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Chapter 4: Weasels for Everybody







Chicago Championship Wrestling

Friday, Week 4, January 2020



“Can someone help me with these?” Air Attack Weasel groans from the doorway.


Wrestlers, staffers, and musicians are moving furniture, boxes, cables, and other equipment around the West Loop Theater. Steve Flash, Grace Harper and Art Reed are directing traffic. Grace is using every bit of technique and precision she showed in the ring before she retired. Grace completes a perfect snapmare of the gym mat that she lays down next to a beautifully-blue wrestling ring.


Art and Steve organize staffers placing boxes down in fine order. The bar at the far end of the theater is full of the regular day-drinkers who drunkenly gaze with a watchful eye as complete strangers to them have taken over their establishment and are setting up a monstrosity of a production. A ring, ropes, tables, chairs, cables, an area for a band. This is a really intricate affair. People are so busy that they completely ignore Air Attack Weasel as he drags in a large box.


Air Attack Weasel shouts again, “Can anyone hear me?”


Art Reed walks over and peers into the large box. “We’re kind of busy, Dave.”


“Weasel,” AAW insists again.


Art understands and respects his position as a leader and avoids being tough on the guy. Experience has taught him the importance of building a solid reputation. Mr. Reed dreams of his reputation as a backstage agent being as sturdy as a wrought piece of iron, as his father’s once was. He pats Weasel on the back.


“Alright man, what’s in the box?” Art humors Weasel.


Weasel opens the large cardboard box that smells like the confines of a musty garage. Art jerks his head back to his side to avoid getting dusted in the face with the slightly-offensive odor. In fairness, he’s smelled worse in guys’ gym bags. Weasel pulls a small, purple critter made of foam. He holds it to his face and smiles at Art.


“What are these? Walruses?” Art asks.


“Walruses?” Weasel exclaims. “Man, they’re weasels. Little Air Attack Weasels! I figured that we can sell these foam weasels at the show.” Weasel says. Not only do the purple critters look nothing like a weasel, but the foam is cheap and has what look to be poorly constructed wings half-sewn on to the bodies of the weasels.


“Why purple?”


“It was the only color they had on the website.”


“And they’re foam?”


“That’s right. For the kids.” Air Attack Weasel proudly nods his head. “Kids go crazy for ‘em.” Art is completely lost.


“Why foam? Why aren’t they plush?” Art asks.


“Well these were cheaper.”


“Ahh, I see.”


Jacqueline and a handsome, young wrestler in a black tank top walk over. The guy Jack is with absolutely oozes charisma. He struts over with a certain air of egoless moxy. He doesn’t need to know he’s better than you in the ring...he’ll guarantee it. You would hate him if you didn’t already want to be him. “Guys, you both know EY.”


Art laughs as he shakes hands with Ernest Youngman. “I better know who he is. He’s beating my ass tomorrow for the strap.” EY and Art share a deep laugh as they pull each other into a half hug.


Air Attack goes in to shake Youngman’s hand next. “Big fan of yours kid,” Weasel says. “I’d love to show you a couple things in the ring when you get a chance.”


“Hey thanks,” Youngman says plainly.


Jack cuts him off. “Before you do anything, Dave -- er, Weasel -- what is this wet, nasty box doing here? This is an old building. I’m not trying to get shut down for mold or anything.”


“Let’s let them talk, kid,” Reed says to EY. Art leads Ernest Youngman into the ring.


“Mold?” Weasel snorts. “Are you kidding me? No, I have to get rid of these. I had them for the show I was going to run, but since we agreed to do this instead --”

“That reminds me,” Jack starts. “What talent were you going to bring in? I can try and fit them on the show if you want so they can still get a payday.”


The Weasel looks confused. “What do you mean?”


Jack says, “I mean I’ll help them out. I appreciate your team holding off so we could run Infamy.I figure I’ll save the Findlay challenge match for one of the guys you called in to work your show. If they’re bummed about your show not happening, they can come in to do the favors for the Bruiser and get an easy payday.”


“I don’t think I have anybody for that.”


“Weren’t you in contact with people to work? A handshake? 20 bucks? Gas money?”


“No, I didn’t talk to anyone yet,” Weasel shakes his head.


Evren furrows her brow. “I don’t understand. How were you going to run a show without wrestlers?”


“I was going to make some phone calls. Jeanine was mostly going to handle that part.”


“Who is Jeanine?”


“My girlfriend.”


“Okay, where is she? I’ll see who she called.”


“Well you can’t do that.”


“Why on Earth not?”


“She went out for a carton of cigarettes and some lotto tickets.”


“When is Jeanine coming back?”


“I’m not really sure. She left weeks ago. Haven’t heard from her since.”


Jacqueline grits her teeth. She notices the musicians having a meeting about setup. A tall man with thick, black sunglasses waves her over to join in, and Jack takes this as an opportunity to walk away from AAW.


Weasel looks in the ring and sees Art and EY going over spots for their match. He jogs over and slides in the ring. “You guys mind if I show you a spot?” Weasel motions to the top rope.


Art and Youngman look at each other. “We were thinking of having more of a grounded match. A technical bout.”


“Nonsense! Let me show you something,” Weasel shouts. A few workers on the outside of the ring watch as Weasel goes up to the top rope for a moonsault.

AAW scales up the turnbuckle front first, so his back is to his ringmates. He turns his head so he can speak back to them and mutters a few things. Reed and Youngman nod.


Jacqueline is preparing to hear what the musicians have been working on for her entrance song, a jazzy, 1920s-style cover of “Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)” by Nancy Sinatra, when she hears it.




She looks in the ring as Art Reed pulls himself up to his feet. Air Attack Weasel has to roll off of Ernest Youngman. Wrestlers and staff drop what they’re doing to crowd around the ring. Jack runs over and slides under the bottom rope. She immediately checks on Youngman as the Weasel pulls himself up to his feet. “I’m fine by the way,” he mutters. Weasel hovers in circles, dizzy, and falls back down. He rolls out of the ring and doubles over on the gym mat.


