least thirty seconds, hitting each other with short punches to the body and side of the head. Rosholt shows his grappling ability by trapping Hunt up against the cage. They remain in that position, dirty boxing each other, for a further minute. Referee Herb Dean thinks there has been too little progress, and brings the two fighters back to the center. Taking a few gulps of breath, Hunt is giving the first hint that he is starting to tire a touch. Rosholt had looked like he was angling for a takedown attempt, but couldn't take the initiative. Hunt can't connect with a jab, but then hits a nice straight right that lands hard. We move into the second half of this round. Hunt can't connect with a jab, but then hits Rosholt with a beauty of a straight right. Rosholt may have been aiming to get in close, but Hunt aggressively took the initiative. Hunt lands two jabs, but Rosholt steps back to avoid a high right head kick. Hunt throws a quick punch but doesn't land. A jab is wide from Hunt, but then he hits Rosholt with a beauty of a straight right. Hunt is starting to have to push himself now, and his corner respond by urging him on a little louder. Hunt throws a punch but Rosholt was equal to it. Rosholt comes in and grabs Hunt in a clinch. Rosholt is trying to push Hunt so that his back is up against the cage. He does so and now has Hunt pinned to the cage. Rosholt smothers Hunt up against the cage. The rest of the round sees them doing very little other than throwing occasional short punches to the body. Time expires and we come to the end of round two.


I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Hunt.


Even if he can take this final round, I can't see Rosholt winning on the judges' scorecards. He needs a finish.


Round 3

There's the bell for the start of the final round! Rosholt comes in, looking for a takedown. Rosholt couldn't complete the single leg, but does end up standing holding a leg while Hunt hops in place on the other. Unable to complete the takedown, Rosholt instead pushes Hunt up against the cage. Breathing very hard, Hunt is looking ragged. An ugly but effective tactic, Rosholt is pressing Hunt up against the cage and slowly wearing him down. A full minute elapses with very little happening other than some short punches and some posturing. Rosholt shows great control, keeping Hunt pressed against the cage. The next minute or so sees them hitting each other with short punches from that position. We are now at the halfway point of the round. With the fighters having been stuck against the cage for quite a while, referee Herb Dean brings them back to the center. For the first time, Rosholt is starting to breathe a little heavier. Rosholt appeared to be going for a takedown, but Hunt took the initiative first. A jab is wide from Hunt, but then he hits Rosholt with a beautiful right uppercut! Rosholt collapses, that shot knocked him out! The winner, by knock out; Mark Hunt!


Official Result: Mark Hunt def. Jared Rosholt by KO (Punch) in 2:50 of Round 3.


Heavyweight Bout: Philipe Lins (14-3) vs. Anthony Johnson (22-6)


Round 1

There's the opening bell! The two fighters engage. A brief strike exchange passes without either fighter landing. Lins can't hit a right cross. Johnson finds his right cross blocked. Both fighters meet in the center. Johnson dodges a right hand and counter-attacks with a jab and a good right hand. Moving forward constantly, Johnson is pressuring Lins. Johnson avoids a jab and is able to move into the pocket. Johnson can't connect with a jab, but then he scores with a right cross that landed hard. Johnson attacks with strikes. Lins throws a counter jab but misses. Johnson can't connect with his set-up strikes, but then he scores with a right cross that landed hard. Johnson attacks with strikes. Lins misses with a left hand in the exchange. A jab is wide from Johnson, but then he hits a nice straight right that lands hard. An exchange of strikes happens right in the center of the cage but neither fighter lands anything good. Johnson comes forward, walking down Lins. Lins hit a counter left hand. Johnson opens Lins up with a feint. Johnson throws a one-two, but Lins was equal to it. The two fighters engage. Lins misses a right cross that leaves him wide open to the counter. Johnson comes in with a nice right hook. We go past the halfway point of this round. Johnson comes forward looking to force a striking exchange. Lins fires off a counter jab but doesn't connect. Johnson connects with a nice jab and then he lands a right hand. Both fighters come together and strike. Lins is off target with a left jab but hits a right hand. Johnson lands a nice right hook. The fighters go toe-to-toe with strikes but neither lands anything significant in the exchange. The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left. They come together and strike. Johnson misses a right cross that leaves him open to the counter. Lins attacks with a right hook. Johnson appears to have suffered a gash under his eye. Moving forward constantly, Johnson is pressuring Lins. Lins hit a counter left hand. Johnson can't hit a set-up left jab, but then he lands a vicious right cross! Lins is knocked down! Johnson senses victory and starts to unload with punches! Johnson fires away and Lins is eating powerful shot after powerful shot! Referee Dan Miragliotta jumps in and saves Lins from taking any more shots! The winner, by TKO, is Anthony 'Rumble' Johnson!


Official Result: Anthony Johnson def. Philipe Lins by TKO (Strikes) in 4:46 of Round 1.


Welterweight Bout: Rick Story (21-10) vs. Gleison Tibau (34-14)


Round 1

We are underway! An offer to touch gloves is completely ignored by Story. Story lands a jab and then lands a left hand. A punch from Story fails to land. Tibau is able to grab Story. Tibau looks to sweep a leg out from under Story so as to take him down with a trip. An excellent outside leg trip sees Story get thrown to the mat and Tibau has no problem getting side control. Tibau punches down at Story, but they are easily taken on the gloves. Story tries to pull guard on Tibau but doesn't get anywhere with the attempt. Tibau attempts an arm triangle. Story doesn't allow the arm triangle to be applied. Story tries to move to guard, but Tibau doesn't allow it. We are now at the halfway point of the round. Tibau fires off a few punches as he catches his breath. Story tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it. Tibau fires off a few punches as he catches his breath. Story tries to move to guard, but Tibau doesn't allow it. Tibau throws a few strikes, but they are without venom. Story brings his legs in to trap Tibau in half guard. Tibau pounds away with left hands, but doesn't do much damage. Tibau blocks Story as he tries a transition to full guard. Time expires and we come to the end of round one.


That round goes to Tibau, 10-9 on my card.


Round 2

And here we go, round two! Story throws a two-punch combo but Tibau avoids both. Tibau moves in fast and shoots on Story. The takedown is unsuccessful, Story sprawled to block it and then steps back to safety. Story connects with a jab, but misses with a vicious left hand. Tibau gets hold of Story without taking too much damage. Tibau is trying to push Story so that his back is up against the cage. Story ends up backed against the cage. Story wrestles back against Tibau, turning him enough so that he can escape away from the cage. Tibau, backing off, hits a weak right hand. A one-two from Story fails to land. Story lands a jab and then catches Tibau with a crunching left hook. Tibau hits a jab, but it had no power at all behind it. Story lands a right hand and then scores with a left cross that landed hard. We go past the halfway point of this round. Story throws two quick punches but doesn't hit with either. Seizing the opportunity, Tibau clinches. Using his wrestling skills, Tibau is trying to push Story up against the cage. Tibau manages it and controls Story up against the cage. Story is pressed up against the cage. About sixty seconds goes by with something of a stalemate happening, neither fighter being able to improve their position or generate an advantage. Tibau shows great control, keeping Story pressed against the cage. The next thirty seconds sees them doing very little other than throwing occasional short punches to the body. Referee Mario Yamasaki thinks there has been too little progress, and brings the two fighters back to the center. Story uses a right jab, but his big left hand follow-up misses. Tibau gets hold of Story without taking too much damage. Tibau is looking to muscle Story back against the cage. Tibau can't do it though, and ends up being out-wrestled in the grapple. The time is up, and that's the end of round two.


That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Story.


It looks like whoever can win this final round should also win the fight.


Round 3

There's the bell for the start of the final round! Moving in, Tibau appears willing to risk getting hit if it means he can get close enough to initiate some grappling. A one-two from Story fails to land. Tibau seizes the chance and grabs Story into a clinch. Using his wrestling skills, Tibau is trying to push Story up against the cage. Tibau achieves it, pinning Story to the cage. Showing his ability to control opponents, Tibau smothers Story against the cage. Nothing really happens for the next thirty seconds, they remain in a close grapple exchanging occasional short punches. Tibau tries to smother Story against the cage, but he wrestles free and circles back to the center. Tibau is starting to slow down a touch, perhaps conserving a little energy. Tibau shoots in, looking for a takedown. He has the takedown! Story pulls guard. Tibau throws a few left hands as he takes a moment to plan ahead. In guard, Tibau throws a couple of punches designed to keep Story guessing. Story attempts to grab an arm of Tibau from the bottom of the guard. Tibau gets caught in an armbar...and has no choice but to tap out! Rick 'Horror' Story takes the win by submission!


Official Result: Rick Story def. Gleison Tibau by Submission (Armbar) in 3:03 of Round 3.


Middleweight Bout: Nick Diaz (26-9-2 NC) vs. Johny Hendricks (18-8)


Round 1

There's the opening bell! Diaz deliberately doesn't touch gloves to start. The two fighters engage. Hendricks falls for a feint and is left vulnerable to attack. Diaz connects with a right hand. Hendricks lands a right kick to the rib cage. Diaz chooses to shoot in on Hendricks. Hendricks almost stops the takedown but is left hopping on one leg while Diaz holds the other. Diaz uses the position to drive Hendricks up against the cage. Diaz attempts a trip to put Hendricks on the ground. Hendricks blocks the attempted trip and turns Diaz around so that he has his back to the cage. Hendricks smothers Diaz against the cage, then scores with a right to the side of the stomach. Hendricks tries to use his dirty boxing skills, but Diaz uses wrestling to prevent any strikes from being launched. Hendricks pins Diaz up against the cage and hits a couple of nice left hands to the side of the head. Hendricks tries to keep Diaz up against the cage for some dirty boxing, but Diaz works enough space that he can slip out and away, back to the center. We go past the halfway point of this round. Both fighters move in and engage. Hendricks misses a left cross that leaves him open to the counter. Diaz attacks with a quick right hook. Diaz used his reach advantage there, picking Hendricks off at range. Diaz talks a little trash. Both fighters meet in the center. Diaz slips past a left hook attempt and attacks with a right hook. Diaz comes in, looking for a takedown. Diaz couldn't complete the single leg, but does end up standing holding a leg while Hendricks hops in place on the other. With Hendricks not going down, Diaz settles for pushing him up against the cage. Diaz looks to sweep a leg in order to execute a sharp trip. It's unsuccessful, Hendricks maintained a good solid base. With the cage trapping Hendricks, Diaz looks for a trip takedown. It's unsuccessful, Hendricks maintained a good solid base. Diaz attempts a trip to put Hendricks on the ground. He executes an outside leg trip, sweeping Hendricks to the mat where he pulls guard! We're into the final minute of the round. Diaz throws a few left hands to the body. Hendricks drags Diaz in to close control, then hits him with a couple of short punches. Diaz pounds away, but Hendricks calmly deals with them. The time runs out on round one.


I have to give that round to Diaz, but only a 10-9.


Round 2

We are back underway! They engage in the center. Hendricks hits a jab but misses a left hook. Diaz lands a right jab and a left cross. The two fighters come forward and engage. Diaz feints to one side, causing Hendricks to react and leave himself off balance. Diaz slips past a left hook and counters with a quick right jab and a left hand that landed cleanly. Diaz appeared to be going for a takedown, but Hendricks took the initiative first. Hendricks throws a two-punch combo but Diaz avoids both. Hendricks is slowing just a little as he starts to get into the gas tank a bit. A quick exchange of strikes does not produce any damage. A pair of tentative jabs from Diaz land, but have zero effect. A one-two from Hendricks fails to land. Hendricks closes the distance, obviously looking to strike. Diaz may have been setting up to shoot, but Hendricks aggressively took the initiative. Hendricks hits a right hand, but finds nothing but air with a big left. The two fighters engage. Hendricks misses a left cross that leaves him wide open to the counter. Diaz comes in with a few quick jabs that are followed by a left cross. We are now at the halfway point of the round. They come together and strike. Hendricks hits a right jab but finds his left cross blocked. Diaz hits a jab and also connects cleanly with a left hand. Both fighters come together and strike. Diaz lands a right hook. Hendricks misses a jab but connects cleanly with a left hand. The two fighters come forward and engage. Diaz slips past a left hook and counters with a nice right hand. The two fighters engage. Hendricks dodges a left hand and counter-attacks with a left hook. Diaz is still moving well, but he is definitely breathing a little deeper now. We move into the final sixty seconds of this round. The two fighters engage. Diaz slips past a left hook and counters with a jab and a hook to the body that fails to land. Both fighters move in and engage. Hendricks misses a left cross that leaves him open to the counter. Diaz attacks with a right jab and a wicked left uppercut! He's down! Hendricks falls to the floor! Diaz moves in quickly, kneeling beside Hendricks and starting to hammer down with punches! Diaz pounds away on Hendricks, landing several great shots that rock him! The referee pulls Diaz away, stopping the fight! By TKO, the winner is Nick Diaz!



