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Also, I've been pondering the main event for the next Total Mayhem.  The top answer for awhile was Mr. Lucha to challenge Wolf Hawkins for the World Title.  Maybe even Randy Unleashed now that he's signed with TCW.

But, there's one thing different than my two previous TCW games.  Sammy Bach didn't start in decline, and still isn't in decline (KNOCK ON WOOD lol).  In fact, he's my most popular wrestler and by far my top merchandise seller.  So...I think I might pull the trigger if everything goes well.  I mean, if anyone deserves to main event Total Mayhem...and MAYBE become World Champion?  It's Sammy Bach!  

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  • 10 months later...

I started a game a few months back and took a fresh look at everything.

First, I took out any of the bad personality types not involved in a feud right off the bat.  I wrapped up the tag titles storyline and the Elite storyline to I could get rid of Nate and Daryl Devine.  I signed a bunch of the "standard" signing guys and started running 6-man tags up and down most of the TV cards with a B-show to help push the new hires up the card faster starting in March.

Fro Sure is heading off to tour in a few months (I am currently starting August).  Not sure teaming him with Joffy is a solid idea long-term if that keeps up.  Joffy may end up with Bradford Preverell long-term.

Tommy Cornell became available to sign (250K per month!) in July and I got him.  He came in as a babyface to shore up that side of the main event and will be feuding with Wolf over the world title come October.  Wolf wins the title off of Aaron after Aaron defends it against Jay in August, taking advantage of the tired champ.  Tommy cements the top of the card well enough to really take my time developing hte next geeration, so long as I can hang onto Sammy Bach.

I moved the tournament up to February because I don't love 6 months of one feud.  Sure I could have title defenses in between, but that is just silly.  Unless of course every year you either did the ol' switcheroo either via a title change, turn or combination between that 6 months is way too long to have in there every year.  I like the idea of a locked-in 3 month feud much better.

Killer Shark was noted as one of those hot prospect types.  He is improving and Titan is really good as a starter big man.  My issue is that neither is really easy to book.  You can't make guys that size into "midcarders" and neither is right for the main event if you grow fast.  Also, those two guys hanging onto the tag titles makes for very uninteresting booking for similar reasons.

A lot of the aging midcard really can still go, contrary to my earlier belief.  Doc brings it on big shows, DDD, OMA, Arsenal, Benny & the Foxx are all really good options and bring something to a main event on TV so I have a guy to do the job.

Edd Stone and Matt Hocking feuded right away with a handshake at the end and they are slated to get the tag titles off of the big man team in August as the Can Am Rockers.  DDD took the TV title from Greg as momentum break # 3 in 2020 for Greg.  I figure if he sticks on the Well Known section for the second half of 2020 and has to work to get to Star against OMA, then loses a feud to Sammy (provided I keep USPW away on him in a month) I can then strap the rockets to his boots.  He will have faced sufficient challenges along the way to make his rise not meteoric enough to cause personality flaws.

Mo and Freddy are both Major Stars right now with Freddy coming up to a loss to Sammy to end that feud in August or September (re-signing determines the date).  If Sammy did nothing else, he made Freddy and Jay.  And cut some killer promos.

T-Bone got a working injury and ended up becoming addicted to painkillers.  He is in rehab for 3 months and was actually taking more than a few losses to kill his momentum while he leraned Psych.  He had not made Well-Known yet by the time of rehab. 

Ernest Youngman & Ant-Man are fixing to be a major part of the tag team division for a few years and then part of Wolf's new group.  Davis Wayne Newton and Nelson Callum are going to feud (Nelson came in babyface) with Nelson turning on some poor partner (not sure who) to make that obvious heel turn in 2022.

I've signed a few of SWF's midcarders away to help shore up my midcard and added Akima Brave on the heel side.  Josh Jacobs and Tennessee are working their way up.  Cobra and a few other indy brawler types are on the radar.

All-in-all it has been a good start with the first 6 weeks or so a struggle to get the show ratings then everything falling into place.

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