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[HYPE] Shifting Sands

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Similarly chipping in here to say that I'm looking forward to whenever this eventually releases. I enjoyed the hell out of it playing NJPW on 16' and your Territory Daze mod is an underappreciated triumph.


Plus, the picture pack for this is excellent. Don't change it. :D

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We're very nearly there. It's taking a little bit longer than expected due to me getting side-tracked with the good weather and MetaHuman Creator but I'm still getting through it, just slower than expected. I won't give a time frame but we're so very close, honest. xD
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Hey Mammoth., are you keep the same People Pic Pack, I found a whole bunch of free worker pics i used for the TEW 16 game, Would be happy to share them with you if you think they are any good. I Have Started to add more to them so if should be over 500 Male, About 300 Female, Mixed with Wrestlers, Referee's and few managers/announcers.



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Hey Mammoth., are you keep the same People Pic Pack, I found a whole bunch of free worker pics i used for the TEW 16 game, Would be happy to share them with you if you think they are any good. I Have Started to add more to them so if should be over 500 Male, About 300 Female, Mixed with Wrestlers, Referee's and few managers/announcers.



Yes, the picture pack is remaining the same. As I've mentioned before, I may do an organic alternative but that's something that'll be done later otherwise the release date would be pushed WAY back. I'd be happy to take a look and see if there's anything I can use, but that link doesn't work for me. It may be because your Imgur account isn't public.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've got roughly 300 workers left to update which is a laborious task but as I've said before, it's the final task before release. I know I've said before we're looking at weeks not months and I still haven't released anything yet, but it's still the timeframe we're looking at. xD We're so close and I'm trying to find the energy just to rush through them but I'm struggling because I've been doing this for the best part of two years now and I also don't want to miss something. Hopefully, it'll be worth the wait. :)
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