Official Result: Nick Diaz def. Johny Hendricks by TKO (Strikes) in 4:43 of Round 2.


PFL 3: Regular Season 2020

Date: April 10, 2020

Venue: MGM Grand Garden Arena

City: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


Gate: $


Main Event


Middleweight Bout: Nick Diaz def. Johny Hendricks by TKO (Strikes) in 4:43 of Round 2.


Co-Main Event


Welterweight Bout: Rick Story def. Gleison Tibau by Submission (Armbar) in 3:03 of Round 3.


Heavyweight Bout: Anthony Johnson def. Philipe Lins by TKO (Strikes) in 4:46 of Round 1.


Heavyweight Bout: Mark Hunt def. Jared Rosholt by KO (Punch) in 2:50 of Round 3.


Middleweight Bout: Thales Leites def. Tamdan McCrory by Submission (D´Arce Choke) in 1:41 of Round 2.


Featherweight Bout: Lance Palmer def. Daniel Pineda by Unanimous Decision.


Preliminary Card


Welterweight Bout: Magomed Magomedkherimov def. Jake Ellenberger by TKO (Strikes) in 4:52 of Round 1.


Featherweight Bout: Tyler Diamond def. Alexandre Almeida by TKO (Strikes) in 4:46 of Round 3.


Lightweight Bout: Mark Bocek def. Johnny Case by Split Decision.


Light Heavyweight Bout: Smealinho Rama def. Viktor Nemkov by TKO (Strikes) in 2:02 of Round 1.


Women´s Featherweight Bout: Alexis Dufresne def. Iony Razafiarison by Split Decision.


Light Heavyweight Bout: Bozigit Ataev def. Fabio Maldonado by Submission (Armbar) in 3:20 of Round 1.


Bonus Awards


Fight of the Night: Lance Palmer vs. Daniel Pineda


KO of the Night: Mark Hunt


Submission of the Night: Thales Leites




mattu29: 7 :) / 5 :mad:


cagerage: 8 :) / 4 :mad:


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This Friday the PFL 4 press conference, which will be held this week in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand Garden Arena, and featured the presence of the fighters who will host the evening's Main and Co-main event, Cain Velasquez, Satoshi Ishii (main event), Jake Shields, Hector Lombard (co-main event) and PFL President Ray Sefo.


In addition to the struggles of this card, Sefo addressed other issues such as the big news this week, the hiring of Anderson Silva and the elimination of Jason Knight, after failing the drug test after the defeat to Gilbert Melendez in PFL 1.


Asked about PFL 4 Sefo said:


"Yes, it will be the best of this first round, we will have two champions from last season, Schulte and Harrison, a great rematch between Shields x Lombard and a legend like Velasquez against an Olympic champion who is Ishii, so I believe in the success of this card."


He also talked about hiring Anderson Silva and whether he could compete yet this season.


"I think SIlva can come in if someone, gets injured or has a problem and can't continue, he has already made himself available and as soon as he is ready he will fight, either in the season or on a card fight night. I am very excited for this legend being in the PFL. "


On Jason Knight's doping case he confirmed the exclusion and suspension of one season from the fighter.


"We don't tolerate that in the PFL. He knows the rules, he was caught and will be out of the competition and next season."


PFL 4: Regular Season 2020


Main Event


Heavyweight Bout: Cain Velasquez (14-3) vs. Satoshi Ishii (22-10-1)


Co-Main Event


Middleweight Bout: Jake Shields (33-11-1-1 NC) vs. Hector Lombard (34-10-1-2 NC)


Light Heavyweight Bout: Alexander Gustafsson (18-6) vs. Muhammed Lawal (21-10-1 NC)


Lightweight Bout: Natan Schulte (20-3-1) vs. Rashid Magomedov (23-5-1)


Featherweight Bout: Renan Barao (34-9-1 NC) vs. Andre Harrison (21-2-1)


Women´s Featherweight Bout: Kayla Harrison (7-0) vs. Daria Ibragimova (9-2)


Preliminary Card


Featherweight Bout: Chad Mendes (18-5) vs. Movlid Khaybulaev (14-0-1-1 NC)


Lightweight Bout: Gray Maynard (13-7-1-1 NC) vs. Paul Kelly (12-4)


Flyweight Bout: Magomed Bibulatov (15-2) vs. Zhalgas Zhumagulov (13-3)


Featherweight Bout: Bryan Caraway (21-9) vs. Brendan Loughnane (19-3)


Flyweight Bout: Damacio Page (20-10) vs. Matheus Nicolau (13-2-1)


Light Heavyweight Bout: Vinny Magalhaes (18-12-1 NC) vs. Tom Lawlor (10-7-1 NC)


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<img src=https://i.imgur.com/gWXe3fj.jpg>

Professional Fighters League - Regular Season 2020




A Heavyweight bout between Former two-times UFC Heavyweight Champion Cain Velasquez and Olympic Gold medalist in Judo Satoshi Ishii served as the main event.


A middleweight rematch between Former Strikeforce, Shooto Middleweight and EliteXC Welterweight Champion Jake Shields and Former Bellator MMA, CFC and AFC Middleweight Champion Hector Lombard at this co-main event. Their first fight took place at UFC 171 ended in a Unanimous Decision victory for Lombard.


A Lightweight rematch between PFL Seasons 18/19 Natan Schulte and Rashid Magomedat at this event. Their first fight took place at PFL 11: Championship 2018 ended in a Unanimous Decision victory for Schulte.




Cain Velasquez notable wins: Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, Brock Lesnar, Antonio Silva 2x, Junior dos Santos 2x and Travis Browne.


Satoshi Ishii notable wins: Tim Sylvia, Pedro Rizzo, Jeff Monson, Kazuyuki Fujita and Heath Herring.


- This is the first first time Cain Velasquez has headlined in PFL for Satoshi Ishii will be his second time


- This card will have a 2 PFL's Season Winners


Natan Schulte (Seasons 2018/2019 Lightweight Champion)


Kayla Harrison (Season 2019 Women´s Lightweight Champion)


- This card will have 11 former world champions in others organizations:


Cain Velasquez - Former Two Times UFC Heavyweight Champion.

Jake Shields - Former Strikeforce, Shooto Middleweight and Elite XC Champion

Hector Lombard - Former Bellator MMA, CFC and AFC Middleweight Champion

Muhammed Lawal - Former Strikeforce Light Heavyweight Champion and Rizin FF Heavyweight GP 2015 Winner

Rashid Magomedov - Former M-1 Global Welterweight Champion

Renan Barao - Former UFC Bantamweight Champion

Andre Harrison - Former Titan FC Featherweight Champion

Magomed Bibulatov - Former WSOF Flyweight Champion

Zhalgas Zhumagulov - Former FNG Flyweight Champion

Damacio Page - Former Legacy FC Flyweight Champion

Vinny Magalhaes - Former Titan FC and M-1 Global Light Heavyweight Champion


- This card will have a 2 Judo Olympic Gold Medalists


Satoshi Ishii (2008)


Kayla Harrison (2012)


- Velasquez hasn´t won since July 2016.


- Schulte is a undefeated in PFL carrer


- Kayla Harrison has the most winning streak on this card (7)


- Hector Lombard has the most losing streak on this card (6)


- 15 fighters on this card debut in PFL: Cain Velasquez, Hector Lombard, Alexander Gustafsson, Muhammed Lawal, Renan Barao, Daria Ibragimova, Chad Mendes, Gray Maynard, Paul Kelly, Magomed Bibulatov, Zhalgas Zhumagulov, Bryan Caraway, Damacio Page, Matheus Nicolau and Tom Lawlor.




Velasquez vs. Ishii (7-0)


Shields vs. Lombard (7-0)


Gustafsson vs. Lawal (7-0)


Schulte vs. Magomedov (5-2)


Barao vs. Harrison (4-3)


Harrison vs. Ibragimova (5-2)


Mendes vs. Khaybulaev (7-0)


Maynard vs. Kelly (6-1)


Bibulatov vs. Zhumagulov (7-0)


Caraway vs. Loughnane (7-0)


Page vs. Nicolau (0-7)


Magalhaes vs. Lawlor (6-1)


PFL 4 Weigh-In Results: Velasquez-Ishii set


MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas receives the PFL cage again, its a second time in regular season event.


In the main event Cain Velasquez and Satoshi Ishii both weighed 245 lbs, confirming the fight.


After being away from MMA for almost 3 years, Velasquez returned in February 2019, and ended up knocked out by Francis Ngannou in just 26 seconds in his last fight and retired to compete in the WWE. However, he returned from retirement to compete in the 2020 PFL season.


Satoshi Ishii comes from a three-game losing streak, in his last fight at Rizin FF, he was knocked out by Jake Heun. Last season in the PFL he had a 1-2 record and was eliminated by Denis Goltsov in the playoffs.


PFL 4: Regular Season 2020

Date: April 17, 2020

Venue: MGM Grand Garden Arena

City: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


Main Event


Heavyweight Bout: Cain Velasquez (245 lbs) vs. Satoshi Ishii (245 lbs)


Co-Main Event


Middleweight Bout: Jake Shields (185 lbs) vs. Hector Lombard (185 lbs)


Light Heavyweight Bout: Alexander Gustafsson (205 lbs) vs. Muhammed Lawal (205 lbs)


Lightweight Bout: Natan Schulte (155 lbs) vs. Rashid Magomedov (155 lbs)


Featherweight Bout: Renan Barao (145 lbs) vs. Andre Harrison (145 lbs)


Women´s Featherweight Bout: Kayla Harrison (145 lbs) vs. Daria Ibragimova (145 lbs)


Preliminary Card


Featherweight Bout: Chad Mendes (145 lbs) vs. Movlid Khaybulaev (145 lbs)


Lightweight Bout: Gray Maynard (155 lbs) vs. Paul Kelly (155 lbs)


Flyweight Bout: Magomed Bibulatov (125 lbs) vs. Zhalgas Zhumagulov (125 lbs)


Featherweight Bout: Bryan Caraway (145 lbs) vs. Brendan Loughnane (145 lbs)


Flyweight Bout: Damacio Page (125 lbs) vs. Matheus Nicolau (125 lbs)


Light Heavyweight Bout: Vinny Magalhaes (205 lbs) vs. Tom Lawlor (205 lbs)


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PFL 4: Regular Season 2020

Date: April 17, 2020

Venue: MGM Grand Garden Arena

City: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


Main Event


Heavyweight Bout: Cain Velasquez (245 lbs) vs. Satoshi Ishii (245 lbs)


Co-Main Event


Middleweight Bout: Jake Shields (185 lbs) vs. Hector Lombard (185 lbs)


Light Heavyweight Bout: Alexander Gustafsson (205 lbs) vs. Muhammed Lawal (205 lbs)


Lightweight Bout: Natan Schulte (155 lbs) vs. Rashid Magomedov (155 lbs)


Featherweight Bout: Renan Barao (145 lbs) vs. Andre Harrison (145 lbs)


Women´s Featherweight Bout: Kayla Harrison (145 lbs) vs. Daria Ibragimova (145 lbs)


Preliminary Card


Featherweight Bout: Chad Mendes (145 lbs) vs. Movlid Khaybulaev (145 lbs)


Lightweight Bout: Gray Maynard (155 lbs) vs. Paul Kelly (155 lbs)


Flyweight Bout: Magomed Bibulatov (125 lbs) vs. Zhalgas Zhumagulov (125 lbs)


Featherweight Bout: Bryan Caraway (145 lbs) vs. Brendan Loughnane (145 lbs)


Flyweight Bout: Damacio Page (125 lbs) vs. Matheus Nicolau (125 lbs)


Light Heavyweight Bout: Vinny Magalhaes (205 lbs) vs. Tom Lawlor (205 lbs)

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PFL 4: Regular Season 2020


Main Event


Heavyweight Bout: Cain Velasquez (14-3) vs. Satoshi Ishii (22-10-1)


Co-Main Event


Middleweight Bout: Jake Shields (33-11-1-1 NC) vs. Hector Lombard (34-10-1-2 NC)


Light Heavyweight Bout: Alexander Gustafsson (18-6) vs. Muhammed Lawal (21-10-1 NC)


Lightweight Bout: Natan Schulte (20-3-1) vs. Rashid Magomedov (23-5-1)


Featherweight Bout: Renan Barao (34-9-1 NC) vs. Andre Harrison (21-2-1)


Women´s Featherweight Bout: Kayla Harrison (7-0) vs. Daria Ibragimova (9-2)


Preliminary Card


Featherweight Bout: Chad Mendes (18-5) vs. Movlid Khaybulaev (14-0-1-1 NC)


Lightweight Bout: Gray Maynard (13-7-1-1 NC) vs. Paul Kelly (12-4)


Flyweight Bout: Magomed Bibulatov (15-2) vs. Zhalgas Zhumagulov (13-3)


Featherweight Bout: Bryan Caraway (21-9) vs. Brendan Loughnane (19-3)


Flyweight Bout: Damacio Page (20-10) vs. Matheus Nicolau (13-2-1)


Light Heavyweight Bout: Vinny Magalhaes (18-12-1 NC) vs. Tom Lawlor (10-7-1 NC)

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Professional Fighters League 4: Regular Season 2020: PLAY BY PLAY & RESULTS


Light Heavyweight Bout: Vinny Magalhaes (18-12-1 NC) vs. Tom Lawlor (10-7-1 NC)


Round 1

There's the opening bell! Lawlor confidently moves in closer, looking to throw some strikes. Magalhaes scores with a weak, flicked right hand jab. Lawlor throws a quick punch but doesn't hit. Moving around, Magalhaes is looking for an opening to grapple without getting hit coming in. Lawlor throws a one-two, but Magalhaes was equal to it. Magalhaes moves in fast and clinches with Lawlor. Magalhaes attempts a leg-sweep trip to put Lawlor on the ground. Lawlor is taken down by a quick inside leg trip, he can do nothing but pull half guard! Magalhaes throws a few right hands to the body. Magalhaes throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch his breath. Magalhaes keeps Lawlor guessing with a few quick strikes. Lawlor gets some separation and tries to scramble for position. There wasn't enough separation though, Magalhaes is able to catch him and secure side control. Showing great technique, Magalhaes tries to set up a D'Arce choke from side control. Lawlor defends himself well and is in no danger. Magalhaes blocks Lawlor as he tries a transition to guard. Magalhaes attempts a kimura. Lawlor gets caught by the kimura, and it's deep enough that he has to tap! 'Pezao' Vinny Magalhaes takes the win by submission!


