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The Roaring '20s are Back [CCW, C-Verse]

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“You really should invite Craig Prince to these meetings.”


Jacqueline sits in the West Loop Theater. This time however, she is not in the main hall for shows. Jack and Steve Flash are sitting in a small pit of chairs facing two long bowling lanes. In the basement of the run-down, three-story brick building, the three hold a booking meeting while duckpin bowling. The room looks like it hasn’t been touched up in fifty years, but back in the day, this eight-lane paradise must have been the place to be. Patrons sporadically come here for the quaint feelings of finding something wholesome to do on a Saturday night so, so many decades ago. Evren would never have been to a place like this, she thinks.


Steve and Jacqueline watch as Art Reed picks up one of the small, duckpin balls with his right hand and launches it at the pins. The antique, dry, hardwood lanes are not his friend and the ball hooks far left into the gutter. All ten pins stand completely still like small soldiers as they face off against the CCW champion. Jack shakes her head and looks back at Steve.


“I asked Craig,” Jack says to Steve. “He didn’t want to be on the booking team. Craig would rather agent the matches, I guess.”


“He’s a quiet fella,” Steve says as Jacqueline gets up, snatching the empty pitcher between them.


Jack refills the pitcher at the food bar. As the soda jerk refills her cherry soda, Jack focuses on the pictures on the wall. “A lot of history here,” she says.


The young boy refilling her drink pipes up, “Yes, m’am. A lot of history.”


Evren takes the pitcher back to her lanes. “Thanks,” Art says as he grabs the pitcher and refills his styrofoam cup.


“You deserve it,” Jack smiles and winks. “It’s the least I can do for my champion. You know, Sam Strong liked the cars and all of the expensive gifts from Richard Eisen.”

Art jokes, “You just keep the cola and cheese fries coming for me and my buddy here.”


“I appreciate you being here, Art. Are you sure you don’t need me to book you at a hotel?” Jack asks.


“No, I’m fine. I’m staying with my sister and her husband. I don’t get much time with my nieces and nephew,” Art responds.


“How old are they?” Jack asks.


“Eight, eight, and five,” Art answers.


“Twins?” Jack asks. Art nods his head and smiles. He has a beautiful set of white teeth. The kind of teeth a champion would have.


Steve Flash, all-business, continues looking back at a small notebook in his lap. “So Youngman will be good to go for the next show then?” he asks.


Jacqueline nods. “We can pencil him and Art in for the belt.”


Art Reed adds, “We already have the fatal fourway for the women’s strap in the main event. You got a winner for that, Ev?”


“Thinking about it,” Jack says.

“You don’t want to talk about the monkey in the room?” Steve says.

“What?” Jack asks as she sips from the cup.

“When are you going to inevitably do what every booker/owner does? Put the belt on yourself?” Art points out. “It’s the big will they-won’t they. You’d think it was a soap opera. Or Romeo and Juliet. A booker and their title.”

“Not for awhile,” Jacqueline sighs. “I’ve got enough heat after the Weasel thing.”

“In fairness,” Steve says, “she is the most over on the roster after Harris. It would make sense.”

“I’m not winning the championship yet. Let’s build the roster,” Jack says.


Art and Steve nod. “Brazzle?” they both say at the same time. Jacqueline nods in agreement. She gets up for her turn to bowl. She turns back around. “You think I should tell her now?”






Suzanne and Jacqueline walk around a supersized fashion square mall. Suzanne has several bags already while Jack pops the cinnamon-coated almonds that she bought from the candy store into her mouth.


“It’s good exercise,” Suzanne notes as she consistently outpaces Jack, even in heels.


“It’s expensive exercise,” Jack says, nodding at the bags already in Suzanne’s hand.


“Well, come on, Ev,” Suzanne says. “Why prolong the inevitable. I was going to buy them anyway. I might as well get some cardio in while I do it.”


Suzanne gets too far ahead of Jack. Noticing that Jack’s out of breath, she walks over to a bench outside of a winter coat outlet and sits down. Jack staggers over to her and sits next to Suzanne.


“Was this just a gal-palling or did you want to talk business at some point?” Suzanne asks.


Jack catches her wind back. “Well, I wanted to put the belt on you,” she says. “Now I kind of want to put you in a dragon sleeper.”


Suzanne chuckles. Jack adds, “Art and Steve do too.” Suzanne flashes a quirky half-smile at Jacqueline. She turns her head for a second as an energetic pomeranian dog trots past, then turns her head back.


