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MAW Where It All Begins Again 2020

Wed, Wk 3, Oct 2020


Opening Match

Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship match

Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit


The Wolf Pack vs DeMarcus & Gray ©


Mid Atlantic Wrestling Try-out Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Kid Fantastic vs Quentin Queen


Mid Atlantic American Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Simon Ice vs Sandman Winks w/The Historian ©


Six-Person Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Deuce Deadline & Two Man Riot vs Jaylon Martins, Joey Fili & Kyle Diamond


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Ho Tinh vs Josh Jacobs

Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Four-way Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs The Architect vs Bradley Blaze ©

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Henry Winks and David Barker were different people. In the literal sense that they were two beings, two separate corporeal entities inhabited by individual consciousnesses. But also in the sense that they were very different, personally and professionally. Henry Winks is a champion in Mid Atlantic Wrestling. David Barker had been taking the pins for the team for the duration of the year. The two’s fortunes were inextricably linked for the foreseeable future but there was a clear divide in how they were presented. The champion and his well, not-quite-a-lackey-not-quite-an-equal-maybe-more-of-an-assitant?


David had an undergraduate degree in History. He had graduated during the summer, just before the Sam Keith Classic, and his search for a full-time job was coming up empty. He got interviews, but then was turned away in favour of somebody else. And he refused to do unpaid temp work for companies that could afford to buy and sell him. So he continued to work at the corner store near the apartment he shared with Henry. His boss was a nice old man who paid him a little more than minimum wage. But doing that three or four times a week wasn’t paying the bills the way he needed it to. Wrestling helped, but outside of MAW there weren’t many spot shows popping up near Baltimore. A big show did crop up, up in New Hampshire, he wrestled in front of over a thousand people, teaming with The Aces of Mayhem, heroes, he felt of the independent scene. So, after a day of job hunting, or working at the corner store, David came home to his roommate, who had undoubtedly spent the day working at his dream job, as small as that job was, and then came home to drink a diet Pepsi – He didn’t like any other Cola, he said it was “An affront to everything Harry T. Moore stood for – before asking David how his day was when he came in the door. This day was no different.


“Any luck on the job front?” Henry asked as soon as David had the door closed behind him.


David sighed and went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of beer from the back. He slammed the cap on the edge of the counter to open it and leaned against it. He took a long drink and the cool liquid hitting the back of his throat eased his disappointment ever so slightly.


Henry took his friend’s silence as an answer, “Well hey, maybe tomorrow?” He said, “We’re good for the bills and there’s food in the fridge. Don’t sweat it too much.”


Henry had had what could only be described as a day with opposite energy to that of David. He left the apartment that morning to go to his dream job – Store supervisor at a family owned pet store – where he spent his day making sure the small array of fish, rodents and birds were well taken care of. He informed customers of the best ways to care for their animals, enrich their lives and meet their dietary requirements. A lot of people asked Henry why he had no interest in veterinary work. But he had no interest in medical procedures or putting animals down. He knew it was necessary, that sometimes the best thing to be done was to put an end to the suffering, but he just didn’t have it in him to do it.


After work he drove home, cracked open his Pepsi and checked his email, as he did every day. He had a daily routine as methodical as his ring style, but he was happy, and he tried to pass on that positivity to his roommate to no avail.


“Jay called today by the way, about Where It All Begins Again, you’re going to be at ringside for my match.” Henry said in his usual matter-of-fact way.


“Why does he never call me?” David asked, hurt.


“Are you, the man who disavows every technological advance since 1997 complaining that somebody didn’t call you?”


“Well…” David began, “I do have a phone.”


“That old thing you call a phone. It looks like you pulled it from a X-Files prop box” Henry laughed.


“Whatever man, just tell me about the match.”

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Opening Match

Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship match

Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit


The Wolf Pack vs DeMarcus & Gray ©


Mid Atlantic Wrestling Try-out Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Kid Fantastic vs Quentin Queen


Mid Atlantic American Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Simon Ice vs Sandman Winks w/The Historian ©


Six-Person Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Deuce Deadline & Two Man Riot vs Jaylon Martins, Joey Fili & Kyle Diamond


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Ho Tinh vs Josh Jacobs


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Four-way Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs The Architect vs Bradley Blaze ©


Bonus Prediction: Who Takes the fall in the four-way main event?:Cheetah Boy

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MAW Where It All Begins Again 2020

Wed, Wk 3, Oct 2020


Opening Match

Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship match

Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit


The Wolf Pack vs DeMarcus & Gray ©


Mid Atlantic Wrestling Try-out Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Kid Fantastic vs Quentin Queen


Mid Atlantic American Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Simon Ice vs Sandman Winks w/The Historian ©


Six-Person Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Deuce Deadline & Two Man Riot vs Jaylon Martins, Joey Fili & Kyle Diamond


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Ho Tinh vs Josh Jacobs


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Four-way Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs The Architect vs Bradley Blaze ©


Bonus Prediction: Who Takes the fall in the four-way main event?: Cheetah Boy

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MAW Where It All Begins Again 2020

Wed, Wk 3, Oct 2020

Attendance: 447

Viewers: 15,608


Opening Match

Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship match

Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit

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• The Wolf Pack were looking to avenge their previous loss to DeMarcus & Gray after a stellar run in the Sam Keith Classic.