Official Result: Vinny Magalhaes def. Tom Lawlor by Submission (Kimura) in 3:56 of Round 1.


Flyweight Bout: Damacio Page (20-10) vs. Matheus Nicolau (13-2-1)


Round 1

The fight begins! They touch gloves. They engage in the center. Nicolau is left exposed after a missed right hook to the ribs and gets countered with a left jab and a right hook that is ducked. The two fighters engage. Page uses a left jab but fails on a leg kick attempt. Nicolau manages to connect with three punches out of a flurry but gets a right hand blocked. The two fighters come forward and engage. Nicolau lands a left jab and a right cross. Page lands two jabs but fails on a leg kick attempt. Both fighters come together and strike. Nicolau hits a jab but doesn't get a leg kick. Page throws three quick punches and lands two of them and then lands a left hook to the body. The two fighters engage. Nicolau misses a right cross that leaves him wide open to the counter. Page comes in with a powerful right head kick! He's down! Nicolau falls to the floor! Page knows that this is a golden opportunity and quickly pounces on Nicolau, looking to finish him off by raining down punches! Page pounds away, Nicolau is barely able to offer any defence at all! The referee is forced to jump in and stop the fight! By TKO, the winner is Damacio Page!


Official Result: Damacio Page def. Matheus Nicolau by TKO (Strikes) in 2:06 of Round 1.


Featherweight Bout: Bryan Caraway (21-9) vs. Brendan Loughnane (19-3)


Round 1

We are underway! The fighters touch gloves. Loughnane throws a punch but Caraway avoids it. A jab hits home from Loughnane and then he scores with a right cross. Caraway aggressively comes forward, willing to risk getting hit so that he can grapple. A jab lands from Loughnane, but his big right hand follow-up misses. Caraway gets hold of Loughnane. Caraway is looking to muscle Loughnane back against the cage. Loughnane ends up backed against the cage. Caraway looks to try and maintain control via his wrestling skills, but Loughnane works enough space that he can pull clear and circle out. Loughnane throws two quick punches but doesn't hit with either. Loughnane comes in looking to strike. Loughnane throws a one-two, but Caraway was equal to it. Loughnane looks confident, shortening the range as he looks to strike. Loughnane hits a left jab and then catches Caraway with a right hook. Caraway looks to have been cut above his eye, blood is trickling down. We are now at the halfway point of the round. Caraway, backing off, hits a weak left hand. Loughnane uses a left jab, but misses with a vicious right hand. Loughnane closes in on Caraway, looking to unleash some strikes. A one-two from Loughnane fails to land. Loughnane throws a quick punch but doesn't hit. Caraway shoots in, looking for a takedown. The takedown is completed, Loughnane is on his back and pulls guard. Caraway unloads with some right hands, but Loughnane deals with them comfortably. Loughnane gets the double underhooks in and pulls Caraway close, controlling him well. Time slips away as Caraway successfully keeps Loughnane stuck against the ground. Time slips away as Caraway successfully keeps Loughnane stuck against the ground. The time is up, and that's the end of round one.


There was very little to separate them in that round but I'll give that one 10-9 to Loughnane.


Caraway, the heavy favourite, would not have expected the first round to go like that; he looks a little dazed.


The cut man goes to work between rounds trying to patch up Caraway.


Round 2

Round two begins! Caraway looked like he was going to step in and grapple, but Loughnane simply took the initiative first. Loughnane throws two quick punches but doesn't hit with either. Caraway looked like he was going to shoot, but Loughnane simply took the initiative first. Loughnane connects with a jab, but Caraway evades a big right punch. A punch from Loughnane fails to land. Caraway moves in fast and shoots on Loughnane. Loughnane partially defends it and ends up hopping on one foot while Caraway has a hold of the other. Caraway uses the position to drive Loughnane up against the cage. Unable to get free, Loughnane is smothered up against the cage. They remain there, hitting each other with short punches, for about a minute. Unable to get free, Loughnane is smothered up against the cage. The next minute or so sees them hitting each other with short punches from that position. Caraway tries to keep him up against the cage, but Loughnane works enough space that he can slip out and away, back to the center. Caraway shoots in for a takedown. Loughnane cannot stop the takedown and has to pull guard. That's his second takedown. Caraway fires off a handful of punches, each easily being blocked with gloves. Loughnane pulls Caraway in close and hits a couple of short, sharp punches to the side of the head. Caraway attempts to pass guard. He can't get free of the guard. Loughnane tries to pull Caraway in close and smother him, but doesn't get anywhere with it. Caraway fires off some rights, but Loughnane isn't troubled by them. The time is up, and that's the end of round two.


That was a yawner of a round, and I think both fighters are now a bit frustrated.


I think Caraway took that round, 10-9 on my score card.


It looks like whoever can win this final round should also win the fight.


Round 3

And here we go, one last round! Loughnane moves in on Caraway, preparing to throw. It looked like we were about to see Caraway try and get some grappling started, but Loughnane was more aggressive and took the initiative. Loughnane fails to find a home for his jab, but then catches Caraway with a right hook. Caraway comes in, apparently willing to take some hits if it means getting close enough to grapple. A one-two from Loughnane fails to land. Caraway gets hold of Loughnane, not having to have taken even one shot while coming in. Caraway tries to wrestle Loughnane backward and up against the cage. Caraway does it, Loughnane is stuck with his back to the cage. Caraway shows great control, keeping Loughnane pressed against the cage. They exchange close-quarters punches from that position for about sixty seconds. Loughnane, backed against the cage, can't really do much thanks to the control that Caraway is exerting. About a minute elapses with very little happening other than some short punches and some posturing. Having been stuck against the cage for a while without any progress, referee Steve Mazzagatti brings them back to the center. Loughnane is starting to slow down a touch, perhaps conserving a little energy. Caraway had looked like he was angling to grapple, but couldn't take the initiative. Loughnane connects with a jab, but his big right hand follow-up misses. Loughnane confidently comes in closer. Caraway may have been aiming to get in close, but Loughnane aggressively took the initiative. A jab hits home from Loughnane and then he hits a nice straight right. We're into the final minute of the round. A one-two from Loughnane fails to land. Caraway gets hold of Loughnane. Clinched with Loughnane, Caraway looks to try and take him down. Caraway gets the takedown! Loughnane pulls half guard. Caraway tries to pound on Loughnane, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with. Loughnane tries to sweep Caraway but doesn't get anywhere. The time runs out and that round is over, and so is the fight.


I have to give that round to Caraway, but only a 10-9.


The judges have given their scores, which are about to be announced.


The judges score the contest as 29-28 (Wiktor Shrewsbury), 30-27 (Adelaide Byrd) and 29-28 (Terrence Neubauer).


Bryan 'Kid Lightning' Caraway is the winner by unanimous decision!


Official Result: Bryan Caraway def. Brendan Loughnane by Unanimous Decision


Flyweight Bout: Magomed Bibulatov (15-2) vs. Zhalgas Zhumagulov (13-3)


Round 1

The fight begins! Bibulatov shoots in for a takedown. The takedown is completed, it was a single leg and Zhumagulov is left on his back pulling guard. Bibulatov looks to pass guard and get side control. Bibulatov gets past, but Zhumagulov stops him at half guard. Bibulatov fires off a handful of punches, each easily being blocked with gloves. Zhumagulov tries to get full guard on Bibulatov but doesn't get anywhere. Bibulatov tries to pass the half guard. Bibulatov shows his skill, slipping from half guard straight into a mount with minimum fuss. Bibulatov attempts an armbar. The armbar is fully applied, Zhumagulov has no option but to tap out! Magomed 'Gladiator' Bibulatov takes the win by submission!


Official Result: Magomed Bibulatov def. Zhalgas Zhumagulov by Submission (Armbar) in 2:18 of Round 1.


Lightweight Bout: Gray Maynard (13-7-1-1 NC) vs. Paul Kelly (12-4)


Round 1

And here we go! We start with a touch of gloves. The two fighters come forward and engage. Kelly doesn't connect with a left jab but scores with a quick kick to the lead leg. Maynard lands a left jab and also nails a right cross. Maynard comes forward and the two fighters start trading blows. Kelly fires off a counter jab. Maynard can't hit a set-up left jab, but then he scores with a leg kick. The two fighters engage with strikes but nothing significant lands. Both fighters come together and strike. Kelly lands a left jab but is wide of the mark on a head kick attempt. Maynard lands a left jab but can't hit a right cross. Kelly rolls his shoulders to relieve a little of the tension that has built up, then moves forward. Both fighters move in and engage. Kelly hits a jab but finds his right cross blocked. Maynard lands two jabs but doesn't connect with a right hand. Maynard stalks forward, pressuring Kelly. Kelly hit two counter left hands. Maynard throws a quick one-two but doesn't land either blow. Both fighters come together and strike. Maynard misses a big right hand, putting him off balance and allowing Kelly to attack with a left jab and a right cross that just misses. We move into the second half of this round. The two fighters stand and trade strikes but neither lands anything damaging. Maynard comes forward looking to force a striking exchange. Kelly hits a jab in the exchange. A quick flurry of punches from Maynard sees three of three hit home and then he lands a big right hand. Both fighters meet in the center. Kelly hits a jab but doesn't connect with a right hand. Maynard hits a good right hand. Maynard stalks forward, pressuring Kelly. Kelly hits a jab in the exchange. Maynard hits a left hand but finds nothing but air with a big right. We have one minute of the round remaining. Both fighters meet in the center. Kelly scores with a jab but doesn't find the mark with a right hook. Maynard is off-target with two jabs but lands cleanly with a powerful straight right! He's down! Kelly falls to the floor! Maynard senses victory and starts to unload with punches! Maynard pounds away, landing several great shots that rock Kelly! Maynard tries to pound on Kelly, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with. Kelly tries to pull guard on Maynard but doesn't get anywhere with the attempt. Maynard pounds away, but Kelly calmly deals with them. Round one ends as time expires.


That was a good round, full of action, hopefully we've got more of the same to come.


I have to give that round to Maynard, but only a 10-9.


Round 2

There's the bell for the start of the round! They come together and strike. Maynard slips past a right hook and counters with a right cross. An exchange of strikes happens right in the center of the cage but neither fighter lands anything good. Maynard is starting to slow down a touch, perhaps conserving a little energy. Maynard attacks with strikes. Kelly hit a counter left hand. A jab is wide from Maynard, but then he lands a right hand. Kelly rolls his shoulders to relieve a little of the tension that has built up, then moves forward. The two fighters come forward and engage. Maynard lands a left hook. Kelly hits a left jab and also scores with a massive right hook to the jaw! Maynard collapses, that shot knocked him out! By knock out, the winner is Paul Kelly!


Official Result: Paul Kelly def. Gray Maynard by KO (Punch) in 1:23 of Round 2.


