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January 2004 Ruthless Aggression TEW 2020 Mod (ABANDONWARE/FREEWARE

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Never noticed the duplicate of angles. Could be a mammoth job going through each individual angle. May be best to mass delete all angles then import some generic ones.. I think most people write their own angles in game anyway so don’t see this being a bit hoo har
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Snakebite180" data-cite="Snakebite180" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48346" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Never noticed the duplicate of angles. Could be a mammoth job going through each individual angle. May be best to mass delete all angles then import some generic ones.. I think most people write their own angles in game anyway so don’t see this being a bit hoo har</div></blockquote><p> Default angles are all wrong in the game right now, even with the ones that came with TEW2020.</p><p> </p><p> I’d be using Freestyle until someone decides to fix the default ones.</p>
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It’s no major big deal, but how come you decided to change back to the old pic pack worker style rather than 2016’s beta type? I was digging the more natural look and was a bit disappointed to see us change back. There’s also some Kyky in there which makes for odd inconsistencies.


Genuinely nitpicking though, just curious is all!

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It’s no major big deal, but how come you decided to change back to the old pic pack worker style rather than 2016’s beta type? I was digging the more natural look and was a bit disappointed to see us change back. There’s also some Kyky in there which makes for odd inconsistencies.


Genuinely nitpicking though, just curious is all!


The newer pic pack shouldn't have any kyky. I think for some reason there are some errors in the pack linked in the original post. I just took the pack that I had in TEW2016 and transferred it to the TEW2020 folder and the only pictures are up close pics of the faces of the workers. For some reason, there are some workers and titles and events that didn't transfer over so they're left blank, but they do exist in the pack so I can just apply them manually. As for the errors in the pack linked here, I can't really explain any inconsistencies since I'm using the last one linked in the TEW2016 thread.

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Booked my first RAW. I like the data so far. Would up booking an 89 OVR show. I'm not sure if this is an angle thing or a product thing but decent portion of my angles bombed. Highest angle was Foley hyping a match with Triple H which came in with an 81 but then Molly stripping Trish was a 30 and 2 segments between Rock and HBK vs Jericho and Christian came in at 57 and 60.


Couple of quick things:

Pictures aren't matching up with the WWF/E titles and some of the WWE roster, which someone had already stated.


Relationships. You've got some in the database which wouldn't have existed for another 5-10 years like Elijah Burke and CM Punk, Triple H and Del Rio, Ryback and Triple H and Cena and Daniel Bryan.


Angles are a mess. Looks like someone grabbed every angle pack available in 16 and threw it into this mod and there is a LOT of duplicates.


I don't know if this is a mod thing or something wrong with the game itself but got very small amount of viewers for J Sports 4, Sky Sport 1, Sky Sports, and then Sports Network had 0 viewers.


Please don't take this as me picking on your mod or giving you a hard time. Appreciate all the work you are putting into this and hope you have the best of luck with it. This is actually one of my favorite time periods in the business and this seems to be a really good start.


I think the broadcasters stuff is on Adam's end, I have fudged with it some. I just put a new link out for a KYKY pic pack that SHOULD link up to everything, Try that and please let me know.

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The newer pic pack shouldn't have any kyky. I think for some reason there are some errors in the pack linked in the original post. I just took the pack that I had in TEW2016 and transferred it to the TEW2020 folder and the only pictures are up close pics of the faces of the workers. For some reason, there are some workers and titles and events that didn't transfer over so they're left blank, but they do exist in the pack so I can just apply them manually. As for the errors in the pack linked here, I can't really explain any inconsistencies since I'm using the last one linked in the TEW2016 thread.


The pack linked here uses the old 2004 mod style of worker pics (wrestling ring in the background, custom cuts), but has some Kyky randomly sprinkled in like for Jeff Jarrett's default pic.


The one you're using is what I'd prefer here but, as I said, it's not really a big deal. I just personally prefer the ones used for 2016 because they were clearer and nicer to look at.

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Thx for the great work!


one thing i have noticed: products probably need to be reworked at some time. TNA f.e. is classic sports entertainment.