Jack leans over her young star, Ernest. EY is completely out of it. He comes to, but his eyes trail off into nothingness. There’s no one home and the fridge is empty. Art and Jack help Youngman to his feet. They get him out of the ring and to a ringside chair.


Steve Flash, the man with more experience than anyone in the room when it comes to professional wrestling (word on the street is that he once wrestled Moses to an hour time limit) came to check on young Ernest.


“What happened?” Steve asks Art and Jacqueline.


Jacqueline shrugs and looks at Art. Reed puts it out there, “He took a knee pretty hard from a moonsault. I think it connected with the side of his head.”

Steve shakes his head. “Could be a concussion. Can’t be sure though. How did this happen?”


Art pauses for a moment, then shakes his head. “It was a freak accident. Shouldn’t have happened. I’ll take care of it.”


Instantaneously, Jacqueline admires the way Art handles the situation and learns from him. Art is sure to say what happened and how it happened, but he never pushes blame on the Weasel. Sure, Weasel is an idiot and is about to pay the price from Jack, but Art took the high road. Jacqueline’s respect for Art Reed grows immensely.


Steve says, “This young man is going to need a hospital trip.”


“I’ll take him,” Jack says. “I can rewrite the show while I’m there.”


Jack begins to collect her things. Art stands up. “I can go with you.”


Jack shakes her head. “Can you stay here and keep an eye on things? Bootstrap will be here with some boxes. He’ll need help. In the meantime, can you call the McWades? See if they want to come in a month early.”


This show was going to happen if Jacqueline had to rewrite the entire show.



Updated Show Card

(Evren apologizes and requests that you kindly disregard your last picks and make new ones.)


Chicago Championship Wrestling presents





Match Card for Predictions


(Winners compete in a fatal fourway for CCW Women’s Championship at next month’s show)

Evren/Brazzle/Chee/Blake vs Lost Generation/Good Lookin’ Stars


CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed vs Dean McWade vs Dallas McWade


Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Bootstrap Bill Harris


The Ring Generals vs The Moonshiners


Becca Barton vs Paige Croft


Big Bruiser Findlay vs Air Attack Weasel


Raheem Stash vs Machine Gun Marino w/ La Cosa Nostra


The Anti-Establishment vs Crackdown


Air Raid Syren vs Pinky Perez


Pepper Pelton vs William Hayes



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(Winners compete in a fatal fourway for CCW Women’s Championship at next month’s show)

Evren/Brazzle/Chee/Blake vs Lost Generation/Good Lookin’ Stars


CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed vs Dean McWade vs Dallas McWade

- Keep the McWades in the tag division. Art can drop the belt to EY later.


Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Bootstrap Bill Harris


The Ring Generals vs The Moonshiners

- For some reason, when I made my first picks I thought the Moonshiners were the McWades.


Becca Barton vs Paige Croft


Big Bruiser Findlay vs Air Attack Weasel

- "Psst... there's a fiddy-dolla bonus if you break this jabroni's legs..."


Raheem Stash vs Machine Gun Marino w/ La Cosa Nostra


The Anti-Establishment vs Crackdown


Air Raid Syren vs Pinky Perez


Pepper Pelton vs William Hayes

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<p>Brazzle is totally underrated on the indy scene. I put her vs. Kate Lily in a match and they overshadowed Acid vs. Threepwood. </p><p> </p><p>

That is a gigantic roster and a packed card for an indie show. Good luck with the finances backstage <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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I don't think I've ever seen a card change like this so we have to pick again :D Bravo!! Hahahaha!! And Gaad damn it Dave!! :D


CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed vs Dean McWade vs Dallas McWade

I was right about Ernest before, but now I think Reed beats the McWades. Until you tell us that they didn't want to come in a month early... and we have to pick again! :D


Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Bootstrap Bill Harris


The Ring Generals vs The Moonshiners


Becca Barton vs Paige Croft


Big Bruiser Findlay vs Air Attack Weasel


Raheem Stash vs Machine Gun Marino w/ La Cosa Nostra


The Anti-Establishment vs Crackdown


Air Raid Syren vs Pinky Perez


Pepper Pelton vs William Hayes

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Evren/Brazzle/Chee/Blake vs Lost Generation/Good Lookin’ Stars


CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed vs Dean McWade vs Dallas McWade


Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Bootstrap Bill Harris


The Ring Generals vs The Moonshiners


Becca Barton vs Paige Croft


Big Bruiser Findlay vs Air Attack Weasel


Raheem Stash vs Machine Gun Marino w/ La Cosa Nostra


The Anti-Establishment vs Crackdown


Air Raid Syren vs Pinky Perez


Pepper Pelton vs William Hayes

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Evren/Brazzle/Chee/Blake vs Lost Generation/Good Lookin’ Stars


CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed vs Dean McWade vs Dallas McWade

I was always going for Art but this solidifies my choice

Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Bootstrap Bill Harris


The Ring Generals vs The Moonshiners


Becca Barton vs Paige Croft


Big Bruiser Findlay vs Air Attack Weasel

Time for the Weasel screw job

Raheem Stash vs Machine Gun Marino w/ La Cosa Nostra


The Anti-Establishment vs Crackdown


Air Raid Syren vs Pinky Perez


Pepper Pelton vs William Hayes

Old man thought lesson, more at 11

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Match Card for Predictions</p><p> </p><p>

(Winners compete in a fatal fourway for CCW Women’s Championship at next month’s show)</p><p>

<strong>Evren/Brazzle/Chee/Blake</strong> vs Lost Generation/Good Lookin’ Stars</p><p> </p><p>

CCW Men’s Championship: <strong>Art Reed</strong> vs Dean McWade vs Dallas McWade</p><p> </p><p>