Featherweight Bout: Chad Mendes (18-5) vs. Movlid Khaybulaev (14-0-1-1 NC)


Round 1

We are underway! They start with a touch of gloves. Khaybulaev looked like he was going to step in and grapple, but Mendes simply took the initiative first. Mendes doesn't trouble his opponent with a combination ending in a low kick to the legs. A punch from Mendes fails to land. Khaybulaev moves in fast and clinches with Mendes. Khaybulaev tries to wrestle Mendes backward and up against the cage. Khaybulaev doesn't manage it though, Mendes defended it well. Khaybulaev gets caught with a knee strike to the body as they grapple. Mendes is trying to push Khaybulaev so that his back is up against the cage. Mendes manages it and controls Khaybulaev up against the cage. Khaybulaev is trapped against the cage and Mendes hits him with a quick elbow. Khaybulaev takes a knee strike to the inside of his own knee. Mendes tries to hit Khaybulaev with a knee to the thigh area, but Khaybulaev takes the opportunity to switch it around so that he is in control and Mendes is the one backed against the cage. Khaybulaev tries to keep him up against the cage, but Mendes works enough space that he can slip out and away, back to the center. We move into the second half of this round. Mendes hits a left jab and then scores with a fantastic right cross! He's down! Khaybulaev falls to the floor! Mendes senses victory and starts to unload with punches! Mendes fires away with punches and Khaybulaev is taking powerful shot after powerful shot! With Khaybulaev taking a beating, the referee has to stop the fight! The winner, by TKO; Chad Mendes!


Official Result: Chad Mendes def. Movlid Khaybulaev by TKO (Strikes) in 2:52 of Round 1.


Women´s Featherweight Bout: Kayla Harrison (7-0) vs. Daria Ibragimova (9-2)


Round 1

And here we go! Harrison aggressively comes forward, willing to risk getting hit so that she can grapple. Ibragimova can't connect with her set-up strikes, but then hits Harrison with a beauty of a straight right. Ibragimova can't hit a set-up left jab, but then hits Harrison with a straight right. Coming forward, Harrison is willing to take some hits if it means being able to get close enough to grapple. Ibragimova connects with a jab, but finds nothing but air with a big right. Harrison gets hold of Ibragimova. With Ibragimova in her grasp, Harrison tries to set up a judo-style throw. Harrison can't get Ibragimova down to the ground. Harrison looks to take Ibragimova down by setting up a judo throw. She executes an outside leg trip, sweeping Ibragimova to the mat where she pulls half guard! Harrison begins trying to get her leg free of the half guard. Ibragimova tries to counter the pass attempt, and they find themselves scrambling for position. Harrison scrambles to her feet, but Ibragimova immediately drives her up against the cage. Ibragimova tries to keep her up against the cage with wrestling, but Harrison reverses so that she is the one in control. We've now passed the halfway mark in this round. Harrison attempts to set up a judo-based throw to take Ibragimova to the ground. Harrison uses a superb outside leg trip! The takedown allows Harrison to take the back of Ibragimova. Harrison increases her control by getting both hooks in. With both hooks in and therefore great control of the body, Harrison tries to finish Ibragimova off with a rear naked choke. The rear naked choke is in deep, Ibragimova has to tap out! The winner, by submission; Kayla Harrison!


Official Result: Kayla Harrison def. Daria Ibragimova by Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 3:29 of Round 1.


Featherweight Bout: Renan Barao (34-9-1 NC) vs. Andre Harrison (21-2-1)


Round 1

We are underway! We start with a touch of gloves. Barao fails to find a home for his jab, but then scores with a right cross. Harrison had looked like he was angling for a takedown attempt, but couldn't take the initiative. A one-two from Barao fails to land. A jab hits home from Barao and then he lands a right hand. Harrison looked like he was going to step in and grapple, but Barao simply took the initiative first. Barao fails to land any of the strikes in a combo that ended with a scything low kick. Barao comes in looking to strike. Harrison may have been aiming to get in close, but Barao aggressively took the initiative. Barao throws two quick punches but doesn't hit with either. Barao throws an attempted hook to the body but doesn't connect. Harrison lands a weak, tentative jab. Barao connects with a jab, but misses with a vicious right hand. We are now at the halfway point of the round. Harrison shoots in, looking for a takedown. Harrison can't get past the sprawl of Barao and has to give up on the takedown. Barao tries to go to the body with a sharp hook but is off-target. Harrison steps forward, willing to take a few shots as long as he can get close enough to wrestle. Barao lands a jab and then scores with a leg kick. Barao steps in and looks to unleash. Harrison may have been aiming to get in close, but Barao aggressively took the initiative. Barao connects with a jab, but misses when he attempts to go to the body after. There's a takedown attempt from Harrison. Harrison gets a single leg takedown! Barao pulls guard off it. There's under a minute left in this round. Barao is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Harrison off of him. Harrison smothers Barao with his body by pushing forward and down. Round one ends as time expires.


That was a close round but I'm giving it to Harrison, 10-9.


Round 2

There's the bell and round number two begins! Barao moves in closer, looking to open up and attack. Two left hands land from Barao, but Harrison avoids a big right. A tentative jab from Harrison lands. Barao throws a punch but Harrison was equal to it. There's a takedown attempt from Harrison. Harrison couldn't complete the single leg, but does end up standing holding a leg while Barao hops in place on the other. Unable to complete the takedown, Harrison instead pushes Barao up against the cage. Showing his ability to exert control, Harrison smothers Barao up against the cage. The gruelling grappling contest continues for the next sixty seconds with both fighters looking to avoid leaving any openings. With the cage trapping Barao, Harrison looks to try and take him down by going low and taking out both legs. Harrison has the takedown and is left on top of a turtled up Barao. Harrison pounds away with rights, but Barao covers up and only a couple manage to get through. We move into the second half of this round. Harrison pounds away, but Barao calmly deals with them. Taking advantage of a pause, Barao scrambles back up, but Harrison gets back control. Grappling from behind, Harrison attempts to manhandle Barao down to the ground. Barao does a great job defending the takedown and eventually manages to get free entirely and circle back to the center. For the first time, Barao is starting to breathe a little heavier. Circling warily, Harrison is looking for a chance to shoot. A jab lands from Barao, but Harrison dodges the leg kick that follows. We have one minute of the round remaining. Barao can't connect with a jab, but then scores with a right cross. Barao moves in closer, looking to open up and attack. Barao connects with a jab, but misses when he attempts to go to the body after. Harrison may have been aiming to get in close, but Barao aggressively took the initiative. Barao uses a left jab, but finds nothing but air with a big right. The time is up, and that's the end of round two.


I have to give that round to Harrison, but only a 10-9.


By my scorecard, Barao is going to lose this fight if it goes to the judges. He needs a finish in this final round.


Round 3

There's the bell for the start of the final round! Barao closes the distance, obviously looking to strike. Harrison looked like he was going to shoot, but Barao simply took the initiative first. Barao connects with a nice jab and then scores with a right cross. Barao throws a quick punch but doesn't hit. Harrison moves in fast and clinches with Barao. Clinched with Barao, Harrison looks to try and take him down. The takedown is successful, Barao pulls guard. Time slips away as Harrison successfully keeps Barao stuck against the ground. Time slips away as Harrison successfully keeps Barao stuck against the ground. Harrison fires off a few punches. Barao tries to pull Harrison in close and pepper him with short strikes, but can't. Time slips away as Harrison successfully keeps Barao stuck against the ground. The clock runs down as Barao is being smothered against the ground by Harrison. The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left. The lack of progress forces referee Steve Mazzagatti to stand the fighters back up. Harrison scores with two weak, flicked left hand jabs. Barao throws a two-punch combo but Harrison avoids both. A combo that ends with a kick to the legs fails to land for Barao. Harrison catches the last kick! Barao hops on one foot, trying to balance. Harrison tries for a takedown attempt. Harrison uses the position to drive Barao up against the cage. The fight comes to an end as the time limit expires.


That round goes to Harrison, 10-9 on my card.


Here come the official scores.


Adelaide Byrd has scored it 29-28 Barao.

Terrence Neubauer has given 30-28 to Harrison.

Sal D'Amato: 30-27 Harrison.


Andre 'The Bull' Harrison is the winner by split decision!


Official Result: Andre Harrison def. Renan Barao by Split Decision.


Lightweight Bout: Natan Schulte (20-3-1) vs. Rashid Magomedov (23-5-1)


Round 1

And here we go! They exchange strikes but nothing really gets through. The two fighters engage with strikes but neither lands anything worthwhile. The two fighters come forward and engage. Schulte misses with a left jab but connects with a right hand. Magomedov uses a left jab but has a right hook blocked. Both fighters step in to strike. Magomedov is off-target with a jab but lands a right hook. Schulte lands a left jab and also connects cleanly with a right hand. Magomedov comes forward and the two fighters exchange strikes. Schulte fires off a counter jab. Magomedov throws a quick one-two but doesn't land either blow. The two fighters stand and trade strikes but neither lands anything damaging. An exchange of blows comes and goes without either fighter really landing anything significant. Magomedov steps forward, looking to strike. Schulte lands a left hand in the exchange. Magomedov can't hit a set-up left jab, but then he scores with a right cross. Schulte studies his opponent, looking pretty relaxed and confident at this point. They stand and trade blows but neither can land anything damaging. They come together and strike. Schulte doesn't connect with a left jab but hits a left roundhouse kick to the body. Magomedov finds a way past his opponent's guard and lands a sharp one-two. Shoulders hunched, Magomedov studies his opponent, looking for an opportunity. The two fighters come forward and engage. Magomedov misses with a big right hand, allowing Schulte to counter with a jab and a right roundhouse kick to the body that doesn't connect. They engage in the center. Schulte counters a right hand with a pair of jabs that are followed by a right cross that just misses. The two fighters engage. Magomedov scores with a jab but doesn't connect with a right hand. Schulte scores with a brace of jabs and also hits a right cross. Round one ends as time expires.


That was an exciting round, hopefully the fighters will continue with that pace in the next.


That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Schulte.


Round 2

There's the bell and round number two begins! The two fighters come forward and engage. Magomedov hits a left cross. Schulte scores with a massive right hook to the jaw! Magomedov is knocked down by that shot! Schulte senses victory and starts to unload with punches! Schulte starts unloading with massive rights and Magomedov is getting pasted! The referee has no option but to leap in and stop the fight! The winner, by TKO; Natan Schulte!


Official Result: Natan Schulte def. Rashid Magomedov by TKO (Strikes) in 0:23 of Round 2.


Light Heavyweight Bout: Alexander Gustafsson (18-6) vs. Muhammed Lawal (21-10-1 NC)


Round 1

We are underway! They start with a touch of gloves. The two fighters stand and trade strikes but neither lands anything damaging. The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike. Lawal misses a right hook and leaves himself open to be countered with a few quick jabs that are followed by an attempted shot to the body that gets taken on the arm. Both fighters meet in the center. A successful feint leaves Lawal vulnerable. Lawal misses a right hook and gets countered with a left jab and a spinning kick to the body. Both fighters step in to strike. Gustafsson counters a right hand with a left hook to the body. The two fighters engage. Lawal misses with a big right hand, allowing Gustafsson to counter with a sequence of quick jabs that are followed by a good right hook. Gustafsson really used his huge reach advantage well there. Both fighters move in and engage. Gustafsson lands a one-two. Lawal connects cleanly with a right hand. They come together and strike. Gustafsson has a leg kick easily checked. Lawal has a right hook blocked. They come together and strike. Gustafsson slips past a right hook and counters with a jab and a left hook to the body. We pass the halfway mark of this round. Both fighters step in to strike. Gustafsson counters a body shot with a quick left jab and a right cross. The two fighters engage. Lawal hits a left jab but misses with a right hand. Gustafsson attacks with four quick punches and lands three of them but gets a right hand blocked. The two fighters come forward and engage. Gustafsson dodges a right hand and counter-attacks with a low kick. The two fighters engage. Lawal misses with a big right hand, allowing Gustafsson to counter with a left jab and a right hand that landed cleanly. Lawal is being totally outstruck so far in this fight. However, he has enough power in his hands that it would only take one shot to end this fight. They exchange strikes but nothing really gets through. Both fighters meet in the center. Lawal doesn't connect with a left jab but lands a right hook. Gustafsson scores with a jab but has a right hand blocked. They come together and trade leather but neither fighter really does any damage. The two fighters come forward and engage. Gustafsson slips past a right hook attempt and attacks with a left jab and a kick to the leg. The time is up, and that's the end of round one.


I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Gustafsson.