• Much like their last match, the animosity between these two teams didn’t allow for a classic tag team affair as they went for each other right from the opening bell and things quickly spilled to the outside of the ring.

• Tyrone Gray broke away from the cluster and rolled back into the ring to attempt his signature topé con hilo (Which interestingly is a mistranslation), but The Wolf Pack were prepared this time for his high flying offence, caught Gray in the air and tossed him into the ringside barricade. The sound his body made hitting the steel resonated like a cannon blast, and he barely moved from that point on.

• The match devolved into a 2-on-1 affair as The Wolf Pack broke down Nate DeMarcus with their joint offense for much of the rest of the match.

• DeMarcus did manage to battle back, hitting belly-to-belly suplexes on Noggin and Tokoeka and got to the corner to tag Gray who had managed to claw his way back on to the ring apron.

• Unfortunately Gray was too injured after his failed high risk move and the tide turned once again, Tokoeka took DeMarcus off the apron and Sean Noggin nailed Tyrone Gray with the Hangman’s Neckbreaker.

• In a decent match, The Wolf Pack defeated DeMarcus & Gray in 9:41 when Sean Noggin pinned Tyrone Gray with a Hangman's Neckbreaker. The Wolf Pack win the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles.


Rating: 37


Mid Atlantic Wrestling Try-out Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Two young men looking to make their mark in Mid Atlantic Wrestling went head-to-head, both looking to impress Sam Keith and the MAW faithful.

• The fans bought into the match pretty well, having seen both men at different points throughout the year, they were familiar with each and the two worked at the top of their games.

• Queen cheated to take control after an early flurry from Kid Fantastic and the smaller man bumped like crazy for his opponent.

• The record Baltimore crowd were fully behind the plight of Kid Fantastic who battled back into the match, hitting a picture-perfect dropkick, tornado DDT and finished his opponent off with the Fantasm.

• In a decent match, Kid Fantastic defeated Quentin Queen in 8:01 by pinfall with a Fantasm.


Rating: 34



DeAnna Desire met Simon Ice on his way to the ring before his title match and asked him how he’s feeling ahead of his match with Sandman Winks.

Ice grinned and said “Well DeAnna, I’ve beaten them both at once, I’ve beaten The Historian on his own. It’s clear that the winds are at my back and all I have to do is make it three for three and walk out of here the new, Mid Atlantic American champion.”


Rating: 28


Mid Atlantic American Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit

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• Knowing the threat his opponent represented, Simon Ice utilised a hit and run strategy to great effect against Sandman Winks.

• Winks absorbed a lot of punishment early on, but after The Historian swept the legs out from under Ice while the referee wasn’t looking, Winks took control of the match and worked Ice over.

• Winks assault focused heavily on the ribs of Simon Ice, trying to restrict his breathing to increase the effect of the Deep Sleep sleeperhold.

• Ice battled back well, bouncing off the middle rope and using that momentum to roll out of the Deep Sleep. He levelled Winks with a kick to the temple but was distracted when The Historian jumped up onto the ring apron.

• The referee got caught in an argument with Historian and even went to remove him from ringside, but while that was going on Ice turned around into a cloud of sand blown into his face by Sandman Winks.

• After that Winks grabbed the Deep Sleep and due to the damage, he had already sustained, Ice passed out in less than a minute.

• In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Sandman Winks defeated Simon Ice in 11:35 by submission with a Deep Sleep after blatantly cheating. Sandman Winks makes defence number one of the Mid Atlantic American title.


Rating: 38



Following the match, with Ice stirring the Past Masters went for another post-match attack. But just as they were about to do real damage to Simon Ice, Acid II ran down to the ring! Having recovered from his injury he swung a chair at Historian and Winks and sent the heels running back up the ramp.


Rating: 32


Six-Person Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Two Man Riot came down to the ring for this match in similar Punk Rock inspired outfits, while Deuce Deadline wore his usual plain black attire, but the team had a similar colour scheme and aesthetic. Their opponents didn’t match whatsoever, and it was clear before the match began which trio would make the most cohesive unit.

• Kyle Diamond led the TCW rookies as best he could, but his total inexperience and overconfidence were clear, this led to Deadline and Two Man Riot isolating him early and working him over.

• This was made worse by the fact that Jaylon Martins was hurt in an early exchange and favoured his right arm for much of the mach.

• With Martins injured, and Diamond beaten down badly, Joey Fili was left on his own to finish the match, and he made an admirable effort.

• The young Samoan hit a series of headbutts and even a diving crossbody on Trix Triumph, but unfortunately the numbers were too much for him, and without a partner to tag once he ran out of steam he was done for.

• The opposing trio closed in on Joey like wolves until Deuce put him away with the Deadliner.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Copperhead, Trix Triumph and Deuce Deadline defeated Jaylon Martins, Joey Fili and Kyle Diamond in 12:23 when Deuce Deadline pinned Joey Fili with a Deadliner.