“No,” she says bluntly, but kindly, still keeping that half-smile.


“Excuse me,” Jack says.


“No. Thank you, but no,” Suzanne says.

Jack’s eyebrows raise high up on her head. “Are you planning on leaving or something?”


“I’m planning on retiring, Ev,” Suzanne says. “I would love to be your champion, but I can only give you one or two more shows. That’s what I have left.”


“When did you make this decision?” Jack asks.


“When I was 9,” Suzanne says.


“That was when you wanted to retire as a wrestler?” Jack asks.


Suzanne shakes her head. “I always wanted one of those little playhouses in the backyard as a kid, but we didn’t have the money. Megan Sarkady had one, and everytime I went over to her house, we played in it for hours and laughed and laughed. Then I went home, where I had wrestling figures. I loved my wrestlers, but it wasn’t a playhouse. One day, I saw Justin Kowalski down the block. He was driving one of those little cars you can power down the sidewalk. I wanted one so bad. He never even let me ride in it, the little punk. I asked for one for three Christmases in a row. Never came. So I went back to playing with my wrestling figures.”


Suzanne continues, “I never had the big run with a big company in my whole career. I never won female wrestler of the year. I’ve found in my life that if the things you are working to attain constantly evade you, you should focus on what you do have and be appreciative. I was a jealous kid who focused on the things that everyone else had. Well, at some point, every person has to sit down and have a conversation with the devil. Otherwise, you never grow up. I don’t need that playhouse anymore. Or the little car you can drive down the sidewalk. And I don’t need a run with a big company. I don’t need championships. Honey, I had my conversation with the devil. And I’ve made peace with everything. If this is how I go out, I’m happy for everything I’ve had.”


Jacqueline thinks about her own motivations. Is she trying too hard to get attention in a wrestling industry that will not take notice? Is she doing the wrong thing? Or is she not at the point in her life that Suzanne is?


A few things become certain for Jacqueline in that moment. She respects the hell out of Suzanne Brazzle, but as far as Chicago Championship Wrestling never taking off, Jack is not ready to accept that as a possibility. It is not a conversation she is ready to have. If that affects her own sanity, her own survival, so be it. The devil will have to wait.





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Fists & Flappers predictions








Jacqueline stomps down the street in the harsh, February snow on the south side of Chicago. She pushes her hands past her leather jacket and into the pouch of her scarlet hoodie. She approaches a telephone pole at the end of the street, quickly and fiercely rips the pack off her back, unzips it, and pulls out a show flyer. Jack blindly searches for the staple gun in her pack. She finds it in the moments that her lips and jaw betray her and uncontrollably start to shiver.


In between the flyers selling futons and rarely used bicycles, Jack staples a flyer for Fists & Flappers to the pole. With a weak smile, she puts the stapler in the bag, zips it up, and continues down the street.








“I can take another match,” Art Reed tells Steve Flash and Jacqueline at the theater. Bootstrap, Craig Prince, and the Ring Generals are preparing to practice spots in the ring. They take turns running the ropes and taking arm drags to warm up.


Becca Barton sits in a chair, texting on her phone with a protein shake in her hand. She huffs and puffs, collecting herself after she rolled out of the ring minutes ago. Christy Higgins emerges from the locker room area with a duffel bag and a blue towel around her neck. She pats Becca on the back, but keeps moving toward the door. “Thanks for the workout,” Christy says. She adds, “See you at the show.”


Becca says nothing as she continues to catch her breath. She smiles and nods her head up and down. Christy winks back.


“Craig wants to take the Air Raid Syren and Toni Parissi dark match, too,” Steve Flash tells Art and Jack. “I can take the William Hayes match off somebody’s hands,” he adds.


“No,” Jack says, shaking her head. “I want to do that one. I have plans for Hayes...a vision. I just can’t articulate it yet.”


“Maybe you should lay off the booze then,” Bootstrap Bill calls out from the ring, as he drapes his arms over the ropes and lets out a hearty laugh.

“Shut up, Bill,” Jack says as she waves him off and he goes back to locking up with Marv Statler, a no-nonsense-looking man physically gifted with wide shoulders and a long frame.


“It does seem like we’ve booked a lot of angles on this card. We can cut some, if you want,” Flash notes.


“I’m just trying to get these people on the card,” Jack argues. “I want to see who can do what and who I want to build in the future.”


