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WMMA5 option to push/bury talent in developmental

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<p>In WMMA you have the option to send fighters down to your child organization and give instructions as to how the talent should be used (such as protecting, burying etc). </p><p> </p><p>

With perception being added to the game and being a huge part of everything, it would be awesome if we had more control as to how your talent is being booked in the child organization. Last thing i want is that my ultra talented worker being buried to some crappy arrogant worker the child promotion decided to hire Or some worker i sent down there to run down the rest of their contract.</p><p> </p><p>

In WMMA your instructions were not always kept because it is a MMA game and you are not "fixing results", but here you can decide exactly that. If my child does not do it, it means i have to then promote that talent, deal with fixing their momentum and having to job talent on my own roster to get their perception up. Which influences my own ratings and frankly speaking i rather that be done in the child organization. </p><p> </p><p>

In short, it was an awesome feature in WMMA and would love to see it here.</p>

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In WMMA you have the option to send fighters down to your child organization and give instructions as to how the talent should be used (such as protecting, burying etc).


With perception being added to the game and being a huge part of everything, it would be awesome if we had more control as to how your talent is being booked in the child organization. Last thing i want is that my ultra talented worker being buried to some crappy arrogant worker the child promotion decided to hire Or some worker i sent down there to run down the rest of their contract.


In WMMA your instructions were not always kept because it is a MMA game and you are not "fixing results", but here you can decide exactly that. If my child does not do it, it means i have to then promote that talent, deal with fixing their momentum and having to job talent on my own roster to get their perception up. Which influences my own ratings and frankly speaking i rather that be done in the child organization.


In short, it was an awesome feature in WMMA and would love to see it here.


I like your idea. I've been thinking the same thing.

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