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Pennsylvania Premiere Wrestling - CVerse LtG

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Ryan Jeffries - Bulky Heavyweight

Ryan Jeffries, or Big Ryan as known by the fans, is a gentle giant to his friends, but a terrifying 6’6 310lb monster to his enemies. Big Ryan has been touring the Tri-State area for several years fighting anybody that is brave enough to step into the ring with him. In PPW he is known as the hometown hero, as he was born and raised in the greater Pittsburgh Region and bleeds black and gold. The fans love him and are always rooting for him. Already a multiple-time champion on various independent promotions, only time will tell if he can capture gold in PPW.



The Dark Rider - Toned Middleweight

Not much is known about the mysterious Dark Rider except that he loves to take to the skies. He showcases his amazing agility and speed as he darts around the ring and wows the crowds with his impressive high flying maneuvers. He finishes his opponents off with an amazing 450 splash that he calls Dark Souls. While his intentions are not 100% clear on why he is in PPW, what is clear is that he is not somebody to be reckoned with.

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Tony “The Guido” Mazzantti - Muscular Light Heavyweight

The italian proud, and self proclaimed “Guido” is one of the most arrogant men on the planet. Completely full of himself and always bragging how good looking he is and how great he is. Luckily for him, and unluckily for everybody else, he can back it up in the ring! The Guido is a brawler to the core, but isn’t afraid to lock in some form of humiliating submission hold just to embarrass his opponent. The Guido has been vocal since day one that he plans to take PPW over and hold on to the gold for a long time.



Triple T - Toned Light Heavyweight

The resident degenerate is all about chaos and mayhem. Triple T loves to create problems wherever he goes and hates anybody telling him what to do. A constant thorn in everybody’s side, he prides himself on being the ultimate opportunistic fighter, who isn’t afraid to “bend the rules” to get his win. As he says if ain’t cheatin’ if you don’t get caught!

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PPW One More Round

Live from the Lincoln High School Gymnasium

Saturday, April Wk2

Attendance: 52

Show Rating: 22



Big Ryan starts the show announcing a tournament for tonight to crown the 1st ever PPW Fighting Champion!

Rating: 32


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Match 1: Ryan Castle w/Shauna vs Bison

As much as I hate booking myself to lose, I figured Bison would be hurt more by a loss to me, so I wanted to give him the win. We had a pretty decent match out there with my being able to showcase some of my moves. Bison did a great job of making me look good all the while still keeping his dominating, brute images intact. Bison put me away by pinfall following a 21-Gun Salute.

Rating: 23


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Match 2: Loftis vs Tony “The Guido” Mazzanti

Big Ryan and I really went back and forth about who to have win this won, but we decided the Loftis was going to win as he needed to show the fans his technical prowess more than Tony needed the win. Tony will recover just fine as he is an ace on the mic and can generate heat like nobody's business. Loftis won the match by submission with The Loftis Deathlock.

Rating: 22


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Match 3: Ryan Jeffries vs Triple T

Big Ryan insisted on putting Triple T over in this match. While Big Ryan is probably our biggest star (pun intended) The crowd will always be on his side, while Triple T could easily win the match via cheating to let the fans know that he will do anything to win, and also keeping Big Ryan strong since it was a tainted win. Triple T won the match by pinfall after “accidentally” hitting the ref and using a steel chair on Big Ryan, when Big Ryan was checking on the ref.

Rating: 23


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Match 4: Big Hoss vs The Dark Rider

This was one of the matches I was most excited for as it pitted the strength and brawling style of Big Hoss against the quick aerial approach of The Dark Rider. The crowd ate this match up, and while The Dark Rider lost, he impressed the crowd with his aerial assault. The ending had the crowd on their feet when Big Hoss caught The Dark Rider midair which set up The Last Rodeo to give Big Hoss the pinfall victory.

Rating: 23


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Match 5: Big Hoss vs Bison

Despite having matches back to back Big Hoss did not let that slow him down as he faced Bison. This was a difficult match to book as both guys needed to be kept strong. These two bruisers spent almost 10 minutes just beating the crap out of each other and the crowd loved every minute of it. Big Hoss was able to capitalize on Bison’s over aggressive nature when he moved out of the way of Bison’s corner spear. This enabled Big Hoss to hit an extremely impressive Last Rodeo on Bison for the pinfall victory.

Rating: 22


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Match 6: Loftis vs Triple T

Another solid match where Triple T continued to show the crowd his opportunistic ways. Every time Loftis was able to get Triple T into a submission hold, Triple T would either get to the rope or do something else, illegal, to get out of the submission hold. Triple T did a good job of constantly hiding his cheating from the ref. Triple T hit a low blow, again behind the back fo the ref, Triple T hit a Curb Stomp on Loftis and then used the ropes for leverage to gain the pinfall victory.

Rating: 21


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Match 7: PPW Contract Match - Jack Hogan vs Justice Jolston

Big Ryan and I decided to bring in two talents to give them a chance to show us what they got, as we realized we need some more workers. Both guys really impressed us and the crowd seemed to like both of them. We decided, before the show, that Jack Hogan was who we were going to bring in, but we were really impressed with Justice Jolson and plan to bring him back in. Jack Hogan defeated Justice Jolson in 14:59 by pinfall with an All American Slam.

