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Do You Believe In Miracles?: A Suzanne Brazzle Story [CVerse]

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<a href="

https://imgur.com/aJno9m8"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/aJno9m8.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>


What happens to a person's mindset*when they always have the door slammed in their*face?


<a href="

https://imgur.com/XXONCll"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/XXONCll.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>


"Listen Suzanne, the company feels like the division should go in another direction. A direction geared towards a different type of style. Your style is a bit...outdated."


What do you do when you'e told that father time has finally caught up with you?


<a href="

https://imgur.com/yoJKnYV"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/yoJKnYV.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>


"The women that we are looking for faster, stronger, and.....younger. Have you thought about maybe taking all that wealth of experience and starting your own wrestling school?"



What happens when you see your friends and allies reach the pinnacle in your profession? A pinnacle that, in your mind, you would have reached, if only you had been given every single break imaginable?



<a href="https://imgur.com/hmZn46x"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/hmZn46x.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>


"And Jaime turns around and lands the K.O Kick! 1....2....3.....we have a new USPW Women's World Champion!"



What happens to your ego when you have to beg for a job from someone you despise?"


<a href="https://imgur.com/nxDfJCC"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/nxDfJCC.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a><a href="https://imgur.com/QuFK0UB"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/QuFK0UB.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>


"Look, I asked you way back when I started QAW to come down here and be the face of this company. I believed in you then and you dismissed me for Cat. How did that work out for you....and Cat? I told you my vision was the way of the future. Sorry Brazzle, there's no room for you here in this locker room."


One last idea.



One last grasp for the brass ring.



One last hail mary.


<a href="

https://imgur.com/czScGD9"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/czScGD9.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>


"Listen caller from Newark. I've been there. I did that. I know what can and cannot be successful. For over twenty years AAA was the most successful Women's Wrestling Company ever. All of your favorite wrestler's*favorite wrestler were either trained there or made their bones there. Well, maybe all except one....But when your daddy's little princess a kingdom can be brought for you. Dont mistake someone's gross financial mismanagement for "not adapting to the change. It can be done again...the right way."


"Well, if your so smart....why dont you start your own company J-RO."


"The thought has crossed my mind."



And mines too....



<a href="https://imgur.com/ENNuUsy"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/ENNuUsy.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>

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