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Battle at the Crossroads


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Saturday Week 3, September 2021

Live from the Fountain Square Theatre [indianapolis, Indiana, Great Lakes, USA]

80 people in attendance (a decrease of 3 fans from last show)

Commentators: Marv Earnest & Mark Hyatt




Earnest, “Hello and welcome to another exciting night of Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis action back here at the Fountain Square Theatre. What a night we have for you. There will be five championship matches tonight -- including the World Six-Man Championship. Momentum is riding high here and we thank you for joining us. If you're in the Indianapolis area, make sure you see us live! I have to introduce my broadcast partner before his mother sues me. I'm joined once again by Mark Hyatt."


Hyatt, "Well that was like pulling teeth, but I'm here once again for a great night of professional wrestling. I can't wait to see Bred for Battle dismantle Notorious and I can't wait to see Ava Anderson become Women's Champion."




Opening Match

Six-Woman Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit




Yvonne Ericks & The San Diego Girls versus The War Maidens


The opening contest of Battle at the Crossroads was a women’s six-person tag team contest. “Red” Yvonne Ericks was teaming with the red hot San Diego Girls -- who were coming off of a big triple threat tag team win. The War Maidens, the more experienced trio, was looking to get some momentum for potential singles matches with CWI Women’s Champion Felicia Luck. This was a very good opening contest. The San Diego Girls and the War Maidens are all big stars that the crowd was really into. They love the San Diego Girls -- and that helped Yvonne Ericks get a little bit more fan interest in her. The War Maidens have the good kind of heel heat and the crowd really enjoyed booing them. Ericks got some great striking offense early on -- but she also was cut off and took the brunt of the offense that the War Maidens dished out. They kept her isolated and operated quick tags in and out. Their double-team offense was impactful and they cut the ring off. They worked like three women who knew each other quite well. Black Diamond was particularly good talking trash to the San Diego Girls -- who both were clamouring to get into the match. Ericks was able to slide under Talia Neema and making a diving tag to Izzy Quick -- which popped the crowd. They were really excited for Quick to get the hot tag and she came in like a fireball -- or a Mighty Atom. She unleashed a torrent of quick, high octane offense that bounced all three of the War Maidens around the ring. They all took big bumps for Quick -- including her hitting a big springboard huricanrana on Urena Frost that sent Frost tumbling to the floor. Quick tagged in Malloy who also hit some big offense -- including a baseball slide onto Frost where Malloy actually slid out of the ring and then jumped back onto the apron and moonsaulted off the apron onto a downed Frost. Malloy tagged back in Ericks who came charging for a Mafia Kick on Black Diamond, but Diamond spun out of the way and when Ericks turned around, she ate a Belly to Belly Suplex and Diamond was able to get the pinfall victory while The Femme Fatales kept the San Diego Girls occupied.


In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, War Maidens (Black Diamond, Talia Neema and Urena Frost) defeated Yvonne Ericks and The San Diego Girls in 10:20 when Black Diamond pinned Yvonne Ericks with a Belly To Belly Suplex.


In terms of in-ring work, Urena Frost was head and shoulders above everyone else.


Match Rating





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Conner Threepwood and Mr. Grappling -- two Indiana Natives -- came walking to the ring. They aren’t normally seen together, but tonight they were. On the way around the ring, Mr. Grappling grabbed a microphone from Steffi Chee. He climbed into the ring with Conner Threepwood -- and handed the former two-time Mid-American Champion the microphone.


Threepwood, “For over a year and a half, I’ve been the guy here in Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis. I carried the Mid American Championship on two separate occasions. I defended it seven times. I’m proud of what I did with that championship -- but I am also a man who loves tag team wrestling. I love what it means to be a team and I want to win the tag team titles here in CWI. To do that, I need a partner. I looked around the CWI roster to find someone who exhibits the qualities I want in a partner. Someone honest. Someone passionate. Someone who loves the sport and respects the rules of the sport like I do. I found that someone in fellow Hoosier, Mr. Grappling. This man right here is the future of professional wrestling. He’s the future of Indiana pro wrestling. He loves this business. He’s the perfect partner for me.”


Threepwood handed the microphone to Grappling.


Grappling, “Thank you Conner. I’m excited about this potential partnership. I’m excited about what we can accomplish. It was my dream to wrestle in my hometown. It was my dream to compete in Indianapolis and I have accomplished that dream. Now it is time for me to work on my next goal. Winning a championship as a professional wrestler. I believe that I can do that in a partnership with Conner Threepwood. I believe that we can be a championship-winning duo.”


Mr. Grappling hands the microphone back to Conner Threepwood.


Threepwood, “Tonight marks the official formation of our partnership. We will be on a quest to win the CWI Tag Team Champions. We will win them. Mark my words.”


Threepwood handed the microphone back to Steffi Chee and he and Mr. Grappling made the walk to the back.


