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Custom Graphics Request Thread

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I could use a logo for a broadcaster called KBN-TV. It's a very large American broadcaster, something along the lines of CBS, (probably not very welcoming for wrestling, sadly), and features a lot of top-rated mainstream TV shows and foosball games. And stuff.


Many thanks in advance to anyone who considers giving this one a shot.







This is the only one I found without date, time, location, etc added. Not sure how it will look cut down to fit TEW specs.







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This is very cool, and very much appreciated! Thanks, for this! KBN-TV, just for the record, stands for Kazmaier Broadcast Network. In its universe, it was one of the original Big Three Networks, (much like the real world, there would eventually be a fourth), and dates back to the 1940s, the very earliest days of TV.


Got the name from the Suggest Name feature on a blank worker profile, and thought it sounded both sufficiently unique and old school enough for what I was looking for here. And yes, I am indeed old enough to remember when Bill Kazmaier was making the rounds in WCW, so that aspect helped out as well.


In the modern age, KBN-TV is the flagship of a top level media group, and more than likely has a prominent streaming service at its disposal as well.

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This is just a fairly silly take on it but might be of some use until you get a better one zytPt6j.jpg


Given their budget and skill and the fact that all three of them have the soft drug user trait (and I'm debating if it should be heavy) that might be what they use for the first few years. Thanks.

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For people better at this stuff than me...


Is there a way to get rid of the pictures in the middle of this? I like the background/writing, but the stuff in the middle ruin it for a CVerse stable logo


I played around on paint 3D and somehow got rid of the guy on the bottom right...but then it just did some bizarre stuff after haha



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For people better at this stuff than me...


Is there a way to get rid of the pictures in the middle of this? I like the background/writing, but the stuff in the middle ruin it for a CVerse stable logo


I played around on paint 3D and somehow got rid of the guy on the bottom right...but then it just did some bizarre stuff after haha




It's theoretically easy in that you could just copy a bit of the background and use that to paint over the pictures you don't want, but I'm not great at photoshopping things myself and when I tried to do so with GIMP it wasn't so easy in practice and I wound up accidentally copying some of the words too. It just wound up repeating bits of the bottom text over and over. Not sure how to better isolate that blue splatter.

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For people better at this stuff than me...


Is there a way to get rid of the pictures in the middle of this? I like the background/writing, but the stuff in the middle ruin it for a CVerse stable logo


I played around on paint 3D and somehow got rid of the guy on the bottom right...but then it just did some bizarre stuff after haha



A bit rough 'round the edges, but hopefully it'll suffice.



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Heya, not sure where else to post this but if this isn't the right spot, sorry. I've decided to change how I make graphics and I think they're probably the only good graphics I've ever done, and I just want to hear what everyone else thinks.


They are by no means as good as some of the stuff the legends of the forum make, but if someone gets some use for them, cool!


Gulf Coast Wrestling



This is without a doubt my personal favourite of what I've made. It's basic looking but for a weird work-rate based Indie I think that works.


Paris Combat League



Extremely basic and I probably won't ever use it, but I don't think France has a C-Verse promotion so it's something.


Great Japan Pro Wrestling



I can't tell if this one is good or not. I like how it looks but it may also be a bit too blank to truly work as a player company. However, if someone wants yet another Japanese Puro-Promotion, here you go.


Crimson Canvas Grappling



My least favourite of the 4, but mainly because I don't know how to make image-text combinations look natural. It's supposed to be a weird mix of GCG and WEXXV, like how BJPW has death matches and puro-style stuff.


So yeah, like I said, tell me what you think if you can. And if this is the wrong place to put this just tell me where and I'll put it there.

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Could someone help me out with a stable logo? It's for a very oldschool Japanese stable called "DELUXE" (in all caps). Maybe stylized as "DLX"




Heya, not sure where else to post this but if this isn't the right spot, sorry. I've decided to change how I make graphics and I think they're probably the only good graphics I've ever done, and I just want to hear what everyone else thinks.


They are by no means as good as some of the stuff the legends of the forum make, but if someone gets some use for them, cool!


So yeah, like I said, tell me what you think if you can. And if this is the wrong place to put this just tell me where and I'll put it there.

Don't put yourself down. They're very good, especially if you've only just started. Don't worry too much about the chemistry between image and words as that's something that you can only learn through trial and error, so it'll come to you. Keep practicing and have fun as it'll only translate into your work. :)

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A bit rough 'round the edges, but hopefully it'll suffice.





That's great, thank you!





Crimson Canvas Grappling






Right place to post, and all look really good. The last one is actually my favourite lol.


Good to have potentially future promotions like the Paris one you created to make things different. basic can work too, not all promotions will want flashy, can see them being a very wrestling-centric promotion

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Heya, not sure where else to post this but if this isn't the right spot, sorry. I've decided to change how I make graphics and I think they're probably the only good graphics I've ever done, and I just want to hear what everyone else thinks.


They are by no means as good as some of the stuff the legends of the forum make, but if someone gets some use for them, cool!


Gulf Coast Wrestling



This is without a doubt my personal favourite of what I've made. It's basic looking but for a weird work-rate based Indie I think that works.



Love Gulf Coast Wrestling. Thank you.

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