Round 2

We are back underway! They come together and strike. Lawal misses a right cross that leaves him open to the counter. Gustafsson attacks with a quick left jab and a right cross. Both fighters step in to strike. Gustafsson avoids a right hand to the body and counters with a jab and a left hook to the ribs. Taking a few gulps of breath, Gustafsson is giving the first hint that he is starting to tire a touch. Lawal is starting to slow down a touch, perhaps conserving a little energy. The two fighters engage. Gustafsson misses a right hook and leaves himself open to be countered with a left jab and a hook to the body that fails to land. The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike. Gustafsson slips past a right hook attempt and attacks with a left jab and a scything kick to the legs. The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike. Gustafsson is off-target with a head kick and, now off balance, gets countered with a left cross. Looking a bit tense, Lawal moves around the cage. Both fighters meet in the center. Lawal misses a right cross that leaves him wide open to the counter. Gustafsson comes in with a jab and a right cross. Lawal acknowledges some instructions from his corner with a curt nod of the head and returns his full attention to the fight. A quick exchange of strikes does not produce any damage. Both fighters meet in the center. Gustafsson feints an attack that leaves Lawal slightly off balance. Gustafsson slips past a right hook and counters with a quick left jab and a left hand to the body. We've now passed the halfway mark in this round. Both fighters move in and engage. Lawal misses a right cross that leaves him open to the counter. Gustafsson attacks with a left jab and a nice right hook. They come together and strike. Lawal misses a right cross that leaves him wide open to the counter. Gustafsson comes in with a left jab and a quick kick to the lead leg. Lawal, who looks very tired, gets grabbed by Gustafsson. Gustafsson looks for a trip takedown. The takedown doesn't work, Lawal blocked it and then takes control of the grapple. Lawal has gotten underhooks in and is looking to take Gustafsson to the ground. Lawal can't get Gustafsson down to the ground. Lawal has worked in the underhooks and looks to take Gustafsson down. Lawal gets the takedown by using the underhooks for control and working a trip! He gets side control! Lawal throws a few right hands as he takes a moment to plan ahead. Gustafsson tries to pull guard on Lawal but doesn't get anywhere with the attempt. Lawal pounds away with punches but does minimal damage. The time runs out on round two.


I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Gustafsson.


By my scorecard, Lawal really needs a finish in this final round or he will lose the fight.


Round 3

It's the final round and we are back underway! They engage in the center. Lawal misses a right cross that leaves him wide open to the counter. Gustafsson comes in with a quick left jab and a big right hand that just misses. Both fighters move in and engage. Gustafsson counters a right hand with a left jab and a right hand that narrowly fails to connect. Lawal doesn't look like he has much left in the tank. A few deep breaths betray that Gustafsson is starting to get into the deeper reaches of his gas tank. Lawal is limping noticeably. Both fighters step in to strike. Lawal misses a big right hand, putting him off balance and allowing Gustafsson to attack with a clean right hand. They engage in the center. Gustafsson misses a jab but hits a kick to the lead leg. Lawal doesn't connect with a left jab but hits a right cross. Lawal got caught low on that last kick, he backs off in some pain. He gets a few moments to recover in a neutral corner. The fight begins again in the center of the cage. The two fighters engage. Gustafsson feints one way, throwing Lawal off balance, then steps to the other side. Lawal misses a right cross that leaves him wide open to the counter. Gustafsson comes in with a quick kick to the lead leg. Both fighters look spent, and at close range they fall into a clinch. Gustafsson attempts to wrestle Lawal to the ground. Gustafsson gets the takedown! Lawal pulls guard. Gustafsson looks to pass guard and get side control. Lawal allows the pass, but it's just a ploy to allow him to try and scramble. Lawal takes his back! He was lightning quick there, what a great move! Gustafsson is in huge trouble now, as Lawal successfully gets both hooks in. We move into the second half of this round. Lawal fires off some rights, but Gustafsson isn't troubled by them. Gustafsson struggles against Lawal and manages to free himself from the hooks. Gustafsson doesn't look like he has much left in the tank. Lawal increases his control by getting both hooks in. Lawal, with both hooks in, attempts to get a rear naked choke fully applied. Gustafsson fights off the rear naked choke attempt. Lawal keeps both hooks, despite Gustafsson trying to pull them apart. Lawal, with both hooks fully in, tries to get the rear naked choke applied. Gustafsson defends himself well against the choke. Lawal loses both hooks, but still has the back. Lawal unloads with rights, but does fairly minimal damage. Lawal looks very, very tired. Lawal pounds away with rights, a couple of heavy shots get through and rock Gustafsson. The fight comes to an end as the time limit expires.


I think Gustafsson took that round, 10-9 on my score card.


The judges have given their scores, which are about to be announced.


All three judges give a score of 30-27.


Alexander 'The Mauler' Gustafsson wins by unanimous decision!


Official Result: Alexander Gustafsson def. Muhammed Lawal by Unanimous Decision.


Middleweight Bout: Jake Shields (33-11-1-1 NC) vs. Hector Lombard (34-10-1-2 NC)


Round 1

The fight begins! We start with a touch of gloves. Lombard attacks with strikes. Shields lands two left hands in the exchange. Lombard can't hit a set-up left jab, but then he lands a right head kick. Both fighters meet in the center. Shields counters a right hand with a left cross. The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike. Shields misses a right cross that leaves him open to the counter. Lombard attacks with a brace of jabs that are followed by a body kick that misses. They engage in the center. Shields hits a left hand. Lombard scores with a jab and also hits a wicked right uppercut! He's down! Shields falls to the floor! Lombard moves in quickly, kneeling beside Shields and starting to hammer down with punches! Lombard pounds away, Shields is taking heavy shot after heavy shot! Referee Mario Yamasaki pulls Lombard away, stopping the fight! By TKO, the winner is Hector Lombard!


Official Result: Hector Lombard def. Jake Shields by TKO (Strikes) in 1:46 of Round 1.


Heavyweight Bout: Cain Velasquez (14-3) vs. Satoshi Ishii (22-10-1)


Round 1

There's the opening bell! An offer to touch gloves is completely ignored by Ishii. Ishii throws two quick punches but doesn't hit with either. They stand and trade in the center of the cage but neither fighter gives or takes any real damage. The two fighters engage with strikes but neither lands anything worthwhile. They come together and start wrestling in the over-under clinch position. Ishii manages to aggressively get a good position in the clinch. Ishii attempts to set up a judo-based throw to take Velasquez to the ground. Ishii uses a nice inside leg trip and Velasquez is forced to pull half guard! Ishii keeps Velasquez guessing with a few quick strikes. Ishii blocks Velasquez as he tries a transition to full guard. Ishii fires off a handful of punches, each easily being blocked with gloves. Velasquez transitions from half guard to full guard. Ishii throws some minor strikes. Ishii punches down at Velasquez, but they are easily taken on the gloves. Velasquez tries a sweep from the bottom of the guard, but doesn't budge Ishii. We move into the final sixty seconds of this round. Ishii lies on top of Velasquez, basically smothering him. Velasquez doesn't allow Ishii to smother him against the ground. Ishii blocks an attempted sweep. Velasquez is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Ishii off of him. Time expires and we come to the end of round one.


That round goes to Ishii, 10-9 on my card.


This is not how we saw this fight going at all, and Velasquez looks a little shell-shocked too.


Round 2

Round two begins! Up close, they start wrestling. Ishii looks like he has gotten the better of the clinch. Ishii looks to take Velasquez down by setting up a judo throw. Velasquez is taken down by a quick inside leg trip, he can do nothing but pull guard! In guard, Ishii is content just to throw a couple of punches to the body. Velasquez smothers Ishii with close control, stopping him from posturing up. Ishii pounds away, but Velasquez calmly deals with them. Velasquez gets the double underhooks in and pulls Ishii close, controlling him well. Ishii tries to break the guard of Velasquez, perhaps looking for a leglock opportunity. Ishii breaks the guard and swiftly applies a leglock...Velasquez has to tap out! Satoshi Ishii takes the victory by way of submission!


Official Result: Satoshi Ishii def. Cain Velasquez by Submission (Leglock) in 2;41 of Round 2


PFL 4: Velasquez vs. Ishii

Date: April 17, 2020

Venue: MGM Grand Garden Arena

City: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Attendance: 4,557

Gate: $ 739,373


Main Event


Heavyweight Bout: Satoshi Ishii def. Cain Velasquez by Submission (Leglock) in 2:41 of Round 1.


Co-Main Event


Middleweight Bout: Hector Lombard def. Jake Shields by TKO (Strikes) in 1:46 of Round 1.


Light Heavyweight Bout: Alexander Gustafsson def. Muhammed Lawal by Unanimous Decision.


Lightweight Bout: Natan Schulte def. Rashid Magomedov by TKO (Strikes) in 0:23 of Round 2.


Featherweight Bout: Andre Harrison def. Renan Barao by Split Decision.


Women´s Featherweight Bout: Kayla Harrison def. Daria Ibragimova by Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 3:29 of Round 1.


Preliminary Card


Featherweight Bout: Chad Mendes def. Movlid Khaybulaev by TKO (Strikes) in 2:52 of Round 1.


Lightweight Bout: Paul Kelly def. Gray Maynard by KO (Punch) in 1:23 of Round 2.


Flyweight Bout: Magomed Bibulatov def. Zhalgas Zhumagulov by Submission (Armbar) in 2:18 of Round 1.


Featherweight Bout: Bryan Caraway def. Brendan Loughnane by Unanimous Decision.


Flyweight Bout: Damacio Page def. Matheus Nicolau by TKO (Strikes) in 2:06 of Round 1.


Light Heavyweight Bout: Vinny Magalhaes def. Tom Lawlor by Submission (Kimura) in 3:56 of Round 1.


Bonus Awards


Fight of the Night: Natan Schulte vs. Rashid Magomedov


KO of the Night: Paul Kelly


Submission of the Night: Satoshi Ishii




cagerage: 5 :) / 7 :mad:


mattu29: 8 :) / 4 :mad:


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I knew maynard was bad but losing to paul Kelly is another thing LOL!


poor cain, sucks to see him lose to ishii like that


Maynard was fine in the fight, but he ended up caught ... he has no chin.


Velasquez's defeat was a shock ... I think it was one of the biggest underdogs of the first round.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Professional Fighters League - Season 2020</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Standings After 1st Round</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://i.imgur.com/b9ftGYM.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://i.imgur.com/dRob8pt.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://i.imgur.com/QDcqxk3.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://i.imgur.com/HvK0dgE.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://i.imgur.com/3j1Jgft.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://i.imgur.com/IiaQBNH.jpg></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:8px;">Jason Knight has tested positive for PED´s following PFL 1: Regular Season 2020 - Knight was disqualified.</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://i.imgur.com/uqRLvlh.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://i.imgur.com/hI2gYYn.jpg></p><p> </p><p>


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PFL is returning to Florida in May with a high-stakes Bantamweight matchup in the main event.


The promotion announced via press release on Tuesday that Michael McDonald (19-4) will be making her PFL debut against Marcos Galvao (18-11-1) at PFL Fight Night 1. The event will take place at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida, on May 15.


McDonald left the Bellator MMA following a victory over former bantamweight champion, Eduardo Dantas, in just 58 seconds, after the fight he confirmed that he would undergo another surgery and that he was ending his career. However, he accepted to return to the activity after almost two years of hiatus.


Marcos 'Loro' Galvao, comes to his third fight for the PFL where he has a 0-2 record. Galvao in his last fight was defeated by Max Coga by TKO in the third round in PFL 4: Regular Season 2018 and was eliminated from the season. Galvao is a former champion of ROC and Bellator MMA.


The event will also mark the return of the return of Jiu Jitsu legend Roger Gracie who will face Russian Maxim Grishin in a showdown for the Light Heavyweight division.






Johnny Case will be forced to sit out for one year following her suspension for a PED´s.


According to the Nevada Athletic Commission, which regulated the PFL event, two-times PFL Lightweight Case has been suspended for one year after failed drug tests following PFL 3.


Case was eliminated from the 2020 PFL season, and will be replaced by another undisclosed fighter and will be eligible to return to active competition in April 2021 or you can fight in areas where the suspension of the commission is not valid.






Tonight the PFL announced an agreement with former UFC Heavyweight champion Frank Mir (19-14).


Still without a PFL debut, 40-year-old Mir signed a 7-fight deal and could appear this season as a reserve.


Mir has an irregular moment in his career with a victory in the last 5 fights. In his most recent fight for Bellator MMA he ended up defeated by Quinton Jackson by TKO in the first round.


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<img src=https://i.imgur.com/gWXe3fj.jpg>

Professional Fighters League - Fight Night




A Bantamweight bout between Former TPF Bantamweight Champion Michael McDonald and Former ROC Featherweight and Bellator MMA Bantamweight Champion Marcos Galvao served as the main event.


The event marked the promotion's first visit to Hollywood, Florida.




Michael McDonald notable wins: Chris Cariaso, Miguel Angel Torres, Brad Pickett and Eduardo Dantas.


Marcos Galvao notable wins: Chase Beebe, Ed West, Joe Warren and LC Davis.


- This is the first time that fighters has headlined in PFL


- This card will have 7 former world champions in others organizations:


Michael McDonald - Former TPF Bantamweight Champion.

Marcos Galvao - Former ROC Featherweight and Bellator MMA Bantamweight Champion

Roger Gracie - Former ONE Championship Light Heavyweight Champion

Mateusz Gamrot - Former KSW Lightweight and Featherweight Champion

Vanessa Porto - Former Invicta FC Flyweight Champion

Zoila Frausto - Former Bellator MMA Strawweight Champion

Freddy Assuncao - Former Titan FC Lightweight Champion


- McDonald and Galvao hasn´t fight since July 2018.