Angle Rating







Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit




Elmo Benson & Masked Cougar versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush


The veterans Elmo Benson and Masked Cougar worked well as a team against the young Player’s Club. The two high flyers kept the pace quick and kept the Player’s Club off balance. The veterans controlled the match for the first several minutes and Lucinda Lush demanded a timeout and that confused referee Jez McArthur -- who tried to explain to her that there were no timeouts in wrestling. While he was arguing with Lucinda, it allowed Jack Pryde to kick Masked Cougar right in the business and take control of the match. The Player’s Club kept Masked Cougar isolated from Elmo Benson and put him through the ringer. At one point, Charlie Corner had Masked Cougar in a beautiful abdominal stretch and kept reaching back for Jack Pryde for extra leverage in a classic heel move. Jez McArthur finally caught him and demanded the hold be broken. While he was admonishing Charlie, Jack illegally came in the ring and knocked Elmo off the apron. Jack rolled out and when Elmo tried to come in, McArthur stopped him and it allowed Charlie and Jack to keep Masked Cougar from making the tag. Cougar did eventually hit a dropkick on Charlie and one on Jack and make the tag and Elmo came in and looked like the High Concept Elmo Benson, but unfortunately, Charlie Corner’s Corner Cutter caught him out of nowhere and Charlie Corner got the pin and the big victory for The Player’s Club.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, The Player's Club defeated Elmo Benson and Masked Cougar in 11:42 when Charlie Corner pinned Elmo Benson with a Corner Cutter.


In terms of in-ring work, Masked Cougar was head and shoulders above everyone else.


Match Rating





Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit



"Triple Threat" Davis Wayne Newton versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton ©


Last month, Davis Wayne Netwon made his debut in CWI with a big win over former Mid-American Champion while Pepper Pelton was looking to make his first defence of the Indiana Heavyweight title. Newton has been one of the premier independent talents in the last decade and a half and this was no different. He lived up to his “Triple Threat” nickname here as he did a bit of everything. He showed a full range of abilities against the young Pepper Pelton. He kept the match quick and pushed the pace to keep the champion having to work quickly to keep up and not get settled into his power offense. Multiple times, Pelton tried to get ahold of Newton and get him up for the Spice Rack, but Newton had it scouted and each time he was able to get out of the hold. Newton’s attack focused on Pelton’s knee -- trying to take the base out of the power wrestler. It was an effective attack and Newton went for the STF submission hold that he has used very effectively in his career, but Pelton was able to break the hold and get back to his feet. Newton hit the ropes and came leaping for a big crossbody, but Pelton caught him and hoisted him up into a Spice Rack and Newton was forced to give it up.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Pepper Pelton defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 9:55 by submission with a Spice Rack. Pepper Pelton makes defence number one of the CWI Indiana title.


Match Rating





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Deverell’s Army all make the walk to the ring. They look confident even though last month Samson Sharpe lost the Indiana Heavyweight Championship. They look like men (and a woman) about their business. Haley Buck took the microphone from Steffi Chee and presented it to her cousin, Zippy Deverell.


Deverell, “Last month, me and the Taggs were successful. We got the job done at Railroad City Rumble. We did what we are paid to do. We won and we went to the pay window and then we went out and we celebrated and then we come to find out that the Dog Soldiers want to get their ass beat again. They want to lose again. They want to step into the ring with my army and come up short one more time. Maybe they’re gluttons for punishment. Maybe they’re idiots who think they have what it takes to stand up to the Army, I don’t know. I can’t claim to know what is in a man’s heart, but I do know what is in CWI’s wallet and I know what a big eight-man tag victory would pay us. I also know when I’d want it to happen. See, we want to make sure you have ample time to prepare. I want to make sure that there are no excuses for any of you when we beat you again. So not next month, but at Thanksgiving Turmoil in November we can have ourselves a good ol’ fashioned turmoil match. The Dog Soldiers versus Deverell’s Army. Elimination. One team wins when all of the other team has been pinned or made to submit. We’ll settle this and Deverell’s Army will prove once and for all that the Dog Soldiers can’t lace our boots and then we’ll go to the pay window, we’ll get those big checks and then we will head down to the Casino in Shelbyville and boy, we will live it up!”


Deverell handed the microphone back to his cousin who then handed the microphone back to Steffi Chee before exiting.


Angle Rating[/u[








Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit





Notorious versus Bred for Battle © w/ Andrew Gibson


This was a very interesting challenge for Bred for Battle. While Notorious were both smaller than Bred for Battle, coming into this match they had won four sets of tag team titles, three in CZCW and one in GSW. They were an experienced, hard-hitting duo that weren’t afraid to throw fists and put their body on the line. It caught Bred for Battle a bit off guard, especially at the beginning. Plus, with over nine years of experience together, they knew where to be for one another. James Diaz was the one in the ring for the bulk of the match and Notorious came in and out of the ring and forced Diaz to keep his head on a swivel and never allowed him to get comfortable. It was only when Barrera came leaping off the top rope and Diaz was able to catch him and throw him with a big Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex that the tide turned. Diaz was able to tag Dreadnought back in and the big Mastadon of a man steamrolled through Carlos and Miguel. Both men bounced off of him and he tossed them around like ragdolls. He hit Barrera with the Dread Bomb and Bred for Battle had their third successful title defence.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Bred for Battle defeated Notorious in 9:41 when Dreadnought pinned Carlos Barrera with a Dread Bomb. Bred for Battle make defence number three of the CWI Tag Team.