“You don’t think there are better ways of going about that?” Art asks. “You want a big roster, Jack. You’re great in the ring. Bill’s great in the ring. You’re both young. I’m old, but if you put someone in there with me, I’ll tell you what you need to know. If you put them in the ring with you or your boy over there, you’ll figure out who can go and who has charisma.”


Jack firmly states, “I’m not cutting the angles. I can produce most of them. Craig can do the big Findlay setup for next month’s event. That’s important. Art, you can do the two big matches. The title matches. Steve and I can handle most of the small stuff, with Craig taking some too.”


Everyone nods in agreement and they go off to plan their content. Like a bunch of chefs planning a big meal, most of the producers pull out small notebooks and begin writing their recipes for success.






Show Card for Predictions


CCW Women’s Championship: Evren v Suzanne Brazzle v Steffi Chee v Steph Blake


CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed © v Ernest Youngman


Good Lookin’ Stars v Lost Generation


Bootstrap Bill v Marv Statler w/ Dean Waldorf


Christy Higgins v Becca Barton


Primetime Jack Pryde v William Hayes


Match 2 in Tag Team Triple Threat Buy-In (Moonshiners are in): Casey Family Butcher v The McWades


The Silencer v Pepper Pelton





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CCW Women’s Championship: Evren v Suzanne Brazzle v Steffi Chee v Steph Blake


CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed © v Ernest Youngman


Good Lookin’ Stars v Lost Generation


Bootstrap Bill v Marv Statler w/ Dean Waldorf


Christy Higgins v Becca Barton

Primetime Jack Pryde v William Hayes


Match 2 in Tag Team Triple Threat Buy-In (Moonshiners are in): Casey Family Butcher v The McWades


The Silencer v Pepper Pelton

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CCW Women’s Championship: Evren v Suzanne Brazzle v Steffi Chee v Steph Blake

If Brazzle won't take it and Evren won't take it I'll go with Blake

CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed © v Ernest Youngman

Art was never supposed to have it in the first place.

Good Lookin’ Stars v Lost Generation

The generation is lost for a reason

Bootstrap Bill v Marv Statler w/ Dean Waldorf

Big OC star vs tag guy?

Christy Higgins v Becca Barton

Babyface win here to set up a challenger for Blake

Primetime Jack Pryde v William Hayes

When will you learn old man?

Match 2 in Tag Team Triple Threat Buy-In (Moonshiners are in): Casey Family Butcher v The McWades

I like betting against 50-year-old men, don't Goldberg me please

The Silencer v Pepper Pelton

I'm not a big Silencer fan but he's the bigger name here

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<p>CCW Women’s Championship: Evren v <strong>Suzanne Brazzle </strong>v Steffi Chee v Steph Blake</p><p>

Soon to retire Brazzle is forced to take the win and the belt for a short run and a send off.</p><p> </p><p>

CCW Men’s Championship: <strong>Art Reed ©</strong> v Ernest Youngman</p><p> </p><p>

Good Lookin’ Stars v <strong>Lost Generation</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bootstrap Bill</strong> v Marv Statler w/ Dean Waldorf</p><p> </p><p>

Christy Higgins v <strong>Becca Barton</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Primetime Jack Pryde</strong> v William Hayes</p><p> </p><p>

Match 2 in Tag Team Triple Threat Buy-In (Moonshiners are in): Casey Family Butcher v <strong>The McWades</strong></p><p>


The Silencer</strong> v Pepper Pelton</p>

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CCW Women’s Championship: Evren v Suzanne Brazzle v Steffi Chee v Steph Blake


CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed © v Ernest Youngman


Good Lookin’ Stars v Lost Generation


Bootstrap Bill v Marv Statler w/ Dean Waldorf


Christy Higgins v Becca Barton


Primetime Jack Pryde v William Hayes


Match 2 in Tag Team Triple Threat Buy-In (Moonshiners are in): Casey Family Butcher v The McWades


The Silencer v Pepper Pelton

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CCW Women’s Championship: Evren v Suzanne Brazzle v Steffi Chee v Steph Blake

CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed © v Ernest Youngman


Good Lookin’ Stars v Lost Generation


Bootstrap Bill v Marv Statler w/ Dean Waldorf

Christy Higgins v Becca Barton


Primetime Jack Pryde v William Hayes

Match 2 in Tag Team Triple Threat Buy-In (Moonshiners are in): Casey Family Butcher v The McWades