Prime Time Jack Pryde vs <strong>Bootstrap Bill Harris</strong></p><p><strong>


The Ring Generals vs T<strong>he Moonshiners</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Becca Barton</strong> vs Paige Croft</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Big Bruiser Findlay</strong> vs Air Attack Weasel</p><p>

Findlay's gonna kill you!</p><p> </p><p>

Raheem Stash vs <strong>Machine Gun Marino w/ La Cosa Nostra</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Anti-Establishment </strong>vs Crackdown</p><p> </p><p>

Air Raid Syren vs <strong>Pinky Perez</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pepper Pelton</strong> vs William Hayes</p>

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Match Card for Predictions</p><p> </p><p>

(Winners compete in a fatal fourway for CCW Women’s Championship at next month’s show)</p><p>

<strong>Evren/Brazzle/Chee/Blake</strong> vs Lost Generation/Good Lookin’ Stars</p><p> </p><p>

CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed vs Dean McWade vs <strong>Dallas McWade</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Prime Time Jack Pryde vs <strong>Bootstrap Bill Harris</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Ring Generals vs <strong>The Moonshiners</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Becca Barton</strong> vs Paige Croft</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Big Bruiser Findlay</strong> vs Air Attack Weasel</p><p> </p><p>

Raheem Stash vs<strong> Machine Gun Marino w/ La Cosa Nostra</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Anti-Establishment</strong> vs Crackdown</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Air Raid Syren</strong> vs Pinky Perez</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pepper Pelton</strong> vs William Hayes</p>

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(Winners compete in a fatal fourway for CCW Women’s Championship at next month’s show)

Evren/Brazzle/Chee/Blake vs Lost Generation/Good Lookin’ Stars


CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed vs Dean McWade vs Dallas McWade


Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Bootstrap Bill Harris


The Ring Generals vs The Moonshiners


Becca Barton vs Paige Croft


Big Bruiser Findlay vs Air Attack Weasel


Raheem Stash vs Machine Gun Marino w/ La Cosa Nostra


The Anti-Establishment vs Crackdown


Air Raid Syren vs Pinky Perez


Pepper Pelton vs William Hayes

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Chicago Championship Wrestling

Saturday, Week 4, January 2020




Match Card


(Winners compete in a fatal fourway for CCW Women’s Championship at next month’s show)

Evren/Brazzle/Chee/Blake vs Lost Generation/Good Lookin’ Stars

CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed vs Dean McWade vs Dallas McWade

Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Bootstrap Bill Harris

The Ring Generals vs The Moonshiners

Becca Barton vs Paige Croft

Big Bruiser Findlay vs Air Attack Weasel

Raheem Stash vs Machine Gun Marino w/ La Cosa Nostra

The Anti-Establishment vs Crackdown

Air Raid Syren vs Pinky Perez

Pepper Pelton vs William Hayes


Jacqueline sits in the women’s dressing room. She slips a black knee brace over the dark purple pad on her left knee. Sitting on an old, worn down bench, she throws a couple jab-like kicks with her left leg to break in the pad and brace.


There must have been thousands of different productions in this old theater tucked in the corner of Chicago’s West Loop. Headshots of old theater actresses form a line above the doorway of the dressing room, each one with a broad, looping signature in black ink.


Hellcat Hernandez, a fiery veteren with hair like red-hot flames, paces around the women’s dressing room. She throws a couple elbow shots in the air. Hellcat looks at Jacqueline and smiles.


“You nervous, Evren?” she asks.


Jack holds up her hand. It’s shaking uncontrollably.

“I must be.”


“You worked for USPW. There’s not even a hundred people out there. What do you have to be nervous about?” Hellcat asks.


“I always put a lot of pressure on myself to go out there and tear the house down. I always have to give my best. Better than my best.” There’s a knock on the door. “We’re decent! You can open it,” Jack calls out.


Art Reed opens the door. He has a clipboard in his hand. “Flash and I just realized that neither of us have gone over Findlay and Weasel’’s match. It’s not even on here for our finishes. Was I supposed to cover this?”


Jack stands and walks over to Art. He holds out his clipboard and she double checks the sheet with him. “Bruiser goes over with the Atomic Spinebuster. Tell him I’m going to see him before the match. I’ll have a quick word with the Bruiser.”


Art nods his head. “Good show,” he wishes. Jack nods back. “Good show.”


Hellcat smiles. “You like being a leader?” she asks.

“Like? I don’t know about that.” Jack says. “It’s the price you pay for wanting to do a show your way.”

Hellcat replies, “I had a boss once in an indie promotion in Mexico. I trained down there. El Jefe, we called him. He liked being the boss. Whenever there was a problem, El Jefe solved it. He was very...I’m trying to find the word...effective... in his job. Took responsibility. Took ownership. Shared the credit for success. To this day, El Jefe was the best boss I ever had.”


Jack goes over everything in her head. If she’s such a good leader, how can she handle this Weasel situation and still save face? She needs to be respected, but she isn’t ready to be vilified as “the cutthroat boss.” She glares at the match card printed off for the show.


This guy just doesn’t get it, she thought. There’s no way he gets it.








“Hey what’s wrong with your fella?” Bootstrap calls out to Jack from across the theater in a dry Welsh accent. Jack doesn’t hear him. There’s too much going on in this large space.


Wrestlers, along with some of their random girlfriends and boyfriends, are setting up merchandise tables. Musicians are tuning their instruments. Bartenders are polishing glasses. The doors will be open soon enough.


Jacqueline is speeding around like the roadrunner, holding fourteen different conversations at once. She has the set designers finishing up the purple curtains for the entranceway.


“Fast Fingers” Eddie Tucsan is going over the sheet music with his band for all of the 1920s covers of famous songs. He’s an old, patient teacher with his young musicians. His young singer, Trixie Mills, looks absolutely radiant in a stunning, pink flapper dress.


The bar looks like something out of an old prohibition-era pub.