• Jaylon Martins suffered a strained bicep.


Rating: 23


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Josh Jacobs came out from behind Ho Tinh and attacked the big man with a chair shot to the back. This resulted in the “Nine-Tailed Fox” leaving his feet for the first time in his seven months with MAW.

• Jacobs battered Ho Tinh around ringside, hitting him with chairs, chains and even a half-eaten hot dog.

• Jacobs rolled Ho Tinh into the ring and demanded the referee ring the bell, which he did. Jacobs went for an instant cover, but Ho Tinh managed to kick out at two.

• Jacobs waited for Ho Tinh to get up and charged him to deliver the running knee he uses to set up for the Canadian Backdrop, but Ho Tinh, whether smartly or from sheer fatigue fell back to the mat and avoided the attack.

• Jacobs, frustrated, lifted Ho Tinh to his feet and leaned him in the corner. He charged for the running knee a second time but was caught midway by a lightning fast Dam Lao backfist.

• Jacobs momentum carried him rolling out of the ring, and he dropped like a lead balloon to the floor.

• It was truly a match of two halves as Jacobs got back into the ring at a count of 9 and barely managed to stand up under on his own.

• Jacobs approached Ho Tinh with his fists up, but was caught with a second Dam Lao backfist, and then picked up for the standing Strong Blockbuster.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Ho Tinh defeated Josh Jacobs in 8:20 by pinfall with a Strong Blockbuster.


Rating: 34


A video plays hyping the main event, showing the steps each man has taken to prepare for the match. It recaps the story of this match, from the Rip Chord Invitational through to Frankie-Boy Fernandes saving Bradley Blaze from a three-on-one beatdown and ending on the scene of Blaze and Frankie-Boy finally laying into each other in the middle of the ring.


Rating: 36


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Four-way Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit

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• In the main event of the evening, Bradley Blaze defended his title against three men who all have strong claims to being the best in Mid Atlantic Wrestling.

• Things began very much like a tag team match as Blaze and Frankie-Boy teamed up to take out Cheetah Boy and The Architect, however things broke down between the two when they were left alone in the ring, and the record crowd erupted once the heroes teed off on each other.

• Blaze and Frankie-Boy worked very stiff against each other, and things devolved into the two slugging each other back and forth in the middle of the ring. They were interrupted by Cheetah Boy flying across the ring with a springboard double dropkick.

• The Architect and Jonah Pilgrim got in the ring to take out Cheetah Boy, but he ducked under their attempted double clothesline and took both out with a Pelé kick.

• Realising that he had a perfect opportunity to win there and then he set up for the Flying Cheetah Pounce but was caught off guard by Frankie-Boy who nailed him with the Dirt Nap.

• The pin attempt was broken up by Bradley Blaze and The Architect who managed to work together just long enough to throw Frankie-Boy out of the ring, before The Architect walloped Blaze in the back.

• The match slowed down from that point, with each worker getting to shine at one point or another. This meant there were ten minutes building the story of the match, particularly the idea that Blaze could lose his title without even being in the ring.

• This was compounded when Jonah Pilgrim grabbed a downed Blaze on the outside and handcuffed him to the ringside railing.

• The Architect dominated this portion of the match, using his clinical wrestling style to dominate both Frankie-Boy and Cheetah Boy.

• Then, with Frankie-Boy Fernandes locked in the Blueprint in the middle of the ring, Bradley Blaze mustered the last of his strength and in a last-ditch effort he managed to break the handcuffs confining him to the outside.

• Blaze slid into the ring and ran wild, hitting both The Architect and Frankie-Boy with the Dallas Drop, leaving Blaze and Cheetah Boy as the last men standing in a moment reminiscent of their standoff in January.

• The two went hell for leather for the last moments of the match, and their rapid fire exchanges came to an end with a ring shaking Dallas Drop.

• In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Bradley Blaze defeated Frankie-Boy Fernandes, The Architect and Cheetah Boy in 25:24 when Bradley Blaze pinned Cheetah Boy with a Dallas Drop. Bradley Blaze makes defence number six of the Mid Atlantic Championship title.

• In terms of in-ring work, Frankie-Boy Fernandes was head and shoulders above everyone else. Cheetah Boy was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.


Rating: 52



With the ring empty, Bradley Blaze celebrated the biggest title defence of his reign so far, but as he did, the lights in the arena dimmed and a mechanical voice rang out over the PA system “The present is terrifying because it is irreversible and because it is of iron.”

As this happened, four figures in black hoodies jumped over the ringside barricade amd encircled the ring. Blaze, realising there was nowhere to go, threw down his title and prepared for a fight. The voice rang out again “The acts of men carried over from past centuries will destroy them logically. I am merely the logical means of this destruction.”

As the voice rang out, another figure made their way down the entrance ramp and towards the ring. They stepped up onto the ring apron and raised a hand in the air. Blaze jawed at the figure and threatened them, and when they dropped their hand the other four slid into the ring and attacked Blaze.