The Silencer v Pepper Pelton

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CCW Women’s Championship: Evren v Suzanne Brazzle v Steffi Chee v Steph Blake


CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed © v Ernest Youngman


Good Lookin’ Stars v Lost Generation


Bootstrap Bill v Marv Statler w/ Dean Waldorf


Christy Higgins v Becca Barton


Primetime Jack Pryde v William Hayes


Match 2 in Tag Team Triple Threat Buy-In (Moonshiners are in): Casey Family Butcher v The McWades


The Silencer v Pepper Pelton


So torn over the two Title Matches!! I'm thinking if he wasn't hurt, Youngman would have definitely won the Title against Reed. But knowing that you're crowning a new Women's Champion here, you're probably a little forced to keep the title on Art for now. nothing wrong with that, he's great! In my head, despite her retirement, you put the Title on Brazzle here anyway. Only for her to drop it at the next event. Therefore, Reed HAS to win, and may keep the strap for a while.

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Chicago Championship Wrestling

Saturday, Week 4, February 2020




Match Card


CCW Women’s Championship: Evren v Suzanne Brazzle v Steffi Chee v Steph Blake


CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed © v Ernest Youngman


Good Lookin’ Stars v Lost Generation


Bootstrap Bill v Marv Statler w/ Dean Waldorf


Christy Higgins v Becca Barton


Primetime Jack Pryde v William Hayes


Match 2 in Tag Team Triple Threat Buy-In (Moonshiners are in): Casey Family Butcher v The McWades


The Silencer v Pepper Pelton





“I asked ‘what’s my direction’? What do you want me to say?”


Ernest Youngman furrows his brow. The young technician is normally egoless, but confident, with a youthful and powerful aura, is sweating, frustrated, and confused. Ernest gets no answer from Jack. She shrugs and throws her hands up in the air. “I’m sorry,” she says. “I was thinking about something else.”


“Look, I can cut a promo --” EY starts.

“I believe you one hundred percent,” Jack says, slightly nodding her head up and down quickly.

“I’ve never worked with Lucinda. We haven’t spent much time together,” Youngman says.


Lucinda Lush is the type of woman that is everyone’s type. Her presence, her looks, and her perfume take the center stage of any room she is in. It’s only natural, Jack figures, that a character like Ernest Youngman would have a woman on his arm like Lucinda Lush. Plus, Lucinda has already donated some of her wardrobe that fits a 1920s artistic style.


“You and Lucinda will work great together. I’ve already talked to her. She gets it,” Jack says. She looks over at The Moonshiners, two big boys with the gimmick of backwoods moonshiners and bootleggers.


Jack turns back to Youngman. “Will you excuse me for a moment?”

“Wait, I have --” EY starts but Jack is already gone talking to the Moonshiners about their promo with the Ring Generals.


Matches are important, but I really want to make this place look like a party. Angles, Jack thought. I need lots of angles.


While working with Lead Belly and Grease Hogg, Jack sees Primetime Jack Pryde walk past. She realizes she still has to go over his match with William Hayes.


Jack’s head is whirring and this show has the makings of a disaster all over it.




Air Raid Syren vs Toni Parissi




Air Raid Syren and Toni Parissi take their time working the crowd. Francis Long does a lot of great work as a referee and helped facilitate the match. Craig Prince’s smart booking is evident. Even though Syren is still clearly inexperienced, the crowd is really warmed up after this.


Air Raid Syren defeats Toni Parissi in 7:30 with The Payback.










Sal DiMeo vs Raheem Stash




After his talk with Steve Flash, Sal DiMeo really sells his gimmick. He took time to work the crowd, smoke his cigar, and show off his big physique. He looks like the natural leader of his stable, La Cosa Nostra. Billie Mac does great work at ringside, supporting him by picking fights with the ref and prodding loud fans.; Sal has a great gimmick and lots of charisma. His high morale really pushes this match.


Sal DiMeo defeats Raheem Stash in 8:07 with a powerbomb.










Talia Quinzel vs Paige Croft




Paige and Talia look like stars from the opening lockup. They trade back and forth holds, dropdowns, and flips that really lift the crowd. The wrestling is superb, and the crowd really gets into this final preshow match. Every time Talia takes the momentum in the match, Paige is there to sell like she’s hit by a train. They both hold back slightly in an attempt to save the crowd for the actual show.