Jacqueline has truly made the old West Loop Theater look like a step out of 1920s Chicago. It’s a special place to have a wrestling show tonight.


Bootstrap continues his way to Jacqueline, stopping her as she flies around the room with a rundown sheet. “Did you hear me?” he calls out.


Jack turns and grabs the flyer Bill is waving in her face. “I say, what’s wrong with your boy?”


Jack scoffs, “You don’t think this looks great? I did it. I pulled it off. We’re in the 1920s.”


Bootstrap nods, “It looks tremendous.” He goes about trying to kill her mood with the flyer that killed his mood. “Can you explain what your mate did?”


“My mate?” Jack asks.


“Dave Wallace,” Bill says.


“Weasel,” Jacqueline corrects him.


“We’re aware. You told him to reprint off a bunch of flyers now that Youngman is out,” Bill says.


“He didn’t do it?” Jack asks.


“Oh, he did it. Just look at it,” Bill advises.


Jack takes one look at where Air Attack Weasel wrote his name in ugly, green marker on the card.





“This guy doesn’t get it,” Jack says as she sighs. She throws the card on the ground and walks off.






Before the real card starts, two warm-up dark matches are held. Patrons are starting to enter the old theater. Many are dressed up in 1920s-style clothes. With suits, flappers, and lots of jewelry, this theater could be mistaken for a Lost Generation party in Paris with Ernest Hemingway, the Fitzgeralds, James Joyce, Sylvia Beach, and Gertrude Stein. If anyone can match the drinking habits of the Lost Generation, surely this old theater will do very well at the bar tonight. In fact, many guests crowd the bar for drinks, popcorn, and other refreshments while the preshow goes on in the middle of the ring.




Pepper Pelton vs William Hayes




Hayes and Pelton tell the age-old story of the old, smooth veteran versus the young, upstart athlete. The match is short with a lot of back and forth holds. Hayes really shows Pepper how to work the crowd. The job is done well.




William Hayes defeats Pepper Pelton in 7:26 by pinfall with a Slick Trick.”










Air Raid Syren vs Pinky Perez




Pinky Perez plays up that she really has a heart of fire and does not give up easily. The crowd really begins to get behind Pinky, which is troubling since the goal of the match is to get the young, smiling babyface Air Raid Syren over. It makes for an awkward bout, especially when Syren gets the win. The crowd didn’t know what to think as the show is getting ready to start.




Air Raid Syren defeats Pinky Perez in 10:17 with a Top Rope Leg Drop.









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Jacqueline is backstage with an enormous Irish tank. This tank has bulging arms and a thick neck that sits on long, massive shoulders. If tanks weren’t already named, they might have been called Findlays. Big Bruiser Findlay peeks behind a curtain as Syren’s hand is raised by the referee.


“You should have given Pinky the win, Miss Evren,” he notes to Jacqueline.


“I wanted to get the young kid some shine,” Jack notes.


“The audience felt differently,” Bruiser puts bluntly. “What did you want to see me about.”


Jack leans against the wall. Getting closer to Bruiser, she looks up at him and quietly says, “If Weasel doesn’t choose to do business tonight --”


The room practically shakes as Bruiser heartily belly laughs. “Are you suggesting I do business for him?”


“That’s not going to be a problem, is it, Mr. O’Farraday?” Jack asks.


Bruiser shakes his head. “It never has before.”







Ron South and Grace Harper stand ringside in front of a camera and a decent audience for the theater. It isn’t much to start with, but Ron looks around at the crowd and nods his head up and down multiple times. He smiles and pulls the microphone up to his mouth.




Ron says, “Welcome to the Old Loop Theater in Chicago, Illinois. I’m Ron South alongside my colleague, wrestling great, Grace Harper. Tonight folks, you will be treated to something very different. This is a throwback to the Prohibition Days. The 1920s. We have music, we have a bar, we have a crowd dressed up like it’s a night out in Old Chicago. We have a band playing swing and jazz covers of some songs you may have heard of.”


Grace adds, “The mood is perfect. The crowd is ready for some action. We’ll waste very little time here tonight. Before we start, let me throw it to our friend and fellow broadcaster Curt Meritt. Curt, I hope you’re a licensed bartender over there.”




A camera films Curt Meritt at the bar. He’s close by to hear Grace as he stands in front of a long, beautiful countertop with DeAnna Desire behind the bar. She is pouring a drink for a patron next to them.


Curt says, “Grace, I’m not a licensed bartender but my good friend DeAnna Desire here is.”


DeAnna makes a face and shakes her head before going back to pouring drinks.


“We’ll have some winners and losers come over here for a possible interview. I’ll be talking to all kinds of people. This is also where you can come get a drink. You can drink here if you won, you lost, your name is Art Reed, or even if you bought a ticket. All are welcome here. DeAnna is going to be very busy tonight. Back to you, Grace.”


Grace smiles, “Thanks Curt. You know, Ron, I would probably plan to see some more familiar faces as the evening progresses. This is a very special place here in the heart of Chicago.


“Now, that’s true,” Ron says. “You never know who could show up in a wrestling town like Chicago. In the meantime, let’s throw it to the ring for our first match of the evening!”






The Anti-Establishment vs Crackdown

Pamela Rojo & Hellcat Hernandez vs Toni Parissi & Juana Huracan




Fast Fingers Eddie Tucsan’s fingers tap a slow, sad tune across the piano. Trixie slowly and sadly croons.


“Two trailer park girls go ‘round the outside, ‘round the outside,

Two trailer park girls go ‘round the outside, ‘round the outside,”


The crowd is confused. “Is that Eminem?” a man in the front row asks his date. She confusedly nods her head. Before the crowd can confirm the lyrical stylings of Marshall Mathers for sure, the whole band kicks into an upstart swing of “Without Me” by Eminem. Toni Parissi and Juana Hurricane jump through the curtain and play to the crowd as a couple of villains.