You get major penalties if you book a TLC Match in TNA(Ultimate X isn`t there so i took the closest danger/risque-wise). Risky or Dangerous Match types are important for TNA, or for the X-Divison at least.

Sabin vs Bentley vs Daniels vs Low-Ki got a 33 Rating in a 14 Minute TLC Match.


But to be fair, i am not sure which product really fits. No-Style, Nerd Nirvana, Stoner Entertainment or Attitude Entertainment maybe?


I ha e given TNA the no style style. I really miss the customized products.

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Never noticed the duplicate of angles. Could be a mammoth job going through each individual angle. May be best to mass delete all angles then import some generic ones.. I think most people write their own angles in game anyway so don’t see this being a bit hoo har


That is exactly what just happened

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I just uploaded iDOL's organic pic pack he did for TEW 2016, The bottom link is the one he did for 2013 with some KYKY that I added for my own personal use. IF they don't sync for either link, they are all there, you'll have to manually set them.
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Just booked Royal Rumble, it was a decent show and it got 667k buys, which seems to be a lot more realistic than NWO getting 900k. I'm wondering what happened there. Anyway, I haven't noticed too many errors in that save, but here are some things I noticed in the latest update:


- Kurt Angle is listed as two time King of the Ring, both times being the same date. Looking at the title history of KOTR, it doesn't seem to count him twice, so you don't have to change that lineage, but one of Kurt's wins should be deleted.


- The Royal Rumble title needs to be set to active for WWE and as someone else mentioned, I don't think that it's set up for the AI to book the battle royal for the event.


- It looks like all the pay per view broadcasters have had massive size downgrades in conversion, but maybe that's not a bad thing considering someone in this thread mentioned their No Way Out had 900k buys... but either way, some major PPV providers have Very Small coverage across the board.


- Spike TV has gone from Big coverage in the USA in the original mod down to Medium. Same goes for UPN. I haven't checked all of the other broadcasters yet, but you should probably take a look. WWE are also not eligible to negotiate with UPN because they don't meet the requirement of 50 popularity in 30 regions, probably because of the low popularity in the new regions introduced in TEW2020.


- Speaking of popularity, it seems in the conversion that Oceania got messed up. Using WWE as an example, they went from 60 popularity across Australia/New Zealand to 30 across Oceania in TEW2020. I'd suggest going through the companies in TEW2016 and just checking the popularities in that version and adjusting it in TEW2020. Also I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but WWE's popularity in Canada is 67 across the board compared to 80 in TEW2016. I don't mind the lower numbers for more of a challenge, but 67 is probably a bit low, especially when British Isles at 70 and Mexican is at 65.


- I'd also suggest this for WWE:


Production Values: High Quality (or Majestic as the description for that includes a jumbo tron)

Broadcast Quality: Industry Standard

Merchandise: Industrial Scale


I feel like that takes the era into account and makes it a bit more realistic but also gives something to build towards when you're playing as the #1 company by far, but it's possible I'm alone with that opinion.

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Just booked Royal Rumble, it was a decent show and it got 667k buys, which seems to be a lot more realistic than NWO getting 900k. I'm wondering what happened there. Anyway, I haven't noticed too many errors in that save, but here are some things I noticed in the latest update:


- Kurt Angle is listed as two time King of the Ring, both times being the same date. Looking at the title history of KOTR, it doesn't seem to count him twice, so you don't have to change that lineage, but one of Kurt's wins should be deleted.


- The Royal Rumble title needs to be set to active for WWE and as someone else mentioned, I don't think that it's set up for the AI to book the battle royal for the event.


- It looks like all the pay per view broadcasters have had massive size downgrades in conversion, but maybe that's not a bad thing considering someone in this thread mentioned their No Way Out had 900k buys... but either way, some major PPV providers have Very Small coverage across the board.


- Spike TV has gone from Big coverage in the USA in the original mod down to Medium. Same goes for UPN. I haven't checked all of the other broadcasters yet, but you should probably take a look. WWE are also not eligible to negotiate with UPN because they don't meet the requirement of 50 popularity in 30 regions, probably because of the low popularity in the new regions introduced in TEW2020.