Rating: 21



We wanted to give Big Hoss and Triple T some time to showcase their mic work and talk up their match. Chaffin (the ref) presented the belt to everybody before the match started.

Rating: 33



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Main Event: PPW Fighting Championship - Big Hoss vs Triple T

While this match was probably the worst match of the night, I give credit to Big Hoss and Triple T for being in so many matches during the event. Big Hoss may have slowed down some but continued to be dominant and Triple T did everything to try to cheat and win. The match came down to the end when Triple T again accidentally knocked out the ref. Triple T went for a steel chair, but Big Ryan ran down to the ring and took the chair from him. This enabled Big Hoss to hit a Last Rodeo on Triple T for the pinfall victory. Big Hoss is the 1st ever PPW Fighting Champion!

Rating: 18

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PPW Brutal Vengeance

Live from Blackhawk High School Gymnasium


Match 1: Happy Elwood vs The Dark Rider

Match 2: Loftis vs Jack Griffith

Match 3: Jack Hogan vs Brimstone

Match 4: “Big” Ryan Jeffries vs Triple T

Main Event: PPW Fighting Championship - Big Hoss © vs Mario Heroic

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PPW Brutal Vengeance

Live from Blackhawk High School Gymnasium

May wk2 Saturday 2020

Attendance: 63

Show Rating: 25



Big Hoss starts the show with the PPW Fighting Championship belt. He promises to do right by the title and defend it every month. Mario Heroic comes out and challenges Big Hoss to a fight tonight in the main event. Big Hoss accepts!

Rating: 36


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Match 1: Happy Elwood vs The Dark Rider

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The Dark Rider defeated Happy Elwood in 15:09 by pinfall with a Dark Soul.

Rating: 27


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Match 2: Loftis vs Jack Griffith

In a decent match, Justin Loftis defeated Jack Griffith in 11:45 by submission with The Loftis Deathlock.

Rating: 24


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Match 3: Jack Hogan vs Brimstone

In a decent match, Jack Hogan defeated Brimstone in 12:15 by pinfall with an All American Slam.

Rating: 23



Angle: The Dark Rider attacks Jack Hogan post match

Rating: 33


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Match 4: “Big” Ryan Jeffries vs Triple T

In a decent match, Triple T defeated Ryan Jeffries in 14:52 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.

Rating: 30



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Main Event: PPW Fighting Championship - Big Hoss © vs Mario Heroic

In a decent match, Big Hoss defeated Mario Heroic in 15:17 by pinfall with The Last Rodeo. Big Hoss makes defence number one of the PPW Pennsylvania title.

Rating: 22



Tony “The Guido” attacks Big Hoss post-match

Rating: 35

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PPW Insurgency

Live from Mohawk High School Gymnasium

June wk2 Saturday 2020


Match 1: Lofts vs Bison

Match 2: Big Ryan and Jack Hogan vs The Dark Rider and Triple T

Match 3: Castle vs Doug Peak

Main Event - PPW Championship: Big Hoss © vs Gareth Wayne

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<p>PPW Insurgency</p><p>

Live from Mohawk High School Gymnasium</p><p>

June wk2 Saturday 2020</p><p> </p><p>

Match 1: Lofts vs <strong>Bison</strong></p><p>

Match 2: <strong>Big Ryan and Jack Hogan</strong> vs The Dark Rider and Triple T</p><p>

Match 3: <strong>Castle</strong> vs Doug Peak</p><p>

Main Event - PPW Championship: <strong>Big Hoss © </strong>vs Gareth Wayne</p>

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PPW Insurgency

Live from Mohawk High School Gymnasium

June wk2 Saturday 2020

Attendance: 63

Show Rating: 26



Angle: Tony “The Guido” talks about how he decided to not take the belt from Big Hoss just yet, but instead he is going to bring in some other competition to fight Big Hoss to prove that he is really worthy to fight Tony.

Rating: 43


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Match 1: Lofts vs Bison

In a decent match, Bison defeated Justin Loftis in 14:41 by pinfall with a 21-Gun Salute.

Rating: 21


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Match 2: Big Ryan and Jack Hogan vs The Dark Rider and Triple T

In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Triple T and The Dark Rider defeated Ryan Jeffries and Jack Hogan in 14:31 when Triple T pinned Ryan Jeffries with The Curb Stomp.

Rating: 36


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Match 3: Castle vs Doug Peak

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Ryan Castle defeated Doug Peak in 14:39 by submission with a Steel City Stretch.

Rating: 29



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Main Event - PPW Championship: Big Hoss © vs Gareth Wayne

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Big Hoss defeated Gareth Wayne in 14:38 by pinfall with The Last Rodeo. Big Hoss makes defense number 2.

Rating: 21 (They did not click)



Angle: Tony attacks Big Hoss with the help of Wayne

Rating: 45

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