Paige Croft defeats Talia Quinzel in 10:19 by pinfall.


















Thank you for joining Chicago Championship Wrestling presents Fists and Flappers. On behalf of the announce team of Ron South and Grace Harper, I’m Curt Meritt. At this time, I am to be joined by the hopeful contender, Ernest Youngman. He is escorted by his manager, Lucinda Lush. Thank you two for joining us at this time.”




Ernest Youngman begins to talk, but is cut-off by Lucinda Lush. “We are here, Curt Meritt, so that these fans can appreciate the greatness of Ernest Youngman. This is the future of this company. This is the future of wrestling.”


Lucinda pauses for a moment, forgetting who says what next. Ernest stumbles to pick up the momentum, but soon dials into his character and takes the segment home talking about his match with Art Reed.


“The only, THE ONLY, reason I’m not the champion is because I had to pull out of the match with an injury. Art Reed, thanks for keeping the CCW Championship warm for me.”


Curt Meritt holds the microphone back in front of his face. “Thank you and good luck tonight, you two. Grace and Ron, it looks to be an exciting match.”










Ron South and Grace Harper sit ringside behind a table with a beautiful, fancy purple tablecloth.


Ron says, “Thank you Curt. I’ll be excited to watch that match. I hope Art Reed is on point to defend his new CCW Championship. Youngman looks poised to leap to the top of the card. He’ll have to look out for Lucinda Lush ringside too.”


Grace adds, “If I know anything about Art Reed, he’ll be ready. This is a veteran wrestler who has wrestled many top stars all over the world. Believe me, Ron, he’s ready.”


Ron says, “Well then, let’s waste no time and get to the first match of the evening.”







The Silencer vs Pepper Pelton




Pepper Pelton awaits his opponent as he stands in the far corner, grabbing the tope rope and pulling down to limber up.


In the band section left of the entrance way, Louie Barnett, a young man with a perfect haircut, a white-collared shirt, and a dark blue tie, holds up his trumpet. He begins to blast an old-school military tune. Eventually, the rest of the band joins in with a less jazzy, but more patriotic tune. Three men in full military uniform step forward to three microphones.



“Over there! Over there! Send the word, send the word over there!

That the Yanks are coming! The Yanks are coming!

The drums rum-tumming everywhere!


So prepare, say a prayer!

Send the word, send the word to beware!

We’ll be over! We’re coming over!

And we won’t come back till it’s over, over there!”


The Silencer steps out from behind the curtain. An enormous bodybuilder, a one-man army with two tanks for hands, The Silencer salutes the men singing as he steps through the ropes.


The match starts and Pepper bounces around the ring like a basketball. He eats back body drops and shoulder tackles. Pepper fights back with an eye rake when the referee isn’t looking. Cheap shots are the only way he can stay alive in this match.


The crowd gasps when Pepper comes off the ropes and The Silencer destroys him with a spinning powerslam.


The Silencer defeats Pepper Pelton in 7:08 by pinfall with a Drop Zone..









Angle: Papa Swoll signs with CCW




DeAnna Desire is at the bar, mixing drinks for two customers, when a third customer walks up. However, this man is much larger than the other two. DeAnna can sense a strong aura and looks over to see Papa Swoll. “Did you need something, sugar?” DeAnna asks, taken aback.




Papa Swoll says, “I’m looking for a cold drink and a tough challenge.” He looks into the camera. “I heard this was a place where I can beat people up, and that’s what I do. I was invited here to fight next month, so I’m putting all those fellas in the back on notice. You’ve got one month to get your s*** together and prepare.”


He turns back to DeAnna. He warns her, “Tell all the little honeys. Tell your mama, tell the fellas down in the body shop. Papa is home, and this whole house is about to get swoll.”










The McWades vs Casey Family Butcher




Dean McWade plays the workhouse in this match. Everytime Dallas is in the ring, he appears off and really doesn’t click with his opponents. Meanwhile, Chuck and Tully, for being brothers in a tag team, have no chemistry as a team. Their timing is consistently off. Dallas is able to get the finish in a stinker of a match.


Dallas pinned Chuck in 6:48 with a Murder on the Mountain.










Angle: Moonshiners promo interrupted by Ring Generals


Evren watches from behind the curtain at another segment she booked. She watches as Lead Belly, Grease Hogg, and Scarlett come out to the bar to talk to Curt Meritt. The Moonshiners talk about how they won last month against the Ring Generals and earned a spot in the tag title match. Much like the Youngman promo, the three step over each other’s lines. Lead Belly shows a lot of promise in getting over with the crowd, but the angle is a mess.