- Speaking of popularity, it seems in the conversion that Oceania got messed up. Using WWE as an example, they went from 60 popularity across Australia/New Zealand to 30 across Oceania in TEW2020. I'd suggest going through the companies in TEW2016 and just checking the popularities in that version and adjusting it in TEW2020. Also I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but WWE's popularity in Canada is 67 across the board compared to 80 in TEW2016. I don't mind the lower numbers for more of a challenge, but 67 is probably a bit low, especially when British Isles at 70 and Mexican is at 65.


- I'd also suggest this for WWE:


Production Values: High Quality (or Majestic as the description for that includes a jumbo tron)

Broadcast Quality: Industry Standard

Merchandise: Industrial Scale


I feel like that takes the era into account and makes it a bit more realistic but also gives something to build towards when you're playing as the #1 company by far, but it's possible I'm alone with that opinion.


I had to rework the size of broadcasters to get accurate viewing numbers for WWE. Same goes for PPV carriers to get realistic buyrates. You have any suggestions? Should I make them back to their correct size or..??

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I think the tv ratings should reflect the size of the broadcasters and not vice versa! The ratings seem pretty spot on at the moment - better then most mkre were raw gets 10 million ect! It’s hard to get this perfect and completely real so I would be hesitant to change them
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I think the tv ratings should reflect the size of the broadcasters and not vice versa! The ratings seem pretty spot on at the moment - better then most mkre were raw gets 10 million ect! It’s hard to get this perfect and completely real so I would be hesitant to change them


You think I should keep the tv networks size as they are now to reflect real life ratings?

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You think I should keep the tv networks size as they are now to reflect real life ratings?


I didn't know that you'd reworked them, I just figured they all changed in conversion. I'm actually satisfied with the actual numbers I'm getting. It looks weird when you see huge providers with small coverage, but I have been finding the numbers realistic! The only thing I don't understand is some networks have REALLY small numbers, most notably The Sports Network having 0 viewers every Raw/Smackdown.

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I didn't know that you'd reworked them, I just figured they all changed in conversion. I'm actually satisfied with the actual numbers I'm getting. It looks weird when you see huge providers with small coverage, but I have been finding the numbers realistic! The only thing I don't understand is some networks have REALLY small numbers, most notably The Sports Network having 0 viewers every Raw/Smackdown.


Yep. I reworked them. If it gets me realistic numbers then fine i guess lol. I made TSN to be bigger and they get a few thousand now

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I believe the sports network 0 ratings relate to the new

Tew engine. The viewing audience will always choose the most convenient and cheapest way to watch a show. So if it’s getting 0 this is because there is another network in same the same area which is bigger/more accisible

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Snakebite180" data-cite="Snakebite180" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48346" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I believe the sports network 0 ratings relate to the new<p> Tew engine. The viewing audience will always choose the most convenient and cheapest way to watch a show. So if it’s getting 0 this is because there is another network in same the same area which is bigger/more accisible</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I completely forgot about this. I think that would explain it.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="auto45" data-cite="auto45" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48346" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You have to also edit the pictures in their contracts. At least in 2016 that's how you did it. I haven't tried because I just did it manually for the people on my roster and didn't worry about others.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks, problem solved !</p>
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<p>A few random notes I made when going through the data:</p><p> </p><p>

NJPW - 40 popularity in the USA may be a little too high? They can get a big TV deal in the USA with this popularity - something they have never been able to do. And also with this popularity they would be able to draw some big crowds in the USA - which I believe they have never been able to do solo without colab with another promotion. </p><p> </p><p>

IWA:PR is more popular than the WWC. I believe in the mid 2000s the two promotions were running neck and neck but I think WWC has always been the much bigger and well known federation in Puerto Rico. I would have WWC at 50 and IWA:PR 45 - anyone from Puerto Rico can shed any light on this?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Urban Network - the requirement may be a little too low - 20 in one region in USA.. makes it very easy for an upstart fed to get on TV very soon and then get popular everywhere. I would change this to maybe 30 in at least 3 regions in teh USA</p><p> </p><p>