The Anti-Establishment make their entrance and the two tag teams go at it. There were more potatoes in this match than in the entryway of a Five Guys Burgers & Fries. Each punch thrown could have been thrown better and the women will all be feeling them tomorrow. On the other hand, they had fun, and the audience could tell and enjoyed the match right along with them. Juana went for a lot of interesting submissions. She and Toni really looked like a great pair. They had a lot of chemistry together. Overall, the wrestling was superb.




The Anti-Establishment defeats Crackdown after Hellcat pinned Juana in 12:44 following a Double Pounce.










Raheem Stash vs Machine Gun Marino w/ Billie Mac




After Raheem makes his entrance, the lights in the theater dim slightly. The band does a swanky, jazz tune heavy on the trumpet.


“As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

I take a look at my life and realize there's not much left

'Coz I've been blastin' and laughin' so long, that

Even my mama thinks that my mind is gone”


The woman formerly known as Dharma Gregg enters, but here, she is announced as Billie Mac, the consigliere of La Cosa Nostra: The Chicago Mafia. She comes out with red hair, a fedora, and a tommy gun. Behind her is the muscle of the mob. The baddest dude in town: Machine Gun Marino.


Been spendin' most their lives,

Livin' in the gangsta's paradise


There was some quality work done in the entrances and at ringside with Billie Mac. Sadly, there was little quality going on inside the ring. The match was short and Marino struggled to work with Raheem. Nothing personal. They just couldn’t click. The entrances were great...then the bell rang.




Machine Gun Marino defeats Raheem Stash in 7:32 with a Drive By (flying knee strike).










Angle: La Cosa Nostra at the Bar


The entire stable, La Cosa Nostra, comes to the bar for a victory drink. They each take turns cutting promos.


Vito seems to do really well and has the crowd eating in the palm of his hand. He says, “We’re men of hon-ah. We has a certain way of doin’ things.”


Unfortunately, Luca does not talk well at all. He gets a bit of stage fright and when it is his turn to talk, he looks like a deer in headlights. Luckily, Billie Mac saves him and takes the microphone.










Big Bruiser Findlay vs Air Attack Weasel




Findlay comes out to an Irish folk song that makes him seem as big as Paul Bunyon when he comes out. Findlay’s impressive frame gets oohs and ahhs from the crowd. He’s different than everyone else in this setting.


Findlay is generous enough to bump a few times for Weasel. He even lets Weasel get a few signature moves in, but Weasel spends most of the time getting thrown around the ring, which was the plan they both agreed on before going out there.


The strange thing happens at the end of the match. Findlay hits his Atomic Spinebuster for the finish and is careful to protect AAW’s head on the landing. As Findlay moves in for the pin, Weasel pops back up for the no-sell.


“Are you crazy?” Findlay asks him.


“Come on. It’s good publicity. How many people can say they survived one of those?” Weasel whispers to Findlay with a smirk on his face.


“Not you, mate.” Findlay says as he gets close to Weasel, deadlift scoops him up, and slams him back down with another Atomic Spinebuster. This time, Findlay puts no care into protecting his opponent. Weasel’s head bounces off the mat. He’s in La-La-Land. Findlay goes down for the pin. 1-2-3!




Big Bruiser Findlay defeats Air Attack Weasel in 12:39 with an Atomic Spinebuster.










Curt Meritt is back by the bar. “Ladies and Gentleman, at this time, I would like to introduce you to the Social Media Manager of Chicago Championship Wrestling: Joanne Rodriguez! You’ve probably listened to her podcast, currently ranked number 1 in Sports and Recreation!



Joanne comes by the bar and Curt hands her his mic. He exits so she can scoot over. “Thank you, Curt. I am very proud to be a part of this new promotion. I look forward to watching it grow over time and become a major player in professional wrestling.”


“Speaking of major players, I would like to introduce a hot young tag team at this time. The Speakeasy Saints!”



Angle: Speakeasy Saints promo


Jacqueline was supposed to be in charge of this segment. She was so busy with everything else that she did not do a great enough job producing this promo by Nate Demarcus and Tyrone Gray. Luckily enough, Streetz is their manager and was able to give a decent promo.










Becca Barton w/ Carl Batch vs Paige Croft




Becca Barton and Paige Croft go out to the ring and have a great match. They are absolutely in sync with each other. They listen to each other, as well as the crowd. Carl Batch looks like a perfect fit with Becca Barton as his client. Everyone in the segment come off looking like professionals.




Becca Barton defeats Paige Croft in 13:07 with The Payback.










Angle: Barton challenges Higgins at Fists & Flappers


After the match, Christy Higgins is having a drink at the bar. Becca and Carl Batch join her. “Higgins, what are you doing out here?” Becca demands.


“I’m just having a drink,” Christy responds. She swirls a mixing straw in her drink and looks away, but Becca gets closer.


“Did you even watch the match? Did you watch my performance?” Becca asks.


“I watched something,” Christy answers. “I don’t know if I could call it a performance.”


Higgins and Barton begin a scuffle that has to be broken up by multiple referees. They agree to have a match next month at Fists and Flappers.











The Ring Generals vs The Moonshiners w/ Scarlett

Marv Statler & Dean Waldorf vs Grease Hogg & Lead Belly




It is announced that this is the first match in a three match series. Each winning team will be entered into a triple threat match for the Chicago Championship Wrestling Men’s Tag Team Championships.


The Moonshiners come out with their valet, their friend, and their confidant: Scarlett. They work the gimmick of the three-man band. They are a group of bootleggers, moonshiners, and partiers, and their entrance reflects that. It is an absolute party and the crowd is enjoying every minute of it.


Naturally, the party is broken up by the Ring Generals, who wouldn’t know a party if they tripped over an amusement park.


Scarlett is a joy at ringside and really works well with her team. The Ring Generals also work well as a team, and it leads to a strong match.