- On this card only Marcos Galvão and Freddy Assuncao competed in the PFL.




McDonald vs. Galvao (5-2)


Grishim vs. Gracie (7-0)


Trujillo vs. Gamrot (0-7)


Porto vs. Frausto (7-0)


Nakai vs. Gaff (7-0)


Graves vs. Hill (2-5)


Nicholson vs. DeReese (0-7)


Assuncao vs. Bermudez (0-7)


Alvarez vs. Gaudinot (0-7)


Mueller vs. Niang (7-0)


PFL Fight Night: McDonald vs. Galvao Weigh-In Results:

McDonald-Galvao set


For the first time in Hollywood, Florida, the PFL brings a big main event tonight.


Michael McDonald vs. Marcos Galvao, both weighed 135 lbs, confirming the fight.


McDonald left the Bellator MMA following a victory over former bantamweight champion, Eduardo Dantas, in just 58 seconds, after the fight he confirmed that he would undergo another surgery and that he was ending his career. However, he accepted to return to the activity after almost two years of hiatus.


Marcos 'Loro' Galvao, comes to his third fight for the PFL where he has a 0-2 record. Galvao in his last fight was defeated by Max Coga by TKO in the third round in PFL 4: Regular Season 2018 and was eliminated from the season. Galvao is a former champion of ROC and Bellator MMA.


The event will also mark the return of the return of Jiu Jitsu legend Roger Gracie who will face Russian Maxim Grishin in a showdown for the Light Heavyweight division.


PFL Fight Night: McDonald vs. Galvao

Date: May 15, 2020

Venue: Seminole Hard Rock Hotel

City: Hollywood, Florida, USA


Main Event


Bantamweight Bout: Michael McDonald (135 lbs) vs. Galvao (135 lbs)


Co-Main Event


Light Heavyweight Bout: Maxim Grishim (205 lbs) vs. Roger Gracie (205 lbs)


Lightweight Bout: Abel Trujillo (155 lbs)vs. Mateusz Gamrot (155 lbs)


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Vanessa Porto (125 lbs) vs. Zoila Frausto (125 lbs)


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Rin Nakai (125 lbs) vs. Sheila Gaff (125 lbs)


Preliminary Card


Welterweight Bout: Michael Graves (170 lbs) vs. Michael Hill (170 lbs)


Heavyweight Bout: Alex Nicholson (231 lbs) vs. Muhammed DeReese (207 lbs)


Featherweight Bout: Freddy Assuncao (145 lbs) vs. Manny Bermudez (145 lbs)


Flyweight Bout: Jamie Alvarez (125 lbs) vs. Louis Gaudinot (125 lbs)


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Lauren Mueller (125 lbs) vs. Li Niang (125 lbs)


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PFL Fight Night: McDonald vs. Galvao

Date: May 15, 2020

Venue: Seminole Hard Rock Hotel

City: Hollywood, Florida, USA


Main Event


Bantamweight Bout: Michael McDonald (135 lbs) vs. Galvao (135 lbs)


Co-Main Event


Light Heavyweight Bout: Maxim Grishim (205 lbs) vs. Roger Gracie (205 lbs)


Lightweight Bout: Abel Trujillo (155 lbs)vs. Mateusz Gamrot (155 lbs)


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Vanessa Porto (125 lbs) vs. Zoila Frausto (125 lbs)


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Rin Nakai (125 lbs) vs. Sheila Gaff (125 lbs)


Preliminary Card


Welterweight Bout: Michael Graves (170 lbs) vs. Michael Hill (170 lbs)


Heavyweight Bout: Alex Nicholson (231 lbs) vs. Muhammed DeReese (207 lbs)


Featherweight Bout: Freddy Assuncao (145 lbs) vs. Manny Bermudez (145 lbs)


Flyweight Bout: Jamie Alvarez (125 lbs) vs. Louis Gaudinot (125 lbs)


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Lauren Mueller (125 lbs) vs. Li Niang (125 lbs)

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PFL Fight Night: McDonald vs. Galvao - PLAY BY PLAY RESUME & RESULTS







For the first time in Hollywood, PFL brought a battle of bantamweight talents between Michael McDonald and Marcos 'Loro' Galvão.


In a fight that started very evenly, Galvão began to show greater dominance over time and managing to dominate the fight with a takedown and dominating the fight on the ground.


In the second round, Galvão showed himself with much more confidence than McDonald, and got a takedown, right at the beginning and with a job of great talent finished the fight at 2:28 getting his first victory by the PFL.


After the fight, he thanked the fans for their support and offered to participate in the GP Featherweight if they needed replacements.


Gracie returns with submission win


The co-main event brought the return of Jiu Jitsu legend Roger Gracie.


Although an equal start, gradually Maxim Grashin began to drop more blows but without much effectiveness as Gracie tried to find the best time to get take the fight to the ground, his specialty, and after a Russian attack found the time right and got the takedown the opponent and dominate the fight until the end of the first round.


In the second round both fighters started exchanging blows, and Grishim was already tired. Taking advantage of this moment Roger Gracie started to grow in combat, and tried to put the exhausted Grishim down, however, the Russian grabbed the cage avoiding the fall and receiving a verbal warning from referee Herb Dean. Already in the last minute of the round Gracie got a takedown and with the Russian already showing signs of being very tired, Gracie managed to apply a guillotine choke causing Grishin to give up.


In the other main card fights, with the support of the local fans, Abel Trujillo beat the former KSW two-division champion, Mateusz Gamrot by unanimous decision after dominating the three rounds. The victory of Trujillo was considered a big underdog against previously unbeaten Polish.


And in the two women's Flyweigth fights, the former champions of Bellator MMA and Invicta FC respectively, Zoila Frausto and Vanessa Porto, debuted for the PFL, in a battle of almost 3 rounds, Frausto won by TKO.


In the other fight, the Japanese Rin Nakai completely dominated the German Sheila Gaff and won by unanimous decision after 3 rounds.


In the preliminaries, the Florida local, Michael Graves won by unanimous decision Michael Hill.


In the Heavyweights division, Muhammed DeReese won again, and submitted Alex Nicholson in the second round with a Kimura.


Manny Bermudez overcame the Brazilian Freddy Assuncao with a rear naked choke in the second round.


Louis Gaudinot debuted with a huge knockout against Jamie Alvarez receiving the knockout bonus of the night.


While at the beginning of the night Na Liang dominated the fight against Lauren Mueller, winning by unanimous decision.


PFL Fight Night: McDonald vs. Galvao

Date: May 15, 2020

Venue: Seminole Hard Rock Hotel

City: Hollywood, Florida, USA

Attendance: 2,012

Gate: $ 338,016


Main Event


Bantamweight Bout: Marcos Galvao def. Michael McDonald by Submission (Leglock) in 2:28 of Round 2.


Co-Main Event


Light Heavyweight Bout: Roger Gracie def. Maxim Grishim by Submission (Guillotine Choke) in 4:50 of Round 2.


Lightweight Bout: Abel Trujillo def. Mateusz Gamrot by Unanimous Decision.


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Zoila Frausto def. Vanessa Porto by TKO (Strikes) in 1:12 of Round 3.


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Rin Nakai def. Sheila Gaff by Submission (Kimura) in 2:39 of Round 1.


Preliminary Card


Welterweight Bout: Michael Graves def. Michael Hill by Unanimous Decision.


Heavyweight Bout: Muhammed DeReese def. Alex Nicholson by Submission (Kimura) in 4:35 of Round 2.


Featherweight Bout: Manny Bermudez def. Freddy Assuncao by Submission (Rear Naked Choke) in 3:24 of Round 2.


Flyweight Bout: Louis Gaudinot def. Jamie Alvarez by KO (Punch) in 1:00 of Round 1.


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Li Niang def. Lauren Mueller by Unanimous Decision.


Bonus Awards


Fight of the Night: Roger Gracie vs. Maxim Grishin


KO of the Night: Louis Gaudinot


Submission of the Night: Marcos Galvao




cagerage: 3 :) / 7 :mad:

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On Thursday night, Conor McGregor announced that he was leaving the UFC, looking for a better deal. However, he soon found a new home to fight, the PFL.


PFL CEO Peter Murray made the big announcement that shocked MMA fans. "It is with great happiness that we announce that we have closed a 10-fight deal with Conor McGregor and soon we will have more news about his debut for PFL fans." Murray said at the press conference.


Conor McGregor is one of the greatest MMA stars of all time and was champion at the Cage Warriors and the first champion at the UFC to win both featherweight and lightweight titles.


Murray said that Conor will compete next season but is expected to fight on the last card of the year.






Two heavy hitters will be in action when PFL heads to Atlantic City, New Jersey on May. 29.


The Las Vegas-based promotion recently announced that the PFL Fight Night 2 is headlined by a heavyweight fight between PFL Heavyweight Season 2019 winner Ali Isaev will face UFC veteran Shawn Jordan, at welterweight John Howard lock horns with Glaico France at welterweight.


Isaev saw a undefeated record increase to 9-0 at PFL 10: Championship 2019 on December 31, when he wins Jared Roshold by TKO in 4th round. The 36-year-old russian will make his sixth fight for the PFL.


Jordan returns to the PFL cage after a break of almost two years. In his last fight he was defeated by Josh Copeland by unanimous decision in July 2018.


Howard despite being eliminated in the playoff for David Michaud in his last fight, had one of the memorable moments last season when he knocked out future champion Ray Cooper III.


Franca also ended up eliminated by Michaud in his last fight for the PFL, the former Pancrase champion has a positive record in the PFL 3-1.


PFL Fight Night: Isaev vs. Jordan

Date: May 29, 2020

Venue: Revel Casino Hotel

City: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA


Main Event


Heavyweight Bout: Ali Isaev (9-0) vs. Shawn Jordan (19-9)


Co-Main Event


Welterweight Bout: John Howard (28-16-1) vs. Glaico Franca (22-6)


Bantamweight Bout: Demarte Pena (11-0-2 NC)vs. Steve Garcia (11-3)


Welterweight Bout: David Michaud (18-6) vs. Sergio Moraes (14-6-1)


Welterweight Bout: Jesse Taylor (31-16) vs. Bojan Velickovic (16-10-2)


Preliminary Card


Lightweight Bout: Islam Mamedov (18-1-1) vs. Nate Andrews (16-3)


Heavyweight Bout: Mike Kyle (23-18-1-2 NC) vs. Valdrin Istrefi (13-4)


Women´s Strawweight Bout: Viviane Pereira (13-3) vs. Sofia Bagherdai (5-2)


Light Heavyweight Bout: Daniel Spohn (18-7) vs. Mikhail Mokhnatkin (11-4-2)


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Miranda Maverick (6-2) vs. DeAnna Bennett (10-6-1)


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PFL Fight Night: Isaev vs. Jordan

Date: May 29, 2020

Venue: Revel Casino Hotel

City: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA


Main Event


Heavyweight Bout: Ali Isaev (9-0) vs. Shawn Jordan (19-9)


Co-Main Event


Welterweight Bout: John Howard (28-16-1) vs. Glaico Franca (22-6)


Bantamweight Bout: Demarte Pena (11-0-2 NC)vs. Steve Garcia (11-3)


Welterweight Bout: David Michaud (18-6) vs. Sergio Moraes (14-6-1)


Welterweight Bout: Jesse Taylor (31-16) vs. Bojan Velickovic (16-10-2)


Preliminary Card


Lightweight Bout: Islam Mamedov (18-1-1) vs. Nate Andrews (16-3)


Heavyweight Bout: Mike Kyle (23-18-1-2 NC) vs. Valdrin Istrefi (13-4)


Women´s Strawweight Bout: Viviane Pereira (13-3) vs. Sofia Bagherdai (5-2)


Light Heavyweight Bout: Daniel Spohn (18-7) vs. Mikhail Mokhnatkin (11-4-2)


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Miranda Maverick (6-2) vs. DeAnna Bennett (10-6-1)

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Main Event


Heavyweight Bout: Ali Isaev (9-0) vs. Shawn Jordan (19-9)


Co-Main Event


Welterweight Bout: John Howard (28-16-1) vs. Glaico Franca (22-6)


Bantamweight Bout: Demarte Pena (11-0-2 NC)vs. Steve Garcia (11-3)


Welterweight Bout: David Michaud (18-6) vs. Sergio Moraes (14-6-1)


Welterweight Bout: Jesse Taylor (31-16) vs. Bojan Velickovic (16-10-2)


Preliminary Card


Lightweight Bout: Islam Mamedov (18-1-1) vs. Nate Andrews (16-3)


Heavyweight Bout: Mike Kyle (23-18-1-2 NC) vs. Valdrin Istrefi (13-4)


Women´s Strawweight Bout: Viviane Pereira (13-3) vs. Sofia Bagherdai (5-2)


Light Heavyweight Bout: Daniel Spohn (18-7) vs. Mikhail Mokhnatkin (11-4-2)


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Miranda Maverick (6-2) vs. DeAnna Bennett (10-6-1)

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<img src=https://i.imgur.com/gWXe3fj.jpg>

Professional Fighters League - Fight Night




A Heavyweight bout between PFL Season 2019 Champion Ali Isaev and Shawn Jordan served as the main event.