The Ring Generals show up at the bar and question the victory at Infamy. They argue about Scarlett being a huge distraction and vow revenge.


Evren throws the curtain back as she walks back deeper into the backstage hallway.









William Hayes vs Primetime Jack Pryde w/ Tallulah Belle




Chalk this up to another poorly booked segment by Evren. Primetime Jack Pryde and his reluctant valet, Tallulah Belle, struggle to push the concept of the heel wrestler and the babyface manager. The gimmick simply is not working. The match was too short, although William Hayes looks good.


Hayes defeats Pryde in 11:38 with a Slick Trick










Post match angle: Hayes asks, “When’s my match?”



Art Reed booked this segment as William Hayes staggers over to Curt Meritt. “Did you see that, Curt?” Curt nods his head. “You know why I won? Because I’m a veteran. I’m a veteran, Curt! I see moved before they happen, and believe me, I have an arsenal of my own to unleash when the time is right.”


William Hayes stares through the camera lens. “Art Reed! Game always recognizes game. You know I’m the only one in this company that can give you a smart, intense battle. Let’s have that chess game in the ring, you and me. What do you say?”


William Hayes sneers at Curt Meritt and walks off.










Becca Barton vs Christy Higgins




Carl Batch and Becca Barton both look like stars on their own. They do wonders together. Christy Higgins put on a strong performance, but did not have enough gas in the tank to finish off a very smart and aggressive Becca Barton.


Becca Barton defeats Christy Higgins in 14:15 with The Payback.










Angle: La Cosa Nostra interview


Curt Meritt says, “I’m here with some very honorable men and one very infamous woman, and that’s Billie Mac. Billie, you have a large family here beside you.”




Billie Mac grabs the microphone from Curt. “That’s right, Curt, and I’m glad you put it that way so Vito and Luca don’t have to smack you around a little bit. Capiche? We’re a family and families stick together. You take on one of us and you’ll wind up taking on all of us.


Billie looks at DeAnna Desire behind the bar. “And if we order a drink at the bar, you better be ready to pour the whole round, sweetheart.”


Billie slowly gets to her point. “Next month, you’ll be seeing Vito and Luca in their qualifying match for the upcoming tag team triple threat championship match. The Speak Easy Saints, I’ll make this real clear, boys. You better have your health premiums taken care of, because you’re in for a night of pain.”









Angle: Big Bruiser Findlay Hypes Next Month's Event


As La Cosa Nostra leaves, the crowd’s attention turns to the powerful Irishman marching to the ring. Big -- Bruiser -- Findlay. The large man with an even larger temper moves past the ring and heads directly for Curt Meritt.




“I’m being joined by the Bruiser for what appears to be an impromptu interview,” Meritt squeaks as Findlay draws closer. Findlay snatches the microphone from Meritt’s small hand.


“No interview. Just listen,” Findlay demands. “I have gone to the powers that be. March is a big month for the city of Chicago. St. Patrick’s Day is one of the biggest celebrations in this great town each and every year. It brings everyone together.”


“In that spirit,” Bruiser says, “I have been granted a request for a match at next month’s show. We’re calling it ‘St. Paddy’s Day Brawl’. The rules are simple...ten men enter...nine get pinned or submit...no count out...no disqualification...the last man standing gets a future title shot. We’ll brawl up and down this theater. In the ring, out of the ring, by the bar, on top of the bar, whatever it takes.”


Bruiser nods his head as the crowd gets excited. “Every St. Patrick’s Day, we dye the Chicago River green. At St. Paddy’s Day Brawl, we’ll paint the West Loop Theater red with blood.”










Bootstrap Bill v Marv Statler w/ Dean Waldorf




Dean Waldorf went for Bill, but accidentally hit Statler instead. Both caught a Bootcutter for their troubles. Art Reed did a great job putting the match together.


Art Reed produces an incredible match with lots of storytelling. Marv and Dean work great together as Dean sneaks in shots behind the referees back. Bootstrap plays the eccentric babyface well and the crowd really wants to see him succeed. He has a “Conor McGregor” feel to him, always backing up his boasts in the match. Finally, Dean’s interference gets the best of him as he goes to hit Bootstrap, but ends up clobbering Marv. As Marv recovers, Bill pulls Dean into the ring and smashes his skull in with a Bootcutter (flying face kick). Marv gets up in time to eat a second Bootcutter. Bootstrap Bill pins Marv and gets the victory.


