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January 2004 Ruthless Aggression TEW 2020 Mod (ABANDONWARE/FREEWARE

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Nickman" data-cite="The Nickman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48346" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just weighing in on this debate, it sounds to me like Sting should have a three month TNA contact and it can be up to the player (either human <strong>OR </strong>AI) to decide how to use him.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That sounds fair, because he just worked not even a full month prior to the game start and then appears in March, so it's fair to assume that he was part of TNA in some way at this point.</p><p> </p><p> With this mod, I strictly play as WWE (I prefer TNA in 05/06 mods), but before I started a long term save I'd probably put Sting on TNA because not only was he on a four appearance contract (which makes him part of TNA) but also it's nice to give the TNA AI something to work with. I like the idea of a three month contract though.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ZachBraff" data-cite="ZachBraff" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48346" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That sounds fair, because he just worked not even a full month prior to the game start and then appears in March, so it's fair to assume that he was part of TNA in some way at this point.<p> </p><p> With this mod, I strictly play as WWE (I prefer TNA in 05/06 mods), but before I started a long term save I'd probably put Sting on TNA because not only was he on a four appearance contract (which makes him part of TNA) but also it's nice to give the TNA AI something to work with. I like the idea of a three month contract though.</p></div></blockquote><p> Yeah, I always play as WWE too, so it won't make a huge difference to me either to start the game.</p><p> </p><p> I'll probably try and pick him up if he becomes a free agent though!</p>
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Dirty and cheap? The company legit was using him on their shows! Don’t cheat the system and use him as a special attraction just like they did in real life.


Not at the time this mod begins, namely January 2004.


His four-show deal was used up as follows:


Jun 18th 2003

Nov 5th 2003

Nov 12th 2003

Dec 17th 2003


He did not have another match for them until Jan 15th 2006, when they were TNA.




He only had two appearances between that time - both in March 2004.


He shouldn't be on the TNA roster. While the user may choose not to "cheat the system", the AI will use him liberally.

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Not at the time this mod begins, namely January 2004.


His four-show deal was used up as follows:


Jun 18th 2003

Nov 5th 2003

Nov 12th 2003

Dec 17th 2003


He did not have another match for them until Jan 15th 2006, when they were TNA.




He only had two appearances between that time - both in March 2004.


He shouldn't be on the TNA roster. While the user may choose not to "cheat the system", the AI will use him liberally.


In the latest update, it looks like Sting was given a three month contract due to his appearance in March 2004. That's probably a good compromise, since he was still doing business with TNA at the time but took a long break after his last appearance in March.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ZachBraff" data-cite="ZachBraff" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48346" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In the latest update, it looks like Sting was given a three month contract due to his appearance in March 2004. That's probably a good compromise, since he was still doing business with TNA at the time but took a long break after his last appearance in March.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yep, I'm happy with this. Sorry for kicking off this debate, I probably could have worded my post better.</p><p> </p><p> I think this is an excellent compromise though and more accurately reflects his time in TNA at the time, and as others have mentioned it leaves the player open to sign him full-time if they want (and if he wants..)</p>
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Any plans to flesh out some of the game areas with venues and broadcasters? They added some new areas compared to 2016, so there's a few regions with no venues or coverage. Most notably, India is completely barren. There's also some venues that are located in the empty game areas, but they're in the wrong places because the way the game was built in 2016 and the conversion (for example, New South Wales has several Queensland venues on its list).
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Any plans to flesh out some of the game areas with venues and broadcasters? They added some new areas compared to 2016, so there's a few regions with no venues or coverage. Most notably, India is completely barren. There's also some venues that are located in the empty game areas, but they're in the wrong places because the way the game was built in 2016 and the conversion (for example, New South Wales has several Queensland venues on its list).


If you could send me a list of the venues...I'm not familiar with the Oceania region

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If you could send me a list of the venues...I'm not familiar with the Oceania region


Well, anything with "Brisbane" or "Gold Coast" in it belongs to Queensland. Otherwise, all I can suggest is just doing some Googling of the listed venues and seeing which states/areas they're actually located in. Here are the areas that seem to be missing venues or have them misplaced:















Southern Europe

Southern Mediterranean

Western Europe







Then India has nothing.


Anyway, with the way the new locations feature works, I guess you could just leave it as is. It'd be cool to at least organize the existing venues though. As for broadcasters, might be worth asking Idol about how he did his research regarding broadcasters around the world in 2004.

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You mention in the TNA storylines that Swinger and Diamond are going to turn face, yet set them to turn face and it says their last turn was recent. Might want to edit that if it can be edited. Also, Jerry Lynn as the most over worker in the company seems a bit of a stretch.


The Undertaker shouldn't be set to be on a hiatus when he's in a storyline. He should be available for WWE so he can be placed in angles.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jean-vic" data-cite="jean-vic" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48346" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The Undertaker shouldn't be set to be on a hiatus when he's in a storyline. He should be available for WWE so he can be placed in angles.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm pretty sure you can still use Taker in angles. When selecting workers in the angle, just switch from "available" to "all" and his name should pop up.</p>
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<p>You forgot to change some of John Hennigan's and Joey Matthew's skills after altering their popularity.</p><p> </p><p>

Hennigan: </p><p>

Brawling: 28</p><p>

Technical: 30</p><p>

Aerial: 48</p><p>

Flashiness: 64</p><p>

Basics: 70</p><p>

Psychology: 47</p><p>

Consistency: 61</p><p>

Selling: 65</p><p>

Athleticism: 76</p><p>

Stamina: 75</p><p>

Microphone: 29</p><p>

Charisma: 62</p><p>

Acting: 31</p><p>

Star Quality: 77</p><p> </p><p>


Brawling: 43</p><p>

Technical: 30</p><p>

Aerial: 47</p><p>

Flashiness: 73</p><p>

Basics: 70</p><p>

Psychology: 63</p><p>

Consistency: 61</p><p>

Selling: 70</p><p>

Athleticism: 53</p><p>

Microphone: 47</p><p>

Charisma: 70</p><p>

Acting: 53</p><p>

Star Quality: 70</p>

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You forgot to change some of John Hennigan's and Joey Matthew's skills after altering their popularity.



Brawling: 28

Technical: 30

Aerial: 48

Flashiness: 64

Basics: 70

Psychology: 47

Consistency: 61

Selling: 65

Athleticism: 76

Stamina: 75

Microphone: 29

Charisma: 62

Acting: 31

Star Quality: 77



Brawling: 43

Technical: 30

Aerial: 47

Flashiness: 73

Basics: 70

Psychology: 63

Consistency: 61

Selling: 70

Athleticism: 53

Microphone: 47

Charisma: 70

Acting: 53

Star Quality: 70


Yes I did! Thanks man

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Loved the mod in 2016 and great to see someone carrying it over and by the looks of it improving it and putting a lot of effort in! Although one thing I noticed, Erick Rowan has 60 pop across the US which I imagine is an error. Only thing I've spotted so far. After typing this I realised there's an Erick Rowan and Thorius in the database which is where the issue has come from.
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