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SWF: The Evolution of Supreme

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<p>Man this just keeps getting better and better. LOVING the Scythe segments. I think its a great idea to keep him out of the ring for now. Makes him seem like a big deal when we finally do see him between those ropes. He is truly terrifying.</p><p> </p><p>

Emma Chase continues to be one of the most entertaining aspects you've got here. Also enjoying what you're doing with Rocky Golden. You've actually made him interesting thus far.</p>

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Great format, E-V! My only (very minor) point of criticism is that you put the commentary on the first page of a segment in one or two occasions instead of the last page, which requires scrolling up again after one has finished reading the segment. Apart from that: Amazing presentation.


The Scythe story is really interesting, and I absolutely love what you're doing with Undeniable right now. They're booked incredibly strong, and that's exactly what you need to do.

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I love Morgan as a TCW loyalist, but for some reason his stats in 20 just aren't as good as years before. A shame, because I would love to see him pushed


I can totally see why you would love the theory of Joey Morgan. I used to book him pretty strong in previous iterations of TEW, as well. Here, he's become a somewhat bland persona & his match grades are really suffering.


He's entirely necessary to the product but much longer down the ladder than I first thought.


(He's probably more of a midcarder than an uppermidcarder in my mind, due to all of this)


Man this just keeps getting better and better. LOVING the Scythe segments. I think its a great idea to keep him out of the ring for now. Makes him seem like a big deal when we finally do see him between those ropes. He is truly terrifying.




I want to let this breathe before we actually see him competing, like everyone else, in a wrestling ring. It's more about shaping his persona/character before he fits back into the rules of pro wrestling. It's closer than you think!


As for his segments, I'm a huge fan of him as well. I've found that he's not an automatic grade-getter (as he's not really all that over -- 73). That said, he's not pulling great segments every time he's on the TV. In turn, the "Fear the Reaper" storyline has waned a bit (from an 87 to a 81 in momentum).


You'll find that, once you do see Scythe again, he's gone through a metamorphosis of sorts. I'm still ironing out the exact details; moving away from the SE-over-the-top persona to more of a realistic, scary figure. That said, you'll see some of his early trademarks start to fade and genuflect to new ones.


Emma Chase continues to be one of the most entertaining aspects you've got here. Also enjoying what you're doing with Rocky Golden. You've actually made him interesting thus far.




In Emma's case, you're about to get a lot more of her coming up here.


With Rocky, I'm still in the process of nailing him down. That said, I feel like I have a path to follow. I want to humanize him, in a way, and create a 'ghost he's always warring with.' Not in the literal sense (as someone could see it that way -- especially with the Scythe scenario). Instead, there's 'ghosts' that will always occupy the top spot of the SWF. How does he fit with that? Does he fit with that? He's going to war with others and himself to see...


Great format, E-V! My only (very minor) point of criticism is that you put the commentary on the first page of a segment in one or two occasions instead of the last page, which requires scrolling up again after one has finished reading the segment. Apart from that: Amazing presentation.


Thank you, Xen!


I was hoping for some feedback about the layout, as it's the first time I've used it. Your thinking makes total sense and I will make the shift on my next episode of SupremeTV!


The Scythe story is really interesting, and I absolutely love what you're doing with Undeniable right now. They're booked incredibly strong, and that's exactly what you need to do.


Undeniable is my little 'pet project than can', right now. I love the idea of putting 4 big time players together - who are all looking to head to the top of the industry. It makes for a great write and, as we go forward, will create some unique tension within the group. Either way, I'm looking forward to booking their 4 vs. 4 Tag Team Match at "Nothing to Lose."

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<p><strong>"Big" D Des Davids</strong> vs. "Instant Classic" Spencer Spade</p><p>

[Lumberjack Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Awesomeness</strong> vs Old Glory</p><p> </p><p>

Avalanche vs <strong>"The Lionheart" Steven Parker</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"Big Money" Brandon James w/ Krissy</strong> vs Jungle Lord</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Angry Gilmore</strong> vs "The Blue Blood" Paul Huntingdon</p><p> </p><p>

Remo & Rogue vs <strong>Rocky Golden & Valiant</strong></p>

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Des Davids vs Spencer Spade

The Awesomeness vs Old Glory

Avalanche vs Steven Parker

Brandon James vs Jungle Lord

Angry Gilmore vs Paul Huntingdon

Remo & Rogue vs Rocky Golden & Valiant

Could definitely be a draw, but that's too risky to predict

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<p><strong>Des Davids</strong> vs Spencer Spade</p><p>

<strong>The Awesomeness</strong> vs Old Glory</p><p>

Avalanche vs <strong>Steven Parker</strong></p><p>

<strong>Brandon James</strong> vs Jungle Lord</p><p>

<strong>Angry Gilmore</strong> vs Paul Huntingdon</p><p>

<strong>Remo & Rogue</strong> vs Rocky Golden & Valiant</p>

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<p>Des Davids vs <strong>Spencer Spade</strong>- Spade probably has the brightest future so I think he steals a win here.</p><p>

<strong>The Awesomeness</strong> vs Old Glory -getting moment for Hawaiian Crush's next challengers.</p><p>

Avalanche vs <strong>Steven Parker</strong> - Parker is better and needs a win</p><p>

<strong>Brandon James</strong> vs Jungle Lord- James makes short work of him</p><p>

<strong>Angry Gilmore</strong> vs Paul Huntingdon - Gilmore is too good </p><p>

<strong>Remo & Rogue vs Rocky Golden & Valiant</strong>- it ends in chaos with Scythe taking everyone out</p>

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With "Nothing to Lose" only a few days away, this is the "Go Home" episode of SupremeTV.
As is customary, this episode will further along some storylines and add a lot of tension/drama leading into a highly anticipated PPV. Within this document, using my new show format, you will find current SWF overness levels in North America, the show itself, the outcome/verdict of such a show, and finally my booking notes at the end. As always, I hope you enjoy!