Bootstrap Bill defeats Marv Statler in 13:58 with a Bootcutter.










Post match: Ring Generals Attack!

In another oddly-booked angle by Evren, the Ring Generals come to during Bootstrap Bill Harris's celebration and begin beating down the eccentric Welshman.




Before they can finish him off, the Moonshiners hit the ring and save the day. They clothesline Marv over the top rope and then press slam Dean on top of him! They shake hands with Bill and talk trash to the Ring Generals.










Lost Generation v Good Lookin’ Stars

Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose vs Katherine Goodlooks and Serena Star




Lilly looked great; Lilly and Rose worked together well; Star was a step behind the whole time


Kate Lilly and Debbie Rose come out looking for a great match. They really go all out and hit a lot of big tag moves. Katherine Goodlooks makes each of them look like a star, but it helps that Lilly takes things to another level in terms of work rate. Unfortunately, every time Serena Star tags in, she is a step or two behind the other three. Overall, it looks like a star tag team is in the making.


Rose pinned Goodlooks in 14:35 with The Thorn.











CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed © v Ernest Youngman




The wrestling in this match is on another level. Art and Ernest really change it up. They work a grounded technical style and then transition to a lucha, high-flying style. Eventually, they end up brawling around the ring. They really show off how many wrestling styles they can work.


At times, Lucinda Lush feels awkward at ringside. Because of Youngman’s workrate, she struggles to fit in and add value to the match. It becomes clear to the audience that these two do not really fit as a manager/wrestler combination.


Ultimately, the crowd is really behind this one.


Reed defeats Youngman in 22:15 by submission with a Dread Lock.











Post match: Hayes challenges Reed for the belt


As Art Reed hoists the championship above his head for the crowd to see, William Hayes comes down the entrance aisle. He has a microphone in his hand.




“Great win, Art. Really great,” William says as he claps his hands, careful to adjust the microphone without breaking it. “Big Bruiser Findlay is calling next month’s show St. Paddy’s Day Brawl. How about it huh? Sounds like a great place to have our chess match in the ring. You just have to put that title on the line.”


Art leans on the ropes toward William Hayes. He drapes the title over the ropes and rests his left leg up on the bottom rope. Starting to catch his breath from the intense match he just had, Art nods his head. Loudly, he bellows loud enough for everyone to hear, “You got it!”


Grace Harper exclaims, “And just like that, Art Reed has an opponent for next month’s St. Paddy’s Day Brawl.”


Ron South says, “Wow. That’ll be a nice addition to the card. With Findlay’s brawl already happening, you won’t want to miss our next show.”











CCW Women’s Championship: Evren vs Brazzle vs Chee vs Blake




Evren was head and shoulders above everyone else; Brazzle and Chee showed great psychology and people bought her as a babyface; Art crushed it; people did not like that it took to long to build up


The four talented main eventers are quickly getting to know each other in Chicago Championship Wrestling. With the announcement of Suzanne Brazzle’s retirement, one would assume she would slow down in the match. The rumors of her decreasing skills have clearly been exaggerated. The build to the finish is slow and methodical. The fans are on the edge of their seat as Evren and Blake battle around the theater while Brazzle and Chee square off in the ring.


Despite Evren’s poor night as an angle booker, she shows her prowess as a wrestler. On this night, Evren could go toe to toe against anyone in the world, save for a Christian Faith in his prime.


The four finish the match in a fast-paced, all-out brawl in the center of the ring. Chee double-clotheslines Evren and Blake out of the ring, only to turn around and eat a Miracle Connection from Brazzle. 1-2-3!


Brazzle pins Chee in 24:38 with a Miracle Connection.
