Ali Isaev notable wins: Denis Goltsov and Jared Rosholt.


Shawn Jordan notable wins: Lavar Johnson, Oli Thompson, Pat Barry, Jared Cannonier, Derrick Lewis.


- This card will have a 1 PFL's Season Winners


Ali Isaev – PFL Heavyweight Season 2019


- This card will have 5 former world champions in others organizations:


John Howard - Former ROC and CES MMA Welterweight Champion.

Demarte Pena - Former EFC Africa Bantamweight Champion

Jesse Taylor - Former CWFC Middleweight Champion

Mike Kyle - Former KOTC Light Heavyweight Champion

Miranda Maverick - Former Invicta FC Flyweight Champion


- Ali Isaev is a main eventing a PFL show for the second time.


- Shawn Jordan hasn´t fight since July 2018.




Isaev vs. Jordan (0-7)


Howard vs. Franco (7-0)


Pena vs. Garcia (5-2)


Michaud vs. Moraes (0-7)


Taylor vs. Velickovic (5-2)


Mamedov vs. Andrews (7-0)


Kyle vs. Istrefi (7-0)


Pereira vs. Bagherdai (6-1)


Spohn vs. Mokhnatikin (7-0)


Maverick vs. Bennett (5-2)


PFL Fight Night 2 Weigh-In Results:

Heavyweight main event set, Andrews misses weight


The PFL returns to Atlatic City, New Jersey for the first time in this year.


PFL Fight Night 2 is a headlined by a heavyweight clash between PFL season 2019 champion Ali Isaev against Shawn Jordan. Isaev (9-0) has been perfect in his MMA career. The Sambo70 representative claimed the PFL season 2019 championship against Jared Rosholt in the finals. Isaev will look to make his first main event against his Jordan, and looked great on the scales as he came in at limit the division 265 pounds.


Jordan has a 19-9 record and a PFL fight with a 0-1 record. The Jackson Wink MMA representative won names like Lavar Johnson, Jarred Cannonier and Derrick Lewis. In his last fight he was defeated by Josh Copeland by unanimous decision in PFL 4: Regular Season 2018.


PFL Fight Night: Isaev vs. Jordan

Date: May 29, 2020

Venue: Revel Casino Hotel

City: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA


Main Event


Heavyweight Bout: Ali Isaev (265 lbs) vs. Shawn Jordan (265 lbs)


Co-Main Event


Welterweight Bout: John Howard (170 lbs) vs. Glaico Franca (170 lbs)


Bantamweight Bout: Demarte Pena (135 lbs)vs. Steve Garcia (135 lbs)


Welterweight Bout: David Michaud (170 lbs) vs. Sergio Moraes (170 lbs)


Welterweight Bout: Jesse Taylor (170 lbs) vs. Bojan Velickovic (170 lbs)


Preliminary Card


Lightweight Bout: Islam Mamedov (155 lbs) vs. Nate Andrews (159 lbs)*


Heavyweight Bout: Mike Kyle (232 lbs) vs. Valdrin Istrefi (265 lbs)


Women´s Strawweight Bout: Viviane Pereira (115 lbs) vs. Sofia Bagherdai (115 lbs)


Light Heavyweight Bout: Daniel Spohn (205 lbs) vs. Mikhail Mokhnatkin (205 lbs)


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Miranda Maverick (125 lbs) vs. DeAnna Bennett (125 lbs)


*Andrews missed weight by 4 pounds and will forfeit 20 percent of her purse.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">PFL Fight Night: Isaev vs. Jordan - PLAY BY PLAY RESUME & RESULTS</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>PLAY BY PLAY</strong></p><p>

<a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X9mVVov29v5ZhH1A3o_5LyVmi3olVKNNBgxiM3SHd6M/edit" rel="external nofollow">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X9mVVov29v5ZhH1A3o_5LyVmi3olVKNNBgxiM3SHd6M/edit</a></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">ALI ISAEV EDGES SHAWN JORDAN IN PFL FIGHT NIGHT 2 MAIN EVENT</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Held tonight in New Jersey, the PFL brought the return of 2019 Heavyweights season champion Ali Isaev against seasoned Shawn Jordan in the evening's main event.</p><p> </p><p>

In a fight that started very evenly Jordan started a little better dominating the actions of the blows but it seemed at a moment of the fight to feel some injury in a punch, towards the end of the round Isaev managed a takedown but not having time for a more offensive action in floor.</p><p> </p><p>

In the second round, Jordan was very worn out physically, and Isaev started putting pressure trying to dominate Jordan mainly in the cage, and managing to drop him in the middle of the round, but after a moment of inactivity, the referee Yves Lavigne, returned to the fight standing with already both fighters very tired and after some exchange of blows the round was finished, with Isaev appearing to be in better condition for the last round.</p><p> </p><p>

In the last round Jordan tried to dominate Isaev against the cage, but his strategy went wrong and Isaev changed putting Jordan against the cage and getting the takedown and guard passes making a big dominance in the solo fight and punishing Jordan with blows on the end of the round and after the three rounds Isaev came out as the winner by unanimous decision.</p><p> </p><p>

In the co-main event John Howard achieved a quick victory over the winner of TUF Brazil season 4, Glaico Franca. Howard started the fight by quickly pressing and putting France down, and with a kimura he ended the fight in just 1:19.</p><p> </p><p>

In the other fights on the main card, Steve Garcia overcame the ex-undefeated Demarte Pena by unanimous decision. Jiu Jitsu star and former UFC veteran Sergio Moraes had a successful debut by submitting David Michaud with north south choke, the first in PFL history, and managed to get beyond the submission bonus with the fight of the night. And at the opening of the main card the winner of TUF Redemption, Jesse Taylor debuted with defeat in the PFL when he was overcome with a submission by Bojan Velickovic in the second round.</p><p> </p><p>

In the preliminary highlights for the Russian Islam Mamedov who reaches the incredible record of 19-1-1 with the victory over Nate Andrews via submission and for the debut of the former Invicta FC champion Miranda Maverick who won the knockout of the night with victory over DeAnna Bennett still in the first round. Still in the preliminaries, Valdrin Istrefi beat veteran Mike Kyle by TKO, Sofia Baghedari beat Brazilian Viviane Pereira by unanimous decision and Mikhail Mokhnatkin beat Daniel Spohn by split decision.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>PFL Fight Night: Isaev vs. Jordan</strong></p><p><strong>

Date: May 29, 2020 </strong></p><p><strong>

Venue: Revel Casino Hotel</strong></p><p><strong>

City: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA</strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance: 2,203</strong></p><p><strong>

Gate: $ 370,104</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Main Event</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Heavyweight Bout: Ali Isaev def. Shawn Jordan by Unanimous Decision.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Co-Main Event</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Welterweight Bout: John Howard def. Glaico France by Submission (Kimura) in 1:19 of Round 1.</p><p> </p><p>

Bantamweight Bout: Steve Garcia def. Demarte Pena by Unanimous Decision.</p><p> </p><p>

Welterweight Bout: Sergio Moraes def. David Michaud by Submission (North South Choke) in 2:56 of Round 1. </p><p> </p><p>

Welterweight Bout: Bojan Velickovic def. Jesse Taylor by Submission (Armbar) in 4:38 of Round 2.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Preliminary Card</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Lightweight Bout: Islam Mamedov def. Nate Andrews by Submission (Americana) in 2:32 of Round 1.</p><p> </p><p>

Heavyweight Bout: Valdrin Istrefi def. Mike Kyle by TKO (Strikes) in 1:29 of Round 1.</p><p> </p><p>

Women´s Strawweight Bout: Sophia Bagherdai def. Viviane Pereira by Unanimous Decision.</p><p> </p><p>

Light Heavyweight Bout: Mikhail Mokhnatkin def. Daniel Spohn by Split Decision.</p><p> </p><p>

Women´s Flyweight Bout: Miranda Maverick def. DeAnna Bennett by KO (Punch) in 1:16 of Round 1.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bonus Awards</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fight of the Night:</strong> Sergio Moraes vs. David Michaud</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>KO of the Night:</strong> Miranda Maverick</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Submission of the Night:</strong> Sergio Moraes</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Predictions</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

cagerage: 6 </strong><img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong> / 4 </strong><img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

mattu29: 7 </strong><img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong> / 3 </strong><img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Majster_93: 7 </strong><img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong> / 3 </strong><img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>


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A style battle between a Jiu Jitsu star against a Wrestling star will be the main event of PFL Fight Night 3.


Roger Gracie returns in just under a month after debuting with victory over Maxin Grishin and faces MMA debutant and former world wrestling champion D'marreio Adendorff.


The 38-year-old Gracie a 1-0 record in the PFL, and debuting in the PFL last month, he won Maxim Grishin by submission in the second round by guillotine choke.


Adendorff, 28-year-old Camerronian comes for his professional debut in MMA, after a long successful career in wrestling, where he is considered the best on the African continent in the sport.


The Las Vegas-based promotion recently announced that Roger Gracie will lock horns with D'marreio Adendorff at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Connecticut, USA, on June 19. Another bouts were confirmed for the card as well: Michihiro Omigawa vs. Luis Rafael Laurentino at Featherweight in co-main event; Nordine Taleb vs. Melvin Guillard at Welterweight; James Te Huna vs. Kendall Grove at Middleweight and Jonathan Brookins vs. Manny Gamburyan at Bantamweight.


The PFL Fight Night show is likely to stream facebook and will be the PFL’s first trip to Connecticut.


PFL Fight Night: Gracie vs. Adendorff

Date: June 19, 2020

Venue: Foxwoods Resort Casino

City: Mashantucket, Connecticut, USA


Main Event


Light Heavyweight Bout: Roger Gracie (9-2) vs. D'marreio Adendorff (0-0)


Co-Main Event


Featherweight Bout: Michihiro Omigawa (20-14-1) vs. Luis Rafael Laurentino (34-3)


Weltermweight Bout: Nordine Taleb (15-7) vs. Melvin Guillard (33-22-2-2 NC)


Middleweight Bout: James Te Huna (16-8) vs. Kendall Grove (23-18-1 NC)


Bantamweight Bout: Jonathan Brookins (16-10) vs. Manny Gamburyan (15-10-1 NC)


Preliminary Card


Lightweight Bout: Ronys Torres (37-6) vs. Akhmed Aliev (19-6)


Heavyweight Bout: Ante Delija (17-3) vs. Kelvin Tiller (11-5)


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Silvana Gomez Juarez (6-2) vs. Karina Rodriguez (8-4)


Flyweight Bout: Hector Sandoval (15-4) vs. Aleksander Doskalchuk (10-2)


Women´s Featherweight Bout: Gabriella Hollaway (6-5) vs. Reina Miura (12-3)






John Howard has accepted a one-year suspension for a failed drug test in relation to PFL Fight Night: Isaev vs. Jordan, PFL announced Monday.


Howard, who defeated Glaico France via first-round submission at the May. 29 event, tested positive for recreational drugs.


Howard’s suspension is retroactive to May. 29, so he will be eligible to compete again in May 2021. His victory will likely be overturned to a no contest as a result of the anti-doping violation, although that ruling will ultimately be up to the New Jersey Atlhetic Comission, which regulated the event in New Jersey.


A native of Boston, Massachussetts, Howard as it currently a 28-16-1-1 NC professional mark and 3-3-1-1 NC in PFL.


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Professional Fighters League - Fight Night




A Light Heavyweight bout between Former ONE Championship Light Heavyweight Champion Roger Gracie and D'marreio Adendorff served as the main event.


Gabrielle Hollaway was expected to face Tamikka Brents. However, Brents was forced to pull out due to a groin injury and was replaced by Reina Miura.


The event marked the promotion's first visit to Mashantucket, Connecticut.




Roger Gracie notable wins: Kevin Randleman, Keith Jardine and Anthony Smith.


- This is the first time that fighters has headlined in PFL


- This card will have 6 former world champions in others organizations:


Roger Gracie - Former ONE Championship Light Heavyweight Champion.