To describe the attack would do a cruel injustice to the violence enacted upon the Mid Atlantic Champion. The act was swift, without mercy and above all emphatic. Nobody came to the aid of the Mid Atlantic Champion. He was left to his fate, as the tragedian must be left to theirs. What came upon Bradley Blaze was akin to a force of nature. Not an act of moral inferiority, or even supposed superiority. It was a matter of fact.

Once Blaze was left totally lifeless and alone in the middle of the ring, the lead figure draped his title over his still body, and then simultaneously each removed their hoods.


There, standing before a stunned silent Baltimore crowd was Seth Whitehead, Harvey Robbinfield, Duke Freeman, Guillotine and Paris Burnett.


Rating: 37


Show Rating: 48


A/N: and there we have the biggest show of the year! Nobody correctly predicted Blaze retaining in the main event, but I've been waiting to debut a certain faction all year and Blaze was really the only guy in that match who could take them on.


So for this month our winner was Hitman74 who managed a 6/6 score with the bonus! after that was lieon02 with 5/6, then Kjarvs and Munit with 3/6 and last but not least Historian with a 2/6!


So for the half-year prize (which will remain secret for now) the top three are lieon02 with 71.43% correct predictions, second is Kjarvs with 64.29% predictions and in third is 1PWfan with 59.09% correct! Only people who have predicted on at least 3 shows up until now are on teh leaderboard and you must predict on at least 3 shows in the 6 months to be eligible!


I hope you all enjoy this event as much as I did and I'll see you all very soon for The Proving Grounds!

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Slow</strong></p><p>

<img alt="SJXC8qP.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SJXC8qP.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

With a wince. That was how most every morning began for James Neil. Aspirin, a double shot of espresso and a knee brace got him through the morning. And the promise of getting to sit back down again to put his feet up got him through the rest of the day. Every day was a struggle for him after years of taking bumps and flying around the ring. Every match he felt duller, less quick on his feet, less like he could carry the kids. That’s what the Mid Atlantic Wrestling run was really about for James, proving he could have a hand in creating some of the best talent in American wrestling. Few knew it but James had a small stake in MAW. Tiny, really. Nowhere enough to make any kind of decision, but enough to convince Sam Keith that he was in it for the long haul when he signed for the company in 2013.</p><p> </p><p>

Was his one last run finally coming to and end? At 38 years old many would argue that he was just leaving that peak, just about to start a gentle decline into wrestling’s past, but James knew different. His style did not age a body well. He went hard every night form USPW to MAW and didn’t let up. He knew he didn’t have long left at the top of a company even one the size of MAW. Once it was time to go, he’d likely sell his minor stake back to Sam, or to whoever wanted it and ride off into the sunset, making a living from his odd jobs and meet and greets with the other washed up has-beens of the industry.</p><p> </p><p>

Toby had been coming along well. The two became unofficial gym buddies, and James passed on any tips he could to help the kid out. Toby was a good kid, passionate about the business, but James could feel he was in the wrong business for the kind of person he was. Toby was anxious around people, couldn’t talk in front of a crowd and had as much ‘it’ factor as a drunken clown. Without any kids of his own - that he knew of at least although maybe he had one out there somewhere from his wilder days – perhaps Toby would be his legacy in the business. Whenever people talked about the successes of failures of Trix Triumph, would they inevitably come to the topic of Cheetah Boy? It didn’t bare thinking about.</p><p> </p><p>

The end of a day brought some satisfaction with it if only for the fact that James managed to get from one end of the day to the other without his knees giving out. But the clock was ticking, he needed to have a talk with Sam. Not ‘the talk’ not yet, but he needed to let Sam know what was going on. Surely the old dog could see it, if not smell it from him. He had been there himself in the early part of the millennium, but James needed to let him know what his plans were, what he wanted to do on the way out, and who he needed to work with before he was too far gone to be of any help.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hitman74" data-cite="Hitman74" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48443" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This was my favorite show yet the ending was outstanding can't wait for the next show.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'll be honest I've had the ending to that show planned since April 23rd irl and spent every in-game month panicked that the TCW guys would get called up!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="RingRider" data-cite="RingRider" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48443" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just starting to catch up on this diary. I like your narrative vignettes and the solid endorsement of Bradley Blaze! He's one of the great unsung heroes of the CVerse.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> To be entirely honest Blaze was a guy I didn't see much in in 2016 and he tended to end up as a good worker that put over others on their way up the card for me.</p>
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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>TopRopeElbow.com: MAW The Proving Ground Rundown</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></span></p></div><p></p><p> The Mid Atlantic Wrestling website revealed the card for The Proving Ground 2020 event, along with the news that The Architect will no longer be wrestling with the promotion after Where It All Begins Again. There is yet to be news on whether he will continue to work on the independent circuit or if he has been offered a contract by a bigger company. On top of that the company have announced that the reduced cost for the Where It All Begins Again tickets were so well received that the company will be running on a lower cost ticket model for the foreseeable future, this comes with a more well refined and robust merchandise system at both live events and on the company’s website. Sam Keith also teased a big announcement coming out between this upcoming show and December’s Night Of The Champions event so stay tuned for that.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48443" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>MAW The Proving Ground 2020</strong></p><p><strong> Fri, Wk 4, Nov 2020</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> <em>Opening Match</em></p><p><em> Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> Duke Freeman vs Local Talent</p><p> </p><p> <em>Tag Team Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> Johnny Needham & Kid Fantastic w/Lisa Bowen vs Two Man Riot</p><p> </p><p> <em>Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p> Jonah Pilgrim vs Miller Fforde</p><p> </p><p> <em>Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> Kyle Diamond vs ???</p><p> </p><p> <em>Eight-person Tag Team Match</em></p><p><em> 20-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> DeMarcus & Gray & Devil May Care vs The Past Masters & The Wolf Pack</p><p> </p><p> <em>Main Event</em></p><p><em> Mid Atlantic Championship Number 1 Contender Match</em></p><p><em> Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 30-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Also announced:</strong> Seth Whitehead addresses what happened at Where It All Begins Again!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bonus Prediction:</strong> What Local Talent is taking on Duke Freeman?:</p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote>
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Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Duke Freeman vs Local Talent