Match Rating





Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit



"Straight A" Ava Anderson versus Felicia Luck ©


The former three-time QAW Tag Team Champion was here to challenge for her first singles title. She didn’t have Snyder or Brayfield here with her. She was going at it on her own against Felicia Luck -- whose momentum is through the roof. She had been rolled off victories against Steph Blake, Becca Barton, Demelza Wade, and Raven Nightfall in the past four months. Ava Anderson was no easy touch. Anderson came to win and she came right after Felicia Luck with an intensity that Luck might not have been expecting. The eleven-year pro took the fight right to the champion from the opening bell. She fought nasty. She went after Luck’s eyes, and referee Jez McArthur admonished her, but it didn’t stop Anderson from continuing after the eyes. She let off several palms strikes right to the orbital sockets and Luck looked like she was blinded. She staggered and swung wildly and Anderson was like a shark that smelt blood in the water. She kept after Luck and put Luck through a world of hurt. She hit several knees at the eyes -- but she didn’t gouge at them. Several times McArthur checked on Luck but she refused to surrender despite not being able to see. Anderson hit a couple of snap suplexes and then she looked like she was going to go in for the kill when out of nowhere a blinded Felicia Luck hit the Lucky Strike and got the pinfall victory and her fourth title defence.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Felicia Luck defeated Ava Anderson in 10:17 by pinfall with a Lucky Strike. Felicia Luck makes defence number four of the CWI Women's.


Match Rating





Co-Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit



Island Boy Apollo versus The Hangman ©


The first of two main events. The top wrestler in Puerto Rico, Island Boy Apollo, was making a rare mainland appearance in this match. He has been seen all over the United States on WrestleWorld and was incredibly popular coming into this match. The Hangman had been the unstoppable, unknock-downable, undefeated, Mid-American Champion who was looking for his second defence in this contest. Out of the gate, this was a wild brawl. Neither man left their feet for a good portion of the match. They threw hands and went to the outside and brawled around the ring without ever taking a bump. Both men sold -- Hangman stumbled a bit and Apollo did the same. Apollo came charging at The Hangman, and the Hangman hit a Sidewalk Slam right on the hard wood floor of the Fountain Square Theatre and that was the opening that he needed to seize control. He pummeled Apollo -- who sold his ass off for The Hangman. The crowd was into everything. The Hangman tossed Apollo around for several minutes but Apollo kept finding ways to kick out. Apollo started a comeback and The Hangman stumbled and Apollo hit the ropes and as he came running back, he ate a Big Boot and then a Choke Slam and once again the Hangman won a match without being knocked off of his feet.


In an exceptional match, The Hangman defeated Island Boy Apollo in 11:47 by pinfall with a Choke Slam. The Hangman makes defence number two of the COTT Mid American title.


Match Rating





Main Event

Six-Man Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit





American Ambition versus The Canadian Blonds ©


The Canadian Blonds were coming into this contest with six successful defences. They had defended the championships in Mexico, Canada, Puerto Rico, and the United States. They had put the World Six-Man Championships on the map, but they were up against incredibly tough qaopponents. American Ambition were three great athletes. American Gold was the team that had defeated the Blonds for the CWI Tag Team Championship. Nate DeMarcus had been one of the most impressive wrestlers in CWI’s history so far. This was an excellent contest. Slow and deliberate. Nothing was rushed at all. American Ambition controlled the first several minutes of the match. Nate DeMarcus looked like a man who was in line for a big singles push and American Ambition looked highly motivated. Eventually, the Blonds were able to take control and they never looked back. They isolated English from his two partners and they worked him over. Eventually, Goldstein, Savage, English, and Chamberlain were all brawling around the ring when LaGrenier hit DeMarcus with the Quebec Arrow and got the pinfall to retain the championship for his team.


In an exceptional match, Canadian Blonds (Ozzie Goldstein, Philippe LaGrenier and Flash Savage) defeated American Ambition (Nate DeMarcus, Maliek Chamberlain and Marcus English) in 19:47 when Philippe LaGrenier pinned Nate DeMarcus with a Quebec Arrow. Philippe LaGrenier and The Canadian Blonds make defence number seven of the COTT World Six Man title.


In terms of in-ring work, Ozzie Goldstein was head and shoulders above everyone else.


Match Rating





Overall Rating






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Great title match between Apollo and Hangman. I love Island Boy Apollo, he's pulled some great ratings for me in some of my saves.


It was a match that was much better than I anticipated. I really like Island Boy Apollo as well. I've had a lot of fun booking him before. Right now he's pretty costly so he won't be a fulltime member of the roster, but depending on how things develop, he could be a guy who comes in -- especially if we lose some of our babyfaces at the top of the card, he'd be a perfect guy to bring in to replace them. Or if we expand and need more guys at the top of the card or if I just need to freshen things up!