Michihiro Omigawa - Former DEEP Featherweight Champion

Nordine Taleb - Former ROC Welterweight Champion

James Te Huna - Former CFC Light Heavyweight Champion

Akhmed Aliev - Former FNG Lightweight Champion

Aleksander Doskhalchuk - Former M-1 Global Flyweight Champion


- This card will have a two TUF Winners


Kendall Grove - Season Three Middleweight Winner

Jonathan Brookins - Season Twelve Lightweight Winner




Gracie vs. Adendorff (7-0)


Omigawa vs. Laurentino (7-0)


Taleb vs. Guillard (3-4)


Te Huna vs. Grove (4-3)


Brooks vs. Gamburyan (6-1)


Torres vs. Aliev (7-0)


Delija vs. Tiller (6-1)


Juarez vs. Rodriguez (4-3)


Sandoval vs. Doskhalchuk (2-5)


Hollaway vs. Miura (5-2)


PFL Fight Night: Gracie vs. Adendorff Weigh-In Results:

All fighters on weight


For the first time in Mashantucket, Connec., the PFL will have an awaited debut by one of the biggest stars of wrestling against one of the greatest legends in the history of modern jiu jitsu.


Gracie and Adendorff, both weighed 205 lbs, confirming the fight.


Roger Gracie is a world Jiu Jitsu and former ONE Championship Light Heavyweight champion and following a victory over Maxim Grishin at PFL Fight Night 2.


D'marreio Adendorff will make his long-awaited debut for the PFL, after competing successfully for years in wrestling where he was also a world champion and to this day is considered the greatest fighter on the African continent.


PFL Fight Night: Gracie vs. Adendorff

Date: June 19, 2020

Venue: Foxwoods Resort Casino

City: Mashantucket, Connecticut, USA


Main Event


Light Heavyweight Bout: Roger Gracie (205 lbs) vs. D'marreio Adendorff (205 lbs)


Co-Main Event


Featherweight Bout: Michihiro Omigawa (145 lbs) vs. Luis Rafael Laurentino (145 lbs)


Weltermweight Bout: Nordine Taleb (170 lbs) vs. Melvin Guillard (170 lbs)


Middleweight Bout: James Te Huna (185 lbs) vs. Kendall Grove (185 lbs)


Bantamweight Bout: Jonathan Brookins (135 lbs) vs. Manny Gamburyan (135 lbs)


Preliminary Card


Lightweight Bout: Ronys Torres (155 lbs) vs. Akhmed Aliev (155 lbs)


Heavyweight Bout: Ante Delija (240 lbs) vs. Kelvin Tiller (265 lbs)


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Silvana Gomez Juarez (125 lbs) vs. Karina Rodriguez (125 lbs)


Flyweight Bout: Hector Sandoval (125 lbs) vs. Aleksander Doskalchuk (125 lbs)


Women´s Featherweight Bout: Gabriella Hollaway (145 lbs) vs. Reina Miura (145 lbs)


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PFL Fight Night: Gracie vs. Adendorff - PLAY BY PLAY RESUME & RESULTS







Another new talent may be emerging in the PFL.


Held tonight at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Connecticut, PFL Fight Night 3 had D'marreio Adendorff's debut against experienced Jiu Jitsu legend Roger Gracie in the main event, a fight full of expectations about the strategy that the Cameroonian would use against Gracie's ground dangerous.


In the first minute of the fight, Adendorff showed that he was not caring too much about Gracie's ground game, when he slammed the Brazilian already falling in half guard, and after some time beating, but without much aggression, the central referee Chris Leben he ended up asking for the fight to restart on his feet, when again Adendorff after controlling the clinch applied another takedown on Gracie and controlling the fight until the end of the round.


In the second round Gracie started by putting hard blows on Adendorff and managing to open a cut close to the eye, but he was unable to take another takedown, Adendorff was dominant with blows and did not let Gracie achieve a transition to guard and near the end of the round, by lack of action the fighters again had to return to the fight standing up with little time for action.


In the third round the fight continued as before, with only 10 seconds of the round, Gracie was unable to take another takedown from Adendorff and continued being controlled until the last minute of the round. With the fighters on their feet again, Adendorff managed to take Gracie to the ground with another takedown, appearing to be exhausted, and ended the fight without much damage to the Brazilian.


In the end, despite a fight that did not please fans, Adendorff won by unanimous decision and showed that he could be a great future name for the division.


In the evening's co-main event, defending DEEP Featherweight champion Michihiro Omigawa had a great debut against 2019 season contender Luis Rafael Laurentino. After a start of exchanging blows, the Japanese managed to connect a good sequence that shook the Brazilian, and submitted him with a Kimura in the first round.


In other veteran UFC duels, James Te Huna won again, after getting a KO against Kendall Grove. Nordine Taleb defeated Melvin Guillard by unanimous decision and also in a unanimous decision Jonathan Brookins overcame Manny Gamburyan.


In the preliminary card Former M-1 Global Flyweight champion Aleksander Doskalchuk who got a huge knockout over Hector Sandoval and earned the "knockout of the night" bonus on his debut. In a fight between two participants of the 2019 season Ronys Torres submitted Akmed Aliev with a kneebar still in the first round, among other fights Kelvin Tiller defeated Ante Delija by TKO, Reina Miura defeated Gabrielle Hollaway by submission and Silvana Gomez Juarez defeated Karina Rodriguez by unanimous decision .


PFL Fight Night: Gracie vs. Adendorff

Date: June 19, 2020

Venue: Foxwoods Resort Casino

City: Mashantucket, Connecticut, USA

Attendance: 2,075

Gate: $ 311,250


Main Event


Light Heavyweight Bout: D’marreio Adendorff def. Roger Gracie by Unanimous Decision.


Co-Main Event


Featherweight Bout: Michihiro Omigawa def. Luis Rafael Laurentino by Submission (Kimura) in 4:01 of Round 1.


Welterweight Bout: Nordine Taleb def. Melvin Guillard by Unanimous Decision.


Middleweight Bout: James Te Huna def. Kendal Grova by KO (Punch) in 0:17 of Round 2.


Bantamweight Bout: Jonathan Brookins def. Manny Gamburyan by Unanimous Decision.


Preliminary Card


Lightweight Bout: Ronys Torres def. Akhmed Aliev by Submission (Kneebar) in 4:24 of Round 1.


Heavyweight Bout: Kevin Tiller def. Ante Delija by TKO (Strikes) in 3:46 of Round 1.


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Silvana Gomez Juarez def. Karina Rodriguez by Unanimous Decision.


Flyweight Bout: Aleksander Doskalchuck def. Hector Sandoval by KO (Punch) in 0:57 of Round 2.


Women´s Featherweight Bout: Reina Miura def.Gabrielle Hollaway by Submission (Kimura) in 4:34 of Round 3.


Bonus Awards


Fight of the Night: Michihiro Omigawa vs. Luis Rafael Laurentino


KO of the Night: James Te Huna


Submission of the Night: Michihiro Omigawa


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The PFL has now made the main event for PFL Fight Night 3 in July official.


According to Blurcat.com on Tuesday, PFL President Ray Sefo announced that Zoila Frausto (15-6) and Rin Nakai (23-2-1) will come to blows at PFL Fight Night 4. In last week, Frausto posted on his Instagram that he agreed to a Flyweight matchup against Nakai to headline the card, and it took three weeks for the agreement to materialize. The Flyweight main event will go down at the State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, Texas on July 5.


Both fighters come from victories on the same card, Frausto overcame Vanessa Porto by TKO and Nakai submitted Sheila Gaff


This marquee matchup helms a card that also features a Flyweight tussle between Ray Borg and Eric Shelton, as well as a light heavyweight tilt between Rakin Cleveland and Karlos Vemola.


The PFL Fight Night show is likely to stream facebook.


PFL Fight Night: Frausto vs. Nakai

Date: July 5, 2020

Venue: State Farm Arena

City: Hidalgo, Texas, USA


Main Event


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Zoila Frausto (15-6) vs. Rin Nakai (23-2-1)


Co-Main Event


Flyweight Bout: Ray Borg (13-4) vs. Eric Shelton (12-7)


Light Heavyweight Bout: Rakin Cleveland (20-12-1-1 NC) vs. Karlos Vemola (27-6)


Bantamweight Bout: Marco Beltan (8-6) vs. Scott Jorgensen (15-12)


Women´s Strawweight Bout: Jihn Yu Frey (7-4) vs. Cristina Stanciu (5-3)


Preliminary Card


Women´s Strawweight Bout: Maryna Moroz (10-3) vs. Danielle Taylor (10-5)


Flyweight Bout: Richie Vaculik (10-4) vs. Terrence Mitchell (11-2)


Women´s Atomweight Bout: Kanna Asukara (15-4) vs. Herica Tiburcio (11-4)


Welterweight Bout: Zane Kamaka (13-4) vs. Sadibou Sy (8-5-2)


Women´s Lightweight Bout: Genah Fabian (2-1) vs. Moriel Charneski (3-7)






One more world champion has made it to the PFL.


On Thursday morning, head of PFL CEO Peter Murray announced at PFL Fight Night 4 media day that the promotion has signed former 3-times ONE Championship Lightweight champion Shinya Aoki (46-9-1 NC). Aoki later posted of this news on his Instagram page. The former champ fought last bouts of career bouts under the ONE banner. “Tobikan Judan" re-earned his title shot after submitting Christian Lee at ONE: Stay Hungry.


At the moment, the organization has yet to announce Aoki’s date and opponent for his promotional debut.






The PFL is beefing up its flyweight roster lately.


A day after the signing of former One Championship champion Shinya Aoki, the PFL is welcoming former UFC titleholder Joseph Benavidez. The fighter announced his recent signing on his social media on Thursday.


Benavidez (30-5) joins the Las Vegas-based promotion riding a five-bout winning streak. The 35-year old fighter won the UFC Flyweight belt after overcoming Alexandre Pantoja via TKO in the thirth round of their UFC Fight Night: Nunes vs. Spencer encounter. In his latest appearance, he retain your title against mexican challenger Brandon Moreno by Unanimous Decision. After this bout he signs to PFL.


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Professional Fighters League - Fight Night




A Flyweight bout between Former Bellator MMA Strawweight Champion Zoila Frausto and Rin Nakai served as the main event.


Jessica Aguillar was expected to face Danielle Taylor. However, Aguillar was forced to pull out due to a back injury and was replaced by Maryna Moroz.


The event marked the promotion's first visit to Hidalgo, Texas.




Zoila Frausto notable wins: Jessica Penne, Jessica Aguillar, Megumi Fujii and Vanessa Porto.


Rin Nakai notable wins: Kanako Murata and Sheila Gaff


- This is the first time that fighters has headlined in PFL


- This card will have 3 formers world champions in others organizations:


Zoila Frausto - Former Bellator MMA Strawweight Champion.

Karlos Vemola - Former UCMMA Middleweight Champion

Herica Tiburcio - Former Invicta FC Atomweight Champion


- This card will have a current world champion in other organizations:


Jihn Yu Frey - Current Invicta FC Atomweight Champion




Frausto vs. Nakai (1-6)


Borg vs. Shelton (7-0)


Cleveland vs. Vemola (3-4)


Beltan vs. Jorgensen (0-7)


Frey vs. Stanciu (7-0)


Moroz vs. Taylor (7-0)


Vaculik vs. Mitchell (7-0)


Asukara vs. Tiburcio (3-4)


Kamaka vs. Sy (4-3)


Fabian vs. Charneski (0-7)


PFL Fight Night: Frausto vs. Nakai Weigh-In Results: Frausto,Nakai set


This Thursday, UFC Fight Night weigh-in: Frausto vs. Nakai.


All fighters on the card reached the weight and all fights were confirmed.


The event brings as a main event the fight between ex-Bellator MMA Flyweight champion Zoila Frausto against experienced Rin Nakai.


The event also features three local fighters on the card, Texans Rakin Clevaland, Jihn Yu Frey and Moriel Charneski who face Karlos Vemola, Cristina Stanciu and Genah Fabian respectively.


PFL Fight Night: Frausto vs. Nakai

Date: July 5, 2020

Venue: State Farm Arena

City: Hidalgo, Texas, USA


Main Event


Women´s Flyweight Bout: Zoila Frausto (125 lbs) vs. Rin Nakai (125 lbs)


Co-Main Event


Flyweight Bout: Ray Borg (125 lbs) vs. Eric Shelton (125 lbs)


Light Heavyweight Bout: Rakin Cleveland (205 lbs) vs. Karlos Vemola (205 lbs)


Bantamweight Bout: Marco Beltan (135 lbs) vs. Scott Jorgensen (135 lbs)


Women´s Strawweight Bout: Jihn Yu Frey (115 lbs) vs. Cristina Stanciu (115 lbs)


Preliminary Card


Women´s Strawweight Bout: Maryna Moroz (115 lbs) vs. Danielle Taylor (115 lbs)


Flyweight Bout: Richie Vaculik (125 lbs) vs. Terrence Mitchell (125 lbs)


Women´s Atomweight Bout: Kanna Asukara (105 lbs) vs. Herica Tiburcio (105 lbs)


Welterweight Bout: Zane Kamaka (170 lbs) vs. Sadibou Sy (170 lbs)


Women´s Lightweight Bout: Genah Fabian (155 lbs) vs. Moriel Charneski (155 lbs)


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