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Johnny Needham & Kid Fantastic w/Lisa Bowen vs Two Man Riot


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit

Jonah Pilgrim vs Miller Fforde


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Kyle Diamond vs ???


Eight-person Tag Team Match

20-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray & Devil May Care vs The Past Masters & The Wolf Pack


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Number 1 Contender Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield

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MAW The Proving Ground 2020

Fri, Wk 4, Nov 2020


Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Duke Freeman vs Local Talent


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Johnny Needham & Kid Fantastic w/Lisa Bowen vs Two Man Riot


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Jonah Pilgrim vs Miller Fforde


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Kyle Diamond vs ???


Eight-person Tag Team Match

20-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray & Devil May Care vs The Past Masters & The Wolf Pack


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Number 1 Contender Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield

Also announced: Seth Whitehead addresses what happened at Where It All Begins Again!

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<p>MAW The Proving Ground 2020</p><p>

Fri, Wk 4, Nov 2020</p><p> </p><p>

Opening Match</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duke Freeman</strong> vs Local Talent</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Johnny Needham & Kid Fantastic w/Lisa Bowen vs <strong>Two Man Riot</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Jonah Pilgrim vs <strong>Miller Fforde</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Kyle Diamond vs <strong>???</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Eight-person Tag Team Match</p><p>

20-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DeMarcus & Gray & Devil May Care</strong> vs The Past Masters & The Wolf Pack</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

Mid Atlantic Championship Number 1 Contender Match</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

30-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs<strong> Seth Whitehead </strong>w/Harvey Robbinfield</p><p> </p><p>

Also announced: Seth Whitehead addresses what happened at Where It All Begins Again!</p><p> </p><p>

Bonus Prediction: What Local Talent is taking on Duke Freeman?: Ben Williams</p>

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A video posted to MidAtlanticWrestling.com the first in a series to give fans an insight into the lives and personalities of the people they pay to see, first Paris Burnett.


I guess I should start at the beginning yeah? Well, alright. I was born and raised in Oakland, California. My mom was a teacher and my dad worked in a shoe store, and three of my grandparents were Black Panthers. My childhood was, I guess a little unconventional because of that. Apparently, my parents never so much as thought about armed resistance, but they were on watch lists since they were kids and I guess that made me a target since I was born. But other than that? I was a very normal kid, I went to school, I watched Super Mega Rangers on tv, I’d say I had it better than a lot of other kids I went to school with. A lot of my friends got mixed up in some bad stuff, some didn’t and still got into trouble, that was how things were in Oakland.


How did I get into wrestling? Okay, I was about eight years old and I went to a friend’s house and she was a big wrestling fan. Like, huge. It’s right after Hollyweird got bought by Cornell, and I just happened to accidentally see a wrestling match and it was love at first sight. When I heard TCW were taking applicants to train in the school I went up as soon as I saved enough money.


My favourite thing I’ve done in wrestling so far would have to be the Where It All Begins again debut. I mean, there isn’t a lot for me to choose from so far, I’ve wrestled some fun matches for sure, a lot on the pre-show, the stuff you don’t see that isn’t really “in-canon” so to speak. But yeah I think I’m the guy who hasn’t really had the chance to shine the way Marv or Kyle have. Marv’s been doing some great stuff with his character, and Kyle has one of the most fun stories in the company right now I think, they’re both really creative guys and having the freedom to explore that in MAW is going to do wonders for their careers.


The one guy I’d probably want to have a match with the most, right now it’s gotta be Nate DeMarcus. He’s doing some of the best work of his career, working his tail off night in, night out and just having great matches every time. He’s a really strong guy, stronger than he gets to show off most of the time, and I think if he managed to throw all 328lbs of me across the ring it would really make him come off like a star.

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Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Duke Freeman vs Local Talent


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Johnny Needham & Kid Fantastic w/Lisa Bowen vs Two Man Riot


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Jonah Pilgrim vs Miller Fforde


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Kyle Diamond vs ???