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Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis was back in action in Bloomington, Indiana for another well-received show. This show was a rare treat for our live audiences -- as "The Indiana Strangler" Conner Threepwood was in action!


The show started with Allie Perks getting a win over Yolanda Frey. Frey reminded the audience of Mary Beth Chase and showcased some potential in the short match.


That match was followed by Rafe Sashay getting a win over Kansas-born Lance Austin in an underwhelming match.


Joy Ryder beat the 5'7", 196 pound Sylvia Dugal. The big cajun Dugal looked like a future dominant female wrestler -- who just needs a little bit more experience and seasoning but could be a force to be dealt with.


The semi final contest saw "Red" Yvonne Ericks get a win over the 6' tall Melinda Perry. Melinda Perry is very remisicent of Connie Morris and the powerhouse from Mississippi looked impressive before Ericks took over and got a decisive win.


The main event saw The Circle City Connection of Mr. Grappling and Conner Threepwood get their first victory as a tag team over rookies Joseph Chang and AP Gumble in a very good match.




Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis will return to action with October's annual Showdown in Naptown event. This event promises to continue the string of excellent events coming out of the Fountain Square Theatre and you do not want to miss it.


The main event will see the CWI debut of "The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus, the reigning NYCW Tri State Champion, comes to Indianapolis to challenge for the COTT Mid-American Championship when he challenges The Hangman.


Philippe LaGrenier challenges for the Indiana Heavyweight Championship against "Spicy" Pepper Pelton and Black Diamond gets her first shot at the CWI Women's Championship. All that and so much more!


Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis Presents

Showdown in Naptown

Saturday Week 3, October 2021

Live at the Fountain Square Theatre

7:00 PM Bell, 6:30 PM Doors


Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid-American Championship

"The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus The Hangman ©


Semi-Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Philippe LaGrenier versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Black Diamond versus Felicia Luck ©


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Circle City Connection [Threepwood & Grappling] versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate "the Great" DeMarcus versus Bear Barnes


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Matt Blackburn versus Davis Wayne Newton


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Joy Ryder versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks



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COTT Mid-American Championship

"The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus The Hangman ©


Semi-Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Philippe LaGrenier versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Black Diamond versus Felicia Luck ©


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Circle City Connection [Threepwood & Grappling] versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate "the Great" DeMarcus versus Bear Barnes


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Matt Blackburn versus Davis Wayne Newton


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Joy Ryder versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid-American Championship

"The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus The Hangman ©


Semi-Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Philippe LaGrenier versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Black Diamond versus Felicia Luck ©


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Circle City Connection [Threepwood & Grappling] versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate "the Great" DeMarcus versus Bear Barnes


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Matt Blackburn versus Davis Wayne Newton


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Joy Ryder versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid-American Championship

"The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus The Hangman ©

I'd like some build up for a title match the random challenger coming in to lose is good for building someone up but gets old.


Semi-Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Philippe LaGrenier versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Black Diamond versus Felicia Luck ©

Hard choice Diamond looks to be the new top heel so she could take it but I see Felicia holding on, maybe help from Steph Blake :3


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Circle City Connection [Threepwood & Grappling] versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate "the Great" DeMarcus versus Bear Barnes


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Matt Blackburn versus Davis Wayne Newton


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Joy Ryder versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid-American Championship

"The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus The Hangman ©

Semi-Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Philippe LaGrenier versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton ©

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Black Diamond versus Felicia Luck ©

Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Circle City Connection [Threepwood & Grappling] versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate "the Great" DeMarcus versus Bear Barnes


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Matt Blackburn versus Davis Wayne Newton

Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Joy Ryder versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid-American Championship

"The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus The Hangman ©

I'd like some build up for a title match the random challenger coming in to lose is good for building someone up but gets old.


While I don’t disagree with the sentiment — because I much prefer building programs and title matches to not be visiting, there are a couple of reasons I’m doing this.


1. I had to change plans after PJ Strong left and got hurt which threw a wrench in what the plan was. That means I have to build a different babyface up into position to feud Hangman. To do that, I still need hangman on the shows and defending so yeah.


2. We are a company that runs one real show a month and like other real companies trying to draw crowds, we have to bring in some “names” to help establish our guys.


3. There is a full plan for a feud for Hangman and to be able to shift off the visiting challenger, so have no fear!

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While I don’t disagree with the sentiment — because I much prefer building programs and title matches to not be visiting, there are a couple of reasons I’m doing this.


1. I had to change plans after PJ Strong left and got hurt which threw a wrench in what the plan was. That means I have to build a different babyface up into position to feud Hangman. To do that, I still need hangman on the shows and defending so yeah.


2. We are a company that runs one real show a month and like other real companies trying to draw crowds, we have to bring in some “names” to help establish our guys.