Popularity of stars in TNA & Other workers</p><p>

The balance of popularity has improved massively. There is a great balance between guys who were 'hot' on the indy scene and wrestlers who enjoyed success in the 90s/early 2000s on weekly wrestling televison. </p><p>

A few adjusments I would personally make:</p><p>

BG James - change his popularity to 45-50, at the moment he has similar popularity to some of the indy stars who have never had TV exposure as of yet.</p><p>

Jerry Lynn - 70 is way too high for Lynn, Sandman and Raven are on around the 40 mark so I would put Lynn 35-40. (Maybe an increase in the Tri State area)</p><p>

Dusty Rhodes - an increase to the mid 70s would see him level with the likes of Roddy Piper.</p><p>

Erik Watts - increase to 25 - as name value and TV exposure</p><p>

Konan - increase to 40 in all areas of the USA - unsure why he has a big bump in Puertro Rico and Hawaii? Unsure if hes worked in Puerto Rico to an extent of other stars? Hawaii I highly doubt this.</p><p>

Tammy Lynn Sytch - lower her popularity to maybe 30 in USA and 20 Canada. Very high in the 50 range at the moment. </p><p>

Savio Vega - 93 in Puerto Rico is very excessive, he is a big name in Puerto Rico but wouldn't go that far! I would say maybe 60 popularity and have Carlos Colon as 70! He has 89 in Hawaii - I am unsure exactly why a lot of these Puerto Rican stars have big popularity in Hawaii?</p><p>

Apok - Has huge popularity in USA and Canada however has never had any exposure what so ever- would lower to 15 in Canada and 5 in USA.</p>

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A few random notes I made when going through the data:


NJPW - 40 popularity in the USA may be a little too high? They can get a big TV deal in the USA with this popularity - something they have never been able to do. And also with this popularity they would be able to draw some big crowds in the USA - which I believe they have never been able to do solo without colab with another promotion.


IWA:PR is more popular than the WWC. I believe in the mid 2000s the two promotions were running neck and neck but I think WWC has always been the much bigger and well known federation in Puerto Rico. I would have WWC at 50 and IWA:PR 45 - anyone from Puerto Rico can shed any light on this?



Urban Network - the requirement may be a little too low - 20 in one region in USA.. makes it very easy for an upstart fed to get on TV very soon and then get popular everywhere. I would change this to maybe 30 in at least 3 regions in teh USA


Popularity of stars in TNA & Other workers

The balance of popularity has improved massively. There is a great balance between guys who were 'hot' on the indy scene and wrestlers who enjoyed success in the 90s/early 2000s on weekly wrestling televison.

A few adjusments I would personally make:

BG James - change his popularity to 45-50, at the moment he has similar popularity to some of the indy stars who have never had TV exposure as of yet.

Jerry Lynn - 70 is way too high for Lynn, Sandman and Raven are on around the 40 mark so I would put Lynn 35-40. (Maybe an increase in the Tri State area)

Dusty Rhodes - an increase to the mid 70s would see him level with the likes of Roddy Piper.

Erik Watts - increase to 25 - as name value and TV exposure

Konan - increase to 40 in all areas of the USA - unsure why he has a big bump in Puertro Rico and Hawaii? Unsure if hes worked in Puerto Rico to an extent of other stars? Hawaii I highly doubt this.

Tammy Lynn Sytch - lower her popularity to maybe 30 in USA and 20 Canada. Very high in the 50 range at the moment.

Savio Vega - 93 in Puerto Rico is very excessive, he is a big name in Puerto Rico but wouldn't go that far! I would say maybe 60 popularity and have Carlos Colon as 70! He has 89 in Hawaii - I am unsure exactly why a lot of these Puerto Rican stars have big popularity in Hawaii?

Apok - Has huge popularity in USA and Canada however has never had any exposure what so ever- would lower to 15 in Canada and 5 in USA.

Fixed everything you suggested. Certain guys I imported and didn't get around to fixing their high pop for 2004

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I just wanna thank each and everyone of you that have helped out during this process. I am very happy where the game stands. It's more than playable. I have been putting In 10 hour days trying to make this mod amazing. I am still going to be fixing things. But I am very happy with where things are.
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