Eight-person Tag Team Match

20-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray & Devil May Care vs The Past Masters & The Wolf Pack


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Number 1 Contender Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield


Also announced: Seth Whitehead addresses what happened at Where It All Begins Again!

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Duke Freeman vs Local Talent

Member of brand new stable bts jobber


Johnny Needham & Kid Fantastic vs Two Man Riot

Don't have much of a steer here so I'll go with the named team


Jonah Pilgrim vs Miller Fforde

Two guys without a lot going on, but Fforde's the better worker


Kyle Diamond vs ???

Might be unwise to bet on an unknown but Kyle is green and his mic work means he can recover from a loss


Face Team vs Heel Team

Keep the new tag champs strong


Frankie Boy Fernandes vs Seth Whitehead

Frankie is fab but Seth's new stable gives him the edge


Who's taking on Duke? Bump Machine Ben William's is always a safe pair of hands

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MAW The Proving Ground 2020

Fri, Wk 4, Nov 2020

Attendance: 493

Viewers: 16,907



The five men who attacked Bradley Blaze last month came down to the ring backed by the same mechanised voice and harsh industrial music. Seth Whitehead led the group and the other four men stood behind him in the ring. He lifted the microphone he carried to the ring to his face and began to speak.


“You’re all probably wondering what happened last month. Some of you called it a mugging. Some of you called it an assault. But for us, that was a statement of intent. You see, the five of us got together and we realised that this company needs to change. Each of us are here representing Total Championship Wrestling, the greatest wrestling company in the world, the company that pulled this back-alley operation to the forefront of the industry. And what happened to each one of us, since the moment we stepped into the company? Every single one of us has been underutilised, left to rot opening the show, waiting for whatever table scraps are thrown our way when Bradley Blaze or Miller Fforde want the night off. So from now on, we run the show. This is Alphaville, and we are the logical end point of your actions. And if anybody, including Sam Keith, has a problem with that, they’re free to come out here and stop us.”


With that the five men turned to face the entrance ramp, and after a minute passed, Whitehead said, “thought so,” and four men, minus Duke Freeman climbed out of the ring to observe Freeman’s match.


Rating: 35


Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Garry The Entertainer came down to the ring to face Duke Freeman after the rest of Alphaville cleared out.

• Garry tried some of his comedic antics and got smashed in the face with a rough forearm shot.

• Duke beat Garry around the ring for a few minutes, showing off some offence he had not gotten the opportunity to show off during the year, finishing him off with a big Back Suplex.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Duke Freeman defeated Garry The Entertainer in 3:54 by pinfall with a Back Suplex.


Rating: 11



Josh Jacobs met DeAnna Desire at the staging area for an interview she began, “Josh, I’ve heard that you have something to say regarding quote unquote invaders in Mid Atlantic Wrestling?”


Josh looked into the camera and nodded his head, “That is right DeAnna you see there are people here in MAW that are trying to take over, and I just can’t stand by, and I am going to take them out, starting with the leader.”


DeAnna looked visibly impressed at this claim and continued, “The leader you say Josh?”


“That’s right DeAnna, I’m talking about Frankie-Boy Fernandes! He doesn’t belong here in Baltimore, coming up here from California every month, just to take opportunities away from hard working stiffs like me. I’m from Canada and I was still born closer to Baltimore than Frankie-Boy!”


DeAnna’s expression fell flat and she sighed audibly into the microphone. “So you’re going to rid Mid Atlantic Wrestling of Frankie-Boy Fernandes and nobody else?”


“Oh there will be others DeAnna, I am the protector of Baltimore, and I will cast judgement on anybody I see fit. So next month, Frankie-Boy, title match or not I’m coming for you.”


Rating: 31


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• This was a match of first: Johnny Needham’s first match without former partner Ralph Liotta, Kid Fantastic’s first match as a full member of the roster and Two Man Riot’s first tag team match as an official team.

• Kid Fantastic worked some excellent high flying moves into the early stages of the match, but things fell apart when he tagged in Johhny Needham.

• Needham was overwhelmed by Copperhead and Triumph, two guys who seem to amplify each other’s ferocity.

• The match was a decent showcase for the three new guys but unfortunately showed how much better Needham was with Liotta, and after about 8 minutes Trix nailed him with the Triumph-Plex.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Two Man Riot defeated Johnny Needham and Kid Fantastic in 8:12 when Trix Triumph pinned Johnny Needham with a Triumph-Plex.

Rating: 31


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Another first occurred in this match as Jonah Pilgrim was without The Architect for the first time in a long time, while Miller Fforde was looking to pick up another win in what has been a slow year for him so far.

• Pilgrim outmuscled Fforde early on, throwing him around and generally focusing his assault on the back and neck of Fforde.

• Fforde did battle back into the match in what was a much more competitive affair than many would have expected but the result was predictable as Fforde dropped Pilgrim with the Fforde Flip Face Crusher.

• In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Miller Fforde defeated Jonah Pilgrim in 10:24 by pinfall with a Fforde Flip Face Crusher.