The Moonshiners defeat The Ring Generals when Grease Hogg pinned Marv Statler in 12:37 with a Rolling Keg Slam. The Moonshiners advance in the Tag Team Tournament.










Angle: Bootstrap Promo


In the musicians section, Louie Barnett steps forward with a shiny, golden trumpet. Louie is young and suave in a white-collared shirt and a blue tie. His sleeves are rolled up like he has work to do.


He begins blaring on the trumpet in the form in a stylish old-sounding cover of Europe’s “The Final Countdown”.



As soon as percussionist Mike Dorsey comes in on the drums, Bootstrap Bill Harris emerges from behind the curtain. In sparkling green trunks and boots, the Master of the Bootcutter stands out amongst any crowd.


He steps into the ring and bartender and ring announcer DeAnna Desire hands him the microphone. He stares into the crowd of people and strokes his beard.


“My name’s Bootstrap Bill, and if you don’t know me, you’re about to get real well-acquainted. I was born in Wales, and if it’s all the same to you, I’m going to plant my flag at your foot and dare you to move it. I’ve been wrestling all over the world, and now I’m here in Chicago’s West Loop. It was the Welsh who built this city. We powered our ways to the shores of Lake Michigan. We came looking for work in America’s heartland. We built churches. We brought music and culture. We brought it all, mate. And now we’re back to claim what’s ours.


Tonight, they gave me a match against a bright, little lad named Primetime Jack Pryde. Make no mistake, the Welsh are here, Bootstrap is here, and you all best get used to it!”










Prime Time Jack Pryde w/ Tallulah Belle vs Bootstrap Bill Harris


Ron South remembers to close his mouth. “Well, Bootstrap Bill certainly came here to make a statement.”


Grace Harper adds, “He’s come a long way from the big wrestling companies to compete in Chicago Championship Wrestling.”




Bootstrap Bill works an aggressive style with Prime Time. Pryde tries to gain the advantage multiple times with some heelish tricks and moves (going for a low blow when the refs back is turned). Tallulah Belle did a great job at ringside, even though the crowd did not exactly get behind the face manager with the heel wrestler. Bootstrap came off looking like a million bucks. Pryde struggled to keep up with Bill and seemed a bit off his game. It all came together in the end when Pryde missed a splash in the corner and ate a flying front kick to the face that the crowd absolutely loved.




Bootstrap Bill defeats Prime Time Jack Pryde in 15:26 with a Bootcutter.










CCW Men’s Championship: Art Reed vs Dean McWade vs Dallas McWade






The belt is on a pedestal next to the announcers’ table. The McWades make their entrances separately before the lights dim and the musicians perform a phenomenal jazz cover of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”. The lights come back up and Big Magic comes out. The crowd recognizes what a star he is, and it turns out he is only out here to give his friend some added star power. Just then, Art Reed explodes to the ring with energy. He has the air of a champion. The crowd is behind him 100 percent as he hugs Big Magic and dances to the ring.


The match is fairly one-sided as the McWades take turns wiping the floor with Art. Unfortunately, Dean goes for a body slam at the wrong time and struggles to support Art’s weight. On the slam, Art Reed hits his wrist on the mat hard and appears injured. The referee checks on Art and the match continues. The fans cheer for the comeback, and when Art makes his big comeback, both McWades sell for him. Art really carries the rest of the match and catches Dallas McWade in a cradle for the win.




Art Reed defeats Dallas McWade in 14:23 with a quick cradle. Art Reed wins the CCW Men’s Championship.














Evren/Brazzle/Chee/Blake vs Lost Generation/Good Lookin’ Stars




The band kicks off the main event with a 1920s-style cover of Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off”. It has a great feel, and the audience gets excited when Suzanne Brazzle comes out to her theme song. She is soon followed by Steffi Chee, Steph Blake, and Jacqueline as her wrestling persona Evren. Jacqueline is hardly even there. The vicious Evren completely takes over her body.


The Lost Generation come out with the Good Lookin’ Stars. The Lost Generation are young, in control, and destined for stardom. However, the GLS look like movie stars.


The match is a slow build with lots of early tags. Every time Evren takes in, she really shows her “big league skills” and is head and shoulders above the others in terms of technique. There are some really good moments where all 8 competitors brawl around the ringside area. There are some great dives and top rope spots that highlight their performance skills. For a first show main event, this closes the show well.




Team Brazzle wins when Suzanne Brazzle pins Serena Star in 23:17 with The Miracle Connection.


















Jacqueline is back in the locker room. She already finished her conversation with Suzanne. She had her talk with Steve Flash. She already mopped up the blood trickling from her head. The pain in her neck still throbs from when Kate Lilly axe-handled her from behind, and Katherine Goodlooks ran too fast and kneed her in the head right after. Most people already left for the after-party where Brazzle offered to buy Jack a drink. She just has to make sure everyone is gone so she can turn the lights out. Bootstrap Bill and Art Reed already offered to clean out the main theater.


The pain throbbing in her neck is nowhere near the pain that she has suffered from Air Attack Weasel in the last month. Now she has a choice to make. She has to hurry over to the after-party and fire him before he goes inside or she can fire him next week when she has calmed down. Either way, there will be some due unpleasantness.


Jack is checking backstage when she runs into Hellcat Hernandez again.


“Hey Cat,” Jack says. Hellcat’s head turns up.

“Forgot my brush,” Hellcat mutters as she walks past Jacqueline.


Jack almost leaves, but stops as she opens the door and starts to walk out. She steps back in for a second. “Cat, let me ask you something.”


Hellcat Hernandez shoots her gaze up at Jack as she bends down to pick up her brush. Cat nods her head.


“Your boss in Mexico,” Jack starts. “El Jefe. Would you still have liked him so much if he had to fire someone you worked with. Would it have bothered you to see him do that?”


Hellcat furrows her brow in a confused state. “I didn’t like El Jefe. I hated him.”

Jack’s eyes widen. “You hated him?”