3. There is a full plan for a feud for Hangman and to be able to shift off the visiting challenger, so have no fear!

I get it it’s hard when plans fall apart I was just meaning some set up, like a promo or something the prior month or something just to make the person seem like somewhat threatening ya know.

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid-American Championship

"The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus The Hangman ©

Semi-Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Philippe LaGrenier versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Black Diamond versus Felicia Luck ©


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Circle City Connection [Threepwood & Grappling] versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate "the Great" DeMarcus versus Bear Barnes


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Matt Blackburn versus Davis Wayne Newton


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Joy Ryder versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid-American Championship

"The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus The Hangman ©


Semi-Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Philippe LaGrenier versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Black Diamond versus Felicia Luck ©


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Circle City Connection [Threepwood & Grappling] versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate "the Great" DeMarcus versus Bear Barnes


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Matt Blackburn versus Davis Wayne Newton


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Joy Ryder versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid-American Championship

"The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus The Hangman ©


Semi-Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Philippe LaGrenier versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Black Diamond versus Felicia Luck ©


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Circle City Connection [Threepwood & Grappling] versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate "the Great" DeMarcus versus Bear Barnes


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Matt Blackburn versus Davis Wayne Newton


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Joy Ryder versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid-American Championship

"The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus The Hangman ©


Semi-Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Philippe LaGrenier versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Black Diamond versus Felicia Luck ©


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Circle City Connection [Threepwood & Grappling] versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate "the Great" DeMarcus versus Bear Barnes


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Matt Blackburn versus Davis Wayne Newton


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Joy Ryder versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid-American Championship

"The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus The Hangman ©

Sorry, Bulldog. You're not in Denver anymore.


Semi-Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Philippe LaGrenier versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Black Diamond versus Felicia Luck ©


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Circle City Connection [Threepwood & Grappling] versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate "the Great" DeMarcus versus Bear Barnes


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Matt Blackburn versus Davis Wayne Newton


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Joy Ryder versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid-American Championship

"The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus The Hangman ©

- Would love to see Riley win, but there is no way Hangman loses to a random outsider


Semi-Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Philippe LaGrenier versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Black Diamond versus Felicia Luck ©

- She's been built up nicely, I think it's time for a switch


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Circle City Connection [Threepwood & Grappling] versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush

- Conner's the biggest name in this match, there is no way his team loses


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate "the Great" DeMarcus versus Bear Barnes


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Matt Blackburn versus Davis Wayne Newton


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Joy Ryder versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid-American Championship

"The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus The Hangman ©

The Hangman runs this territory.


Semi-Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Philippe LaGrenier versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton ©

LaGrenier can take the loss with the momentum built up in trios action.


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Black Diamond versus Felicia Luck ©

The War Maidens take back control.


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Circle City Connection [Threepwood & Grappling] versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush

This is a tough one because CCC is new, and TPC have been built up for so long. I’ll go with the babyfaces and maybe the heels get some heat back with an attack or promos going forward.


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate "the Great" DeMarcus versus Bear Barnes



Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Matt Blackburn versus Davis Wayne Newton

Matt’s a good prospect, but DWN should be in the big leagues.


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Joy Ryder versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks

Joy should stick to managing.

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COTT Mid-American Championship

"The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus The Hangman ©


CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

Philippe LaGrenier versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton ©


CWI Women's Championship

Black Diamond versus Felicia Luck ©


The Circle City Connection [Threepwood & Grappling] versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush


Nate "the Great" DeMarcus versus Bear Barnes


Matt Blackburn versus Davis Wayne Newton


Joy Ryder versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks

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Showdown in Naptown


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Saturday Week 3, October 2021

Live from the Fountain Square Theatre [indianapolis, Indiana, Great Lakes, USA]

82 people in attendance (an increase of 2 fans from last show)

Commentators: Marv Earnest & Mark Hyatt






Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit


Joy Ryder versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks


The opening contest pit two well-liked women of the roster against one in another. There was no grudge going into this match. No big story or rivalry, just two women who respect each other trying to get a win and maybe get themselves headed towards a Women’s Championship opportunity. Neither woman is a spectacular wrestler at this point in their career, but the crowd gave them room to work. It was a simple opening contest -- neither did anything amazing which worked to their strengths as the simplicity kept them from getting outside of their wheelhouse. After some back and forth action, Ryder was able to hit her Ryder Rocker signature move and get the victory.


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Joy Ryder defeated Yvonne Ericks in 6:51 by pinfall with a Ryder Rocker.


Match Rating





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The four members of the Dog Soldiers came walking to the ring. They looked to be highly focused. Walter Blackhawk did the microphone retrieval duties, but he handed the microphone to Roger Monteiro, his cousin.


Monteiro, “Next month, the war we have been waging with Deverell’s Army is going to come to a head. We’re going to do battle in a Thanksgiving Turmoil match up. All four of us versus all four of them. Elimination rules. The first team to have all of their members pinned or submitted loses. I speak for my whole team when I say we are ready. We are ready for the war. We are ready to be done with Deverell’s Army and move into championship chases again.”