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="wAeZFd3.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/wAeZFd3.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="U5rtUAj.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/U5rtUAj.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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The "behind the scene" notes after the show are a great invention, E-V! Your dynasties are always written in the perspective of a semi-smark, I'd say, someone who watches the shows and reads internet news, but doesn't dig too deep into what's actually going on when the lights go out. That style is as good as any other, and it perfectly fits you and it's something that I excpect from you. That said, adding these little notes as some kind of service to us readers is an amazing way to still adhere to your style while still leaking some hints at what may come in the future.


You've done a great job building towards all these matches on the card for Nothing To Lose. Can't wait for the PPV!

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<p>Emma Chase continues to be the standout here whether its in the angles or in the commentary booth. It would be a good choice to have her step into a bigger role. Maybe even one where she stabs Eric Eisen in the back. But I digress. Another great show that built well towards the PPV. Mikey Lau and Brandon James may be the most intriguing rivalry you have after whatever is going on with Rocky Golden and Scythe of course. I can not wait for Scythe's debut. He HAS to beat Rocky or this build will be for nothing.</p><p> </p><p>


Hawaiian Crush</p><p>


Brandon James</p><p>

Angry Gilmore</p><p>

Rocky Golden</p>

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<p>Love the graphics for Nothing To Lose!</p><p> </p><p>

Z-Dub</p><p> </p><p>

Hawaiian Crush</p><p> </p><p>

ATOMIC, Davids, Morgan & Brown</p><p> </p><p>

Mikey Lau</p><p> </p><p>

Angry Gilmore</p><p> </p><p>

Rocky Golden</p>

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E-V great diary. I have been reading your stuff since the beginning and every diary gets better and better. I think you hit your stride on this one. Very compelling and very easy to follow. Please do not take this as a criticism, but please stay with this one for a while. I enjoy it and I think lot of people on this board do also. I know burn out has hit you before and you slowly drifted to new projects when you get burned out and I get it, but please I would rather you take a breath and step back for a bit and let it simmer then come back and do more. Keep up the great work E-V, you have a reader for life.


Trevor L.

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Thank you to everyone who has predicted thus far! While we don't have a built-in 'prediction contest', it's great to know that there are those out there who want to play an active role in all of this!


The "behind the scene" notes after the show are a great invention, E-V! Your dynasties are always written in the perspective of a semi-smark, I'd say, someone who watches the shows and reads internet news, but doesn't dig too deep into what's actually going on when the lights go out. That style is as good as any other, and it perfectly fits you and it's something that I excpect from you. That said, adding these little notes as some kind of service to us readers is an amazing way to still adhere to your style while still leaking some hints at what may come in the future.


You've done a great job building towards all these matches on the card for Nothing To Lose. Can't wait for the PPV!


It was a quick addition with my new show format. I didn't think much of it, at first. That said, I agree with you. It's been a fun addition to these shows; as it allows me to also convey my thinking as a booker (why I did something, the inner works of everything, etc.). My focus is not to give away too much when it comes to upcoming stories, as I like there to be an element of surprise. Overall though, it's fun to write up -- it's typically the first thing I write through when I start a new show results document.


getting the vibes of the WCW show that never happened with Lucha Suprema, love the idea




'Lucha Suprema' is something I'm really excited about. The results will be a slightly more fleshed out development than RISE. It won't come near the SupremeTV results (for time purposes) but will give the reader a chance to dive into the feel of the show.


I'm a big Lucha fan; so, this is a fun way to scratch that itch while also booking my favorite company.


Emma Chase continues to be the standout here whether its in the angles or in the commentary booth. It would be a good choice to have her step into a bigger role. Maybe even one where she stabs Eric Eisen in the back. But I digress. Another great show that built well towards the PPV. Mikey Lau and Brandon James may be the most intriguing rivalry you have after whatever is going on with Rocky Golden and Scythe of course. I can not wait for Scythe's debut. He HAS to beat Rocky or this build will be for nothing.


Emma is one of my favorite characters to write for. It's fun to get "inside of her head/thinking."


I'm happy that James/Lau has "hit" with you. It's been a pretty straight forward wrestling storyline, not much variance from a typical blueprint. It's been fun to write thus far!


As for Scythe, you'll see what's coming next over the next month (in-game)...


E-V great diary. I have been reading your stuff since the beginning and every diary gets better and better. I think you hit your stride on this one. Very compelling and very easy to follow. Please do not take this as a criticism, but please stay with this one for a while. I enjoy it and I think lot of people on this board do also. I know burn out has hit you before and you slowly drifted to new projects when you get burned out and I get it, but please I would rather you take a breath and step back for a bit and let it simmer then come back and do more. Keep up the great work E-V, you have a reader for life.


I don't take that as a criticism at all, Trev!


I agree with your thinking. I was burning out left and right in previous games. The great thing is, I have no interest in digging myself a grave with this one. I have a better writing/life balance and the new layout allows for a quicker (more streamlined) process for me as a creator. The latter has cut down on a day or two in my previous process.


I'm in this for the long haul!

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This pay-per-view is a big transition point for this project going forward. A few storylines are coming to an end. Others are forming for the first time. In one case, we are laying the foundation for an overarching, dramatic story going forward. With all of that said, I hope you enjoy "Nothing to Lose." I had a lot of fun booking it and I feel it will provide you with some entertainment during your downtime. Thank you!


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