Hellcat nods, “Sure we all did. Nobody liked El Jefe.”

Jack asks, extremely confused, “I don’t understand. You praised this guy. Said the nicest things! Why would you hate him?”


“Because he was the boss, Miss Evren. He was great at his job, and I would work for him again, but I never went to his birthday party if that’s what you’re asking. Nobody liked him. Honestly, I don’t know why you would go to an after-party. You’re the boss.”


Jack shakes her head in bewilderment. Hellcat walks up to her and pats her on the back. “I like you, Miss Evren. But someday, you are gonna do something I don’t agree with. But you pay me, so I’ll shut up and do my job. You’re the boss, but I got to look out for number one. Hellcat looks out for Hellcat. And maybe Rojo. You look out for CCW. I appreciate that, but looking out for everybody doesn’t feed my family.”


Jack nods her head. “Thanks,” she whispers as Hellcat nods her head and leaves. That was the moment Jacqueline decided that Dave Wallace had to go, even if she had to do it in front of everyone at the after party. Even if everyone would hate her.



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That was so good! I think this diary has become must read for me! :D


I wanted to ask a couple of questions, and I hope you don't mind.


1). Are any of the band members active wrestlers? That trombone player looks like a badass! I think it was Kevin Owens who once threw a semi-famous rapper off the stage in WWE. But it never went anywhere. A feud with the band could be quite cool.


2). Were you happy with the ratings you achieved? I'd bet you were pleased with the ladies. Bootstrap obviously. What about the Title match? I guessed Jack would comment on it, but she's preoccupied by the firing she HAS to do.


3). That perspective from Hellcat is something I've thought about before. Sometimes a good leader is someone who is 'hated' by the people under them. It rallies the troops together, as they all have a common enemy. In a company like yours though, with Jack being who she is, I think it'd take a lot for everyone to hate her, as there seems to be a lot of respect. That one wasn't really a question. Just some thoughts I had.


4). Do you think the mention of Joanne Rodriguez's podcast was a bit of a disconnect from the 20s theme you were going for? Podcasts seem so new and current, where the rest of the show was very 20s. I know you had Eminem covers, and Tay Tay (Taylor Swift)… But with those examples, you could think to yourself as a fan: "Oh wow, I didn't know 'Without Me' by Eminem was a cover of an older song!!". By the way, I think the music choices were superb, and I hope for more of that!


Overall, it was superb. Sorry for the long message, I'm still locked down and off work so have a lot of time on my hands right now!

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That was so good! I think this diary has become must read for me! :D


Thanks! I appreciate the positivity and feedback. I've been playing this game with Historian since TEW 2005. He got me into it around 2006-07. This is the first time I've been active on the boards and definitely the first time I've tried a diary. I appreciate you reading it!


I wanted to ask a couple of questions, and I hope you don't mind.


1). Are any of the band members active wrestlers? That trombone player looks like a badass! I think it was Kevin Owens who once threw a semi-famous rapper off the stage in WWE. But it never went anywhere. A feud with the band could be quite cool.


The band members aren't in the game or on the roster. I just created gave them faces and put them on the staff page. It's possible I add a band member or something that could wrestle as part of a storyline.


2). Were you happy with the ratings you achieved? I'd bet you were pleased with the ladies. Bootstrap obviously. What about the Title match? I guessed Jack would comment on it, but she's preoccupied by the firing she HAS to do.


I'm not really sure. This was the first time I played with the new grading system. I'm used to the letter grades. It's a first show, so no one is getting a freight train of a push yet. The grades make sense.


I'm definitely bummed about La Cosa Nostra going out there and getting a 7. I have big storyline plans for a cool mafia stable. A 7? Really? I figured they could talk. They are young, though.


3). That perspective from Hellcat is something I've thought about before. Sometimes a good leader is someone who is 'hated' by the people under them. It rallies the troops together, as they all have a common enemy. In a company like yours though, with Jack being who she is, I think it'd take a lot for everyone to hate her, as there seems to be a lot of respect. That one wasn't really a question. Just some thoughts I had.


This is a conversation I just had with friends. We have all worked a ton of jobs. Is there a job you can think of where you had a boss you liked as a person and as a boss? It's tough. Kevin Gillespie from Top Chef was talking about this on a podcast awhile ago. He owns several restaurants and while he is a likable guy, he tries not to be seen at the bar with the staff after work. He knows he can't always be everyone's friend and has to maintain some distance, because he might have to reprimand or even fire them tomorrow.


4). Do you think the mention of Joanne Rodriguez's podcast was a bit of a disconnect from the 20s theme you were going for? Podcasts seem so new and current, where the rest of the show was very 20s. I know you had Eminem covers, and Tay Tay (Taylor Swift)… But with those examples, you could think to yourself as a fan: "Oh wow, I didn't know 'Without Me' by Eminem was a cover of an older song!!". By the way, I think the music choices were superb, and I hope for more of that!


I thought a lot about this. It's a show with a 1920s feel, but it's not set in the 1920s. I stayed away from setting "the show" in the 1920s because I didn't want 1920s-style wrestling. No thank you. I took a bunch of classes in high school and college on the Lost Generation (the ex-patriot writers who said "screw this" to America after WWI and spent time drinking and partying in Paris for ten years). It REALLY seems like the 1920s are having a reoccurrence in our society to an extent. I imagine after the quarantine, people are going to dress up and party more than in recent decades. With that said, the show is more of a "the 1920s are back with an update".


Overall, it was superb. Sorry for the long message, I'm still locked down and off work so have a lot of time on my hands right now!


I'm sorry for my long message, too. I'm a teacher, so I have nothing going on.


Thanks for reading!