Monteiro handed the microphone to Youngblood.


Youngblood, “That’s right. After we beat Deverell’s Army, we’re going for gold once more. Deverell, we hope you and your goons are ready -- because we are going to bring the fight of your lives to Thanksgiving Turmoil. We are coming for blood and victory and we will get both!”


Youngblood tossed the microphone back out of the ring to Steffi Chee and the Dog Soldiers exited the ring.


Angle Rating









Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit


Matt Blackburn versus “The Triple Threat” Davis Wayne Newton


The second match of the evening was a display of technical wizardry between both men. The young Matt Blackburn has continued to improve with each outing -- his extensive work for PGHW has definitely helped that. Davis Wayne Newton was able to remind the audience that he is a tremendous technical wrestler. The early minutes of the match were a hold for hold, chain-wrestling affair. Newton, the more experienced of the two grapplers, was able to stay a step ahead of the young Blackburn. There were no closed fist punches thrown in this -- just a good wrestling affair with the occasional hard forearm or Upper Cut. The crowd was really into this match. Blackburn has a charisma about him that makes him must-watch and Newton’s first two performances in CWI were excellent and he was no different here. Blackburn hit a barrage of palm strikes and kicks and went to the apron. He springboarded in -- clearly looking for the Springboard Forearm that has become his go to, but Newton was able to catch the arm of Blackburn and pull him into a quick Fisherman’s Suplex and get the victory.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Davis Wayne Newton defeated Matt Blackburn in 8:46 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.


Match Rating





Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit


Nate "the Great" DeMarcus versus Bear Barnes


The big 6’11” Bear Barnes made for a very tough opponent for Nate DeMarcus. After losing last month to the Canadian Blonds in the six-man, DeMarcus was looking to get back on a roll here and Bear Barnes did not make it easy. The big Canadian lumberjack was incredibly physical with DeMarcus and pushed the fan-favorite around the ring. He peppered Nate with hard strikes -- forearms, kicks, chops, headbutts -- everything but the kitchen sink really, and Nate just absorbed the beating. Bear Barnes hit a big stalling suplex that showed off his power that got a two count. Nate began firing back some shots and the crowd got more and more into it as Nate began his comeback. He tossed the big Bear Barnes through the air with a huge Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex that really got the crowd excited -- it isn’t every day you see a 6’11”, 300+ man fly through the air from being thrown. Barnes stumbled back to his feet and got hit with DeMarcus’ Snap Tackle, and DeMarcus got the much needed, big win.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Nate DeMarcus defeated Bear Barnes in 13:14 by pinfall with a Snap Tackle.


Match Rating





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Deverell’s Army came marching to the ring. They were all wearing brand new Deverell’s Army shirts. Haley Buck grabbed the microphone from Steffi Chee and handed it over to her cousin Zippy.


Deverell, “Next month it’s going to go down. Next month it’s going to get violent. Next month it’s going to get wild and bloody. Next month my boys and I get into the ring with those Dog Soldiers one final time. They want to get their butts whooped one more time and me and my boys are happy to oblige. Dog Soldiers, y’all came out here earlier and I need y’all to look closely at us. I’m surrounded by big tough men. We ain’t a walk in the park. These three men around me are men that if you saw walkin’ down the street you’d cross to the other side. They’re men who would take your lunch money and your girlfriends. You ain’t equal to what we’re bringing. See, I may not know how to do a lot of things, but I do know how to beat people up and so do Samson Sharpe and the Taggs. Next month at Thanksgiving Turmoil, we’re going to beat you up. We’re going to beat you until your mamas don’t recognize you and until your girlfriends change the locks on you. You can step into the ring with us, but I promise you it’ll be the last thing you do in your careers.”


Zippy flipped the microphone over the top rope to Steffi Chee -- who caught it gracefully. Deverell and his Army exited to head backstage.


Angle Rating








Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit




The Circle City Connection [Threepwood & Grappling] versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush


This was the first “main show” appearance for The Circle City Connection. Last month, they announced that they would be teaming and this much they have an opportunity against one of the brightest young teams in all of independent pro wrestling -- The Player’s Club. The Player’s Club, with their Hollywood-esque entrance and look, have become an incredibly over act with the CWI faithful. Conner Threepwood had been the face of CWI so far and Mr. Grappling was a rising star in Indiana pro wrestling. For most of the match, The Player’s Club used their experience together to control the match -- specifically to isolate Mr. Grappling from Conner Threepwood. They worked quick -- tagging in and out over and over again. They double-teamed Mr. Grappling on each tag and Lucinda Lush did great work ringside taunting Conner as Mr. Grappling took the beating. A mistimed Running Knee attempt from Corner allowed Grappling to make the tag to Threepwood. Threepwood came in with the fire he learned working for NOTBPW. He hit Corner and Pryde with German Suplexes and then Head Arm Suplexes and then T-Bone Suplexes. With both Pryde and Corner rocked from the explosiveness of Conner Threepwood’s offense, he tagged back in Mr. Grappling who came in and immediately hit Jack Pryde with the Blast from the Past [Million Dollar Knee Lift into a Neckbreaker] and got the pin and the big victory for his team. As the match ended, Conner Threepwood was clearly favoring his back, like he tweaked it doing a suplex.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Conner Threepwood and Mr. Grappling defeated The Player's Club in 12:44 when Mr. Grappling pinned Prime Time Jack Pryde with a Blast From The Past.