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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="nVdvNId.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/nVdvNId.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="xT0a8p4.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/xT0a8p4.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="hrIwbuY.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hrIwbuY.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

“How soon can you be here?” Art Reed talks into a cell phone strapped into a hands-free gadget next to the steering wheel. Art drives down the street in a big, orange moving truck.</p><p> </p><p>

“I’m still under contract for another month,” a raspy, male voice replies on the phone.</p><p> </p><p>

“Have you heard from any other companies?” Art asks.</p><p> </p><p>

“I think they think I’m too old,” the voice replies.</p><p> </p><p>

“Seasoned’s the word I’d use,” Art chuckles as he keeps his eyes on the road.</p><p> </p><p>

“You want me to come work for that little promotion up in Chicago?” The voice is slow, but powerful. Art has been driving for hours, but is able to focus on his surroundings because of the voice. It has a very direct way of speaking, like a good director or a war general. “Is that the gal that wrestled for USPW? The one with the running knee strike?” the voice asks.</p><p> </p><p>

“Yeah, Evren,” Art answers.</p><p> </p><p>

Art hears a small pause over the phone, and then he hears a gruff mutter, “Damn good finisher.”</p><p> </p><p>

“She’s a good worker. Excellent wrestler. Just doesn’t really know how to road agent or run a company yet. She has come good progressions as a booker, I guess, but the laying out of angles and matches outside of hers, she just doesn’t have it yet.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Reed, I’m not interested in coming in to take orders from ‘one of the boys’.”</p><p>

“Girls,” Art interjects.</p><p>

“You know what I mean, kid. If she’s ain’t a leader --”</p><p>

“I didn’t say that,” Art says.</p><p>

“The owner, booker, wrestler thing can be trouble. Cornell, Beauchamp, the Stones. It rubs me the wrong way. She gonna have a problem when I tell her what’s what? I ain’t known to pull punches?”</p><p>

“I’ll be there. She and I work well together,” Art insists.</p><p> </p><p>

There’s a pause on the other end of the line. Art struggles to keep his eyes diligently on the road as he waits for an answer. He can’t help but stare at the phone, as if that will force a reply sooner.</p><p> </p><p>

“Alright,” the voice says. “We’ll give it a shot.”</p><p> </p><p>

Art drops his shoulders and lets out a huge sigh. “Thank you,” he says with a big smile. He ends the conversation and laughs in victory.</p><p> </p><p>

Art Reed just signed a man he’s looked up to for most of his wrestling career. A man he’s watched inside and outside of the ring who truly understands this business. Art just created a coup in professional wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

He calls Jacqueline. She answers.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="GI8uPSW.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/GI8uPSW.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

“Art. How’s the move to Chicago?” she asks.</p><p> </p><p>

“It’s great,” he replies.</p><p> </p><p>

“I’m so glad you’re moving here. We’re going to do great things, I think,” she says.</p><p> </p><p>

“I just did,” Art says.</p><p> </p><p>

Jack shrugs, “What do you mean?”</p><p> </p><p>

Art says, “I think I just brought Robert Oxford to CCW.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="4GBgskN.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/4GBgskN.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="Ta439yO.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Ta439yO.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Nice signing! :D


Lovely to hear Joey Beauchamp get a mention too!! He's my favourite cverse worker. For some reason.


I think Joey Beauchamp was the first guy I ever hired when I was booking SWF (I was playing 2007, so was the game the 2005 edition?). He came in as a lower midcarder. But yeah, the first dude I ever signed in TEW history.


Who was the first person you ever gave a job to?

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I think Joey Beauchamp was the first guy I ever hired when I was booking SWF (I was playing 2007, so was the game the 2005 edition?). He came in as a lower midcarder. But yeah, the first dude I ever signed in TEW history.


Who was the first person you ever gave a job to?


I think it might have been Joey :D I was playing as ROF (Ring Of Fire), which must have been around 05 or 08 too. He was certainly one of my first hires. Loved his pic, and his stats. My best friend is an Oxford United fan and Joe Beauchamp used to play wingback for them. In his bio, he's from Oxford! So must be based on the real Beauchamp!


I just checked ROF's alumni and I must have signed Buff Martinez and Joss Thompson early on too. Racking my brain here but if Joey wasn't first ever, he was certainly first 2-3.

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I think it might have been Joey :D I was playing as ROF (Ring Of Fire), which must have been around 05 or 08 too. He was certainly one of my first hires. Loved his pic, and his stats. My best friend is an Oxford United fan and Joe Beauchamp used to play wingback for them. In his bio, he's from Oxford! So must be based on the real Beauchamp!


I just checked ROF's alumni and I must have signed Buff Martinez and Joss Thompson early on too. Racking my brain here but if Joey wasn't first ever, he was certainly first 2-3.


This was also the same game where I was slighted by NYCW, so I started signing their champion every time they crowned someone new. I had nothing for Mick Muscles...poor guy.

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