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"The Reign Of Terror..." 2005 Real World TEW 2020 Mod

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woof 50 for Aries/Danielson is a bit rough but i don't even know what kinda stuff affects that from a modding perspective. looking forward to checking it out right now.


The promotions they're working for are probably nowhere near that popular, so I don't see a problem. All depends on if it is balanced with the rest of the game world.

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Thank you both :o I hope to have it out soon so people can have a play and help me out with balancing it more.





I've uploaded some albums with shows after a sim run through January if you'd like to take a look:


WWE Shows


TNA Shows


ROH Shows


The PPV buy rates are extremely inflated here, once you upload the BETA I will be able to suggest changes to them to as close to reality as possible.

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The PPV buy rates are extremely inflated here, once you upload the BETA I will be able to suggest changes to them to as close to reality as possible.


You're absolutely right, broadcasters is something I've been wanting to rework for a while and I did some tweaks for the new Beta but not enough as it's been hard to find enough information about them, especially those outside America (especially Mexico for some reason, I really struggled to find out who was showing WWE's PPVs in 2005) so I appreciate anyone that tries to help me with that.


I won't give an expectation on when I'll release this because I can never seem to stick to deadlines but I'm just about finished with re-doing US-based companies and workers and then I'll move on to Japan.

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New Update





Beta 3:

-Added missing workers

-Updated various indendepent wrestlers stats and pop

-Updated incorrect DoBs and debut years

-Updated stats for every contracted worker in America and all contracted to NJPW and NOAH plus some more in other companies

-Revised and updated most companies' popularity and products in order to keep the game more balanced

-Added missing key out-of-ring workers to some companies (commentators, board and bookers)

-Added and edited some alliances between companies

-Updated rosters for NOAH and NJPW

-Removed a few narratives that affected workers in order to keep the game more random

-Added Deep South Wrestling as a performance center for WWE

-Added The Wrestling Channel as a Broadcaster (UK-Based) and its respective shows

-Aaron Aguilera (aka Jesús) starts the game with a WWE contract as he was still with the company by 31st of December 2004 (and apparently stayed with them until April 2005)

-Added Yukinori Taniguchi as a User Character. Taniguchi is better known as the founder of Yuke's who bought controlling 51% stake of New Japan in 2005 and ultimately saved the company.

-Tweaked Broadcasters


So it's finally here, Beta 3! Please be aware that I don't consider this viable for a long playthrough as there's still much to be done, I'm releasing this now in case people want to take a look at the progress so far, give their opinions and possibly help me make it even better by pointing out names I missed (especially those that are unemployed).


Also if you have played the other versions of this database, you might notice that a lot of workers have had severe downgrades to their abilities. This is part of the balancing "project" I've been wanting to do with this mod so you might not get the same ratings you once got, I understand this might be a turn-off for some people but it is how I like to play so that was the idea behind the balancing.


British, European, Mexican and Australian companies have not been touched in this update so chances are their workers are going to be really unbalanced compared to American and Japanese workers so keep that in mind.


Only NJPW and NOAH have been 100% (well, let's say 95% as I'm still missing some workers for NJPW that I haven't found enough data on) updated as I'm slowly making my way through the rest of the companies and Joshi companies have not been touched since they have initially added to the game.


You might also notice that your User Characters are sporting a different background to the rest of the Picture Pack. I've been looking at the picture pack I was making and decided that maybe it was a bit too WWE-centred with the Red and Blue counterparts so I've been toying around with a more neutral background that can be used with any worker in any company. Let me know what you think.


Known issues:


  • WWE can lose a lot of Prestige when the AI controls it, I'm looking into it as I haven't been able to find a Product style that totally fits them for this era.
  • WWE hires a lot of unknown women. This is because of how TEW20 portrays how important Women's wrestling as become in today's wrestling, so even in Small Division, the companies will try and hire good Women workers to have a proper division which is not something WWE was doing at the time.
  • ROH loses money every month due to missing broadcasters which they didn't have at the time. They had their own DVD distribution service which I tried to replicate with an "Internet Subscription" broadcaster.
  • A lot of workers are missing pictures still (especially in Japan). As I've said, the picture pack has taken a backseat at the moment as I concentrate on the data but I'll be trying to find KyKy pictures for the missing workers in the mean time.
  • Work histories have not been touched
  • Belt histories have not been touched
  • Proper Contract dates which I should have updated as I added contracts to people but I was dumb and didn't.
  • Hall of Fames are completely incorrect



Thanks for reading, everyone!

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Getting an error when trying to download.


"Sorry, unable to open the file at this time.


Please check the address and try again."


Also, super pumped to try this out. Thanks for all the hard work, man!



Ahhh, sorry, can never trust Google Drive it seems. I've added Mediafire mirrors, let me know if those work! Thanks.

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