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<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Chicago Championship Wrestling</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">

Monday, Week 1, February 2020</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">“Who on Earth is Curt Meritt?”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“Paige Croft did a nice job out there.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“Bill stole the show with that promo.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“Dean McWade should be ashamed of himself for hurting Art. It was a lazy move.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“The bar was a cool place to interview.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“I could make enough waffle fries to feed all of us with the potatoes thrown in the first match.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“Who’s Kay Fabe?”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

A sizable amount of the Chicago Championship Wrestling roster and staff flood the Big Shoulders Bar and Lounge down the street. Aptly named for Chicago, the City of Big Shoulders, but tonight, it seems like every patron is graced with formidable scapulae and clavicles here. An archeologist could have a field day with these strong, tremendously-sized bones…except for one.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Dave Wallace, insistently known as Air Attack Weasel, sits at the bar, drinking alone. He is trying to shake the cobwebs loose from his two Atomic Spinebusters, courtesy of Big Bruiser Findlay.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“It was a rough start for you boys,” Steve Flash says. He pushes his glasses further up on his face. He has several buttons at the top of his gray dress shirt undone, showing a white undershirt. As he sips from a big stein of beer, Steve brushes his hair back in an attempt to keep some form to his clean, slicked-back style.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Steve is sitting with the male members of La Cosa Nostra. In the meantime, Dharma “Billie Mac” Gregg is picking songs on the jukebox. Steve leans in closer to talk to Sal Dimeo, Luca, Vito, Machine Gun, and Don. For as long as Steve Flash has been in the wrestling business, he doesn’t like bad mouthing or criticizing people behind their backs. “Dharma isn’t going to be able to carry you guys forever on the mic. We brought her in to teach you and to build you up. I want you boys to really buy into the gimmick. Then the promos will get better. Just keep improving.” Steve and the wrestlers of La Cosa Nostra all cheer and clang beer steins together.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Jacqueline walks into the lounge. Her black, leather jacket shines from the downpour of rain outside. Roars of thunder echo from outside before she shuts the door behind her. She catches a few smiles from some of the wrestlers and staff. A few of the workers raise their glasses to her. She nods back and they drink. She spots Joanne Rodriguez finishing a phone call at the bar and heads over.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“Hey, good show tonight,” J-Ro says. “The theater naturally gives off that 1920s feel, and with the musicians and the guests coming dressed up, it was really a spectacle.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“For having a hundred fans,” Jacqueline adds.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“It’s a start. A very solid start,” Joanne says. She looks around the room. “We’re missing some.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“A few stayed back to help Art and Bill,” Jack answers. “A few others probably won’t come.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“What impresses me most is how much loyalty you have built in just one show,” Joanne says. “You hired people who really believe in what you’re doing. They work hard. They are dedicated. They work together and based on what I am seeing here at the after-party, they like working with each other.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“I hired people who are worth believing in,” Jack notes.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“I may use that for an article I’m writing,” Joanne says as she goes back to her phone to make a note.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Jack nods. She turns around to see Dave Wallace walking up to her with a short glass of scotch in his hand. Here we go, she thinks. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. “How are you recovering, Dave?” Jack asks.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“Weasel!” Dave screams like an incessant child. This is not something honey would catch, she thinks as she backs up with a surprised look on her face. “My name is Weasel. Geez, it’s what the announcers call me. It’s what’s on the card, lady! How can you not understand this?”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Wrestlers, wait staff, and patrons are now staring at Weasel and Jack, shocked and confused. Jacqueline blushes. Should she hit him? Talk him down? She can’t be seen getting yelled at, but there’s no need to be tyrannical, is there?</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“Look, we have an issue --” Jack starts.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“Yeah, we sure do,” Weasel adds. “I feel like I’m the one driving this whole thing, and I’m getting nothing for it. I went and made all those flyers for the show. I brought in the weasel merchandise to sell and couldn’t get a single person to help me load it up on the merch tables. Youngman gets himself hurt and instead of bumping me up to wrestle Art Reed for the belt, you put in the hillbilly McWades! Dean McWade ends up hurting the new champ. I sure didn’t strain Art’s wrist. Did I? I have drawing power, Miss Scott, and what did you do? You put me in there with Findlay O’Farraday and he goes off script and hits me with a second finish. Knocks me silly! We’re supposed to be partners, you and I.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Jacqueline’s embarrassment turns to white-hot rage. “Partners? You think we’re partners? You’ve been riding this gravy train for too long already, Dave. You’re done.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“What?” Weasel shrieks in a high-pitched tone. “You don’t mean that!”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Jack is practically spitting venom at this point. “You’re done. You’re fired. Don’t come around here ever again.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Tears well up in the back of Weasel’s eyes. Jacqueline, unfazed, looks over at where Dave was sitting at the bar and sees his box of foam weasels sitting next to his stool. She runs over and begins picking up weasels.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“It was a mistake bringing you in. This is what I get for trying to be nice, but this is what you get for screwing with my business.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Jack begins pelting Weasel with his own merchandise. Weasel throws his arms every which way to try and block them, but Jacqueline is throwing like all those times she played “NFL 2-minute Drill” in the arcade as a kid.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“Be gone! Get these weasels out of here too!”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Dave hurriedly grabs the box and hightails it out the door. Before he leaves, Jack hurls one last foam weasel and it zonks right off Dave’s head.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Huffing and puffing, Jack straightens her jacket and fixes her hair. She looks around as staffers begin going back to work. She looks over at La Cosa Nostra and Steve Flash. Sal DiMeo, the cigar-smoking leader of the stable, holds up a shot to Jack and takes a drink.</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

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I know that was supposed to be serious scene, but I just couldn't hold back a giggle at a grown man being pelted with poorly made foam weasels.


I thought about "White Lightning" Tim Horner and those foam lightning bolts in SMW. How could you not giggle?

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Yeah Seeya Dave!! Don't let the door hit you on the weasel!!


Jack handled that well, right up until she started throwing things at the poor guy. He was a pain from the beginning though, and he had to go.


Agree with all your responses to my previous questions. Imagine trying to write a wrestling show, with matches based on the 1920s :D

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