Conner Threepwood carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.


Match Rating






Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit



Black Diamond versus Felicia Luck ©


The first of three championship matches on the show. Felicia Luck has been on a roll since April -- when she won the number one contender’s battle royal. Since then, she has defeated big name after big name in the world of women’s pro wrestling and tonight she had Black Diamond. While Black Diamond was not a nationally known name, she has become a star in the Indianapolis area. Her natural charisma and association with the War Maidens has made her a major heel in the women’s division -- second only to Urena Frost in terms of reactions as a heel while Felica Luck is by far the most popular female on the active roster. By nature of their popularity and natural athletic ability, these two women put on a very good match -- for about ten minutes, and then the match fell apart when Felicia Luck hit a knee strike that caught Black Diamond on the temple that knocked her loopy. Diamond was clearly out of it and referee Jez McArthur probably should have stopped the match but he let it go and Diamond wasn’t with it. Luck hit a Lucky Strike to end the match a few minutes later and get her fifth title defence.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Felicia Luck defeated Black Diamond in 16:48 by pinfall with a Lucky Strike. Felicia Luck makes defence number five of the CWI Women's.


Match Rating






Semi-Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit



Philippe LaGrenier versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton ©


The semi-final contest pit the French-Canadian stud Philippe LaGrenier against the Wisconsin-native Pepper Pelton. The Indiana Heavyweight Championship was on the line and Philippe LaGrenier clearly came out to win the championship. In fact, he no-sold a fair amount of Pepper Pelton’s offense. Pelton was clearly legitimately frustrated with the match -- and he clearly threw a potato that busted LaGrenier’s eye open. LaGrenier continued to control the match -- including a long stretch of a seated front facelock where he wouldn’t let Pelton move. Eventually, Peloton powered out of it and a couple of more potatoes and a Spice Rack secured the victory.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and decent wrestling, Pepper Pelton defeated Philippe LaGrenier in 12:42 by submission with a Spice Rack. Pepper Pelton makes defence number two of the CWI Indiana title.


Match Rating





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Pepper Pelton, who is clearly upset, is talking to referee Bret Graveson when the other three members of the Canadian Blonds hit the ring. They don’t check on Philippe, instead, they go right after Pepper in what looks to be a much more professional affair. They put the boots to Pepper Pelton and hit him with an assisted Canadian Destroyer. They stood over him and raised the Indiana Championship.


Angle Rating







Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit



"The Georgia Bulldog" Riley McManus versus The Hangman ©


The main event of the evening was one heck of a contest. Riley McManus, coming in from NYCW where he is in his third reign as Tri-State Champion, was looking to add another championship to his collection. It would be quite the climb for the Georgia Bulldog as he stepped into the ring with the as-of-yet unknocked-down Hangman. The Hangman was looking for his third defence of the Mid American Championship. McManus, unlike most people who battle the Hangman, did not come right out of the gate trying to pepper The Hangman. Instead, he sized him up. He took his time coming in and tried to grapple with the big man. He tried to muscle the champion back into the corner, but The Hangman was the man who could not be moved. He tossed McManus away from him several times. McManus took a moment on the outside of the ring to collect his thoughts. He came back in the ring and the former popular college athlete shot in for a single-leg takedown, but The Hangman wrapped both of his arms around the gut of Riley and hit a big Gut Wrench Suplex that was more like a toss. McManus slid into the corner with a dumbfounded look on his face. He got back to his feet and the match started becoming a brawl. While McManus was primarily known for being a technician, he was a product of the South and the Southern style of wrestling, which meant he could throw hands and throw hands he did. The Hangman stumbled several times during the match -- but he still didn’t fall as he threw big right hand after big right hand. McManus took several bumps, but kept getting back up -- and that was the story of the bulk of the match. The Hangman dolled out a beating -- he dolled out the punishment -- but McManus continued to kick out and fight back and show that Southern babyface fire. He made a big comeback full of fists and forearms and a big clothesline that almost knocked The Hangman off of his feet. McManus went for a second clothesline, but was snatched mid-run by The Hangman and hoisted up for a huge Choke Slam that got Hangman the victory.


In an exceptional match, The Hangman defeated Riley McManus in 14:12 by pinfall with a Choke Slam. The Hangman makes defence number three of the COTT Mid American title.


Match Rating





Overall Rating






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Another great show. I like both the Dog Soldiers and Deverell’s Army. Once their feud is over, I hope both groups will move onto big things and build themselves up the card.