Rating: 43



Kyle Diamond came out for an interview before his match, but before DeAnna Desire could ask him a question he took the microphone from her hands to talk.


“I’m sorry everybody, I know I laid down a challenge for Where It All Begins Again, but I had to pull out. I got the flu, bad flu and I was stuck in bed but, I have an opponent lined up for tonight, I don’t know who it is. But I promise everyone here that I’m going to do my best to win for all you fans out there, and I’ll try to make you all proud!”


Rating: 19


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Kyle Diamond’s opponent for this match was former 4C man, Mario da Silva.

• The Brazilian brought the fight to Diamond, who seemed happy to just be wrestling a high-level opponent.

• Diamond tried his best and fought with his heart, but it wasn’t enough as he found himself locked in a Kimura in the middle of the ring.

• In a bout that had good heat but terrible wrestling, Mario da Silva defeated Kyle Diamond in 8:22 by submission with a Kimura.

• The two don’t click as opponents.


Rating: 32


Eight-person Tag Team Match

20-Minute Time Limit


• This match was granted an extended time limit by Sam Keith to allow the eight men involved to wrestle for as long as possible.

• DMC and DeMarcus & Gray worked a fast-paced style and flew out of the gates in the match, taking control early in what would be described as a “sugar rush” opening.

• The Past Masters suffered the most as a result of this, their slow, building offence never got off the mark and The Wolf Pack had to take back control, nailing Tyrone Gray with a tandem backbreaker, calling back to the injury he suffered in their match last month.

• The Past Masters and Wolf Pack combination worked Gray over from that point on, working at a grinding pace and trying for a cover at every opportunity.

• Gray avoided a Sione Tokoeka lariat and tagged in Simon Ice who hit a standing Enziguri on the ‘Kiwi Krusher’ and sent him rolling to his corner.

• The tide of the match turned from that point on, with Acid II managing to hit his Acid Rain Bomb on Sandman Winks.

• In a decent match, Devil May Care and DeMarcus & Gray defeated The Past Masters and The Wolf Pack in 15:32 when Acid II pinned Sandman Winks with an Acid Rain Bomb.

Rating: 42



Acid II grabbed a microphone and climbed back into the ring to be with his partner Simon Ice, then he called out The Past Masters as they scampered up the entrance ramp.


“Hey, hey, Sandman. I beat you buddy, 1-2-3 right here and I think that means you owe me a match for that title and I’m sure Sam Keith will agree. And since you did my friend Simon dirty, how about you put that title on the line next month in a tag team match, whoever gets the pin, gets the belt!”

With that Acid II dropped the mic and celebrated with the fans.


Rating: 32


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Number 1 Contender Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


• Seth Whitehead came to the ring flanked by the other members of Alphaville, but sent them all to the back, except for Harvey Robbinfield who sat on a chair at ringside to observe the match.

• Seth worked a more vicious style than he is usually known for, going straight for Frankie-Boy rather than approaching the match from a more technical perspective.

• Frankie-Boy battled back and used his superior speed to fight out of the corner and even tripped Whitehead and locked him in an STF.

• Whitehead got to the ropes quickly and the cocky grin on the face of Frankie-Boy when the two stood face-to-face enraged Whitehead.

• The leader of Alphaville raised his arm, which had Harvey Robbinfield stand up at ringside and approach the ring. As the referee went to stop Robbinfield from getting into the ring, Whitehead attacked the eyes of Frankie-Boy.

• Whitehead was in control for much of the match from that point, with brief flurries form Frankie-Boy, until he hit the Dirt Nap out of nowhere on Whitehead, but Robbinfield was close enough to pull him out of the ring before Frankie-Boy could attempt a pin.

• Frankie-Boy came down to ringside to haw with Robbinfield, which allowed Whitehead to shove him into the ring steps, then throw him into the ring and lock in the Minnesota Stretch.

• In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Seth Whitehead defeated Frankie-Boy Fernandes in 20:03 by submission with a Minnesota Stretch after interference from Harvey Robbinfield.


Rating: 56


Show Rating: 50


A/N: Just want to preempt by saying a massive thank you for the not only the nomination for Diary of the Month but also the votes! It seems like I won event of the month, and possibly rookie C-verse (votes are even I believe and idk if we both win, if there isn't a winner or if there's a second vote.


For this show we had a lot of good performances but winner was lieon02 with a perfect 6/6 score. Behind them was Historian, Kjarvs and Munit with 5/6 and then Herrbear with an unlucky 2/6. Also nobody got the bonus prediction for this show, I'm swerving people I think by never hiring Ben Williams.


Where does that leave us for the half-year with only 1 show left? lieon02 is on top of the pile with a 76.47% correct rate, the list then reads: 2. Kjarvs - 67.65%, 3. Herrbear - 61.11%, 4. 1PWfan - 59.09%, Historian - 58.82% The leaderboard is based on having made at least 3 show predictions so there are some high scorers who could take a surprise victory at the end of the year!

