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I recorded myself playing the game and noted down some suggestions from this

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I played the game for the 2nd time earlier today. Yesterday when I played I found some things unintuitive, so I decided to record myself so I could look back and see what I instinctively tried to do in certain situations regarding clicking and things like that. I hope this is helpful.


  • Marking emails as Unread is irrelevant on the email screen, it doesn't do anything to the colour or change anything graphically, so you don't know which emails are unread and which aren't when you load emails.


  • Every single box with a scrollwheel should be scrollable with the middle mouse button. On every table like this, I instinctively start to use the scrollwheel.


  • The lack of scrolling is particularly noticeable on the "Compare Prestige" section for Titles. There's a lot of info and every other way of scrolling is either slow or inaccurate, so I just found myself giving up on looking through it.


  • When adding a participant to an angle, I can no longer instantly view their profile as the View button has been removed. I now have to go the Roster and find them manually. This is an issue with Freestyle Angles, because I didn't know the best thing to rate the worker on without looking at their profile.


  • When adding road agent notes for a match I kept looking for a button in the bottom right, before realising that on this screen I need to X the window. The booking screen trains you to press Book Segment to confirm everything, as X'ing out means it gets rid of everything you've done, but then Road Agent Notes wants you to X out.


  • On the roster screen for a Worker I didn't realise that all of the words below the "Company Status" box were clickable. There isn't anything to suggest they're clickable. This is the same with the logo that indicates whether they're a Wrestler, a Referee, a Road agent etc, as well as the "Currently Holds X title" or "Doesn't hold any titles" text.


  • When booking a match, anyone with a non-wrestler push doesn't show in the roster list, even though you're able to book them in a match by choosing "View Entire Roster". This was an issue when I needed to book an Eye Candy match, but none of my female roster would show up because none of them were classed as wrestlers. I was still able to book them in the match by viewing the whole roster under the dropdowns, but this doesn't also show the whole roster on the roster list.


  • When booking a match, if I want to move the window by dragging it at the top, I have to click and hold on the right side. If I click anywhere on the left of the middle, it won't let me select and therefore move the window.


  • I may be misunderstanding the feature, but I can't work out how "Drag & Drop" works. I've tried turning it on and the only change is that with it turned on I can click a name and hold to scroll through the list. I can't seem to do any dragging or dropping.


  • The autobooker booked a title match even though I selected No to that option.


  • When running a show, the Segment Rating is the most underwhelming part of the screen, even though it's the most important. There is also a huge amount of space in the notes section, but none of the notes are anywhere near long enough to fill out the entire width of the box. This information being underwhelming is also the case when viewing the shows of other promotions.


  • The universal scale for skills is, with the worst first, Red-Orange-Yellow-Light Green-Darker Bold Green. This game goes Red-Light Green-Darker Bold Green-Yellow. I'm unsure whether the Yellow is meant to represent Gold, but it doesn't look Gold in any sense, and feels very wrong.


  • I received an email about the cost of my steroid plan and it states "You can alter your drug test settings via the Medical section of your control room." It's actually the Drug Testing setting of your Office. I can't see any text calling anything a Control Room.


  • Being able to press the Escape key to exit a window would save lots of clicks.


  • I'm not initially sure what Promises are. I read the handbook but they don't offer much information. I thought maybe it would be if you talked to a worker and said "I'd like you to increase your size", but I did this, it was successful, but it wasn't added to the Promises section.


  • I wanted to put one of my Events on Pay-Per-View. I didn't care which, I just wanted it on a PPV channel. To do this I had to look and search through Cable Pay-Per-View, Terrestrial Pay-Per-View and Internet Pay-Per-View. After searching through all 3, none of them had any interested parties. An "All Pay-Per-View" option would be handy.


  • I wanted to hire some good in ring workers. Usually I'd just select search for "Good" then "in ring worker", however, I now have to manually type the skills in. I'm not sure what makes a good worker in the context of this game, so I don't know what to search for. This way opens up more custom searches, but the difference between a worker having, for example, 85 basics and 88 basics is irrelevant to me when I'm looking for someone to hire. Presets that autofill the skills box with the relevant numbers would make things much easier.


  • Another company made a contract offer for one of my workers. I loaded up his profile from the email I received and I couldn't find a way to see how long his contract was as the Negotiation button wouldn't work because he wasn't in the final month of his contract. I then loaded up the Contract screen and it said he had 2 years, 11 months and 3 weeks remaining. I then moved on the next couple of days and my worker had been signed by this other company and his contract expiry changed to 28 days. This could potentially be an issue due to having to change the database from May 2001 to January 2002, but even still, there were nearly 3 years remaining on the contract.

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Some great points on here just to answer this one as i happened to do it by accident


I'm not initially sure what Promises are. I read the handbook but they don't offer much information. I thought maybe it would be if you talked to a worker and said "I'd like you to increase your size", but I did this, it was successful, but it wasn't added to the Promises section.


I got a promise to show up when i asked someone to put another worker over and it said its good for 1 show and disappears after a month if not used in my case.


and on this one


Another company made a contract offer for one of my workers. I loaded up his profile from the email I received and I couldn't find a way to see how long his contract was as the Negotiation button wouldn't work because he wasn't in the final month of his contract. I then loaded up the Contract screen and it said he had 2 years, 11 months and 3 weeks remaining. I then moved on the next couple of days and my worker had been signed by this other company and his contract expiry changed to 28 days. This could potentially be an issue due to having to change the database from May 2001 to January 2002, but even still, there were nearly 3 years remaining on the contract.


Contracts now have to be iron clad i believe to stop poaching being possible even under written deals.

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I got a promise to show up when i asked someone to put another worker over and it said its good for 1 show and disappears after a month if not used in my case.


Oh, I see. So I was along the right lines, just not all of the talking options result in promises.


Contracts now have to be iron clad i believe to stop poaching being possible even under written deals.


Ah, that makes sense. It was ported from a TEW 16 mod, so wouldn't have been filled in with "iron clad". The fact that I couldn't negotiate is an issue though - I may have been able to make a better offer than my competitor and sign him to an iron clad deal, but I wasn't able to.

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