Thank you. I like both groups as well. Walter Blackhawk has been very underwhelming, but he's very green and hopefully he can turn into something with time. Deverell's Army has been sensational. Zippy is one of my top guys on the microphone and the Taggs are sensational as a team (both of them have very high brawling stats) and can become something. Both groups are featured into marquee programs in the future.

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“What the hell was that Philippe?” I asked incredulously. The French-Canadian pain-in-the-ass had gone out to my ring and completely ate up Pepper Pelton. In what was supposed to be a match that helped establish Pelton as a viable champion and got him on the map as a singles star turned into a calamitous outing. Absolutely calamitous.


The smug bastard just looked up at me with an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips and shrugged. “You wanted me to lose, so I lost -- no?” The accent just made his sentence that much more insulting.


“You were supposed to make him look like a strong champion. Instead, you went into business for yourself! You miserable prick. That was a damn embarrassment.”


He pulled the cigarette from his mouth and looked at me hard. “You’re the one who asked me to lose. I told you I didn’t want to lose. You said ‘oh well, too bad, go do what you’re paid to do’. So I went and did what I was paid to do. I lost. I just did it my way.”


I shook my head at his arrogance. I had been around a lot of arrogant men in my day. It was the wrestling business after all. There were plenty of men with egos the size of Montana in the wrestling business -- but I don’t think I had ever called a show where one performer so selfishly sabotaged a match like Philippe had tonight.


“I saved your career.” I started. “You were unemployed. Working indy shots. Nothing full time. Nothing consistent. I gave you a job. I helped open the door for you. I helped get the rest of the COTT to take a shot on you and I pushed for the Blonds to win the World Six Man belts. This is how you thank me? This is how you show gratitude?”


“Oh piss off you fat f*****g t**t. You think because you write the checks that I’m supposed to show you gratitude? What, you want me to kiss your ass while I’m at it? You run a joke of a promotion. You can’t even draw one hundred fans to the building and you have zero competition. You’ve got a roster full of nobodies who aren’t going to ever be anybodies and a bunch of old Mid Atlantic Wrestling guys. You had Riley McManus in the damn main event tonight. You’re lucky that I showed up to work for you at all.”


My ears burned. My nostrils flared. I was not a violent man. I couldn’t afford to be. I wasn’t a tough guy. I was a smart guy. I had never been a star athlete or anything like that. I remembered numbers and stats and dates and could talk, but right now I wanted to fight. I wanted to ball my fists up and let them meet Philippe’s face -- but that wouldn’t be good for multiple reasons, not the least of which is he could most assuredly whip me. I looked over my shoulder and noticed that people were watching. Of course they were watching.


“You arrogant prick. That’s what you are. An arrogant prick. A marginally talented prick who couldn’t even last in the DeColts territory. The DeColts! You couldn’t last there? And then you couldn’t get picked up. The Stones didn’t want you. When CWA formed they didn’t want you. 4C didn’t want you before they closed. ACPW didn’t want you. No. I hired you and I put in a call to Owen and Pete to get you booked in Toronto for Black Maple. That was because of me. I vouched for you. Put my neck on the line.”


“Because you knew you needed me.”


“Not anymore.”


“You’re right. Because I quit. I don’t want to be in this pissant promotion surrounded by a bunch of guys who couldn’t lace up my boots.” Philippe immediately looked like he regretted those words. While he was bigger than me and could whip me for sure -- The Hangman stood in the corner. All 6’7” of him. Big Sasquatch McGraw -- who I was billing as Bear Barnes, stood there. Nate DeMarcus. Guys who could most assuredly put a hurting on Philippe if they wanted.


Philippe grabbed his bag and turned to look at the other three members of the Blonds. “Let’s get the hell out of those joint guys. We don’t need this place.”


Ozzie looked at Philippe and shook is head. “You can leave, but we’re going to stay.”


“Suit yourself. That’s why you got cut. That’s why Flash got cut and way Davis never made it. Soft. The whole lot of you. I’ll be seeing you.” He said dismissively to the whole room. He lit his cigarette and walked out and I stood fuming.


I turned to look at Davis. “Congratulations Davis. You’re now one-third of the World Six-Man Champions.” I turned to walk away. I was so mad I was almost shaking and I did not want the boys to see me this angry. I didn’t want them to see me this affected by something. The damn bastard had embarrassed our promotion. He had embarrassed Pepper Pelton and now he was gone and that was going to change everything.


To make matters work, I was pretty sure Black Diamond was concussed and Conner had done something to his back. I needed a drink. A stiff drink. Or two. Or enough that I could forget this moment.

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Oddly enough, I enjoyed the LeGrenier match, narrative and character. If nothing else, it's a nice change of pace from the usual honest, goody two shoes workers in CWI.


They aren't all goody two-shoes! Just you wait! There are some guys who need some narrative spotlights that definitely are all that honest or goody two-shoes -- but in fairness a lot of my workers are just young greenhorns that are happy to be there!


Just you wait to see what unfolds!

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