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">TopRopeElbow.com: Big Announcement from Sam Keith</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

Sam Keith appeared at a press conference today and revealed some big news about Mid Atlantic Wrestling going into 2021, the first of which being the fact that the Rip Chord Invitational will be expanding to a 16-man tournament starting next year, Keith said,</p><p> </p><p>

“With the expanding of the Confederation, with more promotions sure to join in the coming months and years, we at Mid Atlantic Wrestling believe that the expanding of the Rip Chord Invitational to accommodate more workers is the best way to allow the best independent talent to have a platform and potentially make a name for themselves in the best tournament in independent wrestling.”</p><p> </p><p>

On top of this, Keith also revealed that more events will be coming to the MAW calendar, and while some diehard fans may worry about how this will effect their wallets, Keith confirmed that the slashed ticket prices which have been the norm since October of this year, in his own words:</p><p> </p><p>

“I think in the current climate, with wrestling out of the cultural zeitgeist, it’s more important than ever that we adapt and evolve. I think a lot of people are expecting two shows a month, some might even be expecting a weekly show, and while that might be one way to grow the company, we are going to be flexible with our schedule. This means we could run two shows a month, but there is a chance we may run one larger show one month, or occasional pop-up events, as we expand out of Baltimore and into nearby cities. This will start with the Rip Chord Invitational which will be held over the course of two events going forward.”</p><p> </p><p>

However, Keith has divided opinion on the internet today as he announced the company’s Mid Atlantic American title is going through a rebrand.</p><p> </p><p>

“We here at the company, myself in particular have been looking to rebrand the American title for a long time. As fans have pointed out over the years, it doesn’t necessarily make sense for the American champion to be lower down the card than the champion of the Mid Atlantic, from January 1st, the title will be rebranded to the John Hopkins University Championship. I understand that some people are going to be resistant to the change, but the university has been one of the biggest supporters of this company since it was founded, they have opened up their gym and other facilities to us and have been one of our biggest sponsors through the years.”</p><p> </p><p>

Other significant things mentioned in the press conference was hints at the roster expanding slightly in 2021, especially the tag team ranks which have taken a hit with both Ralph Liotta and The Architect leaving the company, and the promise that the Night of The Champions card would be released in the coming days.</p>

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TopRopeElbow.com: An Update from Bradley Blaze


A video was uploaded to Mid Atlantic Champion Bradley Blaze’s Twitter today with the champion detailing the extent of his injuries following the attack from the newly crowned Alphaville group. In the video Blaze is seen with his right arm in a sling and what appears to be a semi-healed black eye.


“Hey y’all, it’s The Cowboy here, letting you all know that I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to Baltimore to get some payback. After what Seth and his goons did to me in October, doctor said I wasn’t to go near a wrestling ring for at least six weeks. So here I am, Seth is the next guy getting a shot at my title and I know how dangerous he is. He hasn’t been pinned or submitted all year and now he’s got four of the most dangerous guys in the company backing him up. But I don’t care if it’s five guys, I don’t care if it’s fifty guys. If there’s life left in me I’m going to come charging with my fists up and I’m going to walk away with my arm raised. So, Seth, I’ll be seeing you at the Night of The Champions and don’t forget your boys, I’ve got plenty for each of ‘em.”


This video was retweeted by the official MAW Twitter account, alongside the card for the upcoming Night of The Champions card which we’ll post below.


MAW Night Of The Champions 2020

Fri, Wk 4, Dec 2020


Opening Match

COTT Trios Championship Match

Six-person Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Alphaville (Duke Freeman, Guillotine & Paris Burnett) vs Miller Fforde & DeMarcus & Gray


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs Josh Jacobs


Mid Atlantic American Championship Match

Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Devil May Care vs The Past Masters ©


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Young & Wasted vs The Wolf Pack ©


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Singles Match

60-Minute Time Limit


Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield vs Bradley Blaze


Bonus Prediction: Who will lay down a challenge for the soon to be renamed Mid Atlantic American title on the show?:


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MAW Night Of The Champions 2020

Fri, Wk 4, Dec 2020


Opening Match

COTT Trios Championship Match

Six-person Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Alphaville (Duke Freeman, Guillotine & Paris Burnett) vs Miller Fforde & DeMarcus & Gray


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs Josh Jacobs


Mid Atlantic American Championship Match

Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Devil May Care vs The Past Masters ©


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Young & Wasted vs The Wolf Pack ©T


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Singles Match

60-Minute Time Limit


Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield vs Bradley Blaze


Bonus Prediction: Who will lay down a challenge for the soon to be renamed Mid Atlantic American title on the show?: Miller Fforde

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Opening Match

COTT Trios Championship Match

Six-person Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Alphaville (Duke Freeman, Guillotine & Paris Burnett) vs Miller Fforde & DeMarcus & Gray


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs Josh Jacobs


Mid Atlantic American Championship Match

Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Devil May Care vs The Past Masters ©


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Young & Wasted vs The Wolf Pack ©


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Singles Match

60-Minute Time Limit


Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield vs Bradley Blaze


Bonus Prediction: Who will lay down a challenge for the soon to be renamed Mid Atlantic American title on the show?